Results for 'Luc Leguérinel'

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  1.  16
    Myśl Jacques’a Poulaina o człowieku i instytucjach.Luc Leguérinel - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 38:27-62.
    The purpose of this article is to propose a synthesis of Jacques Poulain's philosophical reflection on language and its importance for human being and for the society. To do this, we begin with presenting what Poulain has constantly established in the light of anthropobiological knowledge in his various works by showing that the child does not directly enter the world through senses or action, but through language and that it cannot enter the world and become a subject able to think (...)
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  2. The concept of innateness and the destiny of evolutionary psychology.Pierre Poirier, Luc Faucher & Jean Lachapelle - 2008 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 29 (1-2):17-47.
    According to a popular version of the current evolutionary attitude in cognitive science, the mind is a massive aggregate of autonomous innate computational devices, each addressing specific adaptive problems. Our aim in this paper is to show that although this version of the attitude, which we call GOFEP , does not suffer from fatal flaws that would make it incoherent or otherwise conceptually inadequate, it will nevertheless prove unacceptable to most cognitive scientists today. To show this, we raise a common (...)
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  3. Rancière and metaphysics.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2009 - In Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts (eds.), Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Amitiés de Bernard Stiegler: douze contributions.Bernard Stiegler & Jean-Luc Nancy (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Galilée.
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  5. De la science des mœurs à la lutte contre la dégénération. Les combats de Lafont-Gouzi dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle.Jean-Luc Chappey - 2021 - In Laurie Bréban, Séverine Denieul & Elise Sultan-Villet (eds.), La science des moeurs au siècle des Lumières: conception et expérimentations. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  6. Getting Rid of Racism: Assessing Three Proposals in Light of Psychological Evidence.Daniel Kelly, Luc Faucher & Edouard Machery - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (3):293-322.
    At the end of a chapter in his book Race, Racism and Reparations, Angelo Corlett notes that “[t]here remain other queries about racism [than those he addressed in his chapter], which need philosophical exploration. … Perhaps most important, how might racism be unlearned?” (2003, 93). We agree with Corlett’s assessment of its importance, but find that philosophers have not been very keen to directly engage with the issue of how to best deal with, and ultimately do away with, racism. Rather, (...)
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    The speculative remark: one of Hegel's bons mots.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2001 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This work, by two of the most innovative and challenging of contemporary thinkers, pivots on a Remark added by Hegel in 1831 to the second edition of his Science of Logic. As a model of close reading applied both to philosophical texts and the making of philosophical systems, The Speculative Remark played a significant role in transforming the practice of philosophy away from system building to analysis of specific linguistic detail, with meticulous attention to etymological, philological, and rhetorical nuance. The (...)
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  8. Dépistage systématique des cancers cutanés?Jean-Luc Belche - 2012 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 11 (7).
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    Y a-t-il des valeurs chrétiennes?Jean-Luc Blaquart & Jean-Luc Deroo (eds.) - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les valeurs sont aujourd'hui omniprésentes dans les discours et les témoignages des Européens. Elles permettent aux individus comme aux institutions de se justifier et de légitimer leurs comportements. Toutefois, autant il est devenu obligatoire d'invoquer des valeurs, autant il est délicat d'en revendiquer l'exclusivité ou la propriété. L'acceptation du pluralisme des valeurs a été pour les catholiques un tournant majeur au vingtième siècle. Mais, en utilisant le langage des valeurs, le christianisme se positionne-t-il en continuité ou en rupture avec ses (...)
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  10. Du vin pour le Coll ge de veille? Mise en lumire d'un lien occult entre le Choeur de Dionysos et le nukterinÚw sÊllogow dans les Lois de Platon.À. Luc Brisson - 2003 - Phronesis 48:1.
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  11. Un Défi Pour La Psychologie Évolutionniste.Pierre Poirier, Luc Faucher & Jean Lachapelle - 2005 - Philosophia Scientiae 2:1-35.
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    Vanishing academics: On the importance of speed and becoming‐imperceptible.Pier-Luc Turcotte & Dave Holmes - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry:e12619.
    Under the influence of neoliberalism, academic work faces mounting pressure to align with imperatives of visibility and perceptibility. Traditionally criticised for working in isolated ‘ivory towers’, academics are now compelled to showcase the societal value of their work through performance metrics and evaluations. Paradoxically, these efforts have unintentionally led to the rigidification and commodification of academic work, stifling the production of knowledge beyond predefined parameters. In this paper, we contend that academics should resist the imposition of this neoliberal ‘grid’ and (...)
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  13. The confronted community.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2009 - In Andrew J. Mitchell & Jason Kemp Winfree (eds.), The Obsessions of Georges Bataille: Community and Communication. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  14. Sauver les mythes.par Luc Brisson - 1995 - In Luc Brisson (ed.), Introduction à la philosophie du mythe: Sauver les mythes. Paris: Vrin.
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    Contractor programming.Gilles Chabert & Luc Jaulin - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (11):1079-1100.
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    (1 other version)Une Etude sur des Structures Ayant une Certaine Propriete de Seuil Pour les Automorphismes Elementaires.Jean-Luc Paillet - 1978 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 24 (1‐6):7-24.
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    The Recognition of Gift.Jean-Luc Marion, Adina Bozga & Cristian Ciocan - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9 (9999):15-28.
    In this article, the author unveils the play between visibility and invisibility as it is captured in a phenomenology of the gift. The first part of the essay explores the tension between the fact of being given and the forgetting of its characters as a gift: its donor and the circumstances of it being given. In the process of becoming autonomous, free of its provenance, the gift loses its character of being given and becomes no more than a simple thing (...)
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  18.  34
    Sur l'ontologie grise de Descartes: science cartésienne et savoir aristotélicien dans les Regulae.Jean-Luc Marion - 1975 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    L'interpretation des Regulae ad Directionem Ingenii souleve un probleme specifique. La plupart des critiques ont tente de le comprendre a partir de la problematique du Discours de 1637. D'ou d'evidentes impasses, puisque les concepts originaux des Regulae, precisement, disparaissent dans le moment posterieur qu'ils ont rendu pourtant possible. Il restait une voie: determiner les Regulae comme un dialogue avec un interlocuteur jamais nomme, avec lequel la pensee du jeune Descartes, a l'aurore d'elle-meme, devait s'expliquer pour devenir cartesienne; cet interlocuteur, c'est (...)
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  19.  27
    La Cité de Dieu comme apologie.Jean-Luc Marion - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 137 (2):7-26.
    La Cité de Dieu pose une difficulté interprétative particulière : à première lecture, les thèmes de la théologie (et de la philosophie) des autres œuvres de saint Augustin n’y apparaissent que très peu ou pas du tout, tandis que sont développées des questions tout autres, parfois surprenantes (les démons, la mythologie latine, l’histoire romaine, etc. – et même le refus de la théologie). Or la comparaison de cet agenda avec les Apologies tant latines que grecques des siècles antérieurs (de Justin (...)
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    6 The Reason of the Gift.Jean-Luc Marion - 2022 - In Ian Leask & Eoin Cassidy (eds.), Givenness and God: Questions of Jean-Luc Marion. Fordham University Press. pp. 101-134.
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    Duns Scotus versus Thomas Aquinas on Instrumental Causality.Jean-Luc Solère - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 7:147-185.
    The medieval notion of instrumental cause is not limited to what we call today “instruments” or “tools.” It extends way beyond the realm of technology and includes natural entities, for instance, the accidents by which a substance acts on another substance, sensible species in the air acting on a visual faculty, sacraments, bodily organs, and sometimes creatures with respect to God’s action. In all these cases, instrumental causes, like secondary causes in general, are subordinated to a principal cause and contribute (...)
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    Top-down induction of first-order logical decision trees.Hendrik Blockeel & Luc De Raedt - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 101 (1-2):285-297.
  23. Argument and Analysis: a Selection of Papers Contributed to the Sections of the 4th International Congress of the Society for An.Stephan Hartmann & Luc Bovens (eds.) - 2001
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    Plato's Philebus: selected papers from the Eighth Symposium Platonicum.John M. Dillon & Luc Brisson (eds.) - 2010 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
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    La Servante et la Consolatrice. La philosophie dans ses rapports avec la théologie au Moyen Âge.Jean-Luc Solère & Zenon Kałuża (eds.) - 2002 - Paris, France: Vrin.
    Certains penseurs médiévaux jugeaient la philosophie incapable de juger et d'interpréter la parole révélée donc supérieure. Pour d'autres, elle gardait son prestige antique et pouvait les mener à la perfection et à la félicité. Ces contributions étudient non pas la philosophie du Moyen âge dans son ensemble, ce qui n'est pas possible, mais des personnalités particulières, dont des théologiens.
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    Does the Lay Concept of Mental Disorder Necessitate a Dysfunction?Gaetan Beghin & Luc Faucher - 2023 - In Kristien Hens & Andreas De Block (eds.), Advances in experimental philosophy of medicine. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 71-96.
    Philosophers have been particularly interested in providing an analysis of the concept of mental disorder that could accommodate and guide psychiatric practices (for example diagnostics, therapy, epidemiology, etc.). One of the most discussed propositions is Jerome Wakefield’s “Harmful Dysfunction Analysis” (henceforth HDA). Inspired by Wakefield’s own foray into experimental philosophy, we propose in this paper to test folk people’s intuitions on a wider number of mental disorders than he did as well as in different condition in which the symptoms could (...)
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  27.  13
    Figures de phénoménologie: Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Henry, Derrida.Jean-Luc Marion - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: This volume contains essays on some of the foremost thinkers on phenomenology, the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. French description: Dans le triptyque, ouvert par Reduction et donation. Recherches sur Husserl, Heidegger et la phenomenologie, assure dans Etant donne. Essai d'une phenomenologie de la donation et complete avec De Surcroit. Etudes sur les phenomenes satures, nous avons procede assez globalement pour qu'on nous permette ici de rassembler apres-coup certains des travaux (...)
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  28. Notre probité! (Sur la vérité au sens moral chez Nietzsche).Jean-Luc Nancy - 1980 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 112:391-407.
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    Un Jour, les dieux se retirent.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2001 - William Blake.
    Un jour les dieux se retirent. D'eux-mêmes ils se retirent de leur divinité, c'est-à-dire de leur présence. Ils ne s'absentent pas simplement : ils ne vont pas ailleurs, ils se retirent de leur propre présence : ils s'absentent dedans. Ce qui reste de leur présence, c'est ce qui reste de toute présence lorsqu'elle s'est absentée : il reste ce qu'on en peut dire. Ce qu'on en peut dire est ce qui reste lorsqu'on ne peut plus s'adresser à elle ni lui (...)
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  30. Hugues de Saint- Victor. L'Art de Lire. Didascalicon. Introduction, traduction et notes par Michel Lemoine. [REVIEW]Jean-luc Solere - 1994 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 72 (4):965-966.
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    Die Cartesianische Onto-Theo-Logie.Jean-Luc Marion & Wolfgang Röd - 1984 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 38 (3):349 - 380.
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    Negative Certainties.Jean-Luc Marion - 2015 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Stephen E. Lewis.
    Now in paperback, Jean-Luc Marion's groundbreaking philosophy of human uncertainty. In Negative Certainties, renowned philosopher Jean-Luc Marion challenges some of the most fundamental assumptions we have developed about knowledge: that it is categorical, predicative, and positive. Following Descartes, Kant, and Heidegger, he looks toward our finitude and the limits of our reason. He asks an astonishingly simple—but profoundly provocative—question in order to open up an entirely new way of thinking about knowledge: Isn’t our uncertainty, our finitude, and rational limitations, one (...)
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  33. The Judeo-Christian.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2007 - In Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.), Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Bayle historien et critique du matérialisme dans le dictionnaire.Jean-Luc Solère - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (120):423-436.
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    Merleau-Ponty.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2019 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy. Albany NY: SUNY Press. pp. 297-302.
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  36. Thomas of Sutton on Intellectual Habitus.Jean-Luc Solere - 2018 - In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.), The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 205-227.
    According to the Dominican Thomas of Sutton (ca. 1250–1315), the reception of intelligible species in the potential intellect is in every point similar to the actualization of forms in matter, which means that the potential intellect remains completely passive through the whole process of concept acquisition. However, Sutton adds that when the intelligible species are stored in the memory and aggregate in logically organized clusters, thus becoming intellectual habitus, they have a way of being that is not found in material (...)
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  37. Bayesian Epistemology.Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 2003 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Stephan Hartmann.
    Probabilistic models have much to offer to philosophy. We continually receive information from a variety of sources: from our senses, from witnesses, from scientific instruments. When considering whether we should believe this information, we assess whether the sources are independent, how reliable they are, and how plausible and coherent the information is. Bovens and Hartmann provide a systematic Bayesian account of these features of reasoning. Simple Bayesian Networks allow us to model alternative assumptions about the nature of the information sources. (...)
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    Reguły i paradoksy.Adrian Leguérinel, Sonia Kopeć & Jean-François Lyotard - 2018 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 8 (2).
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  39. (2 other versions)A Lockean Defense of Grandfathering Emission Rights.Luc Bovens - 2011 - In Denis G. Arnold (ed.), The Ethics of Global Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. pp. 124-144.
    I investigate whether any plausible moral arguments can be made for ‘grandfathering’ emission rights (that is, for setting emission targets for developed countries in line with their present or past emission levels) on the basis of a Lockean theory of property rights.
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  40. On the logic of common belief and common knowledge.Luc Lismont & Philippe Mongin - 1994 - Theory and Decision 37 (1):75-106.
    The paper surveys the currently available axiomatizations of common belief (CB) and common knowledge (CK) by means of modal propositional logics. (Throughout, knowledge- whether individual or common- is defined as true belief.) Section 1 introduces the formal method of axiomatization followed by epistemic logicians, especially the syntax-semantics distinction, and the notion of a soundness and completeness theorem. Section 2 explains the syntactical concepts, while briefly discussing their motivations. Two standard semantic constructions, Kripke structures and neighbourhood structures, are introduced in Sections (...)
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    What is a French philosopher? Interview by Florent Guénard with Luc Foisneau.Luc Foisneau - 2015 - Books and Ideas.
    This interview given by Luc Foisneau to Florent Guénard is the most complete about the editorial project of the Dictionnaire des philosophes français du XVIIe siècle, published in 2015, Classiques Garnier, Paris.
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  42. The symbol grounding problem has been solved. so what's next.Luc Steels - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.), Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 223--244.
  43. Evaluating life or death prospects.Luc Bovens & Marc Fleurbaey - 2012 - Economics and Philosophy 28 (2):217-249.
    We consider a special set of risky prospects in which the outcomes are either life or death. There are various alternatives to the utilitarian objective of minimizing the expected loss of lives in such prospects. We start off with the two-person case with independent risks and construct taxonomies of ex ante and ex post evaluations for such prospects. We examine the relationship between the ex ante and the ex post in this restrictive framework: There are more possibilities to respect ex (...)
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  44. On arguments from self-interest for the Nash solution and the Kalai egalitarian solution to the bargaining problem.Luc Bovens - 1987 - Theory and Decision 23 (3):231-260.
    I argue in this paper that there are two considerations which govern the dynamics of a two-person bargaining game, viz. relative proportionate utility loss from conceding to one's opponent's proposal and relative non-proportionate utility loss from not conceding to one's opponent's proposal, if she were not to concede as well. The first consideration can adequately be captured by the information contained in vNM utilities. The second requires measures of utility which allow for an interpersonal comparison of utility differences. These considerations (...)
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  45. Bayesian Networks and the Problem of Unreliable Instruments.Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (1):29-72.
    We appeal to the theory of Bayesian Networks to model different strategies for obtaining confirmation for a hypothesis from experimental test results provided by less than fully reliable instruments. In particular, we consider (i) repeated measurements of a single test consequence of the hypothesis, (ii) measurements of multiple test consequences of the hypothesis, (iii) theoretical support for the reliability of the instrument, and (iv) calibration procedures. We evaluate these strategies on their relative merits under idealized conditions and show some surprising (...)
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    The "Artificial Life" Route to "Artificial Intelligence": Building Situated Embodied Agents.Luc Steels & Rodney Brooks (eds.) - 1995 - Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    This volume is the direct result of a conference in which a number of leading researchers from the fields of artificial intelligence and biology gathered to ...
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  47. Plato the myth maker.Luc Brisson - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Gerard Naddaf.
    The word myth is commonly thought to mean a fictional story, but few know that Plato was the first to use the term muthos in that sense. He also used muthos to describe the practice of making and telling stories, the oral transmission of all that a community keeps in its collective memory. In the first part of Plato the Myth Maker , Luc Brisson reconstructs Plato's multifaceted description of muthos in light of the latter's Atlantis story. The second part (...)
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  48. Why is the Timaeus called an Eikôs Muthos and an Eikôs Logos?Luc Brisson - 2012 - In Catherine Collobert, Pierre Destrée & Francisco J. Gonzalez (eds.), Plato and myth: studies on the use and status of Platonic myths. Boston: Brill.
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    Visions: philosophie et cinéma.Luc Deneulin - 2013 - Bruxelles: ASP. Edited by Johan Swinnen.
    Luc Deneulin et Johan Swinnen se sont entretenus avec sept philosophes français et belges à propos de la philosophie qui entre dans les salles de cinéma. La caverne de Platon a permis de déchiffrer une partie du cerveau humain ; raconter des images sous la forme de films est demeuré pendant longtemps un phénomène inconnu et sous-estimé. Le résultat débouche sur un ouvrage surprenant qui fait la part belle à un certain nombre de films conventionnels ou non, présentant une diversité (...)
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    Petite lecture rythmique de l'archipel du confinement.Luc Gwiazdzinski - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru en avril 2020 dans la collection « LE VIRUS DE LA RECHERCHE », une initiative des PUG en partenariat avec The Conversation et l'Université Grenoble Alpes. Nous remercions Luc Gwiazdzinski de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. « Sans rythme pas de vie » Bernard Millet, 2001 Il y a longtemps déjà que le géographe n'est plus le savant du Petit Prince de Saint‑Exupéry, celui qui écrit « des choses éternelles ». Les temps ont (...)
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