Results for 'Luigi Longobardo'

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  1.  11
    Cirillo di Alessandria, Trattato contro quelli che non vogliono riconoscere la santa Vergine Madre di Dio. [REVIEW]Luigi Longobardo - 1977 - Augustinianum 17 (3):590-590.
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    Agostino d'Ippona, Il Discorso del Signore sulla montagna, introduzione, traduzione e note di Luigi Longobardo[REVIEW]Vittorino Grossi - 2002 - Augustinianum 42 (1):254-256.
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  3. Metafisica e modernità: studi in onore di Pietro Faggiotto.Franco Chiereghin, Ferdinando Luigi Marcolungo & Pietro Faggiotto (eds.) - 1993 - Padova: Antenore.
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    Interpretazione e trasformazione.Guido Cusinato, Ferdinando Luigi Macrolungo & Alberto Romele (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  5. La obra de Roberto Busa SJ: espacios abiertos entre la informática y la hermeneútica.Giancarlo Bolognesi, Luigi Dadda, Adriano de Maio & Tullio Gregory - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (86):465-476.
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    A vertiginous polemology. Around the motif of war in Roger Caillois.Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli - 2024 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 16 (2):7-14.
    The essay is dedicated to war considered through the reflections of Roger Caillois and in particular through certain motifs – feast, sacred, vertigo – that allow us to grasp its ‘metaphysical’ intention, i.e. capable of looking at war as the point of chiasmatic reversibility of life and death.
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    La Filosofia contemporanea di fronte all' esperienza religiosa: atti del convegno di Reggio Emilia (25-29 maggio 1982).Fabio Bazzani, Luigi Rustichelli & Istituto Antonio Banfi - 1988
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    The variable hierarchy for the games μ-calculus.Walid Belkhir & Luigi Santocanale - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (5):690-707.
    Parity games are combinatorial representations of closed Boolean μ-terms. By adding to them draw positions, they have been organized by Arnold and Santocanale [3] and [27] into a μ-calculus whose standard interpretation is over the class of all complete lattices. As done by Berwanger et al. [8] and [9] for the propositional modal μ-calculus, it is possible to classify parity games into levels of a hierarchy according to the number of fixed-point variables. We ask whether this hierarchy collapses w.r.t. the (...)
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    Entretien avec MARGAUX COQUET sur l’abolition du système pénal.Christophe Béal & Luigi Delia - 2018 - Rue Descartes 93 (1):102-119.
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    Punir a-t-il un sens?Christophe Béal & Luigi Delia - 2018 - Rue Descartes 93 (1):1-7.
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  11. See also corpuscularianism.Diego Jose Abad, Aemilius Macer, Mark Akenside, Luigi Alamanni, Aldus Manutius, William Alexander, Ara Pacis & Matthew Arnold - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Epoché delle epoche (con in appendice una lettera di E. Husserl a E. Rádl).Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli - 2009 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 22:251-266.
    Through a commentary of the letter sent by Husserl to the 8th International Congress of Philosophy in 1934, the essay intends to clarify the concept of “responsibility” as a “universal form” thanks to which the rational human being orients his acts according to a consciously ethical direction. By focusing on the dynamics that characterize the relationship between Logos and Ethos, is then pointed up Husserl’s aim to build a gnoseology that can’t be solved in an abstract intellectualism as it embodies (...)
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  13. L'ermeneutica probabile di Christian August Crusius. Un contributo alla storia dell'ermeneutica filosofica intenzionalistica nell'illuminismo tedesco.Luigi Cataldi Madonna - 2000 - Rivista di Estetica 40 (15):171-192.
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  14. The concept of love in the religious thought of Ralph cudworth.Luigi Della Monica - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (4):505-535.
  15. Interfacce dinamiche tra ontologia e metafisica.Luigi Di Bartolo - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):441-452.
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    Recenti studi su Unamuno in Italia.Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 1996 - Idee 31:233-246.
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    Ercole: il Buddha mitologico.Giovanni Luigi Manco - 2013 - [Chiusdino, Italy]: Re Nudo.
    Ercole è il mito universale della salvezza, presente in tutte le culture, dall’Etiopia all’Arabia, dall’Egitto alla Mauritania, da Cartagine alla britannica Oggia (una gigantesca incisione dell'età del ferro lo disegna sull'intero ...
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    Spatial Memory and Blindness: The Role of Visual Loss on the Exploration and Memorization of Spatialized Sounds.Walter Setti, Luigi F. Cuturi, Elena Cocchi & Monica Gori - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Spatial memory relies on encoding, storing, and retrieval of knowledge about objects’ positions in their surrounding environment. Blind people have to rely on sensory modalities other than vision to memorize items that are spatially displaced, however, to date, very little is known about the influence of early visual deprivation on a person’s ability to remember and process sound locations. To fill this gap, we tested sighted and congenitally blind adults and adolescents in an audio-spatial memory task inspired by the classical (...)
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    Luigi Giussani, the Church, and Youth in the 1950's.Luigi Giussani - 2007 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 10 (4):131-150.
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    Opere di Luigi Scaravelli.Luigi Scaravelli & Mario Corsi - 1968 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia. Edited by Mario Corsi.
    1. Critica de capire e altri scritti. 2. Scritti kantiani. 3. L'analitica trascendentale. 4. Il problema della scienza e il giudizio storico.
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  21. Luigi Knapp e la sua filosofia del diritto.Luigi Secco - 1936 - Padova,: R. Zannoni.
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    Quantum Markov model for data from Shafir-Tversky experiments in cognitive psychology.Luigi Accardi, Andrei Khrennikov & Masanori Ohya - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski (ed.), Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
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    Il metodo del Machiavelli.Luigi Zanzi - 2013 - Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino.
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    The Risk of Education: Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny.Luigi Giussani - 2019 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Luigi Giussani, a high school religion teacher throughout the 1950s and 1960s, grounded his teachings in the vast body of experience to be found in Christianity's two-thousand-year history. He told his students, “I'm not here to make you adopt the ideas I will give you as your own, but to teach you a method for judging the things I will say.” Throughout his life, education was one of Giussani's primary intellectual interests. He believed that effective education required an adequate (...)
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    Botero e la 'Ragion di Stato': atti del convegno in memoria di Luigi Firpo (Torino 8-10 marzo 1990).Luigi Firpo & Artemio Enzo Baldini (eds.) - 1992 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Edited by Luigi Pastore.
    Chapter 1 First Person Access to Mental States. Mind Science and Subjective Qualities -/- Abstract. The philosophy of mind as we know it today starts with Ryle. What defines and at the same time differentiates it from the previous tradition of study on mind is the persuasion that any rigorous approach to mental phenomena must conform to the criteria of scientificity applied by the natural sciences, i.e. its investigations and results must be intersubjectively and publicly controllable. In Ryle’s view, philosophy (...)
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    Roger Scruton: vita, opere e pensiero di un conservatore.Luigi Iannone & Gennaro Malgieri (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: Giubilei Regnani.
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    Note su Galileo barocco.Luigi Ingaliso - 2009 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 22:147-156.
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  29. Luigi Pirandello and Miguel de Unamuno:" Identity" and" creation of persona".Carmine Luigi Ferraro - 2007 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 99 (2):297-326.
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    Vita come scopo, scopo della vita: riflessioni sui §§ 79-84 della Critica del Giudizio.Luigi Imperato - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:309-331.
    Nel mio articolo propongo una lettura dei §§ 79-84 della Critica del Giudizio, parte della sezione Metodologia del Giudizio teleologico. Dapprima mi interrogo sul significato di una Methodenlehre del Giudizio teleologico, che rintraccio in un’attività metariflessiva del Giudizio; procedo poi ad una lettura analitica del testo nelle sue varie articolazioni, nella quale passo in rassegna le questioni attinenti alla specificità dello statuto epistemologico della teleologia, alla possibile convivenza tra finalismo e meccanicismo nella scienza della natura, all’origine della vita, allo scopo (...)
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  31. Estetica.Luigi Pareyson - 1974 - Firenze,: Firenze, Sansoni.
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    Diritti fondamentali: un dibattito teorico.Luigi Ferrajoli & Ermanno Vitale - 2001 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by Ermanno Vitale.
    A fronte di rapide trasformazioni geo-politiche globali, il tema dei diritti fondamentali - quale sia la loro struttura, quali debbano considerarsi tali, in qual modo li si possa garantire, quale il rapporto con la cittadinanza e la democrazia - acquista sempre maggiore rilevanza nella discussione pubblica. Luigi Ferraioli propone su questi problemi un'originale e innovativa riflessione, suscitando un dibattito in cui si coniugano rigore scientifico e passione civile.
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  33. Struttura della vita trinitaria come amore in S. Bonaventura e nella teologia contemporanea.Luigi Iammarrone - 2001 - Miscellanea Francescana 101 (1-2):145-195.
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  34. Schede Markus Krienke (a cura di), Sulla ragione. Rosmini e la filosofia tedesca.Luigi Imperato - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (3):617.
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    Schutz-Wittgenstein: On the Problem of the Natural Attitude.Luigi Muzzetto - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:11-36.
    The first part of this paper aims to highlight the analogies between Schutz’s vision of the natural attitude and Wittgenstein’s vision of a phenomenon that concerns the same problematic field, i.e. certainty, the belief of common sense that is free of all doubt, that the world “out there” is as it appears, absolutely real. These certainties form the basis, the foundation of language games and therefore of knowledge in general and in its entirety. This foundation is unfounded and yet indispensable. (...)
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    Replies: Autonomy and human dignity. A reassessment of Kant’s political legacy. Human rights, peace, progress.Luigi Caranti - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):598-612.
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  37.  15
    Alla ricerca della sovranità: persona, Chiesa e Stato nel pensiero di Luigi Sturzo.Luigi Barbieri - 2011 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Luigi Sturzo.
  38.  19
    Poincaré's role in the Crémieu-Pender controversy over electric convection.Luigi Indorato & Guido Masotto - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (2):117-163.
    In the course of 1901, V. Crémieu published the results of some experiments carried out to test the magnetic effects of electric convection currents. According to Crémieu, his experiments had proved that convection currents had no magnetic effects and consequently they were not equivalent to conduction currents, that is they were not ‘real’ electric currents. These negative results conflicted with those of well-known experiments carried out by other researchers, in particular with Rowland's experiments, and with Maxwell's, Hertz's and Lorentz's theories, (...)
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  39. Natura e arte in Beethoven-in.Luigi Magnani - 1960 - Rivista di Estetica 5:222-236.
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  40. Etica buddhista ed etica cristiana.Luigi Martinelli - 1971 - [Firenze],: Buddhismo scientifico.
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    Dialettica dell'immagine: studi sull'imaginismo di Luigi Stefanini.Luigi Alici (ed.) - 1991 - Genova: Marietti.
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    Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates the influence of anticipated emotions on action evaluations.Luigi Leone, Marco Perugini & Richard Bagozzi - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (8):1175-1198.
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    Paper 2: Practical Application of the Composite Modeling Units, and an Exercise on Emulating the Mathematics of Time Dilation in a Relative Velocity or Gravity Situation.Luigi Gian Luca Nicolini - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (1):421-521.
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  44. Esperienza estetica a partire da John Dewey.Luigi Russo (ed.) - 2007 - Palermo: Centro internazionale studi di estetica.
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    Dal sistema al senso comune: studi sul newtonismo e gli illuministi britannici.Luigi Turco - 1974 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  46. How Can You Be Sure? Epistemic Feelings as a Monitoring System for Cognitive Contents.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2019 - In Matthieu Fontaine, Cristina Barés-Gómez, Francisco Salguero-Lamillar, Lorenzo Magnani & Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Inferential Models for Logic, Language, Cognition and Computation. Springer Verlag.
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  47. On the role of simplicity in science.Luigi Scorzato - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2867-2895.
    Simple assumptions represent a decisive reason to prefer one theory to another in everyday scientific praxis. But this praxis has little philosophical justification, since there exist many notions of simplicity, and those that can be defined precisely strongly depend on the language in which the theory is formulated. The language dependence is a natural feature—to some extent—but it is also believed to be a fatal problem, because, according to a common general argument, the simplicity of a theory is always trivial (...)
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    The Method of Culture. Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms.Luigi Filieri & Anne Pollok (eds.) - 2021 - Pisa: Editioni ETS.
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    The ordering mind. The Goldstein-Cassirer approach to neuropathology and its relevance today.Luigi Laino - 2023 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 14 (3):168-180.
    _Abstract_: In this paper, I will examine the Goldstein-Cassirer approach to neuropathology to determine its current potential for yielding valuable insights. To this end, I will reconstruct the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of such a standpoint in the first four sections. What will emerge is that it entails a definition of pathology as the loss of balance in the adaption of human beings to the environment, leading to a lack of proclivity to categorical behaviour and symbolic performances. Furthermore, we will (...)
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    The influence of relativity on the philosophy of symbolic forms.Luigi Laino - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):325-339.
    In this paper, I will deal with the analogy between Cassirer’s interpretation of relativity and his philosophy of culture. As to the structure of the paper, it will be divided into six parts. I will start with a brief introduction, after which I will succinctly outline Cassirer’s reading of Einstein’s theory, and in particular of general covariance. I will then focus on the presentation of his project for a “systematic philosophy” in the last chapter of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and (...)
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