Results for 'Lluís Cuéllar'

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  1.  30
    El marqués de Sade," un Nietzsche avant la lettre".Lluís Cuéllar - 1982 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 3:93-95.
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    Nota bibliográfica sobre el dr. Joaquín Carreras Artau.Lluís Cuéllar - 1964 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:17-22.
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    On the use of evolutionary mismatch theories in debating human prosociality.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar & Lorenzo Del Savio - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):305-314.
    According to some evolutionary theorists human prosocial dispositions emerged in a context of inter-group competition and violence that made our psychology parochially prosocial, ie. cooperative towards in-groups and competitive towards strangers. This evolutionary hypothesis is sometimes employed in bioethical debates to argue that human nature and contemporary environments, and especially large-scale societies, are mismatched. In this article we caution against the use of mismatch theories in moral philosophy in general and discuss empirical evidence that puts into question mismatch theories based (...)
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    Lo subvertido, lo forcluido y lo suturado: una historia del sujeto de Lacan a Badiou.David Pavón-Cuéllar - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):267-277.
    El presente artículo recuerda momentos cruciales de una historia del sujeto que va de Jacques Lacan a Alain Badiou. Tras la división y la subversión lacaniana del sujeto, se revisan reacciones que intentan revertirla en varios autores. Estas reacciones se contrastan con la idea badiouana de la escisión del sujeto entre el esplacio y el fuera-de-lugar. La absolutización estructuralista del esplacio estructural se ilustra con la acción de la estructura de Jacques-Alain Miller, se aproxima al argumento de las estructuras que (...)
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  5. Mujeres inmigrantes prostitutas: la configuración de un autoconcepto.Lluís Ballester Brage & Carlos Vecina Merchante - 2005 - Aposta 18:2.
    Podríamos definir el autoconcepto como el proceso a través del cual se va adquiriendo una imagen que acaba condicionando nuestra conducta. Las prostitutas inmigrantes viven en una situación de especial vulnerabilidad, este aspecto puede inferir en la configuración de su autoconcepto dificultando su bienestar social.//////////We could define self concept as the process through which we acquire our self image that ends up conditioning our conduct. Immigrant prostitutes live in a situation of special vulnerability, this aspect can interfere in the process (...)
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  6.  54
    Aristotle for the Layman: Sense perception in the poetry of ausiàs March.Lluís Cabré - 1996 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 59 (1):48-60.
  7. Homilètica lul· liana: context i públic a l'ombra de l'Art.Lluís Cabré - 2000 - Studia Lulliana 40 (1):3-22.
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  8.  14
    Modeling Partial Agency Autonomy in Public-Health Policymaking.Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar - 2014 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15 (2):471-506.
    This Article considers the conditions under which administrative agencies - particularly those with public health-related missions - may obtain partial autonomy from external interests or politicians. In the process, it critiques the proposition that administrative agencies in advanced industrialized countries such as the United States are routinely “captured” by external economic interests. Through case studies and the application of relevant theory from law and the study of political organization, the Article describes how agencies can produce a measure of autonomy by (...)
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    Arxiu de textos catalans antics. Anuari per a l'edició i estudi de textos catalans anteriors al segle XIX.Pere Lluís Font - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:205-208.
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  10. Análisis prosódico discursivo de las fases de la noticia en televisión.Lluís Mas Manchón - 2012 - Oralia 15:205 - 240.
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  11.  19
    Atheism and Unbelief: Different Ways to Apply the Evolutionary Framework.Lluis Oviedo - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (3):7-20.
    Religion has been intensely studied in the last years inside an evolutionary frame, trying to discern to what extent it contributes to fitness or becomes an adaptive entity in its own. A similar heuristic can be tried regarding the opposite tendency: unbelief and atheism, since these cultural phenomena could help to better adapt to some social settings or become an adaptive socio-cultural niche on its own. The present paper examines some scenarios in which that question makes sense: the tradition of (...)
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  12. Estrategias de supervivencia en una orden religiosa.Lluis Oviedo Torro - 2003 - Verdad y Vida 61 (238):587-610.
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  13. Sabiduría y felicidad hoy (valores, carencias, retos).Lluís Oviedo Torró - 2011 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 35 (72):265-279.
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    Tiempo, eternidad y distentio animi. Una clave de lectura del libro XI de Confesiones.Jonathan Triviño Cuellar - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (67):239-274.
    In the Augustinian reflection on time, the analysis derives from its condition as a creature; for this reason, the time turns out to be as it is, that is, turns out to have this ontological precariousness that shares with all creation. When we asked about the time, we discover that this reality is not something that our understanding can address as when a man takes an unknown object, but this notion is revealed to us as a dimension of our being. (...)
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  15.  25
    Merleau-Ponty: la pasividad fértil.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2013 - Astrolabio 14:92-98.
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    L'esperit batega per Catalunya.Lluís M. Xirinacs - 2008 - Maçaners (L'Alt Berguedà): Abadia Editors.
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  17.  47
    Meaning and Religion: Exploring Mutual Implications.Lluis Oviedo - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (1):25-46.
    “Meaning” and “religion” appear as deeply interlinked concepts in modern thought. Theology has often discovered religious faith as a “source of meaning” against a background of “meaninglessness”, as the XX century existentialist philosophies would remark. Beyond such an apologetic stance, some philosophies of religion have tried to better describe such a link: hermeneutics, phenomenology and even systems theory, may be accounted as main attempts to tackle this very complex framework, and to show how religion provides meaning, or is built trough (...)
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  18.  17
    Spectres of Marx in the Lacanian Left: Between Melancholia and Mourning of Marxism.David Pavón-Cuéllar - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:91-106.
    Moving into the space of tension and contradiction between philosophy and psychoanalysis, I reflect on the spectral way in which Marx and his legacy appear in the Lacanian Left. I explain this spectrality through the impossible mourning of Marxism. I bring in three authors who prescribe mourning here and ignore its impossibility: Özselçuk, Stavrakakis and Alemán. I resort to Benjamin, Lacan, Allouch and Traverso to problematise the Freudian distinction between mourning and melancholy in its application to Marxism. Instead of mourning (...)
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  19.  5
    Al voltant de Kant: conferències a l'Ateneu Barcelonès.Lluís Alegret (ed.) - 2006 - Barcelona: La Busca Edicions.
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    Filosofia i política, ara: cicle de conferències Ateneu Barcelonès.Lluís Alegret & Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay (eds.) - 2004 - Barcelona: La Busca.
  21. El fin Del fin, emancipacion sin utopia Y apuesta Por el canon global.Lluís Alvarez - 1994 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (47):3-16.
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  22.  12
    La última filosofía de Ortega y Gasset: en torno a "La idea de principio en Leibniz".Lluis Xabel Alvarez & Jaime de Salas (eds.) - 2003 - Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo.
    Es bien conocida la primera filosofía de Ortega y Gasset en torno al "raciovitalismo" y al liberalismo. En cambio, su segunda navegación, en expresión suya, no ha alcanzado aún perfiles precisos ante el público interesado. Nada mejor para ello que revisitar la obra póstuma que mejor representa tal vez la tarea filosófica del último Ortega: "La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva". En este libro, por un lado se examinan las raíces alemanas con especial (...)
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  23.  29
    Redefinición Y transvaloración Del concepto de historia.Leonardo David Arias Cuéllar - 2012 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 33 (107).
    En el presente escrito, se da a conocer una interpretación _“personal”_, no por ello arbitraria, del texto _Sobre el concepto de historia _o _Tesis de filosofía de la historia_, _Über den Begriff der Geschichte_ de Walter Benjamín, leído de manera situada, una lectura cuya óptica pretende ser _desde_ América Latina. Se insistirá en la excepcionalidad crítica de la obra de Benjamín, sugiriendo que su propuesta alcanza una re-definición y transvaloración del concepto de historia, aquel que de manera habitual nos determina, (...)
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  24. Coneixer e haver moralitats bones. L'us de la literatura en l'Arbre exemplifical de Ramon Llull.Lluís Cabré, Marcel Ortin & Josep Pujol - 1988 - Studia Lulliana 28 (79):139-167.
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    Scientific Production on Entrepreneurial Skills in Young Students: Bibliometric Analysis.Diana Mireya Cuéllar-Sánchez, Alex Dueñas-Peña & Karen Núñez-Valdés - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Entrepreneurship is considered a key element for economic and social development, requiring cognitive, attitudinal, and procedural competencies for its realization. This study focuses on a documentary review aimed at answering the following questions: How is research on entrepreneurial capabilities approached in different countries? What is the volume of scientific production on this topic? In light of this, the present work is developed within the inclusion criteria: publications between 2012 and 2022, various types of documents, written in English, and included in (...)
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  26.  30
    Žižek, universalismo y colonialismo: doce tesis para no aceptarlo todo.David Pavón-Cuéllar - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (3).
    Resumen A diferencia de trabajos anteriores sobre el universalismo y el colonialismo en el pensamiento filosófico y político de Žižek, el presente artículo se basa en profundas coincidencias con este pensamiento, así como en irreductibles discrepancias con respecto a muchos de sus detractores. Todo esto no impide que se disienta con respecto a dos puntos fundamentales del filósofo esloveno: su posición universalista abiertamente eurocéntrica y su concepción positiva del colonialismo. La doble divergencia es resumida y justificada en las siguientes doce (...)
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    Inadecuatio E ipseidad; Una reflexión sobre antropología agustiniana.Jonathan Triviño Cuellar - 2011 - Universitas Philosophica 28 (56):141-161.
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  28. Crítica versus resentimiento en Nietzsche: el pensamiento como síntoma o grafía del devenir.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2002 - A Parte Rei 22:7.
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  29. Entre acólitos y disidentes:(Acerca de la amistad).Lluís Pla Vargas - 2003 - A Parte Rei 29:11.
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  30. La teoría de la justicia en el joven Marx: Algunos argumentos de apoyo a la tesis de Wood.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2002 - A Parte Rei 24:6.
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  31. What is peace? : It's value and necessity.Hortensia Cuellar - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader, Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
    The following article is a reflection on the value of peace, a term often attributes to the absence of war or the lack of violence, conflict, suppression or, in short, phenomena considerer opposite to peace. But, is this really how peace should be defined? It is a fact that peace, be it personal inner peace or peace within a society, is constantly threatened, attacked, violated, and destroyed by a variation of causes: the failure to keep a promise, the breach of (...)
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    The interaction between religion and science in catholic southern europe.Lluís Oviedo & Alvaro Garre - 2015 - Zygon 50 (1):172-193.
    Reviewing the last fifty years of interaction between religion and science in Catholicism in Southern Europe, common traits are clearly evident: a late awareness of the importance of this interaction and a theological reluctance to address science or to account for its progress. Early signs of the engagement between religion and science appear as a consequence of the work of the French anthropologist and theologian Teilhard de Chardin. In Italy and Spain in the last fifteen years, we see a substantive (...)
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  33.  68
    Revisiting the Social Origins of Human Morality: A Constructivist Perspective on the Nature of Moral Sense-Making.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):313-325.
    A recent turn in the cognitive sciences has deepened the attention on embodied and situated dynamics for explaining different cognitive processes such as perception, emotion, and social cognition. This has fostered an extensive interest in the social and ‘intersubjective’ nature of moral behavior, especially from the perspective of enactivism. In this paper, I argue that embodied and situated perspectives, enactivism in particular, nonetheless require further improvements with regards to their analysis of the social nature of human morality. In brief, enactivist (...)
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    Pobreza y familia.Lluís Flaquer - 2003 - Arbor 176 (694):327-342.
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  35. (1 other version)Los valores,¿ existen?Hortensia Cuéllar - forthcoming - Paideia.
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  36. Arte como supermecanismo.Lluís Xabel Alvarez Fernández - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (2):443-454.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a brief reading of Tractatus 6.421 and its consequences in 6.432 and following, adding to it an sketch of so-lution, which takes hold on the idea, present in his lessons and conver-sations, of "super-mechanism".
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    Extending a temporal defeasible argumentation framework with possibilistic weights.Lluís Godo, Enrico Marchioni & Pere Pardo - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin, Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 242--254.
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    Weighted Logics for Artificial Intelligence – 2.Lluis Godo, Henri Prade & Guilin Qi - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (4):395-396.
  39. Etica postliberal, etnocentrismo 'razonable' y democrácias no inclusivas.Lluís Pla - 2005 - Astrolabio:5.
    Puede argumentarse que el hecho de que las democracias liberales occidentales no hayan sido ni sean en general lo suficientemente inclusivas es lo que permite desvelar en ellas una cierto componente de violencia. Sus más recientes justificaciones filosóficas, entre las que destaca la de Richard Rorty, contribuyen a fomentar esta argumentación en la medida que se declaran, con todas las cautelas ciertamente, etnocéntricas. Nos parece que el hecho de que sea factible cuestionar esta justificación ¿a la que denominamos, en la (...)
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    Investigación agustiniana sobre el tiempo en De Genesi ad litteram y De civitate Dei / Augustine on Time in De Genesi ad Litteram and De Civitate Dei.Jonathan Triviño Cuéllar - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:119.
    The issue of time appears in the analysis that the Bishop of Hippo makes of the account of creation in Genesis, and offers better understanding the nature of created things and with them, created time. The way Augustine understands reality allows us to understand his interpretation of Genesis, which enriches the treatise’s view of time in Book XI of Confessiones, since in De Genesi ad litteram and De civitate Dei Augustine addresses time, not as experiences the soul, but as a (...)
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    La investigación agustiniana sobre el tiempo en el De Musica / Augustinian Research on Time in De Musica.Jonathan Triviño Cuéllar - 2014 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 21:131.
    The issue of time within Augustine’s work requires a new look, as the problem has been seen in an almost generalized way from the perspective of Book XI of Confessions, and sufficient prominence has not been given to his reflection before this great work. The central text on time has received excessive interpretation, leaving in the background previous approaches, such as in De Musica, Book VI, where the saint addresses the issue of time in the middle of his analysis of (...)
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  42. Utilitarismo y modernidad radicalizada.Lluís Pla Vargas - 2002 - A Parte Rei 21:12.
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    Les idees i els dies: un segle de filosofia i ciències socials als Països Catalans.Pere Lluís Font (ed.) - 2002 - [Barcelona]: Proa.
    2Un grup d'experts, majoritàriament membres de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, coordinat per Pere Lluís Font, es proposa en aquest llibre fer un balanç del que ha estat la contribució catalana en el camp de la filosofia i de les divers.
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    Artificial Intelligence and Theology: Looking for a Positive—but Not Uncritical—Reception.Lluís Oviedo - 2022 - Zygon 57 (4):938-952.
    Theology and other human sciences present concerns against artificial intelligence (AI) that are often limited to ethical issues, as they appear as the most pressing problems and challenges derived from these new technologies. However, by reviewing the published literature, the article shows that theologians have ventured into broader areas, with a specific focus on the anthropological consequences of current technological advances. New developments and achievements in AI invite further exploration from a theological perspective, and they offer some opportunities and useful (...)
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    Camí del mar: vuit diàlegs amb la filosofia.Lluís Cerarols - 2019 - Berga: Edicions de L'Albí. Edited by Manel Codina.
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  46. "Inadecuatio e ipseidad"; una reflexión sobre antropología agustiniana.Jonathan Triviño Cuéllar - 2011 - Universitas Philosophica 28 (56):141-161.
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  47. Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations.H. E. Javier Perez de Cuellar - 2009 - In Joyce Chumbley, Thomas Paine: in search of the common good. Nottingham, England: Spokesman Books.
  48. La nau del coneixement.Josep Lluís Blasco - 2004
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    Filosofia de la religió: sis assaigs i una nota.Pere Lluís Font - 2017 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial.
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  50. El nuevo radicalismo teológico el panorama cultural contemporáneo.Lluis Oviedo Torro Ofm - 2006 - Salmanticensis 53 (2):301-328.
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