Results for 'M. Duquesne'

966 found
  1.  99
    Book Reviews: Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur, Paris: PUF, 2013 (Luca M. Possati); François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein (éds.), Paul Ricoeur : penser la mémoire, Paris, Seuil, 2013 (Aurore Dumont); Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth (and Untruth) of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press (Paul-Gabriel Sandu); Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutique du langage, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012, coll. «Philosophica»,(Paul Marinescu); Saulius Geniusas, The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl's Phenomenology, Dordrecht: Springer, Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 67, 2012 (Witold Płotka); Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl, Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, coll.: Phaenomenologica 198 (Delia Popa); Denis Seron, Ce que voir veut dire. Essai sur la perception, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2012 (Maria Gyemant); Hans Frie. [REVIEW]Luca M. Possati, Aurore Dumont, Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Paul Marinescu, Witold Płotka, Delia Popa, Maria Gyemant, Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Bogdan Mincă, Denisa Butnaru, Ovidiu Stanciu & Mădălina Diaconu - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:469-508.
    Luca M. Possati, Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur ; Aurore Dumont, François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein, Paul Ricoeur: penser la mémoire ; Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement ; Paul Marinescu, Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutiquedu langage ; Witold Płotka, Saulius Geniusas, Th e Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology ; Delia Popa, Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl ; (...)
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    Existence, Existenz and Transcendence: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Karl Jaspers. By Oswald O. Schrag. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. 1971. Pp. 251. $8.95. [REVIEW]M. E. Williams - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (3):455-456.
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    The Idea of Dialogal Phenomenology. By Stephen Strasser. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. 1969. Pp. xiii, 136. $5.95. [REVIEW]M. M. Van De Pitte - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (3):452-455.
  4.  64
    A Phenomenological Study of Thinking.Christopher M. Aanstoos - 1983 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 4:244-256.
  5. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Nature. [REVIEW]O. F. M. Colin Garvey - 1960 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 10:281-282.
    Duquesne University has already given us a number of works on the philosophy of nature, which is one of the most difficult and important parts of philosophy. Those of Van Melsen and Van Laer in particular will be recalled. The author of the present work, Fr. Koren, who became editor of Duquesne Studies in 1952, has already published a textbook on Metaphysics, reviewed in Vol. VII of Philosophical Studies, and another on the Philosophy of Man. He has in (...)
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  6. Why the question of at-homeness?Frank M. Buckley - 1971 - In Amedeo Giorgi, William Frank Fischer & Rolf Von Eckartsberg (eds.), Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. pp. 1--198.
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    Drew M. Dalton: Longing for the other: Levinas and metaphysical desire: Duquesne University Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2009, 313 pp, paperback, US $25, ISBN 978-0-8207-0425-8. [REVIEW]Christopher Yates - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):325-332.
    Drew M. Dalton: Longing for the other: Levinas and metaphysical desire Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-8 DOI 10.1007/s11007-012-9216-y Authors Christopher Yates, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA Journal Continental Philosophy Review Online ISSN 1573-1103 Print ISSN 1387-2842.
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    An Approach to a Phenomenology of At-Homeness.Frank M. Buckley - 1971 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 1:198-211.
  9. Bettina G. Bergo is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh. She is the translator of three works by Emmanuel Levinas, and a book on Heidegger's debt to Jewish thought (M. Zarader, La dette impensee: Heidegger et l'heritage hebraique). Her monograph on Levinas and postmodern thought. [REVIEW]Peter Burke, Johannes Fedderke & Anthony Holiday - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Guarded by Mystery: Meaning in a Postmodern Age.David Walsh - 1999 - Cua Press.
    Clearly we have entered an era of heightened interest in spirituality. The proliferation of books, music, and paraphernalia espousing the way of the spirit is a striking phenomenon. Everywhere there is a new willingness to admit that the categories of rational thought, the authority of science, are no longer adequate to the task of making sense of our lives. A search for meaning has become pervasive. Equally striking has been the rise of experiential religion. Evangelical and fundamentalist churches are the (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought.M. F. Mason, M. I. Norton, J. D. van Horn, D. M. Wegner, S. T. Grafton & C. N. Macrae - 2007 - Science 315 (5810):393-395.
  12. Descartes: The Arguments of the Philosophers.M. D. Wilson - 1978
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  13.  55
    Methods for distance-based judgment aggregation.M. K. Miller & D. Osherson - unknown
    Judgment aggregation theory, which concerns the translation of individual judgments on logical propositions into consistent group judgments, has shown that group consistency generally cannot be guaranteed if each proposition is treated independently from the others. Developing the right method of abandoning independence is thus a high-priority goal. However, little work has been done in this area outside of a few simple approaches. To fill the gap, we compare four methods based on distance metrics between judgment sets. The methods generalize the (...)
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  14.  11
    The Philosopher’s plant: An Intellectual Herbarium (Herbarium Philosophicum (prologue), Plato’s Plane Tree (chapter 1)).Майкл Мардер, Валентина Кулагина-Ярцева & Наталия Кротовская - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (1):24-46.
    Michael Marder, a well-known specialist in environmental philosophy and political theory, studied at universities in Canada and the United States, received a Ph. D. from the New School of Social Research in New York, and taught at the Universities of Georgetown, Saskatchewan, and Washington. He conducted research at the University of Lisbon and served as an associate professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh before becoming a research professor at the University of the Basque Country. M. Marder is (...)
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  15. Causation in epidemiology.M. Parascandola & D. L. Weed - 2001 - Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 55:905--912.
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  16. On the Legal and Moral Status of Abortion.M. A. Warren - 1997 - In Hugh LaFollette - (ed.), Ethics in Practice. Blackwell.
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  17. Computable functions, quantum measurements, and quantum dynamics.M. A. Nielsen - unknown
    Quantum mechanical measurements on a physical system are represented by observables - Hermitian operators on the state space of the observed system. It is an important question whether all observables may be realized, in principle, as measurements on a physical system. Dirac’s influential text ( [1], page 37) makes the following assertion on the question: The question now presents itself – Can every observable be measured? The answer theoretically is yes. In practice it may be very awkward, or perhaps even (...)
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  18. Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies. Intersections of.M. Lock, A. Young & A. Cambrosio - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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  19.  41
    Community hospital oversight of clinical investigators' financial relationships.M. A. Hall, K. P. Weinfurt, J. S. Lawlor, J. Y. Friedman, K. A. Schulman & J. Sugarman - 2008 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 31 (1):7-13.
    The considerable attention to financial interests in clinical research has focused mostly on academic medical centers, even though the majority of clinical research is conducted in community practice settings. To fill this gap, this article maps the practices and policies in 73 community hospitals and several hundred specialized facilities around the country for reviewing clinical investigators’ financial relationships with research sponsors. Community hospitals face a substantially different mix of issues than academic medical centers do because their physician researchers are usually (...)
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  20. „What is a Theory of Meaning?(I)” in: Guttenplan, S.M. Dummett - 1975 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan (ed.), Mind and language. Oxford [Eng.]: Clarendon Press.
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  21. Truth and essence of truth in Heidegger's thought,'.M. A. Wrathall - 1993 - In Charles B. Guignon (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 241--267.
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  22. Do bioscientists need professional ethics.M. Häyry - 2003 - In Matti Häyry & Tuija Takala (eds.), Scratching the surface of bioethics. New York: Rodopi. pp. 91--97.
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  23. Contributions of psychology to peace and nonviolent conflict resolution.M. G. Wessells - 2000 - In Kurt Pawlik & Mark R. Rosenzweig (eds.), International Handbook of Psychology. Sage Publications. pp. 526--533.
  24. G.W.F. Hegel, "Three essays, 1793-1795: The Tübingen essay, Berne fragments, the life of Jesus".M. Westphal - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (1/2):99.
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    First Occupancy and Territorial Rights.M. Blake Wilson - 2020 - Global Encyclopedia of Territorial Rights.
  26. Yeni bir felsefe ve kâinat görüşü denemesi.M. Nihat Yazar - 1963 - [Ankara,:
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  27. Importanza missionaria di Ut Unum Sint.M. Zago - 1995 - Studium 91 (6):869-881.
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  28. L'ousia dans le livre Z de la Métaphysique.M. Zingano - 2005 - In M. Narcy & A. Tordesillas (eds.), La 'Métaphysique' D'Aristote: perspectives contemporaines. Vrin. pp. 99-130.
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  29. The homonymy of the being and Aristotle's metaphysical project.M. Zingano - 1997 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 51 (201):333-356.
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  30. Hegel explication of the French-revolution in his phenomenology of mind.M. Znoj - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (3):382-393.
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  31. Political freedom-Commentary.M. Znoj - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (6):1027-1029.
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  32. Jung's Concept of Individuation and the Problem of Alienation.M. Zowislo - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 67:95-110.
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  33. ' 'Relativism: A Brief History.M. Baghramian - 2010 - In Michael Krausz (ed.), Relativism: A Contemporary Anthology. Columbia University Press.
  34. (1 other version)Eikos muthos.M. F. Burnyeat - 2009 - In Catalin Partenie (ed.), Plato’s Myths. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 167--186.
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  35.  73
    Mathematical Entities in the Divided Line.M. J. Cresswell - 2012 - Review of Metaphysics 66 (1):89-104.
    The second highest level of the divided line in Plato’s Republic (510b-511a) appears to be about the entities of mathematics—entities such as particular (though non-physical) triangles. It differs from the highest level in two respects. It involves reasoning from hypotheses, and it uses visible images. This article defends the traditional view that the passage is indeed about these mathematical ‘intermediates’; and tries to show how the apparently different features of the second level are related, by focussing on Plato’s need to (...)
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  36. Creative Teaching and Learning.M. Fryer - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (1):92-93.
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  37. Manhīyāt va "maʼmūrāt" dar Islām.Niẓām al-Dīn Nāfiʻ - 2010 - Kābul: Intishārāt-i Risālat.
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  38. A Memoir: People and Places (R. Harrison).M. Warnock - 2002 - Philosophical Books 43 (2):155-155.
  39. The Russian Revolutions (Mark Erickson).M. Weber - 1995 - History of the Human Sciences 8:138-139.
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  40. Hume and the Metaphysical Argument A Priori.M. A. Stewart - 1985 - In Alan Holland (ed.), Philosophy, Its History and Historiography. Reidel.
    There is a theistic argument which is discussed at least twice in the Hume corpus, both times rather perfunctorily. This perfunctoriness has carried over to some of his commentators, who are not always clear as to what the argument is or about the force of Hume’s comments on it. On page 23 of A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend in Edinburgh Hume calls it “the metaphysical Argument a priori” and in Part 9 of Dialogues concerning Natural Religion simply (...)
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  41.  16
    The Direction of Time. [REVIEW]M. F. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):368-369.
    A detailed attempt to ground the topological properties of time in the laws of micro- and macro-physical processes. The reversible processes of mechanics are used to define an order among temporally separated events, which is invariant under reversals of time direction. So long as consideration is limited to a single isolated system, a time ensemble, the transfer of the reversibility of the constituent processes of such a system to the system as a whole makes it impossible to define time direction (...)
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  42. Survey of Blindness in Bay.M. R. Fojas, G. De Ocampo & J. Fortes - 1969 - Laguna. Phil. J Ophthal 1:14.
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  43. Sull'atto.M. Gentile - 1984 - Filosofia Oggi 7 (1):31-40.
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  44. Giovanni Pinna, Declino e Caduta dell'Impero dei Dinosauri.M. T. Ghiselin - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):432-432.
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  45. The philosophy and structure of the “middos” program.M. Gifter - 1975 - In Joseph Kaminetsky & Murray I. Friedman (eds.), Building Jewish ethical character. New York: Fryer Foundation. pp. 3--10.
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  46. Objectivity and Method: How the «Euthyphro» Works.M. Glouberman - 1989 - Logique Et Analyse 32 (125-126):41-54.
  47. The Aesthetics of Medicine: An Essay on the Borderline of Aesthetics, Art History and the History of Medicine.M. Golaszewska - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 64:91-102.
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  48. "Estʹ takai︠a︡ professii︠a︡ - obshchestvo izuchatʹ": izbrannye statʹi, intervʹi︠u︡, biograficheskie otkrovenii︠a︡.M. K. Gorshkov - 2020 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Vesʹ Mir".
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  49.  11
    Xavier Léon : vingt-cinq ans après.M. Gueroult - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (3):241 - 245.
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  50.  8
    Hegel and the Foundations of Literary Theory.M. R. Habib - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Do the various forms of literary theory - deconstruction, Marxism, new historicism, feminism, post-colonialism, and cultural/digital studies - have anything in common? If so, what are the fundamental principles of theory? What is its ideological orientation? Can it still be of use to us in understanding basic intellectual and ethical dilemmas of our time? These questions continue to perplex both students and teachers of literary theory. Habib finds the answers in theory's largely unacknowledged roots in the thought of German philosopher (...)
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