Results for 'Ligia Pírela'

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  1. Estudio psicométrico de la prueba figura humana/Psychometric Study of the Human Figure Test.Marhilde Sánchez & Ligia Pírela - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (2):210-222.
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  2. Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal.Alfonso Pirela - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (3):483-495.
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    “Forest medicines,” Kinship Alliances, and Equivocations in the Contemporary Dialogues between Santo Daime and the Yawanawá.Lígia Duque Platero & Isabel Santana Rose - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):279-306.
    In this paper, we describe the spiritual and kinship alliances between heads of an urban Santo Daime church from Rio de Janeiro and some leaders of the Yawanawá people from the Amazonian region. We suggest that these alliances involve exchanges and dialogical relationships that hold different meanings for the diverse social actors that take part in them. Further, we argue that equivocation and functional misunderstandings have an important role in these multidirectional dialogues. Based on this case study, we approach the (...)
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    The paradox of the origin of political power in Rousseau.Ligia Pavan Baptista - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (s1):111-120.
    RESUMO:O presente artigo pretende abordar a forma original com a qual Rousseau focaliza a questão da origem do poder político, tema que é central na teoria política moderna. Em sua obra Do Contrato Social, o autor examina as razões, aparentemente paradoxais, pelas quais alguém, nascido livre, se escravizaria voluntariamente, obedecendo a outro e não a si próprio. Distanciando-se da influência de Hobbes e Locke, o autor apresenta a tese do contrato social, fundado no conceito de vontade geral, como o único (...)
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  5. A Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada de Reuven Feuerstein: A Modificabilidade em Alunos de Cursos Profissionalizantes.Ligia Helena Caldana Battistuzzo - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (1).
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    Rebuilding an Empire.Ligia Maura Costa - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:255-272.
    From modest beginnings, the conglomerate Odebrecht became one of the most relevant actors of development for Brazil and Latin America. By 2010, the conglomerate was elected the best family business in the world. Annual revenues rose from US$ 24 billion in 2008 to US$ 41.8 billion in 2014. However, by 2015 Odebrecht was in a very different situation, embroiled in a multi-billion-dollar corruption scandal. To illegally secure more than 100 projects, Odebrecht had paid approximately US$ 788 million in bribes across (...)
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    Your fantasies may be hazardous to your health: how your thoughts create your world.Ligia Dantes - 1995 - Rockport, Mass: Element.
    This text suggests that imagination is a powerful tool that can be used creatively or destructively, and argues that by becoming more conscious of how we use fantasy and are affected by it, we can learn to apply imagination more constructively.
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  8. Los caminos de la modernización.Ligia María Fadul & Fátima Fernández - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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    Sagrado Y obsceno: Conciliación de opuestos en la filmografía chalbaudeana.Aminor Méndez Pirela & Emperatriz Arreaza Camero - 2012 - Alpha (Osorno) 35:67-88.
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  10. Las ontologías regionales en la teoría egológica de Cossio.Alberto Serrano Pirela - 1971 - Anuario Filosófico 4 (1):347-362.
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    Ética ecológica y pensamiento amerindio desde la interculturalidad.Beatriz Sánchez Pirela - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45):81-96.
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    Descartes: um naturalista?Lígia Fraga Silveira - 1989 - Trans/Form/Ação 12:57-70.
    The difficulties and solutions found by Descartes to solve the problem of the union of the substances, are approached appealing to both his medical and moral conceptions put together.As dificuldades e soluções encontradas por Descartes para resolver o problema da união das substâncias, vistas a partir de uma aproximação entre suas concepções médicas e morais.
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  13. Filosofía para niñas y niños el diálogo filosófico en América Latina.Beatriz Sánchez Pirela - 2007 - Episteme 27 (1):127-137.
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    Rural Trends in Diagnosis and Services for Autism Spectrum Disorder.Ligia Antezana, Angela Scarpa, Andrew Valdespino, Jordan Albright & John A. Richey - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Filosofia para a Formação da Criança.Lígia de Almeida Durante - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    Resenha de: OLIVEIRA, Paula Ramos. Filosofia Para a Formação da Criança. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2004.
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  16. Una aproximación al acontecimiento y los sujetos interpretantes icónicos.Ligia Tavera Fenollosa - 2021 - In Fabiola de Lachica Huerta, Alicia Márquez Murrieta & Graciela de Garay Arellano (eds.), El acontecimiento al centro: cuatro estudios desde la sociología y la historia. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora.
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    Directions de Recherche Sur L’Interaction.Ligia Stela Florea - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (3):71-90.
    Research directions on interaction. This article proposes to consider interaction as a concept and an object of study based on pragmatics and textual linguistics, according to three approaches: discursive genres (Kerbrat-Orecchioni, 1990, 1992), place relationships (Vion, 1992), dialogism and polyphony (Bakhtine, 1970, 1984 and Ducrot, 1980, 1984). These approaches are illustrated by the analysis of several interaction situations: a political debate organised on Romanian television during the 2004 election campaign, two extracts from the literary works Les Parents terribles by Jean (...)
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    Interpellation, dialogisme et mise en scène du discours narratif dans La chute d’A. Camus.Ligia Stela Florea - 2010 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Childlessness in the Bible.Ligia M. Măcelaru - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (5):97-104.
    This study casts light on how the issue of childlessness is portrayed in the Bible. The discussion begins with a commentary on Michal’s story, which provides the foundation for further reflection on how childlessness was dealt with in the biblical world, especially in the situations where no miraculous divine solutions were provided. Several humanly devised solutions, acceptable and practiced in the ancient world are presented. The last part of the paper focuses on the more eschatological view of human existence provided (...)
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    “Forest medicines,” Kinship Alliances, and Equivocations in the Contemporary Dialogues between Santo Daime and the Yawanawá.Lígia Duque Platero & Isabel Santana de Rose - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):279-306.
    In this paper, we describe the spiritual and kinship alliances between heads of an urban Santo Daime church from Rio de Janeiro and some leaders of the Yawanawá people from the Amazonian region. We suggest that these alliances involve exchanges and dialogical relationships that hold different meanings for the diverse social actors that take part in them. Further, we argue that equivocation and functional misunderstandings have an important role in these multidirectional dialogues. Based on this case study, we approach the (...)
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    Gender dynamics in elementary school teaching: The advantages of men.Lígia Amâncio & Maria Helena Santos - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (2):195-210.
    This article presents a study that identifies the gender dynamics prevailing in a specific context of tokenism – elementary school teaching – in which the members of an otherwise socially dominant group are proportionally scarce – men. The results contradict Kanter’s theory by showing that male elementary school teachers do not experience the tokenism dynamics. In line with Williams’ gender perspective and Amâncio’s gender symbolic asymmetry, the article finds that although men constitute a small minority in elementary education, they do (...)
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    O Paradigma da Artificialidade e o Caráter Laico Do Estado Em Hobbes.Ligia Pavan Baptista - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (38):321-337.
    A questão da origem do poder político, na visão do filósofo contratualista inglês Thomas Hobbes, estabelece que o mesmo não está fundado nem vontade divina, nem na natureza, mas criado por um ato deliberado da vontade humana. Sendo criado por meio de um contrato, ou seja, uma transferência do direito natural à liberdade e à igualdade a um representante comum, o Estado, também chamado de Leviatã, é definido pelo autor como um Deus mortal. O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar (...)
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  23. Justiça, Liberdade e Igualdade no Pensamento Político Moderno.Ligia Pavan Baptista - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (2):62-69.
    Em sua obra República, Platão define a cidade ideal e, portanto, justa, como aquela construída de acordo com as diferentes características naturais de seus cidadãos. Na Callipolis, os seres humanos estariam divididos em categorias de acordo com suas características naturais e deveriam ocupar na polis diferentes postos, de acordo com tais categorias. A desigualdade natural é o paradigma da análise política, desde a Grécia clássica, permanecendo durante toda a Idade Média, até a modernidade, que introduz, sobretudo no pensamento contratualista/iluminista dos (...)
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    Percepção de risco de pessoas envolvidas com intoxicação por chumbo.Lígia Ebner Melchiori, Patrícia Kusumi, Ompr Rodrigues, Tânia Gracy do Valle, Vera Lúcia Messias Fialho Capellini & Carmem Maria Bueno Neme - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (45):63-72.
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    Imataca en la mira de la Modernidad: El crimen Perfecto.Beatriz Sánchez Pirela - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (28):113-122.
    In his novel The Perfect Crime , Jean Baudrillard interprets the excesses of rationality and the modernity that leads to the assasination of humanity. He presents us with what he calls “the history of a crime”. This work by Baudrillard is an excellent reference which leads us to a sad reality: th..
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    Perfíl de la discusión filosófica política contemporánea: una propuesta aristotélica.Pérez Pirela & Miguel Ángel - 2005 - Roma: Pontificia università gregoriana.
    Despues de diversos anos de monopolio utilitarista en el mundo filosofico politico anglosajon, aparece en 1971 Teoria de la justicia de John Rawls, un libro que cambio el modo de pensar los problemas de la filosofia politica. Tantos sus defensores como sus adversarios construyeron de modo tempestivo a lo largo de estos anos eso que hoy dia constituye la discusion entre liberalistas y comunitaristas. El autor se pronuncia criticamente en relacion a la posicion hoy dominante -el liberalismo- por medio de (...)
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    Política Nacional de Ciência Aberta em Portugal: recomendações do grupo de trabalho sobre Avaliação da ciência.Lígia Ribeiro, Maria Manuel Borges & Diana Silva - 2021 - Arbor 197 (799):a591.
    El 24 de marzo de 2016, por medio de la Resolución del Consejo de Ministros n. 21/2016, el Gobierno de Portugal, a través del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Educación Superior, anunció el compromiso de la ciencia con los principios y prácticas de Ciencia abierta. La misma resolución obligó al MCTES a crear un Grupo de Trabajo Interministerial con la misión de presentar una propuesta de Plan Estratégico para la implementación de una Política Nacional de Ciencia Abierta. El grupo de (...)
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    Apollo Agyeus in Mesembria.Ligia Ruscu - 2009 - Kernos 22:125-132.
    Die Schutzgottheit der Stadt Mesambria war Apollon, dessen Epiklesen hier jedoch unbekannt sind. Ich bringe hier eine Argumentation zur Identifizierung einer solchen Epiklese. Apollon Agyeus, der Torhüter und Übelabwehrer, gilt als dorischer Gott der Einwanderung, Eroberung und Inbesitznahme. Der Agyeus wird auch mittels Steinsymbolen desselben Namens dargestellt . In Mesambria fehlt die unmittelbare Bezeugung des Agyeuskultes, es kommen aber Funde aus der Stadt Anchialos zur Hilfe. Diese, ursprünglich ein phrurion der ionischen Nachbarstadt Apollonia, wurde von Mesambria erobert und blieb in (...)
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    On Nicopolis ad Istrum and her Territory.Ligia Cristina Ruscu - 2007 - História 56 (2):214-229.
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    A união substancial corpo-alma no 'mbito da nova ciência cartesiana.Ligia Fraga Silveira - 1984 - Trans/Form/Ação 7:25-36.
    The difficulties faced by Descartes to think about the body/soul substancial union, since he started from the real distinction of both the substances. An attempt to consider this conflicting union by means of a complementarity oposition.As dificuldades enfrentadas por Descartes para pensar a união substancial corpo/alma, já que partiu da distinção real das duas substâncias. Uma tentativa de pensar essa união conflitante em termos de uma oposição por complementaridade.
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    Film as a Method of Scientific Research: A Laboratory for Post-Modern Practices.Ligia Smarandache - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:217-232.
    This article posits that cinematic language should be reconsidered and validated as a means of research in the scientific world. It should no longer be seen as simply a disseminator of information, but also as a means of investigating reality. The new trends in cinema, specifically fiction-documentaries use various methods to investigate reality. These methods could be useful in a broader sense, namely in cross-disciplinary scientific research. The postmodern approach to the notion of complexity or narrative knowledge creates a favorable (...)
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    Imagens da alteridade: percepção da diferença/deficiência na representação cinematográfica.Lígia Tiemi Sumi - 2006 - Think - Caderno de Artigos e Casos ESPM/RS 4 (2):72-81.
  33. El mito Y la filosofía.Beatriz Sánchez Pirela - 2001 - Humanitas 28:109.
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  34. (1 other version)Hacia una ética ecológica: apuntes para la reflexión.Beatriz Sánchez Pirela - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 44 (1):10-11.
    El pensamiento mítico de los pueblos indígenas muestra una postura filosófica ante la vida basada en el respeto a la misma y en la armonía con la sacralidad de la naturaleza como particularidad específica de su conciencia mítica. Esta concepción resguarda una ética de la vida particular de estos pueblos, en quienes la naturaleza es divinizada y juega un rol principal. En el pensamiento racional occidental la naturaleza es vista como objeto, y sometida a una explotación similar a la de (...)
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    Brève histoire de l' « impasse » vénézuélienne.Miguel Angel Pérez Pirela - 2006 - Cités 28 (4):171-179.
    L’impasse dans laquelle se trouve aujourd’hui le Venezuela ne peut être abordée sans une prise en compte préalable du chemin démocratique que le pays a parcouru jusqu’à la situation qu’il connaît de nos jours. Cette situation est l’expression d’une division radicale de la population en deux parties, « chavistas » et « anti-chavistas »1. En effet, comment expliquer ce paradoxe..
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    Cuatro notas introductorias a la fenomenología jurídica de Carlos Cossio.Alberto Serrano Pirela - 1970 - Anuario Filosófico 3 (1):317-326.
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    Prolegómenos para el estudio de la teoría egológica.Alberto Serrano Pirela - 1969 - Anuario Filosófico 2 (1):333-353.
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    Alexithymia as a Transdiagnostic Precursor to Empathy Abnormalities: The Functional Role of the Insula.Andrew Valdespino, Ligia Antezana, Merage Ghane & John A. Richey - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    La genèse du sentir. Essais sur Merleau-Ponty. [REVIEW]Ligia Beltechi - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4):218-221.
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    Phenomenology of Time. [REVIEW]Ligia Beltechi - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4):371-375.
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    Corps En Souffrance / Corps En Vacances. L’Écrivain M. Blecher Et la Peintre Lucia Dem. Bălăcescu Dans le Sanatorium de Tekirghiol. [REVIEW]Ligia Tudurachi - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:113-143.
    Suffering bodies/ bodies on vacation. Writer M. Blecher and painter Lucia Dem. Bălăcescu in the Tekirghiol sanatorium. What we propose is an analysis of the creative sharing that two artists, M. Blecher and Lucia Dem. Bălăcescu, both suffering from a bone disease, developed it during their joint hospitalization in the C.T.C sanatorium in Tekirghiol for a year, in 1933-1934. The characteristic of this space is the presence of over 300 children, the sanatorium only exceptionally housing adults. From these children, who (...)
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  42. La acción comunicativa-cognitiva y el proceso de construcción de la arquitectura mental en la cibersociedad.Johann Pirela Morillo & Leisie Montiel - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Iberoamericana y Teoría Social 39:73-84.
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    Pensar la Familia de Hoy: El Paradigma de Los Derechos Humanos: Fin Del Régimen Patriarcal.Ligia Galvis Ortiz - 2011 - Aurora.
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  44. Lineamientos teórico-metodológicos de acompañamiento docente para el cambio de la práctica pedagógica en el laboratorio de informática en educación básica.Neliade González de Pirela - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (4):353-366.
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    Examining the Factorial Structure of the Maternal Separation Anxiety Scale in a Portuguese Sample.Maryse Guedes, Lígia Monteiro, António J. Santos, Nuno Torres & Manuela Veríssimo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The increase in women’s labor market participation emphasizes the importance of understanding maternal separation anxiety, that is, the unpleasant maternal emotional state, due to the actual or anticipated short-term separation from the child. Drawing on the insights of the attachment and psychoanalytic perspectives, the Maternal Separation Anxiety Scale was developed to overcome existing measurement gaps. However, prior research did not replicate its original three-factor structure in the contemporary context and in other cultural settings, using large samples composed of mothers of (...)
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    Indigenous futures and learnings taking place.Ligia López López & Gioconda Coello (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Singularizing progressive time bounds pasts, presents, and futures to cause-effect chains overdetermining existence in education and social life more broadly. Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place disrupts the common sense of "futures" in education or "knowledge for the future" by examining the multiplicity of possible destinies in coexistent experiences of living and learning. Taking place is the intention this book has to embody and word multiplicity across the landscapes that sustain life. The book contends that Indigenous perspectives open spaces for (...)
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    Indigenous futures and learnings taking place.Ligia Lo?pez Lo?pez & Gioconda Coello (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Singularizing progressive time bounds pasts, presents, and futures to cause-effect chains overdetermining existence in education and social life more broadly. Indigenous Futures and Learnings Taking Place disrupts the common sense of "futures" in education or "knowledge for the future" by examining the multiplicity of possible destinies in coexistent experiences of living and learning. Taking place is the intention this book has to embody and word multiplicity across the landscapes that sustain life. The book contends that Indigenous perspectives open spaces for (...)
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    La acción comunicativa-cognitiva y el proceso de construcción de la arquitectura mental en la cibersociedad.Johann Pirela Morillo & Leisie Montiel Spluga - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (39):73-84.
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  49. Gestión comunicacional de la agenda de internacionalización de los doctorados de la Universidad del Zulia/Communicational Management of the Agenda for Internationalizing Doctorates at the University of Zulia.Mary Ollarves, Miriam Miquilena & Dádiva Pirela - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (2):249-266.
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    Gender representations and the representation of person.Chairperson Laura Pires & Lígia Amâncio - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):999-1003.
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