L. Major [5]Ladislav Major [5]Louis Major [2]Lesa Hatley Major [1]
  1.  39
    Buber, educational technology, and the expansion of dialogic space.Rupert Wegerif & Louis Major - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):109-119.
    Buber’s distinction between the ‘I-It’ mode and the ‘I-Thou’ mode is seminal for dialogic education. While Buber introduces the idea of dialogic space, an idea which has proved useful for the analysis of dialogic education with technology, his account fails to engage adequately with the role of technology. This paper offers an introduction to the significance of the I-It/I-Thou duality of technology in relation with opening dialogic space. This is followed by a short schematic history of educational technology which reveals (...)
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    Ethical Health Communication: A Content Analysis of Predominant Frames and Primes in Public Service Announcements.Renita Coleman & Lesa Hatley Major - 2014 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 29 (2):91-107.
    Health communication is increasingly being held to higher moral standards. No longer do noble goals outweigh ethical concerns. This content analysis examines ethical frames and primes in health public service announcements so we may begin to address the most prevalent of the problematic ones and find more ethical alternatives. In this study, 80% of the PSAs conveyed messages that individuals were to blame. Negative emotion, such as fear, was the second most frequent frame. Stereotypes of women were the primes most (...)
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  3. Descartes in the connection with Husserl's and Patocka's phenomenology.L. Major - 1996 - Filosoficky Casopis 44 (5):841-861.
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    G. W. F. Hegel: život a dílo.Ladislav Major & Milan Sobotka - 1979 - Praha: MF. Edited by Milan Sobotka.
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  5. Man, history, and philosophy in Husserl crisis of european sciences.L. Major - 1990 - Filosoficky Casopis 38 (3):326-332.
  6. Od úpadku hegelovství k novohegelovství: ke kritice poklasické a soudobě německé buržoazní filozofie.Ladislav Major - 1987 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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  7. Patocka's phenomenology of meaning and Heidegger.L. Major - 1996 - Filosoficky Casopis 44 (4):605-616.
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  8. Schopenhauer's philosophy of man.Ladislav Major - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46 (5):775-791.
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  9. Světonázorový význam Descartovy přírodní filozofie.Ladislav Major - 1977 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova. Edited by Milan Sobotka.
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  10. Dispute over democracy at the 17th international philosophy congress in prague in 1934.M. Znoj, L. Major, J. Pesek & M. Sobotka - 1990 - Filosoficky Casopis 38 (1-2):87-98.
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  11. The relation of man and nature in modern philosophy.M. Znoj, M. Sobotka & L. Major - 1991 - Filosoficky Casopis 39 (6):975-991.