Results for 'Mai Ajspur'

975 found
  1. Tableaux-based decision method for single-agent linear time synchronous temporal epistemic logics with interacting time and knowledge.Mai Ajspur & Valentin Goranko - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya, Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 80--96.
    Temporal epistemic logics are known, from results of Halpern and Vardi, to have a wide range of complexities of the satisfiability problem: from PSPACE, through non-elementary, to highly undecidable. These complexities depend on the choice of some key parameters specifying, inter alia, possible interactions between time and knowledge, such as synchrony and agents' abilities for learning and recall. In this work we develop practically implementable tableau-based decision procedures for deciding satisfiability in single-agent synchronous temporal-epistemic logics with interactions between time and (...)
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  2. Tableau-based decision procedure for the multiagent epistemic logic with all coalitional operators for common and distributed knowledge.M. Ajspur, V. Goranko & D. Shkatov - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (3):407-437.
    We develop a conceptually clear, intuitive, and feasible decision procedure for testing satisfiability in the full multi\-agent epistemic logic \CMAELCD\ with operators for common and distributed knowledge for all coalitions of agents mentioned in the language. To that end, we introduce Hintikka structures for \CMAELCD\ and prove that satisfiability in such structures is equivalent to satisfiability in standard models. Using that result, we design an incremental tableau-building procedure that eventually constructs a satisfying Hintikka structure for every satisfiable input set of (...)
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  3. Mai-Ism. Mai-Markand - 1952 - [S.N.].
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  4. Teoreticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ Gotfrida V. Leĭbnit︠s︡a.G. G. Maĭorov - 1973 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ kak iskanie absoli︠u︡ta: opyty teoreticheskie i istoricheskie.G. G. Maĭorov - 2004 - Moskva: Ėditorial URSS.
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    The Tao of Painting.Mai-mai Sze - 1956 - Philosophy East and West 6 (3):257-259.
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  7. T︠S︡it︠s︡eron kak filosof.G. G. Maĭorov - 1985 - In Marcus Tullius Cicero, Filosofskie traktaty. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    Kant Métaphysique et Ontologie. Sources, transformations et héritages.Mai Lequan (ed.) - 2023 - Paris: Vrin.
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  9. Über die operationalisierung ethischer diskurse oder: Die löcher im systemkäse.M. Mai - 1996 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 7 (2/3).
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  10. Heideggers Gespräche.Helmut Mai - 2012 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 59 (1).
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    Ideengeschichte und Kunstwissenschaft: Philosophie und bildende Kunst im Kaiserreich.Ekkehard Mai, Stephan Waetzoldt & Gerd Wolandt - 1983
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  12. L¿ indagine kantiana sulla natura della Vernunft.Nicoletta Mai - 1996 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 25 (2):207-232.
  13.  8
    迷彩人伦: 艺术与人生的辩证思索.Cheng Mai, Zhijun Yang & Yuanjiang Cai - 1990 - Beijing: Zhongguo cheng shi chu ban she. Edited by Zhijun Yang & Yuanjiang Cai.
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  14. Mir ėsteticheskogo vospitanii︠a︡ nezri︠a︡chikh.A. S. Maĭdanov - 2003 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ gos. biblioteka dli︠a︡ slepykh.
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  15. Nauka.Isaak Aleksandrovich Maĭzelʹ - 1972
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    Relevance of nearness or proximity of lines in the perception of objects.Renate R. Mai-Dalton, David A. Cowan & Richard J. Stanek - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (1):51-53.
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  17.  20
    Technikbewertung als Instrument der politischen Gestaltung. �ber die Steuerbarkeit moderner Gesellschaften.Manfred Mai - 2003 - Poiesis and Praxis 1 (3):197-209.
    The concept of technology assessment emerged at the end of the 1960s. It was based on the consideration that state agents, and parliaments in particular, dispose of information on the risks of new technologies and large-scale technical systems in order to be able to arrive at well-founded decisions. Today, the idea of technology assessment, which not by coincidence arose in the phase of control optimism, appears to be off the political agenda, to a large extent, as an expression of instrumentally-rational (...)
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  18. La chimie selon Kant, coll. « Philosophies ».Mai Lequan - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 192 (4):482-483.
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  19. Formula Boga: metafizicheskoe ėsse.I︠A︡n Maĭzelʹs - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Gelikon Pli︠u︡s.
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    Michael Polanyis Reduktionismuskritik.Helmut Mai - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 63 (4):562-580.
    Die Abhandlung gibt eine konzentrierte Rekonstruktion der weit verstreut erschienenen Überlegungen des britisch-ungarischen Chemikers und Philosophen Michael Polanyi zur Reduktionismuskritik. Schlüssel der Kritik ist der Begriff der Grenzbedingung. Grenzbedingungen weisen auf Wirklichkeiten hin, die nicht mehr von den Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Stufe, die sie begrenzen, erreicht werden. Seine Anwendung dieses Begriffs auf Maschinen und Mechanismen ermöglicht Polanyi eine überraschende Kritik am biologischen Reduktionismus. Dieser Kritikpunkt wird durch die Entdeckung der DNA noch verstärkt.
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  21. O reshai︠u︡shcheĭ roli narodnykh mass.Semen Mikhaĭlovich Maĭorov - 1955
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  22. Razvitie v prirode, kulʹture i istorii: issledovanie v forme dialogov.Aleksandr Maĭsuri︠a︡n - 2000 - Moskva: Klub XXI vek.
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  23.  44
    The Influence of Spiritual Traditions on the Interplay of Subjective and Normative Interpretations of Meaningful Work.Mai Chi Vu & Nicholas Burton - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):543-566.
    This paper argues that the principles of spiritual traditions provide normative ‘standards of goodness’ within which practitioners evaluate meaningful work. Our comparative study of practitioners in the Buddhist and Quaker traditions provide a fine-grained analysis to illuminate, that meaningfulness is deeply connected to particular tradition-specific philosophical and theological ideas. In the Buddhist tradition, meaningfulness is temporal and rooted in Buddhist principles of non-attachment, impermanence and depending-arising, whereas in the Quaker tradition, the Quaker testimonies and theological ideas frame meaningfulness as eternal. (...)
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    The ethics of genetic screening for beta thalassemia in Vietnam.Mai-Tram Riquier - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (1):44-52.
    Developing World Bioethics, Volume 22, Issue 1, Page 44-52, March 2022.
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  25. Begehren, Gesetz und Geniess en : zu Lacans Interpretation des Abraham-Opfers.Mai Wegener - 2017 - In Angelica Löwe, Roman Lesmeister & Daniel Krochmalnik, Gesetz und Begehren: theologische, philosophische und psychoanalytische Perspektiven. München: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Tensions and Struggles in Tackling Bribery at the Firm Level: Perspectives from Buddhist-Enacted Organizational Leaders.Mai Chi Vu - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (3):517-537.
    This study explores the role of an informal institution—engaged Buddhism—in leadership responses to issues of bribery at the firm level in the context of Vietnam. In-depth interviews were carried out in Vietnam with 26 organizational leaders who were Buddhist practitioners. The leaders expressed a Buddhist-enacted utilitarian approach based on three context-associated mechanisms: karmic consequences, community and social well-being, and total detachment. These mechanisms manifest in leadership approaches based on the Middle Way, Skillful Means, and Emptiness. They are involved in forming (...)
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  27.  41
    Trust Issues and Engaged Buddhism: The Triggers for Skillful Managerial Approaches.Mai Chi Vu & Trang Tran - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):77-102.
    As a transitional economy, Vietnam has undergone tremendous changes over recent decades within a ‘fusion’ context that blends both traditional and modern values from its complex history. However, few studies have explored how contemporary issues in the context of Vietnam have brought both obstacles and skillful initiatives to managerial approaches to doing business. We draw on the concepts of social trust and institutional theory to explore how informal institutions such as religious forces can contribute to the development of individual trust (...)
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  28.  54
    How Perpetrator Gender Influences Reactions to Premeditated Versus Impulsive Unethical Behavior: A Role Congruity Approach.Ke Michael Mai, Aleksander P. J. Ellis & David T. Welsh - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):489-503.
    A significant body of research has emerged in order to better understand unethical behavior at work and how gender plays a role in the process. In this study, we look to add to this literature by exploring how perpetrator gender influences reactions to distinct types of unethicality. Rather than viewing unethical behavior as a unitary construct, where all forms of lying, cheating, and stealing are the same, we integrate theories and concepts from the criminal justice and moral psychology literatures to (...)
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  29.  18
    El desafío de la crítica kantiana a la metafísica cartesiana en tanto que idealismo escéptico.Mai Lequan - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (30):9-43.
    La lectura kantiana sobre la obra de Descartes, antes que evidenciar un conocimiento detallado del planteamiento cartesiano, muestra los pretextos claros para que Kant realice precisiones a su sistema. ¿Cuál es el peso y el lugar del "yo pienso" en la filosofía kantiana?, ¿qué se puede derivar de la existencia de las cosas en relación con su conocimiento?, ¿cómo combina Kant el realismo empírico con el idealismo trascendental?, ¿cuáles son los límites del yo pienso trascendente, frente al yo pienso trascendental? (...)
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  30.  11
    Bourgeoises and Bourgeois. [REVIEW]Gunther Mai - 1990 - Philosophy and History 23 (2):164-165.
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    Zhui meng zhe de zu ji: "le mei" xue xiao wen hua jian she tan suo = Zhuimengzhe de zuji lemei xuexiao wenhua jianshe tansuo.Mai Peng & Li Wu (eds.) - 2011 - Guangzhou: Hua nan li gong da xue chu ban she.
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    From Cairo to Jerusalem: Law, Labour, Time and Catastrophe.Mai Taha - 2019 - Law and Critique 30 (3):243-264.
    Following the eclectic itineraries of ‘Near East’ expert, R. M. Graves, this article tells a story of an ongoing Nakba (catastrophe) of small and large legal decisions. Without reducing the human catastrophe of the event of the Nakba (the 1948 Palestinian forced exodus), it engages with it as a legal event that crosses (in this story at least) from Cairo to Jerusalem, from the League of Nations’ era (1920–1946) to the United Nations’ era (1945–), from the governance of labour and (...)
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  33.  28
    Der psychophysische Parallelismus: Zu einer Diskursfigur im Feld der wissenschaftlichen Umbrüche des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts.Mai Wegener - 2009 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 17 (3):277-316.
  34. Juventude e trajetórias ocupacionais : centralidade do trabalho em questão.Maíra Tavares Mendes - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi, Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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    The Tao of Painting: A Study of the Ritual Disposition of Chinese Painting, with a Translation of the "Chieh Tzŭ Yüan Hua Chuan," or Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting, 1679-1701.Mai-mai Sze - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 16 (2):279-281.
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  36. Generalized Kripke Frames.Mai Gehrke - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (2):241-275.
    Algebraic work [9] shows that the deep theory of possible world semantics is available in the more general setting of substructural logics, at least in an algebraic guise. The question is whether it is also available in a relational form.This article seeks to set the stage for answering this question. Guided by the algebraic theory, but purely relationally we introduce a new type of frames. These structures generalize Kripke structures but are two-sorted, containing both worlds and co-worlds. These latter points (...)
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  37. Chê hsüeh mên wai tʻan.Yüan Mai - 1941
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  38. Perspektivy rat︠s︡ionalʹnosti v XXI veke: materialy konferent︠s︡ii molodykh uchenykh, Minsk, 25 apreli︠a︡ 2002 g.A. S. Maĭkhrovich (ed.) - 2002 - Minsk: "Ėkoperspektiva".
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    Y a-t-il une morale transcendantale chez Kant ?Mai Lequan - 2007 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 53 (1):115-139.
    Si Kant n’utilise presque jamais le terme « transcendantal » dans ses œuvres de philosophie morale, cela signifie-t-il que sa philosophie morale soit totalement dépourvue de dimension transcendantale? Il s’agit de savoir si la morale kantienne comprend seulement une métaphysique des mœurs et une simple critique de la raison pratique, ou si elle contient aussi une morale transcendantale, comme semble l’évoquer l’Opus postumum? Jusqu’où peut-on soutenir l’hypothèse d’une morale transcendantale chez Kant, sans contredire la définition donnée en 1781 dans l’Introduction (...)
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  40.  18
    “We are Neither Commies nor Volunteers”: How National Culture Influences Professional Identity Construction of CSR Professionals in South Korea.Mai Chi Vu, Hyemi Shin & Nicholas Burton - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (1):195-213.
    This paper draws on an institutional logics perspective to illuminate a hitherto underexplored context for CSR professional identity construction. It draws on an empirical study of 65 CSR professionals in South Korea and aims to deepen our understanding of CSR professional identity construction by investigating the contested nature of the CSR professional field between, on the one hand, societal-normative expectations of the profession, and, in the absence of stable professional logics, CSR professionals’ desired professional identity, on the other. Our study (...)
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    Practical wisdom as an adaptive algorithm for leadership: Integrating Eastern and Western perspectives to navigate complexity and uncertainty.Mai P. Trinh & Elizabeth A. Castillo - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (S1):45-64.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  42. Kʻung-tzu ti sheng pʻeng.Mai Liu - 1975 - Tʻai-pei : Wu chou chʻu pan she,:
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  43. Nauchnoe tvorchestvo kak mnogomernyĭ prot︠s︡ess.A. S. Maĭdanov (ed.) - 1987 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii.
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  44. Filosofskai︠a︡ i obshchestvenno-politicheskai︠a︡ myslʹ Belorussii i Litvy: dookti︠a︡brʹskiĭ period, zakonomernosti razvitii︠a︡, problemy issledovanii︠a︡.A. S. Maĭkhrovich & Romanas Plec̆kaitis (eds.) - 1987 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika".
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    Going viral: How a single tweet spawned a COVID-19 conspiracy theory on Twitter.Philip Mai & Anatoliy Gruzd - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In late March of 2020, a new hashtag, #FilmYourHospital, made its first appearance on social media. The hashtag encouraged people to visit local hospitals to take pictures and videos of empty hospitals to help “prove” that the COVID-19 pandemic is an elaborate hoax. Using techniques from Social Network Analysis, this case study examines how this conspiracy theory propagated on Twitter and whether the hashtag virality was aided by the use of automation or coordination among Twitter users. We found that while (...)
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    Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: Advances in Optogenetics, Ethical Issues Affecting DBS Research, Neuromodulatory Approaches for Depression, Adaptive Neurostimulation, and Emerging DBS Technologies.Vinata Vedam-Mai, Karl Deisseroth, James Giordano, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Winston Chiong, Nanthia Suthana, Jean-Philippe Langevin, Jay Gill, Wayne Goodman, Nicole R. Provenza, Casey H. Halpern, Rajat S. Shivacharan, Tricia N. Cunningham, Sameer A. Sheth, Nader Pouratian, Katherine W. Scangos, Helen S. Mayberg, Andreas Horn, Kara A. Johnson, Christopher R. Butson, Ro’ee Gilron, Coralie de Hemptinne, Robert Wilt, Maria Yaroshinsky, Simon Little, Philip Starr, Greg Worrell, Prasad Shirvalkar, Edward Chang, Jens Volkmann, Muthuraman Muthuraman, Sergiu Groppa, Andrea A. Kühn, Luming Li, Matthew Johnson, Kevin J. Otto, Robert Raike, Steve Goetz, Chengyuan Wu, Peter Silburn, Binith Cheeran, Yagna J. Pathak, Mahsa Malekmohammadi, Aysegul Gunduz, Joshua K. Wong, Stephanie Cernera, Aparna Wagle Shukla, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Wissam Deeb, Addie Patterson, Kelly D. Foote & Michael S. Okun - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:644593.
    We estimate that 208,000 deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices have been implanted to address neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders worldwide. DBS Think Tank presenters pooled data and determined that DBS expanded in its scope and has been applied to multiple brain disorders in an effort to modulate neural circuitry. The DBS Think Tank was founded in 2012 providing a space where clinicians, engineers, researchers from industry and academia discuss current and emerging DBS technologies and logistical and ethical issues facing the field. (...)
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    Personal information as communicative acts.Jens-Erik Mai - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (1):51-57.
    The paper extends previous accounts of informational privacy as a contextual notion. Where previous accounts have focused on interpretations of the privacy context itself as being contextual and open for negotiation and interpretation, this paper extends those analyses and shows that personal information itself is in fact best understood as contextual and situational—and as such open for interpretation. The paper reviews the notion of information as it has been applied in informational privacy and philosophy of information, and suggests that personal (...)
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    Overcoming the Shadow of Expertise: How Humility and Learning Goal Orientation Help Knowledge Leaders Become More Flexible.Mai P. Trinh - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:463370.
    Although experts are valuable assets to organizations, they suffer from the curse of knowledge and cognitive entrenchment, which prevents them from being able to adapt to changing situational demands. In this study, I propose that experts’ performance goal orientation resulting from pressures to perform contributes to their flexibility, but this mechanism can be moderated by learning goal orientation and humility. Data from a small sample of healthcare professionals suggested that performance goal orientation partially explained the mechanism of why experts may (...)
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  49. Using tDCS to Explore the Role of the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction in Theory of Mind and Cognitive Empathy.Xiaoqin Mai, Wenli Zhang, Xinmu Hu, Zhen Zhen, Zhenhua Xu, Jing Zhang & Chao Liu - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Supporting Creativity or Creative Unethicality? Empowering Leadership and the Role of Performance Pressure.Ke Michael Mai, David T. Welsh, Fuxi Wang, John Bush & Kaifeng Jiang - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (1):111-131.
    Organizational leaders are eager to unlock the creative potential of followers. Yet, there is growing evidence that creativity can also have a dark side within organizations. Building on research linking creativity and unethical behavior, we develop the construct of creative unethicality—behavior that is both unethical and novel. We draw on social exchange theory to develop a model that identifies both why and when creative unethicality emerges within organizations. Specifically, we investigate the exchange dynamics through which creative support provided by empowering (...)
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