Results for 'Macelo Fabri'

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  1.  18
    Modalidades psíquicas irredutíveis: Levinas E a negação originária.Macelo Fabri - 2010 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 22 (31):409.
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    Distributed autobiographical memories, distributed self‐narratives.Regina E. Fabry - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1258-1275.
    Richard Heersmink argues that self‐narratives are distributed across embodied organisms and their environment, given that their building blocks, autobiographical memories, are distributed. This argument faces two problems. First, it commits a fallacy of composition. Second, it relies on Marya Schechtman's narrative self‐constitution view, which is incompatible with the distributed cognition framework. To solve these problems, this article develops an alternative account of self‐narratives. On this account, we actively connect distributed autobiographical memories through distributed conversational and textual self‐narrative practices. This account (...)
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    (1 other version)Narrative scaffolding.Regina E. Fabry - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-21.
    Mental capacities, philosophers of mind and cognition have recently argued, are not exclusively realised in brain, but depend upon the rest of the body and the local environment. In this context, the concept of ‘scaffolding’ has been employed to specify the relationship between embodied organisms and their local environment. The core idea is that at least some cognitive and affective capacities are causally dependent upon environmental resources. However, in-depth examinations of specific examples of scaffolding as test cases for current theorising (...)
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    What is self-narrative?Regina E. Fabry - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In recent years, philosophers of mind have explored the relationship between lived embodied experiences and self-narratives in bringing about a sense of self. This relationship has been vividly debated, with no consensus in the field. While some have argued that lived embodied experiences influence, but are not influenced by, self-narratives, others have maintained that lived embodied experiences and self-narratives influence each other across time. However, the very concept of ‘self-narrative’ and its scope of application has remained underspecified. The debate, I (...)
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    Cognitive Innovation, Cumulative Cultural Evolution, and Enculturation.Regina E. Fabry - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (5):375-395.
    Cognitive innovation has shaped and transformed our cognitive capacities throughout history. Until recently, cognitive innovation has not received much attention by empirical and conceptual research in the cognitive sciences. This paper is a first attempt to help close this gap. It will be argued that cognitive innovation is best understood in connection with cumulative cultural evolution and enculturation. Cumulative cultural evolution plays a vital role for the inter-generational transmission of the products of cognitive innovation. Furthermore, there are at least two (...)
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  6.  45
    Limiting the explanatory scope of extended active inference: the implications of a causal pattern analysis of selective niche construction, developmental niche construction, and organism-niche coordination dynamics.Regina E. Fabry - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (1):1-26.
    Research in evolutionary biology and philosophy of biology and cognition strongly suggests that human organisms modify their environment through active processes of niche construction. Recently, proponents of the free-energy principle and variational active inference have argued that their approach can deepen our understanding of the reciprocal causal relationship between organisms and their niche on various scales. This paper examines the feasibility and scope of variational formalisations and conceptualisations of the organism-niche nexus with a particular focus on the extended active inference (...)
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  7.  24
    Self-Narration in the Oppressive Niche.Regina E. Fabry - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    For several decades, research on situated cognition and affectivity has neglected cases in which environmental features in the niche have a negative impact on agents’ cognitive and affective wellbeing. Recently, however, a new research cluster has emerged that explores how things, technologies, and organisational systems across corporate, healthcare, and educational sectors wrongfully harm certain kinds of agents. This article contributes to this research cluster by integrating work on negative niche construction, structural oppression, enculturation, and self-narration. It thereby offers a new (...)
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  8.  16
    Ethics of Information and Communication Technologies.Adriano Fabris - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses key ethical and deontological problems concerning the use of the most common information and communication devices. It focuses on the challenges of the new environments we now find ourselves in thanks to these technologies, and the issues arising from the newly established relationship between the virtual sphere and the real world. Each aspect is analysed by starting from a very specific example or a case study presenting a dilemma that can only be resolved by making a reasoned (...)
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  9.  76
    Into the dark room: a predictive processing account of major depressive disorder.Regina E. Fabry - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):685-704.
    Major depression is a prevalent mental disorder that leads to persistent negative mood and tremendous suffering in affected individuals. However, the biological realization of this disorder and associated symptom clusters remain poorly understood. Recently, phenomenological accounts of major depressive disorder and contributions to the emerging predictive processing account have provided valuable insights into the phenomenological and neuro-functional components that lead to manifestations of major depressive episodes. The purpose of this paper is to weave together these different strands of research to (...)
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  10.  85
    The Affective Scaffolding of Grief in the Digital Age: The Case of Deathbots.Regina E. Fabry & Mark Alfano - forthcoming - Topoi:1-13.
    Contemporary and emerging chatbots can be fine-tuned to imitate the style, tenor, and knowledge of a corpus, including the corpus of a particular individual. This makes it possible to build chatbots that imitate people who are no longer alive — deathbots. Such deathbots can be used in many ways, but one prominent way is to facilitate the process of grieving. In this paper, we present a framework that helps make sense of this process. In particular, we argue that deathbots can (...)
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  11.  63
    De l’appropriation à la propriété : John Locke et la fécondité d’un malentendu devenu classique.Eric Fabri - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):343-369.
    Eric Fabri | : Le cinquième chapitre du Second traité du gouvernement de John Locke a été l’objet de nombreuses mésinterprétations dont l’origine est à chercher dans la volonté des commentateurs d’y trouver une « théorie de la propriété », là où ne se trouvait qu’une « théorie de l’appropriation ». Après une présentation du texte et de ses interprétations, l’article étudie le contexte d’écriture des Deux traités du gouvernement et la place qu’y occupe le cinquième chapitre pour démontrer (...)
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    Romano Guardini e la pedagogia: l'educazione come compito e valore.Giuliana Fabris & Gino Alberto Faccioli (eds.) - 2013 - Padova: Il poligrafo.
  13.  33
    Tranquil prisons: chemical incarceration under community treatment orders.Erick Fabris - 2011 - Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press.
    Antipsychotic medications are sometimes imposed on psychiatric patients deemed dangerous to themselves and others. This is based on the assumption that treatment is safe and effective, and that recovery depends on biological adjustment. Under new laws, patients can be required to remain on these medications after leaving hospitals. However, survivors attest that forced treatment used as a restraint can feel like torture, while the consequences of withdrawal can also be severe.
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  14. Turing redux: enculturation and computation.Regina Fabry - 2018 - Cognitive Systems Research 52:793–808.
    Many of our cognitive capacities are shaped by enculturation. Enculturation is the acquisition of cognitive practices such as symbol-based mathematical practices, reading, and writing during ontogeny. Enculturation is associated with significant changes to the organization and connectivity of the brain and to the functional profiles of embodied actions and motor programs. Furthermore, it relies on scaffolded cultural learning in the cognitive niche. The purpose of this paper is to explore the components of symbol-based mathematical practices. Phylogenetically, these practices are the (...)
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    The cerebral, extra-cerebral bodily, and socio-cultural dimensions of enculturated arithmetical cognition.Regina E. Fabry - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3685-3720.
    Arithmetical cognition is the result of enculturation. On a personal level of analysis, enculturation is a process of structured cultural learning that leads to the acquisition of evolutionarily recent, socio-culturally shaped arithmetical practices. On a sub-personal level, enculturation is realized by learning driven plasticity and learning driven bodily adaptability, which leads to the emergence of new neural circuitry and bodily action patterns. While learning driven plasticity in the case of arithmetical practices is not consistent with modularist theories of mental architecture, (...)
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  16.  13
    A ética como dessacralização.Marcelo Fabri - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (2):295-302.
    O artigo apresenta à ética levinasiana como uma forma de dessacralização. O ponto de partida é a reação de Levinas a dois tipos de violência: a violência ativa do processo coqnoscitivo é à violência música proveniente da experiência Com o numinoso. Tenta-se demonstrar que a ética levinasiana é uma inteligibilidade que se mantém na fronteira destas duas formas de violência. Daí seu caráter dessacralizante.
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  17. P. GILBERT-N. SPACCAPELO (a cura di), Il Teologo e la Storia. Lonergan's Centenary (1904-2004).Annalisa Fabris - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (1):140.
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    Enculturation and narrative practices.Regina E. Fabry - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):911-937.
    Recent work on enculturation suggests that our cognitive capacities are significantly transformed in the course of the scaffolded acquisition of cognitive practices such as reading and writing. Phylogenetically, enculturation is the result of the co-evolution of human organisms and their socio-culturally structured cognitive niche. It is rendered possible by evolved cerebral and extra-cerebral bodily learning mechanisms that make human organisms apt to acquire culturally inherited cognitive practices. In addition, cultural learning allows for the intergenerational transmission of relevant knowledge and skills. (...)
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  19.  43
    Spontaneous Cognition and Epistemic Agency in the Cognitive Niche.Regina E. Fabry - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:351126.
    According to Thomas Metzinger, many human cognitive processes in the waking state are spontaneous and are deprived of the experience of epistemic agency. He considers mind wandering as a paradigm example of our recurring loss of epistemic agency. I will enrich this view by extending the scope of the concept of epistemic agency to include cases of depressive rumination and creative cognition, which are additional types of spontaneous cognition. Like mind wandering, they are characterized by unique phenomenal and functional properties (...)
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  20.  20
    Guest Editors' Introduction.Eric Fabri & Pierre Crétois - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (1):3-8.
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    RelAzione: una filosofia performativa.Adriano Fabris - 2016 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  22. Reconsidering the mind-wandering reader: predictive processing, probability designs, and enculturation.Regina Fabry & Karin Kukkonen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:1-14.
    Studies on mind-wandering frequently use reading as an experimental task. In these studies, reading is conceived as a cognitive process that potentially offers a contrast to mind-wandering, because it seems to be task-related, goal-directed and stimulus-dependent. More recent work attempts to avoid the dichotomy of successful cognitive processes and processes of mind-wandering found in earlier studies. We approach the issue from the perspective that texts provoke modes of cognitive involvement different from the information processing and recall account that underlies many (...)
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    Da indiscrição ao pudor: criemos nossos filhos na vergonha da razão.Marcelo Fabri - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (25):8-24.
    Segundo Levinas, o “homem ocidental” se caracteriza por uma indiscrição sem limites. Quer tudo experimentar e provar, colocando-se acima do bem e do mal. Evita a todo custo sucumbir aos perigos da própria aventura. Neste artigo perguntamos se a contenção dessa, por assim dizer, compulsão a dominar não seria a essência (eidos) de uma sabedoria em sentido levinasiano. Uma fenomenologia da vergonha talvez possa confirmar essa tese. Tal fenomenologia permite descrever o pudor como sensibilidade ética fundamental, urgente em nossos dias. (...)
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  24.  37
    Narrative gaslighting.Regina E. Fabry - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Self-narration, many philosophers assume, makes important contributions to our mental lives. Two views on self-narration can be distinguished. On the internalistic view, self-narration unfolds in the secluded mind and does not require overt communication. On the situated view, self-narration often depends on the conversational interaction with an interlocutor. The situated view has many advantages over its internalistic rival, including theoretical consistency and empirical plausibility. Yet, research on situated conversational self-narration has been shaped by a harmony bias, which consists in the (...)
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  25.  53
    Controversies in the Contemporary World.Adriano Fabris & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.) - 2019 - John Benjamins Publishing Company.
    Inspired by Marcelo Dascal's theory of controversies, this volume includes studies in the theory of controversies, studies of the history of controversy forms and their evolution, and case-studies of particular historical and current controversies. The purpose of this volume is to identify a taxonomy of controversies and also to sense a line of development for the phenomenon of controversies itself. At the same time, we want to ask ourselves about the impact and the spread of controversies in the contemporary world, (...)
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  26.  14
    Etica e ambiguità: una filosofia della coerenza.Adriano Fabris - 2020 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  27. Esperienza e mistica.Adriano Fabris - 1997 - In Elmar Salmann & Aniceto Molinaro (eds.), Filosofia e mistica: itinerari di un progetto di ricerca. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo.
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    Filosofia delle religioni: come orientarsi nell'epoca dell'indifferenza e dei fondamentalismi.Adriano Fabris - 2012 - Roma: Carocci.
    Com'è possibile pensare oggi l'esperienza religiosa? Come la si è concepita nel passato? E soprattutto quale utilità può avere questa riflessione per evitare le conseguenze, spesso difficili da gestire, sia degli atteggiamenti fondamentalistici, sia dell'indifferenza verso un possibile interesse religioso? La filosofia delle religioni risponde a tali domande in maniera rigorosa e non ideologicamente prevenuta: come accade in questo libro. Dopo una presentazione dell'attuale, complessa situazione, vengono qui esaminati i modi in cui il pensiero filosofico, nel corso della sua storia, (...)
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    Hiperrealismo ou a estratégia do olhar.Anatereza Fabris - 1975 - Discurso 5 (6):25-34.
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    L’agire del pensiero, il sapere dell’etica, il potere della filosofia.Adriano Fabris - forthcoming - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Philosophie.
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    Levinas E a busca do autêntico.Marcelo Fabri - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (2):185-194.
    O artigo tem como objetivo interpretaro conceito de subjetividade em EmmanuelLevinas a partir da hipótese de que há umarelação passive! entre à chamada busca deautenticidade e a experiência humana com osagrado ou o "absolutamente outro".
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    Metafisica e antisemitismo: i Quaderni neri di Heidegger tra filosofia e politica.Adriano Fabris (ed.) - 2014 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  33. Metafisica e coinvolyimento.Adriano Fabris - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2):307-314.
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  34. Ritorno a Croce: a trent'anni dalla morte: atti del Convegno di studio "Benedetto Croce," Bari, 30 nov.-10 dic., 1982.Matteo Fabris (ed.) - 1984 - Manduria: Lacaita.
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    Rosenzweig : la transformation de l’idée de « néant » et la polémique contre le nihilisme idéaliste.Adriano Fabris - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 129 (2):255-264.
    La critique que fait Rosenzweig de la philosophie occidentale est bien connue. Un aspect moins étudié est le rôle de la notion de « rien » dans cette critique. En effet, Rosenzweig entreprend une forme de « resignification » du terme « rien », en tenant compte, surtout, de la façon dont ce terme est utilisé par Hegel et Cohen. La thèse de mon essai est que c’est précisément grâce à cette resignification que Rosenzweig indique une solution aux difficultés de (...)
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    The Uneven and Combined Development of Global Capitalism: Debating How the West Came to Rule.Adam Fabry - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (3):39-51.
    This article is an introduction to the Symposium on Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nişancıoğlu’sHow the West Came to Rule. It summarises the main arguments of the book, as well as the critiques levied by the contributors to the Symposium.
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    Universalità e Globalizzazione.Adriano Fabris - 2016 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 37 (114):33.
    El artículo discutirá algunas consecuencias del proceso contemporáneo de globalización partiendo de una discusión filosófica de la relación entre la “universalidad” y “singularidad”. En el trabajo se expondrán y criticarán algunas ideas de “universalidad” desarrolladas en la historia de la filosofía entre Platón y Kant. Una nueva idea de “universalidad” como “universabilidad” se desarrollará desde el punto de vista ético y la práctica del lenguaje y de la comunicación se identificará como un marco concreto para la gestión de los problemas (...)
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  38. Which Ethics for Robotics?/Quale Etica per la Robotica?A. Fabris, S. Bartolommei & E. Datteri - 2007 - Teoria 3 (2):7-17.
  39. Aporie dell'etica della comunicazione.Adriano Fabris - 2004 - Giornale di Metafisica 26 (2):249-270.
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  40.  90
    Betwixt and between: the enculturated predictive processing approach to cognition.Regina E. Fabry - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6):2483-2518.
    Many of our cognitive capacities are the result of enculturation. Enculturation is the temporally extended transformative acquisition of cognitive practices in the cognitive niche. Cognitive practices are embodied and normatively constrained ways to interact with epistemic resources in the cognitive niche in order to complete a cognitive task. The emerging predictive processing perspective offers new functional principles and conceptual tools to account for the cerebral and extra-cerebral bodily components that give rise to cognitive practices. According to this emerging perspective, many (...)
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  41.  32
    Cross-Perspectives on the Construction of Scientific Facts: Latour and Woolgar as Readers of Bachelard.Lucie Fabry - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (1):52-77.
    Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar made use of Gaston Bachelard’s concept of phenomenotechnique in Laboratory Life. Stating that this use of a Bachelardian concept contrasts with the sharp criticism Latour made of Bachelard in his later work, I consider whether it belongs to an early Bachelardian stage of Latour’s study of science or whether Latour and Woolgar made, from the beginning, an original and anti-Bachelardian use of the concept of phenomenotechnique. I address this question by offering two symmetrical readings of (...)
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  42.  11
    La structure de l'histoire: déterminisme historique et liberté individuelle.Philippe Fabry - 2018 - [Paris]: Jean-Cyrille Godefroy. Edited by Jean-Louis Harouel.
    Quelle est la part exacte, dans l'Histoire, du déterminisme? Comment ce déterminisme historique, s'il existe, s'articule-t-il avec le libre arbitre, exercé de manière individuelle ou collective? La démarche de Philippe Fabry vise à y répondre par une pratique ample, raisonnée et novatrice du comparatisme historique. Décelant une trajectoire commune, s'étalant sur sept siècles, dans l'histoire de tous les grands pays d'Europe Angleterre, France, Allemagne, Espagne, Russie, Danemark, Suède mais aussi certains pays du Moyen-Orient Turquie, Iran, Égypte et des cités-États de (...)
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  43. Edmund Husserl. L'etica sociale(Studi di filosofia contemporanea).Adriano Fabris - 1991 - Husserl Studies 8 (3):233-235.
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  44. FelicitË-dolore-sofferenza nel pensiero di Maine de Biran.Matteo Fabris - 1998 - Giornale di Metafisica 20 (3):295-334.
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    G. Gargani con C. Panella, "In nome dei pubblici ministeri".Marco Fabri - 1999 - Polis 13 (3):500-503.
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    Heidegger.Adriano Fabris - 2009 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Antonio Cimino.
  47.  19
    Levinas: Mito-logos E a possibilidade de um sentido ético.Marcelo Fabri - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (2):285-296.
    O artigo aborda a crítica de Levinas aopredomínio do Logos no pensamento ocidental einvestiga de que maneira a resistência ética àTotalidade só pode ser entendida se considerarmosigualmente a sua critica à noção de participaçãomistica, no sentido de Levy-Brühl. A tesede fundo e que a visão negativa do discursoontológico ocidental e, no fundo, uma critica asrelações entre este discurso e a esfera do Mito, eesta crítica que possibilita um Logos irredutívelao primado da ontologia e da Totalidade. Estapossibilidade se descreve por uma (...)
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    Phenomenotechnique: Bachelard's critical inheritance of conventionalism.Lucie Fabry - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 75:34-42.
  49. A fresh look at research strategies in computational cognitive science: The case of enculturated mathematical problem solving.Regina E. Fabry & Markus Pantsar - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3221-3263.
    Marr’s seminal distinction between computational, algorithmic, and implementational levels of analysis has inspired research in cognitive science for more than 30 years. According to a widely-used paradigm, the modelling of cognitive processes should mainly operate on the computational level and be targeted at the idealised competence, rather than the actual performance of cognisers in a specific domain. In this paper, we explore how this paradigm can be adopted and revised to understand mathematical problem solving. The computational-level approach applies methods from (...)
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  50.  22
    El problema del sentido en Nietzsche y Heidegger.Adriano Fabris - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):e4.
    El presente artículo tratará un aspecto de la confrontación de Heidegger con Nietzsche. En particular, se analizarán unos cursos de Heidegger de los finales de 1930 y la conferencia del semestre de primavera de 1937, junto con uno de los manuscritos inéditos de Heidegger: los Aportes a la filosofía. El argumento que desarrollaré es que la confrontación con Nietzsche obliga a Heidegger a repensar el problema del sentido, y sobre todo el problema del sentido del ser, que es el tema (...)
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