Results for 'Kristjánsson Kristján'

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  1. Justice and desert-based emotions.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2005 - Philosophical Explorations 8 (1):53-68.
    A number of contemporary philosophers have pointed out that justice is not primarily an intellectual virtue, grounded in abstract, detached beliefs, but rather an emotional virtue, grounded in certain beliefs and desires that are compelling and deeply embedded in human nature. As a complex emotional virtue, justice seems to encompass, amongst other things, certain desert-based emotions that are developmentally and morally important for an understanding of justice. This article explores the philosophical reasons for the rising interest in desert-based emotions and (...)
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  2. Justifying Emotions: Pride and Jealousy.Kristjan Kristjansson - 2001 - Routledge.
    The two central emotions of pride and jealousy have long been held to have no role in moral judgements, and have been a source of controversy in both ethics and moral psychology. Kristjan Kristjansson challenges this common view and argues that emotions are central to moral excellence and that both pride and jealousy are indeed ingredients of a well-rounded virtuous life.
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  3. Is Shame an Ugly Emotion? Four Discourses—Two Contrasting Interpretations for Moral Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (5):495-511.
    This paper offers a sustained philosophical meditation on contrasting interpretations of the emotion of shame within four academic discourses—social psychology, psychological anthropology, educational psychology and Aristotelian scholarship—in order to elicit their implications for moral education. It turns out that within each of these discourses there is a mainstream interpretation which emphasises shame’s expendability or moral ugliness (and where shame is typically described as guilt’s ugly sister), but also a heterodox interpretation which seeks to retrieve and defend shame. As the heterodox (...)
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    Is the Virtue of Integrity Redundant in Aristotelian Virtue Ethics?Kristján Kristjánsson - 2019 - Apeiron 52 (1):93-115.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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  5. An aristotelian critique of situationism.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2008 - Philosophy 83 (1):55-76.
    Aristotle says that no human achievement has the stability of activities that express virtue. Ethical situationists consider this claim to be refutable by empirical evidence. If that is true, not only Aristotelianism, but folk psychology, contemporary virtue ethics and character education have all been seriously infirmed. The aim of this paper is threefold: (1) to offer a systematic classification of the existing objections against situationism under four main headings: ‘the methodological objection’, ‘the moral dilemma objection’, ‘the bullet-biting objection’ and ‘the (...)
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    Virtuous Emotions.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Many people are drawn towards virtue ethics because of the central place it gives to emotions in the good life. Yet it may seem odd to evaluate emotions as virtuous or non-virtuous, for how can we be held responsible for those powerful feelings that simply engulf us? And how can education help us to manage our emotional lives? The aim of this book is to offer readers a new Aristotelian analysis and moral justification of a number of emotions that Aristotle (...)
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    Phronesis as moral decathlon: contesting the redundancy thesis about phronesis.Kristján Kristjánsson & Blaine Fowers - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology:1-20.
  8.  88
    Online Aristotelian Character Friendship as an Augmented Form of Penpalship.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):289-307.
    This paper adds ammunition to recent arguments for the possibility of online character friendships in the Aristotelian sense. It does so by exploring sustained and deep email correspondence or epalship as a potential venue for the creation, development and maintenance of character friendships, and by drawing an analogy with a historically famous example of penpalship: that forged between Voltaire and Catherine the Great. It is argued that epalships allow for various technological extensions in the cyberworld of today that were not (...)
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  9. Social freedom and the test of moral responsibility.Kristjan Kristjansson - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):104-116.
    The responsibility view of social freedom views obstacles as constraints on freedom if and only if there is an agent morally responsible for the obstacle's existence or nonsuppression. However, the test of moral responsibility offered by S.I. Benn and W.L. Weinstein is too narrow, W.E. Connolly's is too broad and D. Miller's is either trivial or wrong depending on whether a permissive or narrow interpretation is adopted. A plausible definition assigns moral responsibility for nonsuppression of an obstacle when a reasonable (...)
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    Casual Sex Revisited.Kristján Kristjánsson - 1998 - Journal of Social Philosophy 29 (2):97-108.
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    Realist Versus Anti‐Realist Moral Selves—and the Irrelevance of Narrativism.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (2):167-187.
    This paper has three aims. The first is to subject to critical analysis the intractable debate between realists and anti-realists about the status of the so-called self, a debate that traverses various academic disciplines and discursive fields. Realism about selves has fallen on hard times of late, and the second aim of this paper is to get it back on track. Traditional substantive conceptions of the self contain ontological baggage that many moderns will be loath to carry. This paper settles (...)
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  12.  61
    What Is Wrong with Positive Liberty?Kristján Kristjánsson - 1992 - Social Theory and Practice 18 (3):289-310.
  13.  85
    Ten Myths About Character, Virtue and Virtue Education – Plus Three Well-Founded Misgivings.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (3):269-287.
    ABSTRACT Initiatives to cultivate character and virtue in moral education at school continue to provoke sceptical responses. Most of those echo familiar misgivings about the notions of character, virtue and education in virtue ? as unclear, redundant, old-fashioned, religious, paternalistic, anti-democratic, conservative, individualistic, relative and situation dependent. I expose those misgivings as ?myths?, while at the same time acknowledging three better-founded historical, methodological and practical concerns about the notions in question.
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  14.  15
    Social Freedom: The Responsibility View.Kristjan Kristjánsson - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    When is it correct to say that a person's freedom is restricted? Can poverty constrain freedom? Can you constrain your own freedom, for instance through weakness of the will or self-deception, and are you not truly free unless you act on a rational choice? Kristján Kristjánsson offers a critical analysis of the main components of a theory of negative liberty: the nature of obstacles and constraints, the weight of obstacles and the relation of freedom to power and autonomy. (...)
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  15. An Aristotelian Virtue of Gratitude.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):499-511.
    The aim of this paper is to offer a reconstruction of gratitude as an Aristotelian virtue. The account I propose is meant to be essentially Aristotelian although it is clearly not Aristotle’s own account. I start in section “Current Discourses on Gratitude” with an overview of recent discourses on gratitude in philosophy and psychology. I then proceed, in section “Putting the Aristotelian Pieces Together”, to spell out a formal characterisation of gratitude as an Aristotelian emotional virtue. Section “Reappraising Aristotle on (...)
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  16. Aristotelian motivational externalism.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):419-442.
    Recent virtue theorists in psychology implicitly assume the truth of motivational internalism, and this assumption restricts the force and scope of the message that they venture to offer as scientists. I aim to contrive a way out of their impasse by arguing for a version of Aristotelian motivational externalism and suggesting why these psychologists should adopt it. There is a more general problem, however. Although motivational externalism has strong intuitive appeal, at least for moral realists and ‘Humeans’ about motivation, it (...)
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  17.  66
    Why Persons Need Jealousy.Kristján Kristjánsson - 1996 - The Personalist Forum 12 (2):163-181.
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  18.  36
    Collective Phronesis in Business Ethics Education and Managerial Practice: A Neo-Aristotelian Analysis.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):41-56.
    The aim of this article is to provide an overview of various discourses relevant to developing a construct of collective _phronesis_, from a (neo)-Aristotelian perspective, with implications for professional practice in general and business practice and business ethics education in particular. Despite the proliferation of interest in practical wisdom within business ethics and more general areas of both psychology and philosophy, the focus has remained mostly on the construct at the level of individual decision-making, as in Aristotle’s _Nicomachean Ethics_. However, (...)
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  19. Situationism and the Concept of a Situation.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (S1):E52-E72.
    Abstract: The concept of a situation underlying the debate between moral situationists and dispositionists conceals various underexplored complexities. Some of those issues have been engaged recently in the so-called psychology of situations, but they have been slow to receive attention in mainstream philosophy. I invoke various distinctions among situations, and show how situationists have selectively chosen certain types of situations that, for conceptual reasons, skew the argument in their favour. I introduce the concept of a ‘virtue-calibrated situation’, and argue that (...)
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    Aristotelian Character Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2015 - Routledge.
    This book provides a reconstruction of Aristotelian character education, shedding new light on what moral character really is, and how it can be highlighted, measured, nurtured and taught in current schooling. Arguing that many recent approaches to character education understand character in exclusively amoral, instrumentalist terms, Kristjánsson proposes a coherent, plausible and up-to-date concept, retaining the overall structure of Aristotelian character education. After discussing and debunking popular myths about Aristotelian character education, subsequent chapters focus on the practical ramifications and (...)
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  21. Justice, Luck, and Knowledge.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):361-365.
  22.  18
    Flourishing as the aim of education: a neo-Aristotelian view.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book develops a conception of student flourishing as the overarching aim of education. Taking as its basis the Aristotelian concept of eudaimonia, it provides a theoretical study of the foundations of flourishing that goes well beyond Aristotle's approach. Flourishing as the Aim of Education argues that the 'good life' of the student, to which education should contribute, must involve engagement with self-transcendent ideals and ignite awe-filled enchantment. It allows for social, individual and educational variance within the concept of flourishing, (...)
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  23. Recent Work on the Concept of Gratitude in Philosophy and Psychology.Liz Gulliford, Blaire Morgan & Kristján Kristjánsson - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (3):285-317.
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  24.  94
    “Emotional intelligence” in the classroom? An aristotelian critique.Kristjan Kristjansson - 2006 - Educational Theory 56 (1):39-56.
    A recent trend in moral education, social and emotional learning, incorporates the mantra of emotional intelligence as a key element in an extensive program of character building. In making his famous claim that the good life would have to include appropriate emotions, Aristotle obviously considered the schooling of emotions to be an indispensable part of moral education. However, in this essay Kristján Kristjánsson casts doubt on the assumption that Aristotelians should approve of the clarion call for EI, as (...)
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  25.  30
    Virtues and Vices in Positive Psychology: A Philosophical Critique.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Positive psychology is one of the biggest growth industries in the discipline of psychology. At the present time, the subfield of 'positive education' seems poised to take the world of education and teacher training by storm. In this first book-length philosophical study of positive psychology, Professor Kristján Kristjánsson subjects positive psychology's recent inroads into virtue theory and virtue education to sustained conceptual and moral scrutiny. Professor Kristjánsson's interdisciplinary perspective constructively integrates insights, evidence and considerations from social science (...)
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    Reconsidering the ‘Ten Myths’ about Character Education.Kristján Kristjánsson, Tom Harrison & Andrew Peterson - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):49-72.
    Is character education flawed as an approach to values education? A 2013 article answered that question in the negative and defused ten common objections against character education as ‘myths’. The aim of the present article is to revisit those objections and consider the evidence that has accumulated since 2013. After a brief historical and conceptual rehearsal, the core section of the article is taken up with reminders of the original arguments rebutting each myth, complemented with additional updated, and more extensive, (...)
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  27.  66
    Reason and intuition in Aristotle's moral psychology: why he was not a two-system dualist.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (1):42-57.
    This paper is about the interplay between intuition and reason in Aristotle’s moral psychology. After discussing briefly some other uses of ‘intuition’ in Aristotle’s texts, I look closely at A...
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    Stohr, Karen. On Manners.New York: Routledge, 2012. Pp. 183. $70.00 ; $14.99.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2013 - Ethics 124 (1):214-217.
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  29. Fortunes-of-Others Emotions and Justice.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Research 28:105-128.
    Despite the resurgent interest in the emotions, not much attention has focused specifically on those emotions that relate to others. deserved or undeserved fortunes. In this essay, I explore such emotions, logically and morally, with special emphasis on indignation and Schadenfreude. I argue that, when Aristotle.s treatment of this family of emotions is stripped of certain anomalies, it gives a logically satisfying and morally suggestive, if perhaps overly rigid, account of all the relevant emotions and their relations. I use those (...)
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    Teaching phronesis to aspiring police officers: some preliminary philosophical, developmental and pedagogical reflections.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2022 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (2):289-305.
    According to Aristotle, the crucial meta-virtue of _phronesis_ (practical wisdom) is cultivated through teaching and experience. But he remains mostly silent on the details of this developmental picture and its educational ramifications. This article focuses on the ‘taught’ element of _phronesis_ development in the context of police ethics education. I begin by piecing together the developmental trajectory that Aristotle suggests towards full virtue, up to and including _phronesis_ development. I also briefly list ten potential weaknesses of this picture. I then (...)
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  31. Phronesis and the knowledge-action gap in moral psychology and moral education: a new synthesis?Catherine Darnell, Liz Gulliford, Kristján Kristjánsson & Panos Paris - 2019 - Human Development 62 (3):101–29.
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    The proper scope of education for flourishing.Kristján Kristjánsson & Tyler J. VanderWeele - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    The concept of flourishing has recently come into vogue within various areas of the humanities and social sciences (e.g. philosophy, psychology, economics, health, education). This article focuses on its potential role within education, where the retrieval of flourishing has perhaps been most visible of all the recent areas of interest, setting in motion what some have called a ‘flourishing bandwagon’. This bandwagon has blazed a trail for the somewhat radical view that flourishing can be seen not only as a significant (...)
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  33.  49
    The Need for Phronesis.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92:167-184.
    This chapter explores the state of public and academic discourse about socio-moral issues elicited by the Covid-19 pandemic, through two informal case studies of Facebook statuses and columns in two leading UK newspapers. The Facebook statuses tended to focus on performance virtues as remedies rather than moral virtues, whereas a survey among the general public highlighted the role of moral virtues. Divisions of opinion among columnists in the Guardian and Daily Telegraph turned out to be about different prioritisations of moral (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Jealousy Revisited: Recent Philosophical Work on a Maligned Emotion.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (3):1-14.
    Taking as its starting point a previous work by the author which reviewed early philosophical sources on jealousy and proposed both a conceptual and moral account of this much-maligned emotion, the present article reviews the relevant philosophical literature from the last decade or so. Most noticeable is how scarce those sources still are. Special attention is given, however, to a new conceptual model proposed by Purshouse and Fredericks which rejects the standard architectonic of jealousy as a three-party compound emotion. While (...)
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    Richard Pring’s View of Education as a Moral Practice.Kristján Kristjánsson - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
    Richard Pring (1938–2024) was the first holder of a Chair in Education at the University of Oxford and the Editor of the present journal from 1986 to 2001. This article pays tribute to his legacy in the field of educational philosophy. After reviewing briefly some well-known recurring themes in Pring’s educational philosophy, such as his busting of ‘false dualisms’, the article focuses on his specific view of education (and teaching) as a moral practice. This view is considered both in light (...)
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    Expendable emotions.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (1):5-22.
    Are there any morally expendable emotions? That is, are there any emotions that could ideally, from a moral point of view, be eradicated from human life? Aristotle may have subscribed to the view that there are no such emotions, and for that reason—though not only for that reason—it merits investigation. I first suggest certain revisions of the specifics of Aristotle’s non-expendability claim that render it less counter-intuitive. I then show that the plausibility of Aristotle’s claim turns largely on the question (...)
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    Considerateness Differentiated: Three Types of Virtuousness.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4):780-796.
    Despite the prevalence of the virtue of considerateness in everyday moral discourse and the proliferation of philosophical studies of virtue language, considerateness hardly ever appears on philosophical agendas. When discussed in academia, its meaning seems fuzzy and unclear. This article makes amends for this gap by subjecting considerateness to conceptual scrutiny. The author argues that considerateness designates a cluster concept, encompassing three types of virtuousness that share a family resemblance only. One is a hybrid civic-moral social-glue virtue, extensionally equivalent to (...)
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  38. Can We Teach Justified Anger?Kristján Kristjánsson - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (4):671-689.
    The question of whether there is such a thing as teachable justified anger encompasses three distinct questions: (1) the psychological question of whether the emotions in general, and anger in particular, are regulatable; (2) the moral question of whether anger can ever be morally justified; and (3) the educational question of whether we have any sound methods at our disposal for teaching justified anger. In this paper I weave Aristotelian responses to those questions together with insights from the current psychology (...)
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  39. Educating Moral Emotions or Moral Selves: A false dichotomy?Kristján Kristjánsson - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (4):397-409.
    In the post‐Kohlbergian era of moral education, a ‘moral gap’ has been identified between moral cognition and moral action. Contemporary moral psychologists lock horns over how this gap might be bridged. The two main contenders for such bridge‐building are moral emotions and moral selves. I explore these two options from an Aristotelian perspective. The moral‐self solution relies upon an anti‐realist conception of the self as ‘identity’, and I dissect its limitations. In its stead, I propose a Humean conception of the (...)
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  40.  22
    Freedom, Offers, and Obstacles.Kristján Kristjánsson - 1992 - American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):63 - 70.
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    Aristotle, Emotions, and Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2007 - Routledge.
    In a formidable display of boundary-breaking scholarship, Kristján Kristjánsson analyzes and dispels misconceptions about Aristotle's views on morality, emotions and education that abound in the current literature - including claims of the emotional intelligence theorists that they have revitalized Aristotle's message for the present day. This is an arresting book that deepens the contemporary discourse on emotion cultivation and one that will excite any student of moral education, whether academic or practitioner.
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    Response to Bruce Maxwell.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (1):73-78.
  43.  36
    Social concepts: Normativity without relativity.Kristján Kristjánsson - 1995 - Res Publica 1 (1):71-89.
  44.  42
    Grounding Deep Friendships.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Research 45:197-216.
    The aim of this paper is to offer an account of the grounding of deep friendships within the context of virtue ethics. While drawing on Aristotle’s justification of so-called character friendships, it goes some distance in reconciling Aristotle’s highly moralistic view with a prevalent counterview according to which we are drawn toward close friends for reasons that are essentially aesthetic, amoral, and irrational. It is argued that there are resources within Aristotelian virtue ethics that enable us to overcome some of (...)
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    Filtering Friendship through Phronesis: ‘One Thought too Many’?Kristján Kristjánsson - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (1):113-137.
    An adequate moral theory must – or so many philosophers have argued – be compatible with the attitudes and practical requirements of deep friendship. Bernard Williams suggested that the decision procedure required by both deontology and consequentialism inserts a fetishising filter between the natural moral motivation of any normal person to prioritise friends and the decision to act on it. But this injects ‘one thought too many’ into the moral reaction mechanism. It is standardly assumed that virtue ethics is somehow (...)
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    Recent Work on Flourishing as the Aim of Education: A Critical Review.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):87-107.
    Flourishing, understood along semi-Aristotelian lines, has re-emerged recently as an account of the ideal aim of education, for instance, in works by educational philosophers Brighouse, White and de Ruyter. This article aims at critically reviewing this new paradigm by subjecting it to philosophical and educational scrutiny. Throughout I compare and contrast this paradigm with Aristotelian flourishing and explore the specific role of teachers as facilitators of students’ flourishing and sense of meaning.
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    A Prolegomena to.Kristján Kristjánsson - 1999 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 6 (1):49-54.
    Although emotional intelligence training seems to fall right into line with virtue ethics and the reigning cognitive theories of emotion, there is a reason many philosophers are skeptical of such training. Emotional intelligence manuals tend to underplay considerations which philosophers see as essential preludes to theories of emotional cultivation: considering our responsibility for emotions, connecting this responsibility with moral evaluation, and explaining moral-justification of particular emotions in particular contexts. This essay fills in the gap between EQ-theorists and philosophers by outlining (...)
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    Phronesis as an ideal in professional medical ethics: some preliminary positionings and problematics.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (5):299-320.
    Phronesis has become a buzzword in contemporary medical ethics. Yet, the use of this single term conceals a number of significant conceptual controversies based on divergent philosophical assumptions. This paper explores three of them: on phronesis as universalist or relativist, generalist or particularist, and natural/painless or painful/ambivalent. It also reveals tensions between Alasdair MacIntyre’s take on phronesis, typically drawn upon in professional ethics discourses, and Aristotle’s original concept. The paper offers these four binaries as a possible analytical framework for classifying (...)
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    On the Old Saw That Dialogue Is a Socratic But Not an Aristotelian Method of Moral Education.Kristján Kristjánsson - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (4):333-348.
    Kristján Kristjánsson's aim in this article is to bury the old saw that dialogue is exclusively a Socratic but not an Aristotelian method of education for moral character. Although the truncated discussion in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics of the character development of the young may indicate that it is merely the result of a mindless process of behavioral conditioning, Nancy Sherman has argued convincingly that such a process would never yield the end result that Aristotle deems all-important — a (...)
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  50.  37
    Desert and Virtue. [REVIEW]Kristján Kristjánsson - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (3):533-538.
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