Results for 'Lateral Violence'

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  1.  9
    Exploring the Toxicity of Lateral Violence and Microaggressions: Poison in the Water Cooler.Christine L. Cho, Julie K. Corkett & Astrid Steele (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Examining the subtle forms of aggression, violence, and harassment that occur in our society and manifest in institutions and places of work, the expert contributors collected here describe the experience of social marginalization and expose how vulnerable individuals work to navigate exclusionary climates. This volume explores how bodies disrupt the status quo in multiple contexts and locations; provides insights into how institutions are structured and how practices that may cause harm are maintained; and, finally, considers progressive and proactive alternatives. (...)
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    Reflections on Non-Caring Phenomena from Individual Lateral Violence to System Creating the Invisible Nurses Through Hannah Arendt’s Concepts.Kyunghwa Lee - 2021 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 90:95-124.
    한나 아렌트의 사유 BR 돌봄이 필수인 간호계에 ‘간호사 간 약자 괴롭힘’이라는 돌봄 부재의 병리적 현상이 만연하고 있음에도 간호교육계와 간호 현장에서는 이렇다 할만한 전략을 내놓지 못하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 이에 필자는 한나 아렌트의 악의 평범성, 무사유, 다원성, 탄생성, 상호이해 등의 개념을 적용·논의함으로써 우리 사회의 필수 인력인 간호사들의 직무 스트레스 환경과 상대적으로 취약한 간호사들이 겪는 괴롭힘 현상을 고찰해보고자 개인 간호사 간의 무례함과 괴롭힘을 넘어 간호·의료계 결정권자들에게도 아렌트의 사유를 적용한 담론을 시도하였다. 사유 능력이 논의의 요점이지만 이러한 논의의 선결 조건으로서 상호이해와 합의 가능한 ‘간호사 (...)
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  3. Animal Abuse in Childhood and Later Support for Interpersonal Violence in Families.Clifton P. Flynn - 1999 - Society and Animals 7 (2):161-172.
    A survey of university students tested whether committing animal abuse during childhood was related to approval of interpersonal violence against children and women in families. Respondents who had abused an animal as children or adolescents were significantly more likely to support corporal punishment, even after controlling for frequency of childhood spanking, race, biblical literalism, and gender. Those who had perpetrated animal abuse were also more likely to approve of a husband slapping his wife. Engaging in childhood violence against (...)
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  4.  52
    Sexual Violence, Bodily Pain, and Trauma: A History.Joanna Bourke - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (3):25-51.
    Psychological trauma is a favoured trope of modernity. It has become commonplace to assume that all ‘bad events’ – and particularly those which involve violence – have a pathological effect on the sufferer’s psyche, as well as that of the perpetrators. This essay explores the ways victims of rape and sexual assault were understood in psychiatric, psychological, forensic, and legal texts in Britain and America from the 19th to the late 20th century. It argues that, unlike most other ‘bad (...)
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    Sartre on Violence: Curiously Ambivalent.Ronald E. Santoni - 2003 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    From "Materialism and Revolution" through _Hope Now_, Jean-Paul Sartre was deeply engaged with questions about the meaning and justifiability of violence. In the first comprehensive treatment of Sartre’s views on the subject, Ronald Santoni begins by tracing the full trajectory of Sartre’s evolving thought on violence and shows how the "curious ambiguity" of freedom affirming itself against freedom in his earliest writings about violence developed into his "curiously ambivalent" position through his later writings.
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  6. Violence and blindness: The case of uchuraccay.James Mensch - 2013 - Phenomenologies of Violence, Ed. Michael Staudigl, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers:145-155.
    Only rarely does life imitate art in the starkness and directness of its message. When that message is a tragic one the effect becomes indelible. Such was the impact on Peru of the events of Uchuraccay, a small village located in its central highlands. Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission called it “an emblematic referent of the violence and pain in the collective memory of the country” (TRC, 121). [i] In the twenty-year turmoil that engulfed Peru at the end of (...)
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    Imitation, Violence, and Exchange.Per Bjørnar Grande - 2023 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 30 (1):221-231.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Imitation, Violence, and ExchangeGirard and MaussPer Bjørnar Grande (bio)RECIPROCAL VIOLENCE AND THE DESIRE FOR WHAT THE OTHER DESIRESIn this article, I would like to draw attention to the potentially violent outcome of exchange interactions between individuals and groups. Both Girard and Mauss examine violence in a wider social and political process.1 According to Mauss, the smallest difference, such as a lack of reciprocity, may evoke a (...)
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  8. The violence in learning.Robert Keith Shaw - 2010 - Analysis and Metaphysics 9:76-100.
    This paper argues that learning is inherently violent. It examines the way in which Heidegger uses – and refrains from using – the concept in his account of Dasein. Heidegger explicitly discussed “learning” in 1951 and he used of the word in several contexts. Although he confines his use of “learning” to the ontic side of the ontic-ontological divide, there are aspects of what he says that open the door to an ontological analogue of the ontic learning. In this discussion (...)
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  9.  44
    Violence, Anarchy, and Scripture: Jacques Ellul and René Girard.Matthew Pattillo - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):25-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:VIOLENCE, ANARCHY, AND SCRIPTURE: JACQUES ELLUL AND RENÉ GIRARD Matthew Patullo Princeton Theological Seminary This essay will examine the personal and social consequences ofsin, Biblically defined, and will contend that Christian faith necessitates a rejection of the secular political order. Exploring and contrasting the thought of René Girard and Jacques Ellul, we will demonstrate that Girard's mimetic theory supplies crucial theoretical underpinnings for Ellul's theology. Ellul, in turn, (...)
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  10.  53
    Mimesis, Violence, and Socially Engaged Buddhism: Overture to a Dialogue.Leo D. Lefebure - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):121-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mimesis, Violence, and Socially Engaged Buddhism: Overture to a Dialogue Leo D. Lefebure University ofSaint Mary ofthe Lake René Girard's analysis ofdesire, mimetic rivalry, and the surrogate victim mechanism seeks to transform human consciousness in order to overcome seemingly intractable patterns ofrivalry and violence. In this project the Buddhist tradition, with its long commitment to nonviolence, its age-old suspicion of ordinary views of the self, and its (...)
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    Sibling Violence in the Qur’ān: A Psychological Perspective on the Abel-Cain and the Prophet Joseph Stories.İbrahim Yildiz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):73-95.
    Although the family is the safest environment for each member, sometimes violence and abuse can come from the family members. Violence causes family relationships to deteriorate as in all other relationships among people. Sibling violence, as a form of domestic violence, can sometimes have dire consequences that can result in family breakup, death or long-term loss of one of the siblings. In this study, sibling violence, which has the potential to harm family relations in such (...)
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  12.  23
    Violence against new graduated nurses in clinical settings.Hossein Ebrahimi, Hadi Hassankhani, Reza Negarandeh, Carol Jeffrey & Azim Azizi - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):704-715.
    Background: Ethical studies in nursing are very important topics, and it is particularly crucial with vulnerable populations such as new graduated nurses. Neglecting ethical principles and violence toward graduates can lead to their occupational burnout, job dissatisfaction, and leaving the nursing profession. Objective: This study was designed with the aim of understanding the experience of Iranian experienced nurses’ use of lateral and horizontal violence against new graduated nurses. Research design: This qualitative study used a conventional content analysis (...)
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  13.  62
    Pacifism—Fifty Years Later.Jan Narveson - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (4):925-943.
    I suppose I’m writing this because of my 1965 paper on Pacifism. In that essay I argued that pacifism is self-contradictory. That’s a strong charge, and also not entirely clear. Let’s start by trying to clarify the charge and related ones.Pacifism has traditionally been understood as total opposition to violence, even the use of it in defense of oneself when under attack. I earlier maintained (in my well-known “Pacifism: A Philosophical Analysis” (Narveson, Ethics, 75:4, 259–271, 1965)) that this position (...)
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  14. Violence and Revolutionary Subjectivity.Christopher J. Finlay - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (4):373-397.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between revolution and violence in Marxism and in a series of texts drawing on Marxian theory. Part 1 outlines the basic normative frameworks which determine the outer limits of permissible violence in Marxism. Part 2 presents a critical analysis of a series of later discussions - by Sorel, Fanon and Žižek - which transformed the terms in which violence was discussed by developing one particular aspect of Marxist (...)
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  15. Love, hatred and violence in the sacred palace: The story and history of the Amorian dynasty.Katerina Nikolaou & Irene Chrestou - 2008 - Byzantion 78:87-102.
    In the attempt to understand and interpret behavioral patterns, collectively and individually, the example of the Amorion Dynasty is being used. Studying the texts on this topic by the chronographers of later periods, reveals a string of events that historians attributed to personal motives and attempted to interpret as the result o f the abovementioned feelings. This interpretation of the historical events, which did not consider the governmental, social and economic circumstances that allowed the range of human emotions to find (...)
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  16. Traversées de la violence.Marc Crépon - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:283-294.
    At the end of the Second World War, the figure of Gandhi haunts political philosophy as it wrestles with the task of justifying violence in the name of history. The story begins with Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at noon in 1938. Gandhi’s name appears during a discussion between Roubachof and Ivanof. A few years later (1946), Koestler publishes in French a book entitled Le Yogi et le commissaire, analysed by Merleau-Ponty in Humanisme et terreur (1946–1947). Camus replies in L’Homme révolté (...)
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    Hannah Arendt, violence and vitality.Simon Swift - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (3):357-376.
    This article places Hannah Arendt’s fundamental view of the instrumentality of violence in dialogue with Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’ in order to demonstrate the importance for each of a notion of ‘mere life’ or ‘life itself’ to an understanding of the agency of violence in modernity. Arendt’s critique of vitalism is most fully developed in The Human Condition, where she describes an entanglement of the instrumental activity of homo faber with life and labour in the work (...)
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  18.  31
    Encountering Violence in Hindu Universes.Ankur Barua - 2017 - Journal of Religion and Violence 5 (1):49-78.
    A study of Hindu engagements with violence which have been structured by scriptural themes reveals that violence has been regulated, enacted, resisted, negated or denied in complex ways. Disputes based on Vedic orthodoxy were channeled, in classical India, through the mythical frameworks of gods clashing with demons, and later in the medieval centuries this template was extended to the Muslim foreigners who threatened the Brahmanical socio-religious orders. In the modern period, the electoral mechanisms of colonial modernity spurred Hindu (...)
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    In the beginning was violence: Emmanuel Levinas on religion and violence.Ruud Welten - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (3):355-370.
    It is the aim of this contribution to question the two conceptions of violence in the later Levinas. One of the face, the other the violence that must be overcome by the face. The article argues that this cannot be understood fully without taking into account Levinas’ Talmudic philosophy. By focusing on the notion of trauma in the later work of Levinas, it is argued that Levinas’ idea of the human subject is understood as radical vulnerability. This idea (...)
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  20.  29
    The subversive potential of Leo Tolstoy’s ‘defamiliarisation’: a case study in drawing on the imagination to denounce violence.Alexandre Christoyannopoulos - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (5):562-580.
    In his later years, Leo Tolstoy wrote numerous books, essays and pamphlets expounding his newly-articulated denunciations of all political violence, whether by dissidents or ostensibly legitimate states. If these writings have inspired many later pacifists and anarchists, it is partly thanks to his masterful deployment of the literary technique of ‘defamiliarisation’ – or looking at the familiar as if new – to shake readers into recognising the absurdity of common justifications of violence, admitting their implicit complicity in it, (...)
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    Divine violence as auto-deconstruction: The Christ-event as an Act of transversing the Neo-Liberal fantasy.Johann Albrecht Meylahn - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (2).
    This paper will bring Žižek’s divine violence as an Act, a means without end, into conversation with Derrida’s divine violence, différance and auto-deconstruction as the impossible possibility of justice. Although Žižek has, in his later works, conceded to his indebtedness to Derrida, there are certain important differences between the two thinkers. The paper will focus on their respective interpretations of divine violence and the link to minimal difference (Žižek) or différance (Derrida). Their respective interpretations of divine (...) will be further explored with regards to Derrida’s auto-deconstruction as a kind of Heideggerian Gelassenheit and Žižek’s interpretation of the Lacanian Act. Critchley criticises Žižek for being too Gelassen in his dream of patiently waiting for an absolute, divine, cataclysmic revolutionary act of divine violence. This patient waiting or non-violent violence will be read within the context of Derrida’s auto-deconstruction: a means (an Act/Event) without specific end. The second part of the paper will explore a re-reading or inter-textual reading of John’s Gospel within the context of the above conversation. The reading will specifically focus on the Christ-event, creating an alternative community to the Roman Empire as it transverses the primal fantasy of this empire. This will be translated into the context of the contemporary neo-liberal fantasy, namely John’s alternative Christian community as a community of subjects who enjoy their symptom. As such a community they present a non-violent violent transversion of the primal fantasy of for example neo-liberalism. Such a community could be interpreted as a community of non-action action with an auto-deconstructive ethos: the divine violence of the Christ-event. (shrink)
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    Heidegger’s Later Philosophy.Julian Young - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Heidegger's later philosophy has often been regarded as a lapse into unintelligible mysticism. While not ignoring its deep and difficult complexities, Julian Young's book explains in simple and straightforward language just what it is all about. It examines Heidegger's identification of loss of 'the gods', the violence of technology, and humanity's 'homelessness' as symptoms of the destitution of modernity, and his notion that overcoming 'oblivion of Being' is the essence of a turning to a post-destitute, genuinely post-modern existence. Young (...)
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  23.  33
    Naming and Defining ‘Domestic Violence’: Lessons from Research with Violent Men.Nicole Westmorland & Liz Kelly - 2016 - Feminist Review 112 (1):113-127.
    In this paper we draw on data from in-depth interviews with men who have used violence and abuse within intimate partner relationships to provide a new lens through which to view the conceptual debates on naming, defining and understanding ‘domestic violence’, as well as the policy and practice implications that flow from them. We argue that the reduction of domestic violence to discrete ‘incidents’ supports and maintains how men themselves talk about their use of violence, and (...)
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  24.  86
    Domestic Violence and the Gendered Law of Self-Defence in France: The Case of Jacqueline Sauvage.Kate Fitz-Gibbon & Marion Vannier - 2017 - Feminist Legal Studies 25 (3):313-335.
    Legal responses to battered women who kill have long animated scholarly debate and law reform activity. In September 2012 after 47 years of alleged abuse, Frenchwoman Jacqueline Sauvage fatally shot her abusive husband three times in the back. The subsequent contested trial, conviction for murder, unsuccessful appeal and later presidential pardon of Sauvage thrust the French law of self-defence into the spotlight. The Sauvage case raises important questions surrounding the adequacy of the French criminal law in this area, the ongoing (...)
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  25. Arendt and Hobbes: Glory, Sacrificial Violence, and the Political Imagination.Peg Birmingham - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):1-22.
    The dominant narrative today of modern political power, inspired by Foucault, is one that traces the move from the spectacle of the scaffold to the disciplining of bodies whereby the modern political subject, animated by a fundamental fear and the will to live, is promised security in exchange for obedience and productivity. In this essay, I call into question this narrative, arguing that that the modern political imagination, rooted in Hobbes, is animated not by fear but instead by the desire (...)
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    Religion and Symbolic Violence.Paul Ricoeur & James Williams - 1999 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 6 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RELIGION AND SYMBOLIC VIOLENCE Paul Ricoeur Université de Nanterre Paris X These are issues that I take very much to heart, so I will risk my own thoughts on the relation between religion and violence, not excluding the violence in and ofreligion. This is to say that I am not evading the objection made by Jean-Pierre Changeux in a recent discussion, namely, that religion as such (...)
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  27.  23
    From Dynamite Hill to The Black Power Mixtape: Angela Davis on the Violence/Nonviolence Binary and the Mediation of Black Political Thought.Lisa Beard - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (4):645-673.
    This essay explores the archive of a 1971 interview of Angela Davis by Swedish journalist Bo Holmström—recorded in Santa Clara County Jail where Davis awaited trial—to examine the relationship between Black radical thought and its social and intellectual mediation, especially when it comes to questions of violence versus nonviolence. Where Holmström invokes the “violence/nonviolence” binary in the interview, Davis pointedly resists its distortions, restoring the record of contemporary and historical conditions of racial terror that both necessitate and criminalize (...)
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    3. Violence and Hyperbole.Michael Naas - 2016 - In Samir Haddad, Penelope Deutscher & Olivia Custer (eds.), Foucault/Derrida Fifty Years Later: The Futures of Genealogy, Deconstruction, and Politics. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 38-60.
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  29. Hannah Arendt's Critique of Violence.Christopher J. Finlay - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 97 (1):26-45.
    This article critiques the idea of instrumental justification for violent means seen in Hannah Arendt's writings. A central element in Arendt's argument against theorists like Georges Sorel and Frantz Fanon in On Violence is the distinction between instrumental justifications and approaches emphasizing the `legitimacy' of violence or its intrinsic value. This doesn't really do the work Arendt needs it to in relation to rival theories. The true distinctiveness of Arendt's view is seen when we turn to On Revolution (...)
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    Liberation Theology and the Interpretation of Political Violence.Frederick Sontag - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):271-292.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LIBERATION THEOLOGY AND THE INTERPRE.TATION OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE FREDERICK SONTAG Pomona OoUego Olaremont, Oalifornia " It is impossible to remain loyal to Marxism, to the Revolution, without treating insurrection as an art." Lenin, paraphrasing Karl Marx WHENEVER Liberation Theology ·and its contributions to theologicail discussion al'e ·concerned, no aspect has been more controversirul than its association with violence. There is no question that Marxism/Leninism depends on the (...)
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    Affect Unchained: Violence, Voyeurism and Affection in the Art of Quentin Tarantino.Adam Lipszyc - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (2):128-138.
    In the first part of the paper the author briefly revisits two of the most important traditions that stand behind the contemporary conceptualizations of affect: the Deleuzian tradition and the Lacanian one. Having pointed to the most important features of the two lines of thinking affect, as well as to certain difficulties that arise within them, the author proceeds to offer his own simple conceptual model that would be operative in thinking about film experience. The model involves feeling, emotion and (...)
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    Writing the Violence of Time: Derrida Beyond the Deconstruction of Metaphysics.Björn Thorsteinsson - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 150–165.
    What, ultimately, is the nature of reality according to Derrida? What, in his scheme of things, is being, what is time? What is consciousness and how should we conceive of the relation between self and other? What sort of metaphysics, or, more specifically, what sort of ontology if any can Derrida justifiably be said to adhere to? The aim of this chapter is to address these questions in a way that will not be entirely disloyal, or, rather, will be as (...)
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    Hannah Arendt's Critique of Violence.Christopher Friday - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 97 (1):26-45.
    This article critiques the idea of instrumental justification for violent means seen in Hannah Arendt's writings. A central element in Arendt's argument against theorists like Georges Sorel and Frantz Fanon in On Violence is the distinction between instrumental justifications and approaches emphasizing the `legitimacy' of violence or its intrinsic value. This doesn't really do the work Arendt needs it to in relation to rival theories. The true distinctiveness of Arendt's view is seen when we turn to On Revolution (...)
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  34. Hannah Arendt on National Liberation, Violence, and Federalism.Tal Correm - 2019 - In Kei Hiruta (ed.), Arendt on Freedom, Liberation, and Revolution. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-169.
    Hannah Arendt’s critical acceptance of the Jewish national liberation movement and her support for the formation of a Jewish Army during the Second World War stand in contrast to her later critique of armed anticolonial struggles. I address this tension in three steps. First, I explain the role of violence in her theory of liberation. Next, I address the problem with liberation in terms of a sovereign nation-state and the alternative of federation. Finally, I return to the case of (...)
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    Joshua’s Jihad? A Reexamination of Religious Violence in the Christian and Islamic Traditions.Matthew J. Kuiper - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (2):149-169.
    Examples of scriptural and historic militancy in Christianity and Islam are frequently compared today without sufficient attention to the complexity of the subject within each tradition. Through an examination of relevant biblical and Qur’anic materials, and of episodes in later history, this article attempts a fresh examination of violence in the two traditions. It argues that the tensions in each tradition related to violence, while similar in some ways, are quite distinct in others. In light of this, thoughts (...)
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    Symposium on Michelle Madden Dempsey, Prosecuting Domestic Violence: A Philosophical Analysis.Matt Matravers - 2014 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 8 (3):527-528.
    Michelle Madden Dempsey’s Prosecuting Domestic Violence: A Philosophical Analysis (2009) is an important book for many reasons. Amongst these are the prevalence of domestic violence and the extraordinary, largely unaccountable discretionary powers wielded by prosecutors in the United States. Against this background, Dempsey asks in particular what prosecutors should do when the victims of domestic violence withdraw their support from the proposed prosecution. In Prosecuting Domestic Violence, Dempsey provides a general account of prosecutorial practical reasoning that (...)
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    Judith Butler's Critique of Violence and the Legacy of Monique Wittig.Sanna Karhu - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):827-843.
    Although Judith Butler's theorization of violence has begun to receive growing scholarly attention, the feminist theoretical background of her notion of violence remains unexplored. In order to fill this lacuna, this article explicates the feminist genealogy of Butler's notion of violence. I argue that Butler's theorization of violence can be traced back to Gender Trouble, to her discussion of Monique Wittig's argument that the binary categorization of sex can be conceived as a form of discursive (...). I contend, first, that Butler starts to develop her notion of “gender violence” on the basis of her reading of Wittig, and second, that Butler's more recent writings on military violence and the ethics of nonviolence build on her early interpretation of Wittig. On the basis of my reading, I suggest, in contrast to recent criticism, that Butler's later critique of violence is not at odds with but rather expands upon her prior work on violence. (shrink)
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    The afterlife of fictional media violence. A genetic phenomenology of emotions following Husserl and Freud.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (3):289-308.
    Ever since the 1960s, media and communication studies have abounded in heated debates concerning the psychological and social effects of fictional media violence. Massive empirical research has first tried to tie film violence to cultivating either fear or aggressive tendencies among its viewership, while later research has focused on other media as well (television, video games). The present paper does not aim to settle the factual question of whether or not medial experiences indeed engender real emotional dispositions. Instead, (...)
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    L.N. Tolstoy's Principle of “Non-Resistance to Evil by Violence” in the Context of Russian Religious Philosophy of the Late XIX - Early XX Century.I. I. Evlampiev & I. Yu Matveeva - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):165-180.
    The article discusses how the meaning of the principle of “non-resistance to evil by violence” was changing in L.N. Tolstoy's religious and philosophical teachings and how this principle was evaluated in Russian religious philosophy of the late XIX - early XX century. In the first version of Tolstoy’s teachings, set forth in the book “What is my faith?”, the principle of non-resistance was understood in a moral sense, as the norm for all people; its execution should lead to the (...)
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    Towards a Slow Decolonisation of Sexual Violence.Louise du Toit - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    This paper explores how we could approach the decolonising of the debate on sexual violence within the South African post-colony. For this purpose, a historical event is analysed: two presbytery hearings of 1843 and 1845, both involving Xhosa convert John Beck Balfour, at the Scottish mission station of Burnshill based in Xhosaland (later called British Caffraria). The hearings involve (extra-)marital and sexual behaviour. Walter Mignolo’s notions of border thinking and colonial difference, further complicated with the idea of colonial-sexual differentiation, (...)
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    "Nonviolent Resistance: Trust and Risk-Taking" Twenty-Five Years Later.James F. Childress - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 25 (2):213-220.
    Do pacifists and proponents of justified violence share a starting point? Whether or not just war theory contains an embedded presumption against violence is an important and disputed question. Substantively it is important not only because it has implications for the possibility of dialogue among Christians of different persuasions but also because the belief that the tradition advances no moral reservations about the use of force may have the effect of lowering the moral barriers against the resort to (...)
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    'Experience is a mixture of violence and justification': Luc Boltanski in conversation with Craig Browne.Craig Browne - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 124 (1):7-19.
    In this discussion with Craig Browne, Luc Boltanski comments on how his recent work reconsiders the questions of agency and the nature of social explanation. Boltanski reflects on the connections between his investigations of grammars of justifications and his later work with Eve Chiapello on the historical transition to a new spirit of capitalism. The significance of politics, conflict and critique to Boltanski’s sociology are highlighted. Bolanski explains why he regards May 1968 as a major disruption of the capitalist social (...)
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    Ransom's God Without Thunder : Remythologizing Violence and Poeticizing the Sacred.Gary M. Ciuba - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):40-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RANSOM'S GOD WITHOUT THUNDER: REMYTHOLOGIZING VIOLENCE AND POETICIZING THE SACRED Gary M. Ciuba Kent State University From tree-lined Vanderbilt University of 1930 Nashville, the modernist poet and critic John Crowe Ransom longed to hear in his imagination the God who thundered fiercely in ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel. The God of sacrifice who in Homer's Iliad, "his thunder striking terror," received libations from the warring armies (230). The (...)
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  44. Returning the gift of death: violence and history in Derrida and Levinas.Jeffrey Hanson - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 67 (1):1-15.
    The purpose of this paper is to establish a proper context for reading Jacques Derrida’s The Gift of Death, which, I contend, can only be understood fully against the backdrop of “Violence and Metaphysics.” The later work cannot be fully understood unless the reader appreciates the fact that Derrida returns to “a certain Abraham” not only in the name of Kierkegaard but also in the name of Levinas himself. The hypothesis of the reading that follows therefore would be that (...)
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    Foucault/Derrida Fifty Years Later: The Futures of Genealogy, Deconstruction, and Politics.Samir Haddad, Penelope Deutscher & Olivia Custer (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction, by Olivia Custer, Penelope Deutscher, and Samir Haddad -- Part I: Openings -- 1. The Foucault-Derrida Debate on the Argument Concerning Madness and Dreams, by Pierre Macherey -- 2. Looking Back at History of Madness, by Lynne Huffer -- 3. Violence and Hyperbole: From "Cogito and the History of Madness" to The Death Penalty, by Michael Naas -- Part II: Surviving the Philosophical Problem: History Crosses Transcendental Analysis.
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    A Philosophical Concept of Deprivation and Its Use in the Attachment-Focused Treatment of Violence.Alexandra Pârvan - 2014 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):331-346.
    Theories in both contemporary psychotherapy and ancient philosophy associate deprivation with wrongdoing and suffering, but operate with different understandings of deprivation. The article will focus on two concepts of deprivation, one psychological and the other one ontological, as advanced by Bowlby in attachment theory, and Augustine of Hippo. In attachment theory deprivation is something one suffers as a result of the others’ actions ; it has neuropsychological effects, it relates to violent behaviour later in life, and it is therapeutically treated (...)
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    Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant. The Violence and the Charity, by Morganna Lambeth Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. ISBN: 9781009239271. [REVIEW]Fridolin Neumann - 2025 - European Journal of Philosophy:1-6.
    In her book Heidegger's Interpretation of Kant. The Violence and the Charity, Morganna Lambeth presents a comprehensive, compelling and original assessment of Heidegger's interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in the 1920s. She places Heidegger's controversial claim that the transcendental imagination is the original root of cognition in the centre of her interpretation and fleshes its implications out throughout her book, gauging its significance from multiple angles (e.g., with regard to the advantages of Heidegger's reading over the readings (...)
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    Dharma and Destruction: Buddhist Institutions and Violence.Christopher Ives - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):151-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DHARMA AND DESTRUCTION: BUDDHIST INSTITUTIONS AND VIOLENCE Christopher Ives Stonehill College Photographs ofgentle monks in saffron, the cottageindustry ofbooks on mindfulness, and the Dalai Lama's response to the Chinese invasion of Tibet have all helped portray Buddhism as the "religion of nonviolence." This representation ofBuddhism finds support in Buddhist texts, doctrines, and ritual practices, which often advocate ahimsa, nonharming or non-violence. The historical record, however, belies the (...)
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    On Democratic Experimentalism: Toward a Culture of Love and Non-Violence.Lenart Škof - 2012 - Contemporary Pragmatism 9 (2):287-299.
    This essay rethinks democratic experimentalism from an ethical point of view, and look at its potential for the future by drawing on two key thinkers of the late 20th and early 21st century: Richard Rorty and Luce Irigaray. I explore the experimentalist character in Irigaray's later thought and point to a pragmatist link in her works, and then dynamize her original theory of sexual difference by pointing to G.H. Mead's symbolic interactionism. Then a revolutionary character of Irigaray's thought is defended (...)
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    Benjamin And Fanon: From Oppressive Violence to Transformative Violence.Fabian Rojas Pineda - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 39:151-173.
    RESUMEN El presente artículo tiene como objetivo reflexionar a partir de las principales ideas filosóficas de Walter Benjamin y Frantz Fanon sobre el problema de la violencia política para luego mostrar las diferencias y posibles relaciones en los planteamientos de los autores. En un primer momento se mostrarán las denuncias hechas por los dos autores al sistema político moderno en cuanto a que la apariencia pacífica de las relaciones sociales se fundamenta en relaciones mediadas por la violencia. Luego, se analizarán (...)
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