110 found
  1. Derrida degree: A question of honour.Barry Smith, Hans Albert, David M. Armstrong, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Keith Campbell, Richard Glauser, Rudolf Haller, Massimo Mugnai, Kevin Mulligan, Lorenzo Peña, Willard Van Orman Quine, Wolfgang Röd, Karl Schuhmann, Daniel Schulthess, Peter M. Simons, René Thom, Dallas Willard & Jan Wolenski - 1992 - The Times 9 (May 9).
    A letter to The Times of London, May 9, 1992 protesting the Cambridge University proposal to award an honorary degree to M. Jacques Derrida.
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  2. Naturalized Epistemology and Degrees of Knowledge.Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    Still, it is but fair for me to point out that several of the mainstays of the present proposal owe very little to the influence of the philosophers whose epistemological views have attracted me most — or for that matter to that of other analytical philosophers. I am referring to my acknowledging degrees of truth and existence and, consequently, degrees of knowledge, too.
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  3. Graham Priest's «Dialetheism» -- Is It Althogether True?Lorenzo Peña - 1996 - Sorites 7:28-56.
    Graham Priest's book In Contradiction is a bold defense of the existence of true contradictions. Although Priest's case is impressive, and many of his arguments are correct, his approach is not the only one allowing for true contradictions. As against Priest's, there is at least one contradictorialist approach which establishes a link between true contradictions and degrees of truth. All in all, such an alternative is more conservative, closer to mainstream analytical philosophy. The two approaches differ as regards the floodgate (...)
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  4. El ente y su ser. Un estudio lógico-metafísico.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (4):506-507.
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  5. Critical Study of Da Costa's Foundations of Logic.Lorenzo Peña - 1982 - Logique Et Analyse 100:447-66.
    This is a critical discusssion of Professor da Costa's Essay on the foundations of logic which brings up issues of philosophy of logic, set theory, the foundations of mathematics, and paraconsistency.
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    The Coexistence of Contradictory Properties in the Same Subject According to Aristotle.Lorenzo Peña - 1999 - Apeiron 32 (3):203 - 229.
  7.  56
    Identity, fuzziness and noncontradiction.Lorenzo Pena - 1984 - Noûs 18 (2):227-259.
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  8. Critical Notice of Subject, Thought and Context.Lorenzo Peña & Manuel Liz - unknown
    The main starting point of many of the contributions collected into the book is the kind of Twin Earth considerations, along with meaning individualism. Is Putnam's claim about water in this world and a stuff in an alternative world being different materials?. Is meaning in the head? One seems allowed to be skeptical about the starting point of the debate between such as emphasize broad content and those who think that the basic semantic entities are narrow contents, which would fail (...)
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  9. (1 other version)De la logique combinatoire des 'Generales Inquisitiones' aux calculs combinatoires contemporains.Lorenzo Peña - 1991 - Theoria 6 (1/2):129-159.
    In his 1686 essay GI Leibniz undertook to reduce sentences to noun-phrases, truth to being. Such a reduction arose from his equating proof with conceptual analysis. Within limits Leibniz’s logical calculus provides a reasonable way of surmounting the dichotomy, thus allowing a reduction of hypothetical to categorical statements. However it yields the disastrous result that, whenever A is possible and so is B, there can be an entity being both A and B. Yet, Leibniz was in the GI the forerunner (...)
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  10. Symposium Internacional sobre el pensamiento filosófico de W. v. O. QUINE.Lorenzo Peña - 1986 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 1 (3):861-865.
  11.  30
    Arguing from Facts to Duties.Txetxu Ausín & Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    7 pages.-- Delivered to: 5th International Conference on Argumentation, The International Society for the Study of Argumentation, University of Amsterdam, 25-28 June 2002.
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  12. Premisa/Conclusión.Txetxu Ausín Díez & Lorenzo Peña - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Algunas aplicaciones filosóficas de las lógicas multivalentes.Lorenzo Peña - 1992 - Theoria 7 (1/2/3):141-163.
    Many-Valued logics can harbour nonclassical connectives expressing truth-nuances. The course of development of many-valued logics has given rise to paraconsistent systems wherein a sentence can be both negated and asserted just in case it is only partly true. A recently implemented family of such logics is shown to be a useful tool in coping with a number of philosophical difficulties, such as Zeno’s paradox of the arrow. This family is somehow akin to fuzzy logics initiated by Zadeh, but unlike them (...)
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  14. Algunos debates filosóficos sobre los conjuntos difusos.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Ideas Y Valores 37 (78):3-27.
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  15. Au-delà de la coïncidence des opposés. Remarques sur la théologie copulative chez Nicolas de Cuse.Lorenzo Peña - 1989 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 121:57.
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  16. Alboran Is and Is Not Dry: Katalin Havas on Logic and Dialectic.Lorenzo PeÑa - 1990 - Logique Et Analyse 33 (31):331.
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    A Philosophical Justification of Many-Valued Extensions of Classical Logic.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:497-504.
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    Agregados, sistemas Y euerpos: Un enfoque difuso-conjuntual.Lorenzo Peña - 1985 - Theoria 1 (1):159-175.
    A Fuzzy-Set Theoretical Framework -resting on a paraconsistent infinite-valued logic- is sketched, wherein a thorough ontological-reduction program can be carried out. The framework includes formulae of the form “x comprises z in the time-interval e”. Reducing aggregates to sets thus handled is shown to escape usual objections. Likewise, systems generally can be regarded as aggregates, hence as (fuzzy) sets -the purported nonextensionality of systems objection being disposed of owing to our system’s recognizing infinitely many membership degrees. So do bodies, too, (...)
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  19. Argumentación transcendental e ideales valorativos de la razón.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Analogía Filosófica 2 (2):31.
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    Contradictions and Paradigms: A Paraconsistent Approach.Lorenzo Peña - 1991 - In Marcelo Dascal, Cultural Relativism and Philosophy: North and Latin American Perspectives. E.J. Brill. pp. 7--29.
  21. Cosmología aristotélica y ciencia moderna: consideraciones sobre un texto escolástico del siglo XVIII.Lorenzo Peña - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (1):21-35.
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  22.  39
    (2 other versions)º congreso de la asociación de sociedades de filosofía de lengua francesa, dijon.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):278-280.
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  23. Crónica del IV Congreso de lenguajes naturales y lenguajes formales Lérida 19-23 de septiembre de 1988.Lorenzo Peña - 1989 - Theoria 10:280-283.
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    Crónica de la Conferencia Internacional sobre la Argumentación.Lorenzo Peña - 1986 - Theoria 2 (4):225-227.
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  25. Crónica de: Neopositivismo y epistemología: VI Encuentro de la Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa de Filosofía.Lorenzo Peña - 1991 - Theoria 14 (15):325-327.
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  26. Coloqulo Internacional de Ciencia Cognitiva.Lorenzo PeÑa - 1989 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (2).
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    Conferencia Internacional “Perspectives on Quine”.Lorenzo Peña - 1987 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 3 (1-2):637-640.
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  28. Critical Notice of Raul Orayen's Logica, significado y ontologia.Lorenzo Peña - 1995 - Sorites 2:76-94.
    Orayen proposes some kind of intensional approach in philosophy of logic, with meanings playing a central role in implementing the notion of logical truth. Orayen regards Quine as his main interlocutor. The major topic gone into through the book is logical form, validity and logical truth. As an outgrowth, Quine's operationalist view of language receives an extensive coverage and discussion. The investigation into the notion of logical truth and validity leads to a critical assessment of the relevantist challenge to the (...)
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  29. Cuatro obras de Mauricio Beuchot.Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    The paper examines Beuchot's approach and agrees that there are many coincidences between medieval Aristotelianism and analytical philosophy. Both pursue philosophical inquiry in an argumentative manner. Nowadays analytical philosophy also tends to recognize as genuine such traditional metaphysical problems as were debated by the Scholastics. The paper's only criticism at Beuchot's views concerns analogy and reduplicative as-clauses. It argues that on that issue the cleavage between medieval and analytical philosophy lies in the latter's tending to favor complete equivocality of the (...)
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  30. Cultural Relativism and Philosophy : North and Latin American Perspectives.Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    Introductory Remarks Why Paradigm Variation is Ensuant upon Contradiction How Externalistic Warrant Parries the Threat of [Truth] Relativism Why Not to Ward Relativism off by Means of Foundationalistic Justification Defending a relativistic View of Warrant A Transcendental Argument against [Truth] Relativism Towards [Partial] convergence A Gradualistic Paraconsistent Way to Convergence 7.1. - Perspectivism and Non Copulative Paraconsistent Logics 7.2. - The Strength and Weakness of Two Copulative Approaches to Paraconsistent Logic 7.3. - The Logic of Contradictorial Gradualism 7.4. - Implementing (...)
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  31. Compte Rendu de Penseurs hétérodoxes du monde hispanique.Lorenzo Peña - 1976 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 117 (118):533-36.
  32. -Compatible Transitive Extensions of System CT Logique et Analyse.Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    Da Costa's paraconsistent systems of the series Cm (for finite m) (see [C1], [C2], and esp. [C3], pp. 237ff.) share important features with transitive logic, TL (which has been gone into in [P1] and [P2]), namely, they all coincide in that: (c1) they possess a strong negation, `¬', a conditional, `⊃', a conjunction, `∧', and a disjunction, `∨', with respect to which they are conservative extensions of CL or Classical Logic; (c2) they possess a non strong negation, `N' (notations are (...)
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  33. Dialéctica, dialéctica, lógica Y formalización: Formalización: De Hegel a la filosofía analítica.Lorenzo Peña - unknown
    En este trabajo estudio algunas de las convergencias y divergencias entre dos concepciones filosóficas que coinciden en reconocer la contradictorialidad de lo real, o sea: que coinciden en ser dialécticas. Trátase de la filosofía de Hegel y de la concepción que en muy diversos trabajos y desde hace años vengo denominando ontofántica, concepción cuya aceptación de la contradictorialidad de lo real se sitúa más en la línea de Platón que en la de Hegel.
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  34. El análisis tractariano de los hechos relacionales: exégesis, crítica y alternativa.Lorenzo Peña - 1989 - Análisis Filosófico 9 (1):41.
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    El bien común, principio básico de la ley natural.Lorenzo Peña - 1997 - Isegoría 17:137-163.
  36.  22
    El derecho a la vida conyugal en la sociedad contemporánea.Lorenzo Peña - 2010 - Arbor 186 (745):871-899.
    El derecho a vivir en pareja no es la mera facultad de contraer matrimonio, sino un derecho a vivir en una unión dual de individuos adultos para la felicidad mutua, compartiendo las cargas y disfrutando juntos de los goces de la vida. Tiene una doble cara de derecho de libertad y de bienestar, aunque es principalmente lo primero. Para respetarlo plenamente, la ley tiene que brindar un marco adecuado, que permita y ampare la comunidad matrimonial, regulando correctamente en ella los (...)
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    El derecho de extranjería en los ordenamientos constitucionales.Lorenzo Peña - 2002 - Isegoría 26:181-217.
    ¿Están comprendidos los extranjeros en el ámbito de aplicación de los derechos y deberes fundamentales estipulados por las constituciones modernas? Lamentablemente, no. Ha habido, a lo largo de la historia, progresos y retrocesos en la conciencia jurídica de los derechos migratorios. Hoy tienden a establecerse cláusulas de libre circulación en los espacios de integración económica, al paso que, de manera general (y a salvo de dispensas individuales), viene prohibida la inmigración del sur al norte. Esa orientación actual es injusta. Ni (...)
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  38. 2e Ecole d'Eté de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive.Lorenzo PeÑa - 1989 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (2).
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    Extranjero Hermano: Algunos defectos de la nueva Ley de Extranjería.Lorenzo Peña - 2005 - Arbor 181 (713):117-131.
    La Ley de Extranjería de 2003 ha aumentado las atribuciones y potestades de la administración pública española y las obligaciones de los extranjeros. Colisiona con principios fundamentales de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico-constitucional. Frente a esa línea legislativa, proponemos una reforma sustancial por la que: (1) deje de ser infracción el encontrarse un extranjero en España sin autorización oficial; (2) se haga permanente un proceso de regularización por prescripción adquisitiva de la condición de residente; y (3) se incorporen los valores jurídicos de (...)
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    El hombre como animal cultural en el tratamiento de Carlos París.Lorenzo Peña - 1998 - Isegoría 19:171-182.
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    En memoria de Ayda J. Arruda.Lorenzo Peña - 1985 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 1 (1):347-347.
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  42. El pluscuanracionalismo de Nicolás de Cusa: las contradicciones allende la contradicción.Lorenzo Peña - 1993 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval.
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  43. Enrique VILLANUEVA, Lenguaje y privacidad.Lorenzo PeÑa - 1987 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 2 (4).
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    Filosofia Della logica.Lorenzo Peña - 1985 - Theoria 1 (2):573-577.
  45. Fundamentos de ontológiadialéctica, coll. « Filosofía », La coincidencia de los opuestos en Dios.Lorenzo Peña - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (2):469-470.
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    Frege's Theory of Relations and the Search for a Workable Alternative.Lorenzo Peña - 1987 - Critica 19 (55):39-82.
  47.  40
    Filosofía Y análisis Dei lenguaje.Lorenzo Peña - 1986 - Theoria 2 (1):192-195.
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    Grados de posibilidad metafísica.Lorenzo Peña - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 9:15.
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  49. Hallazgos filosóficos.Lorenzo Peña - 1993 - Critica 25 (73):117-120.
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    (1 other version)IV congreso de lenguajes naturales Y lenguajes formales, lerida.Lorenzo Peña - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):280-283.
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