Results for 'Lino Koshyop'

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  1.  12
    family counselling in India.Lino Koshyop - 2003 - In Derek Hill & Caroline Jones, Forms of ethical thinking in therapeutic practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp. 88.
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    Freud, a concepção do descentramento e a física moderna.Lino Machado - 2013 - Kairos 6:49-69.
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  3. (1 other version)Héctor Mujica: apuntes para el debate del socialismo en Venezuela.Lino E. Morán Beltrán & Johan Méndez-Reyes - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Iberoamericana y Teoría Social 48:63-74.
    Mujica, representa unos de los intelectuales más importantes del marxismo venezolano del siglo XX. Las ideas que guían el presente estudio, recogen su postura ante la historia, la religión, los medios de comunicación, así como su tesis sobre el progreso y su postura antiimperialista y, de manera muy particular, la teoría socialista como instrumento de interpretación y trasformación de la realidad.Mujica represents one of the most important intellectuals in twentieth-century Venezuelan Marxism. The ideas guiding this study include his posture regarding (...)
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    Zum gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand in der Byzantinischen Philosophie.Linos Benakis - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 5:627-629.
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    Le decostruzioni di Antonio Tàpies.Lino Centi - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (3):591-594.
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    Bioetica: un approccio interdisciplinare.Lino Conti (ed.) - 2017 - Perugia: Morlacchi editore University Press.
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  7. La campaña de Carlos fuentes.Lino GarcíaJr - 2005 - Humanitas 32:317.
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  8. Dall'essere all'uomo: antropologia dell'educazione nel pensiero rosminiano.Lino Prenna - 1979 - Roma: Città nuova.
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  9. Speranza cristiana e cura del mondo.Lino Prenna - 2009 - Studium 105 (4):483-491.
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    Including public perspectives in industrial biotechnology and the biobased economy.Lino Paula & Frans Birrer - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (3):253-267.
    Industrial (“white”) biotechnology promises to contribute to a more sustainable future. Compared to current production processes, cases have been identified where industrial biotechnology can decrease the amount of energy and raw materials used to make products and also reduce the amount of emissions and waste produced during production. However, switching from products based on chemical production processes and fossil fuels towards “biobased” products is at present not necessarily economically viable. This is especially true for bulk products, for example ethanol production (...)
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  11. Democracia, pensamiento crítico y transformación universitaria.Lino E. Morán Beltrán & Johan Méndez-Reyes - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 66 (3):73-88.
    Desde hace décadas se viene hablando en América Latina y de manera muy particular en Venezuela sobre la necesidad de una transformación universitaria. Lo que, como es de esperar, genera gran debate entre quienes se aferran a las roídas estructuras de las instituciones de educación superior por los privilegios que consagran y los que apuestan por una nueva universidad. Este trabajo intenta contribuir al gran debate nacional que el proyecto de Ley de Educación Universitaria (2010) ha generado en Venezuela, para (...)
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  12. Fray Junípero Serra, misionero.Lino Gómez Canedo - 1989 - Verdad y Vida 47 (186):151-168.
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  13. Judicial Hubris and the Constitutional Revolution.Lino A. Graglia - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (114):181-186.
  14.  1
    Teorie e realtà della storia.Lino Graneri - 1968 - Bari,: Nerio.
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    Albert Venn Dicey and the Constitutional Theory of Empire.Dylan Lino - 2016 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 36 (4):751-780.
    In the post-1945 world, constitutionalism has transcended the nation state, with an array of transnational arrangements now manifesting constitutional characteristics—so says a growing number of scholars. This article reveals an earlier but largely forgotten discourse of transnational constitutionalism: the constitutional theory of the British Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Focusing on the work of Albert Venn Dicey, the article shows that, when the Empire was at the height of its power and prestige, British constitutional scholars came (...)
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    Ayudas ergogénicas en el deporte.José María Odriozola Lino - 2000 - Arbor 165 (650):171-185.
    Cuando se buscan los límites en la capacidad física de los humanos, toda mejora lleva implícita la optimización del funcionamiento del organismo. Para conseguirla se recurre a ayudas ergogénicas, aunque muchas de las utilizadas no se ha probado científicamente que consigan el efecto deseado. Además las hay permitidas y prohibidas (dopantes), saludables e insalubres. Con arreglo a sus efectos las podemos agrupar en nutricionales y no nutricionales. Entre las primeras, estarían todos los suplementos dietarios, tales como vitaminas, minerales, bebidas y (...)
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    La nutrición del deportista.José María Odriozola Lino - 2000 - Arbor 165 (650):153-170.
    Comemos para reponer el desgaste diario de las estructuras corporales y pérdidas de reservas energéticas. Un deportista debe comer más que un sedentario, porque gasta más. La calidad nutricional debe tener las adecuadas proporciones de carbohidratos, proteínas y grasas, que irán acompañadas por vitaminas, minerales y fibra. El agua es el nutriente más importante y el deportista debe cuidar especialmente su rehidratación. El reparto de las comidas debe armonizarse con la actividad física, para evitar problemas digestivos. Cuanto más variada sea (...)
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  18.  32
    Byzantine Interest in the Philosophy of Nature.Linos G. Benakis - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (1):217-221.
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    Die normative Kraft der Zeit und die zeitliche Kraft des Normativen.Lino Munaretto - 2025 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 111 (1):71-106.
    The modern time regime was constituted by the common belief in an open future promising progress and growth. Modern law has been adapted to these temporalities and founded on similar paradigms. Positivist law is strictly separated from nature, subject to permanent change and legitimated solely by human will and ratio. Since the 1970s the modern time regime has been out of joint. Due to multiple crises societies now tend to expect a limited future, some even fear apocalyptic scenarios. This change (...)
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  20. Reflexiones en torno al pensamiento marxista de Ludovico Silva.Lino E. Morán Beltrán & Yohanka León Del Río - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 58 (1):105-125.
    Ludovico Silva fue uno de los intelectuales marxistas más influyentes de la Venezuela del siglo XX. Él recogió de la obra de Marx aquellos elementos que le permiteron enjuiciar al capitalismo desde el contexto latinoamericano, sin olvidar los errores que los pueblos de la Europa del Este cometieron en su camino al socialismo. Las ideas que guían el presente estudio recogen su postura sobre conceptos como el de ideología, plusvalía, alienación, capitalismo, iglesia, utopía, cultura, entre otros, desde los cuales procura (...)
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    For a Theory that is Both Critical and Mathematical: Handelman, Matthew, The Mathematical Imagination: On the Origins and Promise of Critical Theory.Jessie Joshua Lino & Esmeralda Manlulu - 2021 - Kritike 15 (2):126-146.
  22. Crónica del Congreso.Lino Temperini - 2007 - Verdad y Vida 65 (250):567-570.
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    S onu stranu dogmatizma i relativizma.Lino Veljak - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):443-452.
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    Restrictions on judicial election campaign speech: Silencing criticism of liberal activism.Lino A. Graglia - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (2):148-176.
    Constitutional law in the United States is, for most practical purposes, the product of ‘judicial review’, the power of judges to disallow policy choices made by other officials or institutions of government, ostensibly because those choices are prohibited by the Constitution. This extraordinary and unprecedented power, America's dubious contribution to the science of government, has made American judges the most powerful in the world, not only legislators but super-legislators, legislators with virtually the last word. Because lawmaking power divorced from popular (...)
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    Equações Como Ícones (Seguidos Das Suas Peircianas “Verdades Insuspeitadas”).Lino Machado - 2020 - Kairos 23 (1):1-31.
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    Pode Sustentar-se o Argumento de Que Exista uma Dialéctica Qu'ntica da Natureza?Lino Machado - 2017 - Kairos 18 (1):110-142.
    Resumo Autores como os físicos Léon Rosenfeld, Gerald Holton e Franco Selleri, bem como o filósofo Miguel Reale perceberam já que, no interior da mecânica quântica, o princípio da complementaridade de Niels Bohr pode ser aproximado á noção filosófica de dialéctica. Além de buscar contribuir para robustecer tal linha de interpretaoção do famoso principío bohriano, neste paper tentaremos compreender dialecticamente a relaoção de Louis de Broglie e a de desigualdade de Werner Heisenberg. Por fim, argumentaremos a favor de um enfoque (...)
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    Epistemologia dell'interpretazione.Lino Ponticelli - 2001 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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  28. Fede e liberalismo.Lino Prenna - 2002 - Studium 98 (1):79-87.
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    Situazione dell'estetica in Italia: una ipotesi sullo sviluppo dell'estetica italiana contemporanea.Lino Rossi (ed.) - 1976 - Torino: G. B. Paravia.
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    Die ontologisierung der gattungsdifferenz AlS eine abstrakte antithese zur klassischen metaphysik.Lino Veljak - 2005 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 25 (4):771-780.
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    Jenseits des Dogmatismus und Relativismus.Lino Veljak - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):443-452.
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    Milan Kangrga (1. 5. 1923. – 25. 4. 2008.).Lino Veljak - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (2):441-443.
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  33. Le leggi dellʹessere.Lino Zanca - 1970 - Roma,: Edizioni paoline.
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    Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa: Maestro de la democracia venezolana.Lino Beltran - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (25):59-73.
    This ar ti cle is part of the anal y sis of the his tory of ideas in Latin Amer ica, which is a field of thought that con trib utes to re cov er ing con tri bu tions from di verse fields of knowl edge, and which has been fo cused on by in tel lec tu als who con sider our iden tity to be a theme..
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    From Poetics to Metapoetics: Architecture Towards Architecture.Lino Bianco - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):103-114.
    An undiscovered chapter in the history of architecture comes from the ex-Soviet Republic of Georgia. Poetics of Architecture is the name given to the studioworkshop at the Georgian Technical University set up by the Georgian architect Shota Bostanashvili (1948–2013). From 1990 until his death he delivered insightful, playful and rather provocative lectures on architecture at this university. He preferred to call his architectural philosophy, critical discourse on architecture. Themes ranged from poetics to metapoetics of architecture. His philosophy of architecture is (...)
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    Jednakost bez slobode ili jednakost bez pravednosti?Lino Veljak - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):57-63.
    U ovom prilogu promišljanju se konzekvencije različitih shvaćanja ideje jednakosti na području teorijâ demokracije i posebice političke prakse. Tek se diferenciranjem ključnih pojmova mogu nadmašiti one lažne alternative koje proizlaze iz nerazjašnjena korištenja odnosnih pojmova i ideja, te onemogućiti njihovu preobrazbu u prazne riječi. Odatle je moguće i postavljanje pitanja o trećem putu koji bi bio u stanju ukloniti lažnu alternativu između totalitarna egalitarizma i razorna neoliberalizma.In diesem Beitrag werden die Konsequenzen differenzierter Auffassungen der Idee des Gleichheits auf den Bereiche (...)
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    Raspuća epohe.Lino Veljak - 1990 - Zagreb: Radna zajednica RK SSOH.
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    The scales of experience: Introduction to the special issue Experiencing the global environment.Lino Camprubí & Philipp Lehmann - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 70:1-5.
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    Die handschriftensammlung Des klosters zavorda und die neuaufgefundene photios-handschrift.Linos Politis - 1961 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 105 (1-2):136-144.
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    Über die Wurzeln der Marginalisierung der Philosophie im Mittelmeerraum.Lino Veljak - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3):523-528.
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    Einsteinova Specijalna teorija relativnosti i aktualni prijepori u filozofiji.Lino Veljak - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):507-514.
    Albert Einstein je svojom specijalnom teorijom relativnosti definitivno opovrgao svaku mogućnost znanstvenog legitimiranja mehanicističkog pogleda na svijet, što implicira i opovrgnuće one metafizike materijalističkog predznaka koja se temelji na koncepciji razdvojenosti prostora i vremena. On je u specijalnoj teoriji relativnosti zasnovao pojam vremena i prostora kao jedinstvenog zbivanja, a taj je pojam oslobođen i od ravne metrike kakva obilježuje još i koncepciju Hermanna Minkowskog. Mnoštvenost jedinstvena vremena-prostora ukida i Galilejeve i Newtonove pojmove kao što su: apsolutni prostor, apsolutno vrijeme, apsolutno (...)
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    Epilogue: Current Research in.Linos Benakis - 2002 - In Katerina Ierodiakonou, Byzantine philosophy and its ancient sources. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 283.
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    (1 other version)Studien zu den aristoteles-kommentaren Des Michael psellos.Linos Benakis - 1961 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 43 (3):215-238.
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    Del derecho liberal al derecho comunitario: la presencia de la moral en el derecho.Lino Rodríguez-Arias Bustamante - 1995 - Santa Fe de Bogotá: Editorial Temis S.A..
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  45. «Civitas communis» la cittadinanza democratica.Lino Prenna - 2008 - Studium 104 (1):15-27.
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  46. Un ethos comune per l'Europa.Lino Prenna - 2002 - Studium 98 (6):833-838.
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    Punir et reconnaître.Lino Rizzi - 2003 - Archives de Philosophie 2 (2):237-250.
    L’article essaie d’expliquer la nature éthique de l’action par l’analyse de la peine. C’est dans la justification de l’acte pénal que Hegel présenta le premier noyau de la dialectique qui « dépasse » et relativise le commandement du droit positif. C’est même dans la justification de l’action pénale que Hegel expose de façon systématique le principe capital selon lequel le droit n’est réellement juste que lorsqu’il se constitue comme un acte « reconnaissable » par le destinataire.
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    Fenomenologia critica e storiografia estetica.Lino Rossi - 1983 - Bologna: Clueb.
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    On the History of the Notion of Freedom.Lino Veljak - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):5-18.
    The notion of freedom was in ancient philosophy formed in the sense of the privileges belonging to adult free citizens, and thus foreigners, minors, women, and slaves were deprived of the possibility of freedom. This definition of freedom was also adopted by Roman law, unlike Stoic philosophy and the New Testament Christianity, where freedom was extended to belong to all human beings. In comparison, the Stoics condemn slavery, while Christianity eschatologises freedom. The Middle Ages built on such a concept of (...)
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    Water and Planetary History. [REVIEW]Lino Camprubí - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):164-167.
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