Results for 'Laurence Bardin'

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  1.  39
    Du téléphone fixe au portable.Laurence Bardin - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 112 (1):97.
    La réelle généralisation du téléphone en France, outil technique de médiation de la communication interpersonnelle ordinaire, date, après une longue gestation, d’une génération. Revisiter les enquêtes et analyses sur les usages sociaux du téléphone pendant le quart de siècle écoulé facilite, en prenant du recul, le suivi de l’évolution d’une appropriation, par les Français, qui ne fut pas seulement technique mais culturelle. Ce travail de remémorisation et de synthèse d’une révolution invisible préalable à la visibilité soudaine du téléphone portable dans (...)
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    Rio 2016: zika vírus e a defasagem noticiosa entre o on-line e o impresso no agendamento das olimpíadas do Brasil.Beatriz Dornelles & Marcel Neves Martins - 2016 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 23 (1).
    No contexto da realização de megaeventos esportivos no Brasil, este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre as práticas de agendamento das Olimpíadas Rio 2016 em relação à problemática do zika vírus pela Folha de S. Paulo e pela Zero Hora. O método utilizado é a análise de conteúdo, de Laurence Bardin. A amostra compreende o mês de fevereiro de 2016. Foram localizadas 19 matérias na Folha e três matérias em Zero Hora. A partir disso, trabalhamos sobre a defasagem (...)
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  3. Contornos curriculares do ensino de filosofia no ensino médio em teses doutorais defendidas após a MPV 746/2016.Kleber Santos Chaves & Benedito Gonçalves Eugênio - 2024 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 10 (1):7-1.
    Apresentamos no artigo em tela os resultados de uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL) cujo objetivo de pesquisa foi indicar os contornos curriculares do ensino de Filosofia no ensino médio em um corpus formado por sete teses cuja investigação atravessou, simultaneamente, o campo do Currículo, do Ensino de Filosofia e do Ensino Médio e que tenham sido defendidas no Brasil após a Reforma dessa etapa da educação básica (MPV 746/2016, convertida na Lei 13.415/2017) até 2022. Para tanto, nos aportamos teoricamente (...)
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    Violência escolar e racionalidade comunicativa.Adrielly Benigno de Moura, Francisco Ribeiro dos Santos Júnior & Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:292-307.
    Compreender a violência na sociedade contemporânea requer o mapeamento dos fatores geradores de atos violentos bem como sua prevenção por meio de políticas públicas e de processos educacionais. Este artigo traz algumas reflexões sobre a racionalidade comunicativa e a violência escolar no contexto da crescente exclusão social e a crise de horizontes utópicos para a construção da educação e da formação de sujeitos de direitos. A abordagem metodológica está ancorada na perspectiva da análise de conteúdo de Laurence Bardin (...)
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  5. Concepts and conceptual analysis.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (2):253-282.
    Conceptual analysis is undergoing a revival in philosophy, and much of the credit goes to Frank Jackson. Jackson argues that conceptual analysis is needed as an integral component of so-called serious metaphysics and that it also does explanatory work in accounting for such phenomena as categorization, meaning change, communication, and linguistic understanding. He even goes so far as to argue that opponents of conceptual analysis are implicitly committed to it in practice. We show that he is wrong on all of (...)
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  6. Pourquoi organiser en cette année charnière un colloque bioéthique-droits de l'homme?Laurence Azoux-Bacrie - 2003 - In Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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  7. So this is what it's like: A defense of the ability hypothesis.Laurence Nemirow - 2006 - In Torin Alter & Sven Walter, Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
  8.  81
    Constructing a systematic review for argument-based clinical ethics literature: The example of concealed medications.Laurence B. McCullough, John H. Coverdale & Frank A. Chervenak - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (1):65 – 76.
    The clinical ethics literature is striking for the absence of an important genre of scholarship that is common to the literature of clinical medicine: systematic reviews. As a consequence, the field of clinical ethics lacks the internal, corrective effect of review articles that are designed to reduce potential bias. This article inaugurates a new section of the annual "Clinical Ethics" issue of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy on systematic reviews. Using recently articulated standards for argument-based normative ethics, we provide (...)
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  9.  56
    Ethics in obstetrics and gynecology.Laurence B. McCullough, Frank A. Chervenak & Susan M. Scott - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (6):379-380.
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    An Ethically Justified Framework for Clinical Investigation to Benefit Pregnant and Fetal Patients.Laurence B. McCullough & Frank A. Chervenak - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (5):39-49.
    Research to improve the health of pregnant and fetal patients presents ethical challenges to clinical investigators, institutional review boards, funding agencies, and data safety and monitoring boards. The Common Rule sets out requirements that such research must satisfy but no ethical framework to guide their application. We provide such an ethical framework, based on the ethical concept of the fetus as a patient. We offer criteria for innovation and for Phase I and II and then for Phase III clinical trials (...)
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    (1 other version)Concepts.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2003 - In Ted Warfield, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell.
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  12. Moral Equality and Natural Inferiority.Laurence Thomas - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (3):379-404.
    This essay is a commentary upon "Race and Kant" by Thomas Hill, Jr and Bernard Boxill. They argue that although Kant in his anthropological writings took blacks to be inferior, his moral theory requires that they be shown the proper moral respect since blacks are persons nonetheless. I argue that this argument is sound, because the conception of inferiority that Kant attributed to blacks does not permit showing them the proper moral respect. Imagine a defective Mercedes Benz and a Ford (...)
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  13.  47
    In Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Physicians Already Know What to Do.Laurence B. McCullough - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):9-12.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 9-12.
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  14. Introduction.Laurence B. McCullough - 1983 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (3).
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  15.  70
    The critical turn in clinical ethics and its continous enhancement.Laurence B. McCullough - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (1):1 – 8.
    Taking the critical turn is one of the main tools of the humanities and inculcates an intellectual discipline that prevents ossification of thinking about issues and of organizational policies in clinical ethics. The articles in this "Clinical Ethics" number of the Journal take the critical turn with respect to cherished ways of thinking in Western clinical ethics, life extension, the clinical determination of death, physicians' duty to treat even at personal risk, clinical ethics at the interface of research ethics, and (...)
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  16.  33
    Laying Medicine Open: Innovative Interaction Between Medicine and the Humanities.Warren T. Reich & Laurence B. McCullough - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (1):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Laying Medicine Open: Innovative Interaction Between Medicine and the HumanitiesLaurence B. McCullough and Warren Thomas ReichThe past three decades have witnessed the emergence and remarkable success of the fields of bioethics and medical humanities. The intellectual landscape of medicine and that of the humanities have been remarkably altered in the process. Twenty-five to 30 years ago in the United States there existed but a few courses in what came (...)
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  17. The religious and spiritual perspective toward human organ donation and transplantation.Laurence J. O'Connell - 2001 - Advances in Bioethics 7:277-292.
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  18.  15
    Leibniz on Individuals and Individuation: The Persistence of Premodern Ideas in Modern Philosophy.Laurence B. McCullough - 1996 - Springer.
    Leibniz's earliest philosophy and its importance for his mature philosophy have not been examined in detail, particularly in the level of detail that one can achieve by placing Leibniz's philosophy in the context of the sources for two of the most basic concerns of his philosophical career: his metaphysics of individuals and the principle oftheir individuation. In this book I provide for the first time a detailed examination of these two Leibnizian themes and trace its implications for how we should (...)
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  19.  34
    Beneficence and Wellbeing: A Critical Appraisal.Laurence B. McCullough - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):65-68.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 65-68.
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  20.  50
    Hume's influence on John Gregory and the history of medical ethics.Laurence B. McCullough - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (4):376 – 395.
    The concept of medicine as a profession in the English-language literature of medical ethics is of recent vintage, invented by the Scottish physician and medical ethicist, John Gregory (1724-1773). Gregory wrote the first secular, philosophical, clinical, and feminine medical ethics and bioethics in the English language and did so on the basis of Hume's principle of sympathy. This paper provides a brief account of Gregory's invention and the role that Humean sympathy plays in that invention, with reference to key texts (...)
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  21.  26
    Robert Veatch’s Disrupted Dialogue and its implications for bioethics.Laurence B. McCullough - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (4):221-233.
    In his Disrupted Dialogue: Medical Ethics and the Collapse of Physician-Humanist Communication Robert Veatch presents a scholarly tour de force of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Anglophone medical ethics to demonstrate how the easy communication between physicians and humanists in the Scottish Enlightenment progressively dissipated as medicine became detached from humanistic disciplines. In this paper I offer two comments—that the discourse of medical ethics in the Scottish Enlightenment was a discourse of Baconian moral science and that nineteenth-century medical ethics in the United (...)
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  22.  41
    Subverting the canon.Laurence Lerner - 1992 - British Journal of Aesthetics 32 (4):347-358.
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  23.  41
    Towards a professional ethics model of clinical ethics.Laurence B. McCullough - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (1):1 – 6.
  24.  49
    The History of Medical Ethics Is Crucial for a Critical Perspective in the Continuing Development of Ethics Consultation.Laurence B. McCullough - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):55-57.
    (2001). The History of Medical Ethics Is Crucial for a Critical Perspective in the Continuing Development of Ethics Consultation. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 55-57.
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    Tolerance.Laurence-Khantipalo Mills - 1964 - London,: Rider.
  26.  19
    The Meditative Way - Readings in the theory and practice of Buddhist meditation. Ed. by Rod Bucknell and Chris Kang.Laurence-Khantipalo Mills - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (1):132-135.
    The Meditative Way - Readings in the theory and practice of Buddhist meditation. Ed. by Rod Bucknell and Chris Kang. Curzon Press, Richmond 1997. x, 274 pp. Cloth £40, pbk £14.99. ISBN 0-7007-0677-1/0678-X.
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    The Tale of Prince Samuttakote. A Buddhist Epic from Thailand. Trans. Thomas John Hudak.Laurence Mills - 1994 - Buddhist Studies Review 11 (2):193-194.
    The Tale of Prince Samuttakote. A Buddhist Epic from Thailand. Trans. Thomas John Hudak. Ohio University 1993. xxix, 276 pp. + 6 b/w plates. Pbk $20.00, £14.95.
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    The Unexpected Way. On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism. Paul Williams.Laurence-Khantipalo Mills - 2004 - Buddhist Studies Review 21 (1):110-117.
    The Unexpected Way. On Converting from Buddhism to Catholicism. Paul Williams. Continuum, London/New York 2002. Pb. xx, 240 pp. £12.99. ISBN 0 567 08830 8.
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    Pluralism, philosophies of medicine and the varieties of medical ethics: A commentary on Thomasma and Pellegrino.Laurence B. McCullough - 1981 - Metamedicine 2 (1):13-17.
    Some problems that arise in the account given by Thomasma and Pellegrino [6] of the foundations of medical ethics in a philosophy of medicine are addressed, in particular questions of a conceptual character about treating therelatum of medicine as health. Which concept of health is appropriate and which will bear the burden of the position thomasma and Pellegrino advance? It is argued that the proper relationship of medicine is one between a healer and developing embodied minds. As a consequence, the (...)
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    Métamorphoses de l’arbre : du schème au diagramme et du corail au rhizome.Laurence Dahan-Gaida - 2021 - Cahiers Philosophiques 163 (4):23-46.
    Paradigme même du diagramme, l’arbre a fait l’objet des convocations les plus variées dans des domaines et aux fins les plus diverses : outil mnémotechnique, modèle d’organisation de la connaissance, hiérarchies conceptuelles, relations généalogiques, processus héréditaires, modélisation de l’histoire ou de l’évolution naturelle, etc. De l’arbre de Porphyre à l’arbre des encyclopédistes, de l’arbre darwinien de la vie aux arbres de l’histoire littéraire de Franco Moretti, les diagrammes arborescents témoignent d’une capacité apparemment infinie à se laisser réactiver pour délivrer des (...)
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  31. The Structure of Socratic Dialogue: An Aristotelian Analysis.Robert Laurence Gallagher - 1998 - Dissertation, The Ohio State University
    This dissertation advances a solution to a problem intrinsic to understanding the dialogues of Plato. How are we to understand Plato's thought when he never speaks in his own name in any of his dialogues? Many writers assume that Plato's characters speak for him. With this assumption, they study the thought articulated by Plato's characters as if it were his own, and elaborate a so-called "doctrinal" interpretation. A variety of subjective readings follows, since what Socrates and other characters say in (...)
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    Painting in the Far East. An Introduction to the History of Pictorial Art in Asia, Especially China and Japan.C. S. G. & Laurence Binyon - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):390.
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    La sagesse de vivre: les philosophes et la mort.Laurence Vanin-Verna - 2009 - Bruxelles: Memogrames.
    Face à sa finitude, l'homme est désemparé. Il aborde l'existence par la question du " pourquoi ". " Pourquoi m'a-t-on donné la vie si c'est pour la reprendre? " Il est envahi par la colère, la révolte... puis, il cherche un sens à sa mort et pose un au-delà salvateur, un lieu où tout peut continuer autrement... ou encore il envisage une réincarnation; bref, quelque chose qui n'est plus " la fin de la fin ". Mais quand l'homme se fait (...)
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    Surgical Ethics.Laurence B. McCullough, James Wilson Jones & Baruch A. Brody - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This is the first textbook of surgical ethics. It is a practical, clinically comprehenive, well-organized guide to ethical issues in surgical practice, research, and education written by leading figures in surgery and bioethics. The authors cover the surgeon-patient relationship, the full range of surgical patients, surgical education and research, and surgery and managed care. Their chapters are not abstract discussions of ethical principles; rather, they connect directly with the everyday concerns of practicing surgeons.
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    Moral authority, power, and trust in clinical ethics.Laurence B. McCullough - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (1):1 – 3.
    Moral concerns about the authority, power, and trustworthiness of physicians have become important topics in clinical ethics during the past three decades. These concerns have come to greater prominence with the increasing involvement of large-scale private institutions in the organization and delivery of medical services, especially managed care organizations, and with the increasing involvement of government in the payment for and organization and delivery of medical services. When physicians act as the agents of large institutions or governments, the power of (...)
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    Case Studies in Bioethics: Is a Crisis of Conscience a Medical Problem?Clarence Blomquist & Laurence B. McCullough - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (3):26.
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    La forma en acto: morfogénesis y ciencias de lo viviente en Paul Valéry.Laurence Dahan-Gaida - 2018 - Arbor 194 (790):479.
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    Temps, rythmes, mesures: figures du temps dans les sciences et les arts.Laurence Dahan-Gaida (ed.) - 2012 - Paris: Hermann.
    À la fois omniprésent et incernable, le temps est une dimension omniprésente de nos existences, indissociable de notre rapport au cosmos, à la vie biologique, à la conscience mais aussi à l’histoire, à la culture et à la société. Parce qu’elle est au confluent de plusieurs champs d’expérience et de réflexion, la question du temps offre une passerelle privilégiée pour croiser des approches rarement invitées à se rencontrer : celles des sciences d’un côté (physique, biologie, médecine, cosmologie), celles des arts (...)
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    En teori om revolusjoner.Cédric Durand, Laurence Fontaine & Ulysse Lojkine - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (1-2):34-54.
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    Temporalités, espaces et Individu compressé en Chine.Laurence Roulleau-Berger - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    La société chinoise aujourd’hui peut être définie comme produisant différentes formes de compressed modernities où se contractent et s’entrelacent des temporalités historiques, sociales, politiques, économiques, mais aussi individuelles et collectives. Nous introduisons ici la notion de temporalité « contractée » qui favorise la superposition, l’intensification et la multiplication de risques sociaux, économiques, écologiques et sanitaires. Temporalités et espaces s’agencent en Chine de manière flagrante dans la production de mobilités, migrations et circulations très intenses aujourd’hui. La conquête de soi apparaît comme (...)
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  41. Pien cheng wei wu lun chiang hua. Sharkey, Laurence Lewis & [From Old Catalog] - 1975
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  42.  12
    Pragmatics, truth and underspecification: towards an atlas of meaning.Ken Turner & Laurence R. Horn (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    The concept of meaning, since Frege initiated the linguistic turn in 1884, has been the subject of numerous theories, hypotheses, methodologies and distinctions. One distinction of considerable strategic value relates to the location of meaning: some aspects of meaning can be found in language and are modelled with semantic values of various kinds; some aspects of meaning can be found in communicative processes and are modelled with pragmatic inferences of one sort or another. One hypothesis of great heuristic utility concerns (...)
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  43. Animals in Victorian Literature and Culture: Contexts for Criticism.Laurence W. Mazzeno & Ronald D. Morrison - 2017
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    Focus More on Causes and Less on Symptoms of Moral Distress.Laurence B. McCullough & Tessy A. Thomas - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (1):30-32.
    In this commentary on Carse and Rushton’s call for reorientation of moral distress, we state agreement with the authors that the discourse of moral distress should refocus on the moral components of integrity. We then explain how our philosophical taxonomy of moral distress, mentioned by the authors, appeals to moral integrity. In this process, we clarify our taxonomy’s appeal to Aristotle’s concept of akrasia. We conclude by offering support of Carse and Rushton’s challenge to organizations to strengthen moral integrity by (...)
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    Professional virtue of civility: responding to commentaries.Laurence B. McCullough, John Coverdale & Frank A. Chervenak - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):692-693.
    In our ‘The Professional Virtue of Civility and the Responsibilities of Medical Educators and Academic Leaders’,1 we provided an historically based conceptual account of the professional virtue of civility and the role of leaders of academic health centres in creating and sustaining an organisational culture of professionalism that promotes civility among healthcare professionals and between medical educators and learners. We emphasised that any adequate understanding of the virtues, including professional virtues, has cognitive, affective, behavioural and social components. Some of the (...)
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  46. Sexual desire, moral choice, and human ends.Laurence Thomas - 2002 - Journal of Social Philosophy 33 (2):178–192.
  47.  51
    Grounded Utopia.Laurence Davis - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (3):552-581.
  48.  26
    Voir, « savoir-être avec », rendre public : pour une ethnographie de la reconnaissance.Laurence Roulleau-Berger - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 117 (2):261-283.
    Face à la question des modes de distribution inégalitaire de l’honneur social et de la lutte pour la reconnaissance chez des populations objets de mépris social, le « savoir-être avec » l’Autre est devenu pour le sociologue un enjeu scientifique, méthodologique et épistémologique important. Est proposée ici une ethnographie de la reconnaissance où l’Autre est regardé et reconnu avec son expérience, sa compétence, et son identité plurielle, fluctuante, réversible, inscrit dans une diversité de mondes sociaux organisée par des processus culturels (...)
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    A transcultural, preventive ethics approach to critical-care medicine: Restoring the critical care physician's power and authority.Laurence B. McCullough - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (6):628 – 642.
    This article comments on the treatment of critical-care ethics in four preceding articles about critical-care medicine and its ethical challenges in mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and the Philippines. These articles show how cultural values can be in both synchrony and conflict in generating these ethical challenges and in the constraints that they place on the response of critical-care ethics to them. To prevent ethical conflict in critical care the author proposes a two-step approach to the ethical jus tification of (...)
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  50.  31
    Critically Appraising Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis to Prevent Disorders of Sexual Development: An Opportunity Missed.Laurence B. McCullough - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):1 - 3.
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