Results for 'Ligai Di'

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  1.  31
    Psychological Status and Influencing Factors of Hospital Medical Staff During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Yang Yao, Yao Tian, Jing Zhou, Xin Diao, Bogan Cao, Shuang Pan, Ligai Di, Yan Liu, Hui Chen, Chunxia Xie, Yuanli Yang, Feiyu Li, Yuqi Guo & Shengyu Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    al-Tarbiyah al-fikrīyah fī ḍawʼ al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah al-Nabawīyah: dirāsah mawḍūʻīyah.Nādir Nimr Wādī - 2022 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Salām lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Tarjamah.
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    Compact representations of BL-algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Laurentiu Leustean - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):737-761.
    In this paper we define sheaf spaces of BL-algebras (or BL-sheaf spaces), we study completely regular and compact BL-sheaf spaces and compact representations of BL-algebras and, finally, we prove that the category of non-trivial BL-algebras is equivalent with the category of compact local BL-sheaf spaces.
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  4. Mind Out of Action: The Intentionality of Automatic Actions.Ezio Di Nucci - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    We think less than we think. My thesis moves from this suspicion to show that standard accounts of intentional action can't explain the whole of agency. Causalist accounts such as Davidson's and Bratman's, according to which an action can be intentional only if it is caused by a particular mental state of the agent, don't work for every kind of action. So-called automatic actions, effortless performances over which the agent doesn't deliberate, and to which she doesn't need to pay attention, (...)
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    Hedonic and eudaimonic well-being: the role of resilience beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits.Annamaria Di Fabio & Letizia Palazzeschi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Lecture on Ethics.Edoardo Zamuner, Ermelinda Valentina Di Lascio & D. K. Levy (eds.) - 2014 - Wiley.
    The most complete edition yet published of Wittgenstein’s1929 lecture includes a never-before published first draft andmakes fresh claims for its significance in Wittgenstein’soeuvre. The first available print publication of all known drafts ofWittgenstein’s Lecture on Ethics Includes a previously unrecognized first draft of the lectureand new transcriptions of all drafts Transcriptions preserve the philosopher’s emendationsthus showing the development of the ideas in the lecture Proposes a different draft as the version read by Wittgensteinin his 1929 lecture Includes introductory essays on (...)
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    The multidimensionality of cell behaviors underlying morphogenesis: a case study in ascidians.Anna Di Gregorio & Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (9):874-879.
    Databases where different types of information from different sources can be integrated, cross‐referenced and interactively accessed are necessary for building a quantitative understanding of the molecular and cell biology intrinsic to the morphogenesis of an embryo. Tassy and colleagues1 recently reported the development of software tailor‐made to perform such a task, along with the generation and integration of three‐dimensional anatomical models of embryos. They convincingly illustrated the utility of their approach by applying it to the early ascidian embryo. BioEssays 28: (...)
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    Glossario tommasiano fondamentale: communicatio, quaestio, desiderium, experientia, conscientia, contemplatio, electio, sanatio.Andrea Di Maio, Antonella Fani & Massimiliano D'Alessandro (eds.) - 2013 - Roma: Aracne.
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  9. The Crime of Galileo.GIORGIO DI SANTILLANA - 1958
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  10.  36
    An annotation scheme for Rhetorical Figures.Randy Allen Harris, Chrysanne Di Marco, Sebastian Ruan & Cliff O’Reilly - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (2):155-175.
  11.  17
    Religion and Rational Theology.Allen W. Wood & George di Giovanni (eds.) - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume collects for the first time in a single volume all of Kant's writings on religion and rational theology. These works were written during a period of conflict between Kant and the Prussian authorities over his religious teachings. His final statement of religion was made after the death of King Frederick William II in 1797. The historical context and progression of this conflict are charted in the general introduction to the volume and in the translators' introductions to particular texts. (...)
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    Evaluating the impact of experience value promotes user voice toward social media: Value co-creation perspective.Wanying Zhu, Zhounan Huangfu, Xiuping di XuWang & Ziang Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Experience value is positively associated with user voice toward social media, but existing research lacks an examination of its mechanisms of action. Based on value co-creation theory, this paper explores the relationship between experience value and customer voice, and explains the specific influence mechanism through the mediating role of user loyalty. The results of the empirical tests show that social value, entertainment value and information value have significant effects on user loyalty; user loyalty has a significant effect on promotive voice (...)
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  13. Introduction.Mirko Di Bernardo - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Mariologie er Oecumenisme: Église Orthodoxe: Doctrine Mariale et Influence sur I’Occident.A. Di Berardino - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):198-198.
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    Reply to Donald Rutherford.Stefano Di Bella - 2006 - The Leibniz Review 16:141-148.
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    Humor Affects Fairness Considerations in the Gain and Loss Contexts.Zhong Yang, Yue di FuQi, Ya Zheng, Qi Li & Xun Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Social Support and Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors: The Mediation Role of Illness Uncertainty.Zhichao Yu & Jia di SunSun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo examine the relations between social support, illness uncertainty, and fear of cancer recurrence.MethodsUsing data from a convenience sample of 231 breast cancer survivors in China to perform structural equation modeling with bootstrapping estimation. Participants were recruited from a general hospital in Shenyang, China. Participants completed the Perceived Social Support Scale, Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale, and Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory- Shorter Form.ResultsThe majority of breast cancer survivors have FCR. FCR was significantly negatively associated with social support, and was (...)
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  18. Abortion: Strong's counterexamples fail.Ezio Di Nucci - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5):304-305.
    This paper shows that the counterexamples proposed by Strong in 2008 in the Journal of Medical Ethics to Marquis’s argument against abortion fail. Strong’s basic idea is that there are cases — for example, terminally ill patients — where killing an adult human being is prima facie seriously morally wrong even though that human being is not being deprived of a "valuable future". So Marquis would be wrong in thinking that what is essential about the wrongness of killing an adult (...)
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  19. Maria Caterina demuru il carteggio carducci-chiarini: Viaggio tra le memorie di un'amicizia E di Una passione letteraria.Il Carteggio Carducci-Chiarini & Viaggio Tra le Memorie di Un - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    State-morphism MV-algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Anatolij Dvurečenskij - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):161-173.
    We present a stronger variation of state MV-algebras, recently presented by T. Flaminio and F. Montagna, which we call state-morphism MV-algebras. Such structures are MV-algebras with an internal notion, a state-morphism operator. We describe the categorical equivalences of such state MV-algebras with the category of unital Abelian ℓ-groups with a fixed state operator and present their basic properties. In addition, in contrast to state MV-algebras, we are able to describe all subdirectly irreducible state-morphism MV-algebras.
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    A Reply to Critics of In Defense of Kant’s Religion.George di Giovanni - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (2):210-228.
    In this essay, I reply to the above four critics of In Defense of Kant’s Religion (IDKR). In reply to George di Giovanni, I highlight the interpretive differencesthat divide the authors of IDKR and di Giovanni, and argue that di Giovanni’s atheist reading of Kant does not follow, even granting his premises. In reply to Pamela Sue Anderson, I show that if her reading of Kant is accurate, Kant’s own talk of God becomes empty and contemptible by his own lights, (...)
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  22.  22
    Crossmodal Correspondences in Art and Science: Odours, Poetry, and Music.Nicola Di Stefano, Maddalena Murari & Charles Spence - 2021 - In Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo (eds.), Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 155-189.
    Odour-sound correspondences provide some of the most fascinating and intriguing examples of crossmodal associations, in part, because it is unclear from where exactly they originate. Although frequently used as similes, or figures of speech, in both literature and poetry, such smell-sound correspondences have recently started to attract the attention of experimental researchers too. To date, the findings clearly demonstrate that the majority of non-synaesthetic individuals associate orthonasally-presented odours with various different sound properties, e.g., pitch, instrument type, and timbre, in a (...)
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  23.  28
    DesignArt. Ibridazioni creative tra arte e oggetti d’uso.Elisabetta Di Stefano - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 61:65-76.
    Oggi il mondo dell’arte si apre a un’ibridizzazione di forme e generi. La bellezza e la creatività, categorie fondamentali dell’arte secondo la tradizione idealistica e romantica, trovano nella vita quotidiana nuovi territori da colonizzare. In questo panorama di esteticità diffusa un fenomeno acquista particolare interesse: la DesignArt. La DesignArt costituisce un’intersezione tra due ambiti della creatività storicamente volti l’uno a progettare per l’industria oggetti seriali, utili ed esteticamente gradevoli, l’altro a ideare opere uniche e belle, ma senza scopo. Il luogo (...)
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  24. La storia della filosofia.di Remo Bodei - 1992 - In Pietro Rossi (ed.), Hegel: guida storica e critica. Roma: Laterza.
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  25. Esperienza estetica e realtà.Ettore Bonessio di Terzet - 1976 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    Solitudine e comunicazione estetica.Ettore Bonessio di Terzet - 1976 - Genova: Fratelli Bozzi.
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  27.  22
    Metafisica dei diritti umani. 1948-2018. Per il 70° anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani.Elisa Grimi & Luca Di Donato (eds.) - 2020 - Roma RM, Italia: Stamen.
    «Nel settantesimo anno della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo si susseguono riflessioni, studi e pubblicazioni. la molteplicità degli approfondimenti e la vastità delle prospettive di analisi rivelano l’ampiezza e la complessità della tematica. il solo approccio capace di giungere ad una rilevante e feconda proposta, che tenga insieme la pluralità dei punti di vista e dunque delle culture che i diritti rappresentano, rinvia ad un aggiornamento che celebra la persona come soggetto di doveri prima ancora che di diritti. inserirsi in (...)
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  28.  13
    Instructions, intentions and expectations.Bonnie Webber, Norman Badler, Barbara Di Eugenio, Chris Geib, Libby Levison & Michael Moore - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 73 (1-2):253-269.
  29. Āthār Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Iṣfahānī: mabāḥith ʻaqlīyah wa-taḥqīqāt naṣṣīyah fī al-milal wa-al-niḥal.Muḥyī al-Dīn Iṣfahānī - 2022 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Rayāḥīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    al-Kitāb al-awwal. al-Qawāʻid al-Badrīyah fī ʻaqāʼid al-barīyah -- al-kitāb al-thānī. Masālik al-naẓar fī masālik al-bashar -- al-kitāb al-thālith. Taʻjīz al-mustaʻjaz.
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    Kifāyat al-muḥaqqiq fī fann al-manṭiq.Aḥmad ibn Sulaymān Arwādī - 2018 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Iḥsān. Edited by Aḥmad Ḥusayn Azharī.
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  31. Rortyan variations on Santayana: tradition, rupture and project.Maria Aurelia Di Berardino - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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  32. Seis lecciones en torno al hombre.Alberto Díaz Tejera - 1976 - [Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla].
    Humanismo básico. Humanismo e historicidad. Humanismo y libertad. Humanismo y díalogo. Lenguaje y verdad. Existencia, fermento de lo trágico.
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  33.  3
    «Fede, ragione e carità: una prospettiva tommasiana.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - Annales Theologici 38:199-216.
    Nell’ambito degli studi su fede e ragione nel pensiero di Tommaso d’Aquino, si è solitamente scelto di mostrare l’armonia dell’una e dell’altra attraverso ciò che le accomuna, ossia il fatto che la fede abbia un carattere intellettuale in quanto essa è assenso dell’intelletto alla rivelazione. Limitare la fede a questo, tuttavia, la espone al giudizio della ragione e quindi alla possibilità di essere rifiutata, se ciò è richiesto dal criterio dell’evidenza. In questa sede, dopo aver ricordato che per Tommaso la (...)
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  34.  12
    Idealtypen per una tipologia degli atti istituzionali.Paolo Di Lucia - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 39:133-145.
    Zwar kann der Akt – sofern er sich in gesprochenen oder geschriebenen Worten ausdrückt selbst etwas über seine Bedeutung aussagen, seinen eigenen Sinn angeben.Darin liegt sogar eine besondere Eigentümlichkeit des der sozialen und insbesondere der juristischen Erkenntnis gegebenen Materials. Certamente l’atto, in quanto si esprime a voce o per iscritto, di per sé può dire qualcosa attorno al suo senso, può dichiarare il proprio senso.In ciò consiste una speciale caratteristica del materiale og...
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    Analysis of the status of informed consent in medical research involving human subjects in public hospitals in Shanghai.Wang Jianping, Lan Li, Zhongjin di XueTang, Xieyang Jia, Rong Wu, Yiqun Xi, Tong Wang & Ping Zhou - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):415-419.
  36. Coordination of transport and manipulation components in prehensive movement.Sa Wallace & Di Weeks - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):328-328.
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  37.  24
    Temporal patterns in multi-modal social interaction between elderly users and service robot.Ning Wang, Alessandro Di Nuovo, Angelo Cangelosi & Ray Jones - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (1):4-24.
    Social interaction, especially for older people living alone is a challenge currently facing human-robot interaction (HRI). There has been little research on user preference towards HRI interfaces. In this paper, we took both objective observations and participants’ opinions into account in studying older users with a robot partner. The developed dual-modal robot interface offered older users options of speech or touch screen to perform tasks. Fifteen people aged from 70 to 89 years old, participated. We analyzed the spontaneous actions of (...)
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  38. Falsafat al-tarbiyah ʻinda Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʼ.Nādiyah Jamāl al-Dīn - 1983 - al-Qāhirah: Manshūrāt S. Abū Dāwūd, al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Ṣiḥāfah, Ahlan.
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    Mahāmahopādhyāya Śrīmadanantakr̥shṇaśāstrīkr̥ta Advaitatattvaśuddhi kā samālocanātmaka adhyayana.Dīpaka Kāliyā - 2014 - Dillī: Je. Pī. Pabliśiṅga Hāusa.
    Critical study on Advaitatattvasudhā by N. S. Anantakrishna Sastri, work on Advaita Philosophy.
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  40. Filling the Gap, or Jumping Over It? Emergentism and Naturalism.M. Di Francesco - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (1):93-120.
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    Harnessing rhetorical figures for argument mining.Randy Allen Harris & Chrysanne Di Marco - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):289-310.
    The generalised, automated reconstruction of the reasoning structures underlying persuasive communication is an enormously challenging task. While this work in argument mining is increasingly informed by the rich tradition of argumentation studies outside the computational field, the rhetorical perspective on argumentation is thus far largely ignored. To explore the application of rhetorical insights in argument mining, we conduct a pilot study on the connection between rhetorical figures and argumentation structure. Rhetorical figures are linguistic devices that perform a variety of functions (...)
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  42.  42
    Computational Approach to Musical Consonance and Dissonance.Lluis L. Trulla, Nicola Di Stefano & Alessandro Giuliani - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  43.  25
    A Conceptual Analysis of Food Parenting Practices in the Light of Self-Determination Theory: Relatedness-Enhancing, Competence-Enhancing and Autonomy-Enhancing Food Parenting Practices.Roberta Di Pasquale & Andrea Rivolta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  44.  23
    Che cos’è un disegno e perché si disegna.Giuseppe Di Napoli - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 47:61-81.
    A simple line drawing can reproduce a vast collection of phenomenal discontinuities: optical, material, chromatic, and also of density, dimension, resistance. All these discontinuities correspond to physical realities quite different from each other. This fact leads us to consider that our brain can retrieve from a pencil stroke a broad and amazing lot information at several levels, from the physical to the phenomenological, from the logical to the cognitive. Drawing demonstrates the existence in our brain of a complex communication web (...)
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    Retraction Note to: Strategic Bombing, Causal Beliefs, and Double Effect.Ezio Di Nucci - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (2):361-361.
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    Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi.George di Giovanni - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  47. La critica estetistica dell'idealismo in G. Ferretti e U. Spirito.Dino di Giorgi - 1942 - Palermo,: Edizioni GUF.
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  48. Mukcha.Di Mo - 1977
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  49. Mo jing tong jie.Di Mo - 1960 - Edited by Chʻi-Huang Chang.
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  50. Mê Ti des sozialethikers und seiner schüler philosophische werke.Di Mo - 1922 - Berlin,: Kommissionsverlag der Vereinigung wissenschaftlicher verleger. Edited by Alfred Forke.
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