Michael Payne [13]Malcolm Payne [3]Mark Payne [3]Michael W. Payne [2]
Matthew Payne [2]M. Payne [1]Meggan Payne [1]Mildred Rose Payne [1]

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  1.  25
    Life after theory.Michael Payne & John Schad (eds.) - 2003 - London ; New York: Continuum.
    Is there life after theory? If the death of the Author has now been followed by the death of the Theorist, what's left? Indeed, who's left? To explore such riddles Life. After.Theory brings together new interviews with four theorists who are left, each a major figure in their own right: Jacques Derrida, Frank Kermode, Toril Moi, and Christopher Norris. Framed and introduced by Michael Payne and John Schad, the interviews pursue a whole range of topics, both familiar and unfamiliar. Among (...)
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  2.  61
    Henry Shue on Basic Rights.Michael Payne - 2008 - Essays in Philosophy 9 (2):220-227.
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  3.  4
    Navigating ethics in HIV data and biomaterial management within Black, African, and Caribbean communities in Canada.Rusty Souleymanov, Bolaji Akinyele-Akanbi, Chinyere Njeze, Patricia Ukoli, Paula Migliardi, Linda Larcombe, Gayle Restall, Laurie Ringaert, Michael Payne, John Kim, Wangari Tharao & Ayn Wilcox - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-9.
    Background This study explored the ethical issues associated with community-based HIV testing among African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) populations in Canada, focusing on their perceptions of consent, privacy, and the management of HIV-related data and bio-samples. Methods A qualitative community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach was employed to actively engage ACB community members in shaping the research process. The design included in-depth qualitative interviews with 33 ACB community members in Manitoba, Canada. The study was guided by a Community Guiding Circle, which (...)
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  4.  19
    Torture, Truth and National Security in seneca's Troades.Matthew F. Payne - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):719-738.
    This article argues that the encounter between Andromache and Ulysses in Seneca's Troades engages with the genre of declamation to juxtapose two different discourses surrounding torture: one focussed on torture's connection to truth, the other on its connection to tyranny. It describes how the Greek general Ulysses, convinced of the danger of letting the Trojan prince Astyanax live, threatens his mother Andromache with physical torture in order to ascertain the truth of Astyanax's whereabouts. However, Ulysses is countered by Andromache's rhetoric, (...)
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  5.  7
    Social Work: Themes, Issues and Critical Debates.Robert Adams, Lena Dominelli & Malcolm Payne - 2002
    The second edition of this text has been thoroughly revised and updated to ensure that it continues to provide a comprehensive survey of social work practice and theory. New chapters covering the changing nature of social work and advocacy and empowerment approaches have been included, and the editors have added a new conclusion in which they reflect on the past, present and future of social work. All of the chapters have been revised to cover the most recent debates and developments (...)
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  6.  9
    Advances in understanding education.Muriel Amy Payne - 1955 - Chalfont Saint Giles [England]: Ark Press.
  7.  9
    Mission and Global Ethnic Violence.Michael W. Payne - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (3):206-216.
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  8.  22
    On Being Vatic: Pindar, Pragmatism, and Historicism.Mark Payne - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (2):159-184.
    In this paper I argue that the large truth claims made in Pindar's gnomic language have a correspondingly large cultural function since they instantiate the capacity for unprecedented conceptual invention within a culture that lacks any master discourse in which its own self-understanding is embedded. I discuss the famous Nomos basileus fragment and its handling by Callicles in Plato's Gorgias, and by Hölderlin in his Pindar Fragments. I argue that, by using Pindar's claim as a starting point for reflections of (...)
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  9. Pastoral.Mark Payne - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  10.  23
    Poetry, Vegetality, Relief From Being.Mark Payne - 2018 - Environmental Philosophy 15 (2):255-274.
    In ancient Greek ecological thought, vegetality is the most basic ground of life. It is followed by animality and rationality as increasingly active, self-aware forms of life. An ontology of forms of life need not justify a hierarchy among actual living beings, but in practice it often does. This paper shows how the poetic representation of plants resists this slippage. Poetry offers human beings an ecstasis from their own animality so that they can apprehend their participation in the vegetality of (...)
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  11.  15
    Syntactical Analysis And "The Windhover".Michael Payne - 1967 - Renascence 19 (2):88-92.
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  12.  64
    The Basis of Law in Hart’sThe Concept of Law.Michael Payne - 1978 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):11-17.
  13.  15
    The strategy of letters.Michael Payne - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (6):1040-1041.
  14.  33
    The survival of truth after Derrida.Michael Payne - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (1):127-134.
    . The survival of truth after Derrida. Cultural Values: Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 127-134.
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  15. Reviews : Richard Rand (ed.) Logomachia: The Conflict of Faculties. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1992. £27.00, paper £11.95, xii + 219 pp. Christopher Norris, The Truth About Postmodernism. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993. £35.00, paper £12.99, 333 pp. [REVIEW]Michael Payne - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (3):117-120.
  16.  25
    SENECA'S MEDEA IN CONTEXT - (H.) Slaney Seneca: Medea. Pp. vi + 198, ills. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. Cased, £70, US$95. ISBN: 978-1-4742-5861-6. [REVIEW]Matthew Payne - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (1):119-121.
  17.  13
    Industry, State, and Society in Stalin's Russia, 1926-1934 by David R. Shearer. [REVIEW]Matthew Payne - 1999 - Isis 90:153-154.