Results for 'Lisa Simeone'

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  1.  22
    When Food is Finance: Seeking Global Justice for Migrant Workers.Lisa Simeone, Nicola Piper & Stuart Rosewarne - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (1):10-27.
    The steady growth of international labour mobility has been one of the defining features of globalization. Alongside the liberalization of international trade, labour mobility has been a key dynamic propelling economic development in the new millennium. In recent years, migrant labour is increasingly regulated via temporary schemes, deepening and widening migrant precarity. This paper argues that a growing reliance on temporary migrant workers reflects the financialization of global agriculture. Drawing on conceptual debates among scholars of critical finance studies, migration governance (...)
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    The Epistemic Innocence of Irrational Beliefs.Lisa Bortolotti - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Lisa Bortolotti argues that some irrational beliefs are epistemically innocent and deliver significant epistemic benefits that could not be easily attained otherwise. While the benefits of the irrational belief may not outweigh the costs, epistemic innocence helps to clarify the epistemic and psychological effects of irrational beliefs on agency.
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  3. Locke’s Newtonianism and Lockean Newtonianism.Lisa J. Downing - 1997 - Perspectives on Science 5 (3):285-310.
    I explore Locke’s complex attitude toward the natural philosophy of his day by focusing on Locke’s own treatment of Newton’s theory of gravity and the presence of Lockean themes in defenses of Newtonian attraction/gravity by Maupertuis and other early Newtonians. In doing so, I highlight the inadequacy of an unqualified labeling of Locke as “mechanist” or “Newtonian.”.
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  4. The Correspondence Between Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes.Lisa Shapiro (ed.) - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    Between the years 1643 and 1649, Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia and René Descartes exchanged fifty-eight letters—thirty-two from Descartes and twenty-six from Elisabeth. Their correspondence contains the only known extant philosophical writings by Elisabeth, revealing her mastery of metaphysics, analytic geometry, and moral philosophy, as well as her keen interest in natural philosophy. The letters are essential reading for anyone interested in Descartes’s philosophy, in particular his account of the human being as a union of mind and body, as well as (...)
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  5. Quantification and the Nature of Crosslinguistic Variation.Lisa Matthewson - 2001 - Natural Language Semantics 9 (2):145-189.
    The standard analysis of quantification says that determiner quantifiers (such as every) take an NP predicate and create a generalized quantifier. The goal of this paper is to subject these beliefs to crosslinguistic scrutiny. I begin by showing that in St'á'imcets (Lillooet Salish), quantifiers always require sisters of argumental type, and the creation of a generalized quantifier from an NP predicate always proceeds in two steps rather than one. I then explicitly adopt the strong null hypothesis that the denotations of (...)
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  6. Resisting Agamben: The biopolitics of shame and humiliation.Lisa Guenther - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (1):59-79.
    In Remnants of Auschwitz , Giorgio Agamben argues that the hidden structure of subjectivity is shame. In shame, I am consigned to something that cannot be assumed, such that the very thing that makes me a subject also forces me to witness my own desubjectification. Agamben’s ontological account of shame is problematic insofar as it forecloses collective responsibility and collapses the distinction between shame and humiliation. By recontextualizing three of Agamben’s sources – Primo Levi, Robert Antelme and Maurice Blanchot – (...)
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    Everyday Ethics and Social Change: The Education of Desire.Anna Lisa Peterson - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Americans increasingly cite moral values as a factor in how they vote, but when we define morality simply in terms of a voter's position on gay marriage and abortion, we lose sight of the ethical decisions that guide our everyday lives. In our encounters with friends, family members, nature, and nonhuman creatures, we practice a nonutilitarian morality that makes sacrifice a rational and reasonable choice. Recognizing these everyday ethics, Anna L. Peterson argues, helps us move past the seemingly irreconcilable conflicts (...)
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    Aristotle's alleged ethical obscurantism.Lisa van Alstyne - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (3):429-452.
  9.  36
    Unconscious processing of arabic numerals in unilateral neglect.Marinella Cappelletti & Lisa Cipolotti - 2006 - Neuropsychologia 44 (10):1999-2006.
  10.  20
    Theory, Interpretation, and Law.Lisa Van Alstyne - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (1):265-286.
    This paper explores Ronald Dworkin’s influential theory of constructive interpretation. It points out that this theory admits of two readings, which I call the “undemanding” and the “demanding” conceptions of constructive interpretation respectively. As I argue, Dworkin’s own presentation of the theory equivocates between these two conceptions, the former of which is utterly unproblematic, but the latter of which incorporates certain philosophical prejudices as to what it must mean for a practice to be purposive.
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    The Presidential Bioethics Commission: Pedagogical Materials and Bioethics Education.Lisa M. Lee, Hillary Wicai Viers & Misti Ault Anderson - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (5):16-19.
    The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues was created by President Obama in 2009 to identify and promote policies and practices that ensure scientific research, health care delivery, and technological innovation are conducted in socially and ethically responsible manners. The bioethics commission is an independent and thoughtful group of experts who advises the President and, in so doing, strives to educate the nation on bioethical issues. As part of the effort to promote policies and practices ensuring the ethical (...)
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  12.  39
    Cross-Cultural Cyborgs: Greek and Canadian Women's Discourses on Fetal Ultrasound.Lisa M. Mitchell & Eugenia Georges - 1997 - Feminist Studies 23 (2):373.
  13.  25
    Phonotactics and Articulatory Coordination Interact in Phonology: Evidence from Nonnative Production.Lisa Davidson - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (5):837-862.
    A core area of phonology is the study of phonotactics, or how sounds are linearly combined. Recent cross‐linguistic analyses have shown that the phonology determines not only phonotactics but also the articulatory coordination or timing of adjacent sounds. In this article, I explore how the relation between coordination and phonotactics affects speakers producing nonnative sequences. Recent experimental results (Davidson 2005, 2006) have shown that English speakers often repair unattested word‐initial sequences (e.g., /zg/, /vz/) by producing the consonants with a less (...)
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  14. How could Hannah Arendt glorify the American Revolution and revile the French? Placing On Revolution in the historiography of the French and American Revolutions.Lisa Disch - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (3):350-371.
    This article situates Hannah Arendt’s On Revolution in the traditions of French and American revolutionary historiography to demonstrate that Arendt’s ‘fable’ of the American Revolution was at odds with her argument about the council form. I argue that had Arendt really wanted to inspire a resurrection of the council form in the present, she would have done better to orient her readers to the French Revolution, specifically to the experiments in democratic republicanism of the group known as the Girondins.
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    L’annonce d’un décès en milieu hospitalier.Lisa De Lima - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (160):6-9.
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    Verweigerte Heimkehr bei BalzacHomecoming Withheld in Balzac.Anna-Lisa Dieter - 2018 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 92 (2):181-202.
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    Introduction.Anthoula Malkopoulou & Lisa Hill - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (3):243-244.
  18. Beyond 'what'and 'how many': Capacity, complexity, and resolution of infants' object representations.Jennifer M. Zosh & Lisa Feigenson - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 25--51.
  19. Developmental changes in infants' visual short-term memory for location.Steven J. Luck Lisa M. Oakes, Karinna B. Hurley, Shannon Ross-Sheehy - 2011 - Cognition 118 (3):293.
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  20. Two types of donkey sentences.Lisa L. S. Cheng & C. T. James Huang - 1996 - Natural Language Semantics 4 (2):121-163.
    Mandarin Chinese exhibits two paradigms of conditionals with indefinite wh-words that have the semantics of donkey sentences, represented by ‘bare conditionals’ on the one hand and ruguo- and dou-conditionals on the other. The bare conditionals require multiple occurrences of wh-words, disallowing the use of overt or covert anaphoric elements in the consequent clause, whereas the ruguo- and dou-conditionals present a completely opposite pattern. We argue that the bare conditionals are cases of unselective binding par excellence (Heim 1982, Kamp 1981) while (...)
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  21. Ethical conflicts during the social study of clinical practice: the need to reassess the mutually challenging research ethics traditions of social scientists and medical researchers.Klaus Hoeyer, Lisa Dahlager & Niels Lynöe - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (1):41-45.
    When anthropologists and other social scientists study health services in medical institutions, tensions sometimes arise as a result of the social scientists and health care professionals having different ideas about the ethics of research. In order to resolve this type of conflict and to facilitate mutual learning, we describe two general categories of research ethics framing: those of anthropology and those of medicine. The latter focuses on protection of the individual through the preservation of autonomy expressed through the requirement of (...)
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    Multiple Personalities and Pastiches: Proust pere et fils.Ursula Link-Heer & Lisa McNee - 1999 - Substance 28 (1):17.
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    Eighteenth-Century Anticipations of the Sociology of Conflict: The Case of Adam Ferguson.Lisa Hill - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):281-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 281-299 [Access article in PDF] Eighteenth-Century Anticipations of the Sociology of Conflict: The Case of Adam Ferguson Lisa Hill Adam Ferguson (1723-1816), a leading figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, is a most interesting figure in the history of sociological thought. Though sometimes perceived as a secondary figure, there have been some attempts to recover him as one of, if not (...)
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  24.  66
    If you did not care, you would not notice: recognition and estrangement in psychopathology.Lisa Bortolotti & Matthew R. Broome - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (1):39-42.
  25.  20
    Humor Assessment and Interventions in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review.Lisa M. Linge-Dahl, Sonja Heintz, Willibald Ruch & Lukas Radbruch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  26. How Memories Become Literature.Lisa Zunshine - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):92-114.
    Cognitive science can help literary scholars formulate specific questions to be answered by archival research. This essay takes, as its starting point, embedded mental states (that is, mental states about mental states) and their role in generating literary subjectivity. It then follows the transformation of embedded mental states throughout several manuscripts of Christa Wolf’s autobiographical novel, Patterns of Childhood (Kindheitsmuster, 1976), available at the Berlin Academy of Arts. The author shows that later versions of Patterns of Childhood have more complex (...)
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  27. Life Writing and Cognition.Lisa Zunshine - 2022 - Substance 51 (3):3-14.
  28. Fecundity and Natal Alienation: Rethinking Kinship with Levinas and Orlando Patterson.Lisa Guenther - 2012 - Levinas Studies 7 (1):1-19.
    In his 1934 essay, “Reflections on the Philosophy of Hitlerism,” Levinas raises important questions about the subject’s relation to nature and to history. His account of the ethical significance of paternity, maternity, and fraternity in texts such as Totality and Infinity and Otherwise Than Being suggest powerful new ways to understand the meaning of kinship, beyond the abstractions of Western liberalism. How does this analysis of race and kinship translate into the context of the Transatlantic slave trade, which not only (...)
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  29.  35
    Projectibility and Group Concepts in Population Genetics and Genomics.Lisa Gannett - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (2):130-143.
    Although the category “race” fails as a postulated natural kind, racial, ethnic, national, linguistic, religious, and other group designations might nonetheless be considered projectible insofar as they support inductive inferences in biomedicine. This article investigates what it might mean for group concepts in population genetics and genomics to be projectible and whether the projectibility of such predicates licenses the representation of their corresponding classes as natural kinds according to currently prevailing projectibility-based accounts of natural kinds. The article draws on a (...)
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  30.  68
    A reconsideration of the Pythia's role at Delphi: anthropology and spirit possession.Lisa Maurizio - 1995 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 115:69-86.
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    Delphic oracles as oral performances: Authenticity and historical evidence.Lisa Maurizio - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (2):308-334.
    Much modern scholarship on Delphic oracles has revolved around the question of authenticity, where authenticity implies it is a fact that there was a consultation of the Delphic oracle, that a response was given and that the account of these events reports the occasion of the consultation and the response verbatim. This article challenges the usefulness and validity of this definition on two grounds. First, there is ample evidence that most Delphic oracles circulated orally for at least a generation before (...)
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    The Puzzle of Fictional Models.Lisa Zorzato - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (4):605-616.
    The use of fictional models is extensive and rewarding in modern science. This fact captured the attention of philosophers of science, who are focusing on questions such as the following: is it possible for a fictional model to be explanatory? And, if so, in virtue of what is such a fictional model explanatory? In this paper, I discuss these questions in relation to the realism vs. anti-realism debate in philosophy of science. I focus on work developed by Alisa Bokulich who (...)
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  33.  20
    The Song of the Science Mermaid: A Philosophical Trilogue on the Osteological Paradox.Alessandra Morrone & Lisa Zorzato - 2021 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 9 (1):27-50.
    As a modern academic Ulysses, the historical scientist is enticed by numerous plausible scientific theories that can explain the historical data in search of the truth. However, the predicament of her work is to inevitably crash onto the rocks and cliffs of uncertainty. The problem discussed in this paper is that several scientific models can be suitable to account for the same empirical observations. The risk of falling into speculation is looming, and exceedingly dangerous in science. This is also the (...)
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  34. Physician and patient: Respect for mutuality.David Gary Smith & Lisa H. Newton - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (1).
    Philosophers and physicians alike tend to discuss the physician-patient relationship in terms of physician privilege and patient autonomy, stressing the duty of the physician to respect the autonomy and the variously elaborated rights of the patient. The authors of this article argue that such emphasis on rights was initially productive, in a first generation of debate on medical ethical issues, but that it is now time for a second generation effort that will stress the importance of the unique experiential aspects (...)
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    Knowing Freedom: Epicurean Philosophy Beyond Atomism and the Swerve.Dirk Baltzly with Lisa Wendlandt - 2004 - Phronesis 49 (1):41-71.
    This paper argues that Epicurus held a non-reductionist view of mental states that is in the spirit of Davidson's anomalous monism. We argue for this conclusion by considering the role that normative descriptions play in the peritropē argument from "On Nature" 25. However, we also argue that Epicurus was an indeterminist. We can know that atoms swerve because we can know that we make choices that are up to us and this is incompatible with the ancestral causal determination of mental (...)
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  36. White on White/Black on Black (review).Lisa Heldke - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (4):325-327.
    George Yancy writes that he edited White on White/Black on Black in order “to get white and Black philosophers to name and theorize their own raciated identities within the same philosophical text. … My aim was to create a teachable text, that is, to create a text whereby readers will be able to compare and engage critically the similarities and differences found within and between the critical cadre of both white philosophers and Black philosophers” (7-8). White on White/Black on Black (...)
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    Risks and Benefits of Text-Message-Delivered and Small-Group-Delivered Sexual Health Interventions Among African American Women in the Midwestern United States.Michelle R. Broaddus, Lisa A. Marsch & Celia B. Fisher - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (2):146-168.
    Interventions to decrease acquisition and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases among African American women using text messages versus small-group delivery modalities pose distinct research risks and benefits. Determining the relative risk–benefit ratio of studies using these different modalities has relied on the expertise of investigators and their institutional review boards. In this study, African American women participated in focus groups and surveys to elicit and compare risks and benefits inherent in these two intervention delivery modalities, focusing on issues such as (...)
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  38.  18
    Don’t Be Too Good at Reading Other People's Minds.Lisa Zunshine - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (2):117-126.
    Attribution of mental states is fundamental to our engagement with fiction. Crucially, its social content depends on mental states recursively “embedded” within each other; for instance, when a person doesn’t want other people to know about her intentions. Given that some characters seem to be consistently capable of embedding mental states on a higher level than others, this essay reviews factors that may influence authors’ constructions of such mindreading hierarchies as well as their reversals. The argument focuses on the reversal (...)
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  39. Thucydides, Apollo, the Plague, and the War.Lisa Kallet - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (3):355-382.
    This article examines Thucydides’ treatment of the cause of the plague, its connection with the Spartans, and Apollo. Thucydides situates references to the plague in various contexts in the narrative, beginning with his account of the suprahuman catastrophes that occurred during the war (1.23) that are woven through the narrative in a seriatim argument that serves methodologically to demonstrate the possibility that Apollo brought the plague to Athens. His method clarifies the positioning of divine assistance in relation to human causation, (...)
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    Becoming an Impact-Driven University: A Socio-Technical Analysis of the Reconfiguration of Relevance During Institutional Transformation.Jorrit P. Smit, Lisa Burghardt & Lucy van Eck - forthcoming - Minerva:1-27.
    The age-old debate about the relation between science and society has, in the last two decades, materialized in novel forms at many universities. In this article, we follow the reconfiguration of relevance at one institute of higher education that aspires to become an impact-driven university. We employ a socio-technical instrumentation perspective to this institutional transformation so that we can follow how relevance is being enacted in terms of impact at different organizational levels. To grasp the links between organizational changes and (...)
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    Moral Luck in the Politics of Personal Transformation.Lisa Tessman - 2000 - Social Theory and Practice 26 (3):375-395.
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    Borges, Second Edition: The Passion of an Endless Quotation.Lisa Block de Behar - 2014 - SUNY Press.
    Expanded edition with new chapters and updates to the translation and bibliography. Borges cites innumerable authors in the pages making up his life’s work, and innumerable authors have cited and continue to cite him. More than a figure, then, the quotation is an integral part of the fabric of his writing, a fabric made anew by each reading and each re-citation it undergoes, in the never-ending throes of a work-in-progress. Block de Behar makes of this reading a plea for the (...)
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  43. Beyond 'what' and 'how many': Capacity, complexity and resolution of infants' object representations.Jennifer M. Zosh & Feigenson & Lisa - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Sexual Life in Ancient Egypt.Michael V. Fox & Lisa Manniche - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):757.
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    Brief breath awareness training yields poorer working memory performance in the context of acute stress.Simon B. Goldberg, Lisa Flook, Matthew J. Hirshberg, Richard J. Davidson & Stacey M. Schaefer - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-9.
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    Writings on Writing.Sandra Kemp & Lisa Lewis (eds.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    Unlike his contemporaries Virginia Woolf and Henry James, Kipling always denied he was a critic. But his letters, speeches, and stories are full of comments on writing and writers. This collection, including many formerly unpublished private letters and papers, details Kipling's response to the commercialisation of literature and the emerging role of the writer as celebrity in the turbulent literary world of the 1890s and beyond. They reveal a mind intensely concerned with questions of literary value, with language and imagination, (...)
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  47.  17
    Police Power and Race Riots in Paris.Cathy Lisa Schneider - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (1):133-159.
    This article looks at riots that consumed Paris and much of France for three consecutive weeks in November 2005. The author argues that the uprisings were not instigated by radical Muslims, children of African polygamists, or despairing youth suffering from high unemployment. First and foremost, they were provoked by a terrible incident of police brutality, a tragedy among a litany of similar tragedies. Black and Arab youth were already frustrated: decades of violent enforcement of France's categorical boundaries—both racial and geographic—had (...)
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    Improving Teamwork Competencies in Human-Machine Teams: Perspectives From Team Science.Kimberly Stowers, Lisa L. Brady, Christopher MacLellan, Ryan Wohleber & Eduardo Salas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In response to calls for research to improve human-machine teaming, we present a “perspective” paper that explores techniques from computer science that can enhance machine agents for human-machine teams. As part of this paper, we summarize the state of the science on critical team competencies identified for effective HMT, discuss technological gaps preventing machines from fully realizing these competencies, and identify ways that emerging artificial intelligence capabilities may address these gaps and enhance performance in HMT. We extend beyond extant literature (...)
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    Using a Web-Based, Longitudinal Approach for Teaching Accounting Ethics Education.Nava Subramaniam, Lisa McManus & Robyn Cameron - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 10:143-167.
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of an innovative web-based ethics module that was designed to integrate ethics education across four accounting courses over two years (second and third year courses) in a large Australian tertiary institution. Approach: The approach taken in designing the ethics web-based module was to base the foundations of the module on Rest’s (1976) ethical behavior model with the adoption of a longitudinal approach to thecoverage of financial reporting ethical issues. Practical (...)
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  50. To Be Mindful of Otherness: Toward a Post-Psychoanalytic Problematic of Ethics and Education.Lisa Weems - 2007 - Philosophical Studies in Education 38:37 - 50.
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