Results for 'Laila Garda'

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  1.  74
    HIV/AIDS in rural India: context and health care needs.Saseendran Pallikadavath, Laila Garda, Hemant Apte, Jane Freedman & R. William Stones - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):641.
    Primary research on HIV/AIDS in India has predominantly focused on known risk groups such as sex workers, STI clinic attendees and long-distance truck drivers, and has largely been undertaken in urban areas. There is evidence of HIV spreading to rural areas but very little is known about the context of the infection or about issues relating to health and social impact on people living with HIV/AIDS. In-depth interviews with nineteen men and women infected with HIV who live in rural areas (...)
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  2. Levinas’s Ethics of Responsibility: limits within the concepts of Proximity and Plurality.Laila Haghbayan - manuscript
    Looking at responsibility within a Lévinasian sense, human beings are firstly seen not in the philosophically traditional sense, of being egocentric, but rather seen as ethical subjects based on “the other” (Lévinas & Hand, 1989). The purpose of this paper is to examine the notion of responsibility as Lévinas conceptualized in the idea that human beings are responsible for not only themselves but for others. Lévinas within “Ethics as First Philosophy” (Lévinas & Hand, 1989) states that before all other forms (...)
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    Nurses' experiences of busyness in their daily work.Laila Govasli & Betty-Ann Solvoll - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12350.
    The purpose of this study is to explore and illuminate the phenomenon of busyness as experienced by nurses. The daily work of nursing practice is often characterized by a hectic pace in the execution of tasks. Previous research shows that busyness can potentially lead to a reduction in the quality of nursing. Little has been explored about nurses' own experiences of busyness. This study has a qualitative design. The method chosen is a phenomenological hermeneutical exploration of personal experiences. Results reveal (...)
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    Platon Lexikon der Namen und Begriffe: Verfasst von Olof Gigon und Laila Zimmermann.Olof Gigon & Laila Straume-Zimmermann - 1975
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    El proceso legislativo interno. Un modelo para su análisis.Yoel Carrillo Garda - 2009 - Ratio Juris 4 (9):9-39.
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  6. Belleza, morada de la persona libre.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (1):2-10.
    Esta reflexión plantea la necesidad e importancia de investigar de forma más profunda una pedagogía del gusto a través del desarrollo autónomo de la autonomía, con el interés de que, mediante la contemplación de las formas bellas, pueda acercarse el individuo al desarrollo de su persona y a la vivencia de la belleza como un retorno a casa, algo que es posible si el hombre tiene la disposición de ser acogido por la belleza, pues para poder habitar en ella es (...)
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    Network Approach to Understanding Emotion Dynamics in Relation to Childhood Trauma and Genetic Liability to Psychopathology: Replication of a Prospective Experience Sampling Analysis.Laila Hasmi, Marjan Drukker, Sinan Guloksuz, Claudia Menne-Lothmann, Jeroen Decoster, Ruud van Winkel, Dina Collip, Philippe Delespaul, Marc De Hert, Catherine Derom, Evert Thiery, Nele Jacobs, Bart P. F. Rutten, Marieke Wichers & Jim van Os - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Waraqāt akbarīyah al-fiqh al-rawḥānī wa-al-ʻilm al-ʻarfānī: madhhab Muḥī al-Dīn ibn ʻArabī.Laila Khalifa - 2017 - al-Jazāʼir: al-Maktabah al-Falsafīyah al-Ṣūfīyah.
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    Youth negotiation of citizenship identities in Pakistan: Implications for global citizenship education in conflict-contexts.Laila Kadiwal & Naureen Durrani - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (4):537-558.
    This study explores young students’ negotiation of their citizenship identities at the intersection of their class, gender, religious and ethnic identifications in the conflict-affected setting of Pakistan. While much of the global literature on global citizenship education (GCE) primarily takes into account the perspectives of middle-class or elite students located in richer economies, the current study is centred on a socio-demographically diverse group of young people in a low-income setting. With a specific focus on their negotiation of issues around diversity (...)
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  10. PART I. The Dynamics of Musical Mediation. 'Music is the Logic of Judgmentless Synthesis' : Adorno on Music, Language, and Mediation / Dietrich Mersch ; Beyond Mediation / Esteban Buch ; Radio Voices : Progressive Broadcasting between Aesthetics and Mass Pedagogy.Michela Garda - 2022 - In Gianmario Borio, Immediacy and the mediations of music: critical approaches after Theodor W. Adorno. New York: Routledge.
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    16. "Search for the Daimon", "Pact with the Devil" and "Fight of Gods": On Some Metaphors of Goethe in Max Weber's Sociology.José M. González Garda - 1995 - In Zdravko Radman, From a Metaphorical Point of View: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Cognitive Content of Metaphor. De Gruyter. pp. 391-418.
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    Amor y deseo de la belleza en Tomás de Aquino.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (151):93.
    Este artículo destaca la visión de Tomás de Aquino del ser humano como alguien que está hecho para contemplar la belleza y que es movido a lo largo de su existencia por el amor y el deseo de contemplarla. La apreciación de la belleza, de su integridad, proporción y claridad, generan en el contemplador la vivencia de gozo, alegría y también le permiten ver una finalidad y orden en el universo, que comunica una experiencia de paz en el contemplador, quien (...)
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  13. La belleza, horizonte de sentido // The beauty, horizon of sense.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):122-134.
    Este artículo propone valorar la contemplación de la belleza como una guía existencial en la vida del hombre. La belleza como horizonte de sentido aparece de forma muy especial en las obras de arte, pero también nos acompaña en la vida ética así como en nuestra actividad científica, pues la capacidad de contemplar la belleza debe estar en todas nuestras actividades y es muestra de una psique sana. De la misma manera, aborda este artículo aborda el “narcisismo” como una vía (...)
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    What are the gender, class and ethnicity of citizenship? A study of upper secondary school students' views on Citizenship Education in England and Sweden.Laila Nielsen & Ralph Leighton - 2017 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 5 (1):11-70.
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    Newborns’ preference for goal-directed actions.Laila Craighero, Irene Leo, Carlo Umiltà & Francesca Simion - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):26-32.
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    Leonardo da Vinci, Art and worldview of the Renaissance genius.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (185):163-187.
    This article explains the philosophy of Leonardo da Vinci, who through his writings, designs and pictorial work, shows a tension and rupture on the art, beauty and truth of his time. Painting is scientific and therefore a liberal art, but it does not manifest the sacred truth of the icon of the medieval finalist worldview, but it will be the scientific truth of Modernity.
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    Filosofía del paisaje y la belleza natural en Kant.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (149):155.
    Para Kant, la contemplación de la belleza natural no solo nos libera de un espíritu utilitario y de explotación, sino que nos eleva como seres humanos a las regiones del sentimiento, en que se vive de forma libre y desinteresada la contemplación del a naturaleza y su respeto. Contemplar la naturaleza bella y preservarla contribuye a humanizarnos, por la libertad que desarrollamos a través de la contemplación, el sentido de vida que nos proporciona la contemplación de la naturaleza bella, la (...)
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    Phenomenology of Identity: Narrative Medicine Curricula in the Care of Eating Disorders.Laila Knio & Harini Sridhar - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Humanities:1-24.
    A growing body of literature explores the intersection of eating disorders and identity formation—an entanglement that makes eating disorders particularly challenging to treat. Narrative medicine is a discipline of the health humanities that is interested in bearing witness to patients’ stories with a closeness and rigor that enhances clinical care. The pedagogy of the field is the narrative medicine workshop, which mobilizes close-reading of works of art and reflective writing to improve our understanding of Self and Other. Narrative medicine workshops (...)
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  19.  26
    Mecanicismo y alteridad en la teoría de Thomas Hobbes.Laila Yousef Sandoval - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 101:335-358.
    Los análisis sobre la filosofía política hobbesiana suelen girar alrededor del estudio del miedo y de cómo este es el factor fundamental para explicar el surgimiento de la soberanía. Este artículo tiene como objetivo ir más allá del concepto de temor como base articuladora de la política y centrar el análisis en un terreno fundamental sin el cual no se explica el Leviatán: la alteridad entendida como enemistad. Un análisis de la específica otredad que pone en juego Hobbes a través (...)
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    Time, Risk and Control in Musical Performance Practices.Michela Garda - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):20.
    Time, control and risk are interrelated concepts that provide a valuable framework for exploring the connections among various performative practices and their cultural functions. By referencing sports, circus arts, and musical performance, this article examines the similarities and differences between musical reproductive performance and improvisation. It focuses on the concept of transformational processes through analogies.
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    Miedo, contemporaneidad y enemistad.Laila Yousef Sandoval - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 88:97-110.
    The experience of fear in the Contemporaneity is mostly determined by a type of enmity that, unlike that which prevailed in Modernity, shows itself untraceable, virtual, rarely visible, given the delocalization structures of globalization. All this refers to a specific epistemology, linked to the loss of the classic coordinates of finitude and to the opening of a paradigm where the lack of representation and the apparent depoliticization will turn adversaries and combatants into mere ghosts, thus increasing their terrifying effect. The (...)
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    Refusal to Autopsy: A Societal Practice in Pakistan Context.Laila Akber - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 5 (5).
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    Picture-stone workshops on Viking Age Gotland – a study of craftworkers’ traces.Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt - 2015 - In Sigmund Oehrl & Wilhelm Heizmann, Bilddenkmäler Zur Germanischen Götter- Und Heldensage. De Gruyter. pp. 397-462.
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    Ethnic Minority Students in – or out of? – Education: Processes of Marginalization in and across School and Other Contexts.Laila Colding Lagermann - 2015 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 16 (2):139-161.
    In what ways is students’ participation in school related to their participation and becoming subjects across the school context and other contexts in which they participate? This is the question analyzed in this paper, based on observations of, and narratives and perspectives provided by, three 15-year-old ethnic minority boys and their teachers at a school in Denmark. Drawing upon Davies’ concept of teaching-as-usual, I explore exclusions and marginalization inside school before exploring how these can be seen as connected to, and (...)
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    Presentación: 40 aniversario.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (150):7.
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    Two-day-old newborns learn to discriminate accelerated-decelerated biological kinematics from constant velocity motion.Laila Craighero, Valentina Ghirardi, Marco Lunghi, Fiorenza Panin & Francesca Simion - 2020 - Cognition 195 (C):104126.
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    Domain specificity in conceptual development: Neuropsychological evidence from autism.Alan M. Leslie & Laila Thaiss - 1992 - Cognition 43 (3):225-251.
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    An object-identity probability cueing paradigm during grasping observation: the facilitating effect is present only when the observed kinematics is suitable for the cued object.Laila Craighero, Sonia Mele & Valentina Zorzi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Optokinetic nystagmus confirms multistable rivalry between four discrete overlapping motion stimuli.Hugrass Laila, Crewther David, Bell Imogen, Parkes Linden, Sumner Philip, Walsh Alistair & Reynolds Michael - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Penafsiran al-qur’an berbasis ilmu pengetahuan.Izzatul Laila - 2014 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 9 (1).
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    Presentación.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (143):7.
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    Triumphs and Tribulations of Teaching Practicum Experiences: Reflections from Preservice Teachers in UAE.Laila Mohebi - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (66):1-11.
    The ‘Practicum-3’ preservice teachers are those who are in their 3rd year of their degree studies and have prior teaching experience. The intent of this qualitative paper is to assess the challenges experienced by the preservice teachers and the tactics used by them to manage these challenges, during their first week of teaching practice. The challenges reported herein were thematically analysed after extrapolating from the participants’ narratives and presented within the context of the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle. Findings from this study (...)
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  33. Notas acerca de algunos hispanismos en el árabe marroquí.Laila Benyahia & Jorge Aguadé Bofill - 1987 - Al-Qantara 8 (1):191-202.
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  34. Notas acerca de algunos hispanismos en el árabe dialectal marroquí.Laila Benyahia & Jordi Aguadé - 1987 - Al-Qantara 8 (1-2):191-202.
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    L'espace cultuel de Pétra à l'époque nabatéenne.Laïla Nehmé - 1997 - Topoi 7 (2):1023-67.
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  36. The premotor theory of attention.Laila Craighero & Giacomo Rizzolatti - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos, Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 181--186.
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    Proactive gaze is present during biological and non-biological motion observation.Laila Craighero & Sonia Mele - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104461.
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    Desvelando sentidos no trabalho de mulheres na produção avícola.Laila Priscila Graf & Maria Chalfin Coutinho - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 35:95-108.
    This paper informs the results of a research which aimed to analysed the meanings of work for women in a small poultry slaughterhouse, in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The understanding of the meanings was supported by the Social Psychology related to social constructionism theory. The information w..
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  39. What of the World in Worldlessness: An Arendtian Concept.Laila Haghbayan - manuscript
    I have come to the realization that we cannot regulate what we cannot define. However, the public sphere should be a place where dialogue is readily stated even if it makes someone uncomfortable, and this is not hate speech. Otherwise, we begin to stop talking about difficult things, and secondly, there is not anything I can say that is not going to offend someone if the crowd is large enough. Who defines hate? This is an insoluble problem; thus, it should (...)
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    Arnauld’s Theory of Ideative Knowledge.Sara F. Garda-Gomez - 1988 - The Monist 71 (4):543-559.
    In Arnauld’s view, a fruitful clarification of the nature of knowledge is possible if only one pays close attention to “ce qui se passe en nous,” in such a fashion “de n’y rien mêler dont nous ne soyons certains.” In support of his position, he cites not only Descartes’ testimony but also that of St. Augustine. Consequently, he treats—first of all—of the things that any one can know about his own soul upon consulting with himself with a little attention, and (...)
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  41.  17
    El paisaje natural y los jardines en la vida de las ciudades.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):158-186.
    El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre los paisajes naturales y los jardines como paisajes construidos, a fin de hacer comprensible su importancia en las ciudades, así como la necesidad de reincorporarlos a la vida citadina y al diseño urbano. Para ello, me he centrado en las consideraciones filosóficas de Simmel y Watsuji sobre el tema, con el propósito de mostrar que el encuentro poéti- co entre la naturaleza y su contemplador no sólo permite reconoce el carácter particular o Stimmung (...)
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  42.  14
    L'estetica musicale del Novecento: tendenze e problemi.Michela Garda - 2007 - Roma: Carocci.
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  43. PART I. The Dynamics of Musical Mediation. 'Music is the Logic of Judgmentless Synthesis' : Adorno on Music, Language, and Mediation / Dietrich Mersch ; Beyond Mediation / Esteban Buch ; Radio Voices : Progressive Broadcasting between Aesthetics and Mass Pedagogy.Michela Garda - 2022 - In Gianmario Borio, Immediacy and the mediations of music: critical approaches after Theodor W. Adorno. New York: Routledge.
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    The Link Between Benevolence and Well-Being in the Context of Human-Resource Marketing.Catherine Viot & Laïla Benraiss-Noailles - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):883-896.
    Although interest in the subject of human-resource marketing is growing among researchers and practitioners, there have been remarkably few studies on the effects on employees of how benevolent their organization is. This article looks at the link between the presumption of organizational benevolence and the well-being of employees at work. The results of an empirical study of 595 employees show that the presumption of organizational benevolence is positively linked to employee well-being. The effect is indirect, as it is mediated by (...)
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  45. Hispamiae tumuuíus.Luis A. Garda Moreno - 1988 - Polis 1:81-107.
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    Developmental dyscalculia like symptoms induced psychophysically via high contrast surround masking in neurotypical observers.Jastrzebski Nicola, Hugrass Laila & Crewther David - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    To investigate the critical risk criteria of business continuity management by using analytical hierarchy process.Pragati Priyadarshinee, Bhaskar B. Gardas, Swati Mishra, Rakesh D. Raut & Balkrishna E. Narkhede - 2018 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 11 (1):94.
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    Undue influences on drugs and device industries distort healthcare research, and practice.Mohammad Arifur Rahman & Laila Farzana - 2015 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):15-22.
    Background: Expenditure on industry products (mostly drugs and devices) has spiraled over the last 15 years and accounts for substantial part of healthcare expenditure. The enormous financial interests involved in the development and marketing of drugs and devices may have given excessive power to these industries to influence medical research, policy, and practice.Material and methods: Review of the literature and analysis of the multiple pathways through which the industry has directly or indirectly infiltrated the broader healthcare systems. We present the (...)
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    Cloud manufacturing issues and its adoption: past, present, and future.Rakesh D. Raut, Bhaskar B. Gardas, Vaibhav S. Narwane & Balkrishna E. Narkhede - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (2):168.
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    Anne Ward, John Cherry, Charlotte Gere, and Barbara Cartlidge, Rings through the Ages. New York: Rizzoli, 1981. Pp. 214; 405 illustrations .$75. [REVIEW]Laila Z. Gross - 1983 - Speculum 58 (4):1140.
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