Results for 'Madamma Butterfly'

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  1.  15
    matériel d'évasion et de rêve: il cautionne aussi des idées subversives, car on le travestit à la mode de sa propre époque. Fabuleux Orient. Orient de luxe: plumes, satins et joyaux, serviteurs sans compter, décor allusif d'arcades et de minarets, univers des Mille et Une Nuits. Il convient de souligner la place éminente des célèbres contes, traduits en français entre 1704 et 1717 par Antoine Galland, qui font découvrir. [REVIEW]Madamma Butterfly - 2006 - In Maxence Caron & Jocelyn Benoist (eds.), Heidegger. Paris: Cerf. pp. 797--291.
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  2. A butterfly dream in a brain in a vat.Xiaoqiang Han - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):157-167.
    Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Dream story can be read as a skeptical response to the Cartesian Cogito, ergo sum solution, for it presents I exist as fundamentally unprovable, on the grounds that the notion about “I” that it is guaranteed to refer to something existing, which Descartes seems to assume, is unwarranted. The modern anti-skepticism of Hilary Putnam employs a different strategy, which seeks to derive the existence of the world not from some “indubitable” truth such as the existence of myself (...)
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    The Butterfly Dialogues: Postmodern Fables for Kids and Grown-Ups.Steven Carter - 2011 - Hamilton Books.
    This is the third volume in a trilogy of fables by Steven Carter. Carter's butterflies are naive, worldly, sarcastic, philosophical, and very funny—in short, perfectly human!
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    Butterflies of the Soul: Cajal's Neuron Theory and Art.Susan Goetz Zwirn - 2015 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 49 (4):105-119.
    [M]y attention was drawn to the flower garden of the grey matter, which contained cells with delicate and elegant forms, the mysterious butterflies of the soul, the beating of whose wings may someday... clarify the secret of mental life. Art can actually facilitate scientific understanding, even discovery. Art can be, and has been, the entryway to vision and the understanding of natural phenomena as demonstrated in its role in the development of neuron theory. While developing a course on current brain (...)
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  5. The Butterfly, the Mole and the Sage.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (3):213-223.
    Zhuangzi chooses a butterfly as a metaphor for transformation, a sighted creature whose inherent nature contains, and symbolizes, the potential for transformation from a less valued state to a more valued state. If transformation is not to be valued; if, according to a recent article by Jung Lee, 'there is no implication that it is either possible or desirable for the living to awake from their dream', why not tell a story of a mole awakening from a dream? This (...)
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    Butterfly wings: the evolution of development of colour patterns.José María Frade & Yves-Alain Barde - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (5):391-401.
    The diversity in colour patterns on butterfly wings provides great potential for understanding how developmental mechanisms may be modulated in the evolution of adaptive traits. In particular, we discuss concentric eyespot patterns, which have been shown by surgical experiments to be formed in response to signals from a central focus. Seasonal polyphenism shows how alternate phenotypes can develop through environmental sensitivity mediated by ecdysteroid hormones, whereas artificial selection and single gene mutants demonstrate genetic variation influencing the number, shape, size, (...)
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    Butterfly wing patterns.Paul M. Brakefield & Vernon French - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):447-468.
    This paper integrates genetical studies of variation in the wing patterns of Lepidoptera with experimental investigations of developmental mechanisms. Research on the tropical butterfly,Bicyclus anynana, is described. This work includes artificial selection of lines with different patterns of wing eyespots followed by grafting experiments on the lines to examine the phenotypic and genetic differences in terms of developmental mechanisms. The results are used to show how constraints on the evolution of this wing pattern may be related to the developmental (...)
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    Butterfly wings: Colour patterns and now gene expression patterns.Vernon French & Antonia Monteiro - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (11):789-791.
    The particular fascination of butterfly wings for developmental biologists (and others) lies in their spectacular array of colour patterns. The evolutionary and developmental relationships between these patterns have been analysed and we know something of the cell interactions involved in their formation(1). Now butterfly homologues of Drosophila wing‐patterning genes have been identified, and their expression patterns offer the first clues to the molecular mechanisms which specify wing colour patterns(2).
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    Butterfly wings: the evolution of development of colour patterns.Paul M. Brakefield & Vernon French - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (5):391-401.
    The diversity in colour patterns on butterfly wings provides great potential for understanding how developmental mechanisms may be modulated in the evolution of adaptive traits. In particular, we discuss concentric eyespot patterns, which have been shown by surgical experiments to be formed in response to signals from a central focus. Seasonal polyphenism shows how alternate phenotypes can develop through environmental sensitivity mediated by ecdysteroid hormones, whereas artificial selection and single gene mutants demonstrate genetic variation influencing the number, shape, size, (...)
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    The Butterfly Effect of Women's Studies.Amy Bhatt - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 379 Amy Bhatt The Butterfly Effect of Women’s Studies My entry into women’s studies began over two decades ago when I was an undergraduate at Emory University. I took Introduction to Women’s Studies in 1998, the same year that Feminist Studies published a formative issue on the evolution of women’s studies in the academy. I turned to (...)
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  11. Butterflies and plants : a study in coevolution.P. R. Ehrlich & P. H. Raven - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise (eds.), Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Butterfly Ballots, Hanging Chads, and Voters' Intentions.James F. Harris - 2004 - Public Affairs Quarterly 18 (1):13-26.
  13. Butterflies in the spotlight.Massimo Pigliucci - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):285-286.
    Commentary on research on butterflies' eyespots as a model in evolutionary developmental biology.
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  14. The Reciprocal of The Butterfly Theorem.Ion Pătrașcu & Florentin Smarandache - unknown
    In this paper, we present two proofs of the reciprocal butterfly theorem. The statement of the butterfly theorem is: Let us consider a chord PQ of midpoint M in the circle Ω(O). Through M, two other chords AB and CD are drawn, such that A and C are on the same side of PQ. We denote by X and U the intersection of AD respectively CB with PQ. Consequently, XM = YM. For the proof of this theorem, see (...)
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    A butterfly eye's view of birds.Francesca D. Frentiu & Adriana D. Briscoe - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1151-1162.
    The striking color patterns of butterflies and birds have long interested biologists. But how these animals see color is less well understood. Opsins are the protein components of the visual pigments of the eye. Color vision has evolved in butterflies through opsin gene duplications, through positive selection at individual opsin loci, and by the use of filtering pigments. By contrast, birds have retained the same opsin complement present in early-jawed vertebrates, and their visual system has diversified primarily through tuning of (...)
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  16.  41
    The butterfly dream as ‘creative dream:’ dreaming and subjectivity in Zhuangzi and María Zambrano.Gabriella Stanchina - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (1):84-95.
    ABSTRACTThe ‘dream of the butterfly,’ which seals the second chapter of the Zhuangzi, is often interpreted as undergirded by the bipolarity of dreaming and awakening or by the elusive interchange of identities between Zhuangzi and the butterfly, dreamer and dreamed. In this paper I argue that the underlying structure of the story may be better interpreted as exhibiting not two, but three stages of development, consistently echoing other tripartite parables in the Zhuangzi. In my reinterpretation I rely on (...)
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  17. What have butterflies got to do with Darwin?William Dembski - manuscript
    Bernard d’Abrera’s concise atlas of the world’s butterflies is a beautifully produced book with the most stunning photographs of butterflies that I’ve ever seen. Though not intended as a coffee-table book, it could eminently serve that purpose. D’Abrera himself is a world-renowned butterfly and moth expert at the British Museum (Natural History) in London. Over the years he has produced books on the lepidoptera indigenous to various regions of the world. This book provides a synopsis of his life’s work.
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    On Butterflies: Stories and Fables for Children from the 17th Century to the Present Day.Jean Perrot - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (2):41-54.
    In this article, a chapter from a more general study, the butterfly is considered as an arresting `index', highlighting the evolution of children's culture and the relationships between science and literature. Comparing Furetière's knowledge of this insect, as set out in his Dictionnaire universel (1690), to its literary representations in Charles Perrault's or Fénelon's tales, helps to assess the context in which children's literature came to be written within the higher circles of the Versailles Court society. It also explains (...)
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  19. Do butterflies dream?Roy Sorensen - unknown
    If people never dreamed, would it make a difference to how they picture reality? Or themselves? Philosophers would certainly lose the most natural way of introducing skepticism. The Chinese Taoist, Chuang Tzu (369 B. C. - ?), dreamt he was a butterfly. When he awoke he wondered whether he was a man who dreamt he was butterfly or a butterfly now dreaming he is a man. Any experience can be explained as either a faithful representation of the (...)
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  20. Of Fish, Butterflies and Birds: Relativism and Nonrelative Valuation in the Zhuangzi.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (3):238-252.
    I argue that the main theme of the Zhuangzi is that of spiritual transformation. If there is no such theme in the Zhuangzi, it becomes an obscure text with relativistic viewpoints contradicting statements and stories designed to lead the reader to a state of spiritual transformation. I propose to reveal the coherence of the deep structure of the text by clearly dividing relativistic statements designed to break down fixed viewpoints from statements, anecdotes, paradoxes and metaphors designed to lead the reader (...)
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    Improved Butterfly Optimizer-Configured Extreme Learning Machine for Fault Diagnosis.Helong Yu, Kang Yuan, Wenshu Li, Nannan Zhao, Weibin Chen, Changcheng Huang, Huiling Chen & Mingjing Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    An efficient intelligent fault diagnosis model was proposed in this paper to timely and accurately offer a dependable basis for identifying the rolling bearing condition in the actual production application. The model is mainly based on an improved butterfly optimizer algorithm- optimized kernel extreme learning machine model. Firstly, the roller bearing’s vibration signals in the four states that contain normal state, outer race failure, inner race failure, and rolling ball failure are decomposed into several intrinsic mode functions using the (...)
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  22.  31
    The Butterfly in the Garden: Utopia and the Feminine in The Story of the Stone.Kam-Ming Wong - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (1):122 - 134.
    With Peach Blossom Spring and other poetical works written by Tao Qian in the 5th century, there was born a vision of utopia that remains forever etched into the Chinese collective imaginary. Thirteen centuries later, Cao Xueqin drew inspiration from it when he gave form to the ‘Grandview Garden’, a universe with fundamentally female characteristics and one of the centres for the plot of The Story of the Stone, a masterpiece of Chinese romantic fiction also known as ‘Dream of the (...)
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    Chasing Butterflies Without a Net: Interpreting Cosmopolitanism.David T. Hansen - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (2):151-166.
    In this article, I map current conceptions of cosmopolitanism and sketch distinctions between the concept and humanism and multiculturalism. The differences mirror what I take to be a central motif of cosmopolitanism: the capacity to fuse reflective openness to the new with reflective loyalty to the known. This motif invites a reconsideration of the meaning of culture as well as of the relations between home and the world.
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  24.  48
    Butterfly eyespot patterns: Evidence for specification by a morphogen diffusion gradient.Antónia Monteiro, Vernon French, Gijs Smit, Paul M. Brakefield & Johan A. J. Metz - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (2):77-88.
    In this paper we describe a test for Nijhout's hypothesis that the eyespot patterns on butterfly wings are the result of a threshold reaction of the epidermal cells to a concentration gradient of a diffusing degradable morphogen produced by focal cells at the centre of the future eyespot. The wings of the nymphalid butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, have a series of eyespots, each composed of a white pupil, a black disc and a gold outer ring. In earlier extirpation and (...)
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    The Butterfly as Companion: Meditations on the First Three Chapters of the Chuang Tzu.Kuang-Ming Wu - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (1):127-135.
  26. (1 other version)The Butterfly Dream.C. Chan - 1995 - The Philosopher 83 (2).
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    The butterfly transformation and the anamorphosis: A posthumanist reading of gaze in Zhuang Zi and Jacques Lacan.Quan Wang - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (3):305-319.
    Zhuang Zi has a seminal influence on Jacques Lacan. Seeing enables an observer to penetrate into the nature of the examined thing so that he will have a potential mastery over the observed object....
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  28. Dislodging Butterflies from the Supervenient.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9:103-112.
    Applied to evaluative properties the supervenience thesis is customarily understood as expressing two intuitions: (i) the idea that there is some kind of dependence between the (supervenient) value of an object and some (or all) of the natural properties of the object; (ii) the idea that if you assert that x is valuable and if you agree that y is relevantly similar to x, with regard to natural properties, you must be prepared to assert that y too is valuable. It (...)
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    “Climate change” and the “butterfly effect” in an eighteenth century monograph.KelleyAnne Malinen & Chérif F. Matta - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (3):265-268.
    Long before the phrases “climate change” and “butterfly effect” were incorporated into the mainstream literature, these phrases appeared in an appropriate context almost verbatim in the first Chapter of a book entitled “The Emigrant” published in the mid-nineteenth century by Sir Francis Bond Head. Head was Upper Canada’s sixth Lieutenant Governor under King George IV and Queen Victoria. Head claimed that forest wildfires were “changing the climate” of North America as manifested in a warming effect “on the thermometer”. In (...)
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    The potency of the butterfly: The reception of Richard B. Goldschmidt’s animal experiments in German sexology around 1920.Ina Linge - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (1):40-70.
    This article considers the sexual politics of animal evidence in the context of German sexology around 1920. In the 1910s, the German-Jewish geneticist Richard B. Goldschmidt conducted experiments on the moth Lymantria dispar, and discovered individuals that were no longer clearly identifiable as male or female. When he published an article tentatively arguing that his research on ‘intersex butterflies’ could be used to inform concurrent debates about human homosexuality, he triggered a flurry of responses from Berlin-based sexologists. In this article, (...)
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    On Butterfly Feelers: Some Examples of Surfing on Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Luciano Bazzocchi - 2008 - In Herbert Hrachovec & Alois Pichler (eds.), Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information: Proceedings of the 30th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2007. De Gruyter. pp. 125-140.
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  32. The butterfly effect upon its spectator.Edward Branigan - 2014 - In Warren Buckland (ed.), Hollywood puzzle films. New York: Routledge.
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  33. Sceptical Theism, the Butterfly Effect and Bracketing the Unknown.Alexander R. Pruss - 2017 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 81:71-86.
    Sceptical theism claims that we have vast ignorance about the realm of value and the connections, causal and modal, between goods and bads. This ignorance makes it reasonable for a theist to say that God has reasons beyond our ken for allowing the horrendous evils we observe. But if so, then does this not lead to moral paralysis when we need to prevent evils ourselves? For, for aught that we know, there are reasons beyond our ken for us to allow (...)
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    Of Butterflies and Masks: the Transfigurations of Apollo in Nietzsche's Early to Later Writings.Andrea Rehberg - 2011 - In Nietzsche and Phenomenology. Cambridge Scholars. pp. 33-52.
    Nietzsche's early work on culture and tragedy proved influential on subsequent art and aesthetics; the relation between the Apollonian and Dionysian is central to this work. However, that relation is widely misunderstood, especially in its connection to Nietzsche's conceptions of Socrates and modernity. This paper contributes to the rectification of misunderstandings by demonstrating the proper way of understanding these relations. The analysis proceeds by way of a phenomenological treatment of the distinctive structure of the Apollonian. The analysis is reinforced by (...)
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    The butterfly effect and the virtues of the american dream.Laura Cannon - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (4):545–555.
  36. Interpreting the butterfly dream.Xiaoqiang Han - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (1):1 – 9.
    This paper follows the tradition of treating Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream episode as presenting a version of skepticism. However, unlike the prevalent interpretations within that tradition, it attempts to show that the skepticism conveyed in the episode is more radical than it has been conceived, such that the episode can be read as a skeptical response to Descartes' refutation of skepticism based on the _Cogito, ergo sum_ proof. The paper explains how the lack of commitment in Zhuangzi to the dubious (...)
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  37.  60
    XIV*—The Butterfly Effect.Peter Smith - 1991 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 91 (1):247-268.
    Peter Smith; XIV*—The Butterfly Effect, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 91, Issue 1, 1 June 1991, Pages 247–268,
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    Sleeping Beauty and the Dreaming Butterfly: What Did Zhuangzi Doubt About?Thomas Ming - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (4):497-512.
    The moral commonly drawn from Zhuangzi’s butterfly dream is that there is no distinction between the subjectivity of the dreamer and the awake. It is, however, tenuous to incorporate this insight into an overall view of Zhuangzi, whether as a perspectival relativist, a mystic, or an anti-rationalist, just to name the more popular positions. The parable, despite its brevity and clarity, is difficult because the assertion about metaphysical distinction in the last two lines does not cohere with the preceding (...)
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    Evolutionary responses by butterflies to patchy spatial distributions of resources in tropical environments.Allen M. Young - 1980 - Acta Biotheoretica 29 (1):37-64.
    The greatest diversity of butterflies and their host plants occurs in tropical regions. Some groups of butterflies in the tropics exhibit monophagous feeding in the larval stage, exploiting only one family of plants; others are polyphagous, feeding on plants in two or more distinct families. The two major types of tropical habitats for butterflies, namely primary and secondary forests, offer very different evolutionary opportunities for the exploitation of plants as larval food. Butterflies are faced with the major logistical problem, as (...)
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  40.  20
    Harnessing the Butterfly - The Steering of Chaos.John Cramer - unknown
    About a decade ago the concept of chaos burst upon scientific community as a new paradigm for viewing the certain of the workings of nature and the structures of mathematics. It embodied two key concepts: (1) that certain systems that are classified as "chaotic", while completely determined by initial conditions and the laws of physics, are nevertheless so unstable as to be inherently unpredictable; and (2) that the behavior of chaotic systems is not arbitrarily random, but instead shows regularities, repeating (...)
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    Of jaguars and butterflies: metalogues on issues in anthropology and philosophy.G. E. R. Lloyd - 2023 - New York: Berghahn Books. Edited by Aparecida Vilaça.
    What are we to make of statements that jaguars see themselves as humans, or of doubts about the boundary between dreams and waking? Jointly authored by an anthropologist and a philosopher, this book investigates some of the most puzzling ideas and practices reported in modern ethnography and ancient philosophy, concerning humans, animals, persons, spirits, agency, selfhood, consciousness, nature, life, death, disease and health. The study's twin aims are first to explore the possibility of achieving a better understanding of the materials (...)
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  42. Fishbones, Wheels, Eyes, and Butterflies: Heuristic Structural Reasoning in the Search for Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations.Lydia Patton - 2023 - In Lydia Patton & Erik Curiel (eds.), Working Toward Solutions in Fluid Dynamics and Astrophysics: What the Equations Don’t Say. Springer Verlag. pp. 57-78.
    Arguments for the effectiveness, and even the indispensability, of mathematics in scientific explanation rely on the claim that mathematics is an effective or even a necessary component in successful scientific predictions and explanations. Well-known accounts of successful mathematical explanation in physical science appeals to scientists’ ability to solve equations directly in key domains. But there are spectacular physical theories, including general relativity and fluid dynamics, in which the equations of the theory cannot be solved directly in target domains, and yet (...)
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    Of Blickets, Butterflies, and Baby Dinosaurs: Children’s Diagnostic Reasoning Across Domains.Deena Skolnick Weisberg, Elysia Choi & David M. Sobel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:530564.
    The three studies presented here examine children’s ability to make diagnostic inferences about an interactive causal structure across different domains. Previous work has shown that children’s abilities to make diagnostic inferences about a physical system develops between the ages of 5 and 8. Experiments 1 ( N = 242) and 2 ( N = 112) replicate this work with 4- to 10-year-olds and demonstrate that this developmental trajectory is preserved when children reason about a closely matched biological system. Unlike Experiments (...)
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  44.  44
    The Butterfly Lovers: The Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai: Four Versions, with Related Texts. Edited and translated by Wilt L. Idema. Indianapolis and Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 2010. Pp. xxxvi+ 220. Hardcover $44.00. Paper $14.95. Chinese Religion: A Contextual Approach. By Xinzhong Yao and Yanxia Zhao. Lon. [REVIEW]By Wei Zhang Albany - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):405.
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    The aestheticization of history and the Butterfly Effect: visual arts series.Nancy Wellington Bookhart (ed.) - 2023 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    'The Aestheticization of History and the Butterfly Effect: Visual Arts Series' introduces the audience to philosophical concepts that broach the beginning of the history of Western thought in Plato and Aristotle to that of more modern thought in the theoretician Jacques Rancière in which the main conceptual framework of this anthology is predicated. The introduction is mainly concerned with Rancière's concept of the distribution of the sensible, which is the arrangement of things accessible to our senses, what we experience (...)
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    In the Sign of the Butterfly: Leadership in Metamorphosis.Gottlieb Guntern - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    Gottlieb Guntern uses the extinct dinosaur and the thriving butterfly as a metaphor for the basic leadership failures that typify present-day society. In the Sign of the Butterfly shows us how to learn from the butterfly and succeed in abandoning the dino-strategy of maximizing single variables.
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    Critical Incident Analysis and the Semiosphere: The Curious Case of the Spitting Butterfly.Bob Hodge & Ingrid Matthews - 2011 - Cultural Studies Review 17 (2).
    In January 2007, media outlets across Australia reported the local court decision _Police v Rose_. Mr Rose pleaded guilty and the presiding magistrate recorded no conviction. This event sparked a ‘butterfly effect’ that culminated in legislative amendments changing the make-up of the body responsible for oversight of judges in New South Wales. Key players failed to observe the doctrine of the separation of powers; while others called for its observation. None of this would have been foreseeable to Mr Rose (...)
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  48. Origin of butterfly wing patterns.H. F. Nijhout - 2000 - In Günter P. Wagner (ed.), The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology. Academic Press. pp. 511--529.
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  49. Ant, cricket or butterfly: A parable.George E. Quinter - 1928 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 9 (4):258.
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    Gravestones for Butterflies: Social Feeling Rules and Individual Experiences of Loss.Birgitt Röttger-Rössler - 2009 - In Birgitt Röttger-Rössler & Hans Jürgen Markowitsch (eds.), Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes. Springer. pp. 165--180.
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