Results for 'Helen Feord'

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  1. Workshop Report: Creating a Citizens’ Information Pack on Ethical and Legal Issues Around Icts: What Should Be Included?Janice Asine, Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Elisabetta Broglio, Alexandra Castańeda, Helen Feord, Linda Freyburg, Marcel Leppée, Andreas Matheus, Marta Camara Oliveira, Christoforos Pavlakis, Jaume Peira, Karen Soacha, Gefion Thuermer, Katrin Vohland, Katherin Wagenknecht, Tim Woods, Katerina Zourou, Federico Caruso, Annelies Duerinckx, Andrzej Klimczuk, Mieke Sterken & Anna Berti Suman - 2020 - European Citizen Science Association.
    The aim of this workshop was to ask potential end-users of the citizens’ information pack on legal and ethical issues around ICTs the following questions: What is your knowledge of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, and what actions have you taken in response to these regulations? What challenges are you experiencing in ensuring the protection and security of your project data, and compliance with the GDPR, within existing data management processes/systems? What information/tools/resources do you need to overcome these challenges? (...)
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  2. ICTs, data and vulnerable people: a guide for citizens.Alexandra Castańeda, Andreas Matheus, Andrzej Klimczuk, Anna BertiSuman, Annelies Duerinckx, Christoforos Pavlakis, Corelia Baibarac-Duignan, Elisabetta Broglio, Federico Caruso, Gefion Thuermer, Helen Feord, Janice Asine, Jaume Piera, Karen Soacha, Katerina Zourou, Katherin Wagenknecht, Katrin Vohland, Linda Freyburg, Marcel Leppée, Marta CamaraOliveira, Mieke Sterken & Tim Woods - 2021 - Bilbao: Upv-Ehu.
    ICTs, personal data, digital rights, the GDPR, data privacy, online security… these terms, and the concepts behind them, are increasingly common in our lives. Some of us may be familiar with them, but others are less aware of the growing role of ICTs and data in our lives - and the potential risks this creates. These risks are even more pronounced for vulnerable groups in society. People can be vulnerable in different, often overlapping, ways, which place them at a disadvantage (...)
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    Competence and processing in children's grammar of relative clauses.Helen Goodluck & Susan Tavakolian - 1982 - Cognition 11 (1):1-27.
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    Being moved by meaningfulness: appraisals of surpassing internal standards elicit being moved by relationships and achievements.Helen Landmann, Florian Cova & Ursula Hess - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1387-1409.
    ABSTRACTPeople can be moved and overwhelmed, a phenomenon typically accompanied by goose-bumps and tears. We argue that these feelings of being moved are not limited to situations that are appraise...
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  5. Some remarks about mass nouns and plurality.Helen M. Cartwright - 1975 - Synthese 31 (3-4):395 - 410.
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    Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics.Helen B. Holmes & Laura Martha Purdy (eds.) - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    The fields of medical ethics, bioethics, and women's studies have experienced unprecedented growth in the last forty years. Along with the rapid pace of development in medicine and biology, and changes in social expectations, moral quandaries about the body and social practices involving it have multiplied. Philosophers are uniquely situated to attempt to clarify and resolves these questions. Yet the subdiscipline of bioethics still in large part reflects mainstream scholars' lack of interest in gender as a category of analysis. This (...)
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    Pflege und Ethik. Aktuelle Herausforderungen.Helen Kohlen, Constanze Giese & Annette Riedel - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (4):283-288.
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    Playing with environmental stories in the news — good or bad practice?Helen Caple & Monika Bednarek - 2010 - Discourse and Communication 4 (1):5-31.
    The aim of this article is to analyse environmental reporting in the Australian broadsheet newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald. The focus is on a particular kind of new, multisemiotic news story genre that appears regularly in this newspaper, and that makes use of word-image play. Using a social semiotic framework and employing Appraisal theory, we analyse a corpus of 40 stories in terms of evaluative meanings in heading, image and caption, and interpret the significance of our findings in terms of (...)
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    How can computer-based methods help researchers to investigate news values in large datasets? A corpus linguistic study of the construction of newsworthiness in the reporting on Hurricane Katrina.Helen Caple, Monika Bednarek & Amanda Potts - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (2):149-172.
    This article uses a 36-million word corpus of news reporting on Hurricane Katrina in the United States to explore how computer-based methods can help researchers to investigate the construction of newsworthiness. It makes use of Bednarek and Caple’s discursive approach to the analysis of news values, and is both exploratory and evaluative in nature. One aim is to test and evaluate the integration of corpus techniques in applying discursive news values analysis. We employ and evaluate corpus techniques that have not (...)
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    Navigating by the North Star: The Role of the ‘Ideal’ in John Stuart Mill's View of ‘Utopian’ Schemes and the Possibilities of Social Transformation.Helen McCabe - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (3):291-309.
    The role of the ‘ideal’ in political philosophy is currently much discussed. These debates cast useful light on Mill's self-designation as ‘under the general designation of Socialist’. Considering Mill's assessment of potential property-relations on the grounds of their desirability, feasibility and ‘accessibility’ (disambiguated as ‘immediate-availability’, ‘eventual-availability’ and ‘conceivable-availability’) shows us not only how desirable and feasible he thought ‘utopian’ socialist schemes were, but which options we should implement. This, coupled with Mill's belief that a socialist ideal should guide social reforms (...)
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    In the Frame: the Language of AI.Helen Bones, Susan Ford, Rachel Hendery, Kate Richards & Teresa Swist - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):23-44.
    In this article, drawing upon a feminist epistemology, we examine the critical roles that philosophical standpoint, historical usage, gender, and language play in a knowledge arena which is increasingly opaque to the general public. Focussing on the language dimension in particular, in its historical and social dimensions, we explicate how some keywords in use across artificial intelligence (AI) discourses inform and misinform non-expert understandings of this area. The insights gained could help to imagine how AI technologies could be better conceptualised, (...)
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    Towards Ecological Management: Identifying Barriers and Opportunities in Transition from Linear to Circular Economy.Helen Kopnina - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (1):5-19.
    This article will discuss the concepts of Cradle to Cradle and Circular Economy in relation to sustainable production involving philosophical debates on economic growth, and the risk of subversion of managerial practice to business as usual. The case study is based on the assignments submitted by Masters students as part of a course related to sustainable production and consumption at Leiden University in The Netherlands. Some of the supposedly best practice cases placed on the website of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (...)
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  13.  52
    Ethical questions of nursing practice in hospitals and possibilities of thematization.Helen Kohlen - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (4):325-343.
    ZusammenfassungEthische Fragen der Pflegepraxis haben sich in den letzten Jahren zugespitzt. Sie sind häufig verbunden mit einer grundsätzlichen Sorge um eine kompetente und verantwortliche Pflege, die den Bedürfnissen von Patient*innen gerecht wird. Forschungen aus drei Jahrzehnten zeigen, dass strukturelle Beschränkungen, Konflikte mit Kolleg*innen, Patient*innen und Angehörigen sowie eine Managementorientierung und die Unsichtbarkeit der Pflegearbeit, Ursachen für die grundsätzlichen Sorgen sind. Sie führen zu moralischem Stress, fehlenden Beziehungen und einer Fragmentierung der Pflege. Teilweise reagieren Pflegende widerständig, indem sie beispielsweise die Regeln (...)
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    Imitation Is Necessary for Cumulative Cultural Evolution in an Unfamiliar, Opaque Task.Helen Wasielewski - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (1):161-179.
    Imitation, the replication of observed behaviors, has been proposed as the crucial social learning mechanism for the generation of humanlike cultural complexity. To date, the single published experimental microsociety study that tested this hypothesis found no advantage for imitation. In contrast, the current paper reports data in support of the imitation hypothesis. Participants in “microsociety” groups built weight-bearing devices from reed and clay. Each group was assigned to one of four conditions: three social learning conditions and one asocial learning control (...)
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    Taxonomy, Race Science, and Mexican Maize.Helen Anne Curry - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):1-21.
    This essay explores the intersection of race science and plant taxonomy in the creation of evolutionary taxonomies (phylogenies) of populations of Zea mays, also known as maize or corn. Following recent work in the history and sociology of race, it analyzes maize taxonomy as technology. Through an analysis of successive attempts to classify diverse maize varieties, especially those originating in Mexico, it shows that taxonomy created possibilities for researchers to intervene in commercial agriculture, state development projects, biological conservation, and domestic (...)
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  16. Social and Medical Gender Transition and Acceptance of Biological Sex.Helen Watt - 2020 - Christian Bioethics 26 (3):243–268.
    Biological sex should be “acknowledged” and “accepted”—but which responses to gender dysphoria might this preclude? Trans-identified people may factually acknowledge their biological sex and regard transition as purely palliative. While generally some level of self-deception and even a high level of nonlying deception of others are sometimes justified, biological sex is important, and there is a nontrivial onus against even palliative, nonsexually motivated cross-dressing. The onus is higher against co-opting the body, even in a minor and/or reversible way, to make (...)
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    Doing critical discourse studies with multimodality: a reply.Helen Caple - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (5):522-530.
    Volume 16, Issue 5, November 2019, Page 522-530.
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  18. The Structure and Subject of Metaphysics Λ.Helen Lang - 1993 - Phronesis 38 (3):257-280.
  19.  72
    The pitfalls of positive parenting.Helen Reece - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (1):42-54.
    Contemporary official parenting advice about disciplining children can be boiled down to ‘Be nice’. I first expand on this claim, drawing on primarily Birth to Five and secondarily, showing that ‘Be nice’ breaks down into the absence of punishment and the expansion of both positive reinforcement and leading by example, these three components comprising an approach that is popularly described as positive parenting. Second, I examine the ways in which such apparently innocuous advice could be damaging: positive parenting is (...)
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  20.  36
    Troubling practices of control: re‐visiting H annah A rendt's ideas of human action as praxis of the unpredictable.Helen Kohlen - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (3):161-166.
    In this article, Hannah Arendt's concept of action will be used to problematize current transformations of the health care sector and examine some responses by ethicists in light of those transformations. The sphere of human interaction that should typify health care work is identified as an action of unpredictable praxis in contrast to controllable procedures and techniques which increasingly take place in the health care sector.
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    Visual Attention to Suffering After Compassion Training Is Associated With Decreased Amygdala Responses.Helen Y. Weng, Regina C. Lapate, Diane E. Stodola, Gregory M. Rogers & Richard J. Davidson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  22.  48
    Action and Relation: Toward a New Theory of the Image.Helen Petrovsky - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):250-259.
    This article examines a changing global reality that manifests itself in new forms of social activism. The struggle of the multitude challenges political representation and contemporary art seems to corroborate this observation. Becoming a form of social intervention, it turns into an active force and leaves behind the need to double action with representation, representational practices being the hallmark of classical art. A new theory of the image would have to incorporate this dynamic: it would have to treat and develop (...)
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    Importance of domain-specific metacognition for explaining beliefs about politicized science: The case of climate change.Helen Fischer & Nadia Said - 2021 - Cognition 208:104545.
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  24. Complicity or Justified Cooperation in Evil?: Negotiating the Terrain.Helen Watt - 2021 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 21 (2):209-218.
    Cooperation in wrongdoing is an everyday matter for all of us, though we need to discern when such cooperation is morally excluded as constituting formal cooperation, as opposed to material (unintended) cooperation whether justified or otherwise. In this paper, I offer examples of formal cooperation such as referral of patients for certain procedures where the cooperating doctor intends an intrinsically wrongful plan of action on the part of the patient and a medical colleague. I also consider a case of formal (...)
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    Reply to Strawson:'David Hume: Objects and Power'.Helen Beebee - 2012 - In Stewart Duncan & Antonia LoLordo, Debates in Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses. New York: Routledge. pp. 242.
  26. Threats, bystanders and obstructors.Helen Frowe - 2008 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108 (1pt3):365-372.
    In this paper I argue that the widespread view that obstructors are a special sort of bystander is mistaken. Obstructors make Victim worse off by their presence, and thus are more properly described as innocent threats. Only those characters who do not make Victim worse off by their presence can be classified as bystanders.
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    Hunger Bias or Gut Instinct? Responses to Judgments of Harm Depending on Visceral State Versus Intuitive Decision-Making.Helen Brown, Michael J. Proulx & Danaë Stanton Fraser - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  28. Hume. Metaphysics and Epistemology.Helen Beebee & Markus Schrenk (eds.) - 2010 - mentis.
    The articles in this special issue of the yearbook Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy all concern, in one way or another, Hume’s epistemology and metaphysics. There are discussions of our knowledge of causal powers, the extent to which conceivability is a guide to modality, and testimony; there are also discussions of our ideas of space and time, the role in Hume’s thought of the psychological mechanism of ‘completing the union’, the role of impressions, and Hume’s argument against the claim (...)
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    How do Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation Co-evolve with Organizational Forms? Evidence from a Transitional Economy.Helen Wei Hu & Jiamin Zhang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):815-829.
    How do corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and innovation investment co-evolve with organizational forms to affect firm market value? To address this question, we draw on the co-evolutionary perspective and theorize that the contingency effect of CSR reporting is more pronounced for firms with high uncertainty and low legitimacy by comparing start-up firms vs. established firms and privately owned enterprises (POEs) versus state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Moreover, taking a dynamic approach, we propose that the effects of CSR and innovation investment on (...)
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    Which are overriding during a pandemic: Professional healthcare duties or personal interests?Helen Yue-lai Chan - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):637-638.
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    The Ethics of Engagement in an Age of Austerity: A Paradox Perspective.Helen Francis & Anne Keegan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):593-607.
    Our contribution in this paper is to highlight the ethical implications of workforce engagement strategies in an age of austerity. Hard or instrumentalist approaches to workforce engagement create the potential for situations where engaged employees are expected to work ever longer and harder with negative outcomes for their well-being. Our study explores these issues in an investigation of the enactment of an engagement strategy within a UK Health charity, where managers and workers face paradoxical demands to raise service quality and (...)
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  32. On the notion of cause 'philosophically speaking'.Helen Steward - 1997 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 97 (2):125–140.
    This paper considers Davidson's critique, in his paper 'Causal Relations' of the Millian notion of the 'whole cause' of an event. The paper attempts to show why Davidson's criticisms of Mill, taken to its logical conclusion, entails that we must give up 'the network model of causation', a model which dominates contemporary philosophy of mind (as well as many accounts of the nature of causation in general) and shapes prevailing ideas about the form of some of its most important questions.
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    Time and Modes of Being.Helen R. Michejda - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (4):590-591.
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    (1 other version)Different Strokes for Different Folks: The BodyMind Approach as a Learning Tool for Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms to Self-Manage.Helen Payne & Susan Brooks - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common and costly in both primary and secondary health care. It is gradually being acknowledged that there needs to be a variety of interventions for patients with medically unexplained symptoms to meet the needs of different groups of patients with such chronic long-term symptoms. The proposed intervention described herewith is called The BodyMind Approach (TBMA) and promotes learning for self-management through establishing a dynamic and continuous process of emotional self-regulation. The problem is the mismatch between (...)
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    Fromm’s ethic of solidarity and the potential for critical communitarianism.Helen-Mary Cawood - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):166-179.
  36. Can Reductive Individualists Allow Defence Against Political Aggression?Helen Frowe - 2015 - In David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 1. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 173-193.
    Collectivist accounts of the ethics of war have traditionally dominated just war theory (Kutz 2005; Walzer 1977; Zohar 1993). These state-based accounts have also heavily influenced the parts of international law pertaining to armed conflict. But over the past ten years, reductive individualism has emerged as a powerful rival to this dominant account of the ethics of war. Reductivists believe that the morality of war is reducible to the morality of ordinary life. War is not a special moral sphere with (...)
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    Deleuze and futurism: a manifesto for nonsense.Helen Palmer - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Poetics of futurism: Zaum, shiftology, nonsense -- Poetics of Deleuze: structure, stoicism, univocity -- The materialist manifesto -- Shiftology #1: from performativity to dramatisation -- Shiftology #2: from metaphor to metamorphosis -- The see-sawing frontier: linguistic spatiotemporalities -- Concllusion: Suffixing, prefixing.
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    Empty spaces: empire versus life.Helen Petrovsky - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (4):463-474.
    The article analyzes the ongoing Russian–Ukrainian war in terms of a colonial seizure undertaken by a fading but aggressive Russian empire. This highly political adventure is translated into more abstract terms, that is, an irresolvable conflict between existence, which is always the experience of coexistence devoid of any essence whatsoever, and imperial expansion, which is an infinite conquest of space indifferent to all forms of life. The dualism in question is backed up by the writings of two important scholars, namely, (...)
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    The Collected Letters of Henry Northrup Castle.George Herbert Mead & Helen Castle Mead (eds.) - 2013 - Ohio University Press.
    George Herbert Mead, one of America’s most important and influential philosophers, a founder of pragmatism, social psychology, and symbolic interactionism, was also a keen observer of American culture and early modernism. In the period from the 1870s to 1895, Henry Northrup Castle maintained a correspondence with family members and with Mead—his best friend at Oberlin College and brother-in-law—that reveals many of the intellectual, economic, and cultural forces that shaped American thought in that complex era. Close friends of John Dewey, Jane (...)
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    Abortion for Life-Limiting Foetal Anomaly: Beneficial When and for Whom?Helen Watt - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (1):1 - 10.
    Abortion for life-limiting foetal anomaly is often an intensely painful choice for the parents; though widely offered and supported, it is surprisingly difficult to defend in ethical terms. Abortion on this ground is sometimes defended as foetal euthanasia but has features which sharply differentiate it from standard non-voluntary euthanasia, not least the fact that any suffering otherwise anticipated for the child may be neither severe nor prolonged. Such abortions may be said to reduce suffering for the family including siblings – (...)
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    Evaluating Psychotherapies.Helen Blatte - 1973 - Hastings Center Report 3 (4):4-6.
  42.  16
    Foetal personhood and representations of the absent child in pregnancy loss memorialization.Helen Keane - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (2):153-171.
    Because mourning and memorializing a miscarriage seems to imply acceptance of foetal personhood, feminists have been reluctant to address the often traumatic but common experience of pregnancy loss. Feminist anthropologists of reproduction have argued that adopting a view of personhood as constructed and negotiated, rather than inherent, solves this dilemma and enables the development of a feminist discourse of pregnancy loss. This article aims to make a critical contribution to such a discourse by analysing representations of lost babies and children (...)
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    Why Save a Seed?Helen Anne Curry - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):337-340.
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    The Presentation of Reality.Helen Wodehouse - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1910, this book attempts to describe knowledge from the point of view of a philosophical psychology. Wodehouse treats the text as a 'psychological preface to metaphysics', and splits her examination into three sections: knowledge as resulting from judgements in the actual world; the philosophical problem of fallible knowledge; and the question of imagination and 'the variousness of reality'. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Wodehouse's work or in the overlap of psychology (...)
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    An Invitation to Scholarly Teaching - Some Annotations on the Scholarship of Teaching and (Especially) Learning for Philosophers.Helen Meskhidze, Claire A. Lockard & Stephen Bloch-Schulman - 2019 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 5:169-199.
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    A longitudinal study of principles of control and pronominal reference in child English.Helen Smith Cairns, Dana McDaniel, Jennifer Ryan Hsu & Michelle Rapp - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    Parts and partitives: Notes on what things are made of.Helen Morris Cartwright - 1984 - Synthese 58 (2):251-277.
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    Educational Research and Two Traditions of Epistemology.Helen Freeman & Alison Jones - 1980 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 12 (2):1-20.
  49. Ausgewählte Sektionsbeiträge der GAP.6. Sechster Internationaler Kongress der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie.Helen Bohse & Sven Walter (eds.) - 2006 - Mentis.
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  50. Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation.Helen K. Bond - 1998
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