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Maryanne Cline Horowitz [11]Mardi J. Horowitz [7]M. Horowitz [2]Michael C. Horowitz [2]
M. J. Horowitz [2]Mardi Jon Horowitz [1]Mark R. Horowitz [1]Mark Horowitz [1]

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  1.  80
    Adopting AI: how familiarity breeds both trust and contempt.Michael C. Horowitz, Lauren Kahn, Julia Macdonald & Jacquelyn Schneider - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Despite pronouncements about the inevitable diffusion of artificial intelligence and autonomous technologies, in practice, it is human behavior, not technology in a vacuum, that dictates how technology seeps into—and changes—societies. To better understand how human preferences shape technological adoption and the spread of AI-enabled autonomous technologies, we look at representative adult samples of US public opinion in 2018 and 2020 on the use of four types of autonomous technologies: vehicles, surgery, weapons, and cyber defense. By focusing on these four diverse (...)
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  2.  36
    Person schemas: Evolutionary, individual developmental and social sources.Mardi J. Horowitz - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):309-310.
  3.  72
    Aristotle and woman.Mary Anne Cline Horowitz - 1976 - Journal of the History of Biology 9 (2):183-213.
  4. Aristotle and Woman.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1976 - Journal of the History of Biology 9 (2):183 - 213.
  5.  43
    Gender and Politics Among Anthropologists in the Units of Selection Debate.William Yaworsky, Mark Horowitz & Kenneth Kickham - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (2):145-155.
    In recent years evolutionary theorists have been engaged in a protracted and bitter disagreement concerning how natural selection affects units such as genes, individuals, kin groups, and groups. Central to this debate has been whether selective pressures affecting group success can trump the selective pressures that confer advantage at the individual level. In short, there has been a debate about the utility of group selection, with noted theorist Steven Pinker calling the concept useless for the social sciences. We surveyed 175 (...)
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  6.  58
    Should “Systems Thinkers” Accept the Limits on Political Forecasting or Push the Limits?Philip E. Tetlock, Michael C. Horowitz & Richard Herrmann - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (3):375-391.
    Historical analysis and policy making often require counterfactual thought experiments that isolate hypothesized causes from a vast array of historical possibilities. However, a core precept of Jervis's “systems thinking” is that causes are so interconnected that the historian can only with great difficulty imagine causation by subtracting all variables but one. Prediction, according to Jervis, is even more problematic: The more sensitive an event is to initial conditions (e.g., butterfly effects), the harder it is to derive accurate forecasts. Nevertheless, if (...)
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  7. WZB Discussion Papers.Bernward Joerges, Jörg Potthast & Mathias Horowitz - 1996 - WZB Discussion Papers.
    Die im Reader versammelten Beiträge verstehen sich als Versuche zu einer Soziologie des Visuellen. Sie untersuchen am Beispiel des Mediums Stadtfilm, welche Rolle die dorterzeugten Bilder großer Städte bei der Produktion urbanistischer Repräsentanten spielen. Aus diesem Grund werden insbesondere Übergänge analysiert, die Spielfilme einerseits und urbanistische Diskurse andererseits miteinander verknüpfen. Gemeinsamer Ausgangspunkt ist die These, daß es vor allem Bilder sind, die solche Verknüpfungen gewährleisten. Es wird unterstellt, daß es das Medium Film erlaubt, gerade über den Einsatz von Bildern "näher" (...)
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  8.  25
    The Stoic Synthesis of the Idea of Natural Law in Man: Four Themes.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (1):3.
  9.  11
    Seeds of Virtue and Knowledge.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    In this wide-ranging and thought-provoking study, Maryanne Cline Horowitz explores the image and idea of the human mind as a garden: under the proper educational cultivation, the mind may nourish seeds of virtue and knowledge into the full flowering of human wisdom. This copiously illustrated investigation begins by examining the intellectual world of the Stoics, who originated the phrases "seeds of virtue" and "seeds of knowledge." Tracing the interrelated history of the Stoic cluster of epistemological images for natural law within (...)
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  10.  19
    The woman question in renaissance texts.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (4-5):587-595.
    I would like to thank Barbara S. Kanner, Occidental College, for her inspiration is establishing the importance of historiographical and bibliographical essays in women's history and Mary Elizabeth Perry, University of Southern California, for comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. My students in ‘The Reformation Debate on Women’ at the Harvard Divinity School and in ‘The Renaissance’ and ‘Woman and Man in Western Thought’, at Occidental College fostered lively discussions on the ‘image’ of the Renaissance woman. In particular, (...)
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  11.  18
    An analysis of the superiority of binocular over monocular visual acuity.Milton W. Horowitz - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (5):581.
  12.  24
    A classification theory of defense.Mardi J. Horowitz, Henry C. Markman, Charles H. Stinson, Bram Fridhandler & Jess H. Ghannam - 1990 - In Jerome L. Singer, Repression and Dissociation: Implications for Personality Theory, Psychopathology and Health. University of Chicago Press.
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  13. Consciousness and processes of control.M. J. Horowitz & C. H. Stinson - 1995 - Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research 4:123-139.
  14.  27
    Complementary methodologies in the history of ideas.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):501.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 501 the practical problems of daily life by providing an explanation for misfortune and a source of guidance in times of uncertainty. There were also attempts to use it for divination and supernatural healing" (p. 151). Along these same lines, one should also cite a number of articles by Natalie Zemon Davis and, above all, the work of Robert Mandl 'ou. 17 To conclude these remarks, (...)
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  15.  6
    Converging several methods for inferring person schemas.Mardi J. Horowitz - 1988 - In Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press. pp. 303.
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  16.  20
    Montaigne's ‘des cannibales’ and natural sources of virtue.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):427-434.
  17.  24
    New Dictionary of the History of Ideas.Maryanne Cline Horowitz (ed.) - 2005 - Charles Scribner’s Sons.
    A six-volume survey of the history of Western thought and culture, presented through 700 alphabetically arranged entries. Each entry explores the origin, cultural interpretations, and historical themes of such subjects as beauty, love, feminism, diversity, and social capital, among many others. For students and general readers.
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  18.  42
    Psychodynamics and Cognition.Mardi J. Horowitz (ed.) - 1988 - University of Chicago Press.
    Based on a 1984 conference sponsored by the Health Program of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, this book presents a series of papers by ...
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  19.  50
    Pierre Charron's view of the source of wisdom.Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (4):443-457.
  20. Psychodynamic phenomena and their explanation.Mardi J. Horowitz - 1988 - In Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press. pp. 3--20.
  21.  9
    Person schemas.Mardi Jon Horowitz - 1988 - In Mardi J. Horowitz, Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press.
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  22.  7
    Rote-Retationship Modets Configuration.Mardi J. Horowitz, Thomas V. Merluzzi, Mary Ewert, Jess H. Ghannam, Dianna Hartley & Charles H. Stinson - 1988 - In Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press.
  23.  85
    Self-Identity Theory and Research Methods.Mardi J. Horowitz - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (2):Article - M14.
    Identity disturbances are common in clinical conditions and personality measures need to extend to assessment of coherence in underlying levels of self-coherence. The problem has been difficult to solve because self-organization is a complex unconscious set of mind/brain processes embedded in social roles and values. Theory helps us address this problem and suggests methods and limitations of interpretation that involve self-reports of subjects, observers who rate subjects, and narrative analyses of verbal communications from subjects.
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  24. Unconsciously determined defensive strategies.M. J. Horowitz - 1988 - In Mardi J. Horowitz, Psychodynamics and Cognition. University of Chicago Press. pp. 49--79.
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  25.  13
    Conscious representation.M. Horowitz - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (1):12-15.
  26.  49
    Early deism in France: From the so-called 'déistes' of Lyon (1564) to Voltaire's 'lettres philosophiques' (1734). [REVIEW]Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (2):296-297.
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  27.  8
    Ferrell Lowe, G., Van den Bulck, H., & Donders, K. (Eds.) (2018). Public service media in the networked society RIPE@2017. Gothenburg: Nordicom. 265 pp. (The publication is also available as open access at www.nordicom.gu.se.). [REVIEW]Minna Aslama Horowitz - 2019 - Communications 44 (2):254-256.
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  28.  30
    Paul Oskar Kristeller's Impact on Renaissance StudiesCultural Aspects of the Italian Renaissance--Essays in Honour of Paul Oskar Kristeller.Philosophy and Humanism: Renaissance Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller.Itinerarium Italicum: The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of its European Transformation--Dedicated to Paul Oskar Kristeller on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday. [REVIEW]Maryanne Cline Horowitz, Cecil H. Clough, Edward P. Mahoney, Heiko A. Oberman & Thomas A. Brady - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (4):677.
  29.  20
    Renaissance thought and arts: Collected essays: An Expanded Edition with a New Afterword. [REVIEW]Maryanne Cline Horowitz - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (1):131-132.