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James Loveys [10]James G. Loveys [1]
  1.  36
    Stable theories without dense forking chains.Bernhard Herwig, James G. Loveys, Anand Pillay, Predag Tanović & O. Wagner - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (5):297-303.
    We define a generalized notion of rank for stable theories without dense forking chains, and use it to derive that every type is domination-equivalent to a finite product of regular types. We apply this to show that in a small theory admitting finite coding, no realisation of a nonforking extension of some strong type can be algebraic over some realisation of a forking extension.
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  2.  49
    Weakly minimal groups of unbounded exponent.James Loveys - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):928-937.
  3.  20
    On locally modular, weakly minimal theories.James Loveys - 1993 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (3):173-194.
  4. Countable models of trivial theories which admit finite coding.James Loveys & Predrag Tanovic - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (4):1279-1286.
    We prove: Theorem. A complete first order theory in a countable language which is strictly stable, trivial and which admits finite coding has 2 ℵ 0 nonisomorphic countable models. Combined with the corresponding result or superstable theories from [4] our result confirms the Vaught conjecture for trivial theories which admit finite coding.
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  5.  67
    Abelian groups with modular generic.James Loveys - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):250-259.
    Let G be a stable abelian group with regular modular generic. We show that either 1. there is a definable nongeneric K ≤ G such that G/K has definable connected component and so strongly regular generics, or 2. distinct elements of the division ring yielding the dependence relation are represented by subgroups of G × G realizing distinct strong types (when regarded as elements of G eq ). In the latter case one can choose almost 0-definable subgroups representing the elements (...)
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  6.  51
    Locally finite weakly minimal theories.James Loveys - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (2):153-203.
    Suppose T is a weakly minimal theory and p a strong 1-type having locally finite but nontrivial geometry. That is, for any M [boxvR] T and finite Fp, there is a finite Gp such that acl∩p = gεGacl∩pM; however, we cannot always choose G = F. Then there are formulas θ and E so that θεp and for any M[boxvR]T, E defines an equivalence relation with finite classes on θ/E definably inherits the structure of either a projective or affine space (...)
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  7. A definable continuous rank for nonmultidimensional superstable theories.Ambar Chowdhury, James Loveys & Predrag Tanovic - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):967-984.
  8.  65
    Strongly and co-strongly minimal abelian structures.Ehud Hrushovski & James Loveys - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (2):442-458.
    We give several characterizations of weakly minimal abelian structures. In two special cases, dual in a sense to be made explicit below, we give precise structure theorems: 1. When the only finite 0-definable subgroup is {0}, or equivalently 0 is the only algebraic element (the co-strongly minimal case); 2. When the theory of the structure is strongly minimal. In the first case, we identify the abelian structure as a "near-subspace" A of a vector space V over a division ring D (...)
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  9.  28
    Linear Reducts of the Complex Field.James Loveys - 2004 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 45 (3):161-190.
    A reduct of a first-order structure is another structure on the same set with perhaps fewer definable predicates. We consider reducts of the complex field which are proper but nontrivial in a sense to be made precise in the paper. Our main result lists seven kinds of reducts. The list is complete in the sense that every reduct is a finite cover of one of these. We also investigate when two items on our list can be the same, in a (...)
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  10.  78
    The uniqueness of envelopes in ℵ0-categorical, ℵ0-stable structures.James Loveys - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1171 - 1184.
  11.  62
    Bruno Poizat. Groupes stables. Une tentative de conciliation entre la géométric algébrique et la logique mathématique. Nur al-Mantiq wal-Ma'rifah, Villeurbanne1987, vi + 215 pp. [REVIEW]James Loveys - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1494-1496.
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