Results for 'Kurt-Werner Pick'

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  1.  17
    Gesellschaftstheorie und Sozialethik.Kurt-Werner Pick & Max L. Stackhouse - 1978 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 22 (1):275-294.
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    Kurt Hahn, Erinnerungen, Gedanken, Aufforderungen: Beiträge zum 100. Geburtstag des Reformpädagogen.Kurt Hahn & Werner Esser (eds.) - 1987 - Lüneburg: K. Neubauer.
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    Objektivität in den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften.Werner Becker & Kurt Hübner (eds.) - 1976 - Hamburg: Hoffmann & Campe.
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    Das Geheimnis der Wirklichkeit: Kurt Hübner zum 90. Geburtstag.Volker Kapp, Werner Theobald & Kurt Hübner (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  5. Landscape permeability : from individual dispersal to population persistence.Werner Suter, Kurt Bollmann & Rolf Holderegger - 2007 - In Felix Kienast, Otto Wildi & S. Ghosh (eds.), A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
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    Existence and Being.Martin Heideggers Einfluss auf die Wissenschaften.Robert Cumming, Martin Heidegger, Douglas Scott, R. F. C. Hull, Alan Crick, Werner Brock, Carlos Astrada, Kurt Bauch, Ludwig Binswanger, Robert Heiss, Hans Kunz, Erich Ruprecht, Wolfgang Schadewaldt, Heinz-Horst Schrey, Emil Staiger, Wilhelm Szilasi & Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (4):102.
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  7. 75 Jahre Quantentheorie: Festbd. zum 75. Jahrestag d. Entdeckung d. Planckschen Energiequanten.Wolfram Brauer, Hans-Waldemar Streitwolf & Kurt Werner (eds.) - 1977 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Werner Gruehn - ein Wegbereiter für experimentelle Forschung an Mystik und Ekstase.Kurt Gins - 1990 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 19 (1):219-242.
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    Our Content.Carl Hess, Hans Klemperer, Kurt Strobl, L. S. Ornstein, C. Janssen Czn, C. Krygsman, P. Lenz, Wilhelm Geyger, Werner Weber & W. Rogowski - 1986 - Hermes 10:s00247 - 011.
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    Bücherbesprechungen.Erich Becher, August Horneffer, Gleiwitz O. -S. Mallachow, Werner Schingnitz, Knopf, Richard Müller-Freienfels, Theodor Siegfried, Kurt Sternberg, Hugo Dingler & Julius Schultz - 1921 - Annalen der Philosophie 3 (1):613-633.
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    Selbstanzeigen.Th Ziehen, Betzendörfer, Ludwig Fischer, Alfred Werner, Erich Hahn & Kurt Sternberg - 1920 - Annalen der Philosophie 2 (1):321-326.
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    Schütte Kurt. Kennzeichnung von Ordnungszahlen durch rekursiv erklärte Funktionen. Mathematische Annalen, Bd. 127 , S. 15–32. [REVIEW]Werner Markwald - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):217-218.
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  13. Kurt Wuchterl, Methoden der Gegenwartsphilosophie. [REVIEW]Werner Becker - 1979 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 86 (1):214.
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  14. gehalten am 17. Juni 1969 mit einleitenden Worten des Rektors Kurt Eichenberger. Basler Universitätsreden. 61. Heft. Basel, Verlag Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1969. In-8. 30 pp. La conférence du professeur Kaegi, dans l'introduction de laquelle. [REVIEW]Werner Kaegi - 1971 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance: Travaux and Documents 33:201.
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    Festgabe für Werner Sombart zur 70. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages. [REVIEW]Kurt Mandelbaum - 1933 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (3):467-468.
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  16. Normative concepts and the return to Eden.Preston J. Werner - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (7):2259-2283.
    Imagine coming across an alternative community such that, while they have normative terms like 'ought' with the same action-guiding roles and relationships to each other, their normative terms come to pick out different properties. When we come across such a community, or even just imagine it, those of us who strive to be moral and rational want to ask something like the following: Further Question: Which set of concepts ought we use—theirs or ours? The problem, first raised by Eklund, (...)
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    Gegenstandsbestimmung und Selbstgestaltung: Transzendentalphilosophie im Anschluss an Werner Flach.Christian Krijnen & Kurt Walter Zeidler (eds.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
  18.  5
    Geistige Tendenzen der Zeit: Perspektiven der Weltanschauungstheorie und Kulturphilosophie.Kurt Salamun - 1996 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Dieser Sammelband vereinigt zeitdiagnostische Studien, in denen wichtige Tendenzen der Denkkultur der Gegenwart kritisch analysiert werden. So bekannte deutschsprachige Philosophen und Sozialwissenschaftler wie Hans Albert, Werner Becker, Malte Hossenfelder, Hans Lenk, Michael Schmid, Gerard Radnitzky, Ernst Topitsch usw. behandeln Themen wie: Ist Aufklärung heute noch aktuell? Wie gefährlich sind philosophische Heilslehrer und fundamentalistische Weltanschauungen? Ist das Theorem der Risikogesellschaft bloß ein Mythologem? Werden Utopien durch Demokratie domestiziert? Gibt es ein gemeinsames Verständnis von Glück? Ist die moderne Wohlfahrtsdemokratie mit individueller (...)
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  19. Attentional Moral Perception.Jonna Vance & Preston J. Werner - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (5):501-525.
    Moral perceptualism is the view that perceptual experience is attuned to pick up on moral features in our environment, just as it is attuned to pick up on mundane features of an environment like textures, shapes, colors, pitches, and timbres. One important family of views that incorporate moral perception are those of virtue theorists and sensibility theorists. On these views, one central ability of the virtuous agent is her sensitivity to morally relevant features of situations, where this sensitivity (...)
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  20.  14
    Reflexion und konkrete Subjektivität: Beiträge zum 100. Geburtstag von Hans Wagner (1917-2000).Christian Krijnen, Kurt Walter Zeidler & Hans Wagner (eds.) - 2017 - Wien: Ferstl & Perz Verlag.
    Hans Wagner (1917-2000) hat Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts eine systematische Erneuerung der Transzendentalphilosophie in Angriff genommen: eine an Kants subjektheoretischem Geltungsbegriff orientierte und Problementwicklungen des deutschen Idealismus, des Neukantianismus und der Phanomenologie integrierende Transzendentalphilosophie. Diese Gedenkschrift zu seinem hundertsten Geburtstag enthalt Beitrage von Reinhold Aschenberg, Reinhold Breil, Martin Bunte, Werner Flach, Klaus Ganglbauer, Bernward Grunewald, Reinhard Hiltscher, Christian Krijnen, Peter Michael Lippitz, Steinar Mathisen, Gerhard Seel, Manfred Wetzel und Kurt Walter Zeidler, welche die Philosophie Wagners in ihrem historischen (...)
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  21.  91
    An austrian mélange • Eckehart köler, Peter weibel, Michael stöltzner, Bernd Buldt, Carsten Klein, and Werner depauli-schimanovich-göttig, eds. Kurt gödel. Wahrheit & beweisbarkeit. Band 1: Dokumente und historische analysen [Kurt gödel. Truth and provability. Vol. 1: Documents and historical analyses]. Vienna: Öbv et hpt, 2002. Isbn 3-209-03824-1. Pp. 279. • Bernd Buldt, Eckehart köhler, Michael stöltzner, Peter weibel, Carsten Klein, and Werner depauli-schimanovich-göttig, eds. Kurt gödel. Wahrheit & beweisbarkeit. Band 2: Kompendium zum werk [vol. 2: Compendium of work]. Vienna: Öbv et hpt, 2002. Isbn 3-209-03835-X. Pp. 447. [REVIEW]Hannes Leitgeb - 2007 - Philosophia Mathematica 15 (2):245-257.
    While the Gödel centenary year 2006 triggered a lot of conference and workshop activity on Gödel, the years leading to it stand out by exhibiting several excellent publications on Gödel's life and work, most notably the completion of the Kurt Gödel Collected Works series . The two volumes of Kurt Gödel. Wahrheit & Beweisbarkeit, written in German and edited by E. Köhler et al., constitute something like the ‘German-Austrian contribution’ to this renewal of interest in Gödel's legacy, even (...)
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    Schlusslogische Letztbegründung. Festschrift für Kurt Walter Zeidler zum 65. Geburtstag.Lois Marie Rendl & Robert König (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin, Deutschland: Peter Lang.
    Schlusslogische Letztbegründung is a collection of essays in honor of Kurt Walter Zeidler. Mr. Zeidler is a distinguished Kant- and Neo-Kantian-scholar who has reconstructed Kant's concept of transcendental logic in connection with the logic of the concept of Hegel and the logic of symbolization of Peirce. (cf. Zeidler: Grundriss der transzendentalen Logik, 3rd ed., Wien 2017) He has most notably inquired intensively into the relation of transcendental logic to philosophy of science (cf. Zeidler: Prolegomena zur Wissenschaftstheorie, Wien 2000) and (...)
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    In Memory of Werner Marx.Klaus Erich Kaehler & Tom Nenon - 1996 - The Owl of Minerva 28 (1):77-79.
    On November 21, 1994, Werner Marx passed away peacefully in the place he loved so well, his apartment in the Schloß in Bollschweil. Professor Marx was born in 1910 in Mulheim, Germany. He studied law and philosophy in Berlin, Freiburg, and Bonn before completing his state examination and doctorate in law in 1933. In the same year, he was removed from civil service and from an apprentice judgeship by the Nazis. After this, he emigrated first to Palestine and then (...)
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    Robert König/Lois Marie Rendl (Hgg.), Schlusslogische Letztbegründung: Festschrift für Kurt Walter Zeidler zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin u. a.: Peter Lang 2020. [REVIEW]Harald Holz - 2020 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 127 (2):360-363.
    Diese Festschrift umfasst 22 nationale und internationale Beiträge zu Ehren des Jubilars, darunter von solch renommierten Autoren wie Werner Flach, Christian Krijnen, Ulrich Blau, Erhard Oeser, Hans-Dieter Klein, um nur diese zu nennen. – Sie enthält ferner eine Stellungnahme von K. W. Zeidler, wo dieser im Dialog mit den Beiträgern jeweilige kritische Punkte seiner Schlusslogischen Letztbegründung klar zu stellen sich bemüht. – Ein Siglen- und Abkürzungsverzeichnis sowie eine Bibliographie des Jubilars runden die Ausgabe ab. Kurt Walter Zeidler darf (...)
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    Modularity: Understanding the Development and Evolution of Natural Complex Systems.Werner Callebaut & Diego Rasskin-Gutman (eds.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    This collection broadens the scientific discussion of modularity by bringing together experts from a variety of disciplines, including artificial life, ...
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    The Theory of Cognitive Spacetime.Kurt Stocker - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (2):71-93.
    This article introduces the theory of cognitive spacetime. This account allows us to go beyond the space–time dichotomy that is commonly employed in psychology and cognitive science. Linguistic analysis and experimental review is provided to support the notion that what is commonly referred to as spatial cognition (or mental space) in the cognitive sciences always contains time, and that what is commonly referred to as temporal cognition (or mental time) always contains space. For “spatial cognition” the term object-spatiotemporal cognition (or (...)
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  27. Georg Simmel: 1858-1918.Kurt Wolff - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (1):139-140.
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  28. Frankenstein and brave new world: Two cautionary myths on the boundaries of science.Kurt W. Back - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):327-332.
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    Evolutionary Epistemology: A Multiparadigm Program.Werner Callebaut & R. Pinxten (eds.) - 1987 - Reidel.
    This volume has its already distant or1g1n in an inter national conference on Evolutionary Epistemology the editors organized at the University of Ghent in November 1984. This conference aimed to follow up the endeavor started at the ERISS (Epistemologically Relevant Internalist Sociology of Science) conference organized by Don Campbell and Alex Rosen berg at Cazenovia Lake, New York, in June 1981, whilst in jecting the gist of certain current continental intellectual developments into a debate whose focus, we thought, was in (...)
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    Conclusions from color vision of insects.Werner Backhaus & Randolf Menzel - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):28-30.
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    Reactive loops and normative indeterminacy.Jonas Werner - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Temporal loops in which two agents are involved in a circle of reactive attitudes create a puzzle concerning who harms whom. I argue that this puzzle, which has been developed by Stephen Kearns in a recent paper in this journal, should be solved by accepting that the situation involves normative indeterminacy. A supervaluationist treatment of this indeterminacy allows us to maintain that the normative supervenes on the non-normative and that the involved agents are in normatively symmetric situations. It further allows (...)
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    Meister Eckhart: Philosopher of Christianity.Kurt Flasch, Anne Schindel & Aaron Vanides - 2015 - New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
    Renowned philosopher Kurt Flasch offers a full-scale reappraisal of the life and legacy of Meister Eckhart, the medieval German theologian, philosopher, and alleged mystic who was active during the Avignon Papacy of the fourteenth century and was tried for heresy by Pope John XXII. Disputing his subject’s frequent characterization as a hero of a modern, syncretic spirituality, Flasch attempts to free Eckhart from the “Mystical Flood” by inviting his readers to think along with Eckhart in a careful rereading of (...)
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  33.  20
    David Hume and America.John M. Werner - 1972 - Journal of the History of Ideas 33 (3):439.
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    Moral Obligation.Kurt Baier - 1966 - American Philosophical Quarterly 3 (3):210 - 226.
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    Philosophy, Science and the Sociology of Knowledge.Kurt H. Wolff - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (1):89-93.
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    Hans-Joachim Schoeps 70.Kurt Tofner - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (1):3-6.
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    The architecture of cognition.Kurt VanLehn - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (2):235-240.
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    Chinese Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century. The Shu-shu chiu-chang of Ch'in Chiu-shaoUlrich Libbrecht.Kurt Vogel - 1976 - Isis 67 (2):309-311.
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    Maximengeleitete Vernunft - Kants Logik der endlichen Vernunft.Kurt Walter Zeidler - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 123-130.
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    Übertragung – Gegenübertragung – Intersubjektivität.Werner Bohleber - 2018 - Psyche 72 (9):702-733.
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    Implicit Theories and Issue Characteristics as Determinants of Moral Awareness and Intentions.Kurt Wurthmann - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):93-116.
    Individuals’ implicit theories that people’s character is fixed versus malleable are associated with their holding beliefs that morality is primarily determined by fulfilling prescribed duties versus upholding basic rights of others, respectively. Three studies provide evidence that the ability to recognize that a situation can legitimately be considered from a moral point of view is interactively dependent upon the nature of perceivers’ implicit theories and the extent to which the issue involves a violation that emphasizes a failure to fulfill a (...)
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    Grundprobleme der Geschichte der antiken Wissenschaft.Kurt von Fritz - 1971 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Grundprobleme der Geschichte der antiken Wissenschaft" verfügbar.
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  43. A Whole, a Fragment.Kurt H. Wolff - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (3):337-342.
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    Introduction.Kurt H. Wolff - 1980 - Human Studies 3 (1):309 - 310.
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  45. Konventionalität in der Physik.Werner Diederich - 1975 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (2):371-373.
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    The Science of Yoga.Karel Werner - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (1):96-97.
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  47. The conceptual link between morality and rationality.Kurt Baier - 1982 - Noûs 16 (1):78-88.
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    “Socratic Therapy” from Aeschines of Sphettus to Lacan.Kurt Lampe - 2010 - Classical Antiquity 29 (2):181-221.
    Recent research on “psychotherapy” in Greek philosophy has not been fully integrated into thinking about philosophy as a way of life molded by personal relationships. This article focuses on how the enigma of Socratic eros sustains a network of thought experiments in the fourth century BCE about interpersonal dynamics and psychical transformation. It supplements existing work on Plato's Symposium and Phaedrus with comparative material from Aeschines of Sphettus, Xenophon, and the dubiously Platonic Alcibiades I and Theages. In order to select (...)
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    The sociology of knowledge: Emphasis on an empirical attitude.Kurt H. Wolff - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (2):104-123.
    Two distinct attitudes have been adopted by investigators in the field of the sociology of knowledge. One of them may be called speculative; the other, empirical. The central interest of an investigator having the speculative attitude lies in developing a theory of the sociology of knowledge. The central interest of investigators having the empirical attitude lies in finding out or explaining concrete phenomena; the theory is employed, implicitly or explicity, for this purpose. The existence of the two attitudes may be (...)
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  50. The Moral Point of View, abridged edition.Kurt Baier - 1965 - Random House.
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