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Mårten Eriksson [4]Martin Eriksson [2]M. Eriksson [1]Maria Eriksson [1]
Marjukka Eriksson [1]Marja Eriksson [1]Malin Eriksson [1]Mikael Eriksson [1]

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  1. Negative knowledge, expertise and organisations.Jaana Parviainen & Marja Eriksson - 2006 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2 (2):140.
    There has been a particular emphasis on knowledge and competence as increasingly important resources for successful enterprises. This notion of knowledge is based on “positive knowledge” that knowing is merely a constructive, linear and accumulative process. We will introduce the notion of “negative knowledge” that involves “giving up” or “bracketing” knowledge in certain situations. When experts encounter something that is incompatible with their knowledge, they should be sensitive enough to recognise a new situation by suspending their action. In addition to (...)
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    Four-year-olds’ strategic allocation of resources: Attempts to elicit reciprocation correlate negatively with spontaneous helping.Ben Kenward, Kahl Hellmer, Lina Söderström Winter & Malin Eriksson - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):1-8.
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    Short Is Beautiful: Dimensionality and Measurement Invariance in Two Length of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work Scale.Mårten Eriksson & Eva Boman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. De/gendering violence and racialising blame in Swedish child welfare: what has childhood got to do with it?Zlatana Knezevic, Maria Eriksson & Mia Heikkilä - 2021 - Journal of Gender-Based Violence 5 (2): 199-214(16).
    This article is a critical interrogation of how gender and power figure in Swedish child welfare policy and the discourses on violence in intimate relationships vis-à-vis children exposed to violence. Drawing on feminist violence research, critical childhood studies, and intersectional perspectives, we identify a differentiation with racialised undertones in the understanding of violence as a social problem when related to children’s exposure. While predominately gender-neutral discourses of social heredity and epidemiology run through the material for the seemingly ‘universal’ child, forms (...)
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    Can you hear my age? Influences of speech rate and speech spontaneity on estimation of speaker age.Sara Skoog Waller, Mårten Eriksson & Patrik Sörqvist - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:144456.
    Cognitive hearing science is mainly about the study of how cognitive factors contribute to speech comprehension, but cognitive factors also partake in speech processing to infer non-linguistic information from speech signals, such as the intentions of the talker and the speaker’s age. Here, we report two experiments on age estimation by “naïve” listeners. The aim was to study how speech rate influences estimation of speaker age by comparing the speakers’ natural speech rate with increased or decreased speech rate. In Experiment (...)
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    Capital on the moral continuum: the UK, Sweden, and the taxation of inherited wealth.Martin Eriksson, Asa Gunnarsson & Ann Mumford - 2020 - Intergenerational Justice Review 6 (2).
    In this comparative analysis of the UK and Sweden, we consider, if inherited wealth is most deserving of redistributive taxation, then what lessons, if any, may be learned from the difficult paths faced by this tax in these countries. We conclude that the political momentum behind the Swedish family business was distinct, and, possibly, capable of travel to the UK. The research for this article is part of the FairTax EU project, which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (...)
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Swedish Neonatal Intensive Care.M. Eriksson & M. Lindroth - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (3):312-314.
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    Academic freedom at the University of Stockholm.S. E., Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Mats Knutson, Jacob Sundberg, Anki Gundhäll, Lars Gustafsson, Alan Dershowitz, Svante Nycander, Bengt Johansson, Magnus Eriksson, Lotta Gustavson, Marianne Gunnarsson, Kristina Vallström, Monique Wadsted, Mary Ann Glendon, Gerhard Radnitzky, Jescheck, Anders Victorin, Johan åsard & Lars Isaksson - 1991 - Minerva 29 (3):321-385.
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    Anchoring in Numeric Judgments of Visual Stimuli.Linda Langeborg & Mårten Eriksson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Vocal Age Disguise: The Role of Fundamental Frequency and Speech Rate and Its Perceived Effects.Sara Skoog Waller & Mårten Eriksson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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