Results for 'Lane Zatta'

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  1.  17
    Sir Gowther.Lane Zatta - 1998 - Mediaevalia 22 (1):175-198.
  2.  21
    Plants' Interconnected Lives: From Ovid's Myths to Presocratic Thought and Beyond.Claudia Zatta - 2016 - Arion 24 (2):101.
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    Aristotle and the Animals: The Logos of Life Itself.Claudia Zatta - 2021 - Routledge.
    With a novel approach to Aristotle's zoology, this study looks at animals as creatures of nature and reveals a scientific discourse that, in response to his predecessors, exiles logos as reason and pursues the logos intrinsic to animals' bodies empowering them to sense the world and live. The volume explores Aristotle's conception of animals through a discussion of his ad hoc methodology to study them, including the pertinence of the soul to such a study, and the rise of zoology as (...)
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    Plants and Vegetal Respiration in Early Greek Philosophy.Claudia Zatta - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):251-272.
    This essay pursues the question of vegetal respiration in Presocratics’ doctrines in contrast to Aristotle’s categorical circumscription of this vital process to the blooded animals. It finds that epithelial respiration in DK31 B100 is central to Empedocles’ conception of plants’ breathing, linked to their fructification, deciduousness, and overall life preservation. It also discusses plants’ respiration in relation to their body temperature in Menestor, then, concludes by analyzing Democritus’ psychological doctrine, arguing that the intake of fiery atoms pertained to all living (...)
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    Against Regular and Irregular Characterizations of Mechanisms.Lane DesAutels - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):914-925.
    This article addresses the question of whether we should conceive of mechanisms as productive of change in a regular way. I argue that, if mechanisms are characterized as fully regular, on the one hand, then not enough processes will count as mechanisms for them to be interesting or useful. If no appeal to regularity is made at all in their characterization, on the other hand, then mechanisms can no longer be useful for grounding prediction and supporting intervention strategies. I conclude (...)
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    Toward a propensity interpretation of stochastic mechanism for the life sciences.Lane DesAutels - 2015 - Synthese 192 (9):2921-2953.
    In what follows, I suggest that it makes good sense to think of the truth of the probabilistic generalizations made in the life sciences as metaphysically grounded in stochastic mechanisms in the world. To further understand these stochastic mechanisms, I take the general characterization of mechanism offered by MDC :1–25, 2000) and explore how it fits with several of the going philosophical accounts of chance: subjectivism, frequentism, Lewisian best-systems, and propensity. I argue that neither subjectivism, frequentism, nor a best-system-style interpretation (...)
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    Natural selection and mechanistic regularity.Lane DesAutels - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 57:13-23.
  8.  15
    On an Einstein-Maxwell field with a null source.Lane P. Hughston - 1972 - In D. Farnsworth, Methods of local and global differential geometry in general relativity. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 121--125.
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    Plato.Lane Cooper - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (6):650-651.
  10.  82
    Conflict, People, and City-Space: Some Exempla from Thucydides' History.Claudia Zatta - 2011 - Classical Antiquity 30 (2):318-350.
    This essay considers episodes in which phenomena like war and civil strife affected, changed, and revealed the identity of the polis. Even if framed by an understanding of the Peloponnesian War and the imperialistic logic and destiny of Athens, Thucydides' History still provides us with narratives that illuminate the particular history of “minor” poleis, each with its specific events, turning points, and dynamics. Through analysis of Thucydides' historical material, this essay focuses on Plataea, Corcyra, and Mytilene and discusses the notion (...)
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  11.  24
    Democritus and folly: The two wise Fools.Claudia Zatta - 2001 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 63 (3):533-549.
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    Interconnectedness: the living world of the early Greek phliosophers.Claudia Zatta, Rafael Ferber, Livio Rossetti & Barbara Sattler - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    What did the early Greek philosophers think about animals and their lives? How did they view plants? And, ultimately, what type of relationship did they envisage between all sorts of living beings? On these topics there is evidence of a prolonged investigation by several Presocratics. However, scholarship has paid little attention to these issues and to the surprisingly "modern" development they received in Presocratics' doctrines. This book fills this lacuna through a detailed (and largely unprecedented) analysis of the extant evidence. (...)
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  13. making history mythical:the golden age of peisistratus.Claudia Zatta - 2010 - Arethusa:21-40.
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  14.  43
    Liberal Education and Social Change.N. R. Lane, S. A. Lane & M. H. Pritchard - 1986 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 18 (1):13-24.
  15. God, Time, and Eternity: The Coherence of Theism II: Eternity.William Lane Craig - 2001
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    Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens: Hikaru Iwasaki and the Wra's Photographic Section, 1943-1945.Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, Kenichiro Shimada & Hikaru Iwasaki - 2009 - University Press of Colorado.
    SUPERANNO A unique collection of photographs by WRA photographer Hikaru Iwasaki focuses on resettlement using photos of Japanese Americans following their release from WRA camps from 1943 to 1945. Author Lane Hirabayashi explores the use of photography in the WRA mission to encourage “loyal” Japanese Americans to return to society at large, and convince Euro-Americans this was safe. Hirabayashi also assesses the success of the WRA project, and the multiple uses of the photographs over time.
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  17. Toward a radically embodied neuroscience of attachment and relationships.Lane Beckes, Hans IJzerman & Mattie Tops - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:97879.
    Attachment theory ( Bowlby, 1969/1982 ) posits the existence of internal working models as a foundational feature of human bonds. Radical embodied approaches instead suggest that cognition requires no computation or representation, favoring a cognition situated in a body in an environmental context with affordances for action ( Chemero, 2009 ; Barrett, 2011 ; Wilson and Golonka, 2013 ; Casasanto and Lupyan, 2015 ). We explore whether embodied approaches to social soothing, interpersonal warmth, separation distress, and support seeking could replace (...)
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    A Passport to Trouble.Lane Robert Mandlis - 2011 - Journal of Information Ethics 20 (2):85-102.
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    Vindicating Metaethical Naturalism: A Case for Final Causes in the Life Sciences.Lane DesAutels - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (1):175-182.
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    Problemas y Metodos de la Investigacion en Historia de la Filosofia.Frances Lane - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (2):290-291.
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  21. Laches. Translated & Introduced by Iain Lane - 1987 - In Plato & Chris Emlyn-Jones, Early Socratic dialogues. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Penguin Books.
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    Attachment and sexual strategies.Lane E. Volpe & Robert A. Barton - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):43-44.
    Sexual behaviour and mate choice are key intervening variables between attachment and life histories. We propose a set of predictions relating attachment, reproductive strategies, and mate choice criteria.
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  23. Article Review of Wilson D. Wallis, The Objectivity of Pleasure.Emily A. Lane - 1919 - Philosophical Review 28:543.
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    Stephen Cole Kleene — a reminiscence.Saunders Mac Lane - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 81 (1-3):3-7.
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    The Travail of the University.Saunders Mac Lane - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (1):1-7.
  26.  17
    Plato on the Trial and Death of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo.Lane Plato & Cooper - 1941 - Ithaca: Cornell university press. Edited by Lane Cooper.
  27. Breathing is coupled with voluntary initiation of mental imagery.Timothy J. Lane - 2022 - NeuroImage 264.
    Previous research has suggested that bodily signals from internal organs are associated with diverse cortical and subcortical processes involved in sensory-motor functions, beyond homeostatic reflexes. For instance, a recent study demonstrated that the preparation and execution of voluntary actions, as well as its underlying neural activity, are coupled with the breathing cycle. In the current study, we investigated whether such breathing-action coupling is limited to voluntary motor action or whether it is also present for mental actions not involving any overt (...)
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  28.  58
    God or orienteering? A critical study of Taylor's sources of the self.Melissa Lane - 1992 - Ratio 5 (1):46-56.
  29. Despite pyhsicists, proof is essential in mathematics.Saunders Mac Lane - 1997 - Synthese 111 (2):147-154.
  30.  14
    Pascal et la liberté d'indifférence.Lane M. Heller - 1976 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 32 (1):85.
  31. Ronsard, Horace Et La Rage Des Frères.Lane Heller & Christopher Brown - 1991 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 53 (1):123-126.
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  32. Book reviews-the politics of fieldwork. Research in an american concentration camp.Lane Ryo Hirabayashi & Christopher Lawrence - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (2):333-333.
  33.  36
    Logic, science, and dialectic: collected papers in Greek philosophy.Gwilym Ellis Lane Owen - 1986 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Martha Craven Nussbaum.
  34. Authority or Autonomy? Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives on Deference to Experts.Alex Worsnip, Devin Lane, Samuel Pratt, M. Giulia Napolitano, Kurt Gray & Jeffrey A. Greene - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Several decades of work in both philosophy and psychology acutely highlights our limitations as individual inquirers. One way to recognize these limitations is to defer to experts: roughly, to form one’s beliefs on the basis of expert testimony. Yet, as has become salient in the age of Brexit, Trumpist politics, and climate change denial, people are often mistrustful of experts, and unwilling to defer to them. It’s a trope of highbrow public discourse that this unwillingness is a serious pathology. But (...)
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  35. Paul Copan.William Lane Craig - 2000
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  36. The Rhetoric of Aristotle.Lane Cooper - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42 (3):334-338.
  37.  28
    The Moral Foundations of Left-Wing Authoritarianism: On the Character, Cohesion, and Clout of Tribal Equalitarian Discourse.Justin E. Lane, Kevin McCaffre & F. LeRon Shults - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 23 (1-2):65-97.
    Left-wing authoritarianism remains far less understood than right-wing authoritarianism. We contribute to literature on the former, which typically relies on surveys, using a new social media analytic approach. We use a list of 60 terms to provide an exploratory sketch of the outlines of a political ideology – tribal equalitarianism – with origins in 19th and 20th century social philosophy. We then use analyses of the English Corpus of Google Books (n > 8 million books) and scraped unique tweets from (...)
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    Attachment, reproduction, and life history trade-offs: A broader view of human mating.Lane Beckes & Jeffry A. Simpson - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):23-24.
    In this commentary, we attempt to broaden thinking and dialogue about how our ancestral past might have affected attachment and reproductive strategies. We highlight the theoretical benefits of formulating specific predictions of how different sources of stress might impact attachment and reproductive strategies differently, and we integrate some of these ideas with another recent evolutionary model of human mating.
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    The Psychology of Prayer.Wilmot B. Lane - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19 (3):352-353.
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  40. Timing disownership experiences in the rubber hand illusion.Lane Timothy - 2017 - Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 2 (4):1-14.
    Some investigators of the rubber hand illusion (RHI) have suggested that when standard RHI induction procedures are employed, if the rubber hand is experienced by participants as owned, their corresponding biological hands are experienced as disowned. Others have demurred: drawing upon a variety of experimental data and conceptual considerations, they infer that experience of the RHI might include the experience of a supernumerary limb, but that experienced disownership of biological hands does not occur. Indeed, some investigators even categorically deny that (...)
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    Die Transscendentale und die Psychologische Methode.W. B. Lane - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10 (5):568-570.
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    Pascal: thématique des Pensées.Lane Murch Heller & Ian M. Richmond (eds.) - 1988 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Etudes présentées au Colloque Pascal, thématique des Pensées à l'Université de Western Ontario en 1984.
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    Is Goodness Without God Good Enough?: A Debate on Faith, Secularism, and Ethics.Louise Antony, William Lane Craig, John Hare, Donald C. Hubin, Paul Kurtz, C. Stephen Layman, Mark C. Murphy, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Richard Swinburne - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Is Goodness Without God Good Enough contains a lively debate between William Lane Craig and Paul Kurtz on the relationship between God and ethics, followed by seven new essays that both comment on the debate and advance the broader discussion of this important issue. Written in an accessible style by eminent scholars, this book will appeal to students and academics alike.
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    Platonism Ancient and Modern.Lane Cooper & Paul Shorey - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (2):233.
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  45.  27
    Effects of two temporal variables on the listener's perception of reading gate.Francois Grosjean & Harlan Lane - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):893.
  46.  52
    Red algal parasites: Models for a life history evolution that leaves photosynthesis behind again and again.Nicolas A. Blouin & Christopher E. Lane - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (3):226-235.
    Many of the most virulent and problematic eukaryotic pathogens have evolved from photosynthetic ancestors, such as apicomplexans, which are responsible for a wide range of diseases including malaria and toxoplasmosis. The primary barrier to understanding the early stages of evolution of these parasites has been the difficulty in finding parasites with closely related free‐living lineages with which to make comparisons. Parasites found throughout the florideophyte red algal lineage, however, provide a unique and powerful model to investigate the genetic origins of (...)
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    Affective Dynamics in Psychopathology.Timothy J. Trull, Sean P. Lane, Peter Koval & Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):355-361.
    We discuss three varieties of affective dynamics ( affective instability, emotional inertia, and emotional differentiation). In each case, we suggest how these affective dynamics should be operationalized and measured in daily life using time-intensive methods, like ecological momentary assessment or ambulatory assessment, and recommend time-sensitive analyses that take into account not only the variability but also the temporal dependency of reports. Studies that explore how these affective dynamics are associated with psychological disorders and symptoms are reviewed, and we emphasize that (...)
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  48.  18
    The Five Great Philosophies of Life.Lane Cooper & William De Witt Hyde - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):707-707.
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    Enjoyment of Poetry.Lane Cooper - 1914 - Philosophical Review 23 (1):91-92.
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    Greek Rhetoric and Literary Criticism.Lane Cooper, W. Rhys Roberts, George Depue Hadzsits & David Moore Robinson - 1929 - American Journal of Philology 50 (1):100.
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