Results for 'M. Seal'

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    Feeling the future of eyewitness research.Brent M. Wilson, Travis M. Seale-Carlisle & Melissa F. Colloff - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105879.
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    The fine structure of films of rubber and other polymers.M. Seal - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (49):78-83.
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    Improving the diagnostic value of lineup rejections.Travis M. Seale-Carlisle - 2024 - Cognition 252 (C):105917.
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    Nature of diamond coat.M. Seal - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (123):645-648.
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    Against unitary theories of music evolution.Peter M. C. Harrison & Madeleine Seale - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e76.
    Savage et al. and Mehr et al. provide well-substantiated arguments that the evolution of musicality was shaped by adaptive functions of social bonding and credible signalling. However, they are too quick to dismiss byproduct explanations of music evolution, and to present their theories as complete unitary accounts of the phenomenon.
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    The Forgotten Scholar: Underrepresented Minority Postdoc Experiences in STEM Fields.Aman Yadav, Christopher D. Seals, Cristina M. Soto Sullivan, Michael Lachney, Quintana Clark, Kathy G. Dixon & Mark J. T. Smith - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-26.
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  7. Thirteen Seals and an Unpublished Revolt Coin from an American Private Collection.M. Braunlin & J. Nesbitt - 1999 - Byzantion 69:187-205.
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    To talk of many things: of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—Of cabbages—and kings-.M. S. Moss - 2011 - Verbindingen/Jonctions 12.
    A lecture about the troublesome questions of identity, authenticity and trust.
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    Texts from Hellenistic Babylonia in the Ashmolean Museum; With Notes on the Seal Impressions by the Late Briggs Buchanan.M. A. Dandamayev, Gilbert J. P. McEwan & Briggs Buchanan - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):330.
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    Canada’s Commercial Seal Hunt: It’s More Than a Question of Humane Killing.David M. Lavigne & William S. Lynn - 2011 - Journal of Animal Ethics 1 (1):1-5.
    Canada’s commercial seal hunt has been the subject of controversy for over 40 years. Much of the debate has centered on the question of humane killing. The reality, however, is that debates about commercial sealing are political debates involving conflicting values and ethics. We argue that the time has come for conservationists, scientists, managers of free-living animals, bureaucrats, politicians, and society at large to think beyond populations and ecosystems and consider also the well-being of individual, sentient animals. The fundamental (...)
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    Be sealed with the Holy Spirit: Behind the metaphor in Ephesians 1:13.Robby I. Chandra, Agustinus M. L. Batlajery & A. Christian Jonch - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    This study explores the phrase ‘sealed with the Holy Spirit’ of Ephesians 1:13 as a metaphor, which relates the status of the recipients with the seal. Past studies view that the metaphor teaches about covenant or unity in God’s protection, assurance, and ownership. This study hypothesises that the author uses metaphor to address the recipients who have a deeper sentiment with a seal meaning they are both Jewish and Gentile Christians but especially those who are slaves. The study (...)
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    Minoan and Mycenaean Seals in England. [REVIEW]M. A. V. Gill & John Boardman - 1969 - The Classical Review 19 (2):225-227.
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    Studies on Scarab Seals, Volume II: Scarab Seals and Their Contribution to History in the Early Second Millennium B. C.James M. Weinstein & Olga Tufnell - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):517.
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    The Early Glyptic of Tell Brak: Cylinder Seals of Third Millennium Syria.Elena Rova & Donald M. Matthews - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):525.
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    The Nuzi Temple Texts: A Complete Edition of an Eccentric Corpus.M. P. Maidman - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2):483.
    Brigitte Lion and Diana Stein have, in The Tablets from the Temple Precinct at Nuzi, joined forces to edit the texts of the sixty-nine Nuzi texts found in temples and to publish and edit their 282 seal impressions. This masterful collaboration excels in many areas, including in-depth prosopographical analysis and thorough integration of the local seal practice into the orbit of textual analysis. This volume sets a standard of text edition and analysis that dwarfs the achievements of the (...)
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    Island Gems. A Study of Greek Seals in the Geometric and Early Archaic Periods. [REVIEW]J. M. Cook - 1964 - The Classical Review 14 (3):358-359.
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  17. Is it a crime to belong to a reference class.Mark Colyvan, Helen M. Regan & Scott Ferson - 2001 - Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (2):168–181.
    ON DECEMBER 10, 1991 Charles Shonubi, a Nigerian citizen but a resident of the USA, was arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport for the importation of heroin into the United States.1 Shonubi's modus operandi was ``balloon swallowing.'' That is, heroin was mixed with another substance to form a paste and this paste was sealed in balloons which were then swallowed. The idea was that once the illegal substance was safely inside the USA, the smuggler would pass the balloons and (...)
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    David M. METCALF, Byzantine lead seals from Cyprus. Texts and Studies of the History of Cyprus, 47.Claudia Sode - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (1):255-257.
    Mit dem hier zu besprechenden Werk legt der Verf. ein umfassendes Corpus der ihm bekannt gewordenen byzantinischen Bleisiegel aus Zypern vor. “Seals from Cyprus” bedeutet dabei sowohl Siegel, die aus Zypern stammen bzw. deren Inhaber auf Zypern ansässig waren, sowie Siegel, die an Dokumente angehängt waren, die aus anderen Reichsteilen nach Zypern geschickt wurden, und die man auf Zypern gefunden hat. Es versteht sich von selbst, daß das Corpus keineswegs als abgeschlossen gelten kann. Es umfaßt ca. 1250 Siegel. Weitere Siegel, (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Philosophy Through Film.Mary M. Litch - 2002 - London: Routledge. Edited by Amy Karofsky.
    Some of the world’s best-loved films can be used as springboards for examining enduring philosophical questions. _Philosophy Through Film_ provides guidance in how to watch films with an eye for their philosophical content, helping students become familiar with key topics in all of the major areas in Western philosophy, and helping them master the techniques of philosophical argumentation. The perfect size and scope for a first course in philosophy, _Philosophy Through Film_ assumes no prior knowledge of philosophy. It is an (...)
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    Membrane adhesion and other functions for the myelin basic proteins.Susan M. Staugaitis, David R. Colman & Liliana Pedraza - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (1):13-18.
    The myelin basic proteins are a set of peripheral membrane polypeptides which play an essential role in myelination. Their most well‐documented property is the unique ability to ‘seal’ the cytoplasmic aspects of the myelin membrane, but this is probably not the only function for these highly charged molecules. Despite extensive homology, the individual myelin basic proteins (MBPs) exhibit different expression patterns and biochemical properties, and so it is now believed that the various isoforms are not functionally equivalent in myelinating (...)
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    Broken bodies, places and objects: new perspectives on fragmentation in archaeology.Anna Sörman, Astrid A. Noterman & Markus Fjellström (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Broken bodies, places and objects demonstrates the breadth of fragmentation and fragment use in prehistory and history, and provides an up-to-date insight into the current archaeological thinking around the topic. A seal broken and shared by two trade parties, dog jaws accompanying the dead in Mesolithic burials, fragments of ancient warships commodified as souvenirs, parts of an ancient dynastic throne split up between different colonial collections... Pieces of the past are everywhere around us. Fragments have a special potential precisely (...)
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    Experiment on identical siblings separated at birth: ethical implications for researchers, universities, and archives today.Robert L. Klitzman & Adam M. Kelmenson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):657-661.
    Several films, includingThree Identical Strangers, examined ethical problems in an experiment that involved identical siblings who were adopted as infants and separated into different families to examine the effects of nature versus nurture. The study was primarily designed and directed by Dr Peter Neubauer. The experiment, conducted in the 1960’s through 1980’s, serves as an important cautionary case study, raising several critical and ongoing ethical issues faced by researchers, universities and archives today. The organisation coordinating the study donated the research (...)
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    Analyzing the Publish-or-Perish Paradigm with Game Theory: The Prisoner’s Dilemma and a Possible Escape.T. C. Erren, D. M. Shaw & P. Morfeld - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1431-1446.
    The publish-or-perish paradigm is a prevailing facet of science. We apply game theory to show that, under rather weak assumptions, this publication scenario takes the form of a prisoner’s dilemma, which constitutes a substantial obstacle to beneficial delayed publication of more complete results. One way of avoiding this obstacle while allowing researchers to establish priority of discoveries would be an updated “pli cacheté”, a sealed envelope concept from the 1700s. We describe institutional rules that could additionally favour high-quality work and (...)
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    Archaeology Through Computational Linguistics: Inscription Statistics Predict Excavation Sites of Indus Valley Artifacts.Gabriel L. Recchia & Max M. Louwerse - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2065-2080.
    Computational techniques comparing co-occurrences of city names in texts allow the relative longitudes and latitudes of cities to be estimated algorithmically. However, these techniques have not been applied to estimate the provenance of artifacts with unknown origins. Here, we estimate the geographic origin of artifacts from the Indus Valley Civilization, applying methods commonly used in cognitive science to the Indus script. We show that these methods can accurately predict the relative locations of archeological sites on the basis of artifacts of (...)
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  25. A contribution towards the development of the causal theory of knowledge.D. Goldstick - 1972 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 50 (3):238-248.
    1 Cf. D. M. Armstrong, A Materialist Theory of Mind (London, 1968), Chapter 9; 'A Causal Theory of Knowledge' by Alvin I. Goldman, The Journal of Philosophy , Vol. LXIV, No. 12, June 22, 1967. A striking parallelism would appear to exist between 'the causal theory of knowledge' and the orthodox Stoic doctrine regarding the kataleptike phantasia . See, for example, Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos 7.248 (reprinted in Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta , edited by H. F. A. von Arnim, Leipzig, 1921, (...)
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    The Scottish Enlightenment and the End of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh.Roger L. Emerson - 1988 - British Journal for the History of Science 21 (1):33-66.
    The story of the end of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh in 1783, is linked with that of the founding of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and the Royal Society of Edinburgh , both of which were given Royal Charters sealed on 6 May 1783. It is a story which has been admirably told by Steven Shapin. He persuasively argued that the P.S.E. was a casualty of bitter quarrels rooted in local Edinburgh politics, in personal animosities and in disputes (...)
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    From Manuscripts to Codicology: An Introduction to Critical Edition.Harun Beki̇roğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):855-889.
    Muslims are fundamentally interested in the practice of writing especially for scribing the copies of the Qur’ān. Later, the practice of scribing ḥadīths texts and writing diplomatic correspondence increased the demand for developing this practice. It is because the writing is based on a religious reference in Islamic societies; over time, the interest in writing and writing materials has also turned into an art form. Thus, writing and writing materials have been named with the selected words from the Qur’ān. Pencil, (...)
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    Apunte sobre la razón girega.Ricardo López - 2003 - Cinta de Moebio 16.
    To think with logics is the seal of the intellectual behavior in the western culture. Rationality is the word that designates a modality of thinking that it obtains his legitimacy of principles universally accepted. The Greek culture discovered the reason that allows the interchange between the m..
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    The Happiness Project: Transforming the Three Poisons that Cause the Suffering We Inflict on Ourselves and Others (review).David R. Loy - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):151-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 151-154 [Access article in PDF] Book Review The Happiness Project: Transforming the Three Poisons that Cause the Suffering We Inflict on Ourselves and Others The Happiness Project: Transforming the Three Poisons that Cause the Suffering We Inflict on Ourselves and Others. By Ron Leifer, M.D. Ithaca, New York: Snow Lion, 1997.313 pp. This book focuses mostly on Buddhism and psychotherapy, but it ranges widely and (...)
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    Remembering Jitendra Nath Mohanty.Arindam Chakrabarti - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (1):1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Jitendra Nath MohantyArindam Chakrabarti (bio)The only philosopher in the global history of philosophy who read and taught (in the original Sanskrit, German, and English) Patañjali, Vyāsa, Śaṅkara, Gangeśa, Kant, Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger, Frege, Wittgenstein, Hume, McTaggart, Russell, Davidson, and Dummett with equal expertise, depth, and hermeneutic originality is no more. Jitendra Nath Mohanty, who passed away on the 7th of March 2023, was emeritus professor of philosophy at (...)
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    Georges Gurvitch and Sergey Hessen on the Possibility of Forming Social Unity.M. Yu Zagirnyak - forthcoming - Kantian Journal:72-96.
    The early decades of the last century saw European philosophical thought becoming increasingly interested in the sociological extension of the idea of law. From the viewpoint of the sociology of law, law is formed in the process of social interactions and is not sanctioned by the state. Sergey Hessen and Georges Gurvitch base their conceptions of social law on the sociology of law in the 1920s and 1930s. They start a polemic in the pages of the journal Sovremenniye zapiski. Although (...)
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  32. Spinoza I. Dieu.M. Gueroult - 1970 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 32 (2):332-335.
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    Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting Fiction.Christine Richards - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (2):81-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Belief and Context Determinacy in Interpreting FictionChristine Richards (bio)1Context Determinacy and the Interpretation of FictionThe Pragmatics of ReadingThe basic pragmatic structure of the reading of fiction has been described as a communicative context which has a speaker who performs the speech acts represented by the text and a hearer (addressee) to whom the speech acts are directed [Adams 12]. This model is based on the assumption that the reader (...)
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  34. Extended functionalism.M. Wheeler - 2010 - In Richard Menary (ed.), The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
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    Why Didn't Egyptians Become Shia During the Fatimid Period?Ramy Mahmoud - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):663-707.
    Fatimid history is considered one of the main periods of Islamic history in Egypt, so we cannot talk about the cultural metropolis of Egypt, the city of Cairo, without mentioning its founder, Jawhar al-Siqilli, the leader of the Fatimid Caliph al-Muizz Li-Din Allah al-Fatimid. The same is true of the Al-Azhar Mosque, which since its establishment until now has gained international fame in the Islamic world, throughout the historical stages, in addition to many of the Fatimid monuments scattered in Old (...)
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  36. ' 'Relativism: A Brief History.M. Baghramian - 2010 - In Michael Krausz (ed.), Relativism: A Contemporary Anthology. Columbia University Press.
  37. Problems regarding the future operator in an indeterministic tense logic.Peter Øhrstrøm - 1981 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 18:81-95.
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  38. Dilemmas of ideology.M. Billig - 1988 - In Michael Billig (ed.), Ideological dilemmas: a social psychology of everyday thinking. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. pp. 25--42.
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    [Omnibus Review].M. Lerman - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):550-552.
  40. Fatalism.M. Bernstein - 2001 - In Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  41. (1 other version)Sampling equilibrium, with an application to strategic voting.M. J. Osborne & A. Rubinstein - unknown
    We suggest an equilibrium concept for a strategic model with a large number of players in which each player observes the actions of only a small number of the other players. The concept fits well situations in which each player treats his sample as a prediction of the distribution of actions in the entire population, and responds optimally to this prediction. We apply the concept to a strategic voting model and investigate the conditions under which a centrist candidate can win (...)
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    Inner speech as a cognitive process mediating self-consciousness and inhibiting self-deception.M. Siegrist - 1995 - Psychological Reports 76:259-65.
  43. al-Kalimah al-Ilāhīyah ʻinda mufakkirī al-Islām.Ibrāhīm Muḥammad Turkī - 2002 - Iskandarīyah: Dār al-Wafāʼ li-Dunyā al-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  44. Philosophy and Critical Theory (Czech translation).M. Horkheimer & H. Marcuse - 2003 - Filosoficky Casopis 51 (4):617-638.
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  45. Selbstbewusstseinstheorien von Fichte Bis Sartre.M. Frank - 1993 - Suhrkamp.
  46. New nature narratives. Landscape hermeneutics and environmental ethics.M. Drenthen - 2013 - In Forrest Clingerman, Brian Treanor, Martin Drenthen & David Utsler (eds.), Interpreting Nature. Fordham University Press. pp. 225-241.
    In this paper, I seek to provide building blocks for a reconciliation of the ethical care for heritage protection and nature restoration ethics. It will do so, by introducing a hermeneutic landscape philosophy that takes landscape as a multi-layered “text” in need of interpretation, and place identities as build upon certain readings of the landscape. I will argue that from a hermeneutic perspective, both approaches appear to complement each other. Renaturing presents a valuable correction to the anthropocentrism of many European (...)
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  47. Structural relationships in children's utterances: Semantic or syntactic.M. Bowerman - 1973 - In T. E. Moore (ed.), Cognitive Development and the Acquisition of Language. Academic. pp. 197.
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  48. Aestheticism and Spiritualism: A Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese Calligraphy.Ming-tak Hue - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aestheticism and SpiritualismA Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese CalligraphyMing-Tak Hue (bio)IntroductionCalligraphy has been used to preserve significant writings and texts in a beautiful form and to make the different styles of writing enjoyable. It is not only the art of beautiful handwriting but also a cultural heritage and tradition that reflects the culture and history of a society, a race, a nation, (...)
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  49. Kenneth MacKenzie Clark 1903-1983.M. Levey - 1985 - In Levey M. (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 70: 1984. pp. 387.
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  50. Spinoza's Wijsbegeerte.M. C. L. Lotsij - 1879 - Mind 4 (15):431-439.
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