Results for 'Laurie Sylla'

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  1.  38
    Ethical and practical considerations for cell and gene therapy toward an HIV cure: findings from a qualitative in-depth interview study in the United States.Jane Simoni, Steven G. Deeks, Michael J. Peluso, John A. Sauceda, Boro Dropulić, Kim Anthony-Gonda, Jen Adair, Jeff Taylor, Lynda Dee, Jeff Sheehy, Laurie Sylla, Michael Louella, Hursch Patel, John Kanazawa & Karine Dubé - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundHIV cure research involving cell and gene therapy has intensified in recent years. There is a growing need to identify ethical standards and safeguards to ensure cell and gene therapy (CGT) HIV cure research remains valued and acceptable to as many stakeholders as possible as it advances on a global scale.MethodsTo elicit preliminary ethical and practical considerations to guide CGT HIV cure research, we implemented a qualitative, in-depth interview study with three key stakeholder groups in the United States: (1) biomedical (...)
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    Ethics of HIV cure research: an unfinished agenda. [REVIEW]Jeremy Sugarman, John A. Sauceda, Brandon Brown, Parya Saberi, Mallory O. Johnson, Laney Henley, Samuel Ndukwe, Hursch Patel, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Danielle M. Campbell, David Palm, Orbit Clanton, David Kelly, Jan Kosmyna, Michael Louella, Laurie Sylla, Christopher Roebuck, Nora Jones, Lynda Dee, Jeff Taylor, John Kanazawa & Karine Dubé - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe pursuit of a cure for HIV is a high priority for researchers, funding agencies, governments and people living with HIV (PLWH). To date, over 250 biomedical studies worldwide are or have been related to discovering a safe, effective, and scalable HIV cure, most of which are early translational research and experimental medicine. As HIV cure research increases, it is critical to identify and address the ethical challenges posed by this research.MethodsWe conducted a scoping review of the growing HIV cure (...)
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    Nancy Tuana Laurie Shrage.Laurie Shrage - 2003 - In Hugh LaFollette, The Oxford Hndbk of Practical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 15.
  4. Medieval concepts of the latitude of forms. The Oxford calculators.E. Sylla - 1973 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 40.
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  5. Transformative Experience.Laurie Paul - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    How should we make choices when we know so little about our futures? L. A. Paul argues that we must view life decisions as choices to make discoveries about the nature of experience. Her account of transformative experience holds that part of the value of living authentically is to experience our lives and preferences in whatever ways they evolve.
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    Walter Burley's Physics Commentaries and the Mathematics of Alteration.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2001 - Early Science and Medicine 6 (3):149-184.
    In a long question, "Whether there is motion to quality," which became part of his Oxford Expositio omnium librorum Physicorum cum questionibus optime disputatis, composed before 1310, Walter Burley supported the succession-of-forms theory of qualitative change. After commenting on Peter Lombard's Sentences at Paris, Burley took part in disputations on controversial questions in the early 1320s, resulting in his De primo et ultimo instanti and his Tractatus Primus and Tractatus Secundus de intensione et remissione formarum. In these independent controversial works, (...)
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  7.  44
    The progressive era and the political economy of big government∗.Richard Sylla - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (4):531-557.
    In the United States, big government was a child of the Progressive Era. Much recent work in American history, especially that of the ?organizational? school, shows that big business played an active, perhaps dominant, role in the Progressive Era push for big government. This work undercuts an older, liberal interpretation emphasizing conflict between business and government. But why big business pushed for big government is still unclear. This paper advances the hypothesis that the push did result from a conflict between (...)
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    The a posteriori foundations of natural science.Edith Dudley Sylla - 1979 - Synthese 40 (1):147 - 187.
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    Aristotelian commentaries and scientific change: The Parisian nominalists on the cause of the natural motion of inanimate bodies.Edith Dudley Sylla - 1993 - Vivarium 31 (1):37-83.
  10. Syntax and semantics of questions.Lauri Karttunen - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (1):3--44.
    W. Labov's & T. Labov's findings concerning their child grammar acquisition ("Learning the Syntax of Questions" in Recent Advances in the Psychology of Language, Campbell, R. & Smith, P. Eds, New York: Plenum Press, 1978) are interpreted in terms of different semantics of why & other wh-questions. Z. Dubiel.
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  11. Averroes and fourteenth-century theories of alteration.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2015 - In Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Cristina Cerami, Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Silvia Donati, Cecilia Trifogli, Edith Dudley Sylla & Craig Martin, Averroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin west. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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  12. Concepts of space in the fourteenth century: works of Nicole Oresme and selected earlier work for comparison.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2020 - In Andrew Janiak, Space: a history. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  13.  89
    The Emergence of Mathematical Probability from the Perspective of the Leibniz-Jacob Bernoulli Correspondence.Edith Dudley Sylla - 1998 - Perspectives on Science 6 (1):41-76.
  14.  71
    The Oxford Calculators’ Middle Degree Theorem in Context.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2010 - Early Science and Medicine 15 (4-5):338-370.
    The core Oxford Calculators developed a science of kinematics in which the key concept was the "latitude of velocity." Based upon the concept of "latitude," the Calculators developed parts of a mathematical physics in deductive format that could be applied to quite various situations.
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    Evil and intelligibility: a grammatical metacritique of the problem of evil.Lauri Snellman - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    This book develops a grammatical method for our underlying presuppositions which can help us unravel the problem of evil. The problem essentially rests on a dualism between fact and meaning. 'Evil and Intelligibility' provides an examination of the grammar of being and of the intelligibility of the world, culminating in a philosophical grammar in which God, meaning, and evil can coexist.
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  16. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism.Laurie J. Sears & Benedict Anderson - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):129.
  17. Logical parts.Laurie A. Paul - 2002 - Noûs 36 (4):578–596.
    I argue for a property mereology and for mereological bundle theory. I then apply this theory to the one over many problem (universals) and puzzles concerning persistence and material constitution.
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  18.  22
    Ideo quasi mendicare oportet intellectum humanum: The Role of Theology in John Buridan’s Natural Philosophy.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2001 - In J. M. M. H. Thijssen & Jack Zupko, The metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan. Boston: Brill. pp. 221.
  19.  19
    Law and legacy in medical jurisprudence: essays in honour of Graeme Laurie.G. T. Laurie, E. S. Dove & Niamh Nic Shuibhne (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Graeme Laurie stepped down from the Chair in Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh in 2019. This edited collection pays tribute to his extraordinary contributions to the field. Graeme has often spoken about the importance of 'legacy' in academic work and has forged a remarkable intellectual legacy of his own, notably through his work on genetic privacy, human tissue and information governance, and on the regulatory salience of the concept of liminality. The essays in this volume animate the (...)
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    Contemporary African Art: A Multilayered History.Abdou Sylla & Mara Bertelsen - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):51-70.
    It is always pretentious to treat African art as though a unitary vision of art as it is currently practiced in Africa were possible. This point of view in fact ignores or neglects African diversity: the individual plastic art experiments of African artists. These diversities, tied to the varied contexts and rapid changes that are steadily taking place everywhere, no longer permit such claims.
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  21. Creation and Nature.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2003 - In Arthur Stephen McGrade, The Cambridge companion to medieval philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  22.  89
    Making Sense of the Research on Gender and Ethics in Business.Laurie Babin - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):61-90.
    This article represents an attempt to organize, critique, and extend research findings on gender differences in business ethics. The focus is on two dependent variables—ethical judgment and behavioral intent. Differences in findings between student and professional groups are noted and theoretical implications are discussed. The new research provided for this article contains two benchmark studies undertaken with identical stimuli and identical measures. These studies were followed by two additional studies, using the same measures but different stimuli, as a partial replication (...)
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  23.  65
    Voice Re-Cast.Laurie Douglass - 1996 - Augustinian Studies 27 (1):39-54.
  24. Who Owns Religion? Scholars and their publics in the late twentieth century.Laurie L. Patton - 2019
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    Hermeneutik der langue: Weisgerber, Heidegger und die Sprachphilosophie nach Humboldt.Bernhard Sylla - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  26.  49
    (1 other version)Theory Pursuit: Between Discovery and Acceptance.Laurie Anne Whitt - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:467 - 483.
    Drawing on diverse historical cases, this paper describes and examines various aspects of a modality of scientific appraisal which has remained largely unexplored, theory pursuit. Specifically, it addresses the following issues: the epistemic and pragmatic commitments involved in theory pursuit, including how these differ from those characteristic of theory acceptance; how the research interests of scientists enter into their pursuit decisions; some of the strategies for the refinement and extension of a theory's empirical abilities which typify theory pursuit; and the (...)
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  27.  6
    Vers une psychanalyse émancipée: renouer avec la subversion.Laurie Laufer - 2022 - Paris: La Découverte.
  28.  18
    Some of My Mother's Things.Laurie Sieverts Snyder - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):82-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Some of My Mother’s ThingsLaurie Sieverts Snyder (bio) Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View full resolution Click for larger view View (...)
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  29.  28
    Incivility Indicators Instrument (i3): Development and Initial Validation.Laurie O. Campbell, Caitlin Frawley & Jessica L. Tinstman Jones - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):669-684.
    Academic incivility can create divisiveness and affect learners’ sustainability towards degree attainment. Therefore, there is a need to empirically assess learner views on what constitutes academic incivility in higher education. To fill this gap, we developed the Incivility Indicators Instrument (i3), a multifaceted scale that measures the extent to which students view cumulative behaviors and dynamics as instances of academic incivility. To examine the reliability and factor structure of the i3, we conducted a two-part study with two samples of adults (...)
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  30. Walter Burley's Practice as a Commentator on Aristotle's Physics.Edith Sylla - 2002 - Medioevo 27:301-72.
  31.  64
    Abortion and Social Responsibility: Depolarizing the Debate.Laurie Shrage - 2003 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Laurie Shrage attributes much of the long-standing controversy about abortion to Roe v. Wade and to the Supreme Court's controversial regulatory scheme in that 1973 decision. Shrage explores the origins of that scheme but argues for an alternate scheme - therapeutic abortions shorter than six months can protect women's interests and advance important public interests, but that reproductive rights campaigns should also focus on the social and economic conditions that prevent women having access to the abortion services they need. (...)
  32.  45
    The Physics of William of Ockham.Edith Dudley Sylla & Andre Goddu - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (2):257.
  33.  65
    The Oxford Calculators in Context.Edith Sylla - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (2):257-279.
    The ArgumentOur understanding of the predisposing factors, the nature, and the fate of the Oxford Calculatory tradition can be significantly increased by seeing it in its social and institutional context. For instance, the use of intricate imaginary cases in Calculatory works becomes more understandable if we see the connection of these works to undergraduate logical disputations. Likewise, the demise of the Calculatory tradition is better understood in the light of subsequent efforts at educational reform.Unfortunately, too little evidence remains about the (...)
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  34.  97
    Genetic Privacy: A Challenge to Medico-Legal Norms.Graeme Laurie - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The phenomenon of the New Genetics raises complex social problems, particularly those of privacy. This book offers ethical and legal perspectives on the questions of a right to know and not to know genetic information from the standpoint of individuals, their relatives, employers, insurers and the state. Graeme Laurie provides a unique definition of privacy, including a concept of property rights in the person, and argues for stronger legal protection of privacy in the shadow of developments in human genetics. (...)
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  35. Through students' eyes: ethical and professional issues identified by third-year medical students during clerkships: Table 1.Lauris C. Kaldjian, Marcy E. Rosenbaum, Laura A. Shinkunas, Jerold C. Woodhead, Lisa M. Antes, Jane A. Rowat & Valerie L. Forman-Hoffman - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):130-132.
    Backround Education in ethics and professionalism should reflect the realities medical students encounter in the hospital and clinic. Method We performed content analyses on Case Observation and Assessments (COAs) written by third-year medical students about ethical and professional issues encountered during their internal medicine and paediatrics clinical clerkships. Results A cohort of 141 third-year medical students wrote 272 COAs. Content analyses identified 35 subcategories of ethical and professional issues within 7 major domains: decisions regarding treatment (31.4%), communication (21.4%), professional duties (...)
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  36.  13
    Thomas Hobbes: Turning Point for Honor.Laurie M. Johnson Bagby - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Laurie Johnson Bagby examines the loss of the appreciation for honor in modern Western society through an examination of the political philosophy of English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes. She finds in Hobbes's thought a 'turning point for honor,' in which honor is rejected as too dangerous, and fear and self-interest are put in its place as the chief means of peace and good order.
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  37.  29
    The a Posteriori Foundations of Natural Science: Some Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's "Physics", Book I, Chapters 1 and 2.Edith Dudley Sylla - 1979 - Synthese 40 (1):147-187.
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  38.  16
    Shaping Godzone: public issues and church voices in New Zealand 1840-2000.Laurie Guy - 2011 - Wellington, [N.Z.]: Victoria University Press.
    Machine-generated contents note: Preface -- 1 - Introduction -- Section One: Race Relations and Racial (In)justice in Colonial New Zealand -- 2 - Missionary and Maori, 1840-1865 -- 3 - Voiceless at Parihaka, 1881 -- 4 - Anti-Asian Racism in 'White' New Zealand -- Section Two: Legislating for Godliness -- 5 - Keeping Quiet About the Sabbath, 1860-1930 -- 6 - Sunday or Fun-day, 1931-1990 -- 7 - The Battle of the Booze -- 8 - Uncorking the Bottle: The Alcohol (...)
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    The symptom of beauty.Laurie McRobert - 1996 - History of European Ideas 22 (2):160-162.
  40.  18
    Queer of colour hauntings in London’s arts scene: performing disidentification and decolonising the gaze. A case study of the Cocoa Butter Club.Laurie Mompelat - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (4):445-463.
    This article analyses the representational stakes of queer of colour performance, by taking the case study of the Cocoa Butter Club: queer of colour cabaret night in London. Within a British landscape that has silenced queer subjectivities of colour at the intersection of race, gender and sexuality, I explore the potential of QPOC performance to redress historical erasure. To enact their presence, I argue that the Cocoa Butter Club’s performers showcase their collective disidentification from the scripts pre-assigned to their bodies (...)
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    Object representation as a central issue in cognitive science.Laurie R. Santos & Bruce M. Hood - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--23.
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  42. (1 other version)The Evolution of Irrationality: Insights from Non-human Primates.Laurie Santos - 2007 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne, Oxford Studies in Epistemology:Volume 2: Volume 2. Oxford University Press.
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  43. Disputationes Collativae: Walter Burley's Tractatus Primus and of Gregory of Rimini's Lectura super primum et secundum Sententiarum.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2011 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 22:383-464.
  44.  38
    La philosophie morale des Wolof.Assane Sylla - 1994 - Dakar: IFAN, Université de Dakar.
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  45. Causal nonseparability and its implications for spatiotemporal relations.Laurie Letertre - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):64-74.
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  46. Indices of theory promise.Laurie Anne Whitt - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (4):612-634.
    Figuring prominently in their decisions regarding which theories to pursue are scientists' appeals to the promise or lack of promise of those theories. Yet philosophy of science has had little to say about how one is to assess theory promise. This essay identifies several indices that might be consulted to determine whether or not a theory is promising and worthy of pursuit. Various historical examples of appeals to such indices are introduced.
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    To Avenge or Not to Avenge? Exploring the Interactive Effects of Moral Identity and the Negative Reciprocity Norm.Laurie J. Barclay, David B. Whiteside & Karl Aquino - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):15-28.
    Across three studies, the authors examine the interactive effects of moral identity and the negative reciprocity norm in predicting revenge. The general argument is that moral identity provides the motivational impetus for individuals’ responses, whereas the normative framework that people adopt as a basis for guiding moral action influences the direction of the response. Results indicated that moral identity and the negative reciprocity norm significantly interacted to predict revenge. More specifically, the symbolization dimension of moral identity interacted with the negative (...)
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  48.  19
    Experience, Metaphysics, and Cognitive Science.Laurie Paul - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma, Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 419–433.
    This chapter explores how to understand the contributions of experience, especially with respect to the role of cognitive science, in developing and assessing metaphysical theories of reality. Further, it develops a methodological basis for the idea that, independently of work in experimental philosophy focused on explications of concepts, contemporary metaphysical theories with a role for experiential evidence can be fruitfully connected to empirical work in psychology, especially cognitive science. While there are different ways to flesh out the connection between cognitive (...)
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  49.  50
    Music education as critical practice: A naturalist view.Lauri Vakeva - 2003 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 11 (2):141-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 11.2 (2003) 141-156 [Access article in PDF] Music Education as Critical PracticeA Naturalist View Lauri Väkevä University Of Oulu, Finland I This essay defends naturalism as a framework for philosophy of music education. I have three general reasons for supporting naturalism. First, by taking naturalism seriously we can keep our philosophies up-to-date with scientific inquiry. Second, naturalism can emancipate us from transcendental pseudo-questions and (...)
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  50. Introduction.Graeme Laurie - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie, The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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