Results for 'L. Riby'

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  1.  35
    Encoding during the attentional lapse: Accuracy of encoding during the semantic sustained attention to response task.J. Smallwood, L. Riby, D. Heim & J. Davies - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1):218-231.
    An experiment investigated the relationship between the ability to encode verbal stimuli during an attentional lapse. The task employed a variation on the sustained attention to response task which involved the detection of an infrequent target against a background of words. As a manipulation, participants were either instructed to encode the stimuli or were merely exposed to the stimuli. Retrieval was measured using process dissociation. Irrespective of the instructions given to the participants during the task, participants were more likely to (...)
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    Age-related changes in ongoing thought relate to external context and individual cognition.Adam Turnbull, Giulia L. Poerio, Nerissa S. P. Ho, Léa M. Martinon, Leigh M. Riby, Feng V. Lin, Elizabeth Jefferies & Jonathan Smallwood - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 96 (C):103226.
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  3. İbn-i Kem'l’in et-Ta’rîb Ris'lesinde Kur’'n’da Mu‘arreb Konusuna Bakısı.İsmail Bayer - 2015 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 44:103-114.
    Kemal Pasazâde (873-940/1468-1534) “fî Tahkîki Ta’rîbi’l-Kelimeti’l-A’cemiyye” adlı risalesinde “ta’rîb” yani “yabancı kelimelerin Arapçalastırılması” konusunu teorik ve pratik olarak inceler. Müellif verdigi çok sayıda örnekle neredeyse alanında küçük bir sözlük telif etmistir. Arap dünyasında iki kez tahkîk edilen ve karsılastırmalı çalısmaları yapılan risalede incelenen kelimelerin yaklasık beste biri, özel isimlerin büyük çogunlugunu olusturdugu Kur’ân-ı Kerîm kelimelerinden seçilmistir. Eser, bu yönleriyle Kur’ân’da Arapça dısı kelimelerin varlıgı üzerine yapılan tartısmalara önemli katkılar saglamaktadır.
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  4. Discursive power.Algis Mickūnas - 2000 - Žmogus ir Žodis 2:21-21.
    Algis Mickiinas savo straipsnyje svarsto moder- niojo mokslo ir filosofijos ivykdytq tikroves "su- skliaudimo" judesi, leidusi semiotikams ir dekonst- rukcininkarns teigti kalbq arba diskursq esant pirmi- ne ir svarbiausia galios forma, pasirei3banEia visose 2mogiSkojo patyrimo ir praktikos srityse. Autoriaus tikslas - analizuojant 3i "suskliaudimq" atverti ypa- tingas struktiiras, "kurios niekam nepriklauso ir yra niekur neaptinkamos, ta&au yra esmingiausiy miisy modemiojo hojimo modalumy pamatas". Autorius teigia, jog wenamasis pasaulis - morfologiSkai kon- stituoty ir intuityviai suvokiarny ivykiy ir objekty pa- saulis - (...)
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    The Image of Antonio Salieri According to the Memories of His Contemporary and Epistolary Publicistic Literature.L. Yaremenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:29-38.
    The image of Antonio Salieri is recreated based on the memories of his contemporaries and epistolary and journalistic literature. The author, relying on memoir literature, archival documents and journalistic sources, substantiates his own position regarding A. Salieri’s contribution to the world artistic treasury and artistic higher education, the expediency of researching his heritage at the current stage. A wide range of primary sources little-known in scientific circulation are used, which allow us to reveal the image of Antonio Salieri – a (...)
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  6. Hippocrate de Cos: de l'hagiographie au rejet et vice-versa: de l'hagiographie au rejet et vice-versa.B. Y. L. Simon - 2001 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 19 (2):13-14.
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  7. Le problème de l'être à l'ère atomique: A propos d'un récent ouvrage de M. Heidegger: Du principe de raison.L. Oeing-Hanhoff - 1958 - Archives de Philosophie 21:5-25.
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    Les métamorphoses du concept de droit commun à la croisée d’enjeux juridiques et théologiques.L. -L. Christians - 2003 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 34 (3):306-342.
    Comment témoigner d’une espérance religieuse dans le droit contemporain ? Par l’obéissance et l’humilité de l’inculturation, ou par l’objection et la résistance propre au signe de contradiction ? Si les périodes barbares du XXe siècle ont relancé l’analyse théologique de la tension entre ces deux voies, qu’en est-il aujourd’hui des contextes apparemment pacifiés de nos droits démocratiques ? Si le moment juridique y colonise progressivement la société, c’est au nom de sa nature de « droit commun » qu’il estime acquérir (...)
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  9. Fichte in francese.L. S. L. S. - 1982 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2 (2):244.
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    Effects of residual tension on output and energy expenditure in muscular work.L. H. Sharp - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (1):1.
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    Filosofskai︠a︡ analitika t︠s︡ifrovoĭ ėpokhi.L. V. Shipovalova (ed.) - 2020 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  12. Struktura i semantika prostogo, slozhnogo i oslozhnennogo predlozhenii︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.L. V. Shishkova (ed.) - 1988 - Leningrad: Leningradskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. A.I. Gert︠s︡ena.
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  13. The Arnolfini Bethrothal: Medieval Marriage and the Enigma of Van Eyck's Double Portrait. By Edwin Hall.L. Sigler - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:157-158.
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    The Worship of God as “Sick Men’s Dreams”.L. Scott Smith - 2018 - Process Studies 47 (1):111-129.
    This article analyzes David Hume’s influential critique of worship from a process point of view informed by the thought of Whitehead and Hartshorne.
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    Filosofskai︠a︡ i pedagogicheskai︠a︡ antropologii︠a︡ (Pervye Sokolovskie chtenii︠a︡: Materialy regionalnoi̐ nauchno-teoreticheskoi̐ konferent︠s︡ii (Nizhnevartovsk, 25-27 mai︠a︡ 1998 goda).L. P. Sokolov, R. A. Burkhanov & O. V. Nikulina (eds.) - 1998 - Nizhnevartovsk: Izd-vo Nizhnevartovskogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta.
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    Convivenza, Economia ed Esplosione Demografica.L. Soliani & E. Lucchetti - 1993 - Global Bioethics 6 (4):233-247.
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    III. Horatius de arte poetica.L. Spengel & Ernst von Leutsch - 1862 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 18 (1):94-108.
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    Soph. Oed. Tyr. 813.L. Spenge - 1863 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 20 (1-4):108-108.
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    XII. Zu M. Terentius Varro de lingua latina.L. Spengel & K. Kappes - 1861 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 17 (2):288-306.
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    32. Zu Polybios.L. Spengel - 1869 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 28 (1-4):545-546.
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    20. Zu Soph. Trach. 779–82.L. Spengel - 1864 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 21 (1-4):345-347.
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  22.  45
    D. H. Lawrence‐student and teacher.L. Spolton - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):18-35.
  23. Osnovnye cherty mirovozzrenii︠a︡ D. I. Pisareva.L. I︠A︡ Stanis - 1963 - Moskva: Gos. izd-vo "Vysshai︠a︡ shkola".
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    A dynamical model for gravitation.L. M. Stephenson - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (2):143-155.
    A gravitational model is proposed that relates the terrestrially measured value of the gravitational constantG directly to the density and angular velocity of the galaxy. The model indicates a constant scalar value forG within most regions of our galaxy, but predicts thatG will be different in other galaxies and zero in intergalactic space. The model offers explanations for galactic cluster stability, discrepancies in terrestrial measurements ofG, and atomic particle stability. The model also provides a causal relationship between strong, electromagnetic, weak, (...)
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  25. Beitraege zur Psychologie der Aussage, 1. Heft.L. William Stern - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:100-100.
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    Die Sentrum vir Voortgesette Teologiese Toerusting, Fakulteit Teologie , Universiteit van Pretoria.L. J. S. Steenkamp - 1992 - HTS Theological Studies 48 (1/2).
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  27. Globalʹnye problemy i t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ionnyĭ sdvig.L. I. Vasilenko & V. E. Ermolaeva (eds.) - 1993 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam.
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    Virtual-Digital Self of Public Human.L. A. Vasylieva - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 20:89-99.
    The purpose of the article is distinguishing between "internal" and "external" public human through comprehending the phenomenon of Self in its virtual-digital essence as a popular demonstrative-project space "BETWEEN" aggression and harmony. Theoretical basis of the work is based on the study of the phenomenon of modern human aggression in the virtual-digital space and the "project space" of the living environment through understanding the nature of the human "I". The penetration limits of the Self of the public human into the (...)
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  29. A History of Cambridge Idealism: Reception, Influence, and Legacy.L. M. Verburgt (ed.) - forthcoming - London: Bloomsbury.
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  30. La crisi dell'umanesimo e la restaurazione della poesia: note sulla saggistica eliotana.L. Villa - 1984 - Rivista di Estetica 24 (16):56-76.
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    R 0: Host Longevity Matters.L. M. Viljoen, L. Hemerik & J. Molenaar - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (1):1-16.
    The basic reproduction ratio, R0, is a fundamental concept in epidemiology. It is defined as the total number of secondary infections brought on by a single primary infection, in a totally susceptible population. The value of R0 indicates whether a starting epidemic reaches a considerable part of the population and causes a lot of damage, or whether it remains restricted to a relatively small number of individuals. To calculate R0 one has to evaluate an integral that ranges over the duration (...)
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    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; Barock und UniversalismusJoachim Otto Fleckenstein.L. Loemker - 1959 - Isis 50 (4):504-506.
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    (1 other version)Leibniz und die grenzen Des empirismus.L. E. Loemker - 1965 - Kant Studien 56 (3-4):315-328.
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    Personalism as a Philosophy of Religion.L. E. Loemker - 1993 - The Personalist Forum 9 (1):19-33.
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    Personalism and Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.L. E. Loemker - 1993 - The Personalist Forum 9 (1):35-51.
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  36. The Role of Security Motivation in Risk Preference.L. L. Lopes & Dl Huckbody - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):524-524.
  37. Le Mystère de la Rédemption.L. Richard - 1959
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    A Book Forged in Hell. Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age.Mogens Lærke - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (5):1037-1039.
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Volume 0, Issue 0, Page 1-3, Ahead of Print.
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  39. Storiografia e testamenti.P. L. P. L. - 1987 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (2):396.
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    The Mind and its Place in Nature. By C. D. Broad M.A., D.Litt.S. S. L. - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (1):104.
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  41. Experiential learning in the outdoors: the Norwegian tradition.Helga Synnevåg Løvoll - 2020 - In S. J. Parry & Pete Allison, Experiential learning and outdoor education: traditions of practice and philosophical perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Recent Problems in Metaphysics.L. S. Lyons - 1971 - New Scholasticism 45 (2):290-323.
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    Indistinguishability in one-photon and two-photon interference.L. Mandel - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (2):211-218.
    Some interference experiments with the photon pairs from two parametric down-converters are described and analyzed. They are found to contribute to the interpretation of the quantum state.
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    Chelovek i mir v nauke i iskusstve.L. A. Markova - 2008 - Moskva: Kanon+.
    Издание содержит: плодотворная противоречивость философско-исторических и общественно-политических воззрений; амбивалентность великих философских учений и т.д.
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  45. Nauka i religii︠a︡: problemy granit︠s︡y: nauchnoe izdanie.L. A. Markova - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo "Aleteĭi︠a︡".
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  46. Le temps et l'espace du monde mythique.L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1935 - Scientia 29 (57):139.
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  47. The Philosophy of N.F. Fedorov.L. A. Kogan - 1992 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (4):7-27.
    Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov is one of the most original and as yet inadequately studied Russian thinkers. Neither a professional philosopher, nor a well-known scholar, nor a critical essayist, he led a kind of double existence while working as an ordinary civil servant, developing his original philosophy at his leisure in the hours free from his intensive daily work. Fedorov's life was one of selflessness and self-denial, not at all eventful outwardly. He graduated from the Gymnasium in Tambov and completed three (...)
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  48. Notes sur l'argument ontologique chez Descartes et Bonaventure.L. Oeing-Hanhoff - 1973 - Archives de Philosophie 36 (4):643-655.
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    Correspondence.L. H. Allen - 1912 - The Classical Review 26 (06):206-.
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  50. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther: New International Biblical Commentaries.L. Allen & T. Laniak - 2003
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