Results for 'Magnus Michelsen'

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  1.  9
    Fridom eller livet. Nokre liner mellom subjektsomgrepa hos Badiou og Lacan.Magnus Bøe Michelsen - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (4):283-299.
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    Hjernens politikk.Magnus Michelsen - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (1):249-260.
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    The place of buddhism in Santayana's moral philosophy.John Magnus Michelsen - 1995 - Asian Philosophy 5 (1):39 – 46.
    Abstract Within the moral philosophy of the Spanish?American philosopher George San?tayana (1863?1952), reference to Buddhism becomes an essential feature in his formulation of the notion of post?rational morality, which is that ?phase? of morality which involves an effort to subordinate all precepts to one that points to some single eventual good. Post?rational morality is synonymous with the spiritual life, an essential feature of which is detachment; and this is why the Buddhists can be said to be the ?true masters? of (...)
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    Agonistic democracy and constitutionalism in the age of populism.Danny Michelsen - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (1).
    The article examines the compatibility of agonistic democracy and populism as well as their relationship to the idea of constitutionalism. The first part shows that Chantal Mouffe’s recent attempts to reconcile her normative approach of an agonistic pluralism with a populist style of politics are not fully convincing. Although there are undeniable commonalities between an agonistic and a populist understanding of politics – the appreciation of conflict, the rejection of moralistic and juridical modes of conflict resolution etc. – the populist (...)
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    Toward Learning Machines at a Mother and Baby Unit.Magnus Boman, Johnny Downs, Abubakrelsedik Karali & Susan Pawlby - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:567310.
    Agnostic analyses of unique video material from a Mother and Baby Unit were carried out to investigate the usefulness of such analyses to the unit. The goal was to improve outcomes: the health of mothers and their babies. The method was to implement a learning machine that becomes more useful over time and over task. A feasible set-up is here described, with the purpose of producing intelligible and useful results to healthcare professionals at the unit by means of a vision (...)
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    Freiheit Und Determinismus: Ein Philosophischer Kommentar Zu Ciceros Schrift de Fato.Magnus Schallenberg - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe, Günther Patzig und Wolfgang Wieland. Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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    Castoriadis’s work.Anders Michelsen - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 126 (1):135-146.
    The article reviews Suzi Adams’s book on Cornelius Castoriadis, Castoriadis’s Ontology: Being and Creation, by debating the options and possible deficits in Castoriadis’s notion of creativity. While Adams criticizes Castoriadis for neglecting the overarching – and horizontal – worldliness that must ultimately condition creativity in various instances of interpretation, in the most expanded sense as a cosmology, the review ponders an alternative approach which focus on Castoriadis’s creativity seen as a notion of a lateral and emergent positing of the novel, (...)
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    Socioaesthetics: Ambience – Imaginary.Anders Michelsen & Frederik Tygstrup (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    The volume _SocioAesthetics: Ambience – Imaginary_ collects scholars from social science, aesthetics, arts, and cultural studies in case-driven debate, ranging from biometrics to luxury commodities, on how a new alignment of aesthetics and the social is possible and what the possible prospects of this may be.
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    Humility in Business: A Contextual Approach.Magnus Frostenson - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):91-102.
    The virtue of humility is often considered to be at odds with common business practice. In recent years, however, scholars within business ethics and leadership have shown an increasing interest in humility. Despite such attention, the argument for the relevance of humility in business could be expanded. Unlike extant research that focuses on humility as a character-building virtue or instrumentally useful leadership trait, this article argues that humility reflects the interdependent nature of business. Through such an approach, the article gives (...)
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    Non-normative critique: Foucault and pragmatic sociology as tactical re-politicization.Magnus Paulsen Hansen - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (1):127-145.
    The close ties between modes of governing, subjectivities and critique in contemporary societies challenge the role of critical social research. The classical normative ethos of the unmasking researcher unravelling various oppressive structures of dominant vs. dominated groups in society is inadequate when it comes to understand de-politicizing mechanisms and the struggles they bring about. This article argues that only a non-normative position can stay attentive to the constant and complex evolution of modes of governing and the critical operations actors themselves (...)
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    Buch über die Ursachen und den Hervorgang von allem aus der ersten Ursache: lateinisch - deutsch = Liber de causis et processu universitatis a prima causa.Albertus Magnus - 2006 - Hamburg: F. Meiner. Edited by Henryk Anzulewicz.
    Diese Ausgabe bietet erstmals den vollständigen lateinischen Text des ersten Buches des Kommentars zum Liber de causis in kritischer Edition mit deutscher Übersetzung. Sie entstand als ein Gemeinschaftswerk aller Editoren und Mitarbeiter an der in Progreß befindlichen Editio Coloniensis, der kritischen Gesamtausgabe der Alberti Magni Opera Omnia. Albertus Magnus - der Beiname "der Große" ist seit dem 14. Jahrhundert belegt, nachdem ihm schon die Zeitgenossen den Ehrentitel "doctor universalis" verliehen hatten - wird in den Annalen der Philosophiegeschichte zwar stets (...)
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  12. Cartesian essays: a collection of critical studies.Bernd Magnus, James Benjamin Wilbur & Laurence J. Lafleur (eds.) - 1970 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    Descartes' place in history, by L. J. Lafleur.--A central ambiguity in Descartes, by S. Rosen.--Doubt, common sense and affirmation in Descartes and Hume, by H. J. Allen.--Some remarks on logic and the cogito, by R. N. Beck.--The cogito, an ambiguous performance, by J. B. Wilbur.--The modalities of Descartes' proofs for the existence of God, by B. Magnus.--Descartes and the phenomenological problem of the embodiment of consciousness, by J. M. Edie.--The person and his body: critique of existentialist responses to Descartes, (...)
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    Autotranscendence and Creative Organization: On Self-Creation and Self-Organization.Anders Michelsen - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 88 (1):55-75.
    This article discusses the issue of social and cultural ‘autotranscendence’ - self-production, creativity - in the debates on self-organization. The point of departure is Cornelius Castoriadis’s idea of ‘self-creation’. First, a schisma between mechanical and ontological modeling is indicated and used to introduce the idea of a ‘creative organization’. This is further discussed in relation to Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s concept of social ‘autotranscendence’ by ‘complex methodological individualism’, with particular respect to the incomprehension of the social. Following Johann P. Arnason’s treatment of (...)
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    Sustainable Development as a Challenge for Undergraduate Students: The Module “Science Bears Responsibility” in the Leuphana Bachelor’s Programme: Commentary on “A Case Study of Teaching Social Responsibility to Doctoral Students in the Climate Sciences”.Gerd Michelsen - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1505-1511.
    The Leuphana Semester at Leuphana University Lüneburg, together with the module “Science bears responsibility” demonstrate how innovative methods of teaching and learning can be combined with the topic of sustainable development and how new forms of university teaching can be introduced. With regard to module content, it has become apparent that, due to the complexity of the field of sustainability, a single discipline alone is unable to provide analyses and solutions. If teaching in higher education is to adequately deal with (...)
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    The implications of hegel’s philosophy of religion for contemporary cultural conflicts.Kathleen Dow Magnus - 2003 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2005 (1).
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    Essentials of Existential Phenomenological Research, written by Scott D. Churchill.Magnus Englander - 2021 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 52 (2):275-283.
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    Racism.Magnus Hirschfeld & Eden Paul - 1938 - V. Gollancz.
    Looks at European ideas about race and the alleged superiority of certain peoples, especially in Germany.
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    Abstract of Comments: Dustbin Manuscripts.Bernd Magnus - 1984 - Noûs 18 (1):86 - 87.
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  19. Kierkegaard on Choosing Oneself and the Ground of the Moral Sense in Morality within the Life-and Social World.John M. Michelsen - 1987 - Analecta Husserliana 22:227-238.
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    Performance in Postmodern Culture.Pierre Michelsen, Michel Benamou & Charles Caramello - 1978 - Substance 6 (20):127.
  21. Priming a Pilot Implementation: Experiences From an Effects Specifications Workshop.Magnus Hansen and Maria Ie Pedersen - 2013 - Iris 34.
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    News.Philip Magnus - 1877 - Mind (5):137-140.
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  23. The Ten Fold Reverence. Ten Meditations Inspired by the Ethic of Reverence for Life, Etc.Magnus C. Ratter & Albert Schweitzer - 1934 - [The Lindsey Press].
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    (1 other version)Targeting rents: Global taxes on natural resources.Magnus Reitberger - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (4):445-464.
    In the debate on global justice, proposals to tax natural resources in order to reduce global poverty and fund other worthwhile objectives have attracted scholarly attention and controversy. In thi...
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  25. Realist Ennui and the Base Rate Fallacy.P. D. Magnus & Craig Callender - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (3):320-338.
    The no-miracles argument and the pessimistic induction are arguably the main considerations for and against scientific realism. Recently these arguments have been accused of embodying a familiar, seductive fallacy. In each case, we are tricked by a base rate fallacy, one much-discussed in the psychological literature. In this paper we consider this accusation and use it as an explanation for why the two most prominent `wholesale' arguments in the literature seem irresolvable. Framed probabilistically, we can see very clearly why realists (...)
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  26. Poverty, negative duties and the global institutional order.Magnus Reitberger - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (4):379-402.
    Do we violate human rights when we cooperate with and impose a global institutional order that engenders extreme poverty? Thomas Pogge argues that by shaping and enforcing the social conditions that foreseeably and avoidably cause global poverty we are violating the negative duty not to cooperate in the imposition of a coercive institutional order that avoidably leaves human rights unfulfilled. This article argues that Pogge's argument fails to distinguish between harms caused by the global institutions themselves and harms caused by (...)
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    Managing Expectations: Delivering the Worst News in the Best Way?David Magnus & Alyssa M. Burgart - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):1-2.
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    George Santayana.John M. Michelsen - 1993 - Overheard in Seville 11 (11):30-40.
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    Las Universidades y la Agenda 21: el ejemplo de la Universidad de Lüneburg.Gerd Michelsen - 2003 - Polis 5.
    El presente artículo describe el impacto en las universidades del impulso aportado por la Conferencia sobre “Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo” de Río de Janeiro en el año 1992, que incorporó un capítulo sobre el rol de la “ciencia al servicio del Desarrollo Sustentable”. Tras esto, el primer intento por incorporar este tema lo emprendió la Conferencia Europea de Rectores de Universidades (CRE) a través del programa COPERNICUS, que se convirtió para más de 300 universidades europeas en la base para una (...)
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  30. Scientific enquiry and natural kinds: from planets to mallards.P. Magnus - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Some scientific categories seem to correspond to genuine features of the world and are indispensable for successful science in some domain; in short, they are natural kinds. This book gives a general account of what it is to be a natural kind and puts the account to work illuminating numerous specific examples.
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    Situated abstraction: From the particular to the general in second-order diagnostic work.Magnus Båth, Sara Asplund, Åse A. Johnsson, Hans Rystedt, Jonas Ivarsson & Gustav Lymer - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (2):185-215.
    The present study examines the work of a group of medical scientists as they identify interpretative ‘pitfalls’ – recurrent sources of error – in the use of a new radiographic technique, formulate suggestions on how these pitfalls can be avoided and communicate their findings in the form of a scientific publication. The analysis focuses on a session in which previously diagnosed cases are discussed, and demonstrates the ways in which a certain source of diagnostic error gradually emerges as a taken-for-granted (...)
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    Decision Making under Ambiguity and Objective Risk in Higher Age – A Review on Cognitive and Emotional Contributions.Magnus Liebherr, Johannes Schiebener, Heike Averbeck & Matthias Brand - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  33. Cicero als Bildungsautor der Gegenwart (Ars Didactica – Alte Sprachen lehren und lernen; Bd. 6).Magnus Frisch (ed.) - 2020 - Heidelberg:
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    Kommentar zu Aurelius Prudentius Clemens, Psychomachia.Magnus Frisch - 2016 - Dissertation, Philipps-Universität Marburg
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    Exemplifying Umweltlehre Through One’s Own Life A Biography of Jakob von Uexküll by Florian Mildenberger.Riin Magnus & Kalevi Kull - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (1):121-125.
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    Organismide ajaplaanid.Riin Magnus - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (2/4):57-57.
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    Overthrowing the Tyranny of the Journal Impact Factor.David Magnus - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (7):1-2.
  38.  47
    Innovation and Creativity: Beyond Diffusion — On Ordered (Thus Determinable) Action and Creative Organization.Anders Michelsen - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 96 (1):64-82.
    The article confronts Cornelius Castoriadis's philosophy of 'the imaginary institution of society' with issues of innovation in a knowledge society and outlines a new notion of innovation as creative organization. It will take a critical approach to innovation from a historical perspective of postwar systems theory and introduce Castoriadis's philosophy as an interesting option in this regard. It proceeds in four parts: (a) First, it debates the limits of the commonplace metaphor of diffusion and adoption in today's debate on innovation. (...)
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    ¿Qué es lo específico en la comunicación sobre temas ambientales?Gerd Michelsen - 2003 - Polis 5.
    El autor postula que la comunicación sobre temas ambientales y de la sustentabilidad sólo va a ser exitosa cuando sea institucionalizada. Señala además que ella se debe vincular al modelo de “sustentabilidad” por lo que sus discursos deben estar situados en el contexto de un Desarrollo Sustentable, y que más allá de la transmisión de información, requiere de una discusión sobre los problemas no resueltos y los peligros que están en juego. Asegura finalmente que la comunicación sobre temas ambientales representa (...)
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    What is a minor international theory? On the limits of ‘Critical International Relations’.Nicholas Michelsen - 2021 - Journal of International Political Theory 17 (3):488-511.
    This article argues that ‘Critical International Relations’, often counterpoised to ‘mainstream IR’, has come to function as a major theoretical category in its own right. It argues that critique involves ‘minor theorising’, defined as the practice of disturbing settled theoretical assumptions in the discipline. The article examines the role and significance of ‘minor theories’ in the context of ongoing debates about Critical IR. It argues that critique is defined by context, and is politically and ethically ambiguous. The article concludes that (...)
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    II. Die Problemstellung.Magnus Schallenberg - 2008 - In Freiheit Und Determinismus: Ein Philosophischer Kommentar Zu Ciceros Schrift de Fato. Walter de Gruyter.
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  42. Erfahrung und Gegenstand.Magnus Selling - 1942 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 8:39.
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  43. Drakes, seadevils, and similarity fetishism.P. D. Magnus - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (6):857-870.
    Homeostatic property clusters (HPCs) are offered as a way of understanding natural kinds, especially biological species. I review the HPC approach and then discuss an objection by Ereshefsky and Matthen, to the effect that an HPC qua cluster seems ill-fitted as a description of a polymorphic species. The standard response by champions of the HPC approach is to say that all members of a polymorphic species have things in common, namely dispositions or conditional properties. I argue that this response fails. (...)
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    Ecosemiotic Analysis of Species Reintroduction: the Case of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in Estonia.Riin Magnus & Nelly Mäekivi - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (2):239-258.
    Species conservation activities are gaining more attention in the context of environmental degradation. This article proposes to tackle different semiotic aspects of reintroduction as one possible way of furthering species conservation. More specifically, we aim to bring forth the strength of ecosemiotic perspective when dealing with such a complex matter with many different human and non-human subjects. We concentrate on animal agency, search and function tone, semiotic fitting and changes in umwelten when analysing the reintroduction process from the perspective of (...)
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    Mediatization at the margins: Cosmopolitanism, network capital and spatial transformation in rural Sweden.Magnus Andersson & André Jansson - 2012 - Communications 37 (2):173-194.
    The significance of mediatization in countryside settings is an under-researched topic in media studies. In this paper, based on qualitative fieldwork carried out in two rural areas in Sweden, we study how mediatization integrates the prospects of cosmopolitan social change. The current phase of the mediatization process, which imposes a more dynamic register of networked communication, nourishes a new type of cosmopolitan identity in the countryside. As shown in the study, this development is constituted by complex configurations of different forms (...)
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    (1 other version)The internal significance of codes of conduct in retail companies.Magnus Frostenson, Sven Helin & Johan Sandström - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (3):263-275.
    This paper focuses on the significance of codes of conduct (CoCs) in the internal work context of two retail companies. A stepwise approach is used. First, the paper identifies in what way employees use and refer to CoCs internally. Second, the function and relevance of CoCs inside the two companies are identified. Third, the paper explains why CoCs tend to function in the identified ways. In both cases, the CoCs are clearly decoupled in the sense that they do not concern (...)
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  47. That Some of Sol Lewitt's Later Wall Drawings Aren't Wall Drawings.P. D. Magnus - 2018 - Contemporary Aesthetics 16 (1).
    Sol LeWitt is probably most famous for wall drawings. They are an extension of work he had done in sculpture and on paper, in which a simple rule specifies permutations and variations of elements. With wall drawings, the rule is given for marks to be made on a wall. We should distinguish these algorithmic works from impossible-to-implement instruction works and works realized by following preparatory sketches. Taking the core feature of a wall drawing to be that it is algorithmic, some (...)
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    Do gender differences in audio-visual benefit and visual influence in audio-visual speech perception emerge with age?Magnus Alm & Dawn Behne - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  49. Scurvy and the ontology of natural kinds.P. D. Magnus - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1031-1039.
    Some philosophers understand natural kinds to be the categories which are constraints on enquiry. In order to elaborate the metaphysics appropriate to such an account, I consider the complicated history of scurvy, citrus, and vitamin C. It may be tempting to understand these categories in a shallow way (as mere property clusters) or in a deep way (as fundamental properties). Neither approach is adequate, and the case instead calls for middle-range ontology: starting from categories which we identify in the world (...)
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  50. Whistleblowing in Organizations: An Examination of Correlates of Whistleblowing Intentions, Actions, and Retaliation.Jessica R. Mesmer-Magnus & Chockalingam Viswesvaran - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (3):277-297.
    Whistleblowing on organizational wrongdoing is becoming increasingly prevalent. What aspects of the person, the context, and the transgression relate to whistleblowing intentions and to actual whistleblowing on corporate wrongdoing? Which aspects relate to retaliation against whistleblowers? Can we draw conclusions about the whistleblowing process by assessing whistleblowing intentions? Meta-analytic examination of 193 correlations obtained from 26 samples (N = 18,781) reveals differences in the correlates of whistleblowing intentions and actions. Stronger relationships were found between personal, contextual, and wrongdoing characteristics and (...)
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