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  1. (1 other version)Neural reuse: A fundamental organizational principle of the brain.Michael L. Anderson - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):245.
    An emerging class of theories concerning the functional structure of the brain takes the reuse of neural circuitry for various cognitive purposes to be a central organizational principle. According to these theories, it is quite common for neural circuits established for one purpose to be exapted (exploited, recycled, redeployed) during evolution or normal development, and be put to different uses, often without losing their original functions. Neural reuse theories thus differ from the usual understanding of the role of neural plasticity (...)
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  2. Machine Ethics.Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge Univ. Press.
    The essays in this volume represent the first steps by philosophers and artificial intelligence researchers toward explaining why it is necessary to add an ...
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  3. Embodied cognition: A field guide.Michael L. Anderson - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 149 (1):91-130.
    The nature of cognition is being re-considered. Instead of emphasizing formal operations on abstract symbols, the new approach foregrounds the fact that cognition is, rather, a situated activity, and suggests that thinking beings ought therefore be considered first and foremost as acting beings. The essay reviews recent work in Embodied Cognition, provides a concise guide to its principles, attitudes and goals, and identifies the physical grounding project as its central research focus.
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  4. Moral Luck as Moral Lack of Control.Mark B. Anderson - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (1):5-29.
    When Thomas Nagel originally coined the expression “moral luck,” he used the term “luck” to mean lack of control. This use was a matter of stipulation, as Nagel’s target had little to do with luck itself, but the question of how control is related to moral responsibility. Since then, we have seen several analyses of the concept of luck itself, and recent contributors to the moral luck literature have often assumed that any serious contribution to the moral luck debate must (...)
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    Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Habit: Before and Beyond Consciousness.Myrdene Anderson & Donna West (eds.) - 2016 - Springer Verlag.
    This book constitutes the first treatment of C. S. Peirce’s unique concept of habit. Habit animated the pragmatists of the 19th and early 20th centuries, who picked up the baton from classical scholars, principally Aristotle. Most prominent among the pragmatists thereafter is Charles Sanders Peirce. In our vernacular, habit connotes a pattern of conduct. Nonetheless, Peirce’s concept transcends application to mere regularity or to human conduct; it extends into natural and social phenomena, making cohesive inner and outer worlds. Chapters in (...)
  6. Mining the Brain for a New Taxonomy of the Mind.Michael L. Anderson - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (1):68-77.
    In this paper, I summarize an emerging debate in the cognitive sciences over the right taxonomy for understanding cognition – the right theory of and vocabulary for describing the structure of the mind – and the proper role of neuroscientific evidence in specifying this taxonomy. In part because the discussion clearly entails a deep reconsideration of the supposed autonomy of psychology from neuroscience, this is a debate in which philosophers should be interested, with which they should be familiar, and to (...)
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  7. Eroding the Boundaries of Cognition: Implications of Embodiment 1.Michael L. Anderson, Michael J. Richardson & Anthony Chemero - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):717-730.
    To accept that cognition is embodied is to question many of the beliefs traditionally held by cognitive scientists. One key question regards the localization of cognitive faculties. Here we argue that for cognition to be embodied and sometimes embedded, means that the cognitive faculty cannot be localized in a brain area alone. We review recent research on neural reuse, the 1/f structure of human activity, tool use, group cognition, and social coordination dynamics that we believe demonstrates how the boundary between (...)
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    Anti-abortionist Action Theory and the Asymmetry between Spontaneous and Induced Abortions.Matthew Lee Anderson - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (3):209-224.
    This essay defends the asymmetry between the badness of spontaneous and induced abortions in order to explain why anti-abortionists prioritize stopping induced abortions over preventing spontaneous abortions. Specifically, it argues (1) the distinction between killing and letting-die is of more limited use in explaining the asymmetry than has sometimes been presumed, and (2) that accounting for intentions in moral agency does not render performances morally inert. Instead, anti-abortionists adopt a pluralist, nonreductive account of moral analysis which is situated against a (...)
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    A Prima Facie Duty Approach to Machine Ethics Machine Learning of Features of Ethical Dilemmas, Prima Facie Duties, and Decision Principles through a Dialogue with Ethicists.Susan Leigh Anderson & Michael Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson, Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  10.  90
    Précis of After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain.Michael L. Anderson - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:1-22.
    Neural reuse is a form of neuroplasticity whereby neural elements originally developed for one purpose are put to multiple uses. A diverse behavioral repertoire is achieved by means of the creation of multiple, nested, and overlapping neural coalitions, in which each neural element is a member of multiple different coalitions and cooperates with a different set of partners at different times. Neural reuse has profound implications for how we think about our continuity with other species, for how we understand the (...)
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  11. The problem with brain GUTs: Conflation of different senses of “prediction” threatens metaphysical disaster.Michael L. Anderson & Tony Chemero - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):204-205.
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  12. The perverse effects of competition on scientists' work and relationships.Melissa S. Anderson, Emily A. Ronning, Raymond De Vries & Brian C. Martinson - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (4):437-461.
    Competition among scientists for funding, positions and prestige, among other things, is often seen as a salutary driving force in U.S. science. Its effects on scientists, their work and their relationships are seldom considered. Focus-group discussions with 51 mid- and early-career scientists, on which this study is based, reveal a dark side of competition in science. According to these scientists, competition contributes to strategic game-playing in science, a decline in free and open sharing of information and methods, sabotage of others’ (...)
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    On the status of inhibitory mechanisms in cognition: Memory retrieval as a model case.Michael C. Anderson & Barbara A. Spellman - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (1):68-100.
  14. Just Prospering? Plato and the Sophistic Debate about Justice.Merrick Anderson - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Just Prospering? explores an important debate about the value of justice in Ancient Greece. Anderson begins with an analysis of the 5th Century BCE sophists and their novel philosophical debates about justice, before turning to Plato's Republic which, he argues, cannot be understood without attending to the sophistic dialogue.
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  15. Massive redeployment, exaptation, and the functional integration of cognitive operations.Michael L. Anderson - 2007 - Synthese 159 (3):329 - 345.
    Abstract: The massive redeployment hypothesis (MRH) is a theory about the functional topography of the human brain, offering a middle course between strict localization on the one hand, and holism on the other. Central to MRH is the claim that cognitive evolution proceeded in a way analogous to component reuse in software engineering, whereby existing components-originally developed to serve some specific purpose-were used for new purposes and combined to support new capacities, without disrupting their participation in existing programs. If the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Massive Redeployment Hypothesis and the Functional Topography of the Brain.Michael L. Anderson - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (2):143-174.
    This essay introduces the massive redeployment hypothesis, an account of the functional organization of the brain that centrally features the fact that brain areas are typically employed to support numerous functions. The central contribution of the essay is to outline a middle course between strict localization on the one hand, and holism on the other, in such a way as to account for the supporting data on both sides of the argument. The massive redeployment hypothesis is supported by case studies (...)
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  17. Content and action: The guidance theory of representation.Gregg H. Rosenberg & Michael L. Anderson - 2008 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 29 (1-2):55-86.
    The current essay introduces the guidance theory of representation, according to which the content and intentionality of representations can be accounted for in terms of the way they provide guidance for action. The guidance theory offers a way of fixing representational content that gives the causal and evolutionary history of the subject only an indirect role, and an account of representational error, based on failure of action, that does not rely on any such notions as proper functions, ideal conditions, or (...)
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    The Implications of Diverse Human Moral Foundations for Assessing the Ethicality of Artificial Intelligence.Jake B. Telkamp & Marc H. Anderson - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (4):961-976.
    Organizations are making massive investments in artificial intelligence, and recent demonstrations and achievements highlight the immense potential for AI to improve organizational and human welfare. Yet realizing the potential of AI necessitates a better understanding of the various ethical issues involved with deciding to use AI, training and maintaining it, and allowing it to make decisions that have moral consequences. People want organizations using AI and the AI systems themselves to behave ethically, but ethical behavior means different things to different (...)
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    Ethics in global research: Creating a toolkit to support integrity and ethical action throughout the research journey.Corinne Reid, Clara Calia, Cristóbal Guerra, Liz Grant, Matilda Anderson, Khama Chibwana, Paul Kawale & Action Amos - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):359-374.
    Global challenge-led research seeks to contribute to solution-generation for complex problems. Multicultural, multidisciplinary, and multisectoral teams must be capable of operating in highly demanding contexts. This brings with it a swathe of ethical conflicts that require quick and effective solutions that respect both international conventions and cultural diversity. The objective of this article is to describe the process of creating a toolkit designed to support global researchers in navigating these ethical challenges. The process of creating the toolkit embodied the model (...)
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  20.  49
    Extended Skill Learning.Edward Baggs, Vicente Raja & Michael L. Anderson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:533394.
    Within the ecological and enactive approaches in cognitive science, a tension exists in how the process of skill learning is understood. Skill learning can be understood in a narrow sense, as a process of bodily change over time, or in an extended sense, as a change in the structure of the animal–environment system. We propose to resolve this tension by rejecting the first understanding in favor of the second. We thus defend an extended approach to skill learning. An extended understanding (...)
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  21. Can a theory-Laden observation test the theory?A. Franklin, M. Anderson, D. Brock, S. Coleman, J. Downing, A. Gruvander, J. Lilly, J. Neal, D. Peterson, M. Price, R. Rice, L. Smith, S. Speirer & D. Toering - 1989 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40 (2):229-231.
  22.  32
    AFHVS 2020 presidential address: pushing beyond the boundaries.Molly D. Anderson - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):607-610.
    In this 2020 AFHVS Presidential Address, Molly Anderson suggests that we must push beyond the boundaries imposed by our training, institutional reward systems, political system and comfort zones in order to solve global challenges. She lists five challenges facing those who are trying to build more sustainable food systems: overcoming the technocratic and productivist approach of industrial agriculture, avoiding future pandemics, restoring degraded and depleted systems and resources, remaining united as a movement while creating collaborations with other movements, and redistributing (...)
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    Some dilemmas for an account of neural representation: A reply to Poldrack.Michael L. Anderson & Heather Champion - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2).
    “The physics of representation” aims to define the word “representation” as used in the neurosciences, argue that such representations as described in neuroscience are related to and usefully illuminated by the representations generated by modern neural networks, and establish that these entities are “representations in good standing”. We suggest that Poldrack succeeds in, exposes some tensions between the broad use of the term in neuroscience and the narrower class of entities that he identifies in the end, and between the meaning (...)
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    Notes towards a New Interpretation of the Virtues in the Republic.Merrick Anderson - 2025 - In Carolina de Melo Bomfim Araújo, Plato's Power. Leiden | Boston: Brill. pp. 275=294.
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    (1 other version)Active logic semantics for a single agent in a static world.Michael L. Anderson, Walid Gomaa, John Grant & Don Perlis - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (8-9):1045-1063.
  26. How Can the Study of the Humanities Inform the Study of Biosemiotics?Donald Favareau, Kalevi Kull, Gerald Ostdiek, Timo Maran, Louise Westling, Paul Cobley, Frederik Stjernfelt, Myrdene Anderson, Morten Tønnessen & Wendy Wheeler - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (1):9-31.
    This essay – a collection of contributions from 10 scholars working in the field of biosemiotics and the humanities – considers nature in culture. It frames this by asking the question ‘Why does biosemiotics need the humanities?’. Each author writes from the background of their own disciplinary perspective in order to throw light upon their interdisciplinary engagement with biosemiotics. We start with Donald Favareau, whose originary disciplinary home is ethnomethodology and linguistics, and then move on to Paul Cobley’s contribution on (...)
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    Ectogestation and Humanity’s Whence? An Exploration with Saint Augustine and Karl Barth.Matthew Lee Anderson - 2024 - Christian Bioethics 30 (2):106-119.
    This essay explores the theological and anthropological significance of birth, in order to discern what might be lost with the adoption of complete ectogestation (“artificial wombs”). Specifically, it considers both Saint Augustine and Karl Barth’s respective accounts of humanity’s whence—that is, their theological answer to the question of the nature and significance of our origins as individuals. I suggest that Augustine’s account of his origins emphasizes both his epistemic and biological dependency on his mother and nurses, while Barth’s stresses the (...)
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    Rights-based food systems and the goals of food systems reform.Molly D. Anderson - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):593-608.
    Food security, health, decent livelihoods, gender equity, safe working conditions, cultural identity and participation in cultural life are basic human rights that can be achieved at least in part through the food system. But current trends in the US prevent full realization of these economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR) for residents, farmers, and wageworkers in the food system. Supply chains that strive to meet the goals of social justice, economic equity, and environmental quality better than the dominant globalized food (...)
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  29. Socrates as Hoplite.Mark Anderson - 2005 - Ancient Philosophy 25 (2):273-289.
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    Emotional and non-emotional memories are suppressible under direct suppression instructions.Kevin van Schie, Elke Geraerts & Michael C. Anderson - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (6):1122-1131.
  31.  29
    Reconsidering unconscious persistence: Suppressing unwanted memories reduces their indirect expression in later thoughts.Yingying Wang, Andrea Luppi, Jonathan Fawcett & Michael C. Anderson - 2019 - Cognition 187 (C):78-94.
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    An approach for combining ethical principles with public opinion to guide public policy.Edmond Awad, Michael Anderson, Susan Leigh Anderson & Beishui Liao - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103349.
  33. Molinism, Open Theism, and Soteriological Luck.Mark Anderson - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (3):371-381.
    It is sometimes claimed by open theists that, on Molinism, God controls who is saved and who is damned and that, as a consequence, God's judgement of us is unjust. While this charge is usually lumped under the problem of evil, it could easily be classified under the problem of soteriological luck. I argue that the open theist is impugned by this latter problem. I then show that the Molinist has a solution to both problems and consider objections to that (...)
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    Pedagogical Support for Responsible Conduct of Research Training.Misti Ault Anderson - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):18-25.
    The number of training programs for the responsible conduct of research has increased substantially over the past few decades as the importance of research ethics has received greater attention. It is unclear, however, whether the proliferation of RCR training programs has improved researcher integrity or the public's trust in science. Rather than training researchers simply to comply with regulations, we could use the opportunity to develop researchers' ability to understand and appreciate the ethical ideals that inform the regulations in order (...)
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  35. Circuit sharing and the implementation of intelligent systems.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    One of the most foundational and continually contested questions in the cognitive sciences is the degree to which the functional organization of the brain can be understood as modular. In its classic formulation, a module was defined as a cognitive sub-system with nine specific properties; the classic module is, among other things, domain specific, encapsulated, and implemented in dedicated neural substrates. Most of the examinations—and especially the criticisms—of the modularity thesis have focused on these properties individually, for instance by finding (...)
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  36. Collective openness and other recommendations for the promotion of research integrity.Melissa S. Anderson - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (4):387-394.
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    How We Count Hunger Matters.Frances Moore Lappé, Jennifer Clapp, Molly Anderson, Robin Broad, Ellen Messer, Thomas Pogge & Timothy Wise - 2013 - Ethics and International Affairs 27 (3):251-259.
    Hunger continues to be one of humanity's greatest challenges despite the existence of a more-than-adequate global food supply equal to 2,800 kilocalories for every person every day. In measuring progress, policy-makers and concerned citizens across the globe rely on information supplied by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an agency of the United Nations. In 2010 the FAO reported that in the wake of the 2007–2008 food-price spikes and global economic crisis, the number of people experiencing hunger worldwide since 2005–2007 (...)
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    Towards Moral Machines: A Discussion with Michael Anderson and Susan Leigh Anderson.Michael Anderson, Susan Leigh Anderson, Alkis Gounaris & George Kosteletos - 2021 - Conatus 6 (1).
    At the turn of the 21st century, Susan Leigh Anderson and Michael Anderson conceived and introduced the Machine Ethics research program, that aimed to highlight the requirements under which autonomous artificial intelligence systems could demonstrate ethical behavior guided by moral values, and at the same time to show that these values, as well as ethics in general, can be representable and computable. Today, the interaction between humans and AI entities is already part of our everyday lives; in the near future (...)
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  39. Cognitive science and epistemic openness.Michael L. Anderson - 2006 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 5 (2):125-154.
    b>. Recent findings in cognitive science suggest that the epistemic subject is more complex and epistemically porous than is generally pictured. Human knowers are open to the world via multiple channels, each operating for particular purposes and according to its own logic. These findings need to be understood and addressed by the philosophical community. The current essay argues that one consequence of the new findings is to invalidate certain arguments for epistemic anti-realism.
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  40. Thrasymachus’ Sophistic Account of Justice in Republic i.Merrick E. Anderson - 2016 - Ancient Philosophy 36 (1):151-172.
    In this paper, I oppose the now-dominant view that Thrasymachus offers a definition of justice in Book I of the Republic. This way of interpretation Thrasymachus does not pay sufficient attention to the methodological assumptions he makes during his disagreement with Socrates. To better understand Socrates’ antagonist, it is crucial to remember that he was, in fact, a sophist. I argue that what the character Thrasymachus is doing in Book I is importantly akin to a certain genre of sophistic arguments (...)
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    From the ground up: developing a practical ethical methodology for integrating AI into industry.Marc M. Anderson & Karën Fort - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):631-645.
    In this article we present a new approach to practical artificial intelligence (AI) ethics in heavy industry, which was developed in the context of an EU Horizons 2020 multi partner project. We begin with a review of the concept of Industry 4.0, discussing the limitations of the concept, and of iterative categorization of heavy industry generally, for a practical human centered ethical approach. We then proceed to an overview of actual and potential AI ethics approaches to heavy industry, suggesting that (...)
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    Culture in the world shapes culture in the head (and vice versa).Edward Baggs, Vicente Raja & Michael L. Anderson - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e172.
    We agree with Heyes that an explanation of human uniqueness must appeal to cultural evolution, and not just genes. Her account, though, focuses narrowly on internal cognitive mechanisms. This causes her to mischaracterize human behavior and to overlook the role of material culture. A more powerful account would view cognitive gadgets as spanning organisms and their (shared) environments.
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    The Presidential Bioethics Commission: Pedagogical Materials and Bioethics Education.Lisa M. Lee, Hillary Wicai Viers & Misti Ault Anderson - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (5):16-19.
    The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues was created by President Obama in 2009 to identify and promote policies and practices that ensure scientific research, health care delivery, and technological innovation are conducted in socially and ethically responsible manners. The bioethics commission is an independent and thoughtful group of experts who advises the President and, in so doing, strives to educate the nation on bioethical issues. As part of the effort to promote policies and practices ensuring the ethical (...)
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  44. Legein to What End?Merrick Anderson - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (2):176-182.
    In the 5th century a number of sophists challenged the orthodox understanding of morality and claimed that practicing injustice was the best and most profitable way for an individual to live. Although a number of responses to sophistic immoralism were made, one argument, in fact coming from a pair of sophists, has not received the attention it deserves. According to the argument I call Immortal Repute, self-interested individuals should reject immorality and cultivate virtue instead, for only a virtuous agent can (...)
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    The MBA oath: setting a higher standard for business leaders.Max Anderson - 2010 - New York, N.Y.: Portfolio. Edited by Peter Escher.
    The trouble with business schools -- The great, but delicate experiment -- A hippocratic oath for business -- Six more arguments for the MBA oath -- The purpose of a manager -- Ethics and integrity -- No man is an island : stakeholders -- Ambition and good faith -- The letter and the spirit : law -- The sunlight of responsibility : transparency -- Personal and professional growth -- Sustainable prosperity : a partnership for living well -- Accountability.
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    Neoliberalism, Technology, and the University: Max Weber’s Concept of Rationalization as a Critique of Online Classes in Higher Education.Gabriel Keehn, Morgan Anderson & Deron Boyles - 2018 - In Aaron Stoller & Eli Kramer, Contemporary Philosophical Proposals for the University: Toward a Philosophy of Higher Education. Springer Verlag. pp. 47-66.
    In this essay, we focus on Max Weber’s concept of rationalization to understand and make sense of the rise of bureaucratic, corporate governance and online learning in higher education. We reveal the distinct disconnect between human interaction and online platforms and how such disconnection is antithetical to higher learning. We also show how Weber’s analysis helps us recognize the uniquely crass commercialism embedded in the very rationalization that makes online learning in universities thinkable and actionable. Our use of online learning (...)
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    Predictive validity of the N2 and P3 ERP components to executive functioning in children: a latent-variable analysis.Christopher R. Brydges, Allison M. Fox, Corinne L. Reid & Mike Anderson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  48. What Are the Wages of Justice? Rethinking the Republic’s Division of Goods.Merrick Anderson - 2020 - Phronesis 65 (1):1-26.
    A growing number of scholars have seen that the Republic’s division of goods includes goods which possess value δι᾽ αὑτό in virtue of some of their causal effects. Building on this, I argue that goods, including justice, which are valuable διὰ τὰ γιγνόµενα ἀπ’ αὐτοῦ (and whose effects can contribute to the value a good has δι᾽ αὑτό) are so in virtue of a limited class of beneficial effects: those that depend on the recognition of other agents. This way of (...)
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    What phantom limbs are.Michael L. Anderson - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 64:216-226.
  50. Misconduct and departmental context-evidence from the acadia institute's graduate education project.M. S. Anderson - 1996 - Journal of Information Ethics 5 (1):15-33.
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