Results for 'Kilian Semmelmann'

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  1.  17
    U Can Touch This: How Tablets Can Be Used to Study Cognitive Development.Kilian Semmelmann, Marisa Nordt, Katharina Sommer, Rebecka Röhnke, Luzie Mount, Helen Prüfer, Sophia Terwiel, Tobias W. Meissner, Kami Koldewyn & Sarah Weigelt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Looking Tasks Online: Utilizing Webcams to Collect Video Data from Home.Kilian Semmelmann, Astrid Hönekopp & Sarah Weigelt - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    'n Fundamenteel-pedagogiese besinning oor aanspreek en aanhoor as pedagogiese synswyses, deur C.J.G. Kilian.Cornelius Johannes Gysbertus Kilian - 1970 - [Pretoria]: Universiteit van Pretoria, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Werkgemeenskap ter bevordering van die Pedagogiek as Wetenskap.
  4.  96
    Ecovillages: In Vitro Sustainability.Imre Kilian - 2009 - World Futures 65 (5-6):365-371.
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  5. Idea logiki jako nauki o nauce w badaniach logicznych Husserla.Krzysztof J. Kilian - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 74 (1):550-559.
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    Od metody do metafizyki: poznanie teoretyczne w ujęciu Karla R. Poppera.Krzysztof Jerzy Kilian - 2001 - Rzeszʹow: Wydawn. Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej.
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    Four Pragmatists.Kilian Brennan - 1975 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 24:296-299.
  8. Die betekenis van die wysbegeerte vir die persoonlike en akademiese vorming van die pedagogiekstudent.C. J. G. Kilian - 1980 - In C. S. De Beer (ed.), Die Verrigtinge van die sewende Kongres van die Filosofiese Vereniging van Suider Afrika 1980. Kwa-Dlangezwa: University of Zululand.
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    Ciencia y naturaleza en Goethe: apuntes sobre la epistemología natural goetheana a partir de La metamorfosis de las plantas.Kilian Lavernia - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a583.
    El artículo reactualiza y defiende la potencialidad filosófica de La metamorfosis de las plantas, de Johann Wolfgang Goethe. A partir de la reflexión sobre sus claves conceptuales se desplegarán, a continuación, otros momentos de talante epistemológico relativos a su reflexión sobre la naturaleza, entre otros: la morfología como teoría de la forma, su comprensión de la ciencia como experiencia viva de los fenómenos y su reivindicación de la metamorfosis del científico.
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    The Sacramental Grace of Confirmation in Thirteenth-Century Theology.Kilian F. Lynch - 1962 - Franciscan Studies 22 (1-2):32-149.
  11. Dreams & dramas: law as literature: the reader.Agnieszka Kilian, Joerg Franzbecker & Jaro Varga (eds.) - 2017 - Bratislava: Hit Gallery.
    The exhibition is proposing a different reading of the legal text, reading against the grain of pre-conceived structures in order to re-chart the system of our relations with ourselves and with various communities; both territorial communities as well as those constructed ad hoc, based not on blood or territorial ties, but on shared values and beliefs. The exhibition raises the question of how the law literally produces us: both as individuals and as citizens, establishing a framework of our presence in (...)
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  12. German Chocolates, Austrian Trainees, Swiss In-house Counsel and More: 'Correspondent's Report from' Europe.Matthias Kilian - 2010 - Legal Ethics 13 (2):220.
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    Transgender-Formation in der Literatur: Geschlechterdiskurs, Identität und Körpererfahrung.Eveline Kilian - 2003 - Die Philosophin 14 (28):67-78.
  14.  36
    Judging without law: Obligation, justice and the individual particular.Monika Kilian - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (1):115 – 123.
  15.  14
    Lakatosowska periodyzacja twórczości Feyerabenda .Krzysztof J. Kilian - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (4).
    As it is well known, Lakatos divided Popper's philosophy into three stages; he also identified successive stages of falsificationism. A lesser-known fact is that the Hungarian philosopher systematized Feyerabend's philosophy, too. This tripartite division might have been a joke; Lakatos was perhaps trying to lighten Feyerabend's mood when his colleague was struggling wit h publishers in Minnesota and in New Left. Not quite successfully the publishers had tried to adjust Feyerabend's style to the standards of scientific literature. No matter what (...)
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    Classifying proportionality - identification of a legal argument.Kilian Lüders & Bent Stohlmann - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-28.
    Proportionality is a central and globally spread argumentation technique in public law. This article provides a conceptual introduction to proportionality and argues that such a domain-specific form of argumentation is particularly interesting for argument mining. As a major contribution of this article, we share a new dataset for which proportionality has been annotated. The dataset consists of 300 German Federal Constitutional Court decisions annotated at the sentence level (54,929 sentences). In addition to separating textual parts, a fine-grained system of proportionality (...)
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  17.  14
    Dionysios von Alexandria, De natura =.Kilian Josef Fleischer - 2016 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. Edited by Kilian J. Fleischer & Dionysius.
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    Melanthios von Rhodos in Apollodors Chronik.Kilian Fleischer - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (1):15-24.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Cuerpo y verdad en el joven Nietzsche: apuntes sobre la problemática gnoseológica en Sobre verdad y mentira en sentido extramoral.Kilian Lavernia - 2017 - Endoxa 39:119.
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  20.  36
    Philodem, Geschichte der Akademie: Einführung, Ausgabe, Kommentar.Kilian Josef Fleischer - 2023 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Philodemus & Kilian J. Fleischer.
    Philodemus' History of the Academy represents a valuable treatise on Greek philosophical schools containing much unique information on Plato and on the development of the Academy under his successors. The so called Index Academicorum is a draft version preserved in a Herculaneum papyrus, which has been reread and reedited on the basis of innovative papyrological criteria and pioneering imaging techniques. The text is now very different from former editions and reveals countless new facts on various Academic philosophers. The edition and (...)
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  21.  18
    Palmitoylated Proteins in Plasmodium falciparum‐Infected Erythrocytes: Investigation with Click Chemistry and Metabolic Labeling.Nicole Kilian, Yongdeng Zhang, Lauren LaMonica, Giles Hooker, Derek Toomre, Choukri Ben Mamoun & Andreas M. Ernst - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):1900145.
    The examination of the complex cell biology of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum usually relies on the time‐consuming generation of transgenic parasites. Here, metabolic labeling and click chemistry are employed as a fast transfection‐independent method for the microscopic examination of protein S‐palmitoylation, an important post‐translational modification during the asexual intraerythrocytic replication of P. falciparum. Applying various microscopy approaches such as confocal, single‐molecule switching, and electron microscopy, differences in the extent of labeling within the different asexual developmental stages of P. (...)
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  22.  12
    (1 other version)Espectros de Shakespeare en el pensamiento de Nietzsche. Algunas siluetas en la escena filosófica.Kilian Lavernia - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):401-417.
    El artículo se aproxima al estatuto de Shakespeare en el pensamiento de Nietzsche a partir de tres calas en su obra. En primer lugar, se ofrecen algunas claves sobre la interpretación dionisíaca de Hamlet en _El nacimiento de la tragedia_ desde su contraste con la recepción previa de Shakespeare y el príncipe danés en el espacio cultural alemán. En segundo lugar, se abordará el tránsito nietzscheano de madurez hacia otras temáticas y motivos del universo shakespeariano, desembocando tanto en la figura (...)
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  23.  16
    BioEssays 1/2020.Brian Gitta & Nicole Kilian - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (1):2070011.
    Graphical AbstractVarious diagnostic methods are available to detect the six human pathogenic Plasmodium species that replicate within host erythrocytes and cause different types of malaria. Every currently available diagnostic method has distinct advantages and disadvantages. There is still a high demand for simple, fast, and highly sensitive alternative diagnostic methods that ideally do not rely on blood drawing and might be applied by the patient at home. In article number 1900138, Brian Gitta and Nicole Kilian discuss the history of (...)
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  24.  13
    Insondabilidad, existencia colectiva, imaginación del pueblo: ontología de lo político y teoría de la sociedad en Helmuth Plessner.Heike Delitz & Kilian Lavernia - 2021 - Isegoría 65:01-01.
    The article takes Helmuth Plessner’s Political Anthropology from 1931 as a postfoundationalist theory of society avant la lettre - which is very similar to the later works of Claude Lefort, Ernesto Laclau, and Chantal Mouffe. Or, the article takes Plessner’s essay as an ‘ontology’ of the Political. After introducing remarks on the historical debates, in which Plessner aimed to intervene, his theory of the Political is reconstructed, within the three categories of ‘unfathomability’, of the constitutive outside, and of the vulnerability (...)
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    Authority in the Church.Sabbas J. Kilian - 1969 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 44 (1):69-82.
    Church authority is a vicarious, sacramental, grace-communicating operation implying both service of the people of God and mutual responsiveness in a creative and ceaseless dialogue.
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    Die Filosoof as aktief-betrokke denker.C. J. G. Kilian - 1978 - HTS Theological Studies 34 (3).
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    Legal ethics training between a rock and a hard place in Germany.Matthias Kilian - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (1):147-150.
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  28. Metoda fi lozofi i Bolesława Józefa Gaweckiego.Ewa Kilian - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 74 (1):261-268.
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    Eine Verfeinerung von Speusipps einzigem Epigramm – Geschenke von und für Musen.Kilian Fleischer - 2019 - Hermes 147 (3):366.
    The only known epigram by Speusippus is preserved in Philodemus’ Index Academicorum (PHerc. 1021, col. 6,34-38) and was written on the occasion of his dedication of statues of the Charites to the Muses. A rereading of a crucial word in the papyrus reveals the true reason for Speusippus’ gift: The gifts of the Muses. Furthermore, the new reading leads to a second polyptoton in the epigram so that it now sounds much more polished and sophisticated.
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    Structuring the ‘History of Philosophy’—a Comparison Between Philodemus and Diogenes Laertius in the Light of New Evidence.Kilian Fleischer - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):684-699.
    Considering the fair amount of ancient authors who compiled works on the subject of the ‘History of Philosophy’, it is remarkable—and regrettable—that there is no solid basis for a comparative analysis of their structures. Most ancient histories of philosophy are only preserved in a few fragments or excerpts and hardly allow any meaningful non-trivial comparison of the structure and order of the philosophers and schools discussed. The only more or less entirely preserved ‘History of Philosophy’ is Diogenes Laertius’ famous treatise. (...)
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  31.  16
    Sprachkritik: Ansätze und Methoden der kritischen Sprachbetrachtung.Jörg Kilian, Thomas Niehr & Jürgen Schiewe - 2016 - De Gruyter.
    Sprachkritik ist die linguistisch begründete, positive wie negative Würdigung der menschlichen Sprache und ihrer Leistungen. Diese Einführung konzentriert sich auf das System, die Normen und den Gebrauch grammatischer und lexikalisch-semantischer Strukturen der deutschen Sprache. Die Kritik der Leistungen des Deutschen in Bezug auf die Aneignung, Wahrnehmung, Erkenntnis und Darstellung der so genannten außersprachlichen Wirklichkeit wird aus drei Perspektiven fokussiert: Aus der Perspektive der Linguistik steht der sprachliche Ausdruck im Mittelpunkt, dessen kommunikative Funktion als Element des sprachlichen Handelns unter dem Aspekt (...)
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  32. Uberlegungen zur alttestamentlichen Eschatologie.Rudolf Kilian - 1981 - In Engelbert Neuhäusler, Rudolf Kilian, Klemens Funk & Peter Fassl (eds.), Eschatologie: bibeltheologische und philosophische Studien zum Verhältnis von Erlösungswelt und Wirklichkeitsbewältigung: Festschrift für Engelbert Neuhäusler zur Emeritierung gewidmet von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern. St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag.
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    (2 other versions)Mindful tutors.Kerstin Fischer, Kilian Foth, Katharina J. Rohlfing & Britta Wrede - 2011 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 12 (1):134-161.
    It has been proposed that the design of robots might benefit from interactions that are similar to caregiver–child interactions, which is tailored to children’s respective capacities to a high degree. However, so far little is known about how people adapt their tutoring behaviour to robots and whether robots can evoke input that is similar to child-directed interaction. The paper presents detailed analyses of speakers’ linguistic behaviour and non-linguistic behaviour, such as action demonstration, in two comparable situations: In one experiment, parents (...)
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    Effectiveness of treating depression with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing among inpatients–A follow-up study over 12 months.Susanne Altmeyer, Leonie Wollersheim, Niclas Kilian-Hütten, Alexander Behnke, Arne Hofmann & Visal Tumani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Increasing prevalence of depression poses a huge challenge to the healthcare systems, and the success rates of current standard therapies are limited. While 30% of treated patients do not experience a full remission after treatment, more than 75% of patients suffer from recurrent depressive episodes. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy represents an emerging treatment option of depression, and preliminary studies show promising effects with a probably higher remission rate when compared to control-therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy. In the (...)
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    Novel secretory organelles of parasite origin ‐ at the center of host‐parasite interaction.Viktor Bekić & Nicole Kilian - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (9):2200241.
    Reorganization of cell organelle‐deprived host red blood cells by the apicomplexan malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum enables their cytoadherence to endothelial cells that line the microvasculature. This increases the time red blood cells infected with mature developmental stages remain within selected organs such as the brain to avoid the spleen passage, which can lead to severe complications and cumulate in patient death. The Maurer's clefts are a novel secretory organelle of parasite origin established by the parasite in the cytoplasm of the (...)
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    Man or the Human Being – End or Culmination of Creation?Rudolf Kilian Weigand - 2018 - In Gert Melville (ed.), Nature and Human: An Intricate Mutuality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 93-106.
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    Charles, Taylor, El futuro del pasado religioso, introducción y traducción de Sonia E. Rodríguez García, Madrid, Trotta, 2021.Kilian Lavernia Biescas - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):537-538.
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    Phanostratos von Tralleis.Kilian Fleischer - 2014 - Hermes 142 (4):476-479.
    From a new reading in Philodemus’ Index Academicorum (PHerc. 1021, col. XXXVI) emerges that Phanostratos, pupil of Charmadas, stems from the Carian city of Tralleis and enjoyed good reputation for psychagogy of masses, both hitherto unknown facts.
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    Das Fundament der Machtbehauptung: Die Ahnentafel als genealogische Grundstruktur der Neuzeit.Kilian Heck - 2002 - In Sigrid Weigel (ed.), Genealogie Und Genetik: Schnittstellen Zwischen Biologie Und Kulturgeschichte. De Gruyter. pp. 45-56.
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    Genealogie als Denkform in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit.Kilian Heck & Bernhard Jahn (eds.) - 2000 - Tübingen: ISSN.
    Die Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur (STSL)veröffentlichen seit 1975 herausragende literatur-, geschichts- und kulturwissenschaftliche Arbeiten zur vornehmlich deutschen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Schwerpunkt der literaturgeschichtlichen und theoretischen Abhandlungen sowie der Quellen- und Materialienbände ist das Verhältnis von literarischem Text und gesellschaftlich-historischem Kontext. Als maßgebliche Publikationsreihe einer seit den 1960er Jahren einflussreichen Sozialgeschichte der Literatur prägt STSL zugleich die literaturwissenschaftliche Diskussion über mögliche Austauschbeziehungen zwischen Literatur-, Geschichts- und Sozialwissenschaften.
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  41.  13
    The Sikhs by John Clark Archer.Kilian J. Hennrich - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (1):109-110.
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    (1 other version)Die Schule der Weisheit zu Darmstadt.Werner Kilian - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 25:468.
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  43.  28
    Germany: The Future of the Lawyers' Profession.Matthias Kilian - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (1):138-142.
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    To Be a Lawyer or Not To Be a Lawyer, That is the Question: The German Federal Social Court's Views on In-House Lawyers.Matthias Kilian - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (3):448-453.
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    All hail the MDP: the German Federal Constitutional Court paves the way for multidisciplinary service firms.Matthias Kilian - 2016 - Legal Ethics 19 (1):163-168.
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    (2 other versions)Ethics in practice.Matthias Kilian - 1987 - Legal Ethics 15 (Part 1):123-144.
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    Germany: don't mess with Dr R – a Bar's living nightmare.Matthias Kilian - 2015 - Legal Ethics 18 (2):203-208.
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    Germany: towards a legal profession of specialists?Matthias Kilian - 2017 - Legal Ethics 20 (2):271-277.
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    Managing liability risks in German law firms in times of doomsday claims.Matthias Kilian - 2015 - Legal Ethics 18 (1):87-92.
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    New Threads, Shrinking Lawyers and More: Correspondent's Report from Europe.Matthias Kilian - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (1):129-131.
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