Results for 'Luka Repanšek'

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  1. K interpretaciji latinskega napisa na odlomku rimskega vrča z območja antičnega Navporta.Luka Repanšek - 2024 - Clotho 6 (2):57-69.
    Na dnu rimskega keramičnega vrča, datiranega med poznorepublikansko in klavdijsko obdobje, ki je bil odkrit v reki Ljubljanici v bližini Vrhnike, je vpraskan dobro ohranjen latinski napis v starejši rimski kurzivi amianti sum curtos, ki se ga da na podlagi paleografskih značilnosti datirati v 1. stol. po Kr. Napis ima številne tipološke paralele na rimski keramiki, vendar v lastninskih napisih tega tipa, torej takih, ki vsebujejo osebno ime v rodilniku in glagol sum, predmet, ki je v posesti, samega sebe praviloma (...)
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  2. Gespräche mit Georg Lukács: Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth.György Lukács - 1967 - [Reinbek bei Hamburg]: Rowohlt. Edited by Hans Heinz Holz & Theodor Pinkus.
    Vorrede, von T. Pinkus.--Sein und Bewusstsein, von G. Lukács und H.H.Holz.--Gesellschaft und Individuum, von G. Lukács und L. Kofler.--Grundlegendes zu einer wissenschaftlichen Politik, von G. Lukács und W. Abendroth.--Vorläufige Bilanz, von G. Lukács, W. Abendroth und H. H. Holz.--Bibliographie (p. 125-[128]).
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    Lukács György válogatott művei.György Lukács - 1968 - Budapest,: Gondolat Kiadó. Edited by Ferenc Fehér.
    1. Művészet és társadalom; válogatott esztétikai tanulmányok.--2. Világirodalom; válogatott világirodalom tanulmányok 2 v.
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    Georg Lukács: selected correspondence, 1902-1920: dialogues with Weber, Simmel, Buber, Mannheim, and others.György Lukács - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Judith Marcus & Zoltán Tarr.
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    Conversations with Lukács.György Lukács - 1974 - London: Merlin Press. Edited by Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth & Theodor Pinkus.
    Using the technique of prepared questions, Conversations with Lukacs is a brilliant gathering of thoughts and insights covering topics as ontology, the techniques of manipulative societies, the pitfalls of combating Stalinism with Stalinist methods, and the problems of intellectuals in advanced capitalist societies. Above all, there is the restatement of Lukacs unshaken conviction that the working class, with all the changes that have occurred in its way of life and composition, is still the historical carrier of social transformation. Lukacs's interlocutors (...)
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    A Lukács-vita (1949-1951).György Lukács & János Ambrus (eds.) - 1985 - Budapest: Múzsák.
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    ‘Power concedes nothing without a demand’: the structural injustice of climate change.Lukas Sparenborg - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    ABSTRACT Stephen Gardiner’s A Perfect Moral Storm offers an in-depth analysis of the ethical facets of climate change. In this paper, I contend that he nonetheless overlooks an important structural layer to climate vulnerabilities and injustices because he analyzes them implicitly interactional. I argue that climate change should rather be understood as a form of structural injustice as outlined by Iris M. Young. In this reading, the unjust socio-economic structural processes that give rise to climate change, the production and consumption (...)
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    Lukács chi?: dicono di lui.Lelio La Porta & György Lukács (eds.) - 1949 - [Rome]: Bordeaux.
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  9. Employees Adhere More to Unethical Instructions from Human Than AI Supervisors: Complementing Experimental Evidence with Machine Learning.Lukas Lanz, Roman Briker & Fabiola H. Gerpott - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):625-646.
    The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations has fundamentally changed from performing routine tasks to supervising human employees. While prior studies focused on normative perceptions of such AI supervisors, employees’ behavioral reactions towards them remained largely unexplored. We draw from theories on AI aversion and appreciation to tackle the ambiguity within this field and investigate if and why employees might adhere to unethical instructions either from a human or an AI supervisor. In addition, we identify employee characteristics affecting this (...)
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    On the Intellectual Vice of Epistemic Apathy.Lukas Schwengerer & Alkis Kotsonis - 2025 - Social Epistemology 39 (1):77-90.
    Our aim in this paper is to characterize epistemic apathy as an intellectual vice. The agent who possesses this character trait is led not to intervene to prevent another epistemic agent from forming a false belief when it would be appropriate to intervene. Following the motivational viewpoint on vice, we conclude that epistemic apathy can be cashed out in terms of imperfect epistemic motivations. The apathetic agent possesses bad (or, at least, lacks good) epistemic motives. We show, however, that motivationalism (...)
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  11. Higher‐order metaphysics.Lukas Skiba - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):1-11.
    Subverting a once widely held Quinean paradigm, there is a growing consensus among philosophers of logic that higher-order quantifiers (which bind variables in the syntactic position of predicates and sentences) are a perfectly legitimate and useful instrument in the logico-philosophical toolbox, while neither being reducible to nor fully explicable in terms of first-order quantifiers (which bind variables in singular term position). This article discusses the impact of this quantificational paradigm shift on metaphysics, focussing on theories of properties, propositions, and identity, (...)
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    The Econ within or the Econ above? On the plausibility of preference purification.Lukas Beck - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):423-445.
    Scholars disagree about the plausibility of preference purification. Some see it as a familiar phenomenon. Others denounce it as conceptually incoherent, postulating that it relies on the psychologically implausible assumption of an inner rational agent. I argue that different notions of rationality can be leveraged to advance the debate: procedural rationality and structural rationality. I explicate how structural rationality, in contrast to procedural rationality, allows us to offer an account of the guiding idea behind preference purification that avoids inner rational (...)
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    Geschichtlichkeit und Aktualität: Beiträge zum Werk und Wirken von Georg Lukács.György Lukács, Manfred Buhr & József Lukács (eds.) - 1987 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  14. Algorithms for Ethical Decision-Making in the Clinic: A Proof of Concept.Lukas J. Meier, Alice Hein, Klaus Diepold & Alena Buyx - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):4-20.
    Machine intelligence already helps medical staff with a number of tasks. Ethical decision-making, however, has not been handed over to computers. In this proof-of-concept study, we show how an algorithm based on Beauchamp and Childress’ prima-facie principles could be employed to advise on a range of moral dilemma situations that occur in medical institutions. We explain why we chose fuzzy cognitive maps to set up the advisory system and how we utilized machine learning to train it. We report on the (...)
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    Memories without Survival: Personal Identity and the Ascending Reticular Activating System.Lukas J. Meier - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):478-491.
    Lockean views of personal identity maintain that we are essentially persons who persist diachronically by virtue of being psychologically continuous with our former selves. In this article, I present a novel objection to this variant of psychological accounts, which is based on neurophysiological characteristics of the brain. While the mental states that constitute said psychological continuity reside in the cerebral hemispheres, so that for the former to persist only the upper brain must remain intact, being conscious additionally requires that a (...)
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  16. Collective vice and collective self-knowledge.Lukas Schwengerer - 2023 - Synthese 201 (19):1-18.
    Groups can be epistemically vicious just like individuals. And just like individuals, groups sometimes want to do something about their vices. They want to change. However, intentionally combating one’s own vices seems impossible without detecting those vices first. Self-knowledge seems to provide a first step towards changing one’s own epistemic vices. I argue that groups can acquire self-knowledge about their epistemic vices and I propose an account of such collective self-knowledge. I suggest that collective self-knowledge of vices is partially based (...)
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    Ernst Bloch und Georg Lukács, Dokumente zum 100. Geburtstag.Ernst Bloch, György Lukács, Miklós Mesterházi & György Mezei (eds.) - 1984 - [Budapest]: MTA Filozófiai Intézet, Lukács Archívum.
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  18. Online Intellectual Virtues and the Extended Mind.Lukas Schwengerer - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (3):312-322.
    The internet has become an ubiquitous epistemic source. However, it comes with several drawbacks. For instance, the world wide web seems to foster filter bubbles and echo chambers and includes search results that promote bias and spread misinformation. Richard Heersmink suggests online intellectual virtues to combat these epistemically detrimental effects . These are general epistemic virtues applied to the online environment based on our background knowledge of this online environment. I argue that these online intellectual virtues also demand a particular (...)
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  19.  8
    Angstbewältigung.Lukas Kaelin - 2021 - In Michael Fuchs, Handbuch Alter Und Altern: Anthropologie – Kultur – Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 309-316.
    Strategien der Angstbewältigung sind abhängig davon, was unter dem Phänomen der Angst verstanden wird. Als eines der grundlegendsten psychischen Phänomene ist die Angst ein Untersuchungsgegenstand unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, die dabei ihre jeweils eigenen Zugänge haben. Das interdisziplinäre Handbuch der Angst beispielsweise beschreibt in der Abteilung »Epistemologie der Angst« nicht weniger als elf unterschiedliche Disziplinen, die sich der Angst widmen: Theologie, Philosophie, Psychologie, Phänomenologie, Soziologie, Ethnologie, Politik, Ökonomie, Ökologie, Gender-Theorie und Biologie der Angst.
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  20. (1 other version)Contextualizing Bioethics.Lukas Kaelin - 2009 - Unesco Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and Observations About Filipino Bioethics. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 19 (2):42-47.
    This paper examines the question of the universality of bioethical norms by contrasting the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights with aspects of Filipino bioethics. Starting with an exploration of the vagueness of the concept and scope of bioethics, this paper will in turn discuss the UDBHR and distinguish it from key notions in Filipino bioethics. The outlook of Filipino bioethics that I have observed differs significantly from the UDBHR emphasis on the principles autonomy and justice. This discrepancy leads (...)
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    Social Value Creation in Institutional Voids: A Business Model Perspective.Lukas Muche, Rob van Tulder & Addisu A. Lashitew - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (8):1992-2037.
    The literature on Base of the Pyramid strategies emphasizes that creating social value requires collaborative, multi-stakeholder business approaches. However, there is limited understanding of how businesses can successfully coordinate such value creation processes in the developing economies that face significant institutional voids. This study adopts a business model perspective for analyzing social value creation processes that span organizational boundaries. We introduce a novel, theoretically grounded business model framework that helps conceptualize social value by locating the various loci of value creation, (...)
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  22.  50
    The Specter of Revealed Preference Theory.Lukas Beck - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    My aim in this paper is to argue that the recent philosophical defenses of revealed preference theory do not withstand scrutiny. Towards this aim, I will first outline revealed preference theory. I will then briefly present the two most common arguments that the received view offers against it. Afterwards, I will outline three argumentative strategies for rehabilitating revealed preference theory, and successively rebut each of them.
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  23. In Defence of Hybrid Contingentism.Lukas Skiba - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 22 (4):1-30.
    Hybrid contingentism combines first-order contingentism, the view that it is contingent what individuals there are, with higher-order necessitism, the view that it is non-contingent what properties and propositions there are (where these are conceived as entities in the range of appropriate higher-order quantifiers). This combination of views avoids the most delicate problems afflicting alternative contingentist positions while preserving the central contingentist claim that ordinary, concrete entities exist contingently. Despite these attractive features, hybrid contingentism is usually faced with rejection. The main (...)
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  24. Tracing Truth Through Conceptual Scaling: Mapping People’s Understanding of Abstract Concepts.Lukas S. Huber, David-Elias Künstle & Kevin Reuter - manuscript
    Traditionally, the investigation of truth has been anchored in a priori reasoning. Cognitive science deviates from this tradition by adding empirical data on how people understand and use concepts. Building on psychophysics and machine learning methods, we introduce conceptual scaling, an approach to map people's understanding of abstract concepts. This approach, allows computing participant-specific conceptual maps from obtained ordinal comparison data, thereby quantifying perceived similarities among abstract concepts. Using this approach, we investigated individual's alignment with philosophical theories on truth and (...)
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    Why We Need to Talk About Preferences: Economic Experiments and the Where-Question.Lukas Beck - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1435-1455.
    When economists perform experiments, they do so typically in one of two traditions: cognitive psychology experiments in the heuristics and biases tradition (H&B-experiments) and experimental economics in the tradition of Vernon Smith. What sets these two traditions apart? In this paper, I offer a novel conceptualization of their pervasive disagreements. Focusing on how each camp approaches preferences, one of the most fundamental concepts in economics, I argue that experimental economics can be reconstructed as holding that the constituents of preferences can (...)
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    Climate Change and Non-Identity.Lukas Tank - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):84-96.
    What is the practical relevance of the Non-Identity Problem (NIP) for our climate change-related duties? Climate change and the NIP are often discussed together, but there is surprisingly little work on the practical relevance of the NIP for the ethics of climate change. The central claim of this article is that the NIP makes a relatively minor difference to our climate change-related duties even if we pursue what has become known as the ‘bite the bullet’ strategy: endorse a person-affecting view (...)
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    Imitation in automata and robots: A philosophical case study on Kempelen.Lukas Geiszler - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 100 (C):22-31.
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    Supersession and compensation for historical injustice.Lukas H. Meyer & Timothy Waligore - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    This article examines the relationship between Jeremy Waldron’s supersession thesis and compensation. Recently, Waldron has argued that claims for material compensation for the original injustice cannot be superseded. He limits supersession to issues of restitution. Waldron’s supersession thesis is frequently cited by opponents of claims based on historical injustice, so his view of compensation warrants close examination. In our article, we explain the details of Waldron’s ‘simple model’ of compensation, offer an internal critique of it, and try to sympathetically reconstruct (...)
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    Scalar implicatures of embedded disjunction.Luka Crnič, Emmanuel Chemla & Danny Fox - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (4):271-305.
    Sentences with disjunction in the scope of a universal quantifier, Every A is P or Q, tend to give rise to distributive inferences that each of the disjuncts holds of at least one individual in the domain of the quantifier, Some A is P & Some A is Q. These inferences are standardly derived as an entailment of the meaning of the sentence together with the scalar implicature that it is not the case that either disjunct holds of every individual (...)
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    Ancient Greek Nomos and Modern Legal Theory: A Reappraisal.Lukas Berge - 2022 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 51 (2):264-276.
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  31. Defending Joint Acceptance Accounts of Group Belief against the Challenge from Group Lies.Lukas Schwengerer - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (4):421-428.
    Joint acceptance accounts of group belief hold that groups can form a belief in virtue of the group members jointly accepting a proposition. Recently, Jennifer Lackey (2020, 2021) proposed a challenge to these accounts. If group beliefs can be based on joint acceptance, then it seems difficult to account for all instances of a group telling a lie. Given that groups can and do lie, our accounts of group belief better not result in us misidentifying some group lies as normal (...)
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  32. Normative Models and Their Success.Lukas Beck & Marcel Jahn - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (2):123-150.
    In this paper, we explore an under-investigated question concerning the class of formal models that aim at providing normative guidance. We call such models normative models. In particular, we examine the question of how normative models can successfully exert normative guidance. First, we highlight the absence of a discussion of this question – which is surprising given the extensive debate about the success conditions of descriptive models – and motivate its importance. Second, we introduce and discuss two potential accounts of (...)
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  33. Freedom‐amelioration, transformative change, and emancipatory orders.Lukas Schmid - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):1378-1392.
    Abstract“Freedom” is a fundamental political concept: contestations or endorsements of freedom-conceptions concern the fundamental normative orientation of sociopolitical orders. Focusing on “freedom,” this article argues that the project of bringing about emancipatory sociopolitical orders is both aided by efforts at engineering fundamental political concepts as well as required by such ameliorative ambitions. I first argue that since the absence of ideology is a constituent feature of emancipatory orders, any attempt at bringing about emancipation should leverage genealogical approaches in order to (...)
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  34. Responding to unauthorized residence: on a dilemma between ‘firewalls’ and ‘regularizations’.Lukas Schmid - 2024 - Comparative Migration Studies 12 (22):1-18.
    Residence of unauthorized immigrants is a stable feature of the Global North’s liberal democracies. This article asks how liberal-democratic policymakers should respond to this phenomenon, assuming both that states have incontrovertible rights and interests to assert control over immigration and that unauthorized residence is nevertheless an entrenched fact. It argues that a set of liberal-democratic commitments gives policymakers strong reason to implement both so-called ‘firewall’ and ‘regularization’ policies, thereby protecting unauthorized immigrants’ basic needs and interests and officially incorporating many of (...)
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  35. Engineering Existence?Lukas Skiba - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper investigates the connection between two recent trends in philosophy: higher-orderism and conceptual engineering. Higher-orderists use higher-order quantifiers (in particular quantifiers binding variables that occupy the syntactic positions of predicates) to express certain key metaphysical doctrines, such as the claim that there are properties. I argue that, on a natural construal, the higher-orderist approach involves an engineering project concerning, among others, the concept of existence. I distinguish between a modest construal of this project, on which it aims at engineering (...)
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  36. Higher-order metaphysics and the tropes versus universals dispute.Lukas Skiba - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (9):2805-2827.
    Higher-order realists about properties express their view that there are properties with the help of higher-order rather than first-order quantifiers. They claim two types of advantages for this way of formulating property realism. First, certain gridlocked debates about the nature of properties, such as the immanentism versus transcendentalism dispute, are taken to be dissolved. Second, a further such debate, the tropes versus universals dispute, is taken to be resolved. In this paper I first argue that higher-order realism does not in (...)
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  37. Frege's Unthinkable Thoughts.Lukas Skiba - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (3):333–343.
    There are two common reactions to Frege’s claim that some senses and thoughts are private. Privatists accept both private senses and thoughts, while intersubjectivists don’t accept either. Both sides agree on a pair of tacit assumptions: first, that private senses automatically give rise to private thoughts; and second, that private senses and thoughts are the most problematic entities to which Frege’s remarks on privacy give rise. The aim of this paper is to show that both assumptions are mistaken. This will (...)
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    Historische Gerechtigkeit.Lukas Heinrich Meyer - 2005 - De Gruyter.
    Gerechtigkeit findet nicht nur zwischen Zeitgenossen statt - auch das Handeln früher lebender Menschen kann Ansprüche und Pflichten gegenwärtig und zukünftig lebender Menschen begründen. Der Autor entwickelt die Theorie einer historischen Gerechtigkeit auf der Basis der Pflichten zwischen den Generationen. Pluspunkte: Darstellung eines zentralen Themas aktueller politischer, ethischer und gesellschaftlicher Debatten Diskussionsgrundlage für Philosophen, Politikwissenschftler sowie interessierte Laien zeigt praktizierbare Lösungsansätze auf.
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  39. Truth and directness in pictorial assertion.Lukas Lewerentz & Emanuel Viebahn - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (6):1441–1465.
    This paper develops an account of accuracy and truth in pictorial assertion. It argues that there are two ways in which pictorial assertions can be indirect: with respect to their content and with respect to their target. This twofold indirectness explains how accurate, unedited pictures can be used to make false pictorial assertions. It captures the fishiness of true pictorial assertions involving target-indirectness, such as true pictorial assertions involving outdated pictures. And it raises the question whether target-indirectness may also arise (...)
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    The Works of Francis Bacon: A Victorian Classic in the History of Science.Lukas M. Verburgt - 2021 - Isis 112 (4):717-736.
    The Spedding-Ellis-Heath edition of The Works of Francis Bacon appeared in seven volumes between 1857 and 1859. Both a monument to Victorian scholarship and a staple of the history of science, this classic and historically significant work has been the authoritative edition of Bacon’s oeuvre ever since. This essay tells part of the story of its creation, reception, and influence. It describes the origin of and plan for the edition and, focusing on the three philosophical volumes, examines in detail the (...)
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  41. What Matters in the Mirror of Time: Why Lucretius’ Symmetry Argument Fails.Lukas J. Meier - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (4):651-660.
    abstractBy appealing to the similarity between pre-vital and post-mortem nonexistence, Lucretius famously tried to show that our anxiety about death was irrational. His so-called Symmetry Argument has been attacked in various ways, but all of these strategies are themselves problematic. In this paper, I propose a new approach to undermining the argument: when Parfit’s distinction between identity and what matters is applied, not diachronically but across possible worlds, the alleged symmetry can be broken. Although the pre-vital and posthumous time spans (...)
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    Uždaviniai ir viršuždaviniai vaidyboje socialistinio realizmo metu.Lukas Alsys - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 107.
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  43. J. Searle, Myseľ, Jazyk, Spoločnosť.Lukáš Bielik - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):411-417.
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  44. M. Zouhar, Problémy Jazyka A Počiatky Analytickej Filozofie.Lukáš Bielik - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (2):270-276.
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    Neki filozofski aspekti Elze Kučere.Luka Boršić & Ivana Skuhala Karasman - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 24 (1):93-106.
    U središtu ovog teksta nalaze se neki filozofski aspekti Elze Kučere (1883. — 1972.). Kučera je 1909. godine doktorirala filozofiju na Sveučilištu u Zürichu i tako postala prva Hrvatica rođena u Hrvatskoj koja je doktorirala filozofiju. No, glavni joj je interes bila psihologija, a kasnije i bibliotekarstvo te su, osim doktorskih disertacija, gotovo svi njezini objavljeni radovi unutar tih disciplina. No, u arhivu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu čuvaju se njezina rukopisna i neobjavljena djela, a među njima se može (...)
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    Christiana religio absoluta et simplex: Eine Verbindung zwischen Ammianus Marcellinus und dem manichäischen Bischof Faustus von Mileve?Lukas J. Dorfbauer - 2011 - História 60 (3):328-342.
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    Ein Exzerpt aus Censorins „De die natali“ (12,3–13,1) in einer karolingischen Sammlung von musiktheoretischen Texten.Lukas J. Dorfbauer - 2017 - Hermes 145 (1):79-89.
    This article presents and discusses for the first time an excerpt from Censorinus’ “De die natali” (12,3-13,1) which forms part of a Carolingian collection of Latin texts on music. The relevant collection, which is extant in at least five manuscripts ranging from the 9th to the 13th century, has not been recognized as such in the past. It was assembled between ca. 750 and 830 in Northeastern France, and its compiler might also be responsible for an ‘edition’ of the so-called (...)
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    Some Notes on the ‘New Apuleius’.Lukas J. Dorfbauer - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):800-805.
    In 2016 Justin Stover published an importanteditio princepsof a fragmentarily preserved text that was originally discovered by Raymond Klibansky in the first half of the twentieth century: a kind ofSummarium librorum Platoniswhich Klibansky took as a Latin translation of a lost Greek original, whereas Stover argues it was written by Apuleius, namely as the third book of hisDe Platone. The following notes deal primarily with details pertaining to the constitution of the text, but I will start with one remark on (...)
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    Zu den Quellen und zur Abfassungszeit der pseudoaugustinischen Schrift „De Sobrietate et Castitate“.Lukas J. Dorfbauer - 2008 - Hermes 136 (4):453-465.
  50. Organ Donation as a Question of Justice: The UN/EU Report on Organ Trafficking in the Context of the Philippines.Lukas Kaelin - 2010 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 20 (5):150-154.
    A recent joint study by the Council of Europe and the United Nations focused on the criminality surrounding organ donations. Published in October 2009, it points out the various violations of the international prohibition on the trafficking of organs. This paper will first analyze this study and then contextualize it in the current discourse about organ donation in the Philippines. Finally, the issue of organ donation will be put in the wider discourse of justice in organ transplantation.Organ donation and trafficking (...)
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