Results for 'Laura Lundy'

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  1.  32
    The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: Relevance and Application to Pediatric Clinical Bioethics.Gerison Lansdown, Laura Lundy & Jeffrey Goldhagen - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (3):252-266.
    The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child is among the most comprehensive of all international human rights covenants. It was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1989, following a decade of discussion and debate relating to its content, and has now been ratified by every nation in the world except the United States. This level of endorsement and broad acceptance of its provisions establishes the articles of the CRC as global norms for the treatment of children and (...)
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    The Potential Value of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in Pediatric Bioethics Settings.Michael Da Silva, Cheryl D. Lew, Laura Lundy, Kellie R. Lang, Irene Melamed & Randi Zlotnik Shaul - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (3):290-305.
    In this article, we examine how the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child can be useful in pediatric bioethics. Adopted in 1989, the CRC reflects norms that have been deliberated upon for a long period of time and endorsed by most nations. The United States is now the only country that has not ratified the CRC.1 International human rights law shares many key moral concepts with clinical pediatric bioethics, and the CRC provides a considered language common to many (...)
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    Could robots become authentic companions in nursing care?Theodore A. Metzler, Lundy M. Lewis & Linda C. Pope - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):36-48.
    Creating android and humanoid robots to furnish companionship in the nursing care of older people continues to attract substantial development capital and research. Some people object, though, that machines of this kind furnish human–robot interaction characterized by inauthentic relationships. In particular, robotic and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been charged with substituting mindless mimicry of human behaviour for the real presence of conscious caring offered by human nurses. When thus viewed as deceptive, the robots also have prompted corresponding concerns regarding (...)
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  4. Moral Testimony: A Re-Conceived Understanding Explanation.Laura Callahan - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):437-459.
    Why is there a felt asymmetry between cases in which agents defer to testifiers for certain moral beliefs, and cases in which agents defer on many other matters? One explanation influential in the literature is that having understanding of a proposition is both in tension with acquiring belief in the proposition by deferring to another's testimony and distinctively important when it comes to moral propositions, as compared with what we might think of as many ‘garden variety’ facts. My project in (...)
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  5. Semantic Deference versus Semantic Coordination.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):193-210.
    It's widely accepted that social facts about an individual's linguistic community can affect both the reference of her words and the concepts those words express. Theorists sympathetic to the internalist tradition have sought to accommodate these social dependence phenomena without altering their core theoretical commitments by positing deferential reference-fixing criteria. In this paper, we sketch a different explanation of social dependence phenomena, according to which all concepts are individuated in part by causal-historical relations linking token elements of thought.
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    Relational Autonomy, Paternalism, and Maternalism.Laura Specker Sullivan & Fay Niker - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):649-667.
    The concept of paternalism is intricately tied to the concept of autonomy. It is commonly assumed that when paternalistic interventions are wrong, they are wrong because they impede individuals’ autonomy. Our aim in this paper is to show that the recent shift towards conceiving of autonomy relationally highlights a separate conceptual space for a nonpaternalistic kind of interpersonal intervention termed maternalism. We argue that maternalism makes a twofold contribution to the debate over the ethics of interpersonal action and decision-making. Descriptively, (...)
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    Feminist Ethics.Laura M. Purdy & Claudia Card - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (6):41.
    Book reviewed in this article: Feminist Ethics. Ed. Claudia Card.
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    Judgment and Embodied Cognition of Lawyers. Moral Decision-Making and Interoceptive Physiology in the Legal Field.Laura Angioletti, Federico Tormen & Michela Balconi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Past research showed that the ability to focus on one’s internal states positively correlates with the self-regulation of behavior in situations that are accompanied by somatic and/or physiological changes, such as emotions, physical workload, and decision-making. The analysis of moral oriented decision-making can be the first step for better understanding the legal reasoning carried on by the main players in the field, as lawyers are. For this reason, this study investigated the influence of the decision context and interoceptive manipulation on (...)
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  9.  52
    Climate Engineering and the Playing God Critique.Laura M. Hartman - 2017 - Ethics and International Affairs 31 (3):313-333.
    Climate engineering is subject to the “playing God” critique, which charges that humans should not undertake to control nature in ways that seem to overstep the proper scope of human agency. This argument is easily discredited, and in fact the opposite—that we should “play God”—may be equally valid in some circumstances. To revive the playing God critique, I argue that it functions not on a logical but on a symbolic and emotional level to highlight nostalgia for functional dualisms in the (...)
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  10. Neo-Pragmatism, Primitive Intentionality and Animal Minds.Laura Danón - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (1):39-58.
    According to Hutto and Satne, 521–536, 2015), an “essential tension” plagues contemporary neo-Pragmatist accounts of mental contents: their explanation of the emergence and constitution of intentional mental contents is circular. After identifying the problem, they also propose a solution: what neo-Pragmatists need to do, to overcome circularity, is to appeal to a primitive content-free variety of intentionality, different from the full-blown intentionality of propositional attitudes. In this paper, I will argue that, in addition to the problem of circularity, there is (...)
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  11. Questioning the automaticity of audiovisual correspondences.Laura M. Getz & Michael Kubovy - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):101-108.
    An audiovisual correspondence (AVC) refers to an observer’s seemingly arbitrary yet consistent matching of sensory features across the two modalities; for example, between an auditory pitch and visual size. Research on AVCs has frequently used a speeded classification procedure in which participants are asked to rapidly classify an image when it is either accompanied by a congruent or an incongruent sound (or vice versa). When, as is typically the case, classification is faster in the presence of a congruent stimulus, researchers (...)
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  12.  32
    Fostering Neuroethics Integration: Disciplines, Methods, and Frameworks.Laura Y. Cabrera & Robyn Bluhm - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (3):194-196.
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  13.  25
    Cross‐Sector Partnerships: An Examination of Success Factors.Laura Pincus Hartman & Kanwalroop Kathy Dhanda - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (1):181-214.
    In this paper, we examine the drivers involved in an alternative business model: cross-sector social partnerships between for-profit, predominantly multinational corporations and nonprofit organizations. We explore these cross-sector social partnerships from the perspective of these primary stakeholders, examining the questions of power differentials and the definitions and determinants of success. In order more deeply to understand these drivers, we review the evolution of the concept of “value” and the perception of the value that each stakeholder brings to the partnership. We (...)
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  14. Epistemic Two-Dimensionalism and Empirical Presuppositions.Laura Schroeter - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):391-394.
    This note argues that Laura Schroeter's [2005] critique of David Chalmers's epistemic two-dimensional semantics is not touched by a reply by Edward Elliott, Kelvin McQueen, and Clas Weber [2013].
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    Victimhood dissociation and conflict resolution: evidence from the Colombian peace plebiscite.Laura Acosta - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):679-714.
    How does violence shape citizens’ preferences for conflict termination? The existing literature has argued that violence either begets sympathy for more violence or drives support for making peace. Focusing on the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement, this article finds that victimhood dissociation strongly shapes these preferences. With victimhood dissociation, a discrepancy exists between objective and subjective victimization, and the effect of violence on peace attitudes depends on citizens’ subjective interpretations of their personal experiences of violence. Citizens who do not experience violence (...)
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  16.  31
    Thinking Multisensory Culture.Laura U. Marks - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (2):123-137.
    The scholarly turn toward visual culture has left in place the sensory hierarchy that subtends Western philosophy. Yet given the commodification of sense experience, an inversion of the sensory hierarchy with the proximal senses of touch, taste, and smell at the top is not necessarily any more conducive to knowledge or justice. I argue that proximal sense experience may be a vehicle of knowledge, beauty and even ethics. Operating at a membrane between the sensible and the thinkable, the proximal senses (...)
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  17.  21
    Neuroethics: A New Way to Do Ethics or a New Understanding of Ethics?Laura Cabrera - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (2):25-26.
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    Kant’s Revised Account of the Non-Moral Imperatives of Practical Reason.Laura Papish - 2018 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 5.
    Two generalizations can be made regarding Kant’s account of imperatives of skill and prudence. First, Groundwork 4:412-420 remains the locus classicus for reconstructions of Kant’s view. Second, it is widely agreed that Kant’s treatment of these imperatives is confusing, incomplete, and lacking the requisite argumentation. I agree that Groundwork 4:412-420 lacks a clear and defensible account of imperatives of skill and prudence. But while many think this spells trouble for Kant’s theory of non-moral practical imperatives more generally, and that Kant (...)
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    Memory Interventions in the Criminal Justice System: Some Practical Ethical Considerations.Laura Y. Cabrera & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (1):95-103.
    In recent years, discussion around memory modification interventions has gained attention. However, discussion around the use of memory interventions in the criminal justice system has been mostly absent. In this paper we start by highlighting the importance memory has for human well-being and personal identity, as well as its role within the criminal forensic setting; in particular, for claiming and accepting legal responsibility, for moral learning, and for retribution. We provide examples of memory interventions that are currently available for medical (...)
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  20.  42
    Heidegger’s ontic relatedness: Pros ti and Mitsein.Laura Candiotto - 2016 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28 (43):313.
    Relational structure is a primitive notion of Heidegger’s Dasein. By analyzing the concept of pros-ti as it emerges from the Heidegger’s 1924 course dedicated to Plato’s Sophist, I outline the Platonic and Aristotelic roots of Heideggerian Mitsein. Arguably the Mitsein makes explicit the instances of the pros ti — in other words, the instances of Aristotle’s concept of relatedness/intentionality that Heidegger ascribes to Plato’s heteron — but giving them an existential value, having Heidegger pursued the shift from realism to phenomenologyexistentialism. (...)
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  21.  33
    (1 other version)Critical image configurations: The work of Georges didi-huberman.Laura Katherine Smith & Stijn De Cauwer - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (4):1-2.
    In this text, Jacques Rancière critically discusses the work of Georges Didi-Huberman on images. He disagrees with various claims seemingly made by Didi-Huberman about images, such as that they can “take position” or that they are “active.” Rancière argues that Didi-Huberman adds another form of dialectics to the simpler form of dialectics adopted by Bertolt Brecht and Harun Farocki in their works, namely one that also involves a layering of different temporalities. However, both in Brecht’s War Primer and in Didi-Huberman’s (...)
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  22.  15
    Deleuze and the Body.Laura Guillaume & Joe Hughes (eds.) - 2011 - Edinburgh University Press.
    A collection of essays on the approaches and applications of Deleuze's philosophy to the bodyUsing a variety of contemporary cultural, scientific and philosophical lines of enquiry, the contributors produce a truly multidisciplinary view of the Deleuzian body, inviting us to look afresh at art, movement and literature.The Deleuzian body is not necessarily a human body, but the lines of enquiry here all illuminate the idea of the human body and thinking about formation, origins and becoming in relation to power, creativity (...)
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  23.  47
    Reparative responsibility for the harms of forced migration.Laura Santi Amantini - 2024 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (4):605-623.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  24. Keeping track of what’s right.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3-4):489-509.
    In this paper, we argue that ordinary judgments about core normative topics purport to attribute stable, objective properties and relations. Our strategy is first to analyze the structures and practices characteristic of paradigmatically representational concepts such as concepts of objects and natural kinds. We identify three broad features that ground the representational purport of these concepts. We then argue that core normative concepts exhibit these same features.
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    Scientific methods: conceptual and historical problems.Peter Achinstein & Laura J. Snyder (eds.) - 1994 - Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co..
    Seven essays explore issues of scientific methodology in various episodes of science from Newtonian physics of the 17th and 18th century to quantum mechanics in the 20th. Addressed to scholars of the history and philosophy of science, but also accessible to general readers. Annotation copyright Book.
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  26.  58
    Pesticides.Laura Y. Cabrera - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (4):602-615.
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  27.  41
    Sensibility and Understanding in the Epistemological Thought of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.Laura Benítez - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano, Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 75-96.
    In this chapter, I focus on the faculties by which we gain knowledge, namely, sensibility and the understanding, as well as on the methodological framework within which Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz examines them. I stress the importance that the author gives to sensibility and the physiological apparatus that grounds and explains sensation.With respect to her conception of understanding, I will show that it is both the sign of man’s filiation with God and a faculty that displays deficiencies and (...)
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  28.  18
    Social Value Judgements in Healthcare: A Philosophical Critique.Laura R. Biron, Ruth Faden & Benedict Rumbold - 2012 - Journal of Health Organization and Management 26 (3):317-30.
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to consider some of the philosophical and bioethical issues raised by the creation of the draft social values framework developed to facilitate data collection and country-specific presentations at the inaugural workshop on "Social values and health priority setting" held in February 2011. -/- DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Conceptual analysis is used to analyse the term "social values", as employed in the framework, and its relationship to related ideas such as moral values. The structure of the framework (...)
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  29.  36
    They Might Retain Capacities to Consent But Do They Even Care?Laura Cabrera - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (1):41-42.
    Dunn and colleagues (2011) present a balanced article, which makes the following important points about the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the case of treatment-resistant major depression (...
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  30.  57
    What Does a Definition of Death Do?Laura Specker Sullivan - 2018 - Diametros 55:63-67.
    In his article, “Defining Death: Beyond Biology,” John Lizza argues in favor of a civil definition of death, according to which the potential for consciousness and social interaction marks us as the “kind of being that we are.” In this commentary, I critically discuss this approach to the bioethical debate on the definition of death. I question whether Lizza’s account is based on a full recognition of the “practical, moral, religious, philosophical, and cultural considerations” at play in this debate. I (...)
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  31. Points to Consider.Laura Beskow, Christine Grady, Ana Itlis, John Sadler & Benjamin Wilfond - 2009 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 31 (6):1-9.
    Research ethics consultation is increasingly recognized as a potentially valuable mechanism for addressing the depth and breadth of ethical issues that arise in research related to human health and well-being. However, fundamental questions remain, including: What is “research ethics consultation”? And what is its justification beyond the purposes already served by existing entities? We examine how a research ethics consultation service may differ from or complement the role of an institutional review board by offering a definition of research ethics consultation (...)
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  32. Interactive justice, the boundary problem, and proportionality.Laura Valentini - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (4):466-472.
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    Square and Delta reflection.Laura Fontanella & Yair Hayut - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (8):663-683.
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    Return of Genetic Research Results to Participants and Families: IRB Perspectives and Roles.Laura M. Beskow & P. Pearl O'Rourke - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):502-513.
    We surveyed IRB chairs' perspectives on offering individual genetic research results to participants and families, including family members of deceased participants, and the IRB's role in addressing these issues. Given a particular hypothetical scenario, respondents favored offering results to participants but not family members, giving choices at the time of initial consent, and honoring elicited choices. They felt IRBs should have authority regarding the process issues, but a more limited role in medical and scientific issues.
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  35.  11
    Conventional Truth and Intentionality in the Work of Dharmakīrti.Laura Guerrero - 2015 - In Koji Tanaka, Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield & Graham Priest, The Moon Points Back. Oxford University Press USA.
    Conventional truth describes things as delivered by ordinary experience; ultimate truth captures the way that things are independent of our interests, practices, and cognitive faculties. It is notoriously difficult to provide an adequate analysis of either conventional or ultimate truth, however. This chapter develops a previous scholarly suggestion to understand conventional truth in Madhyamaka as deflationary truth. It points out that this suggestion is a good one only if a supplementary theory of meaning, which the deflationary theory of truth presupposes, (...)
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    What Can a Body Do? Answers from Trablus, Cairo, Beirut and Algiers.Laura U. Marks - 2015 - Paragraph 38 (1):118-135.
    The essay examines contemporary Arab films that express the body's forces. One strategy, common with other world cinemas, is that films carry out different operations at the molar and molecular levels, which correspond to different levels of embodiment and body politics. Another, more unique to Arab cinema, is to cultivate strategies of protecting and enfolding bodies, similar to what Foucault termed ars erotica. Third, they enlist the audience in a struggle to attain what Spinoza called ‘adequate ideas’, ideas that arise (...)
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  37.  56
    From bridewealth to dowry?Laura Fortunato, Clare Holden & Ruth Mace - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (4):355-376.
    Significant amounts of wealth have been exchanged as part of marriage settlements throughout history. Although various models have been proposed for interpreting these practices, their development over time has not been investigated systematically. In this paper we use a Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic comparative approach to reconstruct the evolution of two forms of wealth transfers at marriage, dowry and bridewealth, for 51 Indo-European cultural groups. Results indicate that dowry is more likely to have been the ancestral practice, and that a minimum (...)
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  38.  48
    Socratic Dialogue Faces the History.Laura Candiotto - 2017 - Culture and Dialogue 5 (2):157-172.
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    Strong tree properties for two successive cardinals.Laura Fontanella - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (5-6):601-620.
    An inaccessible cardinal κ is supercompact when (κ, λ)-ITP holds for all λ ≥ κ. We prove that if there is a model of ZFC with two supercompact cardinals, then there is a model of ZFC where simultaneously \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}(2,μ){(\aleph_2, \mu)}\end{document} -ITP and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}(3,μ){(\aleph_3, \mu')}\end{document} -ITP hold, for all \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}μ2{\mu\geq \aleph_2}\end{document} and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} (...)
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    Aesthetic Appeal and Utility of Vedic Mathematics: An Introduction.Laura Aimo - forthcoming - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico.
    Mathematics and aesthetics are closely intertwined. Not only mathematical concepts, relationships and theorems can be aesthetically pleasing, but we also often find harmony between their results and the patterns of the world around us, and we like that. Yet, apart from rare exceptions, the beauty of mathematics, particularly in education, is mostly unrecognized: this science rarely meets the favour of students. Vedic mathematics is an approach which encapsulates the enjoyment and power of this knowledge, not only in the sphere of (...)
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    Integrated Networked Governance on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.Laura Albareda - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:398-410.
    The aim of the paper is to study the stages of development of corporate responsibility global standards and initiatives based on the development of integratednetworked governance. I propose a matrix based on four development stages built along a continuum and in crescendo collaboration among different global standards and multistakeholder initiatives. The research is based on the concept of the analysis of the integrated networked governance on an analysis of the Global Action Network (Waddell, 2011).
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    (The Image of) God in All of Us.Laura E. Alexander - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):653-678.
    This essay compares Sikh and Christian thought about and practices of hospitality in light of the global refugee crisis. It aims to show how both practices of hospitality, and religious ethical thought about hospitality, can be enhanced by dialogue between traditions. The refugee crisis arises out of a global failure of hospitality, and the type of hospitality refugees most fundamentally need is that which confers membership in a political community. Comparing Christian and Sikh ethics of hospitality provides guidance toward building (...)
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  43.  21
    On Aristotle, Topics 2.Laura M. Castelli - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Laura Maria Castelli.
    Aristotle's Topics is a handbook for dialectic, which can be understood as a philosophical debate between a questioner and a respondent. In book 2, Aristotle mainly develops strategies for making deductions about 'accidents', which are properties that might or might not belong to a subject (for instance, Socrates has five fingers, but might have had six), and about properties that simply belong to a subject without further specification. In the present commentary, here translated into English for the first time, Alexander (...)
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    La construcción de la imagen del derecho: un recorrido histórico.D. Ana Laura Nettel - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):431-447.
    The idea that guides this paper is that visual images of law have contributed in a very important way to the creation of a mental image of law that supports the belief in an obligation to obey the law. My purpose is: first, to identify and to analyse the visual representation of law and the messages they convey. Second, attempt to find out how they shape the mental image we have of law by following the construction of judicial space and, (...)
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    Percorsi tipici di mobilità: una nuova prospettiva per lo studio delle carriere lavorative.Laura Arosio - 2002 - Polis 16 (1):75-102.
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    La disoccupazione in Italia.Laura Azzolina - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):503-520.
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  47. Weiskel's Sublime and the Impasse of Knowledge.Laura Quinney - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (2):309-319.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Fragments WEISKEL'S SUBLIME AND THE IMPASSE OF KNOWLEDGE by Laura Quinney Since the publication of Thomas Weiskel's The Romantic Sublime in 1976, scholars of the sublime, in America at any rate, have taken their cue from the demystifying character ofWeiskel's analysis.1 Before Weiskel the most ambitious twentieth-century account of the sublime was Samuel Monk's largely descriptive work The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories inEighteenth-CenturyEngland.2 With (...)
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    Consent for Acute Care Research and the Regulatory “Gray Zone”.Laura M. Beskow, Christopher J. Lindsell & Todd W. Rice - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):26-28.
    Volume 20, Issue 5, June 2020, Page 26-28.
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    From Empathy to Empathies. Towards a Paradigm Change.Laura Boella - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (1):1-13.
    : Today’s debate on empathy is characterized by an interplay between neuroscience, philosophy of mind and phenomenology that has led to several distinct definitions of empathy. Much of the difficulty in defining empathy is due to the emphasis on its prosocial value, a feature that has made it a “keyword” of our time. Does the role empathy has been assigned in social interactions imply its involvement in matters of identity, similarity and affective resonance? What happens when the flow of sensations (...)
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    Inductive Risks, Inferences, and the Role of Values in Disorders of Consciousness.Laura Y. Cabrera - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (1):57-59.
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