Results for 'Letitia Guran'

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  1.  10
    In Marx's Shadow: Knowledge, Power, and Intellectuals in Eastern Europe and Russia.Clemena Antonova, Aurelian Craiutu, Mikhail Epstein, Elena Gapova, Letitia Guran, Ivars Ijabs, Natasa Kovacevic, Jeffrey Murer, Veronika Tuckerova, Vladimir Tismaneanu & Maria Todorova (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    The volume draws attention to the unknown and unexplored areas, trends and ways of thinking under the communist regime. It demonstrates how various bodies of knowledge were produced, disseminated and used for a wide variety of purposes: from openly justifying dominant political views to framing oppositional and non-official discourses and practices.
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  2. Introduction: Minding Bodies.–Sue campbell, Letitia Meynell, Susan Sherwin.Letitia Meynell - 2009 - In Sue Campbell, Letitia Meynell & Susan Sherwin (eds.), Embodiment and Agency. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 1--21.
  3. The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution.Letitia Meynell - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (3):218-222.
  4. The politics of pictured reality : locating the object from nowhere in fMRI.Letitia Meynell - 2012 - In Robyn Bluhm, Anne Jaap Jacobson & Heidi Lene Maibom (eds.), Neurofeminism: issues at the intersection of feminist theory and cognitive science. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  5.  67
    Picturing Feynman Diagrams and the Epistemology of Understanding.Letitia Meynell - 2018 - Perspectives on Science 26 (4):459-481.
    In this paper, I take up the following puzzle: If Feynman diagrams represent states of affairs, but do not do so truthfully what can their epistemic value be? I argue that Feynman diagrams have been epistemically powerful (at least in part) because, as pictorial representations, they facilitate an understanding of quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theories more generally. Drawing on Richard Feynman’s own remarks and Catherine Z. Elgin’s account of the role of understanding in science, I tease out what it (...)
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    Ethical self‐making, moral experimentation, and humanitarian encounter: Interdisciplinary engagement with the anthropology of ethics.Letitia M. Campbell - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (4):585-595.
    The interdisciplinary group of authors featured in this focus issue contribute to conversations at the intersection of anthropology and ethics by exploring ethical self‐making and moral experimentation among faith‐based actors in a range of humanitarian settings. Kari Henquinet describes the genealogies of American evangelical humanitarianism by focusing on the ethical self‐formation of early World Vision leaders. Rachel Schneider and Sara Williams each explore practices by which relatively privileged individuals seek to cultivate virtue by engaging with those on the margins, in (...)
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    Paradox lost? No, paradox found! Reply to Tomasello and Akhtar.Letitia R. Naigles - 2003 - Cognition 88 (3):325-329.
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  8. Imagination and insight: a new acount of the content of thought experiments.Letitia Meynell - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4149-4168.
    This paper motivates, explains, and defends a new account of the content of thought experiments. I begin by briefly surveying and critiquing three influential accounts of thought experiments: James Robert Brown’s Platonist account, John Norton’s deflationist account that treats them as picturesque arguments, and a cluster of views that I group together as mental model accounts. I use this analysis to motivate a set of six desiderata for a new approach. I propose that we treat thought experiments primarily as aesthetic (...)
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    Why feynman diagrams represent.Letitia Meynell - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):39 – 59.
    There are two distinct interpretations of the role that Feynman diagrams play in physics: (i) they are calculational devices, a type of notation designed to keep track of complicated mathematical expressions; and (ii) they are representational devices, a type of picture. I argue that Feynman diagrams not only have a calculational function but also represent: they are in some sense pictures. I defend my view through addressing two objections and in so doing I offer an account of representation that explains (...)
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    Gendering animals.Letitia Meynell & Andrew Lopez - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4287-4311.
    In this paper, we argue that there are good, scientifically credible reasons for thinking that some nonhuman animals might have genders. We begin by considering why the sex/gender distinction has been important for feminist politics yet has also been difficult to maintain. We contrast contemporary views that trouble gender with those typical of traditional sex difference research, which has enjoyed considerable feminist critique, and argue that the anthropocentric focus of feminist accounts of gender weakens these critiques. Then, drawing from Jordan-Young’s (...)
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  11. Images and Imagination in Thought Experiments.Letitia Meynell - 2017 - In Michael T. Stuart, Yiftach Fehige & James Robert Brown (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments. London: Routledge.
  12.  23
    The use of multiple frames in verb learning via syntactic bootstrapping.Letitia R. Naigles - 1996 - Cognition 58 (2):221-251.
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    On Political Correctness.Letitia Meynell - 2017 - Dialogue 56 (4):799-804.
    What I propose in this article are ways to think about and discuss cases of political correctness so as to avoid polarizing polemics and increase mutual understanding. The goal is to help us envision and create a more just and equitable institution by talking with each other rather than talking past each other. I maintain that politically correct interventions are motivated by the following three claims about the current term or practice that they seek to reform: 1) the term or (...)
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    Christian Ethics and Human Trafficking Activism: Progressive Christianity and Social Critique.Letitia M. Campbell & Yvonne C. Zimmerman - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):145-172.
    This essay argues that the antitrafficking movement's dominant rhetorical and conceptual framework of human trafficking as "sold sex" has significant limitations that deserve greater critical moral reflection. This framework overlooks key issues of social and economic injustice, and eclipses the experiences of marginalized people and communities, including immigrants and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer people, whose welfare and empowerment have been key concerns for progressive people of faith. By asking what insights progressive Christian social ethics might contribute to (...)
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    Du bricolage de la mémoire à la construction de l'identité sociale.Milton Guran - 2007 - Rue Descartes 58 (4):67-81.
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    Rendre la couronne au Christ. Étude sur la fin de l’idée impériale byzantine, bespr. von Tudor Teoteoi.Petre Guran - 2023 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 116 (3):1096-1102.
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    Applied Ethics Primer.Letitia Meynell & Clarisse Paron - 2023 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _The Applied Ethics Primer_ offers a concise introduction to both basic argumentation and normative ethical theory. The concepts discussed reflect the ethical theories that currently ground most professional ethics codes and debates in applied ethics. More inclusive than many similar resources, this primer gives students a sense of the truly global history of ethics, while remaining squarely focused on providing practical tools for ethical decision-making. -/- Also available as an open educational resource (see link below). -/- (Don't buy it from (...)
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  18.  52
    Dredging the Third Wave: Reflections on the Feminism of the Nineties.Letitia Mercia Meynell - 2001 - Social Philosophy Today 17:179-201.
    In this paper I examine third wave leminism in the hopes of shedding light on its relationship to the concurrent contemporary backlash against leminism. I investigate this by attempting to answer two questions. First, given the nature of the first and second waves, is the third wave appropriately so called? I tentatively conclude that it is not. Second, I ask whether the issue of identity, which is central to third wave analysis, is addressed well by third wavers. I suggest that (...)
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    The Effects of the Socratic Logos.Létitia Mouze - 2019 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 45:13-38.
    Le discours socratique est toujours présenté par Platon comme cause d’effets affectifs : il bouleverse, provoque la colère ou la honte, donnant ainsi l’impression aux interlocuteurs du philosophe d’être ensorcelés par lui. C’est seulement par ce biais qu’il agit aussi sur la partie rationnelle de l’âme, en modifiant éventuellement ses opinions. La raison en est qu’il cherche à influer, non pas sur la partie rationnelle de l’âme, mais sur l’âme tout entière : les opinions dépendent en effet de l’ensemble de (...)
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    Platon: une philosophie de l'éducation.Létitia Mouze - 2016 - Paris: Ellipses.
    Plutôt que de proposer des monographies objectives et académiques, la collection "aimer les philosophes" laisse le champ libre à de grands spécialistes pour livrer une lecture personnelle de l'auteur ou du courant philosophique qui est au cœur de leur vie spirituelle. Un cheminement de pensée enthousiaste en compagnie des classiques de notre tradition.
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  21. Se connaître soi-même: Tragédie, bonheur et contingence: La Poétique d'Aristote: Lectures morales et politiques de la tragédie.Létitia Mouze - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4:566-567.
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    A critique of Bem's "Exotic Becomes Erotic" theory of sexual orientation.Letitia Anne Peplau, Linda D. Garnets, Leah R. Spalding, Terri D. Conley & Rosemary C. Veniegas - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (2):387-394.
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  23. Evolutionary Psychology, Ethology, and Essentialism (Because What They Don't Know Can Hurt Us).Letitia Meynell - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (1):3-27.
    In 2002, Evolution and Human Behavior published a study purporting to show that the differences in toy preferences commonly attributed to girls and boys can also be found in male and female vervet monkeys, tracing the origin of these differing preferences back to a common ancestor. Despite some flaws in its design and the prima facie implausibility of some of its central claims, this research received considerable attention in both scientific circles and the popular media. In what follows, I survey (...)
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    Chasse à l'homme et faux-semblants dans le Sophiste de Platon.Létitia Mouze - 2020 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  25.  48
    Form is easy, meaning is hard: resolving a paradox in early child language.Letitia R. Naigles - 2002 - Cognition 86 (2):157-199.
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  26. Getting the Picture: A New Account of Scientific Understanding.Letitia Meynell - 2020 - In Milena Ivanova & Steven French (eds.), The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding. New York: Routledge. pp. 36-62.
    In recent years there has been increasing interest in scientific understanding as an epistemic success term that is distinct from scientific knowledge (see, for example, De Regt, Leonelli and Eigner 2009). Although this literature is diverse, three dominant strands can be found that have rather deeper roots in the philosophy of science: understanding as unification (Friedman 1974; Kitcher 1981); understanding through mechanistic thinking as in certain types of causal modelling (Salmon 1998; Woodward 2003); and a kind of contextualist pluralist approach (...)
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  27.  43
    Susan Sherwin: Shaping a More Just Bioethics.Letitia Meynell & Kirstin Borgerson - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):1-8.
  28. The Power and Promise of Developmental Systems Theory.Letitia Meynell - 2008 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 3 (2):88-105.
    I argue that it is time for many feminists to rethink their attitudes towards evolutionary biology, not because feminists have been wrong to be deeply sceptical about many of its claims, both explicit and implicit, but because biology itself has changed. A new appreciation for the importance of development in biology has become mainstream and a new ontology, associated with developmental systems theory, has been introduced over the last two decades. This turn challenges some of the features of evolutionary biology (...)
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    Normalising The Good Doctor … and Other Health Services Personnel: Commentary on Deborah Oyer’s Review of The Good Doctor.Letitia Helen Burridge - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2):113-113.
    The topic of Ron Paterson’s book which was recently reviewed by Deborah Oyer only scratches the surface of a disturbing problem that is not confined to medicine, as health care delivery is a multidisciplinary experience for patients. I hear stories from patients about bullying dieticians, callous nurses, and institutions that espouse patient-centred care yet fail to deliver it to individuals who are unwell, worried, and vulnerable in an unfamiliar environment into which they have come for help. Maybe being conversant with (...)
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    Gender and Medical Inspections at Ellis Island.Letitia Johnson - 2016 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 7 (1):15.
    For many immigrants to the United States, between 1892 and 1924, admission was contingent upon a medical inspection at an immigration centre, such as the one located at Ellis Island in the harbour of New York City. Much like passing through customs or security at airports today, these medical inspections were dreaded by immigrant travellers, and United States Government and Public Health Service publications show that these medical inspections were escalating in intensity and emphasis during the early twentieth-century. The purpose (...)
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  31. What’s Wrong with (Narrow) Evolutionary Psychology.Letitia Meynell - 2020 - In Kristen Intemann & Sharon Crasnow (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 303-15.
    In this chapter, Meynell offers an overview of a specific scientific research program known as evolutionary psychology. She begins by defining two senses of this moniker in order to clearly circumscribe that which has been the target of most critique—feminist and otherwise. She reviews the key commitments of this problematic research program and rehearses common criticisms before illustrating them with a case study. The chapter concludes with some reflections on the rhetorical positioning of this research program and a few remarks (...)
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  32. Pictures, pluralism, and feminist epistemology: Lessons from “coming to understand”.Letitia Meynell - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (4):pp. 1-29.
    Meynell’s contention is that feminists should attend to pictures in science as distinctive bearers of epistemic content that cannot be reduced to propositions. Remarks on the practice and function of medical illustration—specifically, images Nancy Tuana used in her discussion of the construction of ignorance of women’s sexual function (2004)—show pictures to be complex and powerful epistemic devices. Their affinity with perennial feminist concerns, the relation between epistemic subject and object, and the nature of social knowledge, are of particular interest.
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    Response.Letitia Helen Burridge - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (2):269-269.
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  34. Introduction: Minding bodies.Letitia Meynell - 2009 - In Sue Campbell, Letitia Meynell & Susan Sherwin (eds.), Embodiment and Agency. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  35.  35
    Le beau et le vrai.Létitia Mouze - 2006 - Methodos 6.
    La vie des abeilles de Maeterlinck est un ouvrage à la fois scientifique et littéraire, non pas parce qu’il appartiendrait à la science par son exactitude et à la littérature par son style, mais en ce qu’il invite à penser l’unité des deux domaines. Les aspects littéraires de l’ouvrage (beauté de l’écriture, usage des images, de l’analogie, etc.) ne sont pas des accessoires, mais des outils indispensables à l’élaboration d’un authentique savoir sur les abeilles, c’est-à-dire un savoir qui reconnaît la (...)
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    Ethical Challenges and Interpretive Difficulties with Non-Clinical Applications of Pediatric fMRI.Andrew Fenton, Letitia Meynell & Françoise Baylis - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (1):3-13.
    In this article, we critically examine some of the ethical challenges and interpretive difficulties with possible future non-clinical applications of pediatric fMRI with a particular focus on applications in the classroom and the courtroom - two domains in which children come directly in contact with the state. We begin with a general overview of anticipated clinical and non-clinical applications of pediatric fMRI. This is followed by a detailed analysis of a range of ethical challenges and interpretive difficulties that trouble the (...)
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    Se connaître soi-même : tragédie, bonheur et contingence.Létitia Mouze - 2003 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 67 (4):483.
    Résumé — II s’agit ici de montrer que la mimèsis tragique chez Aristote a un sens éthique, dans la mesure où elle donne à réfléchir sur les conditions du bonheur humain. En effet, en montrant des personnages soumis aux vicissitudes de la fortune, elle donne à réfléchir sur la contingence du bonheur, que la vertu ne suffit pas à assurer. En ce sens, la mimèsis tragique est le pendant de l’Éthique à Nicomaque qui définit les conditions morales du bonheur. Ce (...)
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    Picture hooks: prelude to an aesthetic epistemololgy.Letitia Mercia Meynell - unknown
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  39. Parsing pictures: on analyzing the content of images in science.Letitia Meynell - 2013 - The Knowledge Engineering Review 28 (3): 327-345.
    In this paper I tackle the question of what basic form an analytical method for articulating and ultimately assessing visual representations should take. I start from the assumption that scientific images, being less prone to interpretive complication than artworks, are ideal objects from which to engage this question. I then assess a recent application of Nelson Goodman's aesthetics to the project of parsing scientific images, Laura Perini's ‘The truth in pictures’. I argue that, although her project is an important one, (...)
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  40. 36th International Hume Society Conference. Naturalism and Hume’s Philosophy. Conference Papers.Letitia Meynell, Donald Baxter, Nathan Brett & Lívia Guimaraes (eds.) - 2009 - The Printer.
  41.  15
    Christophe Rogue : Comprendre Platon.Létitia Mouze - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:226-227.
    L’ouvrage de Christophe Rogue, Comprendre Platon, présente l’ensemble de la philosophie platonicienne, à l’exception peut-être de son aspect politique, abordé rapidement au chapitre 3. Il ne s’agit pas là cependant d’une lacune de l’ouvrage, mais d’une nécessité interne à son projet : Ch. Rogue propose une interprétation de l’ensemble des Dialogues, et c’est le fil directeur de l’ouvrage qui a pour conséquence la place réduite des aspects proprement politiques de la réflexion platonicienne. I...
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  42.  21
    Desmos et philia chez Platon.Létitia Mouze - 2020 - Astérion 22 (22).
    I propose to explore Plato’s political notion of “bond” (desmos) and to determine its relationship with philia (friendship) between citizens, a sine qua non condition of community, and which can be identified with what we call “the social link”. In this perspective, two texts are examined: The Laws, VII, 793a-d and The Statesman, 305e sqq.). Although the term desmos is examined in each of them from a different point of view (objectively in the Laws, where it designates the customs which (...)
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  43. La dernière tragédie de Platon.Letitia Mouze - 1998 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 16 (2):79-102.
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  44. Réflexions sur la rationalité dans les dialogues de platon.Létitia Mouze - 2005 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 25:61-81.
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  45. E. Glenn Schellenberg (university of windsor) expectancy in melody: Tests of the implication-realization model, 75-125.Letitia R. Naigles & Judit Druks - 1996 - Cognition 58:377-378.
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    Why theories of word learning don't always work as theories of verb learning.Letitia R. Naigles - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1113-1114.
    Bloom's theory of word learning has difficulty accounting for children's verb acquisition. There is no predominant preverbal event concept, akin to the preverbal object concept, to direct children's early event-verb mappings. Children may take advantage of grammatical and linguistic information in verb acquisition earlier than Bloom allows. A distinction between lexical and grammatical learning is difficult to maintain for verb acquisition.
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    Mandarin learners use syntactic bootstrapping in verb acquisition.Joanne N. Lee & Letitia R. Naigles - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):1028-1037.
  48.  29
    I feel good, therefore I am real: Testing the causal influence of mood on state authenticity.Alison P. Lenton, Letitia Slabu, Constantine Sedikides & Katherine Power - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1202-1224.
    Although the literature has focused on individual differences in authenticity, recent findings suggest that authenticity is sensitive to context; that is, it is also a state. We extended this perspective by examining whether incidental affect influences authenticity. In three experiments, participants felt more authentic when in a relatively positive than negative mood. The causal role of affect in authenticity was consistent across a diverse set of mood inductions, including explicit (Experiments 1 and 3) and implicit (Experiment 2) methods. The link (...)
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    The Scientific Imagination: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, edited by Arnon Levy and Peter Godfrey-Smith.Letitia Meynell - 2021 - Mind 132 (527):927-935.
    The Scientific Imagination: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, edited by Arnon Levy and Peter Godfrey-Smith (2020), attempts to bring some much-neede.
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    Feminist Philosophy of Biology.Carla Fehr & Letitia Meynell - 2024 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Feminist philosophers of biology bring the tools of feminist theory, and in particular the tools of feminist philosophy of science, to investigations of the life sciences. While the critical examination of the categories of sex and gender (which will be explained below) takes a central place, the methods, ontological assumptions, and foundational concepts of biology more generally have also enjoyed considerable feminist scrutiny. Through such investigations, feminist philosophers of biology reveal the extent to which the theory and practice of particular (...)
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