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  1. Crisis.Reinhart Koselleck & Michaela Richter - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (2):357-400.
    Reinhart Koselleck is among the most original German theorists of history and historiography. His international reputation is due in part to his contributions as theorist and editor of the remarkable lexicon Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe (GG). The GG is an exceptional reference work that goes far towards realizing Koselleck's program and distinctive version of Begriffsgeschichte (the history of concepts, conceptual history). What is presented here is a translation in full of Koselleck's own entry on Krise (crisis). Few articles in the GG demonstrate (...)
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  2. Reconstructing the History of Political Languages: Pocock, Skinner, and the Geschichtfiche Grundbegriffe.Melvin Richter - 1990 - History and Theory 29 (1):38-70.
    The program of the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe, formulated primarily by Otto Brunner, Werner Conze, and Reinhart Koselleck, calls for relating conceptual change to structural transformations of government, society, and economy in German-speaking Europe. J. G. A. Pocock, of Cambridge, identified the range of alternative and competing political discourses available to early modern writers, while Quentin Skinner, also of Cambridge, treated political theories in terms of those historical contexts and linguistic conventions which both facilitate and circumscribe legitimations of political arrangements, and he (...)
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  3.  28
    A Neural Dynamic Model of the Perceptual Grounding of Spatial and Movement Relations.Mathis Richter, Jonas Lins & Gregor Schöner - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13045.
    How does the human brain link relational concepts to perceptual experience? For example, a speaker may say “the cup to the left of the computer” to direct the listener's attention to one of two cups on a desk. We provide a neural dynamic account for both perceptual grounding, in which relational concepts enable the attentional selection of objects in the visual array, and for the generation of descriptions of the visual array using relational concepts. In the model, activation in neural (...)
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  4.  24
    The politics of conscience.Melvin Richter - 1964 - London,: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    Few thinkers exerted a greater influence upon British thought and public policy between 1880 and 1914 than T. H. Green. In his appraisal Richter applies to Green, usually studied as a philosopher, the techniques of analysis taken from sociology and the history of ideas. The result is important both as a study of a man who considerably affected the thought of his time and also as a contribution to the social and intellectual history of Victorian England. The chapter headings include: (...)
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  5.  70
    Begriffsgeschichte and the History of Ideas.Melvin Richter - 1987 - Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (2):247.
  6. II. Toward a Concept of Political Illegitimacy.Melvin Richter - 1982 - Political Theory 10 (2):185-214.
  7.  67
    Exposure Ethics: Does Hiv Pre‐Exposure Prophylaxis Raise Ethical Problems for the Health Care Provider and Policy Maker?Francois Venter, Lucy Allais & Marlise Richter - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (6):269-274.
    The last few years have seen dramatic progress in the development of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). These developments have been met by ethical concerns. HIV interventions are often thought to be ethically difficult. In a context which includes disagreements over human rights, controversies over testing policies, and questions about sexual morality and individual responsibility, PrEP has been seen as an ethically complex intervention. We argue that this is mistaken, and that in fact, PrEP does not raise new ethical concerns. Some (...)
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  8.  53
    “Just a Little Respect”: Effects of a Layoff Agent’s Actions on Employees’ Reactions to a Dismissal Notification Meeting.Manuela Richter, Cornelius J. König, Marlene Geiger, Svenja Schieren, Jan Lothschütz & Yannik Zobel - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):741-761.
    A layoff is a threatening yet common event which employees might face at some point in their working lives. In two scenario-based experiments, we investigated which actions of a layoff agent during a dismissal notification meeting may contribute to laid-off employees’ fairness judgments and negative attitudes toward the employer. In general, the extent to which layoff victims were treated with respect was consistently found to increase perceptions of interpersonal and procedural fairness and to mitigate negative attitudes toward the employer. Further (...)
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  9.  53
    Synthetic biology and its alternatives. Descartes, Kant and the idea of engineering biological machines.Werner Kogge & Michael Richter - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (2):181-189.
    The engineering-based approach of synthetic biology is characterized by an assumption that ‘engineering by design’ enables the construction of ‘living machines’. These ‘machines’, as biological machines, are expected to display certain properties of life, such as adapting to changing environments and acting in a situated way. This paper proposes that a tension exists between the expectations placed on biological artefacts and the notion of producing such systems by means of engineering; this tension makes it seem implausible that biological systems, especially (...)
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  10.  17
    Personality Styles of German-Speaking Psychotherapists Differ from a Norm, and Male Psychotherapists Differ from Their Female Colleagues.Burkhard Peter, Eva Böbel, Maria Hagl, Mario Richter & Miguel Kazén - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  11.  28
    A Neural Dynamic Model Generates Descriptions of Object‐Oriented Actions.Mathis Richter, Jonas Lins & Gregor Schöner - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (1):35-47.
    Describing actions entails that relations between objects are discovered. A pervasively neural account of this process requires that fundamental problems are solved: the neural pointer problem, the binding problem, and the problem of generating discrete processing steps from time-continuous neural processes. We present a prototypical solution to these problems in a neural dynamic model that comprises dynamic neural fields holding representations close to sensorimotor surfaces as well as dynamic neural nodes holding discrete, language-like representations. Making the connection between these two (...)
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  12.  76
    Conceptual History (Begriffsgeschichte) and Political Theory.Melvin Richter - 1986 - Political Theory 14 (4):604-637.
  13.  36
    Comment: Where is the Theory? A Critical Comment on Multiple Arousal Theory.Michael Richter - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):82-83.
    Multiple arousal theory suggests that there is more than one arousal system and that the activity of the multiple arousal systems can be observed using electrodermal measures at various body sites. The ideas expressed by multiple arousal theory are interesting but they do not constitute a theory. The absence of a specific definition of arousal and the lack of testable predictions prevent multiple arousal theory from constituting a useful theoretical framework for focussed empirical research.
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  14.  13
    Exploring Divine Hiddenness: Implications for Theistic Existential Crisis.Markus Richter - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):441-456.
    Existential crises, referred to as inner conflicts, are characterized by identity confusion and meaninglessness. Tension and anxiety accompany them, often to the point where they produce melancholy and make it difficult to go about everyday tasks. Their negative outlook on meaning is reminiscent of some elements of the existentialist intellectual movement. It is possible to categories existential crises' emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. Emotional components include emotions like emotional discomfort, helplessness, despair, guilt, concern, or loneliness. The issue of insignificance, the (...)
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  15.  89
    A Family of Political Concepts.Melvin Richter - 2005 - European Journal of Political Theory 4 (3):221-248.
    It has been argued recently that tyranny is a persisting phenomenon very much alive today, a greater danger than newer forms of misrule such as totalitarianism. One argument is based on human nature being such that the temptation to abuse political power in the form of tyranny remains a possibility in all societies. Another defines tyranny as a spiritual disorder of the soul and polity. Both date the 19th century as the time when tyranny dropped out of the western political (...)
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  16.  28
    Aristotle and the classical Greek concept of despotism.Melvin Richter - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (2):175-187.
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  17.  59
    Tocqueville and Guizot on democracy: from a type of society to a political regime.Melvin Richter - 2004 - History of European Ideas 30 (1):61-82.
    Did Tocqueville treat democracy as a type of society, as a political regime, or in terms of their interactions? This paper argues against the assumption that Tocqueville's concept of this relationship remained constant over his three decades as a theorist. Beginning with his literal acceptance of Guizot's doctrinaire definition of democracy as an état social, Tocqueville then developed an eclectic political sociology. Without rejecting the significance of social organization for politics, he often reverted to Montesquieu's theory of the complex interaction (...)
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  18. Tocqueville on threats to liberty in democracies.Melvin Richter - 2006 - In Cheryl B. Welch, The Cambridge companion to Tocqueville. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  19.  3
    Mental computational processes have always been an integral part of motivation science.Michael Richter & Guido H. E. Gendolla - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e41.
    Some constructs in motivation science are certainly underdeveloped and some motivation researchers may work with underspecified constructs, as suggested by Murayama and Jach (M&J). However, this is not indicative of a general problem in motivation science. Many motivation theories focus on specific mechanisms underlying motivated behavior and thus have already adopted the computational process perspective that M&J call for.
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  20. Virtual Reality'and 'Virtual Actuality.Marianne Richter - 2011 - In Charles Ess & May Thorseth, Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives. Peter Lang.
  21.  75
    Lovejoy's The Great Chain and the History of Ideas.Daniel J. Wilson, G. Gordon-Bournique, Ep Mahoney, F. Oakley & M. Richter - 1987 - Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (2):187-263.
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  22.  10
    Computer Science Logic 5th Workshop, Csl '91, Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991 : Proceedings'.Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning & Michael M. Richter - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume presents the proceedings of the workshop CSL '91 (Computer Science Logic) held at the University of Berne, Switzerland, October 7-11, 1991. This was the fifth in a series of annual workshops on computer sciencelogic (the first four are recorded in LNCS volumes 329, 385, 440, and 533). The volume contains 33 invited and selected papers on a variety of logical topics in computer science, including abstract datatypes, bounded theories, complexity results, cut elimination, denotational semantics, infinitary queries, Kleene algebra (...)
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  23.  17
    Computer Science Logic. CSL’92, San Miniato, Italy. Selected Papers.Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning, Simone Martini & Michael M. Richter (eds.) - 1993 - Springer.
    This volume presents the proceedings of the Computer Science Logic Workshop CSL '92, held in Pisa, Italy, in September/October 1992. CSL '92 was the sixth of the series and the first one held as Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). Full versions of the workshop contributions were collected after their presentation and reviewed. On the basis of 58 reviews, 26 papers were selected for publication, and appear here in revised final form. Topics covered in the (...)
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  24.  10
    Why Concepts Matter: Translating Social and Political Thought.Martin Burke & Melvin Richter (eds.) - 2012 - Brill.
    The volume explores distinctive issues involved in translating political and social thought. Thirteen contributors consider problems arising from the study of translation and cultural transfers of texts, in particular in terms of translation studies, and the history of concepts.
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  25.  13
    8. unverfügbarkeit in der synthese.Werner Kogge & Michael Richter - 2013 - In Gabriele Gramelsberger, Werner Kogge & Peter Bexte, Synthesis: Zur Konjunktur Eines Philosophischen Begriffs in Wissenschaft Und Technik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 121-146.
  26. The Meaning of Historical Terms and Concepts New Studies on Begriffsgeschichte.Hartmut Lehmann & Melvin Richter - 1996 - German Historical Institute.
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  27.  28
    The blank trials law: The equivalence of positive reinforcement and nonreinforcement.M. Levine Leitenberg & M. Richter - 1964 - Psychological Review 71 (2):94-103.
  28. Anti-Imperialism*/bysankarmuthu.Patchen Markell Lukes, Pratap Mehta, Jim Miller, Anthony Pagden, Jennifer Pitts, Melvin Richter, Patrick Riley, Richard Tuck & Linda Zerilli - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (4).
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  29.  76
    Introduction: Translation of Reinhart Koselleck's "Krise," in Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe.Melvin Richter & Michaela Richter - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (2):343-356.
    Reinhart Koselleck is among the most original German theorists of history and historiography. His international reputation is due in part to his contributions as theorist and editor of the remarkable lexicon Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe (GG). The GG is an exceptional reference work that goes far towards realizing Koselleck's program and distinctive version of Begriffsgeschichte (the history of concepts, conceptual history). What is presented here is a translation in full of Koselleck's own entry on Krise (crisis). Few articles in the GG demonstrate (...)
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  30.  59
    Towards a lexicon of European political and legal concepts: A comparison of begriffsgeschichte and the 'Cambridge school'.Melvin Richter - 2003 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (2):91-120.
    The first step in planning a lexicon of European political and legal concepts is to decide upon how it is to be organised. Among the principal alternatives are the formats of three German reference works on the history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte) and the methods associated with John Pocock and Quentin Skinner. Although these German and Anglophone styles are often regarded as incompatible, on closer inspection, they turn out to be in many respects complementary, as Skinner has recently acknowledged. What would (...)
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  31.  25
    Montesquieu: Selected Political Writings.Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu & Melvin Richter - 1990 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The essential political writings of Montesquieu--a substantial abridgment of The Spirit of the Laws, plus judicious selections from _The Persian Letters_ and _Considerations of the Romans' Greatness and Decline_--are masterfully translated by Melvin Richter. Prefaced by a new fifty-page introduction by Richter for this revised edition, The Selected Political Writings displays the genius and virtuosity of Montesquieu the philosopher, social critic, political theorist, and literary stylist, whose work commands the attention of all students of the Enlightenment and of modern constitutional (...)
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  32.  30
    (1 other version)European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.W. Obserschelp, B. Schinzel, W. Thomas & M. M. Richter - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):259-283.
  33.  23
    The effect of increased parasympathetic activity on perceived duration.Ruth S. Ogden, Jessica Henderson, Kate Slade, Francis McGlone & Michael Richter - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 76:102829.
  34.  25
    Conceptual History and Translation: An Interview with Melvin Richter.Vicente Oieni, João Feres Júnior & Melvin Richter - 2008 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 4 (2):226-238.
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  35.  14
    Adult Attachment and Personality as Predictors of Jealousy in Romantic Relationships.Marina Richter, Katja Schlegel, Philipp Thomas & Stefan Johannes Troche - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Functional relationships between romantic jealousy and traits, such as neuroticism or adult attachment styles, are well-known. For the first time, we conducted a joint analysis of the Big Five traits and attachment dimensions as predictors of jealousy, which considered gender differences as well as differences in infidelity experiences and relationship status. In 847 participants, path modeling showed that higher neuroticism, lower agreeableness, and lower openness predicted higher romantic jealousy. The attachment dimensions “anxiety” and “depend” partly mediated the effect of neuroticism (...)
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  36. An ´ etude in choice theory: Choosing the two finalists.Michael Richter & Ariel Rubinstein - unknown
    This paper studies a decision maker who tackles a choice problem by selecting a subset of (at most) two alternatives which he will consider further in the second stage of his deliberation. We focus on the first stage where he chooses the delebration set. We axiomatize three types of procedures: (i) The top two: the decision maker has in mind an ordering and chooses the two maximal alternatives. (ii) The two extremes: the decision maker has in mind an ordering and (...)
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  37.  37
    An introduction to Montesquieu's "an essay on the causes that may affect men's minds and characters".Melvin Richter - 1976 - Political Theory 4 (2):132-138.
  38.  15
    A Note on the Text of Reinhart Koselleck: »Offene Fragen an die >Geschichtlichen Grundbegriffe<«.Melvin Richter - 2012 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 54:249-266.
    This entry contains the German text of Reinhart Koselleck's response to the papers given at the meeting in December, 1992 at the German Historical Institute, Washington to commemorate the completion of the lexicon, Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe. Published in English translation, Koselleck's Offene Fragen an die >Geschichtlichen Grundbegriffe<, presented inter alia, the first major confrontation between German Begriffsgeschichte, as practiced by Koselleck, and J.G.A. Pocock, speaking for the Cambridge School dominant in the English-speaking world, Koselleck's German text is accompanied by a Note (...)
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  39. Anoop Nayak, Race, Place and Globalization: Youth Cultures in a Changing World.M. Richter - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
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  40. Bibliography of Signed Works by Elie Halévy.Melvin Richter - 1967 - History and Theory 7:46.
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  41.  19
    Common Ground Information Affects Reference Resolution: Evidence From Behavioral Data, ERPs, and Eye-Tracking.Maria Richter, Mariella Paul, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565651.
    One of the most important social cognitive skills in humans is the ability to “put oneself in someone else’s shoes,” that is, to take another person’s perspective. In socially situated communication, perspective taking enables the listener to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of what is said (sentence meaning) and what is meant (speaker’s meaning) by the speaker. To successfully decode the speaker’s meaning, the listener has to take into account which information he/she and the speaker share in their common ground (...)
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  42.  13
    Commentary: Pre-crastination: hastening subgoal completion at the expense of extra physical effort.Michael Richter - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  43. Conceptualizing the contestable:> Begriffsgeschichte< and political concepts.Melvin Richter - forthcoming - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte.
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  44.  67
    Corrigendum to “In Memoriam: Walter Felscher, 1931–2000”.Michael M. Richter - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):545-546.
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  45.  24
    Die Konfusion der Identitätstheorie mit dem Neurokonstruktivismus und deterministischen Naturalismus – demonstriert am Ansatz von Michael Pauen.Matthias Richter - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (2):211-231.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 67 Heft: 2 Seiten: 211-231.
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  46.  34
    Discussion: Reply to comments.Melvin Richter - 1999 - History of European Ideas 25 (1-2):31-37.
  47. Festschrift.Michael Richter & Ran Spiegler - unknown
    Foreword by Julian Assange............................................................................................. .. 4 Introduction........................................................................................ ................................. 5 Correspondence with Academic Journals........................................................................... 6..
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  48.  59
    In Memoriam: Walter Felscher 1931–2000.Michael Richter - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (3):417-418.
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  49. L'ironia Di Sponde.Mario Richter - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (2):423-424.
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  50.  18
    Lettura Dei «sonnets de la mort» di Jean de sponde.Mario Richter - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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