Results for 'Leonor Silvestri'

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  1.  9
    Enemiga pública: interrogatorios y disparos.Leonor Silvestri - 2017 - [Buenos Aires?]: Queen Ludd.
  2.  17
    Sin esperanza y sin miedo: cínicos, estoicos, epicúreos.Leonor Silvestri - 2021 - Buenos Aires: Queen Ludd.
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    Bernardi Silvestris De mundi universitate libri duo.Bernard Silvestris & Bernard - 1964 - Frankfurt a. M.,: Minerva. Edited by Carl Sigmund Barach & Johann Wrobel.
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    On Abstract and Historical Hypotheses and on Value Judgments in Economic Sciences: Critical Edition, with an Introduction and Afterword by Paolo Silvestri.Paolo Silvestri (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Luigi Einaudi was a leading liberal economist, economic historian and political figure. This book provides the English-speaking world with a first critical edition of an unpublished version of Einaudi’s most important epistemological essay. The issues analysed here lie at the core of the problem concerning the nature and scope of economic sciences and the role played by economists in the public sphere, with particular emphasis on the interaction between economists and the ruling class. The earlier version of this essay has (...)
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    Commentary on “The epistemic harms of empathy in phenomenological psychopathology” by Lucienne Spencer and Matthew Broome.Leonor Irarrázaval - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 70:100-114.
    A critical commentary on the article “The Epistemic Harms of Empathy in Phenomenological Psychopathology” by Lucienne Spencer and Matthew Broome (2023) is presented. The authors committed the “fallacy of ambiguous or vague definition” by incorrectly interpreting Karl Jaspers’ conceptualizations, resulting in difficulties following logical arguments and arriving at reasonable conclusions. To overcome this fallacy, the commentary provides conceptual clarifications regarding Jaspers’ empathic understanding (einfühlendes Verstehen), conceived as the foundational concept of his project to develop a phenomenologically oriented psychopathology. Jaspers initially (...)
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    Il luogo del sogno e l’allucinazione negativa. Merleau-Ponty e Freud.Elena De Silvestri - 2022 - Chiasmi International 24:335-348.
    In his notes for the course entitled “The Problem of Passivity: Sleep, the Unconscious, Memory,” Merleau-Ponty describe the notion of “negative hallucination” as “a perception, but not recognized for what it is.” This essay analyses this figure as it is taken up by Merleau-Ponty in direct dialogue with Freud’s work. To begin, through the double category of the “negative” and the “perceived,” Merleau-Ponty broaches the question of the “place” of dreams by adopting an eccentric position that sheds light on an (...)
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    Das Kursbuch der Luftschifffahrer des freien Geistes unter der Lupe. Rezension zu: Nietzsche-Kommentar, Band 3/1.Leonore Bazinek - 2017 - Nietzscheforschung 24 (1):407-410.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzscheforschung Jahrgang: 24 Heft: 1 Seiten: 407-410.
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    The paradox of Justice in Epicurus.Leonor Santa Bárbara - 2012 - Cultura:101-113.
    Em busca da felicidade do indivíduo, Epicuro aborda os diversos aspectos que considera contribuírem para ela: prazer, quietude, conhecimento, segurança, amizade, justiça. Neste texto pretendemos, de forma sucinta, mostrar de que modo estes vários elementos se relacionam entre si e, sobretudo, de que modo o conceito de justiça deste filósofo contribui para a felicidade humana, não sendo um conceito tradicional.
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  9. Drosophila Mutants Suggest a Strong Drive Toward Complexity in Evolution.Leonore Fleming & Daniel McShea - 2013 - Evolution and Development 15 (1):53-62.
    The view that complexity increases in evolution is uncontroversial, yet little is known about the possible causes of such a trend. One hypothesis, the Zero Force Evolutionary Law (ZFEL), predicts a strong drive toward complexity, although such a tendency can be overwhelmed by selection and constraints. In the absence of strong opposition, heritable variation accumulates and complexity increases. In order to investigate this claim, we evaluate the gross morphological complexity of laboratory mutants in Drosophila melanogaster, which represent organisms that arise (...)
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    The Bible, culture and ethics: Trickery in the narrative of Judah and Tamar.Leonore Pietersen & Willem Fourie - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Using the Bible in Christian ethics is often not as simple as many would expect it to be. This is particularly the case for the use of the Old Testament. Part of the challenge is the complexity of grasping the customs and norms that are reflected in the Old Testament. They are often at odds with what is acceptable in contemporary thinking. In this article, we examine the difficulty of using the Old Testament in Christian ethics by using the narrative (...)
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    Lebensunwertes Leben: Roots and Memory of Aktion T4.Erika Silvestri - 2019 - Conatus 4 (2):65.
    What the Nazis called Aktion T4 was a euthanasia program, officially started on August 18th, 1939. The registration operations for individuals with physical or mental handicaps were followed by forced sterilization and transfer to clinics organized to kill. In this article, I try to explain the mechanisms that allowed the memory of Aktion T4 to be preserved and passed from one generation to the next; memories of the “merciful death” of approximately 70,000 “lives unworthy of life,” that find themselves embedded (...)
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    Sex and disease-mongering: a special case?Leonore Tiefer - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (3):28-35.
    Disease-mongering in the case of sexual problems has some special elements. These include that discussions of sex provoke embarrassment and reveal a lack of knowledge on the part of both clinician and patient, the aggressiveness of Big Pharma in the face of the huge profitability of sexual products; and the socially constructed nature of sexual satisfaction. These special elements engender concern for the prospects for patient empowerment and the convergence of patient-clinician power in the consulting room. Consequently, political action to (...)
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  13.  42
    A Modest Notion of Coherence in Legal Reasoning. A Model for the European Court of Justice.Leonor Moral Soriano - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (3):296-323.
  14.  54
    Why flying dogs are rare: A general theory of luck in evolutionary transitions.Leonore Fleming & Robert Brandon - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 49:24-31.
    There is a worry that the ‘major transitions in evolution’ represent an arbitrary group of events. This worry is warranted, and we show why. We argue that the transition to a new level of hierarchy necessarily involves a nonselectionist chance process. Thus any unified theory of evolutionary transitions must be more like a general theory of fortuitous luck, rather than a rigid formulation of expected events. We provide a systematic account of evolutionary transitions based on a second-order regularity of chance (...)
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    Empathy for the foreign experience: A convergent phenomenological definition.Leonor Irarrázaval - 2020 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 40 (3):174-186.
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    Apostillas sahaguntinas.Leonor Bonilla - 2004 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 25 (91):17.
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    Expresión de tú genérico y actividades de imagen.Leonor Orozco - 2019 - Pragmática Sociocultural 7 (1):19-41.
    Resumen En este artículo analizo las actividades de imagen que se realizan cuando se emplea tú genérico. Además, correlaciono la presencia de la segunda persona singular tácita o explícita con el tipo de actividades de imagen documentadas en el Corpus sociolingüístico de la Ciudad de México (CSCM). Los resultados sugieren que los hablantes muestran una preferencia por la omisión del sujeto pronominal de segunda persona singular genérico cuando realizan actividades de autoimagen y que esta estrategia les permite ocultar al yo. (...)
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    The Use of Precedents as Arguments of Authority, Arguments ab exemplo, and Arguments of Reason in Civil Law Systems.Leonor Moral Soriano - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (1):90-102.
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    Construyendo un héroe local y universal en la Vida de Gerónimo de Figueroa.Leonor Taiano - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):206308-206308.
    Este artículo analiza la poco conocida _Vida Admirable y Muerte Dichosa del Religioso Padre Gerónimo de Figueroa_ escrita por Francisco de Florencia (1689). El estudio presta especial atención a la manera cómo este texto establece una relación simbólica entre los motivos hagiográfico-medievales y contrarreformistas, la integración o exclusiones de criollos en las órdenes religiosas, el contexto situacional de las misiones en Nueva España. La investigación parte de la premisa de que la _Vida de Gerónimo de Figueroa_ permite recapacitar sobre el (...)
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    The medicalization of impotence: Normalizing phallocentrism.Leonore Tiefer - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (3):363-377.
    Today, phallocentrism is perpetuated by a flourishing medical construction that focuses exclusively on penile erections as the essence of men's sexual function and satisfaction. This article describes how this medicalization is promoted by urologists, medical industries, mass media, and various entrepreneurs. Many men and women provide a ready audience for this construction because of masculine ideology and gender socialization. While there may be some advantages to this construction, there are major disadvantages to men in terms of the inevitable failure of (...)
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  21. Two Dogmas of Biology.Leonore Fleming - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (2).
    The problem with reductionism in biology is not the reduction, but the implicit attitude of determinism that usually accompanies it. Methodological reductionism is supported by deterministic beliefs, but making such a connection is problematic when it is based on an idea of determinism as fixed predictability. Conflating determinism with predictability gives rise to inaccurate models that overlook the dynamic complexity of our world, as well as ignore our epistemic limitations when we try to model it. Furthermore, the assumption of a (...)
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  22.  24
    network theory and the formation of groups without evolutionary forces.Leonore Fleming - 2012 - Evolutionary Biology 39 (1):94-105.
    This paper presents a modified random network model to illustrate how groups can form in the absence of evolutionary forces, assuming groups are collections of entities at any level of organization. This model is inspired by the Zero Force Evolutionary Law, which states that there is always a tendency for diversity and complexity to increase in any evolutionary system containing variation and heredity. That is, in the absence of evolutionary forces, the expectation is a continual increase in diversity and complexity (...)
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  23.  21
    Contribuições da psicologia funcionalista de John Dewey à neurociência cognitiva.Leonor Gularte Soler & Neiva Afonso Oliveira - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e62651.
    Este artigo propõe-se a refletir sobre a relação da epistemologia instrumentalista de John Dewey com a neurociência cognitiva, a partir de sua crítica à psicologia tradicional. Realiza-se uma análise da tentativa de John Dewey de relacionar a verdade com a cognição destacando seus argumentos fundamentados no progresso da fisiologia e da psicologia, no avanço da biologia e no desenvolvimento do método experimental. O texto discute a possibilidade de o pragmatismo de Dewey contribuir com a neurociência cognitiva, já que a atitude (...)
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    The Notion of Limited Perfect Adaptedness in Darwin's Principle of Divergence.Leonore Fleming - 2013 - Perspectives on Science 21 (1):1-22.
    Darwin begins On the Origin of Species by asking the reader to “reflect on the vast diversity of the plants and animals which have been cultivated” (1859, p. 7); almost five-hundred pages later, he closes by having the reader consider the “endless forms most beautiful and wonderful” that have evolved (1859, p. 490). Darwin contemplates diversity throughout the Origin and presents the principle of divergence as a way to explain it. Darwin formulated the principle of divergence around 1857 (Browne 1980), (...)
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  25.  10
    SOUTO, Maria Helena, História do Design em Portugal I.Leonor Ferrão - 2009 - Cultura:293-296.
    Importa, antes de mais, saudar uma publicação que se inscreve num registo disciplinar no qual escasseiam os contributos, embora o título prometa o que não cumpre. O número romano aposto ao título História do Design em Portugal sugere o arranque de uma série subordinada à mesma temática, mas acaba por induzir em erro, ao fazer prever uma obra com outra extensão e coesão interna. Dispersos, subsídios ou contributos para a História do Design em Portugal seriam algumas das possibilidades para des...
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    Das Problem der Erkenntnis von Wahrheit im Feld der Begegnung von pluralistischer und biblisch-christlicher Weltanschauung.Leonore Bazinek - 1990 - Regensburg: S. Roderer.
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    El “juicio legal” ¿Tienen razón las leyes?Leonor Suárez Llanos - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 47:109-136.
    La autora sostiene que existen criterios racionales evaluadores de la corrección del Derecho, entendido como una realidad compleja, circular y fluida, y que son dependientes de una concepción discursiva y argumentativa. Para justificarlo y profundizar en ello, se delimitan tres niveles interconexionados de racionalidad: político-jurídico, de teorización descriptiva del ordenamiento y de teorización legislativa. El desarrollo de este último ha permitido trabajar sobre una concepción formal y sustantiva que debe presidir la legislación entendida ésta a partir de cuatro subniveles de (...)
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  28. Planteamiento analítico-iusanalítico: el aspecto ontológico.Leonor Suárez Llanos - 2005 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 22:161-206.
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    J.-P. Brissot and the evolution of pamphlet literature in the early 1780s.Leonore Loft - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):265-287.
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    Mirabeau and Brissot review Christian Wilhelm Von Dohm and the Jewish question.Leonore Loft - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (5):605-622.
  31. La biografia di Leibniz.Federico Silvestri - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):220.
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    Human Vulnerability: A Phenomenological Approach to the Manifestation and Treatment of Mental Illness.Leonor Irarrázaval - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (4):384-394.
    Going beyond the scope of psychiatric diagnoses, this study introduces the concept of human vulnerability as a means of linking the phenomenological approach—focusing on the patient’s experience—with psychotherapeutic treatment. To this end, it applies Karl Jaspers’ concept of “limit situation” to the existential vulnerability in the manifestation of mental illness and the ontological vulnerability in schizophrenia. From a psychological or empathic standpoint, vulnerability, as experienced in different cases of mental illness, refers to the condition of being confronted with disturbing meaningful (...)
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  33. The All too Human Welfare State: Freedom between Gift and Corruption.Paolo Silvestri - 2019 - Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale 19 (2):123-145.
    Can taxation and the redistribution of wealth through the welfare state be conceived as a modern system of circulation of the gift? But once such a gift is institutionalized, regulated and sanctioned through legal mechanisms, does it not risk being perverted or corrupted, and/or not leaving room for genuinely altruistic motives? What is more: if the market’s utilitarian logic can corrupt or ‘crowd out’ altruistic feelings or motivations, what makes us think that the welfare state cannot also be a source (...)
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    The wealth of humans: core, periphery and frontiers of humanomics.Paolo Silvestri & Benoît Walraevens - 2022 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (1):15-33.
    Among the various attempts to re-humanize economics, the ‘humanomics’ proposed by Vernon Smith and Bart Wilson stands out. We contribute to the “humanomics project” by mapping its territory – core, periphery and frontiers – with an eye, also, on future explorations. First, we critically study the core: Smith and Wilson’s interpretation and experimental application of Adam Smith’s ideas on beneficence and injustice. Using the distinction between reciprocal cooperation and reciprocal kindness, we provide a different interpretation of Smith which helps to (...)
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    El espacio teórico de la narrativa: un desafío ético y político.Leonor Arfuch - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (42):131-140.
    En este trabajo nos proponemos abordar la relación entre la perspectiva teórica de la narrativa, con sus anclajes en la filosofía, la lingüística, la teoría literaria y el psicoanálisis -entre otros- y la problemática contemporánea de identidades y subjetividades desde una perspectiva no esencialist..
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    Ernesto Laclau: Pensar la hegemonía desde la acción política.Leonor Arfuch - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (58):5-6.
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    Les sciences de l'éducation au défi de l'irrationalité: la question de la conscience individuelle dans la philosophie de l'éducation de 1800 à l'ère contemporaine.Léonore Bazinek - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Emmanuel Faye.
    "Incompris ou délibérément réinterprété, le livre Le problème de l'irrationalité dans l'esthétique et la logique du XVIIIe siècle (1923) d'Alfred Baeumler infuse, depuis bientôt un siècle, une vision du monde redoutable dans le discours scientifique. Partant du constat que la victoire militaire sur le national-socialisme en 1945 n'a pas entraîné une dénazification approfondie, cette étude décèle patiemment son véritable propos. Elle propose une approche à la fois scientifique et philosophique de ce phénomène : elle rappelle la réalité d'une conscience individuelle (...)
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  38. Il normativo nell’homo œconomicus, il normativo dell ’homo œconomicus.Paolo Silvestri - 2008 - In Enzo Di Nuoscio & Paolo Heritier (eds.), Le culture di Babele. Saggi di antropologia filosofico-giuridica. Medusa. pp. 173-192.
  39. Veritas, Auctoritas, Lex. Scienza economica e sfera pubblica: sulla normatività del 'Terzo'.Paolo Silvestri - 2010 - Il Pensiero Economico Italiano (1):37-65.
    Italian Abstract: Per giustificare l’autorità e la validità della scienza economica, gli economisti sono spesso ricorsi all’argomento che le leggi e i postulati di questo sapere sono verità scientifiche, nel senso di verità empiriche, logiche o autoevidenti. Tuttavia, questo discorso, in quanto discorso legittimante o discorso sull 'importanza' della scienza economica, sembra contraddire una siffatta argomentazione giacché non statuisce né verità empiriche né verità logiche, e tanto meno verità autoevidenti. A quale tipo di verità, allora, fa riferimento la predica della (...)
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    A Phenomenological Paradigm for Empirical Research in Psychiatry and Psychology: Open Questions.Leonor Irarrázaval - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article seeks to clarify the way in which phenomenology is conceptualized and applied in empirical research in psychiatry and psychology, emphasizing the suitability of qualitative research. It will address the What, Why, and How of phenomenological interviews, providing not only preliminary answers but also a critical analysis, and pointing to future directions for research. The questions it asks are: First, what makes an interview phenomenological? What are phenomenological interviews used for in empirical research in psychiatry and psychology? Second, why (...)
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  41.  32
    Past and Future of Humanomics.Deirdre Nansen McCloskey & Paolo Silvestri - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (1).
    Paolo Silvestri interviews Deirdre Nansen McCloskey on the occasion of her latest book, Bettering Humanomics: A New, and Old, Approach to Economic Science. The interview covers her personal and intellectual life, the main turning points of her journey and her contributions. More specifically, the conversation focuses on McCloskey’s writings on the methodology and rhetoric of economics, her interdisciplinary ventures into the humanities, the Bourgeois Era trilogy with its history of the ‘Great Enrichment’, her liberal political commitments, and the value (...)
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  42. The Road Not Taken – Reading Calabresi’s “The Future of Law and Economics”.Paolo Silvestri - 2019 - Global Jurist 19 (3):1-7.
    The publication of Guido Calabresi’s book “The Future of Law and Economics” has drawn a substantial amount of attention among law and economics scholars. We thought that the best way to devote special attention to this book was to devote a Special issue to it. This article situates Calabresi’s book among other reflections on the future of the discipline, introduces and explains the reasons behind this Special issue and discuss the organization and content of it. -/- We emphasize how Calabresi’s (...)
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  43. Economics, Law, Humanities: Homo-what? An Introduction.Paolo Silvestri - 2019 - Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale 19 (2):7-14.
    This introduction explains the reasons behind this Special issue and discuss the organization and content of it. The difficulty of a genuine dialogue and understanding between economics, law and humanities, seems to be due not only to the fragmentation of reflections on man, but to a real ‘conflict of anthropologies’. What kind of conceptions of man and human values are presupposed by and / or privileged by economics, law, economic approaches to law and social sciences? How and when do these (...)
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  44. Disputed (Disciplinary) Boundaries : Philosophy, Economics and Value Judgments.Paolo Silvestri - 2016 - History of Economic Ideas 24 (3):187-221.
    The paper aims to address the following two questions: what kind of discourse is that which attempt to found or defend the autonomy or the boundaries of a discipline? Why do such discourses tend to turn into normative, dogmatic-excommunicating discourses between disciplines, schools or scholars? I will argue that an adequate answer may be found if we conceive disciplines as dogmatics, where such discourses often take the form of a discourse on the foundation of a discipline, a foundation in the (...)
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    A justiça na Antiguidade.Leonor Santa Caramelo Bárbara - 2012 - Cultura:8-9.
    A noção de justiça tem tido sempre uma função importante na história da humanidade e particularmente na Antiguidade. Nas civilizações pré-clássicas, a justiça é sinónimo de ordem e depende da vontade e da legitimidade que é conferida pelos deuses. No mundo clássico, na Odisseia, Homero alude à justiça, embora o poeta que na época arcaica mais se ocupa deste valor tenha sido Hesíodo. Autores posteriores, como Platão, Aristóteles, Epicuro ou Cícero, entre outros, abordam esta questão, ainda que...
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    Pensamientos en red.Leonor Calvera - 2014 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Distribuidor exclusivo, Falerna Queleer.
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    Dime cómo ironizas y te diré quién eres: una aproximación pragmática a la ironía.Leonor Ruiz, Padilla García & A. Xose (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Lang.
    Es probable que todos nos hayamos encontrado alguna vez en la situación de no saber si la persona que tenemos delante habla en serio o bromea. Nuestra expresión de sorpresa acaba por dar lástima a nuestro interlocutor, y al final, resuelto el equívoco, los dos terminamos riéndonos. La ironía y el sarcasmo forman parte del lenguaje y de nuestra existencia desde etapas muy primitivas. Con la ironía hacemos frente a las tristezas, a las situaciones que no nos gustan, o simplemente, (...)
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  48. Economics, Humanities and Values.Paolo Silvestri - 2018 - Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science 52 (1):137-145.
    This introduction provides a re-reading of Luigi Einaudi’s "On Abstract and Historical Hypotheses and on Value Judgments in Economic Sciences", focusing on how Einaudi conceived the relationship among economics, the humanities and values. In particular, its aim is: (§ 1) to explain the reasons why this essay can be considered a confession of a humanist-economist who constantly stepped “beyond the hedge of the garden reserved to the economist”; (§ 2) to clarify the nature of one of the main doubts that (...)
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  49. After-word. Which (good-bad) man? For which (good-bad) polity?Paolo Silvestri - 2012 - In Paolo Silvestri & Paolo Heritier (eds.), Good government, Governance and Human Complexity. Luigi Einaudi’s Legacy and Contemporary Society. Olschki. pp. 313-332.
    In this afterword I will try to re-launch the inquiry into the causes of good-bad polity and good-bad relationships between man and society, individual and institutions. Through an analogy between Einaudi’s search for good government and Calvino’s “Invisible cities”, I will sketch an account of the human and invisible foundations – first of all: trust/distrust – of any good-bad polity.
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    Institutional Constraints on the Ethics of Expert Testimony.Bruce Sales & Leonore Simon - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (3):231-249.
    We examined the dilemmas posed by the involvement of expert witnesses in court cases and the institutional constraints on the ethics of expert testimony. The causes for the incorporation of bad science into legal decisions, potential solutions to this dilemma, and the limitations of these solutions are considered. We concluded that law, science, and experts must respond to the problems posed by expert witnessing.
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