Results for 'M. Mokri'

945 found
  1.  10
    Recherches de Kurdologie. Contribution Scientifique aux Études IraniennesRecherches de Kurdologie. Contribution Scientifique aux Etudes Iraniennes.James A. Bellamy & M. Mokri - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):369.
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  2. Vicious Pleasures [Articles Tr. From the Fr. By W.M.T.].Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi & M. T. W. - 1896
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  3. Thoughts From Amiels' 'Journal Intime' [Ed. By A.M.P.].Henri Frédéric Amiel & M. P. A. - 1903
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    Kant and Ghazali: the idea of universality of ethical norms.M. Amin Abdullah - 2000 - Frankfurt: Landeck.
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    A Demographic Analysis of Consumer Environmental Attitudes about Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Brazil.M. Abreu & J. Lins - 2010 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 15 (2):6-14.
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    Power relation between tarekat qadiriyah wa naqsyabandiyah (tarekat cukir) and partai persatuan pembangunan (ppp) in jombang, east java.M. Thohar Al Abza, Kamsi Kamsi Kamsi & Nawari Ismail - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):285-306.
    Tarekat teaches its followers not to glorify conglomerates, to keep their distance from leader, and to live in a way of zuhud, including in the matters of politics. But the Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah in Cukir Jombang was actually involved in practical politics as a supporter of Partai Persatuan Pembangunan. This paper, which was written in the form of ethnographic design according to the concept of the power relations of Foucault to find new perspectives about the actions of Tarekat communities (...)
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  7. La reforma en los orígenes de la modernidad.Mª del Rosario Acosta - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (124):3-34.
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  8. The Capitalist Revolution.M. ADLER - 1957
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  9. Ėstetika Kanta.M. N. Afasizhev - 1975 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  10. Kritika burzhuaznykh kont︠s︡ept︠s︡iĭ khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva.M. N. Afasizhev - 1984 - Moskva: "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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  11. Economía Política y Lucha Social.M. A. AGUILAR - 1970
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  12. Nʹiuton i filosofskie problemy fiziki XX veka.M. D. Akhundov & S. V. Illarionov (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Genealogy as Paradigm:: The Example of Bellerophon.M. Alden - 1996 - Hermes 124 (3):257-263.
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    The Role of Telemachus in the 'Odyssey'.M. Alden - 1987 - Hermes 115 (2):129-137.
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    Kommunikativno-pragmaticheskai︠a︡ semantika: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. F. Alefirenko, V. P. Moskvin & R. I. Kudri︠a︡shova (eds.) - 2000 - Volgograd: "Peremena".
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  16. " Certe Rationem Ordinis non Esse"?: The constitutionality of a rational order of nature in Copernicus, Bruno and Schelling.M. Gerhard - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2):51-67.
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  17. Trois Commentaires anonymes sur le traité de l'Âme d'Aristote, Leuven, Nauwelaerts, 1971.M. Giele, F. Van Steenberghen & B. Bazan - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (3):584-585.
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  18. Bulletin de Philosophie: IV. - Morale.M. S. Gillet - 1911 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 5:552-578.
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  19. Comptes rendus.M. Gillet - 1965 - Archives de Philosophie 50 (2):147.
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  20. Il fondamento della realtà morale.M. S. Gillet - 1911 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 3:II:196.
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  21. Recensione alla Collana" Vitaemotiva e formazione" a cura di V. Iori.M. Giusti - 2010 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 4 (28):177-180.
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  22. L'acte d'exister (ipsum esse) selon le thomisme conséquent.M. Gogacz - 1986 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 22 (2):25-39.
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    The human face of medicine.M. Gordon - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (1):3-3.
  24. In and On Friendship in Human Nature and Natural Knowledge.M. Grene - 1986 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 89:355-368.
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    Ideĭnye techenii︠a︡ drevnerusskoĭ mysli.M. N. Gromov - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Russkogo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo in-ta. Edited by V. V. Milʹkov.
    Svoeobrazie drevnerusskoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli -- Osnovnye napravlenii︠a︡ drevnerusskoĭ mysli -- Prilozhenie. Pami︠a︡tniki religiozno-filosofskoĭ mysli Drevneĭ Rusi.
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    Science and values in political "science".M. Gunther & K. Reshaur - 1971 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1 (1):113-121.
  27. (1 other version)L'Art au Point de vue Sociologique. Éducation et Hérédité.M. Guyau - 1890 - Mind 15 (58):279-284.
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    Animadversiones philosophiae de natura rerum et mundo.M. J. Harning - 2005 - Los Angeles, Calif.: Striking Impressions. Edited by R. J. Koppany.
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    Low on trust, high on use datafied media, trust and everyday life.Jannie Hartley-Møller & David Mathieu - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    This article explores yet another paradox – aside from the privacy paradox – related to the datafication of media: citizens trust least the media they use most It investigates the role that daily life plays in shaping the trust that citizens place in datafied media. The study reveals five sets of heuristics guiding the trust assessments of citizens: characteristics of media organisations, old media standards, context of use and purpose, experiences of datafication and understandings of datafication. The article discusses the (...)
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  30. Ritter, Joachim and the great-French-revolution.M. Havelka - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (3):394-402.
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  31. L'homme préhistorique et la théorie de la descendance.M. H. M. H. - 1913 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 1 (6):495.
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  32. Sind Gruppenzugehorigkeiten moralisch relevant? Zu einigen Konsequenzen von Simpsons Paradox bei der Begrundung ethischer Normen.M. Hoffmann - 2005 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 112 (2):335.
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  33. Cezanne's eye and Merleau-Ponty's spirit.M. Holubova - 2001 - Filozofia 56 (7):474-484.
    The project of returning back to the original roots of the phenomenal being and of penetrating into its depths was initiated by painting, namely by Paul Cézanne and his new aesthetics of expression. Cézanne's approach was later adopted by his admirer Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who contributed to it mainly by his invisible dimension of the thought. The close relation between Cézanne's painting and Merleau-Ponty's philosophical work, which in a way transforms the paintings into the words of an elocative language, is the (...)
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    Multilateralism and the Spens report: Evidence from the archives.M. Hyndman - 1976 - British Journal of Educational Studies 24 (3):242-253.
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    Studies on fertility: being volume VI of the proceedings of the society for the study of fertility.M. C. N. Jackson - 1956 - The Eugenics Review 47 (4):253.
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    Symptom, sign, and wound: Medical semiotics and photographic representations of Hiroshima.M. K. Johnson - 1994 - Semiotica 98 (1-2):89-108.
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  37. Factors influencing the entry of women into science and related fields.M. Gail Jones & Jack Wheatley - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):127-142.
  38. Chelovecheskai︠a︡ dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ.M. S. Kagan - 1974 - Moskva: Politizdat.
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    On the "Spiritual": An Essay in Categorial-Linguistic Analysis.M. S. Kagan - 1986 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 25 (3):46-66.
    The concepts of "spirit" [dukh], "spiritual," and "spirituality" have had a strange fate in philosophy. It seems that they are constantly and more widely utilized in the literature—as well as when the solution of the basic question of philosophy is formulated as the "relation of matter and spirit," when the "spiritual life of society" or "spiritual culture" is investigated, and when the issue concerns the "spirituality" of the individual as the manifestation of a high level of development of the socialist (...)
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  40. » San Alberto Magno, Comentario sobre Los nombres divinos de Dionisio «.M. Kerkhoff - 1998 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 33 (71):153-176.
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  41. Filosofskie vzgli︠a︡dy Sadriddina Shirazi.M. Khazratkulov - 1985 - Dushanbe: Izd-vo "Donish". Edited by Muso Dinorshoev.
  42. 'Don Quixote'(Art).M. Brown - 2002 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 36 (2):180-180.
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  43. Teacher thinking, teacher change, and the" capricious seamstress"-memory.M. Buchmann - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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  44. Le problème de la causalité dans le développement de la pensée scientifique.M. Burica - 1988 - Filozofia 43 (3):295-308.
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  45. Normative versus situational ethics, Chrisian versus taoist-confucian socioanthropological model of human-behavior.M. Carnogurska - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (3):164-171.
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  46. El modelo de urbe global.M. M. Chaves - 2004 - Aposta 4:1.
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  47. Un cas de platonisme grammatical au XIIe siècle.M. Chenu - 1967 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 51 (4):666.
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  48. Hiramatsu, M. 149 Hobsbawm, E. 242 Hockey, J. 186.G. Claxton, A. Cohen, A. P. Cohen, J. Cole, J. Collard, T. Comito, E. Condry, J. Conrad, V. Crapanzano & M. Crick - 1997 - In Andrew Dawson, Jennifer Lorna Hockey & Andrew H. Dawson, After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology. Routledge. pp. 264.
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  49. (1 other version)The Roman mind.M. L. Clarke - 1968 - New York,: Norton.
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  50. Marianne Paget: A Complex Sorrow.M. Connolly - 1996 - Human Studies 19 (4):467-470.
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