Results for 'Liliane Vana'

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  1.  11
    Dharma-darśana ke āyāma =: Dimensions of philosophy of religion: Pro. Sajīvana Prasāda smr̥ti grantha.Sajīvana Prasāda & Ambikādatta Śarmā (eds.) - 2014 - Dillī: saha-prakāśaka, Nyū Bhāratīya Buka Kôraporeśana.
    commemoration volume of Professor Sanjivan Prasada, 1940-2012, Indian philosopher; contributed research papers on comparative religion and philosophy of religion.
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    Sheng shi wei yan: Zheng Guanying wen wu ji.Lilian Chen & Xin Xu (eds.) - 2008 - [Aomen]: Aomen Tebie Xingzhengqu zheng fu wen hua ju.
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  3. Phalavatī: Jaiminīyasūtravr̥ttiḥ.Nāvalpākkam Tēvanātāccāriyar & Jaimini (eds.) - 1978 - Thanjavur: Tañjapurī Sarasvatīmahāl Granthālayasya Nirvāhakasamityāḥ.
    Anonymous commentary on Jaimini's Mīmāṃsāsūtra, aphoristic work setting forth the tenets of the Mīmāṃsā school in Hindu philosophy.
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    Vedāntavaijayantī.Nāvalpākkam Tēvanātāccāriyar - 1976 - Nāvalpākkam: Nāvalpākkam Ayyā Devanāthatātācāryasvāmi Śatābhiṣeka Mahotsavasamitiḥ.
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  5. Advaitavedānte Ajñānavimarśaḥ.Ke Viśvanātha - 2011 - Tirupati: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskr̥tavidyāpīṭham.
    On concept of ignorance in Advaita Vedanta philosophy.
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  6. On moral dilemmas: Winch, Kant and Billy Budd.Lilian Alweiss - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (2):205-218.
    This article queries Winch's view that moral issues are particular, subjective, context-dependent and not open to generalizations. Drawing on examples from film and literature, Winch believes he can prove first, that the universalisability principle is idle and second, that morality is wrongly conceived as a guide to moral conduct. Yet, neither example proves his point. Quite the contrary, they show that we face moral dilemmas only when moral theory fails to provide an answer to moral problems. Therfore, it is not (...)
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  7. Conditional Clauses: External and Internal Syntax.Liliane Haegeman - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (4):317-339.
    The paper focuses on the difference between event‐conditionals and premise‐conditionals. An event‐conditional contributes to event structure: it modifies the main clause event; a premise‐conditional structures the discourse: it makes manifest a proposition that is the privileged context for the processing of the associated clause. The two types of conditional clauses will be shown to differ both in terms of their ‘external syntax’ and in terms of their ‘internal syntax’. The peripheral structure of event conditionals will be shown to lack the (...)
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    ‘Many Voices, Resonating from Different Times and Spaces’: a Script for an Imaginary Radiophonic Piece on Janete El Haouli.Lílian Campesato & Valéria Bonafé - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):141-149.
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    Ethical implications of pharmacogenetics – do slippery slope arguments matter?Lilian Schubert - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (4):361–378.
    ABSTRACT Pharmacogenetics is a rapidly expanding area of research exploring the relationship between inter‐individual genetic variation and drug response, with the goal of developing genetically optimised therapies. Slippery slope arguments claim that a particular action should be rejected (or supported) because it might be the first step onto a slippery slope leading to undesirable (or desirable) consequences. In this article, several slippery slope arguments relevant to the context of pharmacogenetics are evaluated under consideration of underlying reasons for their popularity. The (...)
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  10. Is there an ‘end’ to philosophical scepticism?Lilian Alweiss - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (3):395-411.
    P F Strawson advocates a descriptive metaphysics. Contrary to Kant, he believes that metaphysics should be ‘content to describe the actual structure of thought about the world’, there is no need of postulating a world that lies beyond our grasp. We neither need to refute nor accept scepticism since we can ignore it with good reasons. Yet this paper argues that Strawson fails to provide us with good reasons. He fails to realise that one cannot do metaphysics by construing its (...)
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    Man karma and nibbãna in Theravãda Buddhist philosophy. Phrakhrubhãvanãbodhikun - 2011 - [Khon Kaen, Thailand]: Mahachulalongkornrajavidayalaya Buddhist University Khonkaen Campus.
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    Redefining Limits.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (4):35-45.
    Despite Michel Serres’s caution with figures of the limit, border, and boundary which philosophy and social theory put into play, his work can fruitfully be read as a proposal to rethink limits for a social and natural contract. By following up on the intimate connection between limits and law in his work, this paper shines a light on Serres’s argument for a parallelism of limits and laws; and particularly highlights the partially underacknowledged role of entropy for this matter. First, attention (...)
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    Corporate Governance in Asian Countries: Has Confucianism Anything to Offer?Lilian Miles & S. H. Goo - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (1):23-45.
    Although Confucianism is a resilient cultural tradition in Asian societies, its role in their corporate governance systems is ambiguous. Confucian values have been pushed to the periphery because of a preoccupation in these countries to emulate corporate governance systems from the West. This article argues that Confucianism has much to offer in enhancing director conduct and corporate governance standards. As the attention of the global business community turns eastwards, it is opportune to revive interest in Confucianism and to explore ways (...)
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    “The Temporal ‘Succession’ of Here and Now Situations”: Schütz and Garfinkel on Sequentiality in Interaction.Lilian Coates - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (3):469-491.
    The article re-examines the relationship between the works of Alfred Schütz and Harold Garfinkel, focusing on their respective approaches to temporality in interaction. Although there are good reasons to emphasize the differences between Schütz’s notion of individual projects of action and Garfinkel’s interest in communicative sequencing, there is also an interesting historical connection. In order to elucidate this connection, the article provides a close reading of the steps that lead Schütz from his premise of ‘egological’ time consciousness to his understanding (...)
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    The Early Numerals.Lilian M. Bagge - 1906 - The Classical Review 20 (05):259-267.
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    Relevance theory and the scope of the grammar.Liliane Haegeman - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):719.
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    La diversité culturelle et la précaution.Lilian Richieri Hanania - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):117-130.
    La présente contribution analyse dans quelle mesure une approche de précaution permettant de mettre en balance des intérêts de libéralisation commerciale et des préoccupations de diversité culturelle peut être caractérisée en droit international, sous quelles formes et par quels mécanismes. Elle examine l’application d’une telle approche en matière de commerce international en mettant en lumière le besoin de prudence dans l’articulation entre « commerce et culture », ainsi que la manière dont le droit international de la culture peut légitimer et (...)
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    Narrative production in low-educated individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and its relation to cognitive and brain volume measures.Lilian Hübner, Alexandre Nikolaev, Anderson Smidarle, Yawu Liu, Gustavo Cardoso, Vitor Monticelli, Jungmoon Hyun, Wyllians Borelli, Gislaine Jerônimo, Yves Joanette, Lucas Schilling & Fernanda Loureiro - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Carl Einstein et Benjamin Fondane: avant gardes et émigration dans le Paris des années 1920-1930.Liliane Meffre & Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Lang.
    Dans le Paris cosmopolite des années 1920 et 1930, les avant-gardes fleurissent et se fécondent mutuellement, grâce notamment à l'afflux d'émigrés du monde entier qui se sont expatriés pour des raisons politiques, idéologiques ou personnelles. Parmi eux, Carl Einstein, Allemand, et Benjamin Fondane, d'origine roumaine, tous deux Juifs et Parisiens de coeur, ont oeuvré en phase avec les courants d'avant-garde du début du siècle, travaillé au carrefour de l'esthétique, de la poésie, de la critique littéraire, de la philosophie et du (...)
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    Integral leadership for the 21 st century.Vana Prewitt - 2004 - World Futures 60 (4):327 – 333.
    Current leadership theories and business models - built around modernist assumptions about winners and losers, power and control, and local rather than global interactions - are decades out of date with what is needed to lead postindustrial and postmodern enterprises. This article calls for a collaborative and socially intelligent theory for leadership development based on Integral Science. This theory incorporates and unifies appropriate elements of current leadership research for a postmodern knowledge economy and seeks answers to questions still unanswered.
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    ENFOQUES DE ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO EN CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN: cartografía de los enfoques predominantes y sus implicaciones.Liliane C. S. Sousa & Fábio Parra Furlanete - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7260.
    El Análisis del Discurso desempeña un papel importante en los estudios de Ciencias de la Información, no sólo como método de investigación, sino también como herramienta de reflexión que enriquece la práctica profesional. Proponemos mapear el uso del Análisis del Discurso en la investigación en Ciencias de la Información, ya que este mapeo permite identificar tendencias, lagunas y oportunidades de investigación, contribuyendo al avance del conocimiento en el campo. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar estos enfoques del AD en (...)
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    The Application of Anglo‐American Corporate Practices in Societies Influenced by Confucian Values.Lilian Miles - 2006 - Business and Society Review 111 (3):305-321.
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    Unruly Microcosms in Contemporary Eco-Fiction.Liliane Campos - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):45-63.
    Abstract:This article theorizes the disruptive epistemic work performed by microcosms in recent eco-fiction. Contemporary fiction often explores large-scale ecological disruption through smaller organisms and environments, enabling readers to perceive the Earth through analogy, allegory and metaphor. Within and against this scale-free reading, I argue that the microcosm has become a fracturing trope that troubles relations between scales. Drawing on fiction by T. C. Boyle, A. S. Byatt, Amitav Ghosh, Ali Smith, and Karen Tei Yamashita, I read the microcosm as a (...)
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  24. Instant et cause. Le discontinu dans la pensée philosophique de l'Inde.Lilian Silburn - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (4):684-686.
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    The great defixio from Selinus: a reply.Lilian Η Jeffery - 1964 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 108 (1-4):211-216.
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  26. Verse: Travail.Lilian W. Burns - 1961 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 42 (1):76.
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    Extension du domaine de l’offense. Mouvement (féministe) d’humeur.Liliane Kandel - 2020 - Cités 82 (2):163-171.
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    Reducing Carbon Emissions: Strathmore University Contributions Towards Sustainable Development in Kenya.Lilian Njeri Munene - 2019 - African Journal of Business Ethics 13 (1).
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    L’histoire intellectuelle des techniques au Centre d’histoire des techniques et de l’environnement du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers.Liliane Pérez - 2009 - Revue de Synthèse 130 (1):147-164.
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    Hymnes aux kālī: la roue des énergies divines.Lilian Silburn - 1995 - Institut de Civilisation Indienne.
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    Instant et cause.Lilian Silburn - 1955 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Kuṇḍalinī: The Energy of the Depths.Lilian Silburn & Jacques Gontier - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):406-407.
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    Natural Deduction for ‘Generally’.Leonardo Vana, Paulo Veloso & Sheila Veloso - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):775-800.
    Logics for ‘generally’ were introduced for handling assertions with vague notions , which occur often in ordinary language and in science. LG’s provide a framework for distinct notions of ‘generally’: one builds a specific logic for the notion one has in mind. We introduce deductive systems, in natural deduction style, for LG’s and show that these systems are normalizable.
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    Towards cultural sociology of literature: The case of science fiction.Jan Váňa - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    What a refreshing read in the sociology of literature! Literary works are not just products of social forces, symbolic struggles and accumulated capitals. They have a power of their own – the power to capture and convey the essence and meaning of changing eras. Literature expresses the paradoxes of modern humanity differently than other textual accounts, moving and inspiring readers through its aesthetic form. This book is for social sciences and humanities scholars whose interest in literature goes beyond analysis to (...)
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  35. An embodied narrative perspective on transforming trauma and illness experience.Lilian Wilde & Sarah Pini - 2024 - In Anders Juhl Rasmussen & Morten Sodemann, Narrative Medicine: Trauma and Ethics. Vernon Press. pp. 15-26.
    Trauma is notoriously difficult to communicate, as it often defies understanding. It unfolds over time and cannot be told through linear narratives. Nevertheless, we show that narratives can become a medium through which experiences of trauma may be shared, alleviating the sense of alienation common to post-traumatic experience. Drawing from one of the authors’ lived experiences of cancer and her illness narrative, we focus on the question of whether traumatic events can be narrated, known, and shared. In conversation with one (...)
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    Higher education and the proposed European constitution.Lilian Winkvist - 2005 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 9 (2):57-64.
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  37. Réception de Madame Claire Lejeune à l'Académie Royale de Langue et de Littérature Françaises. 6 juin 1998.Liliane Wouters - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:213-220.
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    Biohacking y Transhumanismo: qué y por qué.Lílian Santos - 2021 - Relectiones 9:40-53.
    Un concepto que solía pertenecer al mundo de la informática (hacking) ahora se combina con las ciencias de la vida (bio). Sin gran dificultad, hemos empezado a ver la vida como un conjunto de datos, el ADN como un código, el cuerpo como una máquina y la mente como un software... todos susceptibles de ser leídos, manipulados y ahora incluso hackeados. ¿Pero manipulados por quiénes? Las comunidades de biohackers y DYIbio (do-it-yourself biology) quieren la biotecnología disponible para todos y la (...)
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    Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres.Lilian Kroth - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (2):21-35.
    Michel Serres’s philosophy of entropy takes what he famously calls the ‘Northwest Passage’ between the sciences and the humanities. By contextualizing his approach to entropy and affirming the role of a philosophy of difference, this paper explores Serres’s approach by means of ‘entropic differences’. It claims that entropy – or rather, entropies – provide Serres with a paradigmatic case for critical translations between different domains of knowledge. From his early Hermès series, through to The Birth of Physics and later writings (...)
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    Instant et cause: le discontinu dans la pensée philosophique de l'Inde.Lilian Silburn - 1989 - Editions De Boccard.
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    A Acolhida Como Fundamento da Pedagogia Franciscana.Liliane Pereira Alves & Marcio Paulo Cenci - 2023 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 16 (31):17-26.
    As práticas de ensino passam pela acolhida das novas gerações em instituições educacionais, principalmente por escolas e universidades. Como ocorre a compreensão dessa acolhida? E nas escolas franciscanas? A compreensão das práticas de acolhida se conecta com a noção de encontro franciscano? Para traçarmos as bases dessa compreensão, neste artigo, apresentamos as práticas de acolhida em São Francisco de Assis e Madre Madalena Daemen. Discutiremos binômios conceituais acerca do ouvir e escutar e da simpatia e empatia, como práticas associadas à (...)
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    Leopold Zunz, Alexander von Humboldt, and the Names of the Jews.Liliane Weissberg - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (2):81-94.
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    Challenges of genetic testing in adolescents with cardiac arrhythmia syndromes.Lilian Liou Cohen, Marina Stolerman, Christine Walsh, David Wasserman & Siobhan M. Dolan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (3):163-167.
    The ability to sequence individual genomes is leading to the identification of an increasing number of genetic risk factors for serious diseases. Knowledge of these risk factors can often provide significant medical and psychological benefit, but also raises complex ethical and social issues. This paper focuses on one area of rapid progress: the identification of mutations causing long QT syndrome and other cardiac channel disorders, which can explain some previously unexplained deaths in infants (SIDS) and children and adults (SUDS) and (...)
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  44. Un successeur de Bouguer : Étienne Bézout (1730-1783), commissaire et expert pour la marine.Liliane Alfonsi - 2010 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 63 (1):161-187.
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    Une amphore à grenat jaune du Latium à Amathonte.Liliane-Chantal Courtois & Bruce Velde - 1978 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 102 (2):977-981.
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    Categorical Equivalence Between $$\varvec{PMV}{\varvec{f}}PMVfProductAlgebrasandSemiLow PMV f -Product Algebras and Semi-Low \varvec{f}{\varvec{u}}$$ f u -Rings.Lilian J. Cruz & Yuri A. Poveda - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1135-1158.
    An explicit categorical equivalence is defined between a proper subvariety of the class of \-algebras, as defined by Di Nola and Dvurečenskij, to be called \-algebras, and the category of semi-low \-rings. This categorical representation is done using the prime spectrum of the \-algebras, through the equivalence between \-algebras and \-groups established by Mundici, from the perspective of the Dubuc–Poveda approach, that extends the construction defined by Chang on chains. As a particular case, semi-low \-rings associated to Boolean algebras are (...)
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    Sobre a psicologia no contexto da infância: da psicopatologização à inserção política.Lílian Cruz & Neuza Guareschi - 2004 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 20:77-90.
    Este artigo objetiva fazer um resgate histórico da infância no Brasil a partir do período denominado filantrópico-higienista até os dias atuais. Inicia com o Movimento da Escola Nova, com a instauração sutil das formas de disciplinarização. Logo, a introdução da Psicologia nas políticas públicas se ..
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  48. La universidad y la escuela de filosofía como ámbitos terapéuticos.Lilian González - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (39):221-245.
    La Universidad, y específicamente la escuela de filosofía, como centros de educación y de formación, están llamados a jugar un rol trascendental frente a la grave situación actual en relación con todos los aspectos de la vida. En tanto dominios de formación y transformación, entonces, han de a dejar de lado su condición de críticos y analistas pasivos de un contexto sistemáticamente difícil para devenir en un frente activo de reflexión y de búsqueda de posibilidades y de respuestas, en aras (...)
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  49. How Funds for'Good Causes' were Raised in the Middle Ages.Lilian G. Ping - 1935 - Hibbert Journal 34:400-17.
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    Sartre, images d'une vie: Commentaire de Simone de Beauvoir.Liliane Siegel, Simone de Beauvoir & Jean Paul Sartre - 1978 - Editions Gallimard.
    Album photographique consacré au philosophe et écrivain français. Au total, 181 documents en noir et blanc assortis de commentaires assez brefs, répartis dans un ordre thématique (le professeur, l'écrivain, etc.) et en partie chronologique.
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