Results for 'Local set theory'

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  1.  37
    Toposes and Local Set Theories. An Introduction.J. L. Bell - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):886-887.
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  2. Notes on toposes and local set theories.John L. Bell - unknown
    This book is written for those who are in sympathy with its spirit. This spirit is different from the one which informs the vast stream of European and American civilization in which all of us stand. That spirit expresses itself in an onwards movement, in building ever larger and more complicated structures; the other in striving in clarity and perspicuity in no matter what structure. The first tries to grasp the world by way of its periphery—in its variety; the second (...)
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    Book review: John Bell. Introduction to toposes and local set theory[REVIEW]Colin McLarty - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (1):150-161.
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    Independence Results for Finite Set Theories in Well-Founded Locally Finite Graphs.Funmilola Balogun & Benedikt Löwe - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (5):1181-1200.
    We consider all combinatorially possible systems corresponding to subsets of finite set theory (i.e., Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of infinity) and for each of them either provide a well-founded locally finite graph that is a model of that theory or show that this is impossible. To that end, we develop the technique of _axiom closure of graphs_.
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    Bell J. L.. Toposes and local set theories. An introduction. Oxford logic guides, no. 14. Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York 1988, xii + 267 pp. [REVIEW]G. C. Wraith - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):886-887.
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    Extending constructive operational set theory by impredicative principles.Andrea Cantini - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (3):299-322.
    We study constructive set theories, which deal with operations applying both to sets and operations themselves. Our starting point is a fully explicit, finitely axiomatized system ESTE of constructive sets and operations, which was shown in 10 to be as strong as PA. In this paper we consider extensions with operations, which internally represent description operators, unbounded set quantifiers and local fixed point operators. We investigate the proof theoretic strength of the resulting systems, which turn out to be impredicative (...)
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    Local Ramsey theory: an abstract approach.Carlos Di Prisco, José G. Mijares & Jesús Nieto - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (5):384-396.
    Given a topological Ramsey space math formula, we extend the notion of semiselective coideal to sets math formula and study conditions for math formula that will enable us to make the structure math formula a Ramsey space and also study forcing notions related to math formula which will satisfy abstract versions of interesting properties of the corresponding forcing notions in the realm of Ellentuck's space. This extends results from to the most general context of topological Ramsey spaces. As applications, we (...)
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  8.  30
    Finiteness Axioms on Fragments of Intuitionistic Set Theory.Riccardo Camerlo - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (4):473-488.
    It is proved that in a suitable intuitionistic, locally classical, version of the theory ZFC deprived of the axiom of infinity, the requirement that every set be finite is equivalent to the assertion that every ordinal is a natural number. Moreover, the theory obtained with the addition of these finiteness assumptions is equivalent to a theory of hereditarily finite sets, developed by Previale in "Induction and foundation in the theory of hereditarily finite sets." This solves some (...)
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  9.  75
    Aspects of general topology in constructive set theory.Peter Aczel - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):3-29.
    Working in constructive set theory we formulate notions of constructive topological space and set-generated locale so as to get a good constructive general version of the classical Galois adjunction between topological spaces and locales. Our notion of constructive topological space allows for the space to have a class of points that need not be a set. Also our notion of locale allows the locale to have a class of elements that need not be a set. Class sized mathematical structures (...)
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  10.  34
    Calculus of variations and descriptive set theory.Nikolaos E. Sofronidis - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):535-538.
    If X is a locally compact Polish space, then LSC denotes the compact Polish space of lower semi-continuous real-valued functions on X equipped with the topology of epi-convergence.Our purpose in this article is to prove the following: if –∞ < α < β < ∞ and –∞ < a < b < ∞, while r ∈ ℕ \ {0}, then the set CV of all f ∈ LSC for which there is u ∈ Cr such that for any v ∈ (...)
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  11. Non-Local Correlations in Therapeutic Settings? A Qualitative Study on the Basis of Weak Quantum Theory and the Model of Pragmatic Information.Anja Matschuck - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):249-261.
    Weak Quantum Theory (WQT) and the Model of Pragmatic Information (MPI) are two psychophysical concepts developed on the basis of quantum physics. The present study contributes to their empirical examination. The issue of the study is whether WQT and MPI can not only explain ‘psi’-phenomena theoretically but also prove to be consistent with the empirical phenomenology of extrasensory perception (ESP). From the main statements of both models, 33 deductions for psychic readings are derived. Psychic readings are defined as settings, (...)
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  12.  10
    Computability Theory: Constructive Applications of the Lefthanded Local Lemma and Characterizations of Some Classes of Cohesive Powers.Daniel Mourad - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):664-665.
    The Lovász local lemma (LLL) is a technique from combinatorics for proving existential results. There are many different versions of the LLL. One of them, the lefthanded local lemma, is particularly well suited for applications to two player games. There are also constructive and computable versions of the LLL. The chief object of this thesis is to prove an effective version of the lefthanded local lemma and to apply it to effectivise constructions of non-repetitive sequences.The second goal (...)
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  13.  53
    Peano Corto and Peano Basso: A Study of Local Induction in the Context of Weak Theories.Albert Visser - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (1-2):92-117.
    In this paper we study local induction w.r.t. Σ1‐formulas over the weak arithmetic. The local induction scheme, which was introduced in, says roughly this: for any virtual class that is progressive, i.e., is closed under zero and successor, and for any non‐empty virtual class that is definable by a Σ1‐formula without parameters, the intersection of and is non‐empty. In other words, we have, for all Σ1‐sentences S, that S implies, whenever is progressive. Since, in the weak context, we (...)
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  14.  38
    Local Explanations via Necessity and Sufficiency: Unifying Theory and Practice.David S. Watson, Limor Gultchin, Ankur Taly & Luciano Floridi - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (1):185-218.
    Necessity and sufficiency are the building blocks of all successful explanations. Yet despite their importance, these notions have been conceptually underdeveloped and inconsistently applied in explainable artificial intelligence, a fast-growing research area that is so far lacking in firm theoretical foundations. In this article, an expanded version of a paper originally presented at the 37th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, we attempt to fill this gap. Building on work in logic, probability, and causality, we establish the central role of (...)
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  15.  54
    Classical recursion theory: the theory of functions and sets of natural numbers.Piergiorgio Odifreddi - 1989 - New York, N.Y., USA: Sole distributors for the USA and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
    Volume II of Classical Recursion Theory describes the universe from a local (bottom-up or synthetical) point of view, and covers the whole spectrum, from the recursive to the arithmetical sets. The first half of the book provides a detailed picture of the computable sets from the perspective of Theoretical Computer Science. Besides giving a detailed description of the theories of abstract Complexity Theory and of Inductive Inference, it contributes a uniform picture of the most basic complexity classes, (...)
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  16.  94
    (1 other version)Alternatives to Histories? Employing a Local Notion of Modal Consistency in Branching Theories.Thomas Müller - 2011 - Erkenntnis 79 (S3):1-22.
    Branching theories are popular frameworks for modeling objective indeterminism in the form of a future of open possibilities. In such theories, the notion of a history plays a crucial role: it is both a basic ingredient in the axiomatic definition of the framework, and it is used as a parameter of truth in semantics for languages with a future tense. Furthermore, histories—complete possible courses of events—ground the notion of modal consistency: a set of events is modally consistent iff there is (...)
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  17. Existentially closed models of the theory of artinian local rings.Hans Schoutens - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):825-845.
    The class of all Artinian local rings of length at most l is ∀ 2 -elementary, axiomatised by a finite set of axioms Art l . We show that its existentially closed models are Gorenstein, of length exactly l and their residue fields are algebraically closed, and, conversely, every existentially closed model is of this form. The theory Got l of all Artinian local Gorenstein rings of length l with algebraically closed residue field is model complete and (...)
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  18.  95
    A local hidden variable theory for the GHZ experiment.Laszlo E. Szabo & Arthur Fine - 2002 - Physics Letters A 295:229–240.
    A recent analysis by de Barros and Suppes of experimentally realizable GHZ correlations supports the conclusion that these correlations cannot be explained by introducing local hidden variables. We show, nevertheless, that their analysis does not exclude local hidden variable models in which the inefficiency in the experiment is an effect not only of random errors in the detector equipment, but is also the manifestation of a pre-set, hidden property of the particles ("prism models"). Indeed, we present an explicit (...)
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  19. Pseudoprojective strongly minimal sets are locally projective.Steven Buechler - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1184-1194.
    Let D be a strongly minimal set in the language L, and $D' \supset D$ an elementary extension with infinite dimension over D. Add to L a unary predicate symbol D and let T' be the theory of the structure (D', D), where D interprets the predicate D. It is known that T' is ω-stable. We prove Theorem A. If D is not locally modular, then T' has Morley rank ω. We say that a strongly minimal set D is (...)
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  20.  44
    Archaeological theory: who sets the agenda?Norman Yoffee & Andrew Sherratt (eds.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since the l960s, archaeology has become increasingly taught in universities and practiced on a growing scale by national and local heritage agencies throughout the world. This book addresses the criticisms of postmodernist writers about archaeology's social role, and asserts its intellectual importance and achievements in discovering real facts about the human past. It looks forward to the creation of a truly global consciousness of the origins of human societies and civilizations.
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  21.  18
    Sets and Descent.Brice Halimi - 2016 - In Francesca Boccuni & Andrea Sereni (eds.), Objectivity, Realism, and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    Algebraic Set Theory, a reconsideration of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory in category-theoretic terms, has been built up in the mid-nineties by André Joyal and Ieke Moerdijk. Since then, it has developed into a whole research program. This paper gets back to the original formulation by Joyal and Moerdijk, and more specifically to its first three axioms. It explains in detail that these axioms set up a framework directly linked to descent theory, a theory having to do with (...)
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  22.  33
    Local and global definitions of time: Cosmology and quantum theory.William Nelson - unknown
    I will give a broad overview of what has become the standard paradigm in cosmology. I will describe the relational notion of time that is often used in cosmological calculations and discuss how the local nature of Einstein's equations allows us to translate this notion into statements about `initial' data. Classically this relates our local definition of time to a quasi-local region of a particular spatial slice, however incorporating quantum theory comes at the expense of losing (...)
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  23.  41
    Locally finite weakly minimal theories.James Loveys - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (2):153-203.
    Suppose T is a weakly minimal theory and p a strong 1-type having locally finite but nontrivial geometry. That is, for any M [boxvR] T and finite Fp, there is a finite Gp such that acl∩p = gεGacl∩pM; however, we cannot always choose G = F. Then there are formulas θ and E so that θεp and for any M[boxvR]T, E defines an equivalence relation with finite classes on θ/E definably inherits the structure of either a projective or affine (...)
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    Locally rational decision-making.Richard M. Shiffrin - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):175-175.
    Colman shows that normative theories of rational decision-making fail to produce rational decisions in simple interactive games. I suggest that well-formed theories are possible in local settings, keeping in mind that a good part of each game is the generation of a rational approach appropriate for that game. The key is rationality defined in terms of the game, not individual decisions.
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    Towards a Local Hidden Variable Theory.Peter J. Lewis - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (10):1461-1469.
    A local hidden variable theory of quantum mechanics is formulated by adapting Gell-Mann and Hartle’s many-histories formulation. The resulting theory solves the measurement problem by exploiting the independence loophole in Bell’s theorem; it violates the independence of hidden variable values and measuring device settings. Although the theory is problematic in some respects, it provides a concrete example via which the tenability of this approach can be better evaluated.
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    On some peculiar aspects of the constructive theory of point-free spaces.Giovanni Curi - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (4):375-387.
    This paper presents several independence results concerning the topos-valid and the intuitionistic predicative theory of locales. In particular, certain consequences of the consistency of a general form of Troelstra's uniformity principle with constructive set theory and type theory are examined.
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    Empirical Underdetermination for Physical Theories in C* Algebraic Setting: Comments to an Arageorgis's Argument.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (9):877-892.
    In this paper, I reconstruct an argument of Aristidis Arageorgis against empirical underdetermination of the state of a physical system in a C*-algebraic setting and explore its soundness. The argument, aiming against algebraic imperialism, the operationalist attitude which characterized the first steps of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, is based on two topological properties of the state space: being T1 and being first countable in the weak*-topology. The first property is possessed trivially by the state space while the latter is (...)
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  28. Topological complexity of locally finite ω-languages.Olivier Finkel - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (6):625-651.
    Locally finite omega languages were introduced by Ressayre [Formal languages defined by the underlying structure of their words. J Symb Log 53(4):1009–1026, 1988]. These languages are defined by local sentences and extend ω-languages accepted by Büchi automata or defined by monadic second order sentences. We investigate their topological complexity. All locally finite ω-languages are analytic sets, the class LOC ω of locally finite ω-languages meets all finite levels of the Borel hierarchy and there exist some locally finite ω-languages which (...)
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  29.  54
    Local Selective Realism: Shifting from Classical to Quantum Electrodynamics.Cristian Soto & Diego Romero-Maltrana - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):955-970.
    This article elaborates local selective realism in view of the shifting from classical to quantum electrodynamics. After some introductory remarks, we critically address what we call global selective realism, hence setting forth the background for outlining local selective realism. When examining the transition from classical to quantum electrodynamics, we evaluate both continuities and discontinuities in observational features, mathematical structures, and ontological presuppositions. Our argument leads us to criticise the narrow understanding of limiting-case strategies, and to reject the claim (...)
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  30.  35
    On the ordered Dedekind real numbers in toposes.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Luís A. Sbardellini - 2015 - In Edward H. Haeusler, Wagner Sanz & Bruno Lopes (eds.), Why is this a Proof? Festschrift for Luiz Carlos Pereira. College Publications. pp. 87-105.
    In 1996, W. Veldman and F. Waaldijk present a constructive (intuitionistic) proof for the homogeneity of the ordered structure of the Cauchy real numbers, and so this result holds in any topos with natural number object. However, it is well known that the real numbers objects obtained by the traditional constructions of Cauchy sequences and Dedekind cuts are not necessarily isomorphic in an arbitrary topos with natural numbers object. Consequently, Veldman and Waaldijk's result does not apply to the ordered structure (...)
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  31. Higher-Order Logic and Type Theory.John L. Bell - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element is an exposition of second- and higher-order logic and type theory. It begins with a presentation of the syntax and semantics of classical second-order logic, pointing up the contrasts with first-order logic. This leads to a discussion of higher-order logic based on the concept of a type. The second Section contains an account of the origins and nature of type theory, and its relationship to set theory. Section 3 introduces Local Set Theory, an (...)
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  32.  28
    The Copernican Multiverse of Sets.Paul K. Gorbow & Graham E. Leigh - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):1033-1069.
    We develop an untyped framework for the multiverse of set theory. $\mathsf {ZF}$ is extended with semantically motivated axioms utilizing the new symbols $\mathsf {Uni}(\mathcal {U})$ and $\mathsf {Mod}(\mathcal {U, \sigma })$, expressing that $\mathcal {U}$ is a universe and that $\sigma $ is true in the universe $\mathcal {U}$, respectively. Here $\sigma $ ranges over the augmented language, leading to liar-style phenomena that are analyzed. The framework is both compatible with a broad range of multiverse conceptions and suggests (...)
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  33.  41
    James Ax and Simon Kochen. Diophantine problems over local fields I. American journal of mathematics, vol. 87 , pp. 605–630. - James Ax and Simon Kochen. Diophantine problems over local fields II. A complete set of axioms for p-adic number theory. American journal of mathematics, vol. 87 , pp. 631–648. - James Ax and Simon Kochen. Diophantine problems over local fields III. Decidable fields. Annals of mathematics, vol. 83 , pp. 437–456. [REVIEW]Abraham Robinson - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (4):683-684.
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  34.  17
    Boolean information sieves: a local-to-global approach to quantum information.Elias Zafiris - 2010 - International Journal of General Systems 39 (8):873-895.
    We propose a sheaf-theoretic framework for the representation of a quantum observable structure in terms of Boolean information sieves. The algebraic representation of a quantum observable structure in the relational local terms of sheaf theory effectuates a semantic transition from the axiomatic set-theoretic context of orthocomplemented partially ordered sets, la Birkhoff and Von Neumann, to the categorical topos-theoretic context of Boolean information sieves, la Grothendieck. The representation schema is based on the existence of a categorical adjunction, which is (...)
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  35.  5
    Vague language, elasticity theory and the use of 'some': a comparative study of L1 and L2 speakers in educational settings.Grace Qiao Zhang - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Nhu Le Nguyet.
    In Vague Language, Elasticity Theory and the Use of 'Some', Nguyet Nhu Le and Grace Qiao Zhang present the first comprehensive study of the word 'some', focusing on its elasticity. In particular, they consider how 'some' is both a quantifier and a qualifier, has positive or negative meanings, and has local and global interpretations. They show that the word is used across a meaning continuum and can be used to convey a range of states, including approximation, uncertainty, politeness, (...)
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  36.  21
    Large transitive models in local ZFC.Athanassios Tzouvaras - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):233-260.
    This paper is a sequel to Tzouvaras :571–601, 2010), where a local version of ZFC, LZFC, was introduced and examined and transitive models of ZFC with properties that resemble large cardinal properties, namely Mahlo and Π11\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Pi_1^1}$$\end{document}-indescribable models, were considered. By analogy we refer to such models as “large models”, and the properties in question as “large model properties”. Continuing here in the same spirit we consider further large model properties, that (...)
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  37.  36
    A Local Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Carlos Lopez - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (4):484-504.
    A local interpretation of quantum mechanics is presented. Its main ingredients are: first, a label attached to one of the “virtual” paths in the path integral formalism, determining the output for measurement of position or momentum; second, a mathematical model for spin states, equivalent to the path integral formalism for point particles in space time, with the corresponding label. The mathematical machinery of orthodox quantum mechanics is maintained, in particular amplitudes of probability and Born’s rule; therefore, Bell’s type inequalities (...)
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  38.  47
    Exact completion and constructive theories of sets.Jacopo Emmenegger & Erik Palmgren - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):563-584.
    In the present paper we use the theory of exact completions to study categorical properties of small setoids in Martin-Löf type theory and, more generally, of models of the Constructive Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets, in terms of properties of their subcategories of choice objects. Because of these intended applications, we deal with categories that lack equalisers and just have weak ones, but whose objects can be regarded as collections of global elements. In this context, (...)
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    Local weak presaturation of the strongly non‐stationary ideal.Masahiro Shioya & Naoki Yamaura - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (1):99-103.
    We give a model of set theory in which the strongly non‐stationary ideal over is weakly presaturated below some canonical set. Here μ is a regular uncountable cardinal. The model is the forcing extension with the Lévy collapse of a Woodin cardinal to the successor of μ. This improves on results of Goldring and of the first author.
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  40. On the Consequences of Retaining the General Validity of Locality in Physical Theory.W. De Baere - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (1):33-56.
    The empirical validity of the locality (LOC) principle of relativity is used to argue in favour of a local hidden variable theory (HVT) for individual quantum processes. It is shown that such a HVT may reproduce the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics (QM), provided the reproducibility of initial hidden variable states is limited. This means that in a HVT limits should be set to the validity of the notion of counterfactual definiteness (CFD). This is supported by the empirical (...)
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  41.  75
    Local Realizability Toposes and a Modal Logic for Computability.Steve Awodey, Lars Birkedal & Dana Scott - unknown
    This work is a step toward the development of a logic for types and computation that includes not only the usual spaces of mathematics and constructions, but also spaces from logic and domain theory. Using realizability, we investigate a configuration of three toposes that we regard as describing a notion of relative computability. Attention is focussed on a certain local map of toposes, which we first study axiomatically, and then by deriving a modal calculus as its internal logic. (...)
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  42.  49
    Philoophical Consequences of Quantum Theory.James T. Cushing & Ernan McMullin (eds.) - 1989 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    From the beginning, the implications of quantum theory for our most general understanding of the world have been a matter of intense debate. Einstein argues that the theory had to be regarded as fundamentally incomplete. Its inability, for example, to predict the exact time of decay of a single radioactive atom had to be due to a failure of the theory and not due to a permanent inability on our part or a fundamental indeterminism in nature itself. (...)
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  43. From absolute to local mathematics.J. L. Bell - 1986 - Synthese 69 (3):409 - 426.
    In this paper (a sequel to [4]) I put forward a "local" interpretation of mathematical concepts based on notions derived from category theory. The fundamental idea is to abandon the unique absolute universe of sets central to the orthodox set-theoretic account of the foundations of mathematics, replacing it by a plurality of local mathematical frameworks - elementary toposes - defined in category-theoretic terms.
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    A Locally Finite Model for Gravity.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (8):733-757.
    Matter interacting classically with gravity in 3+1 dimensions usually gives rise to a continuum of degrees of freedom, so that, in any attempt to quantize the theory, ultraviolet divergences are nearly inevitable. Here, we investigate matter of a form that only displays a finite number of degrees of freedom in compact sections of space-time. In finite domains, one has only exact, analytic solutions. This is achieved by limiting ourselves to straight pieces of string, surrounded by locally flat sections of (...)
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    L-domains as locally continuous sequent calculi.Longchun Wang & Qingguo Li - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):405-425.
    Inspired by a framework of multi lingual sequent calculus, we introduce a formal logical system called locally continuous sequent calculus to represent _L_-domains. By considering the logic states defined on locally continuous sequent calculi, we show that the collection of all logic states of a locally continuous sequent calculus with respect to set inclusion forms an _L_-domain, and every _L_-domain can be obtained in this way. Moreover, we define conjunctive consequence relations as morphisms between our sequent calculi, and prove that (...)
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    Locales, Nuclei, and Dragalin Frames.Guram Bezhanishvili & Wesley Holliday - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 177-196.
    It is a classic result in lattice theory that a poset is a complete lattice iff it can be realized as fixpoints of a closure operator on a powerset. Dragalin [9,10] observed that a poset is a locale (complete Heyting algebra) iff it can be realized as fixpoints of a nucleus on the locale of upsets of a poset. He also showed how to generate a nucleus on upsets by adding a structure of “paths” to a poset, forming what (...)
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  47. Character, global and local.Jonathan Webber - unknown
    Philosophers have recently argued that we should revise our understanding of character. An individual's behaviour is governed not by a set of ‘global’ traits, each elicited by a certain kind of situational feature, they argue, but by a much larger array of ‘local’ traits, each elicited by a certain combination of situational features. But the data cited by these philosophers support their theory only if we conceive of traits purely in terms of stimulus and response, rather than in (...)
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  48. Non-locality and Possible Worlds: A Counterfactual Perspective on Quantum Entanglement.Tomasz F. Bigaj - 2006 - Ontos Verlag.
    This book uses the formal semantics of counterfactual conditionals to analyze the problem of non-locality in quantum mechanics. Counterfactual conditionals enter the analysis of quantum entangled systems in that they enable us to precisely formulate the locality condition that purports to exclude the existence of causal interactions between spatially separated parts of a system. They also make it possible to speak consistently about alternative measuring settings, and to explicate what is meant by quantum property attributions. The book develops the possible-world (...)
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  49. Local Realism”, Bell’s Theorem and Quantum “Locally Realistic” Inequalities.Elena R. Loubenets - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (12):2051-2072.
    Based on the new general framework for the probabilistic description of experiments, introduced in [E.R. Loubenets, Research Report No 8, MaPhySto, University of Aarhus, Denmark (2003); Proceedings Conference “Quantum Theory, Reconsideration of Foundations”, Ser. Math. Modeling, Vol. 10 (University Press, Vaxjo, 2004), pp. 365–385], we analyze in mathematical terms the link between the validity of Bell-type inequalities under joint experiments upon a system of any type and the physical concept of “local realism”. We prove that the violation of (...)
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  50. The Locality and Globality of Instrumental Rationality: The normative significance of preference reversals.Brian Kim - 2014 - Synthese 191 (18):4353-4376.
    When we ask a decision maker to express her preferences, it is typically assumed that we are eliciting a pre-existing set of preferences. However, empirical research has suggested that our preferences are often constructed on the fly for the decision problem at hand. This paper explores the ramifications of this empirical research for our understanding of instrumental rationality. First, I argue that these results pose serious challenges for the traditional decision-theoretic view of instrumental rationality, which demands global coherence amongst all (...)
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