Results for 'Linda Anna Pietrasanta'

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  1.  3
    Xiong Shili’s Treatise on Reality and Function by Xiong Shili (review).Linda Anna Pietrasanta - 2025 - Philosophy East and West 75 (1):1-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Xiong Shili’s Treatise on Reality and Function by Xiong ShiliLinda Anna Pietrasanta (bio)Xiong Shili’s Treatise on Reality and Function. By Xiong Shili, an Annotated Translation by John Makeham. Oxford Chinese Thought Series. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. Pp. xliii + 252, Paper $39.95, ISBN 978-0-19-768869-4.John Makeham’s translation of Xiong Shili’s 熊十力 (1885-1968) Tiyong lun 體用 論 [Treatise on Reality and Function] is a major steppingstone (...)
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    Genetic network properties of the human cortex based on regional thickness and surface area measures.Anna R. Docherty, Chelsea K. Sawyers, Matthew S. Panizzon, Michael C. Neale, Lisa T. Eyler, Christine Fennema-Notestine, Carol E. Franz, Chi-Hua Chen, Linda K. McEvoy, Brad Verhulst, Ming T. Tsuang & William S. Kremen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Dismissing Attachment Characteristics Dynamically Modulate Brain Networks Subserving Social Aversion.Anna Linda Krause, Viola Borchardt, Meng Li, Marie-José van Tol, Liliana Ramona Demenescu, Bernhard Strauss, Helmut Kirchmann, Anna Buchheim, Coraline D. Metzger, Tobias Nolte & Martin Walter - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Advancing health equity in prelicensure nursing curricula: Findings from a critical review.Anna Graefe, Christine Mueller, Linda Bane Frizzell & Carolyn M. Porta - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12629.
    Nurses play a crucial role in reducing health disparities and advancing health equity for individuals and communities. The future nursing workforce relies on their nursing education to prepare them to promote health equity. Nursing educators prepare students through a variety of andragogical learning strategies in the classroom and in clinical experiences and by intentionally updating and revising curricular content to address knowledge and competency gaps. This critical review aimed to determine the extent to which health equity concepts are explicitly present (...)
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  5. Spatial Reasoning in Tenejapan Mayans.Anna Papafragou Peggy Li, Linda Abarbanell, Lila Gleitman - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):33.
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    Exploring the Emotional Experience During Instant Messaging Among Young Adults: An Experimental Study Incorporating Physiological Correlates of Arousal.Anne-Linda Camerini, Laura Marciano, Anna Maria Annoni, Alexander Ort & Serena Petrocchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Instant messaging is a highly diffused form of communication among younger populations, yet little is known about the emotional experience during IM. The present study aimed to investigate the emotional experience during IM by drawing on the Circumplex Model of Affect and measuring heart rate and electrodermal activity as indicators of arousal in addition to self-reported perceived emotional valence. Using an experimental design, we manipulated message latency and message valence. Based on data collected from 65 young adults, we observed arousal (...)
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    Behind the scenes of a learning agri-food value chain: lessons from action research.Charis Linda Braun, Vera Bitsch & Anna Maria Häring - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):119-134.
    The development of sustainable agri-food systems requires not only new academic knowledge, but also concrete social and organizational change in practice. This article reflects on the action research process that supported and explored the learning process in an emerging agri-food value chain in the Berlin-Brandenburg region in eastern Germany. The action research study involved value chain actors, academic researchers, and process facilitators in a learning network. By framing the network’s learning and problem solving processes in concepts of organizational learning, lessons (...)
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    Which factors are associated with a successful outcome in a weight management programme for obese children?Matthew A. Sabin, Anna Ford, Linda Hunt, Riyaz Jamal, Elizabeth C. Crowne & Julian P. H. Shield - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):364-368.
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    Compliance, attitudes and barriers to post‐operative colorectal cancer follow‐up.Jonathan Cardella, Natalie G. Coburn, Anna Gagliardi, Barbara-Anne Maier, Elisa Greco, Linda Last, Andrew J. Smith, Calvin Law & Frances Wright - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (3):407-415.
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    Childhood obesity and co‐morbid problems: effects of Epstein's family‐based behavioural treatment in an Icelandic sample.Thrudur Gunnarsdottir, Urdur Njardvik, Anna S. Olafsdottir, Linda Craighead & Ragnar Bjarnason - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):465-472.
  11. Resting-State Brain and the FTO Obesity Risk Allele: Default Mode, Sensorimotor, and Salience Network Connectivity Underlying Different Somatosensory Integration and Reward Processing between Genotypes.Gaia Olivo, Lyle Wiemerslage, Emil K. Nilsson, Linda Solstrand Dahlberg, Anna L. Larsen, Marcela Olaya Búcaro, Veronica P. Gustafsson, Olga E. Titova, Marcus Bandstein, Elna-Marie Larsson, Christian Benedict, Samantha J. Brooks & Helgi B. Schiöth - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Lack of ethics or lack of knowledge? European upper secondary students’ doubts and misconceptions about integrity issues.Thomas Bøker Lund, Peter Sandøe, P. J. Wall, Vojko Strahovnik, Céline Schöpfer, Rita Santos, Júlio Borlido Santos, Una Quinn, Margarita Poškutė, I. Anna S. Olsson, Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Marcus Tang Merit, Linda Hogan, Roman Globokar, Eugenijus Gefenas, Christine Clavien, Mateja Centa, Mads Paludan Goddiksen & Mikkel Willum Johansen - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Plagiarism and other transgressions of the norms of academic integrity appear to be a persistent problem among upper secondary students. Numerous surveys have revealed high levels of infringement of what appear to be clearly stated rules. Less attention has been given to students’ understanding of academic integrity, and to the potential misconceptions and false beliefs that may make it difficult for them to comply with existing rules and handle complex real-life situations.In this paper we report findings from a survey of (...)
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    Self-directedness and the susceptibility to distraction by saliency.Katharina Dinica, Liliana Ramona Demenescu, Anton Lord, Anna Linda Krause, Roselinde Kaiser, Dorothea Horn, Coraline Danielle Metzger & Martin Walter - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
  14. Workshop Report: Creating a Citizens’ Information Pack on Ethical and Legal Issues Around Icts: What Should Be Included?Janice Asine, Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Elisabetta Broglio, Alexandra Castańeda, Helen Feord, Linda Freyburg, Marcel Leppée, Andreas Matheus, Marta Camara Oliveira, Christoforos Pavlakis, Jaume Peira, Karen Soacha, Gefion Thuermer, Katrin Vohland, Katherin Wagenknecht, Tim Woods, Katerina Zourou, Federico Caruso, Annelies Duerinckx, Andrzej Klimczuk, Mieke Sterken & Anna Berti Suman - 2020 - European Citizen Science Association.
    The aim of this workshop was to ask potential end-users of the citizens’ information pack on legal and ethical issues around ICTs the following questions: What is your knowledge of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, and what actions have you taken in response to these regulations? What challenges are you experiencing in ensuring the protection and security of your project data, and compliance with the GDPR, within existing data management processes/systems? What information/tools/resources do you need to overcome these challenges? (...)
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    Grey zones and good practice: A European survey of academic integrity among undergraduate students.Mads Paludan Goddiksen, Mikkel Willum Johansen, Anna Catharina Armond, Mateja Centa, Christine Clavien, Eugenijus Gefenas, Roman Globokar, Linda Hogan, Nóra Kovács, Marcus Tang Merit, I. Anna S. Olsson, Margarita Poškutė, Una Quinn, Júlio Borlido Santos, Rita Santos, Céline Schöpfer, Vojko Strahovnik, Orsolya Varga, P. J. Wall, Peter Sandøe & Thomas Bøker Lund - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (3):199-217.
    Good academic practice is more than the avoidance of clear-cut cheating. It also involves navigation of the gray zones between cheating and good practice. The existing literature has left students’ understanding of gray zone practices largely unexplored. To begin filling in this gap, we present results from a questionnaire study involving N = 1639 undergraduate students from seven European countries representing all major disciplines. We show that large numbers of these students are unable to identify gray area issues and lack (...)
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  16. ICTs, data and vulnerable people: a guide for citizens.Alexandra Castańeda, Andreas Matheus, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anna BertiSuman, Annelies Duerinckx, Christoforos Pavlakis, Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Elisabetta Broglio, Federico Caruso, Gefion Thuermer, Helen Feord, Janice Asine, Jaume Piera, Karen Soacha, Katerina Zourou, Katherin Wagenknecht, Katrin Vohland, Linda Freyburg, Marcel Leppée, Marta CamaraOliveira, Mieke Sterken & Tim Woods - 2021 - Bilbao: Upv-Ehu.
    ICTs, personal data, digital rights, the GDPR, data privacy, online security… these terms, and the concepts behind them, are increasingly common in our lives. Some of us may be familiar with them, but others are less aware of the growing role of ICTs and data in our lives - and the potential risks this creates. These risks are even more pronounced for vulnerable groups in society. People can be vulnerable in different, often overlapping, ways, which place them at a disadvantage (...)
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    Evaluation of a Novel Psychological Intervention Tailored for Patients With Early Cognitive Impairment (PIPCI): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial.Urban Ekman, Mike K. Kemani, John Wallert, Rikard K. Wicksell, Linda Holmström, Tiia Ngandu, Anna Rennie, Ulrika Akenine, Eric Westman & Miia Kivipelto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundIndividuals with early phase cognitive impairment are frequently affected by existential distress, social avoidance and associated health issues. The demand for efficient psychological support is crucial from both an individual and a societal perspective. We have developed a novel psychological intervention manual for providing a non-medical path to enhanced psychological health in the cognitively impaired population. The current article provides specific information on the randomized controlled trial -design and methods. The main hypothesis is that participants receiving PIPCI will increase their (...)
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    Feminism/Postmodernism.Linda Nicholson - 1989 - Routledge.
    In this anthology, prominent contemporary theorists assess the benefits and dangers of postmodernism for feminist theory. The contributors examine the meaning of postmodernism both as a methodological position and a diagnosis of the times. They consider such issues as the nature of personal and social identity today, the political implications of recent aesthetic trends, and the consequences of changing work and family relations on women's lives. Contributors: Seyla Benhabib, Susan Bordo, Judith Butler, Christine Di Stefano, Jane Flax, Nancy Fraser, Donna (...)
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    Metamorphosis: Creative Imagination in Fine Arts Between Life-Projects and Human Aesthetic Aspirations.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 2004 - Springer Verlag.
    How do we perdure when we and everything around us are caught up in incessant change? But the course of this change does not seem to be haphazard and we may seek the modalities of its Logos in the transformations in which it occurs. The classic term "Metamorphosis" focuses upon the proportions between the transformed and the retained, the principles of sameness and otherness. Applied to life and its becoming, metamorphosis pinpoints the proportions between the vital and the aesthetic significance (...)
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    Identity Before Identity Politics by Linda Nicholson.Anna Marie Smith - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):369-372.
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    Linda Bosniak. The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership, Princeton University Press, 2006. [REVIEW]Anna V. Dolidze - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (2):247-249.
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    Text, Body and Indeterminacy: The Doppelgänger Selves in Pater and Wilde.Anna Budziak - 2008 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The nature of the self is an important point at which philosophy and literature intersect. Text, Body and Indeterminacy acknowledges this connection by forging a link between the philosophical concept of the self and the category of the literary character. The philosophical horizon of Text, Body and Indeterminacy is delineated by the neo-pragmatist debate on selfhood. The book entwines the ideas of Richard Rorty and Richard Shusterman by stressing similarity in their aestheticizing of ethics and by showing the difference in (...)
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    The Autobiography.Anna Robeson Burr - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19 (3):344-348.
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  24. Підходи до оцінки соціально-економічного стану території (на рівні регіону).Anna Chechel & Sergei Konoplyov - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):180-185.
    This study focuses on the definition of regions in post-industrial areas (Old Industrial Cities) and the method of cluster analysis as the technique for estimating the degree of depression of a coal region. At times of global economic crisis, it makes sense to study the economic experience of depressed regions, dominated by mono product economies, in order to assess ways to overcome the consequences of the crisis.
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    Wim Wenders’s Road Movie Philosophy Education Without Learning: Series on Philosophies of Education in Art, Cinema and Literature, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, ISBN: HB: 978-1-3501-1042-7.Anna Pagès - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (3):379-382.
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    The pragmatics of number.Anna Papafragou - manuscript
    dwarfs loved Snow White). We report here results from two experiments with young speakers of Modern Greek which support the opposite conclusion: namely, that..
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    Controversy over the Power Between the Papacy and the Empire in the light of Marsilius’ of Padua Defensor pacis.Anna Białas - 2010 - Peitho 1 (1):145-159.
    The most famous medieval controversy over the power and the temporal dominion took place between the papacy and the empire. One of the greatest advocates of the imperial domination was Marsilius of Padua, the author of an original work that demonstrated the advantage of acknowledging the emperor’s superiority over the Pope’s. The Defensor pacis, written between 1319 and 1324, was devoted to the dispute on such sovereignty issues as proving that the Pope should be subordinate to the Emperor, and not (...)
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  28. Światopogląd tragiczny u twórców warszawskiej szkoły historyków idei i Zygmunta Baumana.Anna Borowicz - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 33 (1):95-108.
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  29. Шляхи формування позитивного соціально-психологічного клімату в колективі підприємства.Anna Chechel, Iryna Kyrychenko & Yana Bibikova - 2015 - Схід 6 (138):79-81.
    The article estimates socio-psychological climate in the team by using sociometric techniques, expored in the example of Ltd. "ECMUKRAINE" and the algorithm of its formation. The argue that positive social and psychological climate needs constant work of the management focused on the study of the relationship in the team; identifying and solving objective contradictions; creative application of reasonable system of methods, tools and techniques of psychological impact on staff in order to optimize its entire set of relations on the basis (...)
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    Hombre y educación.Anna Pagés Santacana & Wolfgang Brezinka (eds.) - 1989 - Barcelona: PPU.
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  31. Feminist activism and presidential politics-Theorizing the costs of'insider strategy'.Anna Marie Smith - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 83:25-35.
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    Filozofia i myśl społeczna w latach 1865-1895.Anna Hochfeldowa & Barbara Skarga (eds.) - 1980 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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  33. Walter Benjamin e gli stati d'eccezione.Anna Migliorini - 2024 - Firenze: Editrice Clinamen.
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    Stowarzyszenie „Memoriał” w Rosji a polityka historyczna państwa.Anna Dzienkiewicz - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 18:344-361.
    The aim of this article is to show the activities of the non-governmental organization ‘Memorial’ that are aimed at building historical memory and developing civic awareness of state terror and crimes committed by the communist regime. ‘Memorial’ also aims to show the politics of memory pursued by the Russian authorities after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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    Nieodgadniony bliski: obraz Boga w kazaniach Kasjana Korczyńskiego OFMConv (1725-1784).Anna Faszczowa - 2010 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Fenomen słowa.Anna Grzegorczyk, Małgorzata Grzywacz & Rafał Koschany (eds.) - 2009 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe UAM.
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    Herrnhut - the model settlement for the Unity of Brethren.Anna Huminiak - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 419-428.
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    Une posture de déresponsabilisation énonciative. L’ethos du Dr. Cottard 1.Anna Jaubert - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Der Parteienstaat: zum Staatsverständnis von Gerhard Leibholz.Anna-Bettina Kaiser (ed.) - 2013 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  40.  10
    Ruso en el habla de los alemanes del Volga en Argentina.Anna Ladilova - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):109-121.
    The present article looks at the lexical elements from Russia in the speech of the Volga Germans in Argentina. For this data recollected during the field study conducted in the context of the PhD of the author is analyzed. After a brief theoretical introduction into language contact studies, the article will give an overview of the sociohistorical context of the group in question. Then the Slavisms found in the study will be analyzed in regards to their semantics and their phonetical (...)
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    The Essence of Life in Context of Biological Information.Anna Latawiec - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 44:45-51.
    The main purpose of the paper is to justify the thesis that the presence of biological information is conditional for existence and persistence of life. We will begin with the notion of biological information. In this proposition information is identified with impact, and it is shown the dependence of its location and functioning on the level of organization of animate matter. In accordance with a suggestion of Thomas Aquinas, it seems that precisely information is the reason for the appearance of (...)
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  42. Ernst Cassirer jako historyk myśli i filozof afirmacji nauki.Anna Musioł - 2011 - Diametros 29:71-79.
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    Mostri divini. Fenomenologia e logica delle metamorfosi.Anna Maria Pezzella - 1992 - Idee 19:159-160.
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    Ethics and Divinity: Analyzing Moral Philosophy Through the Lens of Religious Traditions in the European Context.Anna Schäfer - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):35-51.
    The questions "What is the purpose of religious ethics?" and "What is the rationale behind the field?" are addressed in this research study. The aim of research is determining the ethics and divinity the research study also explain the moral philosophy through the lens of religious traditions in the European context. It first illustrates how Christian ethicists have provided justifications for conducting research in the area to pinpoint an Anti-Reductive Paradigm that an Egalitarian Imperative informs. The work in the sector (...)
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    Expanding Responsibility for the Just War: A Feminist Critique. By Rosemary Kellison.Anna Floerke Scheid - 2020 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 40 (1):187-188.
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    On the Subject in Linguistics.Anna Strelis - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (1):61-89.
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    Introduction.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 1-20.
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    References.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 179-186.
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    Opresja, parytet – problemy feministyczne (Rosemarie Putnam Tong, Myśl feministyczna. Wprowadzenie; Sylviane Agacinski, Polityka płci).Anna Szymańska - 2003 - Etyka 36:282-289.
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    Information, Kommunikation und Wissen: Die Konsequenzen alternativer Kommunikationsperspektiven für die empirische Organisationsforschung.Anna Maria Theis - 1991 - Communications 16 (1):49-62.
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