Results for 'Kristel Wouters'

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  1.  41
    Methodological Issues in the Design of Online Surveys for Measuring Unethical Work Behavior: Recommendations on the Basis of a Split-Ballot Experiment.Kristel Wouters, Jeroen Maesschalck, Carel Fw Peeters & Marijke Roosen - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (2):275-289.
    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in unethical work behavior. Several types of survey instruments to collect information about unethical work behavior are available. Nevertheless, to date little attention has been paid to design issues of those surveys. There are, however, several important problems that may influence reliability and validity of questionnaire data on the topic, such as social desirability bias. This paper addresses two important issues in the design of online surveys on unethical work behavior: the (...)
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  2.  20
    Philosophy and humanism: Renaissance essays in honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller.Paul Oskar Kristeller & Edward P. Mahoney (eds.) - 1976 - New York: Columbia University Press.
  3.  11
    Swedenborg, Oetinger, Kant: Three Perspectives on the Secrets of Heaven.Wouter J. Hanegraaff - 2007 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    In this meticulous study, Wouter Hanegraaff examines the structure, themes, and development of Emanuel Swedenborg's massive work _Secrets of Heaven_, published between 1749 and 1756. Written as a work of biblical exegesis, Swedenborg also interpolated material on his visionary experiences, which have long fascinated readers. In the second part of the study, Dr. Hanegraaff examines the contemporary reception of the multi-volume work, particularly the critical reactions of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Christoph Oetinger. He finds that Swedenborg's biblical exegesis, so important (...)
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  4.  76
    History of Philosophy and History of Ideas.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):1-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:History of Philosophy and History of Ideas PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER THE TF.~MS "history of philosophy" and "history of ideas" are frequently associated in current public and professional discussions, and many statements seem to suggest that the two terms are more or less synonymous, or that the former term, being old-fashioned, might well be replaced with the latter which for many ears appears to have a more fashionable and glamorous (...)
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  5.  91
    The Functional Perspective of Organismal Biology.Arno Wouters - 2005 - In Thomas A. C. Reydon & Lia Hemerik (eds.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology : A Dutch Perspective. Springer. pp. 33--69.
    Following Mayr (1961) evolutionary biologists often maintain that the hallmark of biology is its evolutionary perspective. In this view, biologists distinguish themselves from other natural scientists by their emphasis on why-questions. Why-questions are legitimate in biology but not in other natural sciences because of the selective character of the process by means of which living objects acquire their characteristics. For that reason, why-questions should be answered in terms of natural selection. Functional biology is seen as a reductionist science that applies (...)
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    A Time Series Approach to Random Number Generation: Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Capture Executive Behavior.Wouter Oomens, Joseph H. R. Maes, Fred Hasselman & Jos I. M. Egger - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7.  78
    (1 other version)The Modern System of the Arts: A Study in the History of Aesthetics.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1951 - Journal of the History of Ideas 12 (1/4):496.
  8. The function debate in philosophy.Arno Wouters - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (2):123-151.
    This paper reviews the debate on the notion of biological function and on functional explanation as this takes place in philosophy. It describes the different perspectives, issues, intuitions, theories and arguments that have emerged. The author shows that the debate has been too heavily influenced by the concerns of a naturalistic philosophy of mind and argues that in order to improve our understanding of biology the attention should be shifted from the study of intuitions to the study of the actual (...)
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  9.  44
    Itinerarium Italicum: the profile of the Italian renaissance in the mirror of its European transformations: dedicated to Paul Oskar Kristeller on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Paul Oskar Kristeller, Thomas Allan Brady & Heiko Augustinus Oberman (eds.) - 1975 - Leiden: Brill.
    Oberman, H. A. Quoscunque tulit foecunda vetustas.--Bouwsma, W. J. The two faces of humanism.--Gilmore, M. P. Italian reactions to Erasmian humanism.--Dresden, S. The profile of the reception of the Italian Renaissance in France.--IJsewijn, J. The coming of humanism to the Low Countries.--Hay, D. England and the humanities in the fifteenth century.--Spitz, L. W. The course of German humanism.
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    An Aristotelian Model of Moral Development.Wouter Sanderse - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (3):382-398.
    Despite the Aristotelian renaissance in the philosophy of education, the development of virtue has not received much attention. This is unfortunate, because an attempt to draft an Aristotelian model of moral development can help philosophers to evaluate the contribution Aristotelian virtue ethics can make to our understanding of moral development, provide psychologists with a potentially richer account of morality and its development, and help educators to understand the developmental phase people are in. In the article, it is argued that the (...)
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  11. Bovens and Hartmann on coherence.Wouter Meijs & Igor Douven - 2005 - Mind 114 (454):355-363.
  12.  53
    Conceptual Entailment Error Theory.Wouter Floris Kalf - 2015 - In Moral Error Theory. Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 27-79.
    This book provides a novel formulation and defence of moral error theory. It also provides a novel solution to the so-called now what question; viz., the question what we should do with our moral thought and talk after moral error theory. The novel formulation of moral error theory uses pragmatic presupposition rather than conceptual entailment to argue that moral judgments carry a non-negotiable commitment to categorical moral reasons. The new answer to the now what question is pragmatic presupposition substitutionism: we (...)
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  13.  45
    Does Aristotle believe that habituation is only for children?Wouter Sanderse - 2020 - Journal of Moral Education 49 (1):98-110.
    Full virtue and practical wisdom comprise the end of neo-Aristotelian moral development, but wisdom cannot be cultivated straight away through arguments and teaching. Wisdom is integrated with, and builds upon, habituation: the acquisition of virtuous character traits through the repeated practice of corresponding virtuous actions. Habit formation equips people with a taste for, and commitment to, the good life; furthermore it provides one with discriminatory and reflective capacities to know how to act in particular circumstances. Unfortunately, habituation is often understood (...)
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  14.  33
    Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1964 - Stanford, Calif.,: Stanford University Press.
    Petrarch In exactly a hundred years had passed since Jacob Burckhardt published his famous essay The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, ...
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  15.  16
    Supplementum festivum: studies in honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller.Paul Oskar Kristeller, James Hankins, John Monfasani & Frederick Purnell (eds.) - 1987 - Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies.
  16. On the alleged impossibility of coherence.Wouter Meijs & Igor Douven - 2007 - Synthese 157 (3):347 - 360.
    If coherence is to have justificatory status, as some analytical philosophers think it has, it must be truth-conducive, if perhaps only under certain specific conditions. This paper is a critical discussion of some recent arguments that seek to show that under no reasonable conditions can coherence be truth-conducive. More specifically, it considers Bovens and Hartmann’s and Olsson’s “impossibility results,” which attempt to show that coherence cannot possibly be a truth-conducive property. We point to various ways in which the advocates of (...)
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  17. Duurzaamheid en intrinsieke waarde.Wouter Achterberg - 1989 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 90:169-175.
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    The ms. Ottob. lat. 1982. A Contribution to the Biography of Pomponius Laetus?Wouter Bracke - 1989 - Rinascimento 29:293-299.
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  19.  9
    Huit philosophes de la renaissance italienne.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1975 - Genève: Droz.
    Pétrarque.--Valla.--Marsile Ficin.--Pic de la Mirandole.--Pomponazzi.--Telesio.--Patrizi.--Bruno.
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  20. Il tomismo e il pensiero italian del Rinascimento.P. O. Kristeller - 1974 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 66 (20):841.
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  21.  11
    The philosophy of Marsilio Ficino.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1943 - New York,: Columbia university press. Edited by Virginia Lanphear Conant.
  22.  15
    Antonymy relations: Typical and atypical cases from the domain of speech act verbs.Kristel Proost - 2010 - In Petra Storjohann (ed.), Lexical-Semantic Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 28--95.
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    L'essence de la liberté: la refondation de l'éthique dans l'oeuvre de Saint Anselme de Cantorbéry.Kristell Trego - 2010 - Vrin.
    Est-on encore libre lorsqu'on agit mal? Nos actes determinent-ils ce que nous sommes et devenons? L'homme s'excepte-t-il du monde? Ou bien, a l'inverse, en releve-t-il essentiellement? L'ethique d'Anselme se situe a la croisee des chemins. Si la liberte a pour fin la justice, c'est parce qu'elle ne se presente plus comme la fin de cette derniere, mais qu'elle demeure quoi que l'on fasse. Si l'ethique porte sur les actes de l'homme, qui font de lui ce qu'il est, ce n'est pas (...)
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    The social cognitive evolution of myths: Collective narratives of shared pasts as markers for coalitions' communicative and cooperative prowess.Wouter Wolf - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e195.
    To understand why humans put much effort into celebrating cultural myths, it is crucial to approach this phenomenon as part of humans' broader social cognitive evolution. Specifically, humans' unique capacity to bond with others through shared/collective representations of shared experiences has likely caused individuals to use myths to assess not only coalitions' fitness interdependence, but also their cooperative prowess.
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  25. [No title].Wouter J. Hanegraaff - 2004 - Utopian Studies. Journal of the Society for Utopian Studies 15 (1):98-101.
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  26. A corrective to Bovens and Hartmann’s measure of coherence.Wouter Meijs - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 133 (2):151-180.
    Bovens and Hartmann propose to analyze coherence as a confidence-boosting property. On the basis of this idea, they construct a new probabilistic theory of coherence. In this paper, I will attempt to show that the resulting measure of coherence clashes with some of the intuitions that motivate it. Also, I will try to show that this clash is not due to the view on coherence as a confidence-boosting property or to the general features of the model that Bovens and Hartmann (...)
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  27.  32
    ""Petrarch's" averroists": A note on the history of aristotelianiam in venice, padua, and bologna.Paul Oskar Kristeller - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
  28.  48
    A History of Six Ideas: An Essay in Aesthetics.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (1):56-58.
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  29.  58
    (1 other version)Moral Error Theory.Wouter Floris Kalf - 2015 - Londen, Verenigd Koninkrijk: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book provides a novel formulation and defence of moral error theory. It also provides a novel solution to the so-called now what question; viz., the question what we should do with our moral thought and talk after moral error theory. The novel formulation of moral error theory uses pragmatic presupposition rather than conceptual entailment to argue that moral judgments carry a non-negotiable commitment to categorical moral reasons. The new answer to the now what question is pragmatic presupposition substitutionism: we (...)
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  30.  38
    How New are New Harms Really? Climate Change, Historical Reasoning and Social Change.Wouter Peeters, Derek Bell & Jo Swaffield - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (4):505-526.
    Climate change and other contemporary harms are often depicted as New Harms because they seem to constitute unprecedented challenges. This New Harms Discourse rests on two important premises, both of which we criticise on empirical grounds. First, we argue that the Premise of changed conditions of human interaction—according to which the conditions regarding whom people affect have changed recently and which emphasises the difference with past conditions of human interaction—risks obfuscating how humanity’s current predicament is merely the transient result of (...)
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  31.  39
    Formalization and Informalization: Changing Tension Balances in Civilizing Processes.Cas Wouters - 1986 - Theory, Culture and Society 3 (2):1-18.
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  32. Understanding Therapeutic Change Process Research Through Multilevel Modeling and Text Mining.Wouter A. C. Smink, Jean-Paul Fox, Erik Tjong Kim Sang, Anneke M. Sools, Gerben J. Westerhof & Bernard P. Veldkamp - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:424969.
    \noindent\textbf{Introduction} Online interventions hold great potential for Therapeutic Change Process Research (TCPR), a field that aims to relate in-therapeutic change processes to the outcomes of interventions. Online a client is treated essentially through the language their counsellor uses, therefore the verbal interaction contains many important ingredients that bring about change. TCPR faces two challenges: how to derive meaningful change processes from texts, and secondly, how to assess these complex, varied and multi-layered processes? We advocate the use text mining and multi-level (...)
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  33.  10
    Greek Philosophers of the Hellenistic Age.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1993 - Columbia University Press.
    Greek Philosophers of the Hellenistic Age examines an important but frequently neglected group of philosophers writing after Aristotle between the third and first centuries B.C. The work of a distinguished intellectual historian, this book is based on an erudite reading of a vast number of primary sources: the Greek and Latin writings of the philosophers, and the fragments, paraphrases, and testimonies from their lost works. Kristeller explores the thought of Epicurus; Zenon and Cleanthes, the founder of the Stoic school and (...)
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  34.  73
    Towards an Integration of the Ecological Space Paradigm and the Capabilities Approach.Wouter Peeters, Jo Dirix & Sigrid Sterckx - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (3):479-496.
    In order to develop a model of equitable and sustainable distribution, this paper advocates integrating the ecological space paradigm and the capabilities approach. As the currency of distribution, this account proposes a hybrid of capabilities and ecological space. Although the goal of distributive justice should be to secure and promote people’s capabilities now and in the future, doing so requires acknowledging that these capabilities are dependent on the biophysical preconditions as well as inculcating the ethos of restraint. Both issues have (...)
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  35.  83
    Climate change and individual responsibility. Agency, moral disengagement and the motivational gap.Wouter Peeters, Andries De Smet, Lisa Diependaele, Sigrid Sterckx, R. H. McNeal & A. D. Smet - 2015 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    If climate change represents a severe threat to humankind, why then is response to it characterized by inaction at all levels? The authors argue there are two complementary explanations for the lack of motivation. First, our moral judgment system appears to be unable to identify climate change as an important moral problem and there are pervasive doubts about the agency of individuals. This explanation, however, is incomplete: Individual emitters can effectively be held morally responsible for their luxury emissions. Second, doubts (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Four notions of biological function.Arno G. Wouters - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (4):633-668.
    I argue that there are at least four different ways in which the term ‘function’ is used in connection with the study of living organisms, namely: function as activity, function as biological role, function as biological advantage, and function as selected effect. Notion refers to what an item does by itself; refers to the contribution of an item or activity to a complex activity or capacity of an organism; refers to the value for the organism of an item having a (...)
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  37.  70
    Stoic and Neoplatonic sources of Spinoza's ethics.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1984 - History of European Ideas 5 (1):1-15.
    This paper is based on a lecture given at the University of Haifa on 22 March 1982, and at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem on 28 March 1982. An Italian version of the lecture was published in memory of Giorgio Radetti by the Circolo della Cultura e delle Arti, Trieste in 1981.
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  38.  19
    Not Another Case Study: A Middle-Range Interrogation of Ethnographic Case Studies in the Exploration of E-science.Paul Wouters, Andrea Scharnhorst & Anne Beaulieu - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (6):672-692.
    This article addresses the need to problematize “cases” in science and technology studies work, as a middle-range theory issue. The focus is not on any one case study per se, but on why case studies exist and endure in STS. Case studies are part of a specific problematization in the field. We therefore explore relations between motivation for the use of cases, their constitution, and ways they can be invoked to make particular kinds of arguments in STS. We set out (...)
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  39.  73
    Moral Disengagement and the Motivational Gap in Climate Change.Wouter Peeters, Lisa Diependaele & Sigrid Sterckx - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):425-447.
    Although climate change jeopardizes the fundamental human rights of current as well as future people, current actions and ambitions to tackle it are inadequate. There are two prominent explanations for this motivational gap in the climate ethics literature. The first maintains that our conventional moral judgement system is not well equipped to identify a complex problem such as climate change as an important moral problem. The second explanation refers to people’s reluctance to change their behaviour and the temptation to shirk (...)
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  40.  19
    Renaissance philosophy and the mediaeval tradition.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1966 - Latrobe, Pennsylvania: Archabbey Publications. Edited by Rene Kollar.
    Paul Oskar Kristeller, Frederick Woodbridge professor emeritus of philosophy at Columbia University, was a major scholar of Renaissance philosophy and Renaissance humanism. He was born Paul Oskar Gräfenberg in Berlin but took the name of his stepfather at age 14. His father died shortly after Paul Oskar's birth. He attended school at Mommsen Gymnasium in Berlin. In 1923 Kristeller started college, studying philosophy, medieval history, and mathematics at Heidelberg, Freiburg, and Marburg between the years 1923-1928. He earned a Ph.D. in (...)
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  41. Modeling typicality: Extending the prototype view.Wouter Voorspoels, Wolf Vanpaemel & Gert Storms - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 757--763.
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  42.  44
    Nudging Good Samaritans: Opting Out of Organ Donation.Kristel Clayville - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):80-81.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 80-81.
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  43. (1 other version)Ontstaangeschiedenis van de ondernemingsraden in België (1944-1949).Wouter Dambre - 1985 - Res Publica (Misc) 1:88-90.
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  44. Die Anfänge der Auseinandersetzung um das Ersterkannte im 13. Jahrhundert: Guibert von Tournai, Bonaventura und Thomas von Aquin.Wouter Goris - 1999 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 10:355-369.
    Nel XIII sec., il dibattito su Dio come primum cognitum si sviluppò all'interno della tradizione agostiniana anche attraverso la mediazione di Avicenna, per poi essere decisamente attaccato da Tommaso. La prima metà dello studio verte sulla posizione di Guiberto, esposta nel suo Rudimentum doctrinae, dove il problema è inquadrato all'interno della dottrina agostinana dell'illuminazione, e rapportato alla tesi bonaventuriana. La seconda parte è invece centrata sulla confutazione tomista, desunta principalmente dal prologo e dal trattato Super librum Boetii De trinitate. Nelle (...)
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  45. Das Gute als Ersterkanntes bei Berthold von Moosburg.Wouter Goris - 1999 - In Die Metaphysik und das Gute: Aufsätze zu ihrem Verhältnis in Antike und Mittelalter : Jan A. Aertsen zu Ehren. Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
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    De Magistro - Thomas Aquinas, Henry of Ghent, and John Duns Scotus on Natural Conceptions.Wouter Goris - 2013 - Review of Metaphysics 66 (3):435-468.
  47. Einleitung.Wouter Goris - 1999 - In Die Metaphysik und das Gute: Aufsätze zu ihrem Verhältnis in Antike und Mittelalter : Jan A. Aertsen zu Ehren. Leuven: Peeters Publishers.
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    Gewalt sei ferne den Dingen!: contemporary perspectives on the works of John Amos Comenius.Wouter Goris, Meinert A. Meyer & Vladimír Urbánek (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Comenius (1592 - 1670) war ein großer Europäer, ein kreativer Metaphysiker und überzeugter, aber nicht indoktrinierender Theologe, ein Pädagoge, der zugleich ein begnadeter Praktiker war, ein Politiktheoretiker, ein Literat und Linguist auf hohem Niveau. Der Wunsch, Gewalt von den Dingen fernzuhalten, stammt von ihm. Er wird verständlich, wenn man sich klar macht, dass Comenius „pansophisch“ (allumfassend) gedacht hat: Die Gewalt gegen die Dinge spiegelt die Gewalt gegen die Menschen, und beides muss aufhören. Die vorliegende Publikation zeigt eine fremde Welt, die (...)
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  49. Robert de Walsingham, critique de Richard de Conington. Quodl. II, 6.Wouter Goris - 2000 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 67:269-293.
    Edition de la question 6 du deuxième Quodlibet du carme anglais Robert de Walsingham. Le texte présente la première critique dans l’école des Carmes d’Oxford de la doctrine de Dieu comme premier connu de Richard de Conington.
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    The scattered field: history of metaphysics in the postmetaphysical era: inaugural address at the Free University of Amsterdam on January 16, 2004.Wouter Goris - 2004 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Like bundles of homogeneous light or particles that are scattered in physics experiments, says Goris, the homogeneous field of metaphysics was dispersed in the 14th century. He connects that dispersion to the contemporary rejection of metaphysics. His topics are the analysis of concepts, the contested primacy, scattering the homogeneous field of me.
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