Results for 'Kim Brandt'

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  1. The Logic of the Identity Theory.Richard Brandt & Jaegwon Kim - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (17):515.
  2. Wants as explanations of actions.Richard Brandt, Jaegwon Kim & Sidney Morgenbesser - 1963 - Journal of Philosophy 60 (15):425-435.
    Some features of the concept of a want, and of the explaining relation in which a want may stand to an action, have not received sufficient attention. In what follows we shall offer some suggestions and descriptions which may be one step toward remedy of this situationi. We shall be at pains to point out the extent to which the features we describe fit in with a conception of the explanations of actions conforming to the inferential (deductive or inductive) and (...)
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    Tessa Morris-Suzuki. Japan’s Living Politics: Grassroots Action and the Crises of Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 236 pp. [REVIEW]Kim Brandt - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (3):611-613.
  4. Values and Morals: Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt.Alvin I. Goldman & Jaegwon Kim (eds.) - 1978 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This Festschrift seeks to honor three highly distinguished scholars in the Department of Philosophy, University of Michigan: William K. Frankena, Charles L. Stevenson, and Richard B. Brandt. Each has made significant con­tributions to the philosophic literature, particularly in the field of ethics. Michigan has been fortunate in having three such original and productive moral philosophers serving on its faculty simultaneously. Yet they stand in a long tradition of excellence, both within the Department and in the University. Let us trace (...)
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    Values and Morals: Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt Edited by Alvin I. Goldman and Jaegwon Kim Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1978, xvii + 331 pp., Dfl. 80.00. [REVIEW]J. J. C. Smart - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):557-.
  6.  32
    Values and Morals: Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt. Edited by Alvin I. Goldman and Jaegwon Kim. [REVIEW]Edward Vacek - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (3):288-288.
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  7. Minds: extended or scaffolded?Kim Sterelny - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):465-481.
    This paper discusses two perspectives, each of which recognises the importance of environmental resources in enhancing and amplifying our cognitive capacity. One is the Clark–Chalmers model, extended further by Clark and others. The other derives from niche construction models of evolution, models which emphasise the role of active agency in enhancing the adaptive fit between agent and world. In the human case, much niche construction is epistemic: making cognitive tools and assembling other informational resources that support and scaffold intelligent action. (...)
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  8. Parsimony and predictive equivalence.Elliott Sober - 1996 - Erkenntnis 44 (2):167 - 197.
    If a parsimony criterion may be used to choose between theories that make different predictions, may the same criterion be used to choose between theories that are predictively equivalent? The work of the statistician H. Akaike (1973) is discussed in connection with this question. The results are applied to two examples in which parsimony has been invoked to choose between philosophical theories-Shoemaker's (1969) discussion of the possibility of time without change and the discussion by Smart (1959) and Brandt and (...)
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  9. The extended replicator.Kim Sterelny, Kelly C. Smith & Michael Dickison - 1996 - Biology and Philosophy 11 (3):377-403.
    This paper evaluates and criticises the developmental systems conception of evolution and develops instead an extension of the gene's eye conception of evolution. We argue (i) Dawkin's attempt to segregate developmental and evolutionary issues about genes is unsatisfactory. On plausible views of development it is arbitrary to single out genes as the units of selection. (ii) The genotype does not carry information about the phenotype in any way that distinguishes the role of the genes in development from that other factors. (...)
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  10. The concept of Zhen 真 in the zhuangzi.Kim-Chong Chong - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):324-346.
    The term zhen 真 in the Zhuangzi 莊子 is commonly associated with the zhen ren 真人 or "true person." We find metaphorical descriptions such as that he can go through fire and water unharmed. On the other hand, some scholars would claim that there is a more mystical element to the Zhuangzi that is missed if we think that such descriptions are "merely" metaphorical. However, the term zhen is not only applied to the zhen ren, and this essay has the (...)
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  11. Memes revisited.Kim Sterelny - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (1):145-165.
    In this paper, I argue that the adaptive fit between human cultures and their environment is persuasive evidence that some form of evolutionary mechanism has been important in driving human cultural change. I distinguish three mechanisms of cultural evolution: niche construction leading to cultural group selection; the vertical flow of cultural information from parents to their children, and the replication and spread of memes. I further argue that both cultural group selection and the vertical flow of cultural information have been (...)
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    Materialism.Charles Jarrett - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 1459:457-497.
    The following paper will attempt (i) to set forth a form of materialism that is ‘Spinozistic’ in maintaining that there is a conceptual, but not an ontological distinction between mental and physical phenomena; (ii) to undermine objections to this based on (a) ‘functionalism’ and (b) the conception of (and identity conditions for) an event that has been advocated by Goldman, Brandt, and Kim; and (iii) to explain why, according to the identity ‘theory’, the apparent failure of the indiscernibility of (...)
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  13. Zhuangzi and the nature of metaphor.Kim Chong Chong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):370-391.
    : While it is well known that Zhuangzi uses metaphor extensively, there is much less appreciation of the role that it plays in his thought—a topic that is investigated in this essay. At the same time, this investigation is closely concerned with questions about the nature of metaphor. Comparisons are made between a central metaphorical structure in the Zhuangzi on the one hand and contemporary views of the nature of metaphor by Donald Davidson and by Lakoff and Johnson on the (...)
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    5. Mengzi and Gaozi on Nei and Wai.Kim-Chong Chong - 2002 - In Alan K. L. Chan, Mencius: Contexts and Interpretations. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 103-125.
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    Moral agency without responsibility? Analysis of three ethical models of human-computer interaction in times of artificial intelligence (AI).Alexis Fritz, Wiebke Brandt, Henner Gimpel & Sarah Bayer - 2020 - De Ethica 6 (1):3-22.
    Philosophical and sociological approaches in technology have increasingly shifted toward describing AI (artificial intelligence) systems as ‘(moral) agents,’ while also attributing ‘agency’ to them. It is only in this way – so their principal argument goes – that the effects of technological components in a complex human-computer interaction can be understood sufficiently in phenomenological-descriptive and ethical-normative respects. By contrast, this article aims to demonstrate that an explanatory model only achieves a descriptively and normatively satisfactory result if the concepts of ‘(moral) (...)
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  16. Symbiosis, evolvability and modularity.Kim Sterelny - manuscript
    This paper explores the connections between inheritance systems, evolvability and modularity. I argue that the transmission of symbiotic micro-organisms is an inheritance system, and one that is evolutionarily significant because symbionts generate biologically crucial aspects of their hosts’ organisation through modular developmental pathways. More specifically, I develop and defend five theses.
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  17. What Cèyǐn zhī xīn (Compassion/Familial Affection) Really Is.Myeong-Seok Kim - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (4):407-425.
    This essay aims to delineate Mengzi’s view of emotion by analyzing his first ethical sprout, often referred to by the Chinese term cèyǐn zhī xīn 惻隱之心.Previous scholars usually translate this term as “compassion,” “sympathy,” or “commiseration,” in the sense of the painful feeling one feels at the misfortune of others. My goal in this article is to clarify the nature of this painful feeling, and specifically I argue that (1) cèyǐn zhī xīn is primarily construing another being’s misfortune with sympathetic (...)
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    Zhuangzi's critique of the Confucians: blinded by the human.Kim Chong Chong - 2016 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Blinded by heaven -- The pre-established heart-mind -- The transformation of things -- Zhen, some normative concerns -- The facts of human construction -- Metaphor in the Zhuangzi and theories of metaphor -- Self, virtue (de) and values in the Zhuangzi.
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    The practice of Jen.Kim-Chong Chong - 1999 - Philosophy East and West 49 (3):298-316.
    Under Mencius' influence jen has been regarded as part of a theory of nature. As such, commentators have had difficulty resolving the apparent paradox in "Analects" 9.1 that Confucius rarely talked about jen. No paradox arises if jen is seen as a practice involving self-cultivation as a never-ending task and the immediacy of ethical commitment where a cluster of emotions, attitudes, and values are expressed. Jen is an ethical orientation from which one speaks and acts--not particular qualities that one might (...)
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  20. Responses.Jaegwon Kim - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (3):671–680.
    Jackson says that the form of physicalism that I recommend, with certain emendations he believes are necessary, turns out to be none other than the “Australian” type-type identity theory of J.J.C. Smart and others. About this, too, I have no serious disagreement, although Jackson’s claim appears to depend, at least in part, on a certain chosen reading of the texts involved. In fact, one point of similarity may be worth noting. As I take it, one special feature of the “Australian” (...)
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    Internalism and Externalism in Epistemology.Kihyeon Kim - 1993 - American Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):303 - 316.
    Internalism restricts justifiers to what is "within" the subject. two main forms of internalism are (1) perspectival internalism (pi), which restricts justifiers to what the subject knows or justifiably believes, and (2) access internalism (ai), which restricts justifiers to what is directly accessible to the subject. the two forms are analyzed and interrelated, and the grounds for each are examined. it is concluded that although pi is both unacceptable and without adequate support, a modest form of ai might be defended.
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    Max Weber.Sung Ho Kim - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  23. Modal Fictionalism and Analysis.Seahwa Kim - 2005 - In Mark Eli Kalderon, Fictionalism in Metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 116.
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  24. Locke on the semantic and epistemic role of simple ideas of sensation.Martha Brandt Bolton - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3):301–321.
    This paper argues that Locke has a representative theory of sensitive knowledge. Perceivers are immediately aware of nothing but sensory ideas in the mind; yet perceivers think of real external substances that correspond to and cause those ideas, and they are warranted in believing that those substances exist (at that time). The theory poses two questions: what warrants the truth of such beliefs? What is it in virtue of which sensory ideas represent external objects and how do they make perceivers (...)
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    Notions around tree property 1.Byunghan Kim & Hyeung-Joon Kim - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (9):698-709.
    In this paper, we study the notions related to tree property 1 , or, equivalently, SOP2. Among others, we supply a type-counting criterion for TP1 and show the equivalence of TP1 and k- TP1. Then we introduce the notions of weak k- TP1 for k≥2, and also supply type-counting criteria for those. We do not know whether weak k- TP1 implies TP1, but at least we prove that each weak k- TP1 implies SOP1. Our generalization of the tree-indiscernibility results in (...)
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    Inalienable Rights: The Limits of Consent in Medicine and the Law.Scott Kim - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (2):275-278.
    The aims of this book are to “explain the concept of an inalienable right,” “show why it is morally justifiable to ascribe inalienability to some legal rights,” and “examine in more detail some selected rights”. Inalienability of rights is said to be particularly pertinent in bioethics since, for example, if the right to life is inalienable, it would seem that euthanasia and assisted suicide would be impermissible. I will limit my comments to McConnell’s discussions of the first two aims and (...)
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  27. Spinoza on cartesian doubt.Martha Brandt Bolton - 1985 - Noûs 19 (3):379-395.
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    Wilhelm Maximilian wundt.Alan Kim - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  29. Zhuangzi and the Nature of Metaphor.Kim-Chong Chong - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):370 - 391.
    While it is well known that Zhuangzi uses metaphor extensively, there is much less appreciation of the role that it plays in his thought-a topic that is investigated in this essay. At the same time, this investigation is closely concerned with questions about the nature of metaphor. Comparisons are made between a central metaphorical structure in the Zhuangzi on the one hand and contemporary views of the nature of metaphor by Donald Davidson and by Lakoff and Johnson on the other. (...)
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    Egoism, Desires, and Friendship.Kim-Chong Chong - 1984 - American Philosophical Quarterly 21 (4):349 - 357.
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    Form and Content.Martha Brandt Bolton - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (3):444.
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    Who Wants to Be an Intrapreneur? Relations between Employees’ Entrepreneurial, Professional, and Leadership Career Motivations and Intrapreneurial Motivation in Organizations.Chan Kim-Yin, R. Ho Moon-Ho, C. Kennedy Jeffrey, A. Uy Marilyn, N. Y. Kang Bianca, S. Chernyshenko Olexander & T. Yu Kang Yang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Epistemological Status of Ideas: Locke Compared to Arnauld.Martha Brandt Bolton - 1992 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 9 (4):409 - 424.
  34. Moral Exceptionalism and the Just War Tradition: Walzer’s Instrumentalist Approach and an Institutionalist Response to McMahan’s “Nazi Military” Problem.Shannon Brandt Ford - 2022 - Journal of Military Ethics 21 (3):210-227.
    The conventional view of Just War thinking holds that militaries operate under “special” moral rules in war. Conventional Just War thinking establishes a principled approach to such moral exceptionalism in order to prevent arbitrary or capricious uses of military force. It relies on the notion that soldiers are instruments of the state, which is a view that has been critiqued by the Revisionist movement. The Revisionist critique rightly puts greater emphasis on the moral agency of individual soldiers: they are not (...)
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    Moral perspectives.Kim Chong Chong (ed.) - 1992 - Singapore: Singapore University Press, National University of Singapore.
    While interdisciplinary work on morality has largely been confined to a dialogue between psychologists and philosophers on the one hand, and economists and philosophers on the other, this volume brings together papers from a wider field ...
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    Mencius, Zhuangzi and “Daoism”.Kim-Chong Chong - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 119-135.
    This chapter discusses the relation between Mencius and “Daoism” by taking Zhuangzi (and other authors of the Zhuangzi) as representative of the latter and seeing where each of them stood in response to the cross-current of ideas of the Warring States period. The ideas of some figures mentioned in the Mencius, such as Gaozi, Yang Zhu, and Xu Xing, are extended in the Zhuangzi. Some ideas gathered in the Zhuangzi can be seen to contrast with Mencius’s and these are referred (...)
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    Zhuangzi and Hui Shi on Qing 情.Kim-Chong Chong - 2010 - Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 40 (1):21~45.
    This essay examines Zhuangzi's idea, in his dialogue with Hui Shi in the De Chong Fu, of being without human qing. This idea is situated within the contrast that Zhuangzi constantly makes between heaven and human beings. Some contexts for this contrast are described. The essay concludes that qing should be read as basically referring to “facts" in the Zhuangzi, including certain factual beliefs about (false or mistaken) emotions.
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  38. Participatory governance in health research : patients and publics as stewards of health research systems.Kim Chuong & Kieran O'Doherty - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie, The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The virtue of incivility: Confucian communitarianism beyond docility.Sungmoon Kim - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (1):25-48.
    This article argues that in order to make Confucian communitarianism a viable political vision, namely, Civil Confucianism, its emphasis on civility must be balanced with what I call ‘Confucian incivility’, a set of Confucian social practices that temporarily upset the existing social relations and yet that, ironically, help those relations become more enduring and viable. The central argument is that ‘Confucian civility’ encompasses both social-harmonizing civilities that buttress the moral foundation of the Confucian social order and some incivilities that upset (...)
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    The survival game: Impression management and strategies of survival under extreme conditions in a Soviet Gulag prison camp.Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Urs Steiner Brandt & Gert Tinggaard Svendsen - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (3):509-541.
    How do people survive under extreme conditions? Will selfish, non-cooperating free-rider types – the solo players – have the best chances of surviving? Or would cooperating, hard-working types – the team players – have higher chances? All morale put aside, it is interesting to know whether non-cooperation or cooperation pays off in a game characterized by scarcity and hard competition for survival. A study of people in such a Hobbesian state of nature can also teach us important lessons about social (...)
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  41. Queer Breasted Experience.Kim Q. Hall - 2009 - In Laurie Shrage, You’Ve Changed: Sex Reassignment and Personal Identity. Oup Usa.
  42. A Comparison of Young Publics' Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Multinational Corporations in the United States and South Korea.Daewook Kim & Myung-Il Choi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1):105-118.
    The purpose of this study was to examine how young publics in the United States and South Korea perceive the corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of multinational corporations and evaluate the effectiveness of CSR practices in terms of organization–public relationship (OPR). Results showed that young publics in the United States and South Korea differently characterized CSR practices of multinational corporations and evaluated relationships with them. Young American participants evaluated the CSR practices of multinational corporations more favorably than did the young (...)
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    Does oxygenation of prefrontal cortex change in a two versus three-dimensional Tower of Hanoi task?Kim Ceja, Elham Bakhshipour, Reza Khoeilar & Nancy Getchell - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Isonomia.Kim Hyeon Cheol - 2018 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 21 (1):81-110.
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    Introduction.Kim-Chong Chong - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 1-21.
    This is an introduction to the Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. It provides a brief account of the life of Mencius, discusses the issue of the authorship of the Mencius, and describes the salient features of Mencius’s philosophy and its influence in the history of Chinese philosophy. Historically, Mencius’s influence spans the classical Pre-Qin period to the present. Philosophically, the Mencius has inspired the examination of issues in social and political thought, ethics and epistemology, moral development and moral (...)
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  46. Locke on Sensory Representation.Martha Brandt Bolton - 2004 - In Ralph Schumacher, Perception and Reality: From Descartes to the Present. Mentis.
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    Ethical Modernization: Research Misconduct and Research Ethics Reforms in Korea Following the Hwang Affair.Jongyoung Kim & Kibeom Park - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):355-380.
    The Hwang affair, a dramatic and far reaching instance of scientific fraud, shocked the world. This collective national failure prompted various organizations in Korea, including universities, regulatory agencies, and research associations, to engage in self-criticism and research ethics reforms. This paper aims, first, to document and review research misconduct perpetrated by Hwang and members of his research team, with particular attention to the agencies that failed to regulate and then supervise Hwang’s research. The paper then examines the research ethics reforms (...)
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  48. Confucianism and acceptable inequalities.Sungmoon Kim - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (10):0191453713507015.
    In this article, I explore an alternative model of Confucian distributive justice, namely the ‘family model’, by challenging the central claim of recent sufficientarian justifications of Confucian justice offered by Confucian political theorists – roughly, that inequalities of wealth and income beyond the threshold of sufficiency do not matter if they reflect different merits. I argue (1) that the telos of Confucian virtue politics – moral self-cultivation and fiduciary society – puts significant moral and institutional constraints on inequality even if (...)
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    Zhuangzi’s Cheng Xin and its Implications for Virtue and Perspectives.Chong Kim-Chong - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (4):427-443.
    The concept of the cheng xin in the Zhuangzi claims that the cognitive function of the heart-mind is not over and above its affective states and in charge of them in developing and controlling virtue, as assumed by the Confucians and others. This joint cognitive and affective nature of the heart-mind denies ethical and epistemic certainty. Individual perspectives are limited given habits of thought, attitudes, personal orientations and particular cognitive/affective experiences. Nevertheless, the heart-mind has a vast imaginative capacity that allows (...)
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  50. What are numbers?Joongol Kim - 2013 - Synthese 190 (6):1099-1112.
    This paper argues that (cardinal) numbers are originally given to us in the context ‘Fs exist n-wise’, and accordingly, numbers are certain manners or modes of existence, by addressing two objections both of which are due to Frege. First, the so-called Caesar objection will be answered by explaining exactly what kind of manner or mode numbers are. And then what we shall call the Functionality of Cardinality objection will be answered by establishing the fact that for any numbers m and (...)
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