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Martin Lin [35]Martin Thomas Lin [1]
  1. Rationalism and Necessitarianism.Martin Lin - 2012 - Noûs 46 (3):418-448.
    Metaphysical rationalism, the doctrine which affirms the Principle of Sufficient Reason (the PSR), is out of favor today. The best argument against it is that it appears to lead to necessitarianism, the claim that all truths are necessarily true. Whatever the intuitive appeal of the PSR, the intuitive appeal of the claim that things could have been otherwise is greater. This problem did not go unnoticed by the great metaphysical rationalists Spinoza and Leibniz. Spinoza’s response was to embrace necessitarianism. Leibniz’s (...)
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  2. Being and Reason: An Essay on Spinoza's Metaphysics.Martin Lin - 2019 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In Spinoza’s metaphysics, we encounter many puzzling doctrines that appear to entangle metaphysical notions with cognitive, logical, and epistemic ones. According to him, a substance is that which can be conceived through itself and a mode is that which is conceived through another. Thus, metaphysical notions, substance and mode, are defined through a notion that is either cognitive or logical, being conceived through. He defines an attribute as that which an intellect perceives as constituting the essence of a substance. Intellectual (...)
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  3. The Principle of Sufficient Reason in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2013 - In Michael Della Rocca, The Oxford Handbook to Spinoza. New York: Oxford University Press.
  4. Principle of Sufficient Reason.Yitzhak Melamed & Martin Lin - unknown - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Principle of Sufficient Reason is a powerful and controversial philosophical principle stipulating that everything must have a reason or cause. This simple demand for thoroughgoing intelligibility yields some of the boldest and most challenging theses in the history of metaphysics and epistemology. In this entry we begin with explaining the Principle, and then turn to the history of the debates around it. A section on recent discussions of the Principle will be added in the near future.
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  5. The power of reason in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2009 - In Olli Koistinen, The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza's Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  6. Teleology and human action in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (3):317-354.
    Cover Date: July 2006.Source Info: 115(3), 317-354. Language: English. Journal Announcement: 41-2. Subject: ACTION; CAUSATION; METAPHYSICS; REPRESENTATION; TELEOLOGY. Subject Person: SPINOZA, BENEDICT DE (BARUCH). Update Code: 20130315.
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  7. (1 other version)Spinozas Metaphysics of Desire.Martin Lin - 2004 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 86 (1):21-55.
  8. Spinoza's account of akrasia.Martin Lin - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (3):395-414.
    : Perhaps the central problem which preoccupies Spinoza as a moral philosopher is the conflict between reason and passion. He belongs to a long tradition that sees the key to happiness and virtue as mastery and control by reason over the passions. This mastery, however, is hard won, as the passions often overwhelm its power and subvert its rule. When reason succumbs to passion, we act against our better judgment. Such action is often termed 'akratic'. Many commentators have complained that (...)
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  9. Memory and Personal Identity in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (2):243-268.
    Locke is often thought to have introduced the topic of personal identity into philosophy when, in the second edition of theEssay,he distinguished the person from both the human being and the soul. Each of these entities differs from the others with respect to their identity conditions, and so they must be ontologically distinct. In particular, Locke claimed, a person cannot survive total memory loss, although a human being or a soul can.
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  10. Spinoza’s Arguments for the Existence of God.Martin Lin - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (2):269-297.
    It is often thought that, although Spinoza develops a bold and distinctive conception of God (the unique substance, or Natura Naturans, in which all else inheres and which possesses infinitely many attributes, including extension), the arguments that he offers which purport to prove God’s existence contribute nothing new to natural theology. Rather, he is seen as just another participant in the seventeenth century revival of the ontological argument initiated by Descartes and taken up by Malebranche and Leibniz among others. That (...)
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  11. Substance, attribute, and mode in Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (2):144–153.
    Some of Spinoza's most well‐known doctrines concern what kinds of beings there are and how they are related to each other. For example, he claims that: (1) there is only one substance; (2) this substance has infinitely many attributes; (3) this substance is God or nature; (4) each of these attributes express the divine essence; and (5) all else is a mode of the one substance. These claims have so astonished many of his readers that some of them have surely (...)
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  12. Leibniz on the Modal Status of Absolute Space and Time.Martin Lin - 2015 - Noûs 50 (3):447-464.
  13. Spinoza's Panpsychism.Martin Lin - 2019 - In William Seager, The Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism. Routledge. pp. 36-43.
  14. (2 other versions)Metaphysical Rationalism.Martin Lin - 2019 - In Jack Stetter & Charles Ramond, Spinoza in Twenty-First-Century American and French Philosophy: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Moral and Political Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 121-143.
    Material from this paper appears in Chap. 7 of my book Reason and Being, but there is also stuff here that isn't in the book. In particular, it discusses the claims that, for Spinoza, conceiving implies explaining and that existence is identical to or reducible to conceivability. So, if you're interested in those issues, this paper might be worth a read.
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    Spinoza on the Metaphysics of Thought and Extension.Martin Lin - 2021 - In Don Garrett, The Cambridge companion to Spinoza. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 113-140.
  16. Efficient Causation in Spinoza and Leibniz.Martin Lin - 2014 - In Tad M. Schmaltz, Efficient Causation: A History. , US: Oup Usa. pp. 165-191.
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    The Contingency of the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles in Leibniz.Martin Lin - 2025 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 63 (1):75-96.
    abstract: Leibniz holds that there are no two perfectly similar things, a doctrine he calls the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (the PII). What is his attitude toward its modal status? Most commentators hold that the principle is best understood as a necessary truth because it is allegedly entailed by doctrines such as the conceptual containment theory of truth, the Principle of Sufficient Reason (the PSR), and the denial of purely extrinsic denominations, which are arguably regarded by Leibniz as (...)
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  18. Affirmation, judgment, and epistemic theodicy in Descartes and Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2019 - In Brian Andrew Ball & Christoph Schuringa, The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
  19. Affirmation, Judgment, and Epistemic Theodicy in Descartes and Spinoza.Martin Lin - 2019 - In Brian Andrew Ball & Christoph Schuringa, The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
  20. Modes, Predication, and Charity: A Reply to Melamed.Martin Lin - manuscript
    In this paper, I respond to criticisms of my book Being and Reason recently made by Yitzhak Melamed.
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  21. Spinoza and the Mark of the Mental.Martin Lin - 2017 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Hasana Sharp, Spinoza's Political Treatise: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 82-101.
  22. (1 other version)The Many Faces of Spinoza's Causal Axiom.Martin Lin - 2019 - In Sebastian Bender & Dominik Perler, Introduction. London: Routledge.
  23. Philosophy and Its History.Martin Lin - 2012 - In Stewart Duncan & Antonia LoLordo, Debates in Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses. New York: Routledge. pp. 363.
  24. Descartes and Spinoza on Judgment.Martin Lin - 2004 - In Martin Lin, Il Seicento e Descartes: Dibattiti cartesiani. pp. 269-291.
  25. Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Substance and Thought by Yitzhak Y. Melamed.Martin Lin - 2013 - The Leibniz Review 23:195-205.
  26. Time, causation, and abstract objects.Martin Lin - manuscript
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    Everything in Its Right Place: Spinoza and Life by the Light of Nature.Martin Lin - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (1):123-126.
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  28. Leibniz's Philosophical Theology.Martin Lin - 2011 - In Brandon Look, Continuum Companion to Leibniz. New York: Continuum.
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    Review of Nadler Steven, Spinoza's Heresy: Immortality and the Jewish Mind[REVIEW]Martin Lin - 2002 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2002 (12).
  30.  46
    Spinoza’s Metaphysics: Substance and Thought, by Yitzhak Melamed. [REVIEW]Martin Lin - 2013 - The Leibniz Review 23:187-194.
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    Review of Samual Newlands's Reconceiving Spinoza. [REVIEW]Martin Lin - 2019 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 1.