Results for 'Giuliana Fabris'

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  1.  6
    Romano Guardini e la pedagogia: l'educazione come compito e valore.Giuliana Fabris & Gino Alberto Faccioli (eds.) - 2013 - Padova: Il poligrafo.
  2.  37
    Strategies in study time allocation: Why is study time sometimes not effective?Giuliana Mazzoni & Cesare Cornoldi - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (1):47.
  3.  69
    Transcending the evidentiary boundary: Prediction error minimization, embodied interaction, and explanatory pluralism.Regina E. Fabry - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (4):395-414.
    In a recent paper, Jakob Hohwy argues that the emerging predictive processing perspective on cognition requires us to explain cognitive functioning in purely internalistic and neurocentric terms. The purpose of the present paper is to challenge the view that PP entails a wholesale rejection of positions that are interested in the embodied, embedded, extended, or enactive dimensions of cognitive processes. I will argue that Hohwy’s argument from analogy, which forces an evidentiary boundary into the picture, lacks the argumentative resources to (...)
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    Limiting the explanatory scope of extended active inference: the implications of a causal pattern analysis of selective niche construction, developmental niche construction, and organism-niche coordination dynamics.Regina E. Fabry - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (1):1-26.
    Research in evolutionary biology and philosophy of biology and cognition strongly suggests that human organisms modify their environment through active processes of niche construction. Recently, proponents of the free-energy principle and variational active inference have argued that their approach can deepen our understanding of the reciprocal causal relationship between organisms and their niche on various scales. This paper examines the feasibility and scope of variational formalisations and conceptualisations of the organism-niche nexus with a particular focus on the extended active inference (...)
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    Betwixt and between: the enculturated predictive processing approach to cognition.Regina E. Fabry - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6):2483-2518.
    Many of our cognitive capacities are the result of enculturation. Enculturation is the temporally extended transformative acquisition of cognitive practices in the cognitive niche. Cognitive practices are embodied and normatively constrained ways to interact with epistemic resources in the cognitive niche in order to complete a cognitive task. The emerging predictive processing perspective offers new functional principles and conceptual tools to account for the cerebral and extra-cerebral bodily components that give rise to cognitive practices. According to this emerging perspective, many (...)
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    The Affective Scaffolding of Grief in the Digital Age: The Case of Deathbots.Regina E. Fabry & Mark Alfano - forthcoming - Topoi:1-13.
    Contemporary and emerging chatbots can be fine-tuned to imitate the style, tenor, and knowledge of a corpus, including the corpus of a particular individual. This makes it possible to build chatbots that imitate people who are no longer alive — deathbots. Such deathbots can be used in many ways, but one prominent way is to facilitate the process of grieving. In this paper, we present a framework that helps make sense of this process. In particular, we argue that deathbots can (...)
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  7.  69
    (1 other version)Narrative scaffolding.Regina E. Fabry - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-21.
    Mental capacities, philosophers of mind and cognition have recently argued, are not exclusively realised in brain, but depend upon the rest of the body and the local environment. In this context, the concept of ‘scaffolding’ has been employed to specify the relationship between embodied organisms and their local environment. The core idea is that at least some cognitive and affective capacities are causally dependent upon environmental resources. However, in-depth examinations of specific examples of scaffolding as test cases for current theorising (...)
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  8.  53
    Distributed autobiographical memories, distributed self‐narratives.Regina E. Fabry - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1258-1275.
    Richard Heersmink argues that self‐narratives are distributed across embodied organisms and their environment, given that their building blocks, autobiographical memories, are distributed. This argument faces two problems. First, it commits a fallacy of composition. Second, it relies on Marya Schechtman's narrative self‐constitution view, which is incompatible with the distributed cognition framework. To solve these problems, this article develops an alternative account of self‐narratives. On this account, we actively connect distributed autobiographical memories through distributed conversational and textual self‐narrative practices. This account (...)
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  9.  17
    Sobre como descobri Levinas - 'nsia de uma orientação filosófica da vida.Marcelo Fabri - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (25):291-303.
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  10.  48
    Suggested visual hallucinations in and out of hypnosis.Giuliana Mazzoni, Elisabetta Rotriquenz, Claudia Carvalho, Manila Vannucci, Kathrine Roberts & Irving Kirsch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):494-499.
    We administered suggestions to see a gray-scale pattern as colored and a colored pattern in shades of gray to 30 high suggestible and eight low suggestible students. The suggestions were administered twice, once following the induction of hypnosis and once without an induction. Besides rating the degree of color they saw in the stimuli differently, participants also rated their states of consciousness as normal, relaxed, hypnotized, or deeply hypnotized. Reports of being hypnotized were limited to highly suggestible participants and only (...)
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  11. Un archivo de imágenes emotivas.Giuliana Bruno - 2019 - In Irene Depetris Chauvin & Natalia Taccetta, Afectos, historia y cultura visual: una aproximación indisciplinada. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    Come nasce un'opera: viaggio nella mente creatrice.Giuliana Adamo & Cosimo Colazzo (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  13. El arte del diálogo en el pensamiento de Martin Heidegger.Adriano Fabris - 2008 - In Félix Duque, Heidegger: sendas que vienen. Madrid: Círculo de Bellas Artes. pp. 229--254.
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  14.  35
    The Uneven and Combined Development of Global Capitalism: Debating How the West Came to Rule.Adam Fabry - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (3):39-51.
    This article is an introduction to the Symposium on Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nişancıoğlu’sHow the West Came to Rule. It summarises the main arguments of the book, as well as the critiques levied by the contributors to the Symposium.
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    Vincenzo di Blasi, autor contestatario y filógino en la Querella de las Mujeres en Italia, y su respuesta a las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles.Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:77-82.
    El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en la labor contestataria y filógina del escritor siciliano Vincenzo di Blasi en relación con las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles expuestas en sus obras _La reproducción de los animales _y _Política, _ambas escritas en el siglo IV a.C_._ El artículo se abre con una introducción sobre los estudios que se han emprendido sobre las definiciones aristotélicas de la mujer para definir un marco teórico de partida. Posteriormente, se exponen de manera contrastada las teorías (...)
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    Sémiotique du visage futur.Gianmarco Thierry Giuliana & Massimo Leone (eds.) - 2023 - Roma: Aracne.
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  17. Adolf Reinach, La visione delle idee, a cura di S. Besoli e A. Salice, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2008.Giuliana Mancuso - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):869-873.
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    Il simbolo della storia: studi su Eric Voegelin.Giuliana Parotto - 2004 - Padova: Casa editrice Dott. Antonio Milani.
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    The political challenges of the posthumous life.Giuliana Parotto - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):211-218.
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    Improving Conceptual Knowledge of the Italian Writing System in Kindergarten: A Cluster Randomized Trial.Giuliana Pinto, Lucia Bigozzi, Christian Tarchi & Monica Camilloni - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  21. Salute e felicità attraverso la filosofia e medicina yoga.Giuliana Scevola - 1971 - Milano,: G. De Vecchi.
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  22. I Beni archeologici: un equilibrio tra competenze scientifiche e saperi umanistici (Archaeological heritage: a balance between scientific skills and humanistic knowledge).Giuliana Soppelsa - 2024 - Science and Philosophy 12 (2).
    Sunto Il presente lavoro intende mettere in risalto i rapporti matematici nella realizzazione del Tempio di Hera nel santuario meridionale della città magnogreca di Posidonia-Paestum. Progettato intorno alla metà del V sec. a. C. e portato a termine nell’ultimo decennio del secolo, il primo tempio dedicato a Hera, più noto come Basilica, fu eretto in stile dorico in base ad un ordine planimetrico basato sul rapporto 1:2, evidente già nella peristasi (con numero di colonne pari a 9x18 sullo stilobate). Il (...)
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  23. A fresh look at research strategies in computational cognitive science: The case of enculturated mathematical problem solving.Regina E. Fabry & Markus Pantsar - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3221-3263.
    Marr’s seminal distinction between computational, algorithmic, and implementational levels of analysis has inspired research in cognitive science for more than 30 years. According to a widely-used paradigm, the modelling of cognitive processes should mainly operate on the computational level and be targeted at the idealised competence, rather than the actual performance of cognisers in a specific domain. In this paper, we explore how this paradigm can be adopted and revised to understand mathematical problem solving. The computational-level approach applies methods from (...)
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  24.  71
    Enculturation and narrative practices.Regina E. Fabry - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):911-937.
    Recent work on enculturation suggests that our cognitive capacities are significantly transformed in the course of the scaffolded acquisition of cognitive practices such as reading and writing. Phylogenetically, enculturation is the result of the co-evolution of human organisms and their socio-culturally structured cognitive niche. It is rendered possible by evolved cerebral and extra-cerebral bodily learning mechanisms that make human organisms apt to acquire culturally inherited cognitive practices. In addition, cultural learning allows for the intergenerational transmission of relevant knowledge and skills. (...)
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  25.  79
    What is self-narrative?Regina E. Fabry - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In recent years, philosophers of mind have explored the relationship between lived embodied experiences and self-narratives in bringing about a sense of self. This relationship has been vividly debated, with no consensus in the field. While some have argued that lived embodied experiences influence, but are not influenced by, self-narratives, others have maintained that lived embodied experiences and self-narratives influence each other across time. However, the very concept of ‘self-narrative’ and its scope of application has remained underspecified. The debate, I (...)
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  26.  76
    The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy (review).Giuliana Carugati - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (3):474-475.
    Giuliana Carugati - The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.3 474-475 Christian Moevs. The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy. American Academy of Religion, Reflection and Theory in the Study of Religion Series. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xii + 308. Cloth, $49.95 Having for a long time insisted on a newly "mystical," as well as a radically contemporary, reading of Dante's Commedia, this reviewer cannot but (...)
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  27.  15
    Surface: matters of aesthetics, materiality, and media.Giuliana Bruno - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    What is the place of materiality—the expression or condition of physical substance—in our visual age of rapidly changing materials and media? How is it fashioned in the arts or manifested in virtual forms? In Surface, cultural critic and theorist Giuliana Bruno deftly explores these questions, seeking to understand materiality in the contemporary world. Arguing that materiality is not a question of the materials themselves but rather the substance of material relations, Bruno investigates the space of those relations, examining how (...)
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  28.  57
    Cognitive Innovation, Cumulative Cultural Evolution, and Enculturation.Regina E. Fabry - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (5):375-395.
    Cognitive innovation has shaped and transformed our cognitive capacities throughout history. Until recently, cognitive innovation has not received much attention by empirical and conceptual research in the cognitive sciences. This paper is a first attempt to help close this gap. It will be argued that cognitive innovation is best understood in connection with cumulative cultural evolution and enculturation. Cumulative cultural evolution plays a vital role for the inter-generational transmission of the products of cognitive innovation. Furthermore, there are at least two (...)
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  29.  77
    Into the dark room: a predictive processing account of major depressive disorder.Regina E. Fabry - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):685-704.
    Major depression is a prevalent mental disorder that leads to persistent negative mood and tremendous suffering in affected individuals. However, the biological realization of this disorder and associated symptom clusters remain poorly understood. Recently, phenomenological accounts of major depressive disorder and contributions to the emerging predictive processing account have provided valuable insights into the phenomenological and neuro-functional components that lead to manifestations of major depressive episodes. The purpose of this paper is to weave together these different strands of research to (...)
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    Cross-Perspectives on the Construction of Scientific Facts: Latour and Woolgar as Readers of Bachelard.Lucie Fabry - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (1):52-77.
    Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar made use of Gaston Bachelard’s concept of phenomenotechnique in Laboratory Life. Stating that this use of a Bachelardian concept contrasts with the sharp criticism Latour made of Bachelard in his later work, I consider whether it belongs to an early Bachelardian stage of Latour’s study of science or whether Latour and Woolgar made, from the beginning, an original and anti-Bachelardian use of the concept of phenomenotechnique. I address this question by offering two symmetrical readings of (...)
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  31.  17
    Ethics of Information and Communication Technologies.Adriano Fabris - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses key ethical and deontological problems concerning the use of the most common information and communication devices. It focuses on the challenges of the new environments we now find ourselves in thanks to these technologies, and the issues arising from the newly established relationship between the virtual sphere and the real world. Each aspect is analysed by starting from a very specific example or a case study presenting a dilemma that can only be resolved by making a reasoned (...)
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  32.  42
    What is the relationship between grief and narrative?Regina E. Fabry - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (3):343-349.
    In a recent article, Ratcliffe and Byrne (2022) propose a multifactorial phenomenological account of the influence of narrative on grief. Specifically, they argue that certain kinds of narrative can help navigate and negotiate the phenomenological disturbance of practical identity associated with bereavement. In this critical note, I identify and discuss two problems of their account. First, Ratcliffe and Byrne’s (2022) considerations rest on conceptually ambiguous distinctions between different narrative categories (the conceptual ambiguity problem). Second, their account appears to neglect the (...)
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  33.  21
    Guest Editors' Introduction.Eric Fabri & Pierre Crétois - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (1):3-8.
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    Intercultural Communication: Critical Approaches and Future Challenges.Giuliana Ferri - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Drawing on interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, this book critically examines intercultural theory and its interrelations with globalisation, education and dialogue in multicultural societies. Applying the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas, the author repositions intercultural communication within a new paradigm that challenges static interpretations of self and other, and suggests future directions for the development of a post-methodological framework based on the decentring of the researcher. This innovative work will provide researchers and language teachers with the critical tools needed to challenge instrumentalist approaches (...)
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    Developing clinical ethics support for an Australian Health Service: A survey of clinician’s experiences and views.Giuliana Fuscaldo, Melissa Cadwell, Kristin Wallis, Lisa Fry & Margaret Rogers - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (1):44-54.
    Background: International developments suggest that providing clinical ethics services to help clinicians negotiate ethical issues that arise in clinical practice is beneficial and reflects best practice in promoting high ethical standards and patient-centered care. The aim of this study was to explore the needs and experiences of clinical staff members to inform the development of future clinical ethics support. Methods: Health professionals at a large regional health service completed an online survey containing questions about the frequency of ethical and legal (...)
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    Scienza intuitiva.Giuliana Conforto - 1994 - Roma: Noesis.
  37. Pathos in petrarch historical writing, notably the lives of scipio and caesar in'de viris illustribus'.Giuliana Crevatin - 1995 - Rinascimento 35:155-171.
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  38.  24
    Ethics of Eating and Drinking: Food and Relations.Adriano Fabris - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book presents and discusses some of the problems that are increasingly emerging today in our relationship with food as well as in our style of eating and drinking. The first three chapters focuses on issues concerning eating, and on our relationship with what we can eat. The fourth chapter deals with the act of drinking, with our relationship with water, and discusses justice aspects in the use of water. The main idea is that the acts of eating and drinking (...)
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    Aldo Capitini filosofo dell'azione e della libertà.Giuliana Mannu - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Esperienza e giudizio: Questioni di metafisica contemporanea.Giuliana Mancuso & Davide Roberto - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
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    Animals show monitoring, but does monitoring imply awareness?Giuliana Mazzoni - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):349-350.
    The very clever studies reviewed by Smith et al. convincingly demonstrate metacognitive skills in animals. However, interpreting the findings on metacognitive monitoring as showing conscious cognitive processes in animals is not warranted, because some metacognitive monitoring observed in humans appear to be automatic rather than controlled.
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    Apontamentos sobre a representação de Afrodite em Baquílides.Giuliana Ragusa - 2011 - Synthesis (la Plata) 18:75-95.
    Este artículo se dedica al estudio de Afrodita en los poemas del poeta mélico tardo-arcaico Baquílides, específicamente en el Fr.20 B, el Ditirambo 17 y en el Epinicio 5. Se toma como base la representación de la diosa en la mélica griega arcaica, con excepción de Píndaro, a fin de observar semejanzas y diferencias en su diseño en el poeta de Ceos y en el modo en que el erotismo figura en el pequeño corpus considerado, principalmente en el tercer texto (...)
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    A proposito della traduzione recente di un’opera di Otto Brunner.Giuliana Nobili Schiera - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (52).
    Taking the cue from the translation of Land und Herrschaft by Otto Brunner, the essay explores how his work challenges the historian as well as the translator. Using ideologized concepts as Staat, Land, Herrschaft, Friede, Recht, Brunner gives to these expressions a specific value from the temporal point of view. After the transformation of the social and political concepts between the XVIII and XIX centuries, which made many concepts so temporally determined that they are of little use, Brunner redefines them (...)
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    Communauté intellectuelle et stratégies institutionnelles; Henri Berr et la fondation du Centre International de synthèse.Giuliana Gemelli - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (2):225-259.
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  45. Genetic ties: Are they morally binding?Giuliana Fuscaldo - 2006 - Bioethics 20 (2):64–76.
    ABSTRACT Does genetic relatedness define who is a mother or father and who incurs obligations towards or entitlements over children? While once the answer to this question may have been obvious, advances in reproductive technologies have complicated our understanding of what makes a parent. In a recent publication Bayne and Kolers argue for a pluralistic account of parenthood on the basis that genetic derivation, gestation, extended custody and sometimes intention to parent are sufficient (but not necessary) grounds for parenthood.1 Bayne (...)
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    Changing beliefs about implausible autobiographical events: a little plausibility goes a long way.Giuliana A. L. Mazzoni, Elizabeth F. Loftus & Irving Kirsch - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 7 (1):51.
  47.  13
    Der junge Scheler und der Neukantianismus.Giuliana Mancuso - 2008 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2008:127-145.
    This paper discusses Max Scheler’s early works, written between 1899 and 1906 in a neo-Kantian context. The very little attention the literature paid to them was almost always guided by the only aim to single the themes out which can be used as signs of Scheler’s future „conversion“ to phenomenology. In consequence of this predominant approach, the neo- Kantianism that characterizes Scheler’s early works has been treated as a vague notion and never examined as such. The paper specifies this notion (...)
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  48. Popular psychology, history and idea in Lazarus and steinthal.Giuliana Cavallo - 1986 - Filosofia 37 (3):205-221.
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    Giordano Bruno e la scienza odierna.Giuliana Conforto - 1995 - Roma: Noesis.
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  50. Filosofia e fatticità: Hegel-Schelling-Rosenzweig-Heidegger.Adriano Fabris - 2003 - Giornale di Metafisica 25 (1):29-46.
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