Results for 'Knowledge, Theory of Political aspects.'

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  1.  30
    Political theories of narcissism: towards self-reflection on knowledge and politics from the psychoanalytic perspectives of Erich Fromm and Fujita Shōzō.Takamichi Sakurai - 2018 - Zürich: Lit.
    Does the psychoanalytic concept of narcissism contribute to enhancing the disciplinary quality and features of political theory? This book tries to portray the foundations of democracy as both a universal value and a system of values embedded in specific cultural systems of meaning from its psychoanalytic perspective. This cross-disciplinary normative attempt makes possible the constructive dialogue between contemporary Western and Japanese culture by focusing on how the psychological foundations of democracy are treated within a common disciplinary framework in (...)
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  2. Visions of Politics (review).Aloysius Martinich - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4):555-557.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.4 (2003) 555-557 [Access article in PDF] Quentin Skinner. Visions of Politics. Vol. I, Regarding Method. Pp. xvi + 209. Vol. II, Renaissance Virtues. Pp. xix + 461. Vol. III, Hobbes and Civil Science. Pp. xvii + 386. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Cloth, $180.00. Paper, $65.00. Quentin Skinner's Visions of Politics consists of three volumes of his essays, most of which (...)
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    Earthborn democracy: a political theory of entangled life.Ali Aslam - 2024 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by David Wallace McIvor & Joel Alden Schlosser.
    The relationship between ecology and democracy has a complex history and an uncertain future. Ecological crises threaten all forms of life on earth, and democracy too is endangered, as popular discontent, elite malfeasance, and unresponsive institutions herald crisis if not collapse. It is clear that our present political concepts and institutions are inadequate for meeting the challenges of living in right relation with the more-than-human world and, moreover, that these inadequacies are themselves symptoms of a failing political-cultural story (...)
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    Anamnesis : On the Theory of History and Politics.David Walsh & Miroslav John Hanak (eds.) - 1991 - University of Missouri.
    Volume 6 of _The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin_ offers the first translation of the full German text of _Anamnesis_ published in 1966. The previous English edition, translated by Gerhart Niemeyer, focused largely on the sections of _Anamnesis_ dealing directly with Voegelin's philosophy of consciousness. It omitted some of the extensive historical studies on which the philosophy of consciousness was based. To properly understand Voegelin's work, however, it is essential to give equal weight to the empirical as well as the (...)
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    Between enlightenment and disaster: dimensions of the political use of knowledge.Linda Sangolt (ed.) - 2010 - New York: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    Acknowledgements This volume brings together contributions by Norwegian, German, and French scholars initially presented at the annual "Politics and ...
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    Political Epistemology Beyond Democratic Theory: Introduction to Symposium on Power Without Knowledge.Paul Gunn - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (1-3):1-31.
    ABSTRACT Jeffrey Friedman’s Power Without Knowledge builds a critical epistemology of technocracy, rather than a democratic argument against it. For its democratic critics, technocracy is illegitimate because it amounts to the rule of cognitive elites, violating principles of mutual respect and collective self-determination. For its proponents, technocracy’s legitimacy depends on its ability to use reliable knowledge to solve social and economic problems. But Friedman demonstrates that to meet the proponents' “internal,” epistemic standard of legitimacy, technocrats would have to reckon with (...)
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  7. Political epistemology: an introduction.Michael Hannon & Elise Woodard - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides an accessible yet rigorous introduction to political epistemology. It investigates some of the central topics, questions, and problems in political epistemology, such as: the role of truth in politics, the epistemology of political disagreement, voter ignorance, political irrationality, distrust of experts, the epistemic value of democracy, and epistocracy.
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    Hobbes's Science of Politics and His Theory of Science.Noel Malcolm - 2002 - In Aspects of Hobbes. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Analyses the sense in which Hobbes conceived of his political theory as enjoying the status of a ‘science’. It examines the two different concepts of scientific knowledge developed by Hobbes at different times and in different connections, and describes how Hobbes became convinced—mistakenly—that he had found a way of combining the two.
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  9. On the Social Benefits of Knowledge.Vihren Bouzov - 2016 - Analele Universitatii Din Craiova, Seria Filosofie 37 (1).
    Knowledge is one of the most important factors determining the development of global economy and overcoming the present existing inequalities. Humankind needs a fair distribution of the potential of knowledge because its big social problems and difficulties today are due to the existence of deep‐going differences in its possession and use. This paper is an attempt to analyze and present certain philosophical arguments and conceptions justifying cooperative decision‐making in the searching for fair distribution of the benefits of knowledge in the (...)
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    Philosophical Writings.Theory of Knowledge.Theory of Politics. [REVIEW]J. H. R., T. E. Jessop, D. C. Yalden-Thomson & Frederick Watkins - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (9):248.
  11.  34
    The politics of skepticism in the ancients, Montaigne, Hume, and Kant.John Christian Laursen - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
  12. Against Democracy: New Preface.Jason Brennan - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Hobbits and hooligans -- Ignorant, irrational, misinformed nationalists -- Political participation corrupts -- Politics doesn't empower you or me -- Politics is not a poem -- The right to competent government -- Is democracy competent? -- The rule of the knowers -- Civic enemies.
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    The Aesthetic Theory of Gernot Böhme and Gestalt Phenomenology.Serena Cataruzza - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (4):167-176.
    Gernot Böhme’s original proposal regarding an aesthetic as a philosophic theory of perceptual knowledge could, in our opinion, be usefully compared with certain aspects, historical-theoretical and methodological, of Gestalt psychology. From an historical point of view there is the attention commonly paid to the work of the 18th-century philosopher, Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, considered as an important precursor of the study of sensitive knowledge, while the subsequent basic themes of the perceptual-cognitive approach, of the expressive qualities, of the distinction “physical (...)
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    A modern guide to knowledge : from knowledge economies to knowledge in the anthropocene.Francisco Javier Carrillo - 2022 - Northampton, Massachusetts, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Outlining an integrative theory of knowledge, Francisco Javier Carrillo explores how to understand the underlying behavioural basis of the knowledge economy and society. Chapters highlight the notion that unless a knowledge-based value creation and distribution paradigm is globally adopted, the possibilities for integration between a sustainable biosphere and a viable economy are small. This Modern Guide provides an overview of where we are regarding the knowledge economy and society, how its current form took shape, and how our understanding has (...)
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    Aesthetic experience in the political philosophy of A. Kojève: towards understanding the practice and theory of the total state.Pavel Egorov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):21-36.
    Introduction. The article is focused on analyzing the aesthetic aspect of A. Kojève’s philosophy, the ability of his philosophy, from an aesthetic point of view, to clarify a number of key problems of the modern political and cultural environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the epistemological attitude of A. Kojève’s philosophy able to clarify the way in which his philosophy problematizes the current cultural and political reality. Methods. Hermeneutics, comparative analysis and deconstruction are used as (...)
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    Zhongguo de zhi shi chong jian.Yongnian Zheng - 2019 - Xianggang: Shang wu yin shu guan (Xianggang) you xian gong si.
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    ¡Presente!: the politics of presence.Diana Taylor - 2020 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    ¡PRESENTE! investigates the many answers to a seemingly simple question: What does it mean to be present? Performance studies scholar Diana Taylor answers that question by offering an expansive explication of presence as both ethical command and performative knowledge production. Taking the histories of state violence, colonialism, and imperialism as her starting point, Taylor situates being ¡Presente! as an embodied and performed practice of standing alongside those harmed by historical and ongoing violence. Noting that Present/e is simultaneously single and plural (...)
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    The politics of everybody: feminism, queer theory, and Marxism at the intersection.Holly Lewis - 2016 - London: Zed Books.
    It's commonly understood within the academy that the terms "man," "woman," and "other" are socially constructed, and that their meanings are maintained by the current political order. But few thinkers have attempted to reconcile that knowledge - which is rooted in Marxism - with queer theory. The few who have, meanwhile, usually attempt to do so through issues of libidinal desire and sexual expression. In the Politics of Everybody, Holly Lewis argues powerfully that the emphasis on desire, though (...)
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    Praxis, conocimiento y emancipación: indagaciones de epistemología política.Esteban Vergalito & Marco G. Mallamaci (eds.) - 2021 - San Juan, Argentina: Editorial UNSJ.
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    The political brain: the emergence of neuropolitics.Matt Qvortrup - 2024 - New York, NY: Central European University Press.
    We have politics on our mind-or, rather, we have politics in different parts of our brains. In this path-breaking study, Matt Qvortrup takes the reader on a whistle stop tour through the fascinating, and sometimes frightening, world of neuropolitics; the discipline that combines neuroscience and politics, and is even being used to win elections. Putting the 'science' back into political science, The Political Brain shows how fMRI-scans can identify differences between Liberals and Conservatives, can predict our behaviour with (...)
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  21. Hayek's Epistemic Theory of Industrial Fluctuations.Scott Scheall - 2015 - History of Economic Ideas (1):101-122.
    F.A. Hayek essentially quit economic theory and gave up the phenomena of industrial fluctuations as an explicit object of theoretical investigation following the publication of his last work in technical economics, 1941’s The Pure Theory of Capital. Nonetheless, several of Hayek’s more methodologically-oriented writings bear important implications for economic phenomena, especially those of industrial fluctuations. Decisions (usually, for Hayek, of a political nature) taken on the basis of a “pretence” of knowledge impede the operation of the price (...)
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    The contours of Eurocentrism: race, history, and political texts.Marta Araújo - 2016 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Silvia Rodríguez Maeso.
    This book proposes an approach to Eurocentrism as a paradigm of knowledge production and interpretation rooted in the Western narrative of modernity and its racial governmentalities. It contributes to the critique of the contemporary workings of Eurocentrism and racism that have frustrated the struggles for the decolonization of knowledge and continue to shape our understandings of the world order in racially hierarchical terms, by re-centering the West/Europe"--Provided by publisher.
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    Care Theory and "caring" systems of agriculture.Janel M. Curry - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (2):119-131.
    Care Theory is a growing schoolof ethics that starts with the assumption ofthe relational nature of human beings. Incontrast, the dominant assumption of theautonomous view of human nature has made itdifficult to integrate ``relational'' aspects ofreality into the realm of political actionrelated to agriculture. Variables such ascommunity attachment, community vitality andrichness, and environmental ``fit'' cannot beincorporated into policy because such variablesare perceived to be tainted by ``attachment,''and compromise rational judgement. Feministagricultural theorists parallel Care Theory andhave the potential (...)
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  24.  70
    A normative analysis of nursing knowledge.Renzo Zanotti & Daniele Chiffi - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 1 (23):04-11.
    This study addresses the question of normative analysis of the value‐based aspects of nursing. In our perspective, values in science may be distinguished into (i) epistemic when related to the goals of truth and objectivity and (ii) non‐epistemic when related to social, cultural or political aspects. Furthermore, values can be called constitutive when necessary for a scientific enterprise, or contextual when contingently associated with science. Analysis of the roles of the various forms of values and models of knowledge translation (...)
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  25. Pragmatism and the politics of epistemology: the eighth Neesima Lectures, May 10 and 15, 1985, Divinity Hall Chapel, Doshisha University.Morton White - 1986 - Kyoto, Japan: Doshisha University Press.
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    Shifting the geography of reason: gender, science and religion.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino & Clevis Headley (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    MARINA PAOLA BANCHETTI-ROBINO is Associate Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Florida Atlantic University. Her areas of research include phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and zoosemiotics. Her publications have appeared in such journals as Synthese, Husserl Studies, Idealistic Studies, Philosophy East and West, and The Review of Metaphysics. She has also contributed essays to The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy (1997), Feminist Phenomenology (2000), and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology on the Perennial (...)
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  27. Aspects of Hobbes.Noel Malcolm - 2002 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Noel Malcolm, one of the world's leading experts on Thomas Hobbes, presents a set of extended essays on a wide variety of aspects of the life and work of this giant of early modern thought. Malcolm offers a succinct introduction to Hobbes's life and thought, as a foundation for his discussion of such topics as his political philosophy, his theory of international relations, the development of his mechanistic world-view, and his subversive Biblical criticism. Several of the essays pay (...)
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  28.  12
    Pedagogy of life: a tale of names and literacy.Rosa Hong Chen - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Pedagogy of Life takes its readers through the echoing stories of the half-century, historical Cultural Revolution of China to the literate lifeworld today. Rosa Hong Chen offers a gripping array of personal and kindred stories woven into the power of words and empathy of art through the volutes of writing and dancing for life, expressing genera of warm melancholy, weighty sensations, compulsive sobs, and refrained elation. It is for the existential history of individual lives and communal sharing that life creates (...)
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  29. A Critical Theory of Social Suffering.Emmanuel Renault - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (2):221-241.
    This paper begins by defending the twofold relevance, political and theoretical, of the notion of social suffering. Social suffering is a notion politics cannot do without today, as it seems indispensable to describe all the aspects of contemporary injustice. As such, it has been taken up in a number of significant research programmes in different social sciences (sociology, anthropology, social psychology). The notion however poses significant conceptual problems as it challenges disciplinary boundaries traditionally set up to demarcate individual and (...)
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  30. Knowing and being: essays.Michael Polanyi - 1969 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Edited by Marjorie Grene.
    Because of the difficulty posed by the contrast between the search for truth and truth itself, Michael Polanyi believes that we must alter the foundation of epistemology to include as essential to the very nature of mind, the kind of groping that constitutes the recognition of a problem. This collection of essays, assembled by Marjorie Grene, exemplifies the development of Polanyi's theory of knowledge which was first presented in Science, Faith, and Society and later systematized in Personal Knowledge. Polanyi (...)
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  31. Some Implications Of The Political Aspects Of Personal Knowledge.Richard Allen - 2007 - Tradition and Discovery 34 (3):8-17.
    The political passages in Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge are an integral part of his arguments against ‘objectivism’ and/or a post-critical, personalist, fiduciary and fallibilist philosophy. This paper elaboratesthe social and political implications of Polanyi’s emphasis upon acceptance of one’s situation and the exercise in it of a sense of responsibility to transcendent ideals, as against attempts to start with a clean slate, to overcome all imperfections and to find some simple rule for political policy. Prescriptive duties and rights, (...)
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    The political theory of political thinking: the anatomy of a practice.Michael Freeden - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Theorizing about political thinking -- Language, emotion, and political thought -- The arrogance of politics -- Ranking and the distribution of significance -- The scramble for acceptance : mobilizing and withholding support -- Stability, order, and disruption : discourses of balance and contention -- Visions and prescriptions : temptations and failures of political thinking -- Power patterns and power surges : organizing and intensifying speech acts.
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  33. W poszukiwaniu ontologicznych podstaw prawa. Arthura Kaufmanna teoria sprawiedliwości [In Search for Ontological Foundations of Law: Arthur Kaufmann’s Theory of Justice].Marek Piechowiak - 1992 - Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN.
    Arthur Kaufmann is one of the most prominent figures among the contemporary philosophers of law in German speaking countries. For many years he was a director of the Institute of Philosophy of Law and Computer Sciences for Law at the University in Munich. Presently, he is a retired professor of this university. Rare in the contemporary legal thought, Arthur Kaufmann's philosophy of law is one with the highest ambitions — it aspires to pinpoint the ultimate foundations of law by explicitly (...)
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    The Scandal of Reason: A Critical Theory of Political Judgment.Albena Azmanova - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Preface -- Introduction: the scandal of reason and the paradox of judgment -- Political judgment and the vocation of critical theory -- Critical theory: political judgment as ideologiekritik -- Philosophical liberalism: reasonable judgment -- Liberalism and critical theory in dispute -- Judgment unbound: Arendt -- From critique of power to a theory of critical judgment -- The political epistemology of judgment -- The critical consensus model -- Judgment, criticism, innovation -- Conclusion: letting go (...)
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  35. A General Theory of Political Domination.Francis N. Lovett - 2004 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    In all societies, past and present, one can find social relationships marked by political domination. Properly understood, domination is a great evil, the suffering of which ought to be minimized so far as possible. This being so, it stands to reason that political and social theorists would have attempted a general analysis of the concept of domination. Surprisingly, however, this is not the case. General accounts of political domination are few and far between; even among those that (...)
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    The language theory, epistemology, and aesthetics of Jean Lerond d'Alembert.Dennis F. Essar - 1976 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at the University of Oxford. International in focus, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment volumes cover wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, from gender studies to political theory, and from economics to visual arts and music, and are published in English or (...)
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    Untying Foucauldian Knots of Power/Knowledge and Tying Better Relationships with the Confucian Persuasion.Joseph Harroff - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):809-821.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Untying Foucauldian Knots of Power/Knowledge and Tying Better Relationships with the Confucian PersuasionJoseph Harroff (bio)Reconsidering the Life of Power: Ritual, Body, and Art in Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy. By James Garrison. Albany: SUNY Press, 2021.Life is a self-renewing process through action upon the environment.—Dewey, Democracy and Education (2)There is no pure self to be redeemed here, but perhaps some kind of rehabilitation beyond the problematic trappings of (...)
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    Political judgment: an introduction.Peter J. Steinberger - 2018 - Medford, Massachusetts: Polity Press.
    Introduction -- What is political judgment? -- Foundations: Plato and Aristotle -- The Kantian Problematic -- The Arendtian Theory of Judgment -- Hermeneutics, tacit knowledge and neo-rationalism.
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    How political philosophies can help to discuss and differentiate theories in community ecology.Annette Voigt - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-25.
    This paper uses structural analogies to competing political philosophies of human society as a heuristic tool to differentiate between ecological theories and to bring out new aspects of apparently well-known classics of ecological scholarship. These two different areas of knowledge have in common that their objects are ‘societies’, i.e. units composed of individuals, and that contradictory and competing theories about these supra-individual units exist. The benefit of discussing ecological theories in terms of their analogies to political philosophies, in (...)
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    Knowledge and virtue in teaching and learning: the primacy of dispositions.Hugh Sockett - 2012 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The challenge this book addresses is to demonstrate how, in teaching content knowledge, the development of intellectual and moral dispositions as virtues is not merely a good idea, or peripheral to that content, but deeply embedded in the logic of searching for knowledge and truth. It offers a powerful example of how philosophy of education can be brought to bear on real problems of educational research and practice – pointing the reader to re-envision what it means to educate children by (...)
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    Teacher education and its discontents: politics, knowledge, and ethics.Gunnlaugur Magnússon, Anne M. Phelan, Stephen Heimans & Ruth Unsworth (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    This unique collection of essays from researchers and teacher educators from around the world presents innovative approaches to education theory, critical policy analyses, de-colonializing reformulations of teacher education, and a "standard of dissensus" for teacher education. This first volume from the International Teacher Education Research Collective (ITERC), illustrates common themes and problems in politics of education, in particular, standardization, marketization, governance of and policy in education with both country specific cases and generally formulated theoretical discussions. The book has three (...)
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    Science, social theory and public knowledge.Alan Irwin - 2003 - Philadelphia: Open University Press. Edited by Mike Michael.
    How might social theory, public understanding of science and science policy best inform one another? What have been the key features of science-society relations in the modern world? How are we to re-think science-society relations in the context of globalization, hybridity and changing patterns of governance? This topical and unique book draws together the three key perspectives on science-society relations: public understanding of science, scientific and public governance, and social theory. The book presents a series of case studies (...)
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    The Multiple Aspects of the Philosophy of Science.Evandro Agazzi - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (6):677-693.
    Philosophy of Science, understood as a special philosophical discipline, was born only at the beginning of the twentieth century as part of the effort for overcoming the “foundational crisis” that had affected especially mathematics and physics. Therefore, it was conceived as an investigation about the features and reliability of scientific knowledge and for a few decades was deeply marked by the philosophical approach of logical empiricism. This cognitive point of view persisted also when, after Kuhn’s work, the attention focused on (...)
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    Freedom, authority and economics: essays on Michael Polanyi's politics and economics.R. T. Allen, Klaus R. Allerbeck, Viktor Geng, Tihamér Margitay, Richard W. Moodey, Carl Phillips Mullins, Endre Nagy & Simon Smith (eds.) - 2016 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    This edited volume of original contributions deals with the economic and political thought of Michael Polanyi. Requiring little prior knowledge of Polanyi, this volume further develops a somewhat neglected side of Polanyi's work. In particular it examines the 'tacit integration', of subsidiary details into focal objects or actions as central to all knowing and action. It traces ontological counterparts in the structures of comprehensive entities and complex actions, and a multi-level universe in which lower levels have their boundary conditions, (...)
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  45. A Utopian Model of Order: Imperial Skepticism and Local Ecologies in Nehemiah Grew's Political Economy of Nature.Justin Niermeier-Dohoney - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (4):733-766.
    This study examines the botanical and chymical investigations Nehemiah Grew conducted for his magnum opus, The Anatomy of Plants (1682), and explores how they informed his political economic theory, as documented in the unpublished manuscript The Means of a Most Ample Increase of the Wealth and Strength of England (1707). While several scholars have argued that Grew's political economy is best described as mercantilist, this article argues for a much more multifaceted and idiosyncratic reading of Grew's (...) economy, which aligned with or prefigured not only mercantilism, but also aspects of cameralism, physiocracy, Colbertism, and some of the utopian ideologies of Samuel Hartlib and his circle. By focusing on his knowledge of plant anatomy and plant chymistry, this paper shows that Grew developed a sophisticated understanding of local English ecologies and the natural resource management necessary to maintain a financially strong state. It also reveals an economic thinker deeply skeptical of empire, who was, instead, in favor of national economic self-sufficiency through domestic mineral extraction, agrarian improvement, and a highly regulated market. This article focuses on Grew's development of saline chymistry, his geometric approach to both plant anatomy and geography, his investigations of mineral soils, and his research into tree growth and timber management to demonstrate the deep connections between his botany and his economics. (shrink)
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  46. Developing an objective measure of knowledge of factory farming.Adam Feltz, Jacob N. Caton, Zac Cogley, Mylan Engel, Silke Feltz, Ramona Ilea, L. Syd M. Johnson & Tom Offer-Westort - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (2).
    Knowledge of human uses of animals is an important, but understudied, aspect of how humans treat animals. We developed a measure of one kind of knowledge of human uses of animals – knowledge of factory farming. Studies 1 (N = 270) and 2 (N = 270) tested an initial battery of objective, true or false statements about factory farming using Item Response Theory. Studies 3 (N = 241) and 4 (N = 278) provided evidence that responses to a 10-item (...)
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    Television Series as Critical Theories: From Current Identitarianism to Levinas. American Crime, The Sinner, Sharp Objects, Unorthodox.Philippe Corcuff - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):105-117.
    Critical theory with emancipatory aims today to find a source of regeneration in ordinary cultures, and in particular, in TV series. Certain series can play a role in reinventing critical theories, drawing on the tradition of the Frankfurt School but shifting some of that School’s formulations through contact with current forms of interpretive sociology and pragmatic sociology. This requires a cross-border dialogue between the “language game” of TV series and the “knowledge game” of political theory, to use (...)
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    Epistémologie de la science politique.Lawrence Olivier, Guy Bédard & Jean-François Thibault (eds.) - 1998 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Les auteurs visent à faire constater l'importance accordée à la pratique épistémologique dans la compréhension du monde politique et à nous interroger sur le rôle du savoir dans la construction d'un ordre social. [SDM].
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    Rational Legitimacy: A Theory of Political Support.Ronald Rogowski - 2015 - Princeton University Press.
    This book confronts one of the central questions of political science: how people choose to accept or not to accept particular governments. In contrast to the prevailing view that citizens' decisions about the legitimacy of their governments are strongly conditioned by political culture and socialization and are hence largely non-rational, Ronald Rogowski argues that such decisions may indeed be the product of rational choice. The book proceeds both from recent work in the theory of voting and constitutional (...)
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    Imagination, Prophecy, and Morality: The Relevance and Limits of Spinoza's Theory of Political Myth.J. Brennan - 2014 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2014 (169):64-83.
    Myth presents us with two major problems: definition and usage. In this paper I focus on the latter problem and argue in defense of Spinoza’s theory of political myth as opposed to the dichotomy of “myth as progress” and “myth as regression.” Spinoza’s theory is preferable because it allows for a full-bodied understanding of myth, its legitimate uses and its dangers for slipping into superstition. Because myth plays on the imagination, the basest form of knowledge available to (...)
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