Results for 'M. Ready'

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  1.  37
    How happy have you felt lately? Two diary studies of emotion recall in older and younger adults.Rebecca E. Ready, Mark I. Weinberger & Kelly M. Jones - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (4):728-757.
  2. Limbless Amphibians: Caecilians.J. O'Reilly, D. Fenolio & M. Ready - 1995 - Vivarium 7 (1):26-54.
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    Readiness for legally literate medical practice? Student perceptions of their undergraduate medico-legal education.M. Preston-Shoot, J. McKimm, W. M. Kong & S. Smith - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (10):616-622.
    Medical councils increasingly require graduates to understand law and to practise medicine mindful of the legal rules. In the UK a revised curriculum for medical law and ethics has been published. However, coverage of law in medical education remains variable and doubts exist about how far students acquire legal knowledge and skills in its implementation. This survey of students in two UK medical schools measured their law learning and their confidence in using this knowledge. Concept maps and a self-audit questionnaire (...)
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  4. Red Light, Purple Light! Results of an Intervention to Promote School Readiness for Children From Low-Income Backgrounds.Megan M. McClelland, Shauna L. Tominey, Sara A. Schmitt, Bridget E. Hatfield, David J. Purpura, Christopher R. Gonzales & Alexis N. Tracy - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  5. Emergency! Pathogen new to science found in Roundup Ready GM crops.M. W. Ho - 2011 - Science and Society 50:10-11.
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    The concept of democratic socialism as the basis of intellectual projects of the Russian Social Democrats (the Mensheviks) in the 1920s.M. I. Zhbannikova & M. V. Pyatikova - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (6):513.
    The article devoted to the analysis of theoretical and conceptual developments of the Russian Social Democrats in the emigrant period. The authors note that the concept of democratic socialism, which began to be formed in 1917, was considerably amended and deepened when the Mensheviks created a new party program developed in 1922-1924. The significance of this program of the RSDLP is practically not evaluated in the science literature. In the analysis of Soviet historiography, the authors of the article outlined the (...)
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    Profiles of Social-Emotional Readiness for 4-Year-Old Kindergarten.Michele M. Miller & H. Hill Goldsmith - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Is the Flow of Time Subjective?M. M. Schuster - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):695 - 714.
    LET ME BEGIN this inquiry with the simple but fundamental fact that the flow of time, or passage, as it is also known, is given in experience, that it is as indubitable an aspect of our perception of the world as the sights and sounds that come in upon us, even though it is not the peculiar property of a special sense. Consider, by way of illustration, that I am now sitting at the desk in my study. This particular event (...)
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    Ethical considerations in evaluating discharge readiness from the intensive care unit.Sang Bin You & Connie M. Ulrich - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):896-906.
    Evaluating readiness for discharge from the intensive care unit (ICU) is a critical aspect of patient care. Whereas evidence-based criteria for ICU admission have been established, practical criteria for discharge from the ICU are lacking. Often discharge guidelines simply state that a patient no longer meets ICU admission criteria. Such discharge criteria can be interpreted differently by different healthcare providers, leaving a clinical void where misunderstandings of patients’ readiness can conflict with perceptions of what readiness means for patients, families, and (...)
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    Are You Ready for the Next Outbreak? An Exercise in Legal Preparedness.John O. Agwunobi, Sara Feigenholtz, Donna E. Levin, Robert E. Ragland, Joseph M. Henderson & Frederic E. Shaw - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):77-78.
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    The Date of Horace's First Epode.M. W. Thompson - 1970 - Classical Quarterly 20 (02):328-.
    THE first Epode provides no clear indication of date. We learn only that Maecenas is about to join Octavian on a dangerous expedition and has suggested that Horace should not accompany him, while Horace retorts that he will be unable to enjoy himself in the absence of his patron and would be ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, whatever the danger, in the hope of earning his gratitude. The Epodes were published about 30 B.C. and, (...)
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  12. Impact of Empowering Leadership, Innovative Work, and Organizational Learning Readiness on Sustainable Economic Performance: An Empirical Study of Companies in Russia during the COVID-19 Pandemic.B. Faulks, Y. Song, M. Waiganjo, B. Obrenovic & Danijela Godinić - 2021 - Sustainability 22 (13).
    The COVID-19 pandemic shocked the global economy, with numerous companies suffering losses and shutting down. However, some companies proved to be resilient, being able to sustain their economic performance despite the pandemic. The study aims to explain the sustainable economic performance of companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The relationships between empowering leadership, innovative work behavior, organizational readiness to change, and sustainable economic performance were assessed. The data were collected via an online questionnaire from January 2021 to March 2021, during the (...)
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  13. Thought Sharing, Communication, and Perspectives about the Self.Víctor M. Verdejo - 2018 - Dialectica 72 (4):487-507.
    Many scholars are ready to accept that first person thought involves a special way w such that, for any thinker x, only x can access the first person way w of thinking about x. Standard articulations of this Frege-inspired view involve a rejection of the strict shareability of first person thought. I argue that this rejection eventually forces us to renounce an intuitively plausible characterisation of communication, and specifically, disagreement. This result invites us to explore alternative articulations which, still (...)
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  14. Corruption: Engineers are Victims, Perpetrators or Both?M. Pecujlija, I. Cosic, L. Nesic-Grubic & S. Drobnjak - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):907-923.
    This study was conducted in Serbian companies on licensed engineers and in its first part included a total of 336 licensed engineers who voluntarily completed the questionnaires about their ethical orientation and attitudes toward corruption and in the second part 214 engineers who participated in the first survey, who voluntarily evaluated their company’s business operations characteristics. This study has clearly shown that there is a direct significant influence of the engineer’s ethical orientations and attitudes toward corruption on their evaluation of (...)
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  15.  15
    Longing for the Past and Longing for the Future: A Phenomenological Assessment of the Relation Between Temporal Focus and Readiness to Change Among People Living With Addiction.Melissa M. Salmon & Michael J. A. Wohl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16. Mythological Paradeigma in the Iliad.M. M. Willcock - 1964 - Classical Quarterly 14 (2):141-154.
    AN inquiry into the use of paradeigma in theIliadmust begin with Niobe. At 24. 602 Achilles introduces Niobe in order to encourage Priam to have some food. The dead body of the best of Priam's sons has now been placed on the wagon ready for its journey back to Troy. Achilles says, ‘Now let us eat. For even Niobe ate food, and she had losttwelvechildren. Apollo and Artemis killed them all; they lay nine days in their blood and there (...)
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  17.  16
    Dinner is ready! Studying the dynamics and semiotics of dinner.Yair Neuman, Norbert Marwan & Daniel M. Unger - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 555-569.
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    The Paradox of Public Service Jefferson, Education, and the Problem of Plato’s Cave.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (1):73-86.
    Plato noticed a sizeable problem apropos of establishing his republic—that there was always a ready pool of zealous potential rulers, lying in wait for a suitable opportunity to rule on their own tyrannical terms. He also recognized that those persons best suited to rule, those persons with foursquare and unimpeachable virtue, would be least motivated to govern. Ruling a polis meant that those persons, fully educated and in complete realization that the most complete happiness comprises solitary study of things (...)
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  19.  40
    A lugubrious prospect: Tacitus, Histories 1.40.M. Gwyn Morgan - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (1):236-244.
    Histories 1.40 is designed to set the scene for Galba's assassination. It begins by bringing the emperor into the crowded Forum, but then it switches to Otho and his followers, dwelling on the horror, not of the act they plan, but of their readiness to commit it. The text is not problematical, but since the point behind the first two sentences is not entirely clear, this has prompted occasional emendation, repeated discussion, and continuing perplexity. The difficulty arises, in good measure, (...)
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  20. Justice as fairness in preparing for emergency remote teaching: A case from Botswana.M. S. Mogodi, Dominic Griffiths, M. C. Molwantwa, M. B. Kebaetse, M. Tarpley & D. R. Prozesky - 2022 - African Journal of Health Professions Education 14 (1):1-6.
    Background. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated drastic changes to undergraduate medical training at the University of Botswana (UB). To save the academic year when campus was locked down, the Department of Medical Education conducted a needs assessment to determine the readiness for emergency remote teaching (ERT) of the Faculty of Medicine, UB. Objectives. To report on the findings of needs assessment surveys to assess learner and teaching staff preparedness for fair and just ERT, as defined by philosopher John Rawls. Methods. Needs (...)
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  21. A theory of lexical access in speech production.Willem J. M. Levelt, Ardi Roelofs & Antje S. Meyer - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):1-38.
    Preparing words in speech production is normally a fast and accurate process. We generate them two or three per second in fluent conversation; and overtly naming a clear picture of an object can easily be initiated within 600 msec after picture onset. The underlying process, however, is exceedingly complex. The theory reviewed in this target article analyzes this process as staged and feedforward. After a first stage of conceptual preparation, word generation proceeds through lexical selection, morphological and phonological encoding, phonetic (...)
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  22.  47
    Emerging Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine: Are Bioethics Educators Ready?.Ruth M. Farrell, Jonathan S. Metcalfe, Michelle L. McGowan, Kathryn L. Weise, Patricia K. Agatisa & Jessica Berg - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (5):21-29.
    Advocates for the professionalization of clinical bioethics argue that bioethics professionals play an important role in contemporary medicine and patient care, especially when addressing complex ethical questions that arise in the delivery of reproductive medicine. For bioethics consultants to serve effectively, they need adequate training in the medical and ethical issues that patients and clinicians will face, and they need skills to facilitate effective dialog among all parties. Because clinical ethics consultation is a “high‐stakes endeavor” that can acutely affect patient (...)
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  23. Nietzsche: A Critical Life. [REVIEW]P. M. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (1):163-165.
    To those who are not specially interested in his thought, Nietzsche's life is fascinating: professor at twenty-four, retired at thirty-four, disappointed in love, wandering, deep in solitude and illumined by revelation. That his life ended in madness also pleases; the indignant find it a punishment, lovers of madness find it a proof, and novelists find it ready material.
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  24.  69
    Strategic Corporate Philanthropy: Addressing Frontline Talent Needs Through an Educational Giving Program.Joe M. Ricks & Jacqueline A. Williams - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (2):147-157.
    Corporate philanthropy describes the action when a corporation voluntarily donates a portion of its resources to a societal cause. Although the thought of philanthropy invokes feelings of altruism, there are many objectives for corporate giving beyond altruism. Meeting strategic corporate objectives can be an important if not primary goal of philanthropy. The purpose of this paper is to share insights from a strategic corporate philanthropic initiative aimed at increasing the pool of frontline customer contact employees who are performance-ready, while (...)
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  25.  91
    COVID-19 and Singularity: Can the Philippines Survive Another Existential Threat?Robert James M. Boyles, Mark Anthony Dacela, Tyrone Renzo Evangelista & Jon Carlos Rodriguez - 2022 - Asia-Pacific Social Science Review 22 (2):181–195.
    In general, existential threats are those that may potentially result in the extinction of the entire human species, if not significantly endanger its living population. Among the said threats include, but not limited to, pandemics and the impacts of a technological singularity. As regards pandemics, significant work has already been done on how to mitigate, if not prevent, the aftereffects of this type of disaster. For one, certain problem areas on how to properly manage pandemic responses have already been identified, (...)
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  26.  46
    The autonomy of history: truth and method from Erasmus to Gibbon.Joseph M. Levine - 1999 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In these learned essays, Joseph M. Levine shows how the idea and method of modern history first began to develop during the Renaissance, when a clear distinction between history and fiction was first proposed. The new claims for history were met by a new skepticism in a debate that still echoes today. Levine's first three essays discuss Thomas More's preoccupation with the distinction between history and fiction Erasmus's biblical criticism and the contribution of Renaissance philology to critical method and the (...)
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    Ongoing Slow Fluctuations in V1 Impact on Visual Perception.Afra M. Wohlschläger, Sarah Glim, Junming Shao, Johanna Draheim, Lina Köhler, Susana Lourenço, Valentin Riedl & Christian Sorg - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:1-13.
    The human brain’s ongoing activity is characterized by intrinsic networks of coherent fluctuations, measured for example with correlated functional magnetic resonance imaging signals. So far, however, the brain processes underlying this ongoing blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal orchestration and their direct relevance for human behavior are not sufficiently understood. In this study, we address the question of whether and how ongoing BOLD activity within intrinsic occipital networks impacts on conscious visual perception. To this end, backwardly masked targets were presented (...)
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  28.  8
    American Criminal Justice in Disarray.Stephen M. Krason - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:315-318.
    This was one of SCSS president Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appeared in and The Wanderer. At a time when there is increased discussion about the need for criminal justice reform, he points to several areas that must be addressed: overcriminalization, vagueness of laws, the decline of mens rea, too much readiness on the part of American police to arrest, excessive incarceration, and prosecutorial abuse.
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  29. Reflections on the readings of Sundays and feasts: December 2015-February 2016.Barry M. Craig - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (4):482.
    Craig, Barry M A characteristic feature of Luke's Gospel is that of the journey, with Jesus from chapter 9 resolutely heading to Jerusalem; of the more than eighty verses naming Jerusalem in the New Testament only a handful are not in Luke-Acts. Last Sunday's gospel reading was taken from the last day of teaching given after entering Jerusalem and reclaiming the Temple, and before the Passover and arrest. But Jesus is not the only one to whom the journey motif applies. (...)
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    About Face! Infant Facial Expression of Emotion.Pamela M. Cole & Ginger A. Moore - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):116-120.
    In honoring Carroll Izard’s contributions to emotion research, we discuss infant facial activity and emotion expression. We consider the debated issue of whether infants are biologically prepared to express specific emotions. We offer a perspective that potentially integrates differing viewpoints on infant facial expression of emotion. Specifically, we suggest that evolution has prepared infants with innate action readiness patterns, which are crucial for early infant–caregiver social interaction, and in the course of social interaction specific facial configurations acquire functional significance, becoming (...)
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    Pindar's Ravens ( Olymp. 2. 87).G. M. Kirkwood - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):240-.
    A problem in the text of Pindar, the interpretation of λαρετον, O. 2. 87, seems to be vanishing, swept away by a remarkable consensus of recent criticism, a consensus the more remarkable in that it accepts a false solution to a genuine difficulty. This article has two purposes, the first and more important of which is to argue that the currently prevailing answer is manifestly wrong, the second to offer evidence in support of a different approach. Simply read γαρυτων, recent (...)
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    Studying The Evolution of Audiobook Culture in Indonesian Inclusive Schools: Strategies and Obstacles.E. Oos M. Anwas, Janu Arlinwibowo, Syahrul Ramadhan, Supriyatno, Helga Kurnia & Ivan Riadinata - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:442-461.
    The study aims to describe the process of implementing audiobooks and describe the various challenges faced by teachers. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. This research was carried out in 5 provinces, namely West Sumatra, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, North Kalimantan, Gorontalo, and North Maluku. Each province selected representatives from elementary, middle, high school, and special schools who have implemented audiobooks. Informants are teachers and students who have used audiobooks. The process of collecting data from teachers (...)
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  33. Powers of the Mind.Robert James M. Boyles, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Mark Anthony Dacela - 2016 - In Nuncio Elizabeth M. (ed.), Personal Development. Anvil Publishing, Inc. pp. 61–81.
    This article is a general introduction to the psychology of reasoning. Specifically, it focuses on the dual process theory of human cognition. Proponents of the said two-system view hold that human cognition involves two processes (viz., System 1 and System 2). System 1 is an automatic, intuitive thinking process where judgments and reasoning rely on fast thinking and ready-to-hand data. On the other hand, System 2 is a slow, logical cognitive process where our judgments and reasoning rely on reflective, (...)
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    Current wishes to die; characteristics of middle-aged and older Dutch adults who are ready to give up on life: a cross-sectional study.Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Wim Benneker, Martijn Huisman, H. Roeline W. Pasman & Roosmarijne M. K. Kox - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundLiterature shows that middle-aged and older adults sometimes experience a wish to die. Reasons for these wishes may be complex and involve multiple factors. One important question is to what extent people with a wish to die have medically classifiable conditions. Aim(1) Estimate the prevalence of a current wish to die among middle-aged and older adults in The Netherlands; (2) explore which factors within domains of vulnerability (physical, cognitive, social and psychological) are associated with a current wish to die; (3) (...)
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  35.  44
    Neo-Marxism: An Attempt at Reformation.A. M. Sirota - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 39 (4):32-53.
    In January 1889, V.I. Vernadskii wrote to his wife from Munich about the "great truth" that "Dürer's powerful mind" had expressed in his painting The Four Apostles. "The dreamer,… the profound philosopher seeks… the truth and gives rise to a less profound pupil as an intermediary," who "cannot understand the full essence," but "is closer to life,… explains in concrete terms what the other has said,… distorts him, but that is precisely why the masses will understand him: because he will (...)
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    Making a New Man: Ciceronian Self-Fashioning in the Rhetorical Works.Andrew M. Riggsby - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (3):473-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Making a New Man: Ciceronian Self-Fashioning in the Rhetorical WorksAndrew M. RiggsbyJohn Dugan. Making a New Man: Ciceronian Self-Fashioning in the Rhetorical Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. x + 388 pp. Cloth, $120.The title somewhat undersells this book in two respects. First, in addition to treating several of the rhetorica (De Oratore, Brutus, Orator), it also offers readings of two actual orations (Pro Archia and In Pisonem). (...)
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  37.  14
    Religion, the Enlightenment, and the New Global Order.John M. Owen Iv & J. Judd Owen (eds.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Largely due to the cultural and political shift of the Enlightenment, Western societies in the eighteenth century emerged from sectarian conflict and embraced a more religiously moderate path. In nine original essays, leading scholars ask whether exporting the Enlightenment solution is possible—or even desirable—today. Contributors begin by revisiting the Enlightenment's restructuring of the West, examining its ongoing encounters with Protestant and Catholic Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism. While acknowledging the necessity of the Enlightenment emphasis on toleration and peaceful religious coexistence, (...)
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  38.  24
    Spinoza’s Ethics of ratio: discovering and applying a spinozan model of human nature.Heidi M. Ravven - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (2):232-246.
    ABSTRACTI argue that Spinoza attributes to society the role of moral educator, a role that is to be carried out via Religion and Politics and hence also via an educational system. In his account, the social body is given the task of applying and transmitting a notion of virtue whose criterion is enhanced freedom, yet that freedom paradoxically must be acquired initially via authoritative coercive rules of praxis. The aim is to achieve an infinite broadening of perspective upon oneself and (...)
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    Quantum mechanics, amplifying processes, and living matter.Walter M. Elsasser - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (4):300-326.
    A quarter of a century has elapsed since quantum mechanics was discovered. Perhaps it is not too much to say, in retrospect, that the time was ripe for this particular development. This is attested, not only by the speed with which the edifice of the theory was completed immediately following the basic discoveries of Heisenberg and Schrödinger, but also by the rapidity, well-nigh unprecedented in the history of science with which the new results were applied to almost every branch of (...)
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    An Elicited‐Production Study of Inflectional Verb Morphology in Child Finnish.Sanna H. M. Räsänen, Ben Ambridge & Julian M. Pine - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1704-1738.
    Many generativist accounts argue for very early knowledge of inflection on the basis of very low rates of person/number marking errors in young children's speech. However, studies of Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese have revealed that these low overall error rates actually hide important differences across the verb paradigm. The present study investigated children's production of person/number marked verbs by eliciting present tense verb forms from 82 native Finnish-speaking children aged 2;2–4;8 years. Four main findings were observed: Rates of person/number marking (...)
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    The Metrical Units of Greek Lyric Verse. III.A. M. Dale - 1951 - Classical Quarterly 1 (3-4):119-.
    I Am not proposing in this essay to treat at length and in detail of the metric of other lyric poets. In most cases questions of metre are intimately involved with questions of text, into which so many other considerations enter that in dealing with them proportion would be lost, while metrical analysis of such material would still remain largely speculative. What follows is therefore little more than a general account of the principles of composition which these poets appear to (...)
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    Culture is an optometrist: Cultural contexts adjust the prescription of social learning bifocals.Jennifer M. Clegg, Nicole J. Wen & Bruce Rawlings - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e255.
    The “prescription” of humans' social learning bifocals is fine-tuned by cultural norms and, as a result, the readiness with which the instrumental or conventional lenses are used to view behavior differs across cultures. We present evidence for this possibility from cross-cultural work examining children's imitation and innovation.
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    Students come to medical schools prepared to cheat: a multi-campus investigation.S. Kukolja Taradi, M. Taradi, T. Knezevic & Z. Dogas - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):666-670.
    Objectives To investigate high school cheating experiences and attitudes towards academic misconduct of freshmen at all four medical schools in Croatia, as a post-communist country in transition, with intention of raising awareness of academic (dis)honesty. Design and method Students were given an anonymous questionnaire containing 22 questions on the atmosphere of integrity at their high school, self-reported educational dishonesty, their evaluation of cheating behaviour, and on their expectations about the atmosphere of integrity at their university. Setting All schools of medicine (...)
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    Exploring perception and usage of narrative medicine by physician specialty: a qualitative analysis.Joshua M. Hauser & Daniel A. Fox - 2021 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 16 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundNarrative medicine is a well-recognized and respected approach to care. It is now found in medical school curricula and widely implemented in practice. However, there has been no analysis of the perception and usage of narrative medicine across different medical specialties and whether there may be unique recommendations for implementation based upon specialty. The aims of this study were to explore these gaps in research.MethodsFifteen senior physicians who specialize in internal medicine, pediatrics, or surgery (5 physicians from each specialty) were (...)
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    What Philosophy Can Tell You about Your Lover.Sharon M. Kaye - 2012 - McLean, VA, USA: Open Court / Cricket.
    Be warned—in your journey through this volume you will encounter many true stories. Some will make you laugh, others could make you cry, and all are enough to thoroughly embarrass the authors. These stories would never be allowed to see the light of day if they did not open the door to important truths about love. The authors speak to you, sometimes in their own voices, sometimes through dialogue, and sometimes through fiction. You will recognize yourself in their struggles and (...)
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    Six- to eight-year-olds’ performance in the Heart and Flower task: Emerging proactive cognitive control.Claudia M. Roebers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Heart and Flower task is used worldwide to measure age-dependent and individual differences in executive functions and/or cognitive control. The task reliably maps age and individual differences and these have consistently been found to be predictive for different aspects of school readiness and academic achievement. The idea has been put forward that there is a developmental shift in how children approach such a task. While 6-year-olds’ tend to adapt their task strategy ad hoc and reactively, older children increasingly engage (...)
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    The Role of a Hospital Ethics Consultation Service in Decision-Making for Unrepresented Patients.Andrew M. Courtwright, Joshua Abrams & Ellen M. Robinson - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (2):241-250.
    Despite increased calls for hospital ethics committees to serve as default decision-makers about life-sustaining treatment for unrepresented patients who lack decision-making capacity or a surrogate decision-maker and whose wishes regarding medical care are not known, little is known about how committees currently function in these cases. This was a retrospective cohort study of all ethics committee consultations involving decision-making about LST for unrepresented patients at a large academic hospital from 2007 to 2013. There were 310 ethics committee consultations, twenty-five of (...)
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    Hume on the 'Distinction of Reason'.Harry M. Bracken - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):89-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:HUME ON THE 'DISTINCTION OF REASON1* In a 1959 paper, Richard H. Popkin1 propounded what was then taken to be a most extraordinary thesis: Hume may never have read Berkeley. Popkin's paper marks the end of one of the stranger stories in the history of philosophy, the relationship of the British Empiricists — Locke, Berkeley, Hume — to one another. The thesis was hardly news either to Berkeley or (...)
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  49. The rationality of military service (1981).Adrian M. S. Piper - 1983 - In Robert K. Fullinwider (ed.), Conscripts and Volunteers: Military Requirements, Social Justice, and the All-Volunteer Force. Rowman & Allenheld.
    The aim of this discussion is twofold.* First, I shall scrutinize certain prevailing rationales for enlisting for military service and show that these justifications are inadequate to meet the military’s recruiting needs. Larger numbers of enlistees who are fully equipped, both in technical skills and morale, for combat readiness are in great demand, but the arguments used to recruit potential enlistees are self-defeating. I shall show how and why they attract volunteers who are rendered singularly unfit to meet these demands (...)
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  50.  37
    The process of moral distress development: A virtue ethics perspective.Carolina S. Caram, Elizabeth Peter, Flávia R. S. Ramos & Maria J. M. Brito - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):402-412.
    This theoretical paper proposes a new perspective to understand the moral distress of nurses more fully, using virtue ethics. Moral distress is a widely studied subject, especially with respect to the determination of its causes and manifestations. Increasing the theoretical depth of previous work using ethical theory, however, can create new possibilities for moral distress to be explored and analyzed. Drawing on more recent work in this field, we explicate the conceptual framework of the process of moral distress in nurses, (...)
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