Results for 'Lucy Littlefield'

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  1.  51
    Protestantism and liberty: Catharine Macaulay’s politics of religion as a response to David Hume.Lucy Littlefield - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review:1-20.
  2.  54
    Self-Knowing Agents * By LUCY O'BRIEN.Lucy O’Brien - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):187-188.
    How is it that we think and refer in the first-person way? For most philosophers in the analytic tradition, the problem is essentially this: how two apparently conflicting kinds of properties can be reconciled and united as properties of the same entity. What is special about the first person has to be reconciled with what is ordinary about it. The range of responses reduces to four basic options. The orthodox view is optimistic: there really is a way of reconciling these (...)
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    Book Symposium on Lucy Allais' Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism An Overview.Lucy Allais - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):235-240.
  4.  86
    Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism.Lucy Allais - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Lucy Allais presents an original interpretation of Kant's transcendental idealism. She argues that his distinction between things in themselves and things as they appear to us has both epistemological and metaphysical components. Kant is committed to a genuine idealism about things as they appear to us, but this is not a phenomenalist idealism. He is committed to the claim that there is an aspect of reality that grounds mind-dependent spatio-temporal objects, and which we cannot cognize, but he does not (...)
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    Democratic Justifications for Patient Public Involvement and Engagement in Health Research: An Exploration of the Theoretical Debates and Practical Challenges.Lucy Frith - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (4):400-412.
    The literature on patient public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in health research has grown significantly in the last decade, with a diverse range of definitions and topologies promulgated. This has led to disputes over what the central functions and purpose of PPIE in health research is, and this in turn makes it difficult to assess and evaluate PPIE in practice. This paper argues that the most important function of PPIE is the attempt to make health research more democratic. Bringing this (...)
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  6. Kant's one world: Interpreting 'transcendental idealism'.Lucy Allais - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (4):655 – 684.
  7.  20
    The Role of Law in Temporal Reasoning: An Interview with Annelise Riles.Lucy Welsh - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (1):123-129.
    On 17 May 2016 Lucy Welsh interviewed Annelise Riles about her work on the relationship between law and time as part of Welsh’s involvement with the AHRC Regulating Time network. Annelise Riles is the Jack G. Clarke Professor of Law in Far East Legal Studies and Professor of Anthropology at Cornell, and is Director of the Clarke Program in East Asian Law and Culture. Her work examines the transnational dimensions of laws, markets and culture across the fields of comparative (...)
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  8. Cancer stem cells modulate patterns and processes of evolution in cancers.Lucie Laplane - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (3-4):18.
    The clonal evolution model and the cancer stem cell model are two independent models of cancers, yet recent data shows intersections between the two models. This article explores the impacts of the CSC model on the CE model. I show that CSC restriction, which depends on CSC frequency in cancer cell populations and on the probability of dedifferentiation of cancer non-stem cells into CSCs, can favor or impede some patterns of evolution and some processes of evolution. Taking CSC restriction into (...)
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  9.  24
    PoMo Oz: fear and loathing downunder.Niall Lucy - 2010 - North Fremantle, W.A.: Fremantle Press.
    That's according to Niall Lucy in his latest book, PoMo Oz. Pitting his humour and intellect against the conservative power brokers, Lucy champions the notion that free thought, not free trade, is the basis of democracy.
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    Developing translational bioethics—Suggestions for ways forward.Lucy Frith - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (3):204-212.
    This paper will take as its starting point the premise that developing translational bioethics is a worthwhile endeavour. I will develop an account of translational bioethics and discuss what implications this would have for the wider discipline of bioethics and argue that this would be a useful development for bioethics. The paper will conduct a form of ‘translational meta‐bioethics analysis’, in the words of Bærøe. I will argue that if we are serious about instituting translational bioethics, then it will need (...)
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  11.  60
    Symbiotic empirical ethics: A practical methodology.Lucy Frith - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (4):198-206.
    Like any discipline, bioethics is a developing field of academic inquiry; and recent trends in scholarship have been towards more engagement with empirical research. This ‘empirical turn’ has provoked extensive debate over how such ‘descriptive’ research carried out in the social sciences contributes to the distinctively normative aspect of bioethics. This paper will address this issue by developing a practical research methodology for the inclusion of data from social science studies into ethical deliberation. This methodology will be based on a (...)
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  12.  14
    From Saint Margaret to Daenerys: Rethinking the Woman-Dragon Relationship in Contemporary Fantasy Literature.Lucie Herbreteau - 2022 - Iris 42.
    This article aims at studying the evolution of the woman-dragon relation by comparing texts from English and French medieval literature and contemporary fantasy literature texts, in French and English as well. We will first determine the similarities between the two corpora, especially regarding the narrative triad composed of the knight, the princess and the dragon. We will then deal with the reorganization of the narrative space by examining the shift in focalization from the knight to the woman and the dragon, (...)
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    Narrative railroading.Lucy Osler - unknown
    The narratives we have about ourselves are important for our sense of who we are. However, our narratives are influenced, even manipulated, by the people and environments we interact with, impacting our self-understanding. This can lead to narratives that are limited, even harmful. In this paper, I explore how our narrative agency is constrained, to greater and lesser degrees, through a process I call ‘narrative railroading’. Bringing together work on narratives and 4E cognition, I specifically explore how using features of (...)
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    Information, Meaning, and Error in Biology.Lucy A. K. Kumar - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (1):89-99.
    Whether “information” exists in biology, and in what sense, has been a topic of much recent discussion. I explore Shannon, Dretskean, and teleosemantic theories, and analyze whether or not they are able to give a successful naturalistic account of information—specifically accounts of meaning and error—in biological systems. I argue that the Shannon and Dretskean theories are unable to account for either, but that the teleosemantic theory is able to account for meaning. However, I argue that it is unable to account (...)
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  15.  14
    L'évaluation muséale: savoirs et savoir-faire.Lucie Daignault - 2011 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. Edited by Bernard Schiele.
    L'évaluation muséale célèbre en 2011 le centième anniversaire de la publication du premier article sur le sujet par Benjamin Ives Gilman. Le présent livre s'adresse autant aux professeurs et étudiants en muséologie, en patrimoine et culture ainsi qu'en tourisme culturel, qu'aux professionnels et aux gestionnaires de musées et des autres secteurs connexes intéressés par les retombées de l'évaluation. Ce guide méthodologique présente les principaux processus auxquels ont recours les évaluateurs en contexte muséal. Les cas présentés ont été sélectionnés en fonction (...)
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  16. A case for a duty to feed the hungry: GM plants and the third world.Lucy Carter - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (1):69-82.
    This article is concerned with a discussion of the plausibility of the claim that GM technology has the potential to provide the hungry with sufficient food for subsistence. Following a brief outline of the potential applications of GM in this context, a history of the green revolution and its impact will be discussed in relation to the current developing world agriculture situation. Following a contemporary analysis of malnutrition, the claim that GM technology has the potential to provide the hungry with (...)
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  17.  5
    Striving to live well with chronic neuropathic pain managed by a neuromodulation technology.Lucie Dalibert - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-1 (16-1):17-35.
    Vivre avec la douleur neuropathique chronique lorsqu’elle est prise en charge par la stimulation de la moelle épinière (SME), laquelle est un type de technologie de neuromodulation, est une expérience dans laquelle différents vécus s’enchevêtrent. En m’appuyant sur le travail de terrain de type ethnographique que j’ai mené dans un hôpital néerlandais en 2012, je mobilise un cadre phénoménologique pour m’intéresser aux trois dimensions entrelacées qui constituent un tel vécu. Rendre compte de ce que signifie vivre avec la SME ne (...)
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  18. Intrinsic natures: A critique of Langton on Kant.Lucy Allais - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (1):143–169.
    This paper argues that there is an important respect in which Rae Langton's recent interpretation of Kant is correct: Kant's claim that we cannot know things in themselves should be understood as the claim that we cannot know the intrinsic nature of things. However, I dispute Langton's account of intrinsic properties, and therefore her version of what this claim amounts to. Langton's distinction between intrinsic, causally inert properties and causal powers is problematic, both as an interpretation of Kant, and as (...)
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  19.  11
    Freedom and Dissatisfaction in the Works of Agnes Heller: With and Against Marx.Lucy Jane Ward - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, Lucy Jane Ward argues that although contemporary scholarship tends to divide Agnes Heller's work chronologically in terms of her “Marxist” and subsequent “post-Marxist” periods, a closer reading reveals her work as a continuing engagement both with and against Marx's idea of the human being rich in need.
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  20. [no title].Lucy Allais - unknown
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  21. Language and the Development of Cognitive Control.Lucy Cragg & Kate Nation - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (4):631-642.
    We review the relationships between language, inner speech, and cognitive control in children and young adults, focusing on the domain of cognitive flexibility. We address the role that inner speech plays in flexibly shifting between tasks, addressing whether it is used to represent task rules, provide a reminder of task order, or aid in task retrieval. We also consider whether the development of inner speech in childhood serves to drive the development of cognitive flexibility. We conclude that there is a (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Kant, non-conceptual content and the representation of space.Lucy Allais - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):pp. 383-413.
    :Space is not an empirical concept that has been drawn from outer experiences. For in order for certain sensations to be related to something outside me , thus in order for me to represent them as outside and next to one another, thus not merely different but as in different places, the representation of space must already be their ground. Thus the representation of space cannot be obtained from the relations of outer appearance through experience, but this outer experience is (...)
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  23. “Recovering our Stories”: A Small Act of Resistance.Lucy Costa, Jijian Voronka, Danielle Landry, Jenna Reid, Becky Mcfarlane, David Reville & Kathryn Church - 2012 - Studies in Social Justice 6 (1):85-101.
    This paper describes a community event organized in response to the appropriation and overreliance on the psychiatric patient “personal story” within mental health organizations. The sharing of experiences through stories by individuals who self-identify as having “lived experience” has been central to the history of organizing for change in and outside of the psychiatric system. However, in the last decade, personal stories have increasingly been used by the psychiatric system to bolster research, education, and fundraising interests. We explore how personal (...)
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  24.  33
    Beneath the Rhetoric: The Role of Rights in the Practice of Non-Anonymous Gamete Donation.Lucy Frith - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (5-6):473-484.
    The use of rights based arguments to justify claims that donor offspring should have access to information identifying their gamete donor has become increasingly widespread. In this paper, I do not intend to revisit the debate about the validity of such rights. Rather, the purpose is to examine the way that such alleged rights have been implemented by those legislatures that have allowed access to identifying information. I will argue that serious inconsistencies exist between the claim that donor offspring have (...)
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    Evidence for metacognitive bias in perception of voluntary action.Lucie Charles, Camille Chardin & Patrick Haggard - 2020 - Cognition 194 (C):104041.
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  26.  32
    Contacting gamete donors to facilitate diagnostic genetic testing for the donor-conceived child: what are the rights and obligations of gamete donors in these cases? A response to Horton et al.Lucy Frith - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):220-222.
    In their paper Hortonet alargue that it is acceptable to contact an anonymous egg-donor to facilitate diagnostic genetic testing for the donor conceived child, despite the donor, ‘indicating on a historical consent form that she did not wish to take part in future research, and that she did not wish to be informed if she was found to be a carrier of a “harmful inherited condition”’. There are a number of claims embedded in Hortonet al’s position that it is acceptable (...)
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  27. Kant's argument for transcendental idealism in the transcendental aesthetic.Lucy Allais - 2010 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 110 (1pt1):47-75.
    This paper gives an interpretation of Kant's argument for transcendental idealism in the Transcendental Aesthetic. I argue against a common way of reading this argument, which sees Kant as arguing that substantive a priori claims about mind-independent reality would be unintelligible because we cannot explain the source of their justification. I argue that Kant's concern with how synthetic a priori propositions are possible is not a concern with the source of their justification, but with how they can have objects. I (...)
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  28.  26
    La psychologie descriptive selon Franz Brentano.Lucie Gilson - 1955 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
  29. Propositionalism about intention: shifting the burden of proof.Lucy Campbell - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (2):230-252.
    ABSTRACTA widespread view in the philosophy of mind and action holds that intentions are propositional attitudes. Call this view ‘Propositionalism about Intention’. The key alternative holds that intentions have acts, or do-ables, as their contents. Propositionalism is typically accepted by default, rather than argued for in any detail. By appealing to a key metaphysical constraint on any account of intention, I argue that on the contrary, it is the Do-ables View which deserves the status of the default position, and Propositionalism (...)
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  30.  12
    The Urban Uncanny: A Collection of Interdisciplinary Studies.Lucy Huskinson (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Urban Uncanny_ explores through ten engaging essays the slippage or mismatch between our expectations of the city—as the organised and familiar environments in which citizens live, work, and go about their lives—and the often surprising and unsettling experiences it evokes. The city is uncanny when it reveals itself in new and unexpected light; when its streets, buildings, and people suddenly appear strange, out of place, and not quite right. Bringing together a variety of approaches, including psychoanalysis, historical and contemporary (...)
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  31. Induced pluripotent stem cells as new model systems in oncology.Lucie Laplane, Allan Beke, William Vainchenker & Eric Solary - 2015 - Stem Cells 33:2887-2892.
    The demonstration that pluripotent stem cells could be generated by somatic cell reprogramming led to wonder if these so-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells would extend our investigation capabilities in the cancer research field. The first iPS cells derived from cancer cells have now revealed the benefits and potential pitfalls of this new model. iPS cells appear to be an innovative approach to decipher the steps of cell transformation as well as to screen the activity and toxicity of anticancer drugs. (...)
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    Christian hebraism and the Ramsey Abbey psalter.Lucy Freeman Sandler - 1972 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 35 (1):123-134.
  33.  12
    Queer post-gender ethics: the shape of selves to come.Lucy Nicholas - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    There is increasing resistance to gendering in contemporary society, seen in gender-neutral childrearing and pronouns, expansion of legal sex categories and intersex rights, and queer and genderqueer movements. This timely book considers the utopian question of whether, and how, gender could be eradicated and how we might understand identity and relationships without it. It considers the implications of arguments from 'new materialism' about the malleability of biological sex, and of queer theory and gender deconstruction, for social change and political practice. (...)
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    Reprogramming and Stemness.Lucie Laplane - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (2):229-246.
    Reprogramming technologies show that cellular identity can be reprogrammed, challenging the classical conception of cell differentiation as an irreversible process. If non-stem cells can be reprogrammed into stem cells, then what is it to be a stem cell, and what kind of property is stemness? This article addresses this question both philosophically and biologically, states the different possibilities, and illustrates their potential consequences for science with the example of anti-cancer therapies.
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    Michel serres’s Leibnizian structuralism.Lucie Kim-Chi Mercier - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (6):3-21.
    In this article I examine Michel Serres’s seminal study of Leibniz: Le Système de Leibniz et ses modèles mathématiques, a book which, in spite of its significance, has never been dis...
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  36. Wiping the Slate clean: The heart of forgiveness.Lucy Allais - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (1):33–68.
  37.  5
    Lire Ryle aujourd'hui: aux sources de la philosophie analytique.Lucie Antoniol - 1993 - Brussels: De Boeck Supérieur.
    La philosophy of mind est le terrain principal sur lequel Gilbert Ryle a mis à l'épreuve sa réponse personnelle à la question "Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?". Il nous montre comment la philosophie peut nous remettre sur la piste d'une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes humains. Cette philosophie de l'homme est ancrée dans une méthode qui a reçu le nom d'analyse du langage ordinaire : prêter une attention particulière à la façon dont nous parlons de nous-même et des autres devrait nous permettre (...)
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  38.  20
    Du signe à l'articulation : Hegel, Humboldt, Mallarmé.Lucie Bourassa - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans B. Lindorfer & D. Naguschewski, Hegel. Zur Sprache. Beiträge zur europäischen Sprachreflexion, Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2002. Nous remercions Lucie Bourassa ainsi que les éditeurs de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. On a maintes fois relevé des affinités entre la poétique de Mallarmé et la philosophie de Hegel. Le poète a vraisemblablement lu des textes du philosophe, il a du moins pris connaissance de quelques-unes de ses propositions grâce à son ami - (...)
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  39. An epistemology for practical knowledge.Lucy Campbell - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):159-177.
    Anscombe thought that practical knowledge – a person’s knowledge of what she is intentionally doing – displays formal differences to ordinary empirical, or ‘speculative’, knowledge. I suggest these differences rest on the fact that practical knowledge involves intention analogously to how speculative knowledge involves belief. But this claim conflicts with the standard conception of knowledge, according to which knowledge is an inherently belief-involving phenomenon. Building on John Hyman’s account of knowledge as the ability to use a fact as a reason, (...)
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  40.  23
    Mindshaping and narrative devices.Lucy Osler - 2025 - In [no title].
    This chapter explores how digital technologies shape and propagate the kinds of narratives that we ascribe to ourselves and others and act in accordance with. Drawing on Richard Heersmink’s work on distributed narratives, I argue that digital technologies not only support and scaffold narratives but work as powerful mindshaping narrative devices. I explore the role of self-tracking devices and algorithmic profiling in shaping the narratives we adopt and are available to us, as well as changing the behaviours that align with (...)
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  41.  74
    Cancer Stem Cells: Philosophy and Therapies.Lucie Laplane - 2016 - Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press.
    A new therapeutic strategy could break the stalemate in the war on cancer by targeting not all cancerous cells but the small fraction that lie at the root of cancers. Lucie Laplane offers a comprehensive analysis of cancer stem cell theory, based on an original interdisciplinary approach that combines biology, biomedical history, and philosophy.
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  42.  11
    Dreaming the Myth Onwards: New Directions in Jungian Therapy and Thought.Lucy Huskinson (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    _Dreaming the Myth Onwards_ shows how a revised appreciation of myth can enrich our daily lives, our psychological awareness, and our human relationships. Lucy Huskinson and her contributors explore the interplay between myth, and Jungian thought and practice, demonstrating the philosophical and psychological principles that underlie our experience of psyche and world. Contributors from multi-disciplinary backgrounds throughout the world come together to assess the contemporary relevance of myth, in terms of its utility, its effectual position within Jungian theory and (...)
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    Pragmatistické pojetí hodnotově podmíněného bádání.Lucie Kólová - 2014 - Filosofie Dnes 6 (1):84-95.
    Cílem článku je ukázat přínos tradičního pragmatismu, a to s ohledem na nutnost vypracování hodnotově podmíněného bádání, jehož východiskem je praxe. V rámci jednání se ukazuje klíčová role zkušenosti, což je aspekt, který je stěžejní pro klasický empirismus, ovšem v kontextu pragmatismu je určujícím způsobem revidován. Z pragmatistického úhlu pohledu je zkušenost, stojící v základu poznání, nahlížena jakožto aktivní proces, během nějž člověk kooperuje s prostředím, které ho obklopuje, čímž neustále získává podněty pro konstituování vlastních přesvědčení, která se navzájem doplňují (...)
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    Phenomenotechnique: Bachelard's critical inheritance of conventionalism.Lucie Fabry - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 75:34-42.
  45.  18
    Penser les passions à l'âge classique.Lucie Desjardins & Daniel Dumouchel (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    Etude des passions dans la philosophie et la littérature à l'âge classique, et de la façon dont Descartes, Hume, les matérialistes et les romanciers du XVIIe siècle pensaient cette notion.
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    Emmanuel Levinas et l'héritage de Karl Marx: sublime matérialisme.Lucie Doublet - 2021 - La Fresnaie-Fayel: Otrante.
    Penseur de l'éthique et théoricien du ± face à face?, Levinas n'aborderait la dimension politique que de manière subsidiaire. A considérer le contexte de son œuvre, le rôle fondamental joué par la catastrophe de la Shoah dans son parcours personnel et intellectuel, toute sa réflexion apparait pourtant orientée par la nécessité d'une nouvelle pensée de la communauté humaine à l'épreuve du XXe siècle.00Cette lecture fait l'hypothèse d'une centralité de la question sociale dans la philosophie levinassienne. Ce sont les enjeux collectifs (...)
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  47. La critique de l'athéisme philosophique et du protestantisme dans l'Encyclopédie nouvelle.Lucie Rey - 2018 - In Louise Ferté & Lucie Rey, Tolérance, liberté de conscience, laïcité: quelle place pour l'athéisme? Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    The shaping of animals’ minds.Lucie H. Salwiczek & Wolfgang Wickler - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (3):393-411.
    Mind is seen as a collection of abilities to take decisions in biologically relevant situations. Mind shaping means to form habits and decision rules of how to proceed in a given situation. Problem-specific decision rules constitute a modular mind; adaptive mind-shaping is likely to be module-specific. We present examples from different behaviour ‘faculties’ throughout the animal kingdom, grouped according to important mind-shaping factors to illustrate three basically different mind-shaping processes: external stimuli guide the differentiation of a nervous structure that controls (...)
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    A Note on the Illuminators of the Bohun Manuscripts.Lucy Freeman Sandler - 1985 - Speculum 60 (2):364-372.
    The most important group of English illuminated manuscripts of the second half of the fourteenth century takes its name from the Bohun family, earls of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton. Seven lavishly illustrated psalters and books of hours constitute the core of the group. These manuscripts are the work of a single group of artists, some of whose hands recur in two or more of the volumes; they are closely related in book design and program of decoration; and finally, they all (...)
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  50. What is wrong with ideology?Lucy William - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (2).
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