Results for 'Manfred Bischoff'

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  1. Société de travail et domination totale : l'exemple américain.Manfred Bischoff - 2003 - In Daniel Dagenais, Hannah Arendt: le totalitarisme et le monde contemporain. Québec, Canada: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    Misinterpreted Documents and Ignored Physical Facts: The History of ‘Hitler's Atomic Bomb’ needs to be corrected.Manfred Popp - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (3):265-282.
    Zusammenfassung: Fehlinterpretierte Dokumente und ignorierte physikalische Fakten: Die Geschichte von,Hitlers Atombombe‘ muss korrigiert werden. Warum haben die deutschen Physiker während des Zweiten Weltkriegs keine Atombombe entwickelt? Seit mehr als 25 Jahren sind sich die Historiker einig, dass die deutschen Physiker wussten, wie eine Atombombe gebaut werden muss, dass aber ein Programm wie das amerikanische Manhattan‐Projekt zu ihrer Realisierung in Deutschland, erst recht während des Krieges, unmöglich war. Eine genaue Analyse aller erhaltenen Original‐Dokumente über die Arbeit an der Atombombe während des,Dritten (...)
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    A history based approximate epistemic action theory for efficient postdictive reasoning.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):720-769.
  4. Alltagslogik: Struktur und Funktion von Argumentationsmustern.Manfred Kienpointner & Douglas N. Walton - 1994 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 27 (3):270-275.
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    Response particles as propositional anaphors.Manfred Krifka - 2013 - Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 23:1-18..
    The paper explains response particles like yes and no as anaphoric elements that pick up propositional discourse referents that are introduced by preceding sentences. It is argued that negated antecedent clauses introduce two propositional discourse referents, which results in ambiguities of answers that are partly resolved by pragmatic optimization. The paper also discusses response particles like okay, right, uh-huh, uh-uh, and German ja, nein and doch.
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    Superlative quantifiers and meta-speech acts.Ariel Cohen & Manfred Krifka - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (1):41-90.
    Recent research has shown that the superlative quantifiers at least and at most do not have the same type of truth conditions as the comparative quantifiers more than and fewer than. We propose that superlative quantifiers are interpreted at the level of speech acts. We relate them to denegations of speech acts, as in I don’t promise to come, which we analyze as excluding the speech act of a promise to come. Calling such conversational acts that affect future permissible speech (...)
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  7. Selbstbewusstsein und Selbsterkenntnis.Manfred Frank - 2005 - E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 3.
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    Václav Havel's Postmodernism.Manfred B. Steger & Sherri Stone Replogle - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (3):253-274.
    Examining the nature of Václav Havel's 'postmodernism,' we suggest that his use of this ambiguous label can be best understood if interpreted outside the conventional binary framework of modern/postmodern philosophy, which does not sufficiently answer to the lingering crisis of foundational certainty in political theory. In our view, the Czech playwright-turned-politician offers not merely a less confining sense of what it means to be 'postmodern,' but his commitment to moral political action also lends itself to overcoming some of the limitations (...)
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  9. A note on an asymmetry in the hedonic implicatures of olfactory and gustatory terms.Manfred Krifka - unknown
    The ways in which languages express primary sense qualities have been investigated quite unevenly, which is due to the fact that there are great differences in how the senses are linguistically represented, which in turn reflects differences in these sense qualities themselves and their role in cognition.
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    The controversy over Friedrich Pollock’s state capitalism.Manfred Gangl - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (2):23-41.
    The critique of capitalism is the bedrock on which rests the reputation of Frankfurt School critical theory. Though critical theory has often been heralded – or criticized and rejected – as a reformulation of Marxian theory for our times, its relation with the critique of political economy, and in particular the economic treatises, has barely been studied. Friedrich Pollock, who was Max Horkheimer’s lifelong friend and close associate at the Institute for Social Research, was responsible for all administrative and financial (...)
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  11. Self–consciousness and Self–knowledge: On Some Difficulties with the Reduction of Subjectivity.Manfred Frank - 2002 - Constellations 9 (3):390-408.
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    Approximate postdictive reasoning with answer set programming.Manfred Eppe & Mehul Bhatt - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):676-719.
  13. Anselms Proslogion, “nichts” gegen Nishida und Heidegger.Manfred Gawlina - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (2):285-300.
    Co jest większe, bycie czy nic? Anzelm dowodzi istnienia Boga przy pomocy nihil. Bóg jako to, od czego nic większego nie może zostać pomyślane przez skończony umysł. Właściwe dla Anzelma logiczne – i być może mistyczne – użycie słowa „nic” domaga się porównania z negatywną ontologią Heideggera i jej recepcją w ramach tzw. Szkoły z Kioto założonej przez Nishidę. Czyż jednak pustka buddyzmu zen nie odsyła nas do – niewypowiedzianej – boskiej obecności?
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    Kant's Teachers in the Exact Sciences.Manfred Kuehn - 2000 - In Eric Watkins, Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    This paper describes the local context of Kant’s scientific education. It provides an informed sense of what Kant’s scientific training was like by presenting each relevant member of the philosophy faculty at the university in Königsberg where Kant was a student, and the scientific activities each one was engaged in. On the basis of this picture, it is argued that Kant’s relationship with one of his teachers, Martin Knutzen, may have been much more negative or critical than is typically supposed. (...)
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    Public Reason, Reasonability and Religion A Critical Look at a Liberal Tradition.Manfred Svensson - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):247-265.
    Se aborda la idea de razón pública, atendiendo en particular a su concomitante ideal de razonabilidad. Se expone la continuidad de esta noción desde John Locke a John Rawls, destacando su vínculo con la religiosidad doctrinalmente minimalista de la tradición erasmista. Se cuestiona que, dado tal vínculo, esta ida pueda servir de criterio para evaluar la presencia de otras voces religiosas en la vida pública. The article addresses the idea of public reason, treating in particular its concomitant ideal of reasonableness. (...)
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    Bericht über die Sachlage am philosophischen Nachlaß Max Schelers.Manfred S. Frings - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 25 (2):315 - 320.
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    Grundzüge einer Theorie des Lebendigen bei Hegel und Marx.Manfred Riedel - 1965 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 19 (4):577 - 600.
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    Sprechen und Hören. Zum dialektischen Grundverhältnis in Humboldts Sprachphilosophie.Manfred Riedel - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (3):337 - 351.
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    Competition Among Systems, Harmonisation and Integration.Manfred E. Streit - 1998 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 8 (2-3):239-254.
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    Information, Echange Et Catallaxie.Manfred E. Streit & Gerhard Wegner - 1990 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 1 (1):3-24.
  21.  22
    Beyond Dogmatomachy: Eric Voegelin’s Bodinian Understanding of Toleration and Symbolization.Manfred Svensson - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (6):587-602.
    ABSTRACT Eric Voegelin’s intellectual project has typically been described as involved in the rehabilitation of classical political philosophy and in the diagnosis of Gnostic tendencies in modernity. In his work, however, he repeatedly points to the late-medieval/early modern concept of toleration as a necessary addition to the Platonic-Aristotelian legacy he was concerned with retrieving. This article explores Voegelin’s understanding of toleration, and especially its Bodinian origins. As the article demonstrates, his understanding of toleration is deeply intertwined with a Bodinian understanding (...)
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    El conocimiento existencial es conocimiento práctico. Una interpretación de la tesis kierkegaardiana sobre la subjetividad de la verdad.Manfred Svensson - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico 47 (3):605-624.
    Entre las tesis características del Postscriptum de Kierkegaard se encuentra la distinción entre el conocimiento objetivo y el subjetivo, y en concreto la afirmación de que el conocimiento ético y el ético-religioso son subjetivos. El presente artículo busca ofrecer una interpretación de esta posición que salvaguarde el elemento cognitivo de la tesis en cuestión, notando el paralelo entre la distinción kierkegaardiana entre conocimiento objetivo y subjetivo y la aristotélica entre conocimiento teórico y práctico.
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    Indiferencia, ambivalencia y tipos de consentimiento: Agustín en el Scito te Ipsum de Abelardo.Manfred Svensson - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (125):103-118.
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    Joseph Butler y El Contexto de la Conciencia Una Lectura de Los Fifteen Sermons Preached at the Rolls Chapel.Manfred Svensson - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 29:61-84.
    El artículo busca, a través de una exposición general de su obra de filosofíamoral, presentar la concepción de la conciencia moral desarrollada por JosephButler. Se busca así presentar el pensamiento de este autor a la comunidadfilosófica hispanoparlante, y responder a algunas críticas que ha recibido departe de filósofos como Elizabeth Anscombe.
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    Prolegomena to the First Two Tibetan Grammatical Treatises.Manfred Taube & Roy Andrew Miller - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):207.
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  26. Der Nihilismus: Heidegger und die Sophistik.Manfred Thiel - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (2):356-357.
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: Schriftsteller oder Philosoph?, oder, Schriftsteller für alle sucht Publikum.Manfred Thiel - 1987
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  28. Versuch Einer Ontologie Der Persönlichkeit, Erster Band.Manfred Thiel - 1950
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    Versuch einer Ontologie der Persönlichkeit.Manfred Thiel - 1950 - Berlin,: Springer.
    1. Bd. Die Kategorie des Seinszusammenhanges und die Einheit des Seins.
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    Diskurse als Wege zur Dialektik. Handlungsformationen philosophischen Denkens im Diskurs.Manfred Wetzel - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 43 (2):213 - 240.
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    Kann in O. Höffes Ethik der politischen Gerechtigkeit eine ökologische Ethik aufgehoben werden?Manfred Wetzel - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (4):603 - 618.
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    Time Pressure in Modern Germany.Manfred Garhammer - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This article has already been published in Zuzanek, Jiri & Veal, Anthony J. : Time-pressure, Stress, Leisure Participation and Well-being : Leisure and life-style connections, Special Issue of Society & Leisure, Vol. 21, N°. 2, Frühling 1998, Québec/Kanada : Presses de l´Université du Québec, S. 324-354, and in Loisir et Société, October 2013.: This article examines the issue of time pressure from a historical, theoretical, and policy perspective. It is divided into five - Sociologie – Nouvel article.
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    5. Die weiteren Teile der Kontroverse.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 270-291.
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    Interpersonalità e prassi: per una filosofia trascendentale dell'economia e del diritto.Manfred Gawlina - 2001 - Napoli: La città del sole.
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    2. These und Verfahren.Manfred Gawlina - 1996 - In Das Medusenhaupt der Kritik: Die Kontroverse Zwischen Immanuel Kant Und Johann August Eberhard. De Gruyter. pp. 42-58.
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    Kulturhistorische Sprachanalysen.Manfred Geier - 1979
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    Martin Heidegger.Manfred Geier - 2005 - Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.
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    Worüber kluge Menschen lachen: kleine Philosophie des Humors.Manfred Geier - 2006 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
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  39. Sinn der Geschichte Mit Vorträgen Und Aufsätzen Zum Thema Aus den Jahren 1918-1961.Joseph Bernhart & Manfred Weitlauff - 1994
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    Learning curves and bootstrap estimates for inference with Gaussian processes: A statistical mechanics study.Dörthe Malzahn & Manfred Opper - 2003 - Complexity 8 (4):57-63.
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    Edmund Husserls Theorie der Raumkonstitution.Manfred S. Frings - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (2):298-299.
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    Einführung in die frühromantische Ästhetik: Vorlesungen.Manfred Frank - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    (1 other version)Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindischen (A Concise Etymological Sanskrit Dictionary)Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindischen.P. Tedesco & Manfred Mayrhofer - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (3):179.
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    Iranisches Personennamenbuch.David A. Utz & Manfred Mayrhofer - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (1):74.
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    Das lenzerheide-fragment über den europäischen nihilismus.Manfred Riedel - 2000 - Nietzsche Studien 29 (1):70-81.
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    Object-dependent and Property dependent Contents.Manfred Bruns - 1994 - Dialectica 48 (3):185.
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    Max Scheler: Capitalism — Its philosophical Foundations.Manfred S. Frings - 1986 - Philosophy Today 30 (1):32-42.
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    Critique of Pure Reason and Language: Concerning the Problem of Categories in Kant.Manfred Riedel - 1983 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 9 (2):33-46.
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    Praktische Erkenntnis a priori in Kants Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.Manfred Baum - 2016 - In Stephan Zimmermann, Die „Kategorien der Freiheit“ in Kants Praktischer Philosophie: Historisch-Systematische Beiträge. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 91-106.
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    (1 other version)Warum Kant?Manfred Baum - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 7-18.
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