Results for 'M. Zdanevičius'

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  1.  25
    Дослідження шуму і споживання топлива для стійкого розвитку транспорту.M. Zdanevičius & E. Jotautienė - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75 (75):216-223.
    The relevance of the research is the intensity of noise emitted by lorries depends on the regime of the vehicle movement. One of the main negative factors caused by road vehicles is air pollution with exhaust gases. The article presents results for noise caused by lorries and gas usage while the vehicle is accelerating. The subject of the study is 4 lorries, and they also feature fuel recording systems which are less than 5 years old. Research methodology. The level of (...)
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    Intricate Ethics: Rights, Responsibilities, and Permissible Harm.F. M. Kamm - 2006 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    In Intricate Ethics, Kamm questions the moral importance of some non-consequentialist distinctions and then introduces and argues for the moral importance of other distinctions. The first section discusses nonconsequentialist ethical theory and the trolley problem; the second deals with the notions of moral status and rights; the third takes up the issues of responsibility and complicity and the possible moral significance of distance; and the fourth section analyzes the views of others in the non-consequentialist and consequentialist camps.
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    The theory of relativity.Christian Møller - 1972 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  4. Invariance, Interpretation, and Motivation.Thomas Møller-Nielsen - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1253-1264.
    In this article I assess the Invariance Principle, which states that only quantities that are invariant under the symmetries of our theories are physically real. I argue, contrary to current orthodoxy, that the variance of a quantity under a theory’s symmetries is not a sufficient basis for interpreting that theory as being uncommitted to the reality of that quantity. Rather, I argue, the variance of a quantity under symmetries only ever serves as a motivation to refrain from any commitment to (...)
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    Morality, Mortality: Death and Whom to Save From It [Ebook].F. M. Kamm - 1993 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Why is death bad for us, even on the assumption that it involves the absence of experience? Is it worse for us than prenatal nonexistence? In this first volume of the two-volume Morality, Mortality, Kamm begins by considering these questions, critically examining some answers other philosophers have given. The book examines specifically what differences between persons are relevant to the distribution of any scarce resource, discussing for example, the distribution of bodily organs for transplantation.
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    Kant's Tribunal of Reason: Legal Metaphor and Normativity in the Critique of Pure Reason.Sofie Møller - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, his main work of theoretical philosophy, frequently uses metaphors from law. In this first book-length study in English of Kant's legal metaphors and their role in the first Critique, Sofie Møller shows that they are central to Kant's account of reason. Through an analysis of the legal metaphors in their entirety, she demonstrates that Kant conceives of reason as having a structure mirroring that of a legal system in a natural right framework. Her study shows (...)
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  7.  89
    Powers: A Study in Metaphysics.M. Fara - 2005 - Mind 114 (454):435-438.
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    Default Semantics: Foundations of a Compositional Theory of Acts of Communication.K. M. Jaszczolt - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In this pioneering book Kasia Jaszczolt lays down the foundations of an original theory of meaning in discourse, reveals the cognitive foundations of discourse interpretation, and puts forward a new basis for the analysis of discourse processing. She provides a step-by-step introduction to the theory and its application, and explains new terms and formalisms as required. Dr Jaszczolt unites the precision of truth-conditional, dynamic approaches with insights from neo-Gricean pragmatics into the role of speaker's intentions in communication. She shows that (...)
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  9. Transhumanism, medical technology and slippery slopes.M. J. McNamee - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):513-518.
    In this article, transhumanism is considered to be a quasi-medical ideology that seeks to promote a variety of therapeutic and human-enhancing aims. Moderate conceptions are distinguished from strong conceptions of transhumanism and the strong conceptions were found to be more problematic than the moderate ones. A particular critique of Boström’s defence of transhumanism is presented. Various forms of slippery slope arguments that may be used for and against transhumanism are discussed and one particular criticism, moral arbitrariness, that undermines both weak (...)
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    An Introduction to Daoist Thought: Action, Language, and Ethics in Zhuangzi.Eske Møllgaard - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    This is the first work available in English which addresses Zhuangzi’s thought as a whole. It presents an interpretation of the Zhuangzi, a book in thirty-three chapters that is the most important collection of Daoist texts in early China. The author introduces a complex reading that shows the unity of Zhuangzi’s thought, in particular in his views of action, language, and ethics. By addressing methodological questions that arise in reading Zhuangzi, a hermeneutics is developed which makes understanding Zhuangzi’s religious thought (...)
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  11. Causation in epidemiology.M. Parascandola & D. L. Weed - 2001 - Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 55:905--912.
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    Is Confucian Discourse Philosophy?Eske J. Møllgaard - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (4):1029-1045.
    Recently some philosophers have claimed that it is a scandal that non-Western traditions are excluded from the curriculum in Western philosophy departments. I consider the case of Confucianism and argue that the central features of Confucian discourse are different from those of philosophical discourse, that the historical conditions that gave rise to Confucian discourse sets it apart from the formation of Western philosophy, and that Western philosophers often misread Confucian discourse because they assimilate it to philosophical discourse. I conclude that (...)
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  13.  54
    How moral neuroenhancement impacts autonomy and agency.Sofie Møller - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (7):794-801.
    This paper challenges the role individual autonomy has played in debates on moral neuroenhancement (MN). It shows how John Hyman’s analysis of agency as consisting of functionally integrated dimensions allows us to reassess the impact of MN on practical agency. I discuss how MN affects what Hyman terms the four dimensions of agency: psychological, ethical, intellectual, and physical. Once we separate the different dimensions of agency, it becomes clear that many authors in the debate conflate the different dimensions in the (...)
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  14. Edgington on Compounds of Conditionals.M. Kolbel - 2000 - Mind 109 (433):97 - 108.
  15.  77
    Paying research subjects: participants' perspectives.M. L. Russell - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):126-130.
    Objective—To explore the opinions of unpaid healthy volunteers on the payment of research subjects.Design—Prospective cohort.Setting—Southern Alberta, Canada.Participants—Medically eligible persons responding to recruiting advertisements for a randomised vaccine trial were invited to take part in a study of informed consent at the point at which they formally consented or refused trial participation. Of 72 invited, 67 returned questionnaires at baseline and 54 at follow-up.Outcome measures—Proportions of persons who agreed or disagreed with three close-ended statements on the payment of research subjects; themes (...)
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    Morality, Mortality: Volume 2.F. M. Kamm - 1996 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Kamm applies her non-consequentialist theory to practical ethical problems involving life and death, including the distinction between killing and letting die, and the permissibility of harming some to save others.
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  17. An international survey of medical ethics curricula in Asia.M. Miyasaka, A. Akabayashi, I. Kai & G. Ohi - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):514-521.
    SETTING: Medical ethics education has become common, and the integrated ethics curriculum has been recommended in Western countries. It should be questioned whether there is one, universal method of teaching ethics applicable worldwide to medical schools, especially those in non-Western developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To characterise the medical ethics curricula at Asian medical schools. DESIGN: Mailed survey of 206 medical schools in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand. PARTICIPANTS: A total (...)
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  18.  35
    Honeste Vive and Legal Personality in Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals.Sofie Møller - 2022 - In Christoph Horn & Robinson dos Santos, Kant’s Theory of Value. De Gruyter. pp. 181-196.
    Kant understands human dignity (Würde) as the dignity of a person. His definitions imply that if a human being has dignity, then she is a person and vice versa. Yet he also defines personality in juridical terms: a person is someone to whom actions can be imputed. Since any obligation presupposes imputability, personality is a condition of both ethical and juridical lawgiving. I maintain that asserting oneself as a person in relation to others implies taking legal responsibility for one’s free (...)
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    Arguments at cross-purposes: moral epistemology and medical ethics.M. Loughlin - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (1):28-32.
    Different beliefs about the nature and justification of bioethics may reflect different assumptions in moral epistemology. Two alternative views (put forward by David Seedhouse and Michael H Kottow) are analysed and some speculative conclusions formed. The foundational questions raised here are by no means settled and deserve further attention.
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  20. Manas (Mind) Structure: Exposing the Mysterious Functional Anatomy in the Indian System of Medical Philosophy.M. K. S. Chauhan - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-6. Translated by MKS Chauhan.
    The mind is not structured anatomically, as emphasized by modern pathology. Instead, it is expanded as a whole in a subtle form behind the physical body. In the Indian system of medical philosophy, the mind is considered as the astral nerves made third body, which identified as the ‘Manomaya-sharira’ (subconscious mind). The mind is composed of millions of astralnadis, through which Pranic-energies circulate freely into the astral anatomy of mind. Seven-chakras are found parallel to the spine, serving as the major (...)
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  21.  56
    Book Review:Studies in the Teaching of History. M. W. Keatinge. [REVIEW]M. Lightfoot Eastwood - 1911 - International Journal of Ethics 21 (2):239-.
  22.  57
    Political Confucianism and the Politics of Confucian Studies.Eske J. Møllgaard - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (3):391-402.
    Through the 1980s Confucian studies in the United States tended to present Confucianism as compatible with liberal democratic values. Since the 1990s, after the rise of China as a global power, Confucianism is increasingly defended as a political alternative to liberal and democratic values. This essay argues that Confucianism is not compatible with liberal democratic values, and that the rise of political Confucianism opposed to liberal democracy is a return to a more authentic Confucianism. Furthermore, it is argued that the (...)
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  23.  31
    The fibrational formulation of intuitionistic predicate logic ${\rm I}$: completeness according to Gödel, Kripke, and Läuchli. I.M. Makkai - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (3):334-377.
  24.  47
    On Reconstructions of Confucius as a Philosopher.Eske Møllgaard - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (4):661-666.
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  25.  45
    The Uneasy Relation between Chinese and Western Philosophy.Eske Møllgaard - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):377-387.
    The article considers the relation between Chinese philosophy as an academic discipline and Western philosophy. In the academy there are three ways Chinese philosophy can relate to Western philosophy: Chinese philosophy may see itself as the other of Western philosophy, Chinese philosophy may seek recognition from Western philosophy, and Chinese philosophy may refuse to see Western philosophy as the measure for what is philosophy. I consider scholars from each of these three positions as well as the debate between them. Through (...)
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  26.  29
    Screening Out Controversy: Human Genetics, Emerging Techniques of Diagnosis, and the Origins of the Social Issues Committee of the American Society of Human Genetics, 1964–1973.M. X. Mitchell - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (2):425-456.
    In the years following World War II, and increasingly during the 1960s and 1970s, professional scientific societies developed internal sub-committees to address the social implications of their scientific expertise. This article explores the early years of one such committee, the American Society of Human Genetics’ “Social Issues Committee,” founded in 1967. Although the committee’s name might suggest it was founded to increase the ASHG’s public and policy engagement, exploration of the committee’s early years reveals a more complicated reality. Affronted by (...)
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    Associations Between Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Reasoning: Evidence from Accounting.Natalia M. Mintchik & Timothy A. Farmer - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (2):259-275.
    We investigated associations between moral reasoning and epistemological beliefs in an accounting context using the sample of 140 senior accounting students from a public university in Midwestern U. S. We found no significant correlations between accounting students' principled reasoning about Thome's ethical dilemmas and their beliefs about knowledge measured by administering Schommer epistemological questionnaire. We conducted post-hoc power analysis and present the evidence that the lack of associations should not be attributed to the lack of power. Overall, our results suggest (...)
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  28. Vicious Pleasures [Articles Tr. From the Fr. By W.M.T.].Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi & M. T. W. - 1896
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    Analytical techniques for indentation of viscoelastic materials.M. L. Oyen - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5625-5641.
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  30. By Nature Equal: The Anatomy of a Western Insight. By John E. Coons and Patrick M. Brennan.I. M. Jarvad - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):672-672.
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  31. Justice as fairness in preparing for emergency remote teaching: A case from Botswana.M. S. Mogodi, Dominic Griffiths, M. C. Molwantwa, M. B. Kebaetse, M. Tarpley & D. R. Prozesky - 2022 - African Journal of Health Professions Education 14 (1):1-6.
    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated drastic changes to undergraduate medical training at the University of Botswana (UB). To save the academic year when campus was locked down, the Department of Medical Education conducted a needs assessment to determine the readiness for emergency remote teaching (ERT) of the Faculty of Medicine, UB. Objectives. To report on the findings of needs assessment surveys to assess learner and teaching staff preparedness for fair and just ERT, as defined by philosopher John Rawls. Methods. Needs (...)
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  32.  53
    Local-Global Properties of Positive Primitive Formulas in the Theory of Spaces of Orderings.M. Marshall - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (4):1097 - 1107.
    The paper deals with pp formulas in the language of reduced special groups, and the question of when the validity of a pp formula on each finite subspace of a space of orderings implies its global validity [18]. A large new class of pp formulas is introduced for which this is always the case, assuming the space of orderings in question has finite stability index. The paper also considers pp formulas of the special type $b\in \Pi _{i=1}^{n}\,D\langle 1,a_{i}\rangle $. Formulas (...)
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  33.  69
    Treating competent patients by force: the limits and lessons of Israel's Patient's Rights Act.M. L. Gross - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (1):29-34.
    Competent patients who refuse life saving medical treatment present a dilemma for healthcare professionals. On one hand, respect for autonomy and liberty demand that physicians respect a patient’s decision to refuse treatment. However, it is often apparent that such patients are not fully competent. They may not adequately comprehend the benefits of medical care, be overly anxious about pain, or discount the value of their future state of health. Although most bioethicists are convinced that partial autonomy or marginal competence of (...)
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  34. Behavior in the brain.M. M. Monti, M. R. Coleman & A. M. Owen - 2010 - Journal of Psychophysiology 24 (2):76-82.
  35.  17
    Frontmatter.M. C. Nahm & F. P. Clarke - 1942 - In Francis Palmer Clarke & Milton Charles Nahm, Philosophical Essays: In Honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr. London,: University of Pennsylvania Press.
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    Contribution of Yāmuna to Viśiṣtādvaita.M. Narasimhachari - 1971 - Madras,: Prof. M. Rangacharya Memorial Trust; [copies can be had of M. C. Krishnan.
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    Literary development as spiritual development in the common school.M. Newby - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 31 (2):283–294.
    The central task of this paper is to bring into focus a conception of spiritual development which is not, in essence, religious, and which, therefore, can express the meaning of personal and communal identity within the established climate of the age. Such a conception must accept cultural diversity, reflect democratic humanism and seek to promote life-chances for children and adults in a world of high stress and rapid change.
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  38. Istorii︠a︡ filosofskoĭ i obshchestvennoĭ mysli Kazakhstana: s drevneĭshikh vermen po XII v.M. S. Orynbekov - 1997 - Almaty: Institut razvitii︠a︡ Kazakhstana.
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    How We Live: Contemporary Life in Contemporary Fiction.M. J. Parsons, P. C. Hills & L. R. Hills - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (3):165.
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    Historians and Historiography during the Reign of Akbar.M. N. Pearson & Harbans Mukhia - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):523.
  41.  22
    Land Revenue Administration under the Mughals.M. N. Pearson & Noman Ahmad Siddiqi - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):560.
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  42. Quatre «chants» pseudo-davidiques trouvés dans la Gueniza du Caire et d'origine esséno-qoumrânienne.M. Philonenko & A. Marx - 1997 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 77 (4):385-406.
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  43. (1 other version)Critique des Conditions de l'Action, I. L'erreur morale, établie par l'histoire et l'évolution des systèmes.M. Maurice Pradines - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (4):1-3.
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  44. Mirovozzrencheskai︠a︡ paradigma filosofii: bytie, ego genealogii︠a︡ i obnovlenie: monografii︠a︡.M. M. Prokhorov (ed.) - 2007 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Volzhskiĭ gos. inzhenerno-pedagogicheskiĭ institut.
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    21. Plinius nat. hist. VIII 16.M. Rabenhorst - 1907 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 66 (1-4):604-606.
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    Surface sink action during irradiation for Pt−on Pt by LEEM.M. Rajappan, W. Swiech, M. Ondrejcek & C. P. Flynn - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (29):4501-4518.
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  47. Michele Federico Sciacca.M. A. Raschini - 1985 - Filosofia Oggi 8 (1):1-8.
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    On the Question of the Fundamental and the Applied in Science and Education.M. V. Rats - 1997 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 36 (3):42-57.
    It may be that one of the most important criteria of the fundamental nature of research is precisely its apparent nonobviousness, its seeming uselessness, and evident contradictoriness to common sense.
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    The Textual Tradition of Calpurnius and Nemesianus.M. D. Reeve - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (01):223-.
    Recent months have brought forth a new edition of Nemesianus and a 294-page study of the textual tradition that he shares with Calpurnius. The edition, prepared by P. Volpilhac for Budé , offers nothing new on the tradition beyond reports of a few manuscripts known to previous editors; but Luigi Castagna's book I bucolici latini minori: una ricerca di critica testuale makes an earnest attempt at solving once and for all the problems that survived the last contribution of any weight, (...)
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  50. Lecture programme.M. P. Rickman - 1965 - Philosophy 40:367.
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