Results for 'Marc Silberman'

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  1. Bertolt Brecht, Politics, and Comedy.Marc Silberman - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (1):169-188.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Steven I. Miller, Frank A. Stone, William K. Medlin, Clinton Collins, W. Robert Morford, Marc Belth, John T. Abrahamson, Albert W. Vogel, J. Don Reeves, Richard D. Heyman, K. Armitage, Stewart E. Fraser, Edward R. Beauchamp, Clark C. Gill, Edward J. Nemeth, Gordon C. Ruscoe, Charles H. Lyons, Douglas N. Jackson, Bemman N. Phillips, Melvin L. Silberman, Charles E. Pascal, Richard E. Ripple, Harold Cook, Morris L. Bigge, Irene Athey, Sandra Gadell, John Gadell, Daniel S. Parkinson, Nyal D. Royse & Isaac Brown - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):1-28.
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    Cognitive ethology: Slayers, skeptics, and proponents.Marc Bekoff & Colin Allen - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles (eds.), Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 313--334.
  4. Ethical Dilemmas for @Celebrities: Promoting #Intimacy, Facing #Inauthenticity, and Defusing #Invectiveness.Marc Cheong - 2022 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (1):139-166.
    The rise of social-media-mediated celebrity culture raises several philosophical concerns. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see, for example, Hollywood actors being placed in the same bracket as YouTube artists and Instagram influencers. The increased perceived ‘connectivity’ afforded by social media allows online celebrities to reach more fans and increases the perceived engagement or intimacy in the fan-celebrity relationship. In this paper I argue that this online relationship, which is beneficial to celebrities (for brand development) and social media companies (in (...)
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    L'anarchie de Dieu: dans les pas d'Emmanuel Levinas.Marc Faessler - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    Dans la pensée philosophique d'Emmanuel Levinas, le mot « Dieu » n'est pas inaudible. Il peut venir à l'idée. Il peut tomber sous le sens – en deçà de tout sens thématisé, à revers des prétentions souveraines de la conscience. À la condition toutefois que parvienne à être décrite l'intrigue anarchique que ce mot noue dans l'idée de l'Infini, dans le Visage, dans la Kénose du sujet, dans le Dire du verset ou l'Emphase de la métaphore.Les articles recueillis dans cet (...)
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  6. Biological functions and natural selection: a reappraisal.Marc Artiga - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-22.
    The goal of this essay is to assess the Selected-Effects Etiological Theory of biological function, according to which a trait has a function F if and only if it has been selected for F. First, I argue that this approach should be understood as describing the paradigm case of functions, rather than as establishing necessary and sufficient conditions for function possession. I contend that, interpreted in this way, the selected-effects approach can explain two central properties of functions and can satisfactorily (...)
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  7. Compassion as a Practical and Evolved Ethic for Conservation.Marc Bekoff & Daniel Ramp - 2016 - In Bernice Bovenkerk & Jozef Keulartz (eds.), Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring Boundaries in Human-Animal Relationships. Cham: Springer.
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  8. Fire, cloud, and deep darkness" (Deuteronomy 5:22) : Deuteronomy's recasting of revelation.Marc Zvi Brettler - 2008 - In George John Brooke, Hindy Najman & Loren T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), The significance of Sinai: traditions about Sinai and divine revelation in Judaism and Christianity. Boston: Brill.
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    The use of digital twins in healthcare: socio-ethical benefits and socio-ethical risks.Marc-Jeroen Bogaardt, Elsje Oosterkamp, Mireille van Hilten & Eugen Octav Popa - 2021 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 17 (1):1-25.
    Anticipating the ethical impact of emerging technologies is an essential part of responsible innovation. One such emergent technology is the digital twin which we define here as a living replica of a physical system (human or non-human). A digital twin combines various emerging technologies such as AI, Internet of Things, big data and robotics, each component bringing its own socio-ethical issues to the resulting artefacts. The question thus arises which of these socio-ethical themes surface in the process and how they (...)
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    Mindful wisdom: The path integrating memory, judgment, and attention.Marc-Henri Deroche - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (1):19-32.
    In the transdisciplinary field of ‘mindfulness,’ originally a Buddhist concept (Pāli sati; Sanskrit smṛti; Chinese nian 念; Tibetan dran pa), the two tendencies represented by Buddhist traditional a...
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  11. Epistemic Consequentialism, Veritism, and Scoring Rules.Marc-Kevin Daoust & Charles Côté-Bouchard - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (4):1741-1765.
    We argue that there is a tension between two monistic claims that are the core of recent work in epistemic consequentialism. The first is a form of monism about epistemic value, commonly known as veritism: accuracy is the sole final objective to be promoted in the epistemic domain. The other is a form of monism about a class of epistemic scoring rules: that is, strictly proper scoring rules are the only legitimate measures of inaccuracy. These two monisms, we argue, are (...)
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    Lire la Bible avec S. Thomas: le passage de la littera à la res dans la Somme théologique.Marc Aillet - 1993 - Fribourg, Suisse: Editions universitaires.
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  13. Homology thinking.Marc Ereshefsky - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (3):381-400.
    This paper explores an important type of biological explanation called ‘homology thinking.’ Homology thinking explains the properties of a homologue by citing the history of a homologue. Homology thinking is significant in several ways. First, it offers more detailed explanations of biological phenomena than corresponding analogy explanations. Second, it provides an important explanation of character similarity and difference. Third, homology thinking offers a promising account of multiple realizability in biology.
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  14. L'image d'Alexis I er Comnène selon le chroniqueur Albert d'Aix.Marc Carrier - 2008 - Byzantion 78:34-65.
    Cet article propose un nouvel examen de l'image d'Alexis Ier Comnène dans l'Historia Ierosolimitana d'Albert d'Aix, afin d'en apprécier les nuances et les subtilités. Bien qu'Albert d'Aix soit reconnu pour son impression généralement positive d'Alexis Ier, une relecture attentive de son œuvre démontre plutôt une image ambivalente de l'empereur et des Byzantins. En scrutant les motifs d'Albert d'Aix, il est possible de constater une disposition favorable du chroniqueur lorsqu'il s'agit de souligner les relations privilégiées entre Alexis Ier et les souverains (...)
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    Geographica Apollodorea.Marc Huys - 1998 - Hermes 126 (1):124-129.
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  16. De la physiologie mentale. Histoire des relations entre biologie et psychologie.Marc Jeannerod & Jacques Hochmann - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):554-556.
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  17. La sensation et la psycho-physique.Marc Jeannerod - 1970 - Archives de Philosophie 33 (3):633.
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  18. Deconstruction or Destruction? Comments on Jean-Luc Nancy's Theory of Christianity.Marc De Kesel - 2012 - In Alena Alexandrova, Aukje van Rooden, Laurens ten Kate & Ignaas Devisch (eds.), Re-treating religion: deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc Nancy. New York: Fordham University Press.
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  19. Action et passion.Marc Wetzel - 1994 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 48 (189):303-326.
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    A new circularity in explanations by Humean laws of nature.Marc Lange - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (3):1001-1016.
    Humean accounts of natural law have long been charged with being unable to account for the laws’ explanatory power in science. One form of this objection is to charge Humean accounts with explanatory circularity: a fact in the Humean mosaic helps to explain why some regularity is a law (first premise), but that law, in turn, helps to explain why that mosaic fact holds (second premise). To this objection, Humeans have replied that the explanation in the first premise is metaphysical (...)
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    Conservation Laws in Scientific Explanations: Constraints or Coincidences?Marc Lange - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):333-352.
    A conservation law in physics can be either a constraint on the kinds of interaction there could be or a coincidence of the kinds of interactions there actually are. This is an important, unjustly neglected distinction. Only if a conservation law constrains the possible kinds of interaction can a derivation from it constitute a scientific explanation despite failing to describe the causal/mechanical details behind the result derived. This conception of the relation between “bottom-up” scientific explanations and one kind of “top-down” (...)
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    Historicity and explanation.Marc Ereshefsky & Derek Turner - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 80:47-55.
  23. Über die Begriffe "bindende Kraft" etc. Bemerkungen zu Karl Olivecrona.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1940 - Theoria 6 (3):227.
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  24. The building blocks of social trust. The role of customary mechanisms and of property relations in the emergence of social trust in the context of the commons.Marc Goetzmann - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences (4):004839312110084.
    This paper argues that social trust is the emergent product of a complex system of property relations, backed up by a sub-system of mutual monitoring. This happens in a context similar to Ostrom’s commons, where cooperation is necessary for the management of resources, in the absence of external authorities to enforce sanctions. I show that social trust emerges in this context because of an institutional structure that enables individuals to develop a generalized disposition to internalize the external effects of their (...)
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    Ob es überhaupt noch möglich ist: Literatur nach Auschwitz in Adornos ästhetischer Theorie.Marc Kleine - 2012 - Bielefeld: Aisthesis Verlag.
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    Théorie du jugement négatif.Marc De Launay & Adolf Reinach - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (3):383 - 436.
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    Five Un-Easy Pieces of Pharmaceutical Policy Reform.Marc A. Rodwin - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):581-589.
    The federal government indirectly subsidizes the pharmaceutical industry by funding basic research, various tax credits and deductions, patent rules, grants of market exclusivity, and other means, in order to spur drug development, promote public health, and improve medical care. But today, the pharmaceutical industry often neglects these goals and sometimes even undermines them, due to what Lawrence Lessig refers to as institutional corruption — that is, widespread or systemic practices, usually legal, that undermine an institution’s objectives or integrity. A key (...)
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    A false dichotomy in denying explanatoriness any role in confirmation.Marc Lange - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Roche and Sober (2013; 2014; 2017; 2019) have offered an important new argument that explanatoriness lacks confirmatory significance. My aim in this paper is not only to contend that their argument fails to show that in confirmation ‘there is nothing special about explanatoriness’ (Roche & Sober, 2017: 589), but also to reveal what is special confirmationwise about explanatoriness. I will argue that much of the heavy work in Roche and Sober's argument is done by the dichotomy into which they carve (...)
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  29. Can There be A Priori Causal Models of Natural Selection?Marc Lange & Alexander Rosenberg - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):591-599.
    Sober 2011 argues that, contrary to Hume, some causal statements can be known a priori to be true—notably, some ‘would promote’ statements figuring in causal models of natural selection. We find Sober's argument unconvincing. We regard the Humean thesis as denying that causal explanations contain any a priori knowable statements specifying certain features of events to be causally relevant. We argue that not every ‘would promote’ statement is genuinely causal, and we suggest that Sober has not shown that his examples (...)
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    Rooting Out Institutional Corruption to Manage Inappropriate Off-Label Drug Use.Marc A. Rodwin - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):654-664.
    The Food and Drug Administration authorizes the marketing of a drug only for uses that the manufacturer has demonstrated to be safe and effective, based on evidence from at least two clinical trials. However, the FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine, so physicians may prescribe drugs in any manner they choose. Prescribing drugs in ways that deviate from the uses specified in the FDA-approved drug label, package insert, and marketing authorization is referred to as off-label prescribing. This occurs (...)
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    The question of public trust in business.Marc A. Cohen - 2016 - Journal of Trust Research 6 (1):96-103.
    Jared D. Harris, Brian T. Moriarty, and Andrew C. Wicks’ recent book collects eleven chapters by well-known scholars on the question of public trust in business, published along with an introduction and conclusion by the editors. But the collection doesn’t make progress on what this reviewer takes to be the two essential questions. This review outlines those questions and then addresses a further, more technical difficulty with the conceptualizations of trust at work across the chapters. The central theme here is (...)
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  32. O papel da tecnologia no ensino e na sala de aula.Marc Prensky - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2).
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    Quiet Days in Burgundy: A Study of Local Politics.Marc Abélès - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This ethnographic study of political life in the department of the Yonne, in the Burgundy region, explores a still richly Balzacian provincial world. The author, a French anthropologist, has extensive field experience in Ethiopia. Deploying the insights and methods of social anthropology by drawing on local history, interviews and participant observation, Abélès describes politicians at every level, from municipal officers to Members of Parliament and Ministers. He provides a clear picture of the process of 'decentralization' initiated by the Socialist government (...)
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    Ici la Dédalie.Marc Aymes & Dubreuil - 2015 - Labyrinthe 41:9-87.
    L’origine du monde C’est une île comme il en existe des centaines, peut-être des milliers d’autres au milieu du Pacifique. Située à un bras de mer de l’île Butaritari, sur son versant méridional, elle ne se distingue par aucune caractéristique particulière. Sauf peut-être qu’elle n’a aucune existence officielle : dans cette zone, les cartes ne mentionnent que les confettis d’atolls encerclant les îles Marshall, dont elle est la proche voisine. Il paraît cependant qu’on peut l’apercevoir sur d...
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  35. La réfutation bouddhique des preuves de l'existence d'un dieu.Marc Ballanfat - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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  36. Phonography and the invention of sound.Marc Battier - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan (ed.), Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press.
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    Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates Through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary.Marc Bekoff - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    This thought-provoking collection sheds light on the plight of our nonhuman primate cousins--and what we can do to help.
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    The public lives of animals: A troubled scientist, pissy baboons, angry elephants, and happy hounds.Marc Bekoff - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (5):115-131.
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    Conscious intending as self-programming.Marc Slors - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (1):94-113.
    Despite the fact that there is considerable evidence against the causal efficacy of proximal (short-term) conscious intentions, many studies confirm our commonsensical belief in the efficacy of more distal (longer-term) conscious intentions. In this paper, I address two questions: (i) What, if any, is the difference between the role of consciousness in effective and in non-effective conscious intentions? (ii) How do effective conscious distal intentions interact with unconscious processes in producing actions, and how do non-effective proximal intentions fit into this (...)
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    Drug Advertising, Continuing Medical Education, and Physician Prescribing: A Historical Review and Reform Proposal.Marc A. Rodwin - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (4):807-815.
    Public policy tries to promote appropriate drug use by allowing firms to market drugs in interstate commerce only for uses that the Food and Drug Administration has found to be safe and effective. Because of their medical knowledge, physicians are authorized to prescribe drugs even for uses unapproved by the FDA. Nevertheless, physicians have relied on drug firms for information on appropriate prescribing despite the inherent tension between drug firm dissemination of information to promote sales and rational prescribing. In the (...)
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    Rhétorique et cognition: vers une théorie du genre épidictique.Marc Dominicy - 1995 - Logique Et Analyse 150:159-177.
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    (1 other version)Individuality and Macroevolutionary Theory.Marc Ereshefsky - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:216 - 222.
    A number of authors have argued that the thesis that species are individuals has important implications for macroevolutionary theory. More specifically, some authors claim that the thesis lends support to the Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium and indicates the existence of species selection. In this paper, I argue that the alleged individuality of species is neither necessary nor sufficient for the truth of that theory or for the existence of species selection. I also argue, contrary to the claims of some, that (...)
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  43. (1 other version)4. Christianity and Contemporary Political Life.Marc D. Guerra - 2008 - Logos- St. Thomas 11 (4).
  44. The Phenomenological Status of the Lacanian Signifier.Marc Richir & Russell Grigg - 1989 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 1:150.
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  45. Paul Ricœur et la question du vivant.Marc-Antoine Vallée - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6.
    Ce texte vise à explorer la contribution de Paul Ric?ur à une réflexion phénoménologique sur le vivant. Il s?agit notamment, à partir du débat avec Jean-Pierre Changeux, de faire ressortir l?insistance avec laquelle il s?efforce de distinguer l?approche phénoménologique du vécu de l?ap­proche objectivante des sciences du vivant, de façon à soutenir la thèse d?un dualisme sémantique entre les deux ordres de discours. Tout le travail de Ric?ur est alors d?ouvrir le discours philosophique à l?apport des sciences de la vie, (...)
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    On fair compensation.Marc Fleurbaey - 1994 - Theory and Decision 36 (3):277-307.
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    Kant, Foucault, and Forms of Experience.Marc Djaballah - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    This study presents the theoretical apparatus of Foucault's early historical analyses as a version of Kantian criticism. In an initial textual exposition, the author attempts to distill a unified discursive practice from Kant's theoretical writings, arguing for Foucault's proximity to Kant on the basis of this reconstruction, by showing that his studies are modeled on this way of thinking. By recasting it in this framework, an unorthodox version of Foucault's work is generated, one that is at odds with the tendency (...)
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    The rationality of different kinds of intuitive decision processes.Marc Jekel, Andreas Glöckner, Susann Fiedler & Arndt Bröder - 2012 - Synthese 189 (S1):147-160.
    Whereas classic work in judgment and decision making has focused on the deviation of intuition from rationality, more recent research has focused on the performance of intuition in real-world environments. Borrowing from both approaches, we investigate to which extent competing models of intuitive probabilistic decision making overlap with choices according to the axioms of probability theory and how accurate those models can be expected to perform in real-world environments. Specifically, we assessed to which extent heuristics, models implementing weighted additive information (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Consciousness of action.Marc Jeannerod - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 540--550.
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    Reforming Pharmaceutical Industry-Physician Financial Relationships: Lessons from the United States, France, and Japan.Marc A. Rodwin - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):662-670.
    Post-industrial societies confront common problems in pharmaceutical industry-physician relations. In order to promote sales, drug firms create financial relationships that influence physicians' prescriptions and sometimes even reward physicians for prescribing drugs. Three main types exist: kickbacks, gifts, and financial support for professional activities. The prevalence of these practices has evolved over time in response to changes in professional codes, law, and markets. There are certainly differences among these types of ties, but all of them can compromise physicians' independent judgment and (...)
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