Results for 'Lee Goldberg'

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  1.  34
    The WritingWriting Matter: From the Hands of the English Renaissance"Milton and Modernity".David Lee Miller, Jonathan Goldberg & Gordon Teskey - 1990 - Diacritics 20 (4):17.
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    Accessibility and Historical Change: An Emergent Cluster Led Uncles and Aunts to Become Aunts and Uncles.Adele E. Goldberg & Crystal Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:662884.
    There are times when a curiously odd relic of language presents us with a thread, which when pulled, reveals deep and general facts about human language. This paper unspools such a case. Prior to 1930, English speakers uniformly preferred male-before-female word order in conjoined nouns such asuncles and aunts; nephews and nieces; men and women. Since then, at least a half dozen items have systematically reversed their preferred order (e.g.,aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews) while others have not (men and (...)
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    The significance of enhanced visual responses in posterior parietal cortex.Michael E. Goldberg & David Lee Robinson - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):503-505.
  4.  40
    A probabilistic analysis of the relationships among belief and attitudes.Robert S. Wyer & Lee Goldberg - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (2):100-120.
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    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Una Stojnic, Ernie Lepore, Denis Delfitto, Anne Reboul, Gaetano Fiorin, Kenneth A. Taylor, Jonathan Berg, Herbert L. Colston, Sanford C. Goldberg, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka, Magdalena Sztencel, Sarah E. Duffy, Alessandra Falzone, Paola Pennisi, Péter Furkó, András Kertész, Ágnes Abuczki, Alessandra Giorgi, Sona Haroutyunian, Marina Folescu, Hiroko Itakura, John C. Wakefield, Hung Yuk Lee, Sumiyo Nishiguchi, Brian E. Butler, Douglas Robinson, Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders, Grazia Basile, Antonino Bucca, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri & Kobie van Krieken (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
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    Reclaiming Sodom.Jonathan Goldberg (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Within the Judeo-Christian tradition, Sodom and Gomorrah represent locales in which threats to national formation are couched in sexual terms. The biblical narrative insists on a particular social invisibility for those sexual activities not blessed by the bonds of matrimony. Reclaiming Sodom surveys a number of institutions that have had an interest in perpetuating these views: the police, the state, the church and the law. The collection ranges through biblical scholarship, an investigation of the Founding Fathers' beliefs, the legal mobilization (...)
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  7. The epistemology of absence-based inference.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Jesper Kallestrup - 2013 - Synthese 190 (13):2573-2593.
    Our main aim in this paper is to contribute towards a better understanding of the epistemology of absence-based inferences. Many absence-based inferences are classified as fallacies. There are exceptions, however. We investigate what features make absence-based inferences epistemically good or reliable. In Section 2 we present Sanford Goldberg’s account of the reliability of absence-based inference, introducing the central notion of epistemic coverage. In Section 3 we approach the idea of epistemic coverage through a comparison of alethic and evidential principles. (...)
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  8. A Companion to African-American Philosophy.Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.) - 2003 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Part I Philosophic Traditions Introduction to Part I 3 1 Philosophy and the Afro-American Experience 7 CORNEL WEST 2 African-American Existential Philosophy 33 LEWIS R. GORDON 3 African-American Philosophy: A Caribbean Perspective 48 PAGET HENRY 4 Modernisms in Black 67 FRANK M. KIRKLAND 5 The Crisis of the Black Intellectual 87 HORTENSE J. SPILLERS Part II The Moral and Political Legacy of Slavery Introduction to Part II 107 6 Kant and Knowledge of Disappearing Expression 110 RONALD A. T. JUDY 7 (...)
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    Resisting Ex-Appropriation: Artistic Remains at Times of Environmental Instability.Joëlle Dubé - 2023 - Oxford Literary Review 45 (1):104-122.
    With rapidly spreading extractive practices on a global scale, the amount of residue generated raises the question of waste management and economic externalities. Are humans, and most crucially the Earth, equipped to welcome such an exponentially increasing quantity of restants? Artworks, as inexhaustible in their readings, are congenial to this idea of irreducible remains. In this paper, I argue Derrida’s treatment of remains might provide a waste-based approach to ecocriticism which, in turns, can be leveraged to articulate an insightful reading (...)
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    Groundless Grounds: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger.Lee Braver - 2012 - MIT Press.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein and Martin Heidegger are two of the most important--and two of the most difficult--philosophers of the twentieth century, indelibly influencing the course of continental and analytic philosophy, respectively. In _ Groundless Grounds_, Lee Braver argues that the views of both thinkers emerge from a fundamental attempt to create a philosophy that has dispensed with everything transcendent so that we may be satisfied with the human. Examining the central topics of their thought in detail, Braver finds that Wittgenstein and (...)
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  11. Nonanalytic concept formation and memory for instances.Lee R. Brooks - 1978 - In Eleanor Rosch & Barbara Bloom Lloyd, Cognition and Categorization. Lawrence Elbaum Associates. pp. 3--170.
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  12.  36
    Public perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in Defence: a qualitative exploration.Lee Hadlington, Maria Karanika-Murray, Jane Slater, Jens Binder, Sarah Gardner & Sarah Knight - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    There are a wide variety of potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in Defence settings, ranging from the use of autonomous drones to logistical support. However, limited research exists exploring how the public view these, especially in view of the value of public attitudes for influencing policy-making. An accurate understanding of the public’s perceptions is essential for crafting informed policy, developing responsible governance, and building responsive assurance relating to the development and use of AI in military settings. This study is (...)
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  13.  29
    Covering the Wound: Education and the Work of Mourning.Soyoung Lee - 2023 - Educational Theory 72 (5):617-639.
    In this essay, Soyoung Lee explores the theme of mourning as a way of attending to a fundamental aspect of human experience that is bound to negativity. The essay helps readers to see that experience in a different light by drawing on what is shown to be an internal connection between mourning and having language. The dominant culture of contemporary education is preoccupied with management and control, and this renders hollow the understanding of the negative experience children go through. Such (...)
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  14. Materialism and the Epistemic Significance of Consciousness.Geoffrey Lee - 2013 - In Uriah Kriegel, Current Controversies in Philosophy of Mind. New York, New York: Routledge. pp. 222.
  15. The Identity Argument for National Self-determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2012 - Public Affairs Quarterly 26 (2):123-139.
    A number of philosophers argue that the moral value of national identity is sufficient to justify at least a prima facie right of a national community to create its own independent, sovereign state. In the literature, this argument is commonly referred to as the identity argument. In this paper, I consider whether the identity argument successfully proves that a national group is entitled to a state of its own. To do so, I first explain three important steps in the argument (...)
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  16. Judaism and Hellenism in Antiquity: Conflict or Confluence?Lee I. Levine - 1998
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    Tests of the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning.Lee Levitan - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):265-268.
  18.  54
    Enforcing Ethical Standards of Professional Associations.Lee Loevinger - 1996 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (1):157-166.
  19.  14
    Existential Propositions in the Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas.Patrick Lee - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):605-626.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:EXISTENTIAL PROPOSITIONS IN THE THOUGHT OF ST. THOMAS AQUINAS A REVALENT VIEW of St. Thomas Aquinas's position on the logic of propositions has been that according to him propositions of the :form, x is, hold a privileged place, that they are in a special sense " existential," and that such propositions straight.forwardly attribute the act of exi,stence to an individual or to a class of individuals.1 Some texts seem (...)
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  20. Institutional Morality and the Principle of National Self-Determination.Hsin-wen Lee - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (1):207-226.
    Allen Buchanan proposes a methodological framework with which theorists may evaluate different theories of secession, including the National Self-Determination theory. An important claim he makes is, because the right to secede is inherently institutional, any adequate theory of secession must include, as an integral part, an analysis of institutional morality. Because the National Self-Determination theory blatantly lacks such an analysis, Buchanan concludes that this theory is inherently flawed. In this paper, I consider Buchanan’s framework and the responses from supporters of (...)
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    The Analogies of Being in St. Thomas Aquinas.Richard Lee - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):471-488.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE ANALOGIES OF BEING IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS RICHARD LEE New School for Social Research New York, New York IN HIS Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Aquinas offers three modes of analogy.1 The three modes offered there are referred to, though not by the names given them, throughout his works. It remains a curious fact, however, that Aquinas varies his opinion as to whether analogy of attribution (...)
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  22. Reason and Rotation: Circular Movement as the Model of Mind (Nous) in Later Plato.Edward N. Lee - 1976 - In William Henry Werkmeister, Facets of Plato's philosophy. Assen: Van Gorcum. pp. 70--102.
  23.  36
    ""Can" Li" Be Active?Ning-Huei Lee - 2005 - Modern Philosophy 2:006.
    Yi Hwang is Korean giant Bo of Neo-Confucianism, Zhu Xi as their study to cases. He was the author severely criticized Wang Yangming. Lee Hwang and odd peak on the "four-terminal impassioned" debate, both sides quoted Zhu's literature as an argument, and from that perspective loyal to Zhu. However, in essence is, Yi Hwang on Mencius' four-terminal, "said Zhu interpretation presupposes a set of different teachings of Confucianism system architecture, though Mencius in line with the text, but out of Zhu (...)
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    (1 other version)Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of Human Behavior.Lee C. McIntyre - 2006 - Bradford.
    During the Dark Ages, the progress of Western civilization virtually stopped. The knowledge gained by the scholars of the classical age was lost; for nearly 600 years, life was governed by superstitions and fears fueled by ignorance. In this outspoken and forthright book, Lee McIntyre argues that today we are in a new Dark Age--that we are as ignorant of the causes of human behavior as people centuries ago were of the causes of such natural phenomena as disease, famine, and (...)
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  25. An Examination of the Feasibility of Cultural Nationalism as Ideal Theory.Hsin-wen Lee - 2014 - Ethical Perspectives 21 (1):199-224.
    The principle of national self-determination holds that a national community, simply by virtue of being a national community, has a prima facie right to create its own sovereign state. While many support this principle, not as many agree that it should be formally recognized by political institutions. One of the main concerns is that implementing this principle may lead to certain types of inequalities—between nations with and without their own states, members inside and outside the border, and members and nonmembers (...)
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  26.  56
    Attentional bias to violent images in survivors of dating violence.Jeong-Ha Lee & Jang-Han Lee - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (6):1124-1133.
  27.  85
    A Moral Critique Of The Cosmopolitan Institutional Proposal.Steven Lee - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (2):99-108.
    Steven Lee critiques an essay by Allen Buchanan and Robert Keohane on the preventive use of military force.
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    The Stoicism of Śāntideva: Comparisons between Stoic and Buddhist philosophy.Lee Clarke - 2024 - Theoria 90 (4):377-399.
    Recently, due to various geopolitical events, a movement for 'decolonisation' has taken shape. In essence, this movements seeks to right the wrongs of Western colonialism. This desire has been expressed in many diverse ways depending on the context. Within academia, it has found expression in the idea of 'decolonising the curriculum' - redesigning university courses to include more authors, texts, perspectives and more - from those outside of the Western world and/or cultural sphere. Due to its prominence within academia, philosophy (...)
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  29. An Existentialist Reading of Book 4 of the Analects.Lee Yearley - 2001 - In Bryan W. Van Norden, Confucius and the Analects: New Essays. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 237--74.
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  30.  16
    Progressive capitalism or reactionary socialism? Progressive labour policy, ageing Marxism, and unrepentant early capitalism in the Chinese industrial revolution.Orlan Lee & Jonty Lim - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (2):10--2.
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  31. The goodness of creation, evil, and Christian teaching.Patrick Lee - 2000 - The Thomist 64 (2):239-269.
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  32.  19
    An Investigation Into Interpersonal and Peripersonal Spaces of Chinese People for Different Directions and Genders.Xiaoqing Yu, Wei Xiong & Yu-Chi Lee - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Pregnant with possibilities: drawing on hermeneutic thought to reframe home‐visiting programs for young mothers.Lee SmithBattle - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (3):191-200.
    Although the positive outcomes achieved in home‐visiting interventions targeting young, disadvantaged mothers are partly credited to therapeutic relationships, researchers rarely offer philosophical or theoretical explanations for these relationships. This omission is a conspicuous oversight as nurse–family relationships have figured prominently in public health nursing practice since its inception. In this study, I suggest that the contribution of therapeutic relationships to positive outcomes will remain theoretically undeveloped as long as clinical trials and nursing practice models follow the logic of techne. After (...)
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  34.  52
    The Prisonhouse of Psychoanalysis.Arnold Goldberg - 1990 - Routledge.
    In _The Prisonhouse of Psychoanalysis_, Arnold Goldberg trains a searching, critical eye on his own profession. His subject matter is the system of interlocking constraints - theoretical, institutional, educational - that imprisons psychoanalysis and the psychoanalyst. His agenda is to sketch the shape analysis might take in the absence of these constraints. What emerges from these twin endeavors is a penetrating critique of psychoanalysis from the inside - from the vantage point of a senior analyst who has labored for (...)
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    Understanding Phenomenology.Lee Hardy - 1993 - Teaching Philosophy 16 (2):175-177.
  36.  28
    How do we forget negative events? The role of attentional, cognitive, and metacognitive control.Yuh-Shiow Lee & Yung-chi Hsu - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):401-415.
  37. Communitarian and Environmental Journalism iment.Lee Wilkins - 1997 - In Jay Black, Mixed news: the public/civic/communitarian journalism debate. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. pp. 200.
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    (14 other versions)Foreword.Lee Wilkins - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (2):77-78.
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    Jurus, jazz riffs and the constitution of a national martial art in Indonesia.Lee Wilson - 2009 - Body and Society 15 (3):93-119.
    Pencak Silat is a martial art, performance practice and system of body cultivation prevalent throughout much of Indonesia and the Malay-speaking world. This article compares different modalities of the practice and pedagogy of Sundanese Pencak Silat in West Java with more recent attempts to standardize practice at a national level under the auspices of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association. Drawing on David Sudnow’s seminal account of learning how to play jazz piano, it is suggested that learning how to improvise is (...)
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    Militant Tolerance.Lee Wilkins - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):59-72.
    This essay calls for consideration of a “new” professional journalistic virtue: militant tolerance. The historic and philosophical foundations of tolerance is reviewed, and the concept of militant tolerance linked to Gandhi’s construction of “truth force” as a form of political action. Journalistic militant tolerance suggests that virtuous journalists will be those who recognize hate and systemic discrimination, particularly at the institutional level, and who work to counteract it in a professional role. This understanding of role emphasizes not just individual choice, (...)
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    Mitigation watchdogs : the ethical foundation for a journalist's role.Lee Wilkins - 2010 - In Christopher Meyers, Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 311--24.
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    Overinterpreting model fitting effects.Lee Willerman - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):413-414.
  43.  61
    The appropriation of ‘enlightenment’ in modern Korea and Japan: Competing ideas of the enlightenment and the loss of the individual subject.Lee Yeaann - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (9):912-923.
    In recent decades in Korea, many significant changes in political, social and cultural dimensions have been held by the citizen’s initiative, where the revitalization of citizenship and strong civic unity have played a role. Yet, in regard to the characteristic of Korean citizenship, it seems that the aspect of individual subject has not been fully matured or issued; that is, there is a dissymmetry between the strong civic unity and a weak individual subject. This paper attempts to explore a possible (...)
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  44.  27
    The Role and Pursuit of the Virtue of Equanimity in Ancient China and Greece.Lee H. Yearley - 2015 - In R. A. H. King, The Good Life and Conceptions of Life in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 363-386.
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  45. Virtues and religious virtues in the Confucian tradition.Lee H. Yearley - 2003 - In Weiming Tu & Mary Evelyn Tucker, Confucian spirituality. New York: Crossroad Pub. Company. pp. 1--134.
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    Normative competence, autonomy, and oppression.J. Y. Lee - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (1).
    Natalie Stoljar posits that purely procedural theories of autonomy are unable to explain the ‘feminist intuition’, which is the idea that the internalization of false and oppressive norms are incompatible with autonomy. She claims instead that an account based on ‘normative competence’ – which requires true beliefs and critical reflection – can explain why oppressive norms should be excluded as legitimate decision-making inputs. On my view, however, the normative competence approach is subject to a worrying problem. While Stoljar's view successfully (...)
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  47.  10
    The criticism to the Buddhism in the early Tokugawa(德川) era's Confucianism.Lee Yongsoo - 2008 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 24:307-346.
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    The formation and characteristics of Confucianism in the early Tokugawa era.Lee Yongsoo - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 22:475-514.
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  49.  13
    The Political Views of Kogakuha(古學派) in Japanese Confucianism - Focused at the concept of 'For the People' of Ito-Jinsai(伊藤仁齋) and Ogyu-Sorai(荻生徂徠).Lee Yongsoo - 2014 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 42:259-294.
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    Punishment as reluctant moralism: Review of Andrew von Hirsch and Andrew Ashworth, ‘Proportionate Sentencing: Exploring the principles’ Oxford University Press, Hardback £54.95, ISBN-10: 0-19-927260-3.Youngjae Lee - 2007 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 1 (2):227-231.
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